Legal provisions of COM(2012)131 - Enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2012)131 - Enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services. |
document | COM(2012)131 ![]() |
date | May 15, 2014 |
- Article 1 - Subject matter
- Article 2 - Definitions
- Article 3 - Competent authorities and liaison offices
- Article 4 - Identification of a genuine posting and prevention of abuse and circumvention
- Article 5 - Improved access to information
- Article 6 - Mutual assistance — general principles
- Article 7 - Role of the Member States in the framework of administrative cooperation
- Article 8 - Accompanying measures
- Article 9 - Administrative requirements and control measures
- Article 10 - Inspections
- Article 11 - Defence of rights — facilitation of complaints — back-payments
- Article 12 - Subcontracting liability
- Article 13 - Scope
- Article 14 - Designation of the competent authorities
- Article 15 - General principles — mutual assistance and recognition
- Article 16 - Request for recovery or notification
- Article 17 - Grounds for refusal
- Article 18 - Suspension of the procedure
- Article 19 - Costs
- Article 20 - Penalties
- Article 21 - Internal Market Information System
- Article 22 - Amendment to Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012
- Article 23 - Transposition
- Article 24 - Review
- Article 25 - Entry into force
- Article 26 - Addressees
Article 1 - Subject matter
This Directive aims to guarantee respect for an appropriate level of protection of the rights of posted workers for the cross-border provision of services, in particular the enforcement of the terms and conditions of employment that apply in the Member State where the service is to be provided in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC, while facilitating the exercise of the freedom to provide services for service providers and promoting fair competition between service providers, and thus supporting the functioning of the internal market.
2. This Directive shall not affect in any way the exercise of fundamental rights as recognised in Member States and at Union level, including the right or freedom to strike or to take other action covered by the specific industrial relations systems in Member States, in accordance with national law and/or practice. Nor does it affect the right to negotiate, conclude and enforce collective agreements and to take collective action in accordance with national law and/or practice.
Article 2 - Definitions
(a) | ‘competent authority’ means an authority or body, which may include the liaison office(s) as referred to in Article 4 of Directive 96/71/EC, designated by a Member State to perform functions set out in Directive 96/71/EC and this Directive; |
(b) | ‘requesting authority’ means the competent authority of a Member State which makes a request for assistance, information, notification or recovery of a penalty and/or fine, as referred to in Chapter VI; |
(c) | ‘requested authority’ means the competent authority of a Member State to which a request for assistance, information, notification or recovery of a penalty and/or fine is made, as referred to in Chapter VI. |
Article 3 - Competent authorities and liaison offices
Member States shall communicate the contact details of the competent authorities to the Commission and to the other Member States. The Commission shall publish and regularly update the list of the competent authorities and liaison offices.
Other Member States and Union institutions shall respect each Member State's choice of competent authorities.
Article 4 - Identification of a genuine posting and prevention of abuse and circumvention
2. In order to determine whether an undertaking genuinely performs substantial activities, other than purely internal management and/or administrative activities, the competent authorities shall make an overall assessment of all factual elements characterising those activities, taking account of a wider timeframe, carried out by an undertaking in the Member State of establishment, and where necessary, in the host Member State. Such elements may include in particular:
(a) | the place where the undertaking has its registered office and administration, uses office space, pays taxes and social security contributions and, where applicable, in accordance with national law has a professional licence or is registered with the chambers of commerce or professional bodies; |
(b) | the place where posted workers are recruited and from which they are posted; |
(c) | the law applicable to the contracts concluded by the undertaking with its workers, on the one hand, and with its clients, on the other; |
(d) | the place where the undertaking performs its substantial business activity and where it employs administrative staff; |
(e) | the number of contracts performed and/or the size of the turnover realised in the Member State of establishment, taking into account the specific situation of, inter alia, newly established undertakings and SMEs. |
3. In order to assess whether a posted worker temporarily carries out his or her work in a Member State other than the one in which he or she normally works, all factual elements characterising such work and the situation of the worker shall be examined. Such elements may include in particular:
(a) | the work is carried out for a limited period of time in another Member State; |
(b) | the date on which the posting starts; |
(c) | the posting takes place to a Member State other than the one in or from which the posted worker habitually carries out his or her work according to Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 (Rome I) and/or the Rome Convention; |
(d) | the posted worker returns to or is expected to resume working in the Member State from which he or she is posted after completion of the work or the provision of services for which he or she was posted; |
(e) | the nature of activities; |
(f) | travel, board and lodging or accommodation is provided or reimbursed by the employer who posts the worker and, if so, how this is provided or the method of reimbursement; |
(g) | any previous periods during which the post was filled by the same or by another (posted) worker. |
4. The failure to satisfy one or more of the factual elements set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall not automatically preclude a situation from being characterised as one of posting. The assessment of those elements shall be adapted to each specific case and take account of the specificities of the situation.
