Legal provisions of COM(1976)51 -

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dossier COM(1976)51 - .
document COM(1976)51 EN
date April 30, 1976
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(1) 0J No L 83, 28.3.1974, p. 4, and 0J No L 110, 30.4.1975, P- 2;

Article 1

The Commission shall undertake a survey of the actual earnings of permanent workers employed in agriculture on the basis of the statistical data relating to September, October or November 1976.

.    Article 2    .

The survey shall cover all holdings which employ permanent workers-and whidu engage in activities as specified and defined under class 01 of the General Nomenclature of Economic Activities in the European Communities (NACE), with the exception of holdings whose activities are mainly or exclusively directed to creating and maintaining gardens and parks, to hunting or to activities ancillary to agriculture.    ■    ,

Article 3

The survey shall be carried out by means of random sampling. In respect of ' those holdings appearing in the survey sample, employers shall supply the information required for the survey in the manner set out hereafter.

Article 4

The survey shall consist in the collection for each permanent worker of all data relating to gross cash earnings for September, October or November 1976» the existence or absence of benefit in kind, the nature of work performed, the basis on which earnings are calculated and the number of hours paid, as well as sex, age and professional qualification.

Article 5

Information shall be gathered by the statistical offices of the Member States.

The Commission, with the collaboration of these offices, shall determine the technical details of the survey and the arrangements for transmitting the results to the Commission.

Article 6

Individual iljems of information supplied for purposes of the survey shall he used for statistical purposes only. It shall he prohibited to use the information for taxation purposes, or to communicate it to third parties.

Member States shall take appropriate measures to prevent any infringement of

a) the obligation to supply the information referred to in Article 3»

b) the obligation, under the first paragraph of this article, to maintain secrecy as regards the information obtained. v

Article 7

To cover the expenditure incurred in conducting the survey, the Member States shall receive a global stun proportionate to the number of holdings covered. This sum shall be charges against the European Communities’ budget appropriations allocated for this prupose.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.    .