Legal provisions of COM(1998)717 - European Fraud Investigation Office

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dossier COM(1998)717 - European Fraud Investigation Office.
document COM(1998)717 EN
date May 25, 1999

Article 1 - Objectives and tasks

1. In order to step up the fight against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the European Community, the European Anti-Fraud Office established by Commission Decision 1999/352/EC, ECSC, Euratom (hereinafter 'the Office') shall exercise the powers of investigation conferred on the Commission by the Community rules and Regulations and agreements in force in those areas.

2. The Office shall provide the Member States with assistance from the Commission in organising close and regular cooperation between their competent authorities in order to coordinate their activities for the purpose of protecting the European Community's financial interests against fraud. The Office shall contribute to the design and development of methods of fighting fraud and any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the European Community.

3. Within the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies established by, or on the basis of, the Treaties (hereinafter 'the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies'), the Office shall conduct administrative investigations for the purpose of:

- fighting fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the European Community,

- investigating to that end serious matters relating to the discharge of professional duties such as to constitute a dereliction of the obligations of officials and other servants of the Communities liable to result in disciplinary or, as the case may be, criminal proceedings, or an equivalent failure to discharge obligations on the part of members of institutions and bodies, heads of offices and agencies or members of the staff of institutions, bodies, offices or agencies not subject to the Staff Regulations of officials and the Conditions of employment of other servants of the European Communities ("the Staff Regulations").

Article 2 - Administrative investigations

Within the meaning of this Regulation, 'administrative investigations' (hereinafter 'investigations') shall mean all inspections, checks and other measures undertaken by employees of the Office in the performance of their duties, in accordance with Articles 3 and 4, with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Article l and to establishing, where necessary, the irregular nature of the activities under investigation. These investigations shall not affect the powers of the Member States to bring criminal proceedings.

Article 3 - External investigations

The Office shall exercise the power conferred on the Commission by Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 to carry out on-the-spot inspections and checks in the Member States and, in accordance with the cooperation agreements in force, in third countries.

As part of its investigative function, the Office shall carry out the inspections and checks provided for in Article 9(1) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 and in the sectoral rules referred to in Article 9(2) of that Regulation in the Member States and, in accordance with the cooperation agreements in force, in third countries.

Article 4 - Internal investigations

1. In the areas referred to in Article 1, the Office shall carry out administrative investigations within the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (hereinafter 'internal investigations').

These internal investigations shall be carried out subject to the rules of the Treaties, in particular the Protocol on privileges and immunities of the European Communities, and with due regard for the Staff Regulations under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures provided for in this Regulation and in decisions adopted by each institution, body, office and agency. The institutions shall consult each other on the rules to be laid down by such decisions.

2. Provided that the provisions referred to in paragraph 1 are complied with:

- the Office shall have the right of immediate and unannounced access to any information held by the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, and to their premises. The Office shall be empowered to inspect the accounts of the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. The Office may take a copy of and obtain extracts from any document or the contents of any data medium held by the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and, if necessary, assume custody of such documents or data to ensure that there is no danger of their disappearing,

- the Office may request oral information from members of the institutions and bodies, from managers of offices and agencies and from the staff of the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

3. Under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down by Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96, the Office may carry out on-the-spot inspections at the premises of economic operators concerned, in order to obtain access to information relating to possible irregularities which such operators might hold.

The Office may, moreover, ask any person concerned to supply such information as it may consider pertinent to its investigations.

4. The institutions, bodies, offices and agencies shall be informed whenever employees of the Office conduct an investigation on their premises or consult a document or request information held by such institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

5. Where investigations reveal that a member, manager, official or other servant may be personally involved, the institution, body, office or agency to which he belongs shall be informed.

In cases requiring absolute secrecy for the purposes of the investigation or requiring recourse to means of investigation falling within the competence of a national judicial authority, the provision of such information may be deferred.

6. Without prejudice to the rules laid down by the Treaties, in particular the Protocol on privileges and immunities of the European Communities, and to the provisions of the Staff Regulations, the decision to be adopted by each institution, body, office or agency as provided for in paragraph 1, shall in particular include rules concerning:

(a) a duty on the part of members, officials and other servants of the institutions and bodies, and managers, officials and servants of offices and agencies, to cooperate with and supply information to the Office's servants;

(b) the procedures to be observed by the Office's employees when conducting internal investigations and the guarantees of the rights of persons concerned by an internal investigation.

