Legal provisions of COM(2011)812 - Research and Training Programme of Euratom (2014-2018) complementing the Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2011)812 - Research and Training Programme of Euratom (2014-2018) complementing the Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research ... |
document | COM(2011)812 ![]() |
date | December 16, 2013 |
- Article 1 - Establishment
- Article 2 - Definitions
- Article 3 - Objectives
- Article 4 - Budget
- Article 5 - Association of third countries
- CHAPTER I - Implementation, management and forms of support
- Article 6 - Management and forms of Community support
- Article 7 - Rules for participation and dissemination of research results
- Article 8 - Cross-cutting activities
- Article 9 - Gender equality
- Article 10 - Ethical principles
- Article 11 - Work programmes
- Article 12 - Committee procedure
- Article 13
- Article 14 - External advice and societal engagement
- CHAPTER II - Specific fields of action
- Article 15 - Small and medium-sized enterprises
- Article 16 - Public-private and public-public partnerships
- Article 17 - International cooperation with third countries and international organisations
- Article 18 - Information, communication, exploitation and dissemination
- CHAPTER III - Control
- Article 19 - Control and audit
- Article 20 - Protection of the financial interests of the Union
- CHAPTER IV - Monitoring and evaluation
- Article 21 - Monitoring
- Article 22 - Evaluation
- Article 23 - Repeal and transitional provisions
- Article 24 - Entry into force
Article 1 - Establishment
Article 2 - Definitions
(a) | 'research and innovation activities' means the whole spectrum of activities of research, technological development, demonstration and innovation, including the promotion of cooperation with third countries and international organisations, dissemination and optimisation of results and stimulation of the training and mobility of researchers in the European Atomic Energy Community (hereinafter the Community); |
(b) | 'direct actions' means research and innovation activities undertaken by the Commission through its Joint Research Centre (the JRC); |
(c) | 'indirect actions' means research and innovation activities to which the Union or the Community (hereinafter the Union) provides financial support and which are undertaken by participants; |
(d) | 'public-private partnership' means a partnership where private sector partners, the Community and, where appropriate, other partners, such as public sector bodies, commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a research and innovation programme or activities; |
(e) | 'public-public partnership' means a partnership where public sector bodies or bodies with a public service mission at local, regional, national or international level commit with the Community to jointly support the development and implementation of a research and innovation programme or activities. |
Article 3 - Objectives
2. The Euratom Programme indirect actions shall have the following specific objectives:
(a) | supporting safety of nuclear systems; |
(b) | contributing to the development of safe, longer term solutions for the management of ultimate nuclear waste, including final geological disposal as well as partitioning and transmutation; |
(c) | supporting the development and sustainability of nuclear expertise and excellence in the Union; |
(d) | supporting radiation protection and development of medical applications of radiation, including, inter alia, the secure and safe supply and use of radioisotopes; |
(e) | moving towards demonstration of feasibility of fusion as a power source by exploiting existing and future fusion facilities; |
(f) | laying the foundations for future fusion power plants by developing materials, technologies and conceptual design; |
(g) | promoting innovation and industrial competitiveness; |
(h) | ensuring availability and use of research infrastructures of pan-European relevance. |
3. The Euratom Programme direct actions shall have the following specific objectives:
(a) | improving nuclear safety including: nuclear reactor and fuel safety, waste management, including final geological disposal as well as partitioning and transmutation; decommissioning, and emergency preparedness; |
(b) | improving nuclear security including: nuclear safeguards, non-proliferation, combating illicit trafficking, and nuclear forensics; |
(c) | increasing excellence in the nuclear science base for standardisation; |
(d) | fostering knowledge management, education and training; |
(e) | supporting the policy of the Union on nuclear safety and security. |
Any new attribution of activity to the JRC shall be analysed by the Board of Governors of the JRC to check its consistency with existing activities in the Member States.
4. The Euratom Programme shall be implemented in such a way as to ensure that the priorities and activities supported are relevant to changing needs and take account of the evolving nature of science, technology, innovation, policy making, markets and society, with the aim of optimizing human and financial resources, and to avoid duplication on nuclear research and development in the Union.
5. Within the specific objectives referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, account may be taken of new and unforeseen needs that arise during the period of implementation of the Euratom Programme. This may, if duly justified, include responses to emerging opportunities, crises and threats, to needs relating to the development of new Union policies, and to the piloting of actions foreseen for support under future programmes.
