Legal provisions of COM(2003)20 - Customs action against goods suspected of infringing certain intellectual property rights and the measures to be taken against goods found to have infringed such rights - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2003)20 - Customs action against goods suspected of infringing certain intellectual property rights and the measures to be taken ... |
document | COM(2003)20 ![]() |
date | July 22, 2003 |
- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Section 1 - Measures prior to an application for action by the customs authorities
- Article 4
- Section 2 - The lodging and processing of applications for customs action
- Article 5
- Article 6
- Article 7
- Section 3 - Acceptance of the application for action
- Article 8
- Article 9
- Article 10
- Article 11
- Article 12
- Article 13
- Article 14
- Article 15
- Article 16
- Article 17
- Article 18
- Article 19
- Article 20
- Article 21
- Article 22
- Article 23
- Article 24
- Article 25
Article 1
(a) when they are entered for release for free circulation, export or re-export in accordance with Article 61 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code(4);
(b) when they are found during checks on goods entering or leaving the Community customs territory in accordance with Articles 37 and 183 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92, placed under a suspensive procedure within the meaning of Article 84(1)(a) of that Regulation, in the process of being re-exported subject to notification under Article 182(2) of that Regulation or placed in a free zone or free warehouse within the meaning of Article 166 of that Regulation.
2. This Regulation also fixes the measures to be taken by the competent authorities when the goods referred to in paragraph 1 are found to infringe intellectual property rights.
Article 2
(a) 'counterfeit goods', namely:
(i) goods, including packaging, bearing without authorisation a trademark identical to the trademark validly registered in respect of the same type of goods, or which cannot be distinguished in its essential aspects from such a trademark, and which thereby infringes the trademark-holder's rights under Community law, as provided for by Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community trademark(5) or the law of the Member State in which the application for action by the customs authorities is made;
(ii) any trademark symbol (including a logo, label, sticker, brochure, instructions for use or guarantee document bearing such a symbol), even if presented separately, on the same conditions as the goods referred to in point (i);
(iii) packaging materials bearing the trademarks of counterfeit goods, presented separately, on the same conditions as the goods referred to in point (i);
(b) 'pirated goods', namely goods which are or contain copies made without the consent of the holder of a copyright or related right or design right, regardless of whether it is registered in national law, or of a person authorised by the right-holder in the country of production in cases where the making of those copies would constitute an infringement of that right under Council Regulation (EC) No 6/2002 of 12 December 2001 on Community designs(6) or the law of the Member State in which the application for customs action is made;
(c) goods which, in the Member State in which the application for customs action is made, infringe:
(i) a patent under that Member State's law;
(ii) a supplementary protection certificate of the kind provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92(7) or Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 of the European Parliament and of the Council(8);
(iii) a national plant variety right under the law of that Member State or a Community plant variety right of the kind provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94(9);
(iv) designations of origin or geographical indications under the law of that Member State or Council Regulations (EEC) No 2081/92(10) and (EC) No 1493/1999(11);
(v) geographical designations of the kind provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 1576/89(12).
2. For the purposes of this Regulation, 'right-holder' means:
(a) the holder of a trademark, copyright or related right, design right, patent, supplementary protection certificate, plant variety right, protected designation of origin, protected geographical indication and, more generally, any right referred to in paragraph 1; or
(b) any other person authorised to use any of the intellectual property rights mentioned in point (a), or a representative of the right-holder or authorised user.
3. Any mould or matrix which is specifically designed or adapted for the manufacture of goods infringing an intellectual property right shall be treated as goods of that kind if the use of such moulds or matrices infringes the right-holder's rights under Community law or the law of the Member State in which the application for action by the customs authorities is made.
Article 3
It shall similarly not apply to goods referred to in the first subparagraph and which have been manufactured or are protected by another intellectual property right referred to in Article 2(1) under conditions other than those agreed with the right-holder.
2. Where a traveller's personal baggage contains goods of a non-commercial nature within the limits of the duty-free allowance and there are no material indications to suggest the goods are part of commercial traffic, Member States shall consider such goods to be outside the scope of this Regulation.
Section 1 - Measures prior to an application for action by the customs authorities
Article 4
2. In accordance with the rules in force in the Member State concerned, the customs authorities may, without divulging any information other than the actual or supposed number of items and their nature and before informing the right-holder of the possible infringement, ask the right-holder to provide them with any information they may need to confirm their suspicions.
Section 2 - The lodging and processing of applications for customs action
Article 5
2. Each Member State shall designate the customs department competent to receive and process applications for action.
3. Where electronic data interchange systems exist, the Member States shall encourage right-holders to lodge applications electronically.
4. Where the applicant is the right-holder of a Community trademark or a Community design right, a Community plant variety right or a designation of origin or geographical indication or a geographical designation protected by the Community, an application may, in addition to requesting action by the customs authorities of the Member State in which it is lodged, request action by the customs authorities of one or more other Member States.