Article 5 - Opening of investigations

External investigations shall be opened by a decision of the Director of the Office, acting on his own initiative or following a request from a Member State concerned.

Internal investigations shall be opened by a decision of the Director of the Office, acting on his own initiative or following a request from the institution, body, office or agency within which the investigation is to be conducted.

Article 6 - Investigations procedure

1. The Director of the Office shall direct the conduct of investigations.

2. The Office's employees shall carry out their tasks on production of a written authorisation showing their identity and their capacity.

3. The Office's employees shall be equipped for each intervention with a written authority issued by the Director indicating the subject matter of the investigation.

4. During on-the-spot inspections and checks, the Office's employees shall adopt an attitude in keeping with the rules and practices governing officials of the Member State concerned, with the Staff Regulations and with the decisions referred to in the second subparagraph of Article 4(1).

5. Investigations shall be conducted continuously over a period which must be proportionate to the circumstances and complexity of the case.

6. The Member States shall ensure that their competent authorities, in conformity with national provisions, give the necessary support to enable the Office's employees to fulfil their task. The institutions and bodies shall ensure that their members and staff afford the necessary assistance to enable the Office's agents to fulfil their task; the offices and agencies shall ensure that their managers and staff do likewise.

Article 7 - Duty to inform the Office

1. The institutions, bodies, offices and agencies shall forward to the Office without delay any information relating to possible cases of fraud or corruption or any other illegal activity.

2. The institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and, in so far as national law allows, the Member States shall, at the request of the Office or on their own initiative, forward any document or information they hold which relates to a current internal investigation.

Member States shall forward the documents and information relating to external investigations in accordance with the relevant provisions.

3. The institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, and, in so far as national law allows, the Member States shall also send the Office any other document or information considered pertinent which they hold relating to the fight against fraud, corruption and any other illegal activity affecting the Communities' financial interests.

Article 8 - Confidentiality and data protection

1. Information obtained in the course of external investigations, in whatever form, shall be protected by the relevant provisions.

2. Information forwarded or obtained in the course of internal investigations, in whatever form, shall be subject to professional secrecy and shall enjoy the protection given by the provisions applicable to the institutions of the European Communities.

Such information may not be communicated to persons other than those within the institutions of the European Communities or in the Member States whose functions require them to know, nor may it be used for purposes other than to prevent fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity.

3. The Director shall ensure that the Office's employees and the other persons acting under his authority observe the Community and national provisions on the protection of personal data, in particular those provided for in Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data(7).

4. The Director of the Office and the members of the Supervisory Committee referred to in Article 11 shall ensure that this Article and Articles 286 and 287 of the Treaty are applied.

Article 9 - Investigation report and action taken following investigations

1. On completion of an investigation carried out by the Office, the latter shall draw up a report, under the authority of the Director, specifying the facts established, the financial loss, if any, and the findings of the investigation, including the recommendations of the Director of the Office on the action that should be taken.

2. In drawing up such reports, account shall be taken of the procedural requirements laid down in the national law of the Member State concerned. Reports drawn up on that basis shall constitute admissible evidence in administrative or judicial proceedings of the Member State in which their use proves necessary, in the same way and under the same conditions as administrative reports drawn up by national administrative inspectors. They shall be subject to the same evaluation rules as those applicable to administrative reports drawn up by national administrative inspectors and shall be of identical value to such reports.

3. Reports drawn up following an external investigation and any useful related documents shall be sent to the competent authorities of the Member States in question in accordance with the rules relating to external investigations.

4. Reports drawn up following an internal investigation and any useful related documents shall be sent to the institution, body, office or agency concerned. The institution, body, office or agency shall take such action, in particular disciplinary or legal, on the internal investigations, as the results of those investigations warrant, and shall report thereon to the Director of the Office, within a deadline laid down by him in the findings of his report.

Article 10 - Forwarding of information by the Office

1. Without prejudice to Articles 8, 9 and 11 of this Regulation and to the provisions of Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96, the Office may at any time forward to the competent authorities of the Member States concerned information obtained in the course of external investigations.

2. Without prejudice to Articles 8, 9 and 11 of this Regulation, the Director of the Office shall forward to the judicial authorities of the Member State concerned the information obtained by the Office during internal investigations into matters liable to result in criminal proceedings. Subject to the requirements of the investigation, he shall simultaneously inform the Member State concerned.

