Legal provisions of COM(1995)472 - Improving Community Agricultural Statistics

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dossier COM(1995)472 - Improving Community Agricultural Statistics.
document COM(1995)472 EN
date June 25, 1996

Article 1 - Purpose

In order to improve the way in which Community agricultural statistics meet information needs resulting from the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, Member States shall, within the limits imposed by available resources, take appropriate measures to adapt their national systems of agricultural statistics. In this they will take account of the work areas set out in Annexes I and II hereto, and the objectives, characteristics and criteria given in Annex III.

Article 2 - Role of the Commission

The Commission, acting in concert with the Member States, shall:

(a) establish a common plan for coordinating work and the general framework for the necessary methodological descriptions;

(b) check data quality and comparability;

(c) identify and implement Community-level actions which are important for the purposes of this Decision.

Article 3 - Time frame and procedure

The process of adapting Community agricultural statistics provided for in Article 1 shall be started during the period 1996-1997. It shall be coordinated by the Commission through technical action plans as provided for in Article 4. After this period, the Council may decide on an extension in accordance with the Commission proposals provided for in Article 11.

Article 4 - Technical action plans for agricultural statistics

1. A technical action plan for agricultural statistics shall be established by the Commission each year in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10. These plans shall cover the actions to be carried out by the Member States pursuant to Article 1. Available resources shall be used in such a way as to make the greatest possible improvement in the cost-effectiveness of Community agricultural statistics in meeting the requirements of Community law, informal agreements and new information needs.

2. Each annual technical action plan shall include a detailed statement of activity for the next year and an indicative timetable for the following two years. When the plan is being drawn up, account must be taken of:

(a) the existing obligations for the years in question, e.g. the list and frequency of Community surveys to be carried out by the Member States and other data to be provided to the Commission;

(b) written information from Member States as provided for in Article 5 points (b) and (c);

(c) the resources required for each of the actions under consideration and the resources available.

Article 5 - Member State reports

Member States shall submit by 31 March at the latest each year (year n):

(a) a brief report on the implementation of the actions agreed for the previous year, (year n - 1);

(b) a succinct description of the various actions proposed for the following year's plan (year n + 1);

(c) notification of major activities planned or proposed for the two years thereafter (years n + 2 and n + 3) which are relevant to the purposes of this Decision.

The description shall cover envisaged changes to the methodology of implementation, work to be carried out, difficulties foreseen and proposals for overcoming them, the implications for national and Community resources and proposals for improvements at Community level. Actions for which Community financial support is required shall be identified.

Following the procedure laid down in Article 10, the Commission shall draw up simplified standard forms to facilitate the making of these submissions.

Article 6 - Financial provisions

1. The Community shall contribute to the costs realized by the Member States in making adaptations to national agricultural statistical systems or to such costs for preparatory work relating to new or increasing needs which are part of a technical action plan.

2. The amount of the contribution for Member States shall be decided each year by the Commission in conjunction with the technical action plan and in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10.

3. The contribution shall be made available to Member States each year after submission and approval by the Commission of the annual report on the implementation, during the previous year, of the action envisaged. The Commission shall carry out any on-the-spot checks it deems necessary in collaboration with the competent authorities of the Member States.

Article 7 - Flexibility

Where necessary to achieve the purposes of this Decision and for the duration of a technical action plan the Commission, acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10, may approve a Member State's request to be allowed to adapt one or more of the following features of the agricultural statistical surveys listed in Annex IV: regions covered, territorial sub-divisions, definitions, survey methodology, survey date, list of characteristics and size of classes.

Article 8 - Adapting to changing circumstances

The Commission may modify Annex I (statistical areas in which potential savings have been identified) and Annex II (statistical areas where there are new or increasing needs) in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 10. It shall inform the European Parliament and the Council of these modifications.

Article 9 - Role of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics set up under Decision 72/279/EEC (5) shall meet at least once a year to discuss the following:

(a) the reports made by the Member States on the execution of the programme in the previous year;

(b) the actions proposed by the Member States for the following year and the outlook for the two years thereafter;

(c) the technical action plan for the following year;

(d) the Community financial contribution provided for in Article 6;

(e) possible changes to Annexes I and II.

Article 10 - Measures necessary for implementation

The Commission shall adopt the measures necessary for the implementation of this Decision. The Commission shall be assisted by the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, hereinafter referred to as the 'Committee`.

The representative of the Commission shall submit to the Committee a draft of the measures to be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion of the draft within a time-limit which the Chairman may lay down according to the urgency of the matter. The opinion shall be delivered by the majority laid down in Article 148 (2) of the Treaty in the case of Decisions which the Council is required to adopt on a proposal from the Commission. The votes of the representatives of the Member States within the Committee shall be weighted in the manner set out in that Article. The Chairman shall not vote.

The Commission shall adopt the measures envisaged if they are in accordance with the opinion of the Committee.

If the measures envisaged are not in accordance with the opinion of the Committee, or if no opinion is delivered, the Commission shall, without delay, submit to the Council a proposal relating to the measures to be taken. The Council shall act by a qualified majority.

If within three months from the date of referral to the Council, the Council has not acted, the proposed measures shall be adopted by the Commission.

Article 11 - Report

Before 1 November 1997 the Commission, having consulted the Standing Committee on Agricultural Statistics, shall make a report on the progress of this Decision to the European Parliament and to the Council accompanied if necessary by proposals for its extension.

Article 12

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.