5. The elements that are referred to in this Article used by the competent authorities in the overall assessment of a situation as a genuine posting may also be considered in order to determine whether a person falls within the applicable definition of a worker in accordance with Article 2(2) of Directive 96/71/EC. Member States should be guided, inter alia, by the facts relating to the performance of work, subordination and the remuneration of the worker, notwithstanding how the relationship is characterised in any arrangement, whether contractual or not, that may have been agreed between the parties.
Article 5 - Improved access to information
2. In order to bring about further improvements with respect to access to information, Member States shall:
(a) | indicate clearly, in a detailed and user-friendly manner and in an accessible format on a single official national website and by other suitable means, which terms and conditions of employment and/or which parts of their national and/or regional law are to be applied to workers posted to their territory; |
(b) | take the necessary measures to make generally available on the single official national website and by other suitable means information on which collective agreements are applicable and to whom they are applicable, and which terms and conditions of employment are to be applied by service providers from other Member States in accordance with Directive 96/71/EC, including where possible, links to existing websites and other contact points, in particular the relevant social partners; |
(c) | make the information available to workers and service providers free of charge in the official language(s) of the host Member State and in the most relevant languages taking into account demands in its labour market, the choice being left to the host Member State. That information shall be made available if possible in summarised leaflet form indicating the main labour conditions applicable, including the description of the procedures to lodge complaints and upon requests in formats accessible to persons with disabilities; further detailed information on the labour and social conditions applicable to posted workers, including occupational health and safety, shall be made easily available and free of charge; |
(d) | improve the accessibility and clarity of the relevant information, in particular that provided on a single official national website, as referred to in point (a); |
(e) | indicate a contact person at the liaison office in charge of dealing with requests for information; |
(f) | keep the information provided for in the country fiches up to date. |
3. The Commission shall continue to support the Member States in the area of access to information.
4. Where, in accordance with national law, traditions and practice, including respect for the autonomy of social partners, the terms and conditions of employment referred to in Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC are laid down in collective agreements in accordance with Article 3(1) and (8) of that Directive, Member States shall ensure that those terms and conditions are made available in an accessible and transparent way to service providers from other Member States and to posted workers, and shall seek the involvement of the social partners in that respect. The relevant information should, in particular, cover the different minimum rates of pay and their constituent elements, the method used to calculate the remuneration due and, where relevant, the qualifying criteria for classification in the different wage categories.
5. Member States shall indicate the bodies and authorities to which workers and undertakings can turn for general information on national law and practice applicable to them concerning their rights and obligations within their territory.
Article 6 - Mutual assistance — general principles
2. The cooperation of the Member States shall in particular consist in replying to reasoned requests for information from competent authorities and in carrying out checks, inspections and investigations with respect to the situations of posting referred to in Article 1(3) of Directive 96/71/EC, including the investigation of any non-compliance or abuse of applicable rules on the posting of workers. Requests for information include information with respect to a possible recovery of an administrative penalty and/or fine, or the notification of a decision imposing such a penalty and/or fine as referred to in Chapter VI.
3. The cooperation of the Member States may also include the sending and service of documents.
4. For the purpose of responding to a request for assistance from competent authorities in another Member State, Member States shall ensure that service providers established in their territory supply their competent authorities with all the information necessary for supervising their activities in compliance with their national laws. Member States shall take appropriate measures in the event of failure to provide such information.
