Legal provisions of COM(2011)659 - Amendment of Decision No 1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) and Regulation (EC) No 680/2007 laying down general rules for the granting of Community financial aid in the field of the trans-European transport and energy networks - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2011)659 - Amendment of Decision No 1639/2006/EC establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007-2013) and ... |
document | COM(2011)659 |
date | July 11, 2012 |
Article 1 - Amendments to Decision No 1639/2006/EC
(1) | in Article 8, the following paragraph is added: ‘5a. Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 to 5, for projects carried out under the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds referred to in Article 31(2), the Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) shall submit an interim report to the European Parliament and the Council in the second half of 2013. An independent full-scale evaluation shall be carried out in 2015. On the basis of that evaluation, the Commission shall assess the relevance of the Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative and its effectiveness in increasing the volume of investments in priority projects and enhancing the efficiency of Union spending. In the light of that assessment, taking into account all options, the Commission shall consider proposing appropriate regulatory changes, including legislative changes, in particular if the predicted market uptake is not satisfactory or in the event that alternative sources of long-term debt financing become sufficiently available. The interim report referred to in the first subparagraph shall include a list of the projects which have benefited from the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds referred to in Article 31(2a) to (2e), with information on the terms of the bonds issued and the types of current and potential future investors.’; |
(2) | in Article 26(2), point (b) is replaced by the following:
(3) | Article 31 is amended as follows:
(4) | the following Annex is added: ‘ANNEX IIIa Main terms, conditions and procedures of the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds referred to in Article 31(2c) The EIB shall be a risk-sharing partner and shall manage the Union contribution to the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds on behalf of the Union. More detailed terms and conditions for implementing that instrument, including its monitoring and control, shall be laid down in a cooperation agreement between the Commission and the EIB, taking into account the provisions laid down in this Annex. (a) The EIB facility
(b) Budget ICT: 2013: Up to EUR 20 million. The request for transfer of the sums above shall be issued by 31 December 2012 and shall be supported by a forecast of the need for the scheduled Union contribution. If necessary, that forecast may serve as the basis for a demand-based reduction of the 2013 amount which shall be decided in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 46(2). (c) Fiduciary account
(d) Use of the Union contribution The Union contribution shall be used by the EIB:
(e) Risk and revenue sharing The risk-sharing pattern resulting from point (d) shall be reflected in an appropriate sharing between the Union and the EIB of the risk remuneration charged by the EIB to its counterpart in respect of each facility within the project portfolio. (f) Pricing The pricing of the project bond facilities is based upon the risk remuneration in accordance with relevant standard rules and criteria of the EIB. (g) Application procedure Applications for risk coverage under the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds shall be addressed to the EIB in accordance with the EIB’s standard application procedure. (h) Approval procedure The EIB shall carry out risk, financial, technical and legal due diligence and shall decide upon the use of the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds and select the appropriate type of subordinated facility in accordance with its standard rules and criteria, notably EIB Credit Risk Policy Guidelines, and the EIB’s selection criteria in the social, environmental and climate field. (i) Duration
(j) Reporting Annual reporting methods on the implementation of the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds shall be agreed between the Commission and the EIB. In addition, the Commission shall, with the support of the EIB, report on implementation every six months to the European Parliament and the Council, starting six months after the signature of the cooperation agreement referred to in Article 31(2c). (k) Monitoring, control and evaluation The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the instrument, including through on-the-spot controls as appropriate, and shall perform verification and controls in line with Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (7). The EIB shall manage subordinated facilities in accordance with EIB’s own rules and procedures, including appropriate audit, control and monitoring measures. Furthermore, the EIB’s Board of Directors, on which the Commission and Member States are represented, shall approve each subordinated facility and monitor that the EIB is managed in accordance with its Statute and with the general directives laid down by its Board of Governors. The Commission and the EIB shall submit an interim report on the functioning of the pilot risk-sharing instrument for project bonds to the European Parliament and the Council in the second half of 2013 with a view to optimising the design of that instrument. A full-scale independent evaluation shall be undertaken in 2015 after approval of the final project bond operations. It shall cover, inter alia, the value added, additionality compared to other Union or Member State instruments and other existing forms of long-term debt financing, the achieved multiplier effect, an assessment of the risks involved as well as the creation or correction of distortive effects, if any. The evaluation shall also cover the impact on projects’ financial viability, volume, terms and costs of bond issuance, the effect on the wider bond markets as well as controlling creditor and procurement aspects. It shall also provide, if possible, a cost comparison with alternative means of project finance including bank loans. During the pilot phase, each selected project shall be assessed. |
Article 2 - Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 680/2007
(1) | in Article 2 the following points are added:
(2) | in the first paragraph of Article 4 the following sentence is added: ‘Applications for risk coverage under the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds under Article 6(1)(g) shall be addressed to the EIB in accordance with the EIB’s standard application procedure.’; |
