Legal provisions of COM(2008)179 - Establishment of a European quality assurance reference framework for vocational education and training [SEC(2008) 440] [SEC(2008) 441] - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2008)179 - Establishment of a European quality assurance reference framework for vocational education and training [SEC(2008) 440] ... |
document | COM(2008)179 |
date | June 18, 2009 |
8.7.2009 | EN | Official Journal of the European Union | C 155/1 |
of 18 June 2009
on the establishment of a European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training
(Text with EEA relevance)
2009/C 155/01
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 149(4) and Article 150(4) thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),
Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions (2),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty (3),
(1) | The transition to a knowledge-based economy (Lisbon European Council 2000) requires modernisation and continuous improvement of vocational education and training (VET) systems in response to rapid change in the economy and society, so that they can help increase employability and social inclusion and improve access to lifelong learning for all, including disadvantaged people. |
(2) | The Barcelona European Council in 2002 set the target of making Europe's education and training systems a world quality reference by 2010. |
(3) | The Lisbon Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs 2005-2008 call upon Member States to develop affordable, accessible lifelong learning systems responsive to the changing needs of the knowledge-based economy and society. Adaptation and capacity-building of education and training systems is necessary to improve their labour market relevance. The objectives set in education and training policy should therefore increasingly complement those of economic and labour market policy in order to combine social cohesion and competitiveness. |
(4) | Following the Council Resolution of 19 December 2002 on the promotion of enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training (4) (the Copenhagen process), and as an outcome of subsequent cooperative work between the Commission, the Member States, social partners, the EEA-EFTA and the candidate countries on the Quality Assurance priority, a Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) has been developed, taking account of existing experience and ‘good practice’ in the different participating countries. |
(5) | According to the 2004 joint interim report of the Council and the Commission to the European Council on the Education and Training 2010 Work Programme (5), the CQAF for the VET (as part of the follow-up to the Copenhagen Declaration) and the development of ‘an agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines on quality assurance’ (6) (in conjunction with the Bologna process and as part of the work programme on the objectives of education and training systems) should be top priorities for Europe. |
(6) | The Education Council in May 2004 (7) endorsed the CQAF approach and invited Member States and the Commission, within their respective competencies, to promote it on a voluntary basis, together with relevant stakeholders. |
(7) | The European Network for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (8) provided a European platform that made possible appropriate follow-up to the Council Conclusions of 2004 and the Helsinki Communiqué, and facilitated sustainable cooperation between countries. |
(8) | In 2006, the Helsinki Communiqué underlined the need to further develop and implement common European tools specifically aimed at VET, by drawing on the principles underlying a CQAF, as referred to in the May 2004 Council Conclusions on quality assurance in VET, in order to promote a culture of quality improvement and wider participation in the European Network for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training. |
(9) | This recommendation establishes a European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (the Framework) as a reference instrument to help Member States to promote and monitor continuous improvement of their VET systems based on common European references, which builds on and further develops the CQAF. The framework should contribute to quality improvement in VET and to increased transparency of, and consistency in, VET policy developments between Member States, thereby promoting mutual trust, mobility of workers and learners, and lifelong learning. |
(10) | The framework should comprise a quality assurance and improvement cycle of planning, implementation, evaluation/assessment and review/revision of VET, supported by common quality criteria, indicative descriptors and indicators. The monitoring processes, including a combination of internal and external evaluation mechanisms, have to be defined by Member States as appropriate in order to identify the strength of systems, processes and procedures and areas for improvement. The framework should include the use of measuring tools to provide evidence of effectiveness. |
(11) | The framework should be applied at the VET-system, VET-provider and qualification-awarding levels. It provides a systemic approach to quality, covering and interrelating the relevant levels and actors. The framework should give strong emphasis to monitoring and improving quality by combining internal and external evaluation, review and processes for improvement, supported by measurement and qualitative analysis. The framework should be a basis for further development through cooperation at European, national, regional and local levels. |
(12) | In providing for concrete means to support an evaluation and quality-improvement culture at all levels, this recommendation contributes to the use of evidence-based policy and practice, as a basis for more efficient and equitable policies, in accordance with the 2006 Conclusions of the Council and the representatives of the governments of the Member States on efficiency and equity in European education and training systems (9). |