5. In the event of difficulty in meeting a request for information or in carrying out checks, inspections or investigations, the Member State in question shall without delay inform the requesting Member State with a view to finding a solution.
In the event of any persisting problems in the exchange of information or a permanent refusal to supply information, the Commission being informed, where relevant by means of IMI, shall take the appropriate measures.
6. Member States shall supply the information requested by other Member States or the Commission by electronic means within the following time limits:
(a) | in urgent cases requiring the consultation of registers, such as those on confirmation of the VAT registration, for the purpose of checking an establishment in another Member State, as soon as possible and up to a maximum of two working days from the receipt of the request. The reason for the urgency shall be clearly indicated in the request, including some details to substantiate that urgency. |
(b) | in all other requests for information, up to a maximum of 25 working days from the receipt of the request, unless a shorter time limit is mutually agreed between the Member States. |
7. Member States shall ensure that registers in which service providers have been entered, and which may be consulted by the competent authorities in their territory, may also be consulted, in accordance with the same conditions, by the equivalent competent authorities of the other Member States, for the purposes of implementing this Directive and Directive 96/71/EC, in so far as these registers are listed by the Member States in the IMI.
8. Member States shall ensure that the information exchanged by bodies referred to in point (a) of Article 2 or transmitted to them shall be used only in respect of the matter(s) for which it was requested.
9. Mutual administrative cooperation and assistance shall be provided free of charge.
10. A request for information shall not preclude the competent authorities from taking measures in accordance with the relevant national and Union law to investigate and prevent alleged breaches of Directive 96/71/EC or this Directive.
Article 7 - Role of the Member States in the framework of administrative cooperation
2. The Member State of establishment of the service provider shall continue to monitor, control and take the necessary supervisory or enforcement measures, in accordance with its national law, practice and administrative procedures, with respect to workers posted to another Member State.
3. The Member State of establishment of the service provider shall assist the Member State to which the posting takes place to ensure compliance with the conditions applicable under Directive 96/71/EC and this Directive. That responsibility shall not in any way reduce the possibilities of the Member State to which the posting takes place to monitor, control or take any necessary supervisory or enforcement measures in accordance with this Directive and Directive 96/71/EC.
4. Where there are facts that indicate possible irregularities, a Member State shall, on its own initiative, communicate to the Member State concerned any relevant information without undue delay.
5. Competent authorities of the host Member State may also ask the competent authorities of the Member State of establishment, in respect of each instance where services are provided or each service provider, to provide information as to the legality of the service provider's establishment, the service provider's good conduct, and the absence of any infringement of the applicable rules. The competent authorities of the Member State of establishment shall provide this information in accordance with Article 6.
6. The obligations laid down in this Article shall not give rise to a duty on the part of the Member State of establishment to carry out factual checks and controls in the territory of the host Member State in which the service is provided. Such checks and controls may be carried out by the authorities of the host Member State on their own initiative or at the request of the competent authorities of the Member State of establishment, in accordance with Article 10 and in conformity with the powers of supervision provided for in the host Member State's national law, practice and administrative procedures and in compliance with Union law.
Article 8 - Accompanying measures
2. The Commission shall assess the need for financial support in order to further improve administrative cooperation and increase mutual trust through projects, including promoting exchanges of relevant officials and training, as well as developing, facilitating and promoting best practice initiatives, including those of social partners at Union level, such as the development and updating of databases or joint websites containing general or sector-specific information concerning terms and conditions of employment to be respected and the collection and evaluation of comprehensive data specific to the posting process.
Where it concludes that such a need exists, the Commission shall, without prejudice to the prerogatives of the European Parliament and the Council in the budgetary procedure, use available financing instruments aimed at strengthening administrative cooperation.
3. While respecting the autonomy of social partners, the Commission and Member States may ensure adequate support for relevant initiatives of the social partners at the Union and national level that aim to inform undertakings and workers on the applicable terms and conditions of employment laid down in this Directive and in Directive 96/71/EC.