5. The application for action shall be made out on a form established in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 21(2); it must contain all the information needed to enable the goods in question to be readily recognised by the customs authorities, and in particular:
(i) an accurate and detailed technical description of the goods;
(ii) any specific information the right-holder may have concerning the type or pattern of fraud;
(iii) the name and address of the contact person appointed by the right-holder.
The application for action must also contain the declaration required of the applicant by Article 6 and proof that the applicant holds the right for the goods in question.
In the situation described in paragraph 4 the application for action shall indicate the Member State or States in which customs action is requested as well as the names and addresses of the right-holder in each of the Member States concerned.
By way of indication and where known, right-holders should also forward any other information they may have, such as:
(a) the pre-tax value of the original goods on the legitimate market in the country in which the application for action is lodged;
(b) the location of the goods or their intended destination;
(c) particulars identifying the consignment or packages;
(d) the scheduled arrival or departure date of the goods;
(e) the means of transport used;
(f) the identity of the importer, exporter or holder of the goods;
(g) the country or countries of production and the routes used by traffickers;
(h) the technical differences, if known, between the authentic and suspect goods.
6. Details may also be required which are specific to the type of intellectual property right referred to in the application for action.
7. On receiving an application for action, the competent customs department shall process that application and notify the applicant in writing of its decision within 30 working days of its receipt.
The right-holder shall not be charged a fee to cover the administrative costs occasioned by the processing of the application.
8. Where the application does not contain the mandatory information listed in paragraph 5, the competent customs department may decide not to process the application for action; in that event it shall provide reasons for its decision and include information on the appeal procedure. The application can only be re-submitted when duly completed.
Article 6
In that declaration the right-holder shall also agree to bear all costs incurred under this Regulation in keeping goods under customs control pursuant to Article 9 and, where applicable, Article 11.
2. Where an application is submitted under Article 5(4), the right-holder shall agree in the declaration to provide and pay for any translation necessary; this declaration shall be valid in every Member State in which the decision granting the application applies.
Article 7
Section 3 - Acceptance of the application for action
Article 8
The right-holder shall notify the competent customs department referred to in Article 5(2), if his right ceases to be validly registered or expires.
2. The decision granting the right-holder's application for action shall immediately be forwarded to those customs offices of the Member State or States likely to be concerned by the goods alleged in the application to infringe an intellectual property right.
When an application for action submitted in accordance with Article 5(4) is granted, the period during which the customs authorities are to take action shall be set at one year; on expiry of the period in question, the department which processed the initial application shall, on the right-holder's written application, extend that period. The first indent of Article 250 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the decision granting that application and to decisions extending or repealing it.
Where an application for action is granted, it is for the applicant to forward that decision, with any other information and any translations that may be necessary, to the competent customs department of the Member State or States in which the applicant has requested customs action. However, with the applicant's consent, the decision may be forwarded directly by the customs department which has taken the decision.
At the request of the customs authorities of the Member States concerned, the applicant shall provide any additional information necessary for the implementation of the decision.
3. The period referred to in the second subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall run from the date of adoption of the decision granting the application. The decision will not enter into force in the recipient Member State or States until it has been forwarded in accordance with the third subparagraph of paragraph 2 and the right-holder has fulfilled the formalities referred to in Article 6.
The decision shall then be sent immediately to the national customs offices likely to have to deal with the goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights.
This paragraph shall apply mutatis mutandis to a decision extending the initial decision.
Article 9
The customs office shall immediately inform the competent customs department which processed the application.
2. The competent customs department or customs office referred to in paragraph 1 shall inform the right-holder and the declarant or holder of the goods within the meaning of Article 38 of Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of its action and is authorised to inform them of the actual or estimated quantity and the actual or supposed nature of the goods whose release has been suspended or which have been detained, without being bound by the communication of that information to notify the authority competent to take a substantive decision.
3. With a view to establishing whether an intellectual property right has been infringed under national law, and in accordance with national provisions on the protection of personal data, commercial and industrial secrecy and professional and administrative confidentiality, the customs office or department which processed the application shall inform the right-holder, at his request and if known, of the names and addresses of the consignee, the consignor, the declarant or the holder of the goods and the origin and provenance of goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right.
The customs office shall give the applicant and the persons involved in any of the situations referred to in Article 1(1) the opportunity to inspect goods whose release has been suspended or which have been detained.
When examining goods, the customs office may take samples and, according to the rules in force in the Member State concerned, hand them over or send them to the right-holder, at his express request, strictly for the purposes of analysis and to facilitate the subsequent procedure. Where circumstances allow, subject to the requirements of Article 11(1) second indent where applicable, samples must be returned on completion of the technical analysis and, where applicable, before goods are released or their detention is ended. Any analysis of these samples shall be carried out under the sole responsibility of the right-holder.