Article 4 - Budget
(a) | indirect actions for the fusion research and development programme, EUR 728 232 000; |
(b) | indirect actions for nuclear fission, safety and radiation protection, EUR 315 535 000; |
(c) | direct actions, EUR 559 562 000. |
For the implementation of indirect actions of the Euratom Programme, the Commission's administrative expenditure shall reach up to 7 % on average during the duration of the Euratom Programme and no more than 6 % in 2018.
2. The financial envelope of the Euratom Programme may cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities which are required for the management of that Programme and the achievement of its objectives, in particular studies and meetings of experts, as far as they relate to the general objectives of this Regulation, and expenses linked to information technology networks focusing on information processing and exchange, together with all other technical and administrative assistance expenses incurred by the Commission for the management of the Euratom Programme. The expenses for continuous and repetitive actions such as control, audit and IT networks will be covered within the limits of the Commission's administrative expenditure specified in paragraph 1.
3. Where necessary and duly justified, appropriations may be entered in the budget beyond 2018 to cover technical and administrative assistance expenses, in order to enable the management of actions not yet completed by 31 December 2018.
4. Where the direct actions contribute to initiatives established by entities entrusted by the Commission with implementation tasks in accordance with Article 6(2) and Article 15, such contribution shall not be considered as part of the financial contribution allocated to those initiatives.
5. Budgetary commitments may be divided into annual instalments. Each year the Commission shall commit the annual instalments taking into account the progress of the actions receiving financial support, the estimated needs and the budget available.
Article 5 - Association of third countries
(a) | acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective framework agreements and decisions of association councils or similar agreements; |
(b) | European Free Trade Association (EFTA) members, or countries or territories covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy that fulfil all of the following criteria:
(c) | countries or territories associated to the Seventh Euratom Framework Programme. |
2. Specific terms and conditions regarding the participation of associated countries in the Euratom Programme, including the financial contribution, based on the gross domestic product of the associated country, shall be determined by international agreements between the Union and the associated countries.
CHAPTER I - Implementation, management and forms of support
Article 6 - Management and forms of Community support
2. Without prejudice to Article 10 of the Treaty, the Commission may entrust part of the implementation of the Euratom Programme to the funding bodies referred to in Article 58(1)(c) of the Financial Regulation.
The Commission may also entrust the implementation of indirect action under the Euratom Programme to bodies created under, or referred to in, the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
3. The Commission shall adopt, by means of implementing acts, in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 12(3), the decision on the approval of the funding of indirect actions.
Article 7 - Rules for participation and dissemination of research results
2. For the purposes of the Euratom Programme, the security rules referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 43(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 shall include the defence interests of the Member States within the meaning of Article 24 of the Treaty.
By way of derogation from the first subparagraph of Article 41(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013, the Commission or the funding body may, with regard to results which are generated by participants having received Community financial contribution, object to transfers of ownership or to grants of both an exclusive and a non-exclusive licence, to third parties established in a third country not associated to the Euratom Programme where it considers that the grant or transfer is not in accordance with the interest of developing the competitiveness of the Union economy or is inconsistent with ethical principles or security considerations. Security considerations shall include the defence interests of the Member States within the meaning of Article 24 of the Treaty.
By way of derogation from the first subparagraph of Article 46(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013, the Community and its joint undertakings shall, for the purpose of developing, implementing and monitoring Community policies and programmes or obligations assumed through international cooperation with third countries and international organisations, enjoy access rights to the results of a participant having received a Community financial contribution. Such access rights shall include the right to authorise third parties to use the results in public procurement and the right to sub-license and shall be limited to non-commercial and non-competitive use and shall be granted on a royalty-free basis.
3. The participant guarantee fund established pursuant to Regulation (EU) No1290/2013 shall replace and succeed the participant guarantee funds established pursuant to Regulation (Euratom) No 1908/2006 and Regulation (Euratom) No 139/2012.
Any sums from the participant guarantee funds established pursuant to Regulations (Euratom) No 1908/2006 and (Euratom) No 139/2012 shall be transferred, as of 31 December 2013, to the participant guarantee fund established pursuant to Regulation (EU) No1290/2013. The participants in actions under Decision 2012/93/Euratom signing grant agreements after 31 December 2013 shall make their contribution to the participant guarantee fund.
