Legal provisions of COM(2010)83 - Rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing powers - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2010)83 - Rules and general principles concerning mechanisms for control by Member States of the Commission’s exercise of implementing ... |
document | COM(2010)83 ![]() |
date | February 16, 2011 |
- Article 1 - Subject-matter
- Article 2 - Selection of procedures
- Article 3 - Common provisions
- Article 4 - Advisory procedure
- Article 5 - Examination procedure
- Article 6 - Referral to the appeal committee
- Article 7 - Adoption of implementing acts in exceptional cases
- Article 8 - Immediately applicable implementing acts
- Article 9 - Rules of procedure
- Article 10 - Information on committee proceedings
- Article 11 - Right of scrutiny for the European Parliament and the Council
- Article 12 - Repeal of Decision 1999/468/EC
- Article 13
- Article 14 - Transitional arrangement
- Article 15 - Review
- Article 16 - Entry into force
Article 1 - Subject-matter
Article 2 - Selection of procedures
2. The examination procedure applies, in particular, for the adoption of:
(a) | implementing acts of general scope; |
(b) | other implementing acts relating to:
3. The advisory procedure applies, as a general rule, for the adoption of implementing acts not falling within the ambit of paragraph 2. However, the advisory procedure may apply for the adoption of the implementing acts referred to in paragraph 2 in duly justified cases.
Article 3 - Common provisions
2. The Commission shall be assisted by a committee composed of representatives of the Member States. The committee shall be chaired by a representative of the Commission. The chair shall not take part in the committee vote.
3. The chair shall submit to the committee the draft implementing act to be adopted by the Commission.
Except in duly justified cases, the chair shall convene a meeting not less than 14 days from submission of the draft implementing act and of the draft agenda to the committee. The committee shall deliver its opinion on the draft implementing act within a time limit which the chair may lay down according to the urgency of the matter. Time limits shall be proportionate and shall afford committee members early and effective opportunities to examine the draft implementing act and express their views.
4. Until the committee delivers an opinion, any committee member may suggest amendments and the chair may present amended versions of the draft implementing act.
The chair shall endeavour to find solutions which command the widest possible support within the committee. The chair shall inform the committee of the manner in which the discussions and suggestions for amendments have been taken into account, in particular as regards those suggestions which have been largely supported within the committee.
5. In duly justified cases, the chair may obtain the committee’s opinion by written procedure. The chair shall send the committee members the draft implementing act and shall lay down a time limit for delivery of an opinion according to the urgency of the matter. Any committee member who does not oppose the draft implementing act or who does not explicitly abstain from voting thereon before the expiry of that time limit shall be regarded as having tacitly agreed to the draft implementing act.
Unless otherwise provided in the basic act, the written procedure shall be terminated without result where, within the time limit referred to in the first subparagraph, the chair so decides or a committee member so requests. In such a case, the chair shall convene a committee meeting within a reasonable time.
6. The committee’s opinion shall be recorded in the minutes. Committee members shall have the right to ask for their position to be recorded in the minutes. The chair shall send the minutes to the committee members without delay.
7. Where applicable, the control mechanism shall include referral to an appeal committee.
The appeal committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure by a simple majority of its component members, on a proposal from the Commission.
Where the appeal committee is seised, it shall meet at the earliest 14 days, except in duly justified cases, and at the latest 6 weeks, after the date of referral. Without prejudice to paragraph 3, the appeal committee shall deliver its opinion within 2 months of the date of referral.
A representative of the Commission shall chair the appeal committee.
The chair shall set the date of the appeal committee meeting in close cooperation with the members of the committee, in order to enable Member States and the Commission to ensure an appropriate level of representation. By 1 April 2011, the Commission shall convene the first meeting of the appeal committee in order to adopt its rules of procedure.
Article 4 - Advisory procedure
2. The Commission shall decide on the draft implementing act to be adopted, taking the utmost account of the conclusions drawn from the discussions within the committee and of the opinion delivered.
Article 5 - Examination procedure
2. Where the committee delivers a positive opinion, the Commission shall adopt the draft implementing act.
3. Without prejudice to Article 7, if the committee delivers a negative opinion, the Commission shall not adopt the draft implementing act. Where an implementing act is deemed to be necessary, the chair may either submit an amended version of the draft implementing act to the same committee within 2 months of delivery of the negative opinion, or submit the draft implementing act within 1 month of such delivery to the appeal committee for further deliberation.
4. Where no opinion is delivered, the Commission may adopt the draft implementing act, except in the cases provided for in the second subparagraph. Where the Commission does not adopt the draft implementing act, the chair may submit to the committee an amended version thereof.
Without prejudice to Article 7, the Commission shall not adopt the draft implementing act where:
(a) | that act concerns taxation, financial services, the protection of the health or safety of humans, animals or plants, or definitive multilateral safeguard measures; |
(b) | the basic act provides that the draft implementing act may not be adopted where no opinion is delivered; or |
(c) | a simple majority of the component members of the committee opposes it. |
In any of the cases referred to in the second subparagraph, where an implementing act is deemed to be necessary, the chair may either submit an amended version of that act to the same committee within 2 months of the vote, or submit the draft implementing act within 1 month of the vote to the appeal committee for further deliberation.
5. By way of derogation from paragraph 4, the following procedure shall apply for the adoption of draft definitive anti-dumping or countervailing measures, where no opinion is delivered by the committee and a simple majority of its component members opposes the draft implementing act.