Article 9 - Administrative requirements and control measures
For these purposes Member States may in particular impose the following measures:
(a) | an obligation for a service provider established in another Member State to make a simple declaration to the responsible national competent authorities at the latest at the commencement of the service provision, into (one of) the official language(s) of the host Member State, or into (an)other language(s) accepted by the host Member State, containing the relevant information necessary in order to allow factual controls at the workplace, including:
(b) | an obligation to keep or make available and/or retain copies, in paper or electronic form, of the employment contract or an equivalent document within the meaning of Council Directive 91/533/EEC (13), including, where appropriate or relevant, the additional information referred to in Article 4 of that Directive, payslips, time-sheets indicating the beginning, end and duration of the daily working time and proof of payment of wages or copies of equivalent documents during the period of posting in an accessible and clearly identified place in its territory, such as the workplace or the building site, or for mobile workers in the transport sector the operations base or the vehicle with which the service is provided; |
(c) | an obligation to deliver the documents referred to under point (b), after the period of posting, at the request of the authorities of the host Member State, within a reasonable period of time; |
(d) | an obligation to provide a translation of the documents referred to under point (b) into (one of) the official language(s) of the host Member State, or into (an)other language(s) accepted by the host Member State; |
(e) | an obligation to designate a person to liaise with the competent authorities in the host Member State in which the services are provided and to send out and receive documents and/or notices, if need be; |
(f) | an obligation to designate a contact person, if necessary, acting as a representative through whom the relevant social partners may seek to engage the service provider to enter into collective bargaining within the host Member State, in accordance with national law and/or practice, during the period in which the services are provided. That person may be different from the person referred to under point (e) and does not have to be present in the host Member State, but has to be available on a reasonable and justified request; |
2. Member States may impose other administrative requirements and control measures, in the event that situations or new developments arise from which it appears that existing administrative requirements and control measures are not sufficient or efficient to ensure effective monitoring of compliance with the obligations set out in Directive 96/71/EC and this Directive, provided that these are justified and proportionate.
3. Nothing in this Article shall affect other obligations deriving from the Union legislation, including those deriving from Council Directive 89/391/EEC (14) and the Regulation (EC) No 883/2004, and/or those under national law regarding the protection or employment of workers provided that the latter are equally applicable to undertakings established in the Member State concerned and that they are justified and proportionate.
4. Member States shall ensure that the procedures and formalities relating to the posting of workers pursuant to this Article can be completed in a user-friendly way by undertakings, at a distance and by electronic means as far as possible.
5. Member States shall communicate to the Commission and inform service providers of any measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 that they apply or that have been implemented by them. The Commission shall communicate those measures to the other Member States. The information for the service providers shall be made generally available on a single national website in the most relevant language(s), as determined by the Member State.
The Commission shall monitor the application of the measures referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 closely, evaluate their compliance with Union law and shall, where appropriate, take the necessary measures in accordance with its competences under the TFEU.
The Commission shall report regularly to the Council on measures communicated by Member States and, where appropriate, on the state of play of its analysis and/or assessment.
Article 10 - Inspections
2. Member States shall ensure that inspections and controls of compliance under this Article are not discriminatory and/or disproportionate, whilst taking into account the relevant provisions of this Directive.
3. If information is needed in the course of the inspections and in the light of Article 4, the host Member State and the Member State of establishment shall act in accordance with the rules on administrative cooperation. In particular, the competent authorities shall cooperate pursuant to the rules and principles laid down in Articles 6 and 7.
4. In Member States where, in accordance with national law and/or practice, the setting of the terms and conditions of employment of posted workers referred to in Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC, and in particular the minimum rates of pay, including working time, is left to management and labour they may, at the appropriate level and subject to the conditions laid down by the Member States, also monitor the application of the relevant terms and conditions of employment of posted workers, provided that an adequate level of protection equivalent to that resulting from Directive 96/71/EC and this Directive is guaranteed.
5. Member States where labour inspectorates have no competence with respect to the control and monitoring of the working conditions and/or terms and conditions of employment of posted workers may, in accordance with national law and/or practice, establish, modify or maintain arrangements, procedures and mechanisms guaranteeing the respect of these terms and conditions of employment, provided that the arrangements offer the persons concerned an adequate degree of protection equivalent to that resulting from Directive 96/71/EC and this Directive.