(3) | Article 6(1) is amended as follows:
(4) | in Article 16, the following paragraph is added: ‘2a. Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 2, for projects carried out under the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds referred to in Article 6(1)(g), the Commission and the EIB shall submit an interim report to the European Parliament and the Council in the second half of 2013. An independent full-scale evaluation shall be carried out in 2015. On the basis of that evaluation, the Commission shall assess the relevance of the Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative and its effectiveness in increasing the volume of investments in priority projects and enhancing the efficiency of Union spending. In the light of that assessment, taking into account all options, the Commission shall consider proposing appropriate regulatory changes, including legislative changes, in particular if the predicted market uptake is not satisfactory or in the event that alternative sources of long-term debt financing become sufficiently available.’; |
(5) | in Article 17(1), the following subparagraph is added: ‘The interim report referred to in Article 16(2a) shall also contain a list of the projects which have benefited from the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds referred to in Article 6(1)(g), with information on the terms of the bonds issued and the types of current and potential future investors.’; |
(6) | the Annex is renumbered Annex I and the words ‘the Annex’ in Article 6(1)(d) are accordingly replaced with ‘Annex I’; |
(7) | the following Annex is added: ‘ANNEX Ia Main terms, conditions and procedures of the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds referred to in Article 6(1)(g) The EIB shall be a risk-sharing partner and shall manage the Union contribution to the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds on behalf of the Union. More detailed terms and conditions for implementing that instrument, including its monitoring and control, shall be laid down in a cooperation agreement between the Commission and the EIB, taking into account the provisions laid down in this Annex. (a) The EIB facility
(b) Budget TEN-T:
to be reallocated from the TEN-T budget dedicated to the loan guarantee instrument for TEN-T projects, referred to in Annex I, but unspent. TEN-E: 2013: Up to EUR 10 million. The request for transfer of the 2012 amount shall be issued without undue delay following the signature of the cooperation agreement. The transfer requests in subsequent years shall be issued by 31 December of the preceding year. In all cases the transfer request shall be supported by a forecast of the need for the scheduled Union contribution. If necessary, that forecast may serve as the basis for a demand-based reduction of the amounts which shall be decided in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 15(2). (c) Fiduciary account
(d) Use of the Union contribution The Union contribution shall be used by the EIB:
(e) Risk and revenue sharing The risk-sharing pattern resulting from point (d) shall be reflected in an appropriate sharing between the Union and the EIB of the risk remuneration charged by the EIB to its counterpart in respect of each facility constituting the portfolio. Notwithstanding the provisions applying to risk sharing for the loan guarantee instrument for TEN-T projects, referred to in Annex I, the risk-sharing pattern for project bonds shall also apply to that instrument including the operations of its existing portfolio. (f) Pricing The pricing of the project bond facilities is based upon the risk remuneration in accordance with relevant standard rules and criteria of the EIB. (g) Application procedure Applications for risk coverage under the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds shall be addressed to the EIB in accordance with the EIB’s standard application procedure. (h) Approval procedure The EIB shall carry out risk, financial, technical and legal due diligence and shall decide upon the use of the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds and select the appropriate type of subordinated facility in accordance with its standard rules and criteria, notably EIB Credit Risk Policy Guidelines, and the EIB’s selection criteria in the social, environmental and climate field. (i) Duration
(j) Reporting Annual reporting methods on the implementation of the risk-sharing instrument for project bonds shall be agreed between the Commission and the EIB. In addition, the Commission shall, with the support of the EIB, report on implementation every six months to the European Parliament and the Council, starting six months after the signature of the cooperation agreement referred to in Article 6(1)(g). (k) Monitoring, control and evaluation The Commission shall monitor the implementation of the instrument, including through on-the-spot controls as appropriate, and shall perform verification and controls in line with Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002. The EIB shall manage subordinated facilities in accordance with EIB’s own rules and procedures, including appropriate audit, control and monitoring measures. Furthermore, the EIB’s Board of Directors, on which the Commission and Member States are represented, shall approve each subordinated facility and monitor that the EIB is managed in accordance with its Statute and with the general directives laid down by its Board of Governors. The Commission and the EIB shall submit an interim report on the functioning of the pilot risk-sharing instrument for project bonds to the European Parliament and the Council in the second half of 2013 with a view to optimising the design of that instrument. A full-scale independent evaluation shall be undertaken in 2015 after approval of the final project bond operations. It shall cover, inter alia, the value added, additionality compared to other Union or Member State instruments and other existing forms of long-term debt financing, the achieved multiplier effect, an assessment of the risks involved as well as the creation or correction of distortive effects, if any. The evaluation shall also cover the impact on projects’ financial viability, volume, terms and costs of bond issuance, the effect on the wider bond markets as well as controlling creditor and procurement aspects. It shall also provide, if possible, a cost comparison with alternative means of project finance including bank loans. During the pilot phase, each selected project shall be assessed.’. |
Article 3
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.