Article 8 - Cross-cutting activities
2. The financial contribution referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be combined from the financial contributions for indirect actions set out in Article 4 of this Regulation and in Article 6 of Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013, and implemented through a single funding scheme.
Article 9 - Gender equality
Article 10 - Ethical principles
Particular attention shall be paid to the principle of proportionality, the right to privacy, the right to the protection of personal data, the right to the physical and mental integrity of a person, the right to non-discrimination and the need to ensure high levels of human health protection.
2. Research and innovation activities carried out under the Euratom Programme shall have an exclusive focus on civil applications.
Article 11 - Work programmes
The work programmes shall set out the essential elements for implementing the actions in accordance with the Financial Regulation, including their detailed objectives, the associated funding and a timetable, as well as a multi-annual approach and strategic orientations for the following years of implementation.
2. For direct actions, the Commission shall, in accordance with Decision 96/282/Euratom, draw up a multi-annual work programme, setting out in greater detail the objectives and scientific and technological priorities presented in Annex I, and a timetable for implementation.
That multi-annual work programme shall also take account of relevant research activities carried out by the Member States, associated countries and European and international organisations. It shall be updated as and when appropriate.
3. The work programmes referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall take account of the state of science, technology and innovation at national, Union and international level and of relevant policy, market and societal developments. They shall be updated as and where appropriate.
4. The work programmes referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall contain a section which identifies the cross-cutting activities as referred to in Article 8.
Article 12 - Committee procedure
2. The Committee (22) shall meet in two different configurations, dealing respectively with fission related aspects and fusion related aspects of the Euratom Programme.
3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, the examination procedure in accordance with Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
4. Where the opinion of the Committee is to be obtained by written procedure, that procedure shall be terminated without result when, within the time-limit for delivery of the opinion, the chair of the Committee so decides or a simple majority of Committee members so requests.
Article 13
Article 14 - External advice and societal engagement
(a) | the Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee pursuant to Article 134 of the Treaty; |
(b) | independent advisory groups of high-level experts set up by the Commission; |
(c) | dialogue structures created under international science and technology agreements; |
(d) | forward-looking activities; |
(e) | targeted public consultations (including, where appropriate, regional and national authorities or stakeholders); and |
(f) | transparent and interactive processes that ensure support to responsible research and innovation. |
2. Full account shall also be taken of the research and innovation agendas established by, inter alia, European Technology Platforms, Joint Programming Initiatives and European Innovation Partnerships.
CHAPTER II - Specific fields of action
Article 15 - Small and medium-sized enterprises
Article 16 - Public-private and public-public partnerships
(a) | Joint Undertakings established on the basis of Chapter 5 of the Treaty; |
(b) | public-public partnerships based on the Programme co-fund actions funding scheme; |
(c) | contractual public-private partnerships, as referred in Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013. |
Article 17 - International cooperation with third countries and international organisations
(a) | strengthening the Union's excellence and attractiveness in research and innovation as well as its economic and industrial competitiveness; |
(b) | tackling effectively common societal challenges; |
(c) | supporting the Union's external and development policy objectives, complementing external and development programmes. Synergies with other Union policies shall be sought. |
2. Targeted actions with the objective of promoting cooperation with specific third countries or groups of third countries shall be implemented on the basis of a strategic approach as well as common interest, priorities and mutual benefit, taking into account their scientific and technological capabilities and market opportunities, and the expected impact.
Reciprocal access to third country programmes should be encouraged. In order to maximise impact, coordination and synergies with initiatives of Member States and associated countries shall be promoted. The nature of the cooperation may vary according to the specific partner countries.
Cooperation priorities shall take into account developments in Union policy opportunities for cooperation with third countries, and the fair and equitable treatment of intellectual property rights.
Article 18 - Information, communication, exploitation and dissemination
2. Communication activities may include:
(a) | initiatives aimed at widening awareness and facilitating access to funding under the Euratom Programme, in particular for those regions or types of participant that have a relatively low participation; |
(b) | targeted assistance to projects and consortia to provide them with access to the necessary skills to optimise the communication, exploitation and dissemination of results; |
(c) | initiatives to foster dialogue and debate on scientific, technological and innovation-related issues with the public, and to take advantage of social media and other innovative technologies and methodologies; |
(d) | communication of the Union's political priorities provided that they are related to the aims of this Regulation; in particular, the Commission shall provide timely and thorough information to Member States. |
3. Subject to the Treaty and relevant Union legislation, dissemination activities may include:
(a) | actions which bring together results from a range of projects, including those that may be funded from other sources, to provide user-friendly databases and reports that summarise key findings; |
(b) | dissemination of results to policy makers, including standardisation bodies, to promote the use of policy-relevant results by the appropriate bodies at international, Union, national and regional level. |
Article 19 - Control and audit
2. The control system shall ensure an appropriate balance between trust and control, taking into account administrative and other costs of controls at all levels, especially for participants, so that the Euratom Programme objectives can be achieved and the most excellent researchers and most innovative enterprises can be attracted to it.