Article 11 - Defence of rights — facilitation of complaints — back-payments
2. Paragraph 1 shall apply without prejudice to the jurisdiction of the courts in the Member States as laid down, in particular, in the relevant instruments of Union law and/or international conventions.
3. Member States shall ensure that trade unions and other third parties, such as associations, organisations and other legal entities which have, in accordance with the criteria laid down under national law, a legitimate interest in ensuring that this Directive and Directive 96/71/EC are complied with, may engage, on behalf or in support of the posted workers or their employer, and with their approval, in any judicial or administrative proceedings with the objective of implementing this Directive and Directive 96/71/EC and/or enforcing the obligations under this Directive and Directive 96/71/EC.
4. Paragraphs 1 and 3 shall apply without prejudice to:
(a) | national rules on prescription deadlines or time limits for bringing similar actions, provided that they are not regarded as capable of rendering virtually impossible or excessively difficult the exercise of those rights; |
(b) | other competences and collective rights of social partners, employees and employers representatives, where applicable, under national law and/or practice; |
(c) | national rules of procedure concerning representation and defence before the courts. |
5. Posted workers bringing judicial or administrative proceedings within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be protected against any unfavourable treatment by their employer.
6. Member States shall ensure that the employer of the posted worker is liable for any due entitlements resulting from the contractual relationship between the employer and that posted worker.
Member States shall in particular ensure that the necessary mechanisms are in place to ensure that the posted workers are able to receive:
(a) | any outstanding net remuneration which, under the applicable terms and conditions of employment covered by Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC, would have been due; |
(b) | any back-payments or refund of taxes or social security contributions unduly withheld from their salaries; |
(c) | a refund of excessive costs, in relation to net remuneration or to the quality of the accommodation, withheld or deducted from wages for accommodation provided by the employer; |
(d) | where relevant, employer's contributions due to common funds or institutions of social partners unduly withheld from their salaries. |
This paragraph shall also apply in cases where the posted workers have returned from the Member State to which the posting took place.
Article 12 - Subcontracting liability
2. As regards the activities mentioned in the Annex to Directive 96/71/EC, Member States shall provide for measures ensuring that in subcontracting chains, posted workers can hold the contractor of which the employer is a direct subcontractor liable, in addition to or in place of the employer, for the respect of the posted workers' rights referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. The liability referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be limited to worker's rights acquired under the contractual relationship between the contractor and his or her subcontractor.
4. Member States may, in conformity with Union law, equally provide for more stringent liability rules under national law on a non-discriminatory and proportionate basis with regard to the scope and range of subcontracting liability. Member States may also, in conformity with Union law, provide for such liability in sectors other than those referred to in the Annex to Directive 96/71/EC.
5. Member States may in the cases referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4 provide that a contractor that has undertaken due diligence obligations as defined by national law shall not be liable.
6. Instead of the liability rules referred to in paragraph 2, Member States may take other appropriate enforcement measures, in accordance with Union and national law and/or practice, which enable, in a direct subcontracting relationship, effective and proportionate sanctions against the contractor, to tackle fraud and abuse in situations when workers have difficulties in obtaining their rights.
7. Member States shall inform the Commission about measures taken under this Article and shall make the information generally available in the most relevant language(s), the choice being left to Member States.
In the case of paragraph 2, the information provided to the Commission shall include elements setting out liability in subcontracting chains.
In the case of paragraph 6, the information provided to the Commission shall include elements setting out the effectiveness of the alternative national measures with regard to the liability rules referred to in paragraph 2.
The Commission shall make this information available to the other Member States.
8. The Commission shall closely monitor the application of this Article.
Article 13 - Scope
2. This Chapter shall apply to financial administrative penalties and/or fines, including fees and surcharges, imposed by competent authorities or confirmed by administrative or judicial bodies or, where applicable, resulting from industrial tribunals, relating to non-compliance with Directive 96/71/EC or this Directive.
