Legal provisions of COM(1977)495 -

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dossier COM(1977)495 - .
document COM(1977)495 EN
date September 11, 1979

Article 1

This Directive shall apply to hot-water meters intended for the continuous determination of the volume of hot water passing through them. Such meters shall be provided with a measuring device linked to an indicating device. For the purpose of this Directive, 'hot water' shall be water the temperature of which exceeds 30 ºC but does not exceed 90 ºC.

Hot-water meters for incorporation in circulatory systems for the transfer of thermal energy are excluded from the scope of this Directive.

Article 2

Hot-water meters to which the EEC marks and signs may be affixed are described in the Annex to this Directive. They shall be subject to EEC pattern approval and shall be submitted for EEC initial verification. (1)OJ No C 131, 5.6.1978, p. 85. (2)OJ No C 269, 13.11.1978, p. 44. (3)OJ No L 202, 6.9.1971, p. 1. (4)OJ No L 73, 27.3.1972, p. 14.

Article 3

No Member State may refuse, prohibit or restrict the placing on the market or entry into service of hot-water meters bearing the EEC pattern approval sign and the EEC initial verification mark, on the grounds of their metrological properties.

Article 4

1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 1 January 1982 and shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field governed by this Directive.

Article 5

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.