Article 10
That law shall also apply to the immediate notification of the customs department or office referred to in Article 9(1) that the procedure provided for in Article 13 has been initiated, unless the procedure was initiated by that department or office.
Article 11
- that the right-holder inform the customs authorities in writing within 10 working days, or three working days in the case of perishable goods, of receipt of the notification provided for in Article 9, that the goods concerned by the procedure infringe an intellectual property right referred to in Article 2(1) and provide those authorities with the written agreement of the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods to abandon the goods for destruction. With the agreement of the customs authorities, this information may be provided directly to customs by the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods. This agreement shall be presumed to be accepted when the declarant, the holder or the owner of the goods has not specifically opposed destruction within the prescribed period. This period may be extended by a further ten working days where circumstances warrant it;
- that destruction be carried out, unless otherwise specified in national legislation, at the expense and under the responsibility of the right-holder, and be systematically preceded by the taking of samples for keeping by the customs authorities in such conditions that they constitute evidence admissible in legal proceedings in the Member State in which they might be needed.
2. In all other cases, for example where the declarant, holder or owner objects to or contests the destruction of the goods, the procedure laid down in Article 13 shall apply.
Article 12
Any other use, not permitted by the national legislation of the Member State where the situation arose, may, on the basis of the law of the Member State in which the goods in question are located, cause the right-holder to incur civil liability and lead to the suspension of the application for action, for the period of validity remaining before renewal, in the Member State in which the events have taken place.
In the event of a further breach of this rule, the competent customs department may refuse to renew the application. In the case of an application of the kind provided for in Article 5(4), it must also notify the other Member States indicated on the form.
Article 13
This period may be extended by a maximum of 10 working days in appropriate cases.
2. In the case of perishable goods suspected of infringing an intellectual property right, the period referred to in paragraph 1 shall be three working days. That period may not be extended.
Article 14
(a) the customs office or department referred to in Article 9(1) has been notified, in accordance with Article 13(1), that a procedure has been initiated within the period provided for in Article 13(1) to establish whether an intellectual property right has been infringed under national law;
(b) the authority empowered for this purpose has not authorised precautionary measures before the expiry of the time limit laid down in Article 13(1);
(c) all customs formalities have been completed.
2. The security provided for in paragraph 1 must be sufficient to protect the interests of the right-holder.
Payment of the security shall not affect the other legal remedies available to the right-holder.
Where the procedure to determine whether an intellectual property right has been infringed under national law has been initiated other than on the initiative of the holder of a design right, patent, supplementary protection certificate or plant variety right, the security shall be released if the person initiating the said procedure does not exercise his right to institute legal proceedings within 20 working days of the date on which he receives notification of the suspension of release or detention.
Where the second subparagraph of Article 13(1) applies, this period may be extended to a maximum of 30 working days.
Article 15
Article 16
- allowed to enter into the Community customs territory,
- released for free circulation,
- removed from the Community customs territory,
- exported,
- re-exported,
- placed under a suspensive procedure or
- placed in a free zone or free warehouse.
Article 17
(a) in accordance with the relevant provisions of national law, to destroy goods found to infringe an intellectual property right or dispose of them outside commercial channels in such a way as to preclude injury to the right-holder, without compensation of any sort and, unless otherwise specified in national legislation, at no cost to the exchequer;
(b) to take, in respect of such goods, any other measures effectively depriving the persons concerned of any economic gains from the transaction.
Save in exceptional cases, simply removing the trademarks which have been affixed to counterfeit goods without authorisation shall not be regarded as effectively depriving the persons concerned of any economic gains from the transaction.
2. Goods found to infringe an intellectual property right may be forfeited to the exchequer. In that event, paragraph 1(a) shall apply.
Article 18
Article 19
2. The exercise by a customs office or by another duly empowered authority of the powers conferred on them in order to fight against goods infringing an intellectual property right shall not render them liable towards the persons involved in the situations referred to in Article 1(1) or the persons affected by the measures provided for in Article 4 for damages suffered by them as a result of the authority's intervention, except where provided for by the law of the Member State in which the application is made or, in the case of an application under Article 5(4), by the law of the Member State in which loss or damage is incurred.
3. A right-holder's civil liability shall be governed by the law of the Member State in which the goods in question were placed in one of the situations referred to in Article 1(1).
Article 20
Article 21
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Articles 4 and 7 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply.
The period laid down in Article 4(3) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months.
Article 22
The Commission shall forward this information to the other Member States.
The provisions of Regulation (EC) No 515/97 shall apply mutatis mutandis.
The details of the information procedure shall be drawn up under the implementing provisions in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 21(2).
Article 23
Article 24
References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation.
Article 25
It shall apply with effect from 1 July 2004.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.