This Chapter shall not apply to the enforcement of penalties which fall under the scope of application of Council Framework Decision 2005/214/JHA (15), Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 (16) or Council Decision 2006/325/EC (17).
Article 14 - Designation of the competent authorities
Article 15 - General principles — mutual assistance and recognition
(a) | recover an administrative penalty and/or fine that has been imposed in accordance with the laws and procedures of the requesting Member State by a competent authority or confirmed by an administrative or judicial body or, where applicable, by industrial tribunals, which is not subject to further appeal; or |
(b) | notify a decision imposing such a penalty and/or fine. |
In addition, the requested authority shall notify any other relevant document related to the recovery of such a penalty and/or fine, including the judgment or final decision, which may be in the form of a certified copy, that constitutes the legal basis and title for the execution of the request for recovery.
2. The requesting authority shall ensure that the request for recovery of an administrative penalty and/or fine or the notification of a decision imposing such a penalty and/or fine is made in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative practices in force in that Member State.
Such a request shall only be made when the requesting authority is unable to recover or to notify in accordance with its laws, regulations and administrative practices.
The requesting authority shall not make a request for recovery of an administrative penalty and/or fine or notification of a decision imposing such a penalty and/or fine if and as long as the penalty and/or fine, as well as the underlying claim and/or the instrument permitting its enforcement in the requesting Member State, are contested or challenged in that Member State.
3. The competent authority requested to recover an administrative penalty and/or fine or to notify a decision imposing such a penalty and/or fine which has been transmitted in accordance with this Chapter and Article 21, shall recognise it without any further formality being required and shall forthwith take all the necessary measures for its execution, unless that requested authority decides to invoke one of the grounds for refusal provided for in Article 17.
4. For the purpose of recovery of an administrative penalty and/or fine or notification of a decision imposing such a penalty and/or fine, the requested authority shall act in accordance with the national laws, regulations and administrative practices in force in the requested Member State applying to the same or, in the absence of the same, a similar infringement or decision.
The notification of a decision imposing an administrative penalty and/or fine by the requested authority and the request for recovery shall, in accordance with the national laws, regulations and administrative practices of the requested Member State, be deemed to have the same effect as if it had been made by the requesting Member State.
Article 16 - Request for recovery or notification
(a) | the name and known address of the addressee, and any other relevant data or information for the identification of the addressee; |
(b) | a summary of the facts and circumstances of the infringement, the nature of the offence and the relevant applicable rules; |
(c) | the instrument permitting enforcement in the requesting Member State and all other relevant information or documents, including those of a judicial nature, concerning the underlying claim, administrative penalty and/or fine; and |
(d) | the name, address and other contact details regarding the competent authority responsible for the assessment of the administrative penalty and/or fine, and, if different, the competent body where further information can be obtained concerning the penalty and/or fine or the possibilities for contesting the payment obligation or decision imposing it. |
2. In addition to that which has been provided for in paragraph 1, the request shall indicate:
(a) | in the case of notification of a decision, the purpose of the notification and the period within which it shall be effected; |
(b) | in the case of a request for recovery, the date when the judgment or decision has become enforceable or final, a description of the nature and amount of the administrative penalty and/or fine, any dates relevant to the enforcement process, including whether, and if so how, the judgment or decision has been served on defendant(s) and/or given in default of appearance, a confirmation from the requesting authority that the penalty and/or fine is not subject to any further appeal, and the underlying claim in respect of which the request is made and its different components. |
3. The requested authority shall take all the necessary steps to notify the service provider of the request for recovery or of the decision imposing an administrative penalty and/or fine and of the relevant documents, where necessary, in accordance with its national law and/or practice as soon as possible, and no later than one month of receipt of the request.
