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dossier COM(1977)685 - .
document COM(1977)685 EN
date December 16, 1977


COM (77)685

Vol. 1977/0218


Conformement au reglement (CEE, Euratom) n° 354/83 du Conseil du ler fevrier 1983 concernant I’ouverture au public des archives historiques de la Communaute economique europeenne et de la Communaute europeenne de I’energie atomique (JO L 43 du 15.2.1983, p. 1), tel que modifie par le reglement (CE, Euratom) n° 1700/2003 du 22 septembre 2003 (JO L 243 du 27.9.2003, p. 1), ce dossier est ouvert au public. Le cas echeant, les documents classifies presents dans ce dossier ont ete declassifies conformement a I’article 5 dudit reglement.

In accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 of 1 February 1983 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (OJ L 43, 15.2.1983, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1700/2003 of 22 September 2003 (OJ L 243, 27.9.2003, p. 1), this file is open to the public. Where necessary, classified documents in this file have been declassified in conformity with Article 5 of the aforementioned regulation.

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COM(77) 685 final Brussels, 19 December 1977

Annual report on the

estimated clearings and new plantations of certain ,    types of'fruit trees

(Submitted by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Counoil)

COM(77) 685 final

Explanatory Memorandum

1. Under Artiole 8 of Counoil Direotive 76/625/EEC &b amended by Article 1 of Council Direotive 77/l59/EECt the Commission must present to the European Parliament and the Council from 1 January 1977 annual reports on the estimated olearings and plantings of certain types of fruit trees (apples, pears, peaches and oranges).

2. The first report presented by the Commission refers to the estimates by Member States of the olearings and plantings during the 1975/76 season. It is based upon information due to be submitted to the Commission by 31 December 1976. Difficulties encountered in making these estimates delayed the notifications by oertain Member States to the Commission and henoe the presentation of this report.

3. The report indioates the extent and direction of estimated changes in the total

area under the four speoies of fruit treeB within individual Member States, and mentions, where particularly significant,changes in respeot of oertain major varieties.    :


1,    The Council Directive of 20 July 1976, 76/625/EEC* \ oonoerning the Btatistioal surveys to he oarried out by the Member States in order to determine the produotion potential of plantations of oertain speoies of fruit trees, as amended hy Counoil Direotive 77/159/EEC*^ of 14 February 1977, requires in Artiole 8 that the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council from

1 January 1977 annual reports on the subject of Artioles 5 and 6.

2. The Commission now submits to the European Parliament and the Council the first


annual report on these Artioles/oonoem the annual estimates to be made by Member States of the areas of fruit trees cleared and newly planted. This first report relates primarily to the 1975/76 season and inoludes information due to be notified to the Commission by 31 Deoember 1976, but in fact notified somewhat later by oertain countries which encountered difficulties in initiating these statistical returns.


3* The objective of Artioles 5 ^d 6 of the Direotive is to provide the Commission with regular information on the ohanges in area whioh ooour in the intervals between the quinquennial surveys on plantations of oertain speoies of fruit trees (dessert applesf dessert pears, peaches end oranges). Suoh ohanges can effect the medium-term forecasts of produotion potential whioh are made by combining the survey data on the area under the four speoies with data on yield per heotare.


4. The ,T7egetable Products” Working Party of the Agricultural Statistics Committee

of the Statistical Offioe of the European Communities in 1976 discussed and agreed upon a standard fora to be used by Member States to report their estimates of the areas of fruit orchard annually cleared and planted. The estimates are reporte< by speoies for each Member State (Tables 1 and 2) and ”as far as possible” by varieties.

5. The reports indicate a deoline of 5500 heotares in the 1975/6 season ir. the overal'

area of commercial fruit orohards whioh now total Borne 526 543 ha. Pears, pcaohes and apples are all reported to have decreased in area whilst alone the    -under

oranges has increased slightly (Table 3). The deorease is greatest in pear orohards in absolute terms (-3660 ha), in relative terms in comparison with the area tinder

(1) O.J. N* L 218, 11.8.1976, p. 10

(2) O.J. N» L 48, 19.2.1977, p. 31

this species reported at the last survey (- 3,9 peroeat) and is reported in nearly all Member States. In peaoh orchards, the overall deoline (-1187 ha) represents about 1 per cent of the area reported at the last survey (in 1974) and is concentrated in Frenoe, whereas in Italy the area under peaohes has increased* In apple orchards, the small deoline reported overall (-735 ha) occurred principally in 1 Italy (-771 ha), Franoe (-365 ha) and Netherlands (-367 ha) but was partly offset by increases in Denmark (+ 378 ha) and B.R. Deutsohland (+ 305 ha).