3. As part of the control system, the audit strategy for expenditure in the indirect actions under the Euratom Programme shall be based on the financial audit of a representative sample of expenditure across the whole Programme. Such representative sample shall be complemented by a selection based on an assessment of the risks related to expenditure.
Audits of expenditure in the indirect actions under the Euratom Programme shall be carried out in a coherent manner in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness in order to minimise the audit burden of the participants.
Article 20 - Protection of the financial interests of the Union
2. The Commission or its representatives and the Court of Auditors shall have the power of audit, on the basis of documents and on-the-spot, over all grant beneficiaries, contractors and subcontractors who have received Union funds under this Regulation.
Without prejudice to paragraph 3, audits by the Commission may be carried out up to two years after the final payment.
3. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) may carry out investigations, including on-the-spot checks and inspections in accordance with the provisions and procedures laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (23) and Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 (24), with a view to establishing whether there has been fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the Union in connection with a grant agreement or grant decision or a contract funded under the Euratom Programme.
4. Without prejudice to paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, cooperation agreements with third countries and with international organisations, contracts, grant agreements and grant decisions resulting from the implementation of this Regulation shall contain provisions expressly empowering the Commission, the Court of Auditors and the OLAF to conduct such audits and investigations, according to their respective competences.
CHAPTER IV - Monitoring and evaluation
Article 21 - Monitoring
2. The Commission shall report and make publicly available the results of the monitoring referred to in paragraph 1.
Article 22 - Evaluation
By 31 May 2017, and taking into account the ex-post evaluation of the Seventh Euratom Framework Programme established by Decision 2006/970/Euratom and of the Euratom Framework Programme (2012-2013) established by Decision 2012/93/Euratom to be completed by the end of 2015, the Commission shall carry out, with the assistance of independent experts selected on the basis of a transparent process, an interim evaluation of the Euratom Programme on the achievements, at the level of results and progress towards impacts, of the objectives and continued relevance of all the measures, the efficiency and use of resources, the scope for further simplification, and European added value. The evaluation shall also take into account the contribution of the measures to the Union priorities of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, results on the long-term impact of the predecessor measures and the degree of synergy and interaction with other Union funding programmes, including the Structural Funds.
By 31 December 2022, the Commission shall carry out, with the assistance of independent experts selected on the basis of a transparent process, an ex-post evaluation of the Euratom Programme. Such evaluation shall cover the rationale, implementation and achievements, as well as the longer-term impacts and sustainability of the measures, to feed into a decision on a possible renewal, modification or suspension of a subsequent measure.
2. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, direct and indirect actions of the Euratom Programme shall be subject to separate evaluations.
3. The evaluations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall assess the progress towards the objectives set out in Article 3, taking into account the relevant performance indicators defined in Annex II.
4. Where appropriate and available, Member States shall provide the Commission with data and information necessary for the monitoring and evaluation of the measures concerned.
5. The Commission shall communicate the conclusions of the evaluations referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2, accompanied by its observations, to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee.
Article 23 - Repeal and transitional provisions
2. Activities benefiting from the Community financial contributions under programmes established by the Decisions referred to in paragraph 1 and related financial obligations shall continue to be governed by the rules applicable to those programmes until their completion.
3. The financial allocation referred to in Article 4 may also cover the technical and administrative assistance expenses necessary to ensure the transition between the Euratom Programme and the measures adopted under Decision 2012/93/Euratom, Decision 2012/94/Euratom and Decision 2012/95/Euratom.
4. In order to ensure the continuity of Community support to fusion research, expenditure incurred from 1 January 2014 by the beneficiaries of the Programme co-fund action referred to in point (i) of Annex I shall be eligible for Community support.
Article 24 - Entry into force
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.