Legal provisions of COM(2005)414 - EC position in respect of the prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement, 1992

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Important legal notice


Proposal for a Council Decision establishing the Community position in respect of the prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement, 1992 /* COM/2005/0414 final - ACC 2005/0172 */


Brussels, 09.09.2005

COM(2005) 414 final

2005/0172 (ACC)

Proposal for a


establishing the Community position in respect of the prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement, 1992



1. The International Sugar Agreement 1992 entered into force on 1 January 1993. It has been prolonged five times for a two-year period. This means that the Agreement is due to expire on 31 December 2005.

2. At the meeting of the International Sugar Council on 26 May 2005 it has been proposed to prolong the Agreement for a further two-year period until 31 December 2007 under the provisions of Article 45.2 of the Agreement.

3. The budgetary implications of this proposal are as follows:

The European Community's contribution to the administrative budget of the International Sugar Organisation is entered under budget line 05 06 01 (International agricultural agreements) on heading 4 of the financial perspectives (External Relations).

The budgetary implications of this agreement in 2006 were taken in consideration in the Preliminary Draft Budget of the European Communities and for 2007 they were foreseen and are compatible with the proposed financial perspectives.

4. The purpose of this proposal is to authorise the Commission to express a favourable opinion with regard to the prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement 1992 on behalf of the Community.

1. 2005/0172 (ACC)

Proposal for a


establishing the Community position in respect of the prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement, 1992


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 133 in conjunction with the second subparagraph of Article 300(2) thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,


(1) The International Sugar Agreement 1992 was approved on behalf of the European Economic Community by Council Decision 92/580/EEC, and was prolonged most recently in 2003 for an additional period of two years. This Agreement remains in force until 31 December 2005, unless it is prolonged beyond that date by decision of the International Sugar Council for a period of no more than two years.

(2) If the EC has to carry out on its own the same actions as are carried out by the International Sugar Organisation, which is responsible for administering the Agreement, the total cost would be much greater than the cost of the membership contributions. Therefore the prolongation of the Agreement is in the interest of the Community.

(3) The Commission, representing the Community in the International Sugar Council, should therefore be authorised to express a favourable opinion, including delivering a favourable vote, with regard to such a prolongation,


Sole Article

The Commission is hereby authorised to express within the International Sugar Council on behalf of the European Community a favourable opinion, including delivering a favourable vote, with regard to the prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement 1992 for a period of up to two years after 31 December 2005.