\ 6, Information in respect of individual varieties of the various species is incomplete

since not all Member States found it possible to provide estimates of clearings

varieties.For the most important and plantings in euoh detail, especially for the less important/variety of apples

in the Community, Golden Delioious, there was a net fall of 323 ha., largely due to

1424 ha being cleared in Franoe where only 768 ha were planted. In Italy and

Belgium, however, plantings of this variety (421 and 83 ha respectively)

exoeeded olearings (140 and 31 ha). Clearings of Red Delicious apples in Franoe

and Italy exoeeded plantings by 330 ha. Clearings of Morgenduft or Imperatore

apples (525 ha) and Abbondansa apples (205 ha) were reported in Italy, without any

corresponding plantings. For pear orchards., the clearing of 2000 ha. of the

Passa Crassana variety in Italy represented nearly half of the total olearings

of pears in the Community (4128 ha)and almost two thirds of the pear-tree olearings

in Italy. No important varietal changes are reported in respeot of peaohes and

oranges; in all four species, incomplete data from Member States prevents full

tabular presentation.

7. The estimates of clearings and plantings during the 1975/76 season reoeived from Member States have been combined with those for previous years in order to adjust the areas reported at the most recent previous orohard fruit surveys and arrive at an estimate of the areas under cultivation at the end of the 1975/76 season (Table 4).

8. In the second annual report to be submitted by the Commission on annual estimates

of clearings and plantings, it will be necessary to take into acoount the statistics available in respeot of the 1976^7 olearings in application of Council Regulation (EEC) N* 794/76 of 6 April 1976/ It would be unrealistic not to assume that the commercial fruit orchard industry has also taken these measures into acoount and that in consequenoe, the clearings of certain varieties of apples and pears otherwise due for clearing in 1975/6 may have been postponed.

9. It is hoped that improved estimates of olearings and plantings will be available from Member States in future years to allow the total orchard area to be estimated more accurately in the intervals between the 5 yearly Coumurvi'V surveys (the results of the 1977 Community orohard fruit survey are due to be sent *0 the Commission in 1978).

1) O.J. N* L 93, 8.4.1976, p. 3

Table 3 t Net ohange in area under orchard fruit since last survey (new plantations minus olearings)

CountryDate of

last survey


ohange since ' last    "

of whicht 1975/76Total




of whiohi 1975/76Total




of whiohi 1975/76Total    .

ohange sinoe last

of whiohi 1975/76
BR Deutschland1972+ 702
+ 305
- 75
- 25
- 3
- 7
Franoe1974/751)- 365
- 365
- 222
- 222
- 1660
- 1660
Italia1974-1045- 771
- 4715
-3139+ 972
+ 480
^ 307+ 84
Nederland .1974- 394
- 367
- 458
- 278
Belgique/Bel gie19724 1602)+ 101
♦    382>+ 22
- 51
Luxembourg1973--- ^-----
United Kingdom1974- 845    .
- 6
- 8
+ 7
Ireland1973- 5
- 10
----/ -
Danmark1974+ 75 6
+ 378
- 50
- 25
EUR-9-1036- 735
- 5490
-3660- 742
- 1187
+ 307
4 84

1) 1971/72 for oranges

2) 1974/75 and 1975/76 only

Table 1 t Area end proportion of orchard fruit cleared in 1975/76 V country end epeoiei
ha.* ■■hahaha
BR Deutechland3621.3481*7153,6
Franoe23734,27153,233578,0■ ' --
Luxembourg--. ------
United Kingdom5062,4761,5---. -
Table 2 t Area and proportion of orohard fruit planted in 1975/76 by oountry and apeoiee
CountryApplesPearsPeaohesOranges    '
ha    --ha%ha*.ha* ...
BR Deutschland6672,4230,881,9-mm
Bel gique/Belgie1662,0320,9----
Luxembourg---. --mm--
United Kingdom5002,4831,6-mm--
Ireland40,7----. --

Table 4 * Estimated area under orohard fruit in 1975/76

(Area recorded at last survey adjusted by annual estimates of clearings and plantings)


ER Deutschland28 7962 679415-31 890
France55 994-22 25740 374241118.866 '
Italia71 01748 86684 10896 995300 986
Nederland21 5296 029--27 558
Belgique/Belgie8 5613 59125-12 177
United Kingdom20 1415 128--25 269
Danmark7 979824-. -8 803
EUR-9214 96389 422124 92297 236526 543