3. Without prejudice to Articles 8 and 9 of this Regulation, the Office may at any time forward to the institution, body, office or agency concerned the information obtained in the course of internal investigations.

Article 11 - Supervisory Committee

1. The Supervisory Committee shall reinforce the Office's independence by regular monitoring of the implementation of the investigative function.

At the request of the Director or on its own initiative, the committee shall deliver opinions to the Director concerning the activities of the Office, without however interfering with the conduct of investigations in progress.

2. It shall be composed of five independent outside persons who possess the qualifications required for appointment in their respective countries to senior posts relating to the Office's areas of activity. They shall be appointed by common accord of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission.

3. The term of office of members shall be three years and shall be renewable once.

4. On expiry of their term of office, members shall remain in office until their appointments are renewed or until they are replaced.

5. In carrying out their duties, they shall neither seek nor take instructions from any government or any institution, body, office or agency.

6. The Supervisory Committee shall appoint its chairman. It shall adopt its own rules of procedure. It shall hold at least 10 meetings per year. It shall take its decisions by a majority of its members. Its secretariat shall be provided by the Office.

7. The Director shall forward to the Supervisory Committee each year the Office's programme of activities referred to in Article 1 of this Regulation. The Director shall keep the committee regularly informed of the Office's activities, its investigations, the results thereof and the action taken on them. Where an investigation has been in progress for more than nine months, the Director shall inform the Supervisory Committee of the reasons for which it has not yet been possible to wind up the investigation, and of the expected time for completion. The Director shall inform the committee of cases where the institution, body, agency or office concerned has failed to act on the recommendations made by it. The Director shall inform the committee of cases requiring information to be forwarded to the judicial authorities of a Member State.

8. The Supervisory Committee shall adopt at least one report on its activities per year which it shall send to the institutions. The committee may submit reports to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Court of Auditors on the results of the Office's investigations and the action taken thereon.

Article 12 - Director

1. The Office shall be headed by a Director nominated by the Commission for a term of five years, which may be renewed once.

2. With a view to appointing the Director, the Commission shall, following a call for applications which shall, if appropriate, be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities and after a favourable opinion has been given by the Supervisory Committee, draw up a list of suitably qualified candidates. After consultations with the European Parliament and the Council, the Commission shall appoint the Director.

3. The Director shall neither seek nor take instructions from any government or any institution, body, office or agency in the performance of his duties with regard to the opening and carrying out of external and internal investigations or to the drafting of reports following such investigations. If the Director considers that a measure taken by the Commission calls his independence into question, he shall be entitled to bring an action against his institution before the Court of Justice.

The Director shall report regularly to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Court of Auditors on the findings of investigations carried out by the Office, whilst respecting the confidentiality of those investigations, the legitimate rights of the persons concerned and, where appropriate, national provisions applicable to judicial proceedings.

The above institutions shall ensure that the confidentiality of the investigations conducted by the Office is respected, together with the legitimate rights of the persons concerned, and, where judicial proceedings have been instituted, that all national provisions applicable to such proceedings have been adhered to.

4. Before adopting any disciplinary sanction against the Director, the Commission shall consult the Supervisory Committee. In addition, measures relating to disciplinary sanctions against the Director must be the subject of reasoned decisions, which shall be forwarded for information to the European Parliament and to the Council.

Article 13 - Financing

The appropriations for the Office, the total amount of which shall be entered under a special budget heading within Part A of the section of the general budget of the European Union relating to the Commission, shall be set out in detail in an Annex to that Part.

The posts allocated to the Office shall be listed in an Annex to the Commission's establishment plan.

Article 14 - Judicial review

Pending amendment of the Staff Regulations, any official or other servant of the European Communities may submit to the Director of the Office a complaint by virtue of this Article against an act adversely affecting him committed by the Office as part of an internal investigation, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 90(2) of the Staff Regulations. Article 91 of the Staff Regulations shall apply to decisions taken with regard to such complaints.

The above provisions shall apply by analogy to the staff of the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies which are not subject to the Staff Regulations.

Article 15 - Progress report

During the third year following the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall transmit to the European Parliament and the Council a progress report on the Office's activities, accompanied by the Supervisory Committee's opinion, together, where appropriate, with proposals to modify or extend the Office's tasks.

Article 16 - Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 1999.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.