(13) | This recommendation provides for a framework for the identification, support and exchange of best practices not only at national but also at local and regional levels in all relevant networks, including the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework network. |
(14) | This recommendation takes into account the ‘Common Principles for Quality Assurance in Education and Training’ that are included in Annex III to the recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (10) (EQF). The Framework should therefore support the implementation of the EQF, in particular the quality of the certification of learning outcomes. It should also support the implementation of other European instruments, such as the European Credit System for VET, and the Common European Principles for the identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning. |
(15) | Given its non-binding nature, this recommendation conforms to the principle of subsidiarity referred to in Article 5 of the Treaty insofar as its objective is to support and supplement Member States′ action by facilitating further cooperation between them to increase transparency of VET and to promote mobility and lifelong learning. It should be implemented in accordance with national legislation and practice. This recommendation conforms to the principle of proportionality referred to in that article because it does not replace or define national quality assurance systems. The Framework does not prescribe a particular quality assurance system or approach, but provides common principles, quality criteria, indicative descriptors and indicators that may help in assessing and improving existing systems and provision of VET. |
(16) | The reference indicators proposed in Annex II are intended to support the evaluation and quality improvement of VET systems and/or providers in accordance with national legislation and practice, and to serve as a ‘toolbox’ from which the various users may choose the indicators they consider most relevant to the requirements of their particular quality assurance system. In terms of their nature and purpose, they should be distinguished from the indicators and benchmarks referred to in the Council conclusions of 25 May 2007 on a coherent framework of indicators and benchmarks for monitoring progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training (11). |
(17) | The framework, if used and further developed by the Member States, could help them to further improve and develop their VET systems, support lifelong learning strategies, further European labour market integration and the implementation of the EQF and promote a culture of quality improvement at all levels, while respecting the rich diversity of national education systems. |
(18) | This recommendation should contribute to modernising education and training systems, improving the effectiveness of training by seeking to ensure that people do not leave without qualifications, improving the interrelationship of education, training and employment, building bridges between formal, non-formal and informal learning and expanding the awarding of qualifications on the basis of experience acquired, |
1. | use and further develop the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (the Framework), quality criteria, indicative descriptors and reference indicators as set out and further described in Annexes I and II, to further improve and develop their VET systems, support lifelong learning strategies and the implementation of the EQF and of the European Quality Charter for Mobility, and promote a culture of quality improvement and innovation at all levels. Extra emphasis should be placed on the transition from VET to higher education; |
2. | each devise, not later than 18 June 2011, an approach aimed at improving quality assurance systems at national level, where appropriate, and making best use of the framework, involving the social partners, regional and local authorities, and all other relevant stakeholders in accordance with national legislation and practice; |
3. | participate actively in the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework network (the framework network) as a basis for further development of common principles, reference criteria and indicators, guidelines and tools for quality improvement in VET at national, regional and local levels, as appropriate; |
4. | establish, where this does not already exist, a Quality Assurance National Reference Point for VET that is linked to the particular structures and requirements of each Member State and that, in accordance with national practice, brings together existing relevant bodies and involves the social partners and all stakeholders concerned at national and regional levels, in order to ensure the follow-up of initiatives. The reference points should:
5. | undertake a review of the implementation process every four years — such review to be incorporated into every second national progress report drawn up within the context of the future strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training — on the basis of reference criteria to be defined under the framework network in cooperation with the Commission and the Member States. |
1. | support Member States in carrying out the above tasks, in particular by facilitating cooperation and mutual learning, testing and developing guidance material, and providing information on quality developments in VET across Member States; |
2. | promote and participate together with the Member States in the framework network, contributing to policy development in this area through concrete proposals and initiatives, as appropriate; |
3. | ensure follow-up to the implementation of this recommendation by presenting a report every four years to the European Parliament and the Council on the experience gained and implications for the future, including, if necessary, a review of this recommendation conducted in cooperation with the Member States and involving the various stakeholders; |
4. | undertake, on the basis of that report and in cooperation with the Member States, an evaluation of the implementation of this recommendation and, if necessary, its revision. |