The requested authority shall as soon as possible inform the requesting authority of:
(a) | the action taken on its request for recovery and notification and, more specifically, of the date on which the addressee was notified; |
(b) | the grounds for refusal, in the event that it refuses to execute a request for recovery of an administrative penalty and/or fine or to notify a decision imposing an administrative penalty and/or fine in accordance with Article 17. |
Article 17 - Grounds for refusal
In addition, the requested authorities may refuse to execute a request for recovery in the following circumstances:
(a) | following inquiries by the requested authority it is obvious that the envisaged costs or resources required to recover the administrative penalty and/or fine are disproportionate in relation to the amount to be recovered or would give rise to significant difficulties; |
(b) | the overall financial penalty and/or fine is below EUR 350 or the equivalent to that amount; |
(c) | fundamental rights and freedoms of defendants and legal principles that apply to them as laid down in the Constitution of the requested Member State are not respected. |
Article 18 - Suspension of the procedure
Any challenge or appeal shall be made to the appropriate competent body or authority in the requesting Member State.
The requesting authority shall without delay notify the requested authority of the contestation.
2. Disputes concerning the enforcement measures taken in the requested Member State or concerning the validity of a notification made by a requested authority shall be brought before the competent body or judicial authority of that Member State in accordance with its laws and regulations.
Article 19 - Costs
The requested authority shall recover the amounts due in the currency of its Member State, in accordance with the laws, regulations and administrative procedures or practices which apply to similar claims in that Member State.
The requested authority shall, if necessary, in accordance with its national law and practice convert the penalty and/or fine into the currency of the requested State at the rate of exchange applying on the date when the penalty and/or fine was imposed.
2. Member States shall not claim from each other the reimbursement of costs arising from any mutual assistance they grant each other pursuant to this Directive or resulting from its application.
Article 20 - Penalties
Article 21 - Internal Market Information System
2. Member States may apply bilateral agreements or arrangements concerning administrative cooperation and mutual assistance between their competent authorities as regards the application and monitoring of the terms and conditions of employment applicable to posted workers referred to in Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC, in so far as these agreements or arrangements do not adversely affect the rights and obligations of the workers and undertakings concerned.
Member States shall inform the Commission of the bilateral agreements and/or arrangements they apply and shall make the text of those bilateral agreements generally available.
3. In the context of bilateral agreements or arrangements referred to in paragraph 2, competent authorities of the Member States shall use IMI as much as possible. In any event, where a competent authority in one of the Member States concerned has used IMI, it shall where possible be used for any follow-up required.
Article 22 - Amendment to Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012
‘6. | Directive 96/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services (18): Article 4. |
7. | Directive 2014/67/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the enforcement of Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the provision of services and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System (“the IMI Regulation”) (19): Articles 6 and 7, Article 10(3), and Articles 14 to 18. |
Article 23 - Transposition
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.
2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the main measures of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.
Article 24 - Review
No later than 18 June 2019, the Commission shall present a report on its application and implementation to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee and propose, where appropriate, necessary amendments and modifications.
2. In its review the Commission shall, after consultation of Member States and, where relevant, social partners at Union level, in particular assess:
(a) | the necessity and appropriateness of the factual elements for identification of a genuine posting, including the possibilities to amend existing and defining possible new elements to be taken into account in order to determine whether the undertaking is genuine and a posted worker temporarily carries out his or her work, as referred to in Article 4; |
(b) | the adequacy of data available relating to the posting process; |
(c) | the appropriateness and adequacy of the application of national control measures in light of the experience with and effectiveness of the system for administrative cooperation and exchange of information, the development of more uniform, standardised documents, the establishment of common principles or standards for inspections in the field of the posting of workers and technological developments, as referred to in Article 9; |
(d) | liability and/or enforcement measures introduced to ensure compliance with the applicable rules and effective protection of workers' rights in subcontracting chains, as referred to Article 12; |
(e) | the application of the provisions on cross-border enforcement of financial administrative penalties and fines in particular in light of experience with and effectiveness of the system, as laid down in Chapter VI; |
(f) | the use of bilateral agreements or arrangements in relation to IMI, taking into account, where appropriate, the report referred to in Article 25(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012; |
(g) | the possibility to adjust the deadlines established in Article 6(6) for supplying the information requested by Member States or the Commission with a view to reducing those deadlines, taking into account the progress achieved in the functioning and use of IMI. |
Article 25 - Entry into force
Article 26 - Addressees