The Commission shall conduct consultations with the Member States. 14 days at the earliest and 1 month at the latest after the committee meeting, the Commission shall inform the committee members of the results of those consultations and submit a draft implementing act to the appeal committee. By way of derogation from Article 3(7), the appeal committee shall meet 14 days at the earliest and 1 month at the latest after the submission of the draft implementing act. The appeal committee shall deliver its opinion in accordance with Article 6. The time limits laid down in this paragraph shall be without prejudice to the need to respect the deadlines laid down in the relevant basic acts.
Article 6 - Referral to the appeal committee
2. Until an opinion is delivered, any member of the appeal committee may suggest amendments to the draft implementing act and the chair may decide whether or not to modify it.
The chair shall endeavour to find solutions which command the widest possible support within the appeal committee.
The chair shall inform the appeal committee of the manner in which the discussions and suggestions for amendments have been taken into account, in particular as regards suggestions for amendments which have been largely supported within the appeal committee.
3. Where the appeal committee delivers a positive opinion, the Commission shall adopt the draft implementing act.
Where no opinion is delivered, the Commission may adopt the draft implementing act.
Where the appeal committee delivers a negative opinion, the Commission shall not adopt the draft implementing act.
4. By way of derogation from paragraph 3, for the adoption of definitive multilateral safeguard measures, in the absence of a positive opinion voted by the majority provided for in Article 5(1), the Commission shall not adopt the draft measures.
5. By way of derogation from paragraph 1, until 1 September 2012, the appeal committee shall deliver its opinion on draft definitive anti-dumping or countervailing measures by a simple majority of its component members.
Article 7 - Adoption of implementing acts in exceptional cases
In such a case, the Commission shall immediately submit the adopted implementing act to the appeal committee. Where the appeal committee delivers a negative opinion on the adopted implementing act, the Commission shall repeal that act immediately. Where the appeal committee delivers a positive opinion or no opinion is delivered, the implementing act shall remain in force.
Article 8 - Immediately applicable implementing acts
2. The Commission shall adopt an implementing act which shall apply immediately, without its prior submission to a committee, and shall remain in force for a period not exceeding 6 months unless the basic act provides otherwise.
3. At the latest 14 days after its adoption, the chair shall submit the act referred to in paragraph 2 to the relevant committee in order to obtain its opinion.
4. Where the examination procedure applies, in the event of the committee delivering a negative opinion, the Commission shall immediately repeal the implementing act adopted in accordance with paragraph 2.
5. Where the Commission adopts provisional anti-dumping or countervailing measures, the procedure provided for in this Article shall apply. The Commission shall adopt such measures after consulting or, in cases of extreme urgency, after informing the Member States. In the latter case, consultations shall take place 10 days at the latest after notification to the Member States of the measures adopted by the Commission.
Article 9 - Rules of procedure
In so far as may be necessary, existing committees shall adapt their rules of procedure to the standard rules.
2. The principles and conditions on public access to documents and the rules on data protection applicable to the Commission shall apply to the committees.
Article 10 - Information on committee proceedings
(a) | a list of committees; |
(b) | the agendas of committee meetings; |
(c) | the summary records, together with the lists of the authorities and organisations to which the persons designated by the Member States to represent them belong; |
(d) | the draft implementing acts on which the committees are asked to deliver an opinion; |
(e) | the voting results; |
(f) | the final draft implementing acts following delivery of the opinion of the committees; |
(g) | information concerning the adoption of the final draft implementing acts by the Commission; and |
(h) | statistical data on the work of the committees. |
2. The Commission shall also publish an annual report on the work of the committees.
3. The European Parliament and the Council shall have access to the information referred to in paragraph 1 in accordance with the applicable rules.
4. At the same time as they are sent to the committee members, the Commission shall make available to the European Parliament and the Council the documents referred to in points (b), (d) and (f) of paragraph 1 whilst also informing them of the availability of such documents.
5. The references of all documents referred to in points (a) to (g) of paragraph 1 as well as the information referred to in paragraph 1(h) shall be made public in the register.
Article 11 - Right of scrutiny for the European Parliament and the Council
Article 12 - Repeal of Decision 1999/468/EC
The effects of Article 5a of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be maintained for the purposes of existing basic acts making reference thereto.
Article 13
1. Where basic acts adopted before the entry into force of this Regulation provide for the exercise of implementing powers by the Commission in accordance with Decision 1999/468/EC, the following rules shall apply:
(a) | where the basic act makes reference to Article 3 of Decision 1999/468/EC, the advisory procedure referred to in Article 4 of this Regulation shall apply; |
(b) | where the basic act makes reference to Article 4 of Decision 1999/468/EC, the examination procedure referred to in Article 5 of this Regulation shall apply, with the exception of the second and third subparagraphs of Article 5(4); |
(c) | where the basic act makes reference to Article 5 of Decision 1999/468/EC, the examination procedure referred to in Article 5 of this Regulation shall apply and the basic act shall be deemed to provide that, in the absence of an opinion, the Commission may not adopt the draft implementing act, as envisaged in point (b) of the second subparagraph of Article 5(4); |
(d) | where the basic act makes reference to Article 6 of Decision 1999/468/EC, Article 8 of this Regulation shall apply; |
(e) | where the basic act makes reference to Articles 7 and 8 of Decision 1999/468/EC, Articles 10 and 11 of this Regulation shall apply. |
2. Articles 3 and 9 of this Regulation shall apply to all existing committees for the purposes of paragraph 1.
3. Article 7 of this Regulation shall apply only to existing procedures which make reference to Article 4 of Decision 1999/468/EC.
4. The transitional provisions laid down in this Article shall not prejudge the nature of the acts concerned.
Article 14 - Transitional arrangement
Article 15 - Review
Article 16 - Entry into force
This Regulation is binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.