Legal provisions of SEC(2010)59 - Accompanying document to the communication from the Council and the European Parliament on incentives for EMAS registered organisations

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COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENTaccompanying theCOMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCIL AND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT on incentives for EMAS registered organisations{COM(2010)6 final/2} /* SEC/2010/0059 final/2 */



Brussels, 1.2.2010

SEC(2010) 59/2

CORRIGENDUM: Annule et remplace  le document SEC(2009) 59 du 29.1.2010 Concerne uniquement la version EN (correction de la cote institutionnelle 2009 remplacée par 2010)


on incentives for EMAS registered organisations {COM(2010)6 final/2}
















ITALY.. ……………………………………………………………………………………….57




MALTA.. 78







SPAIN.. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 113

SWEDEN.. 134






Regulation (EC) No 761/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2001 allowing voluntary participation by organisations in a Community Eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) establishes a system under which organisations evaluate, manage and continuously improve their environmental performance.

Articles 10 and 11 of the Regulation calls upon Member States to promote organisations' participation in EMAS and to provide incentives for organisations to join the scheme.

European Commission is obliged, on the basis of Article 11 (3) of the Regulation, to transmit to the European Parliament and the Council information relating to the promotional activities received from Member States.

The report itself describes the types of incentive measures applied in different Member States and provides a resume of the findings for each group of indicators.

This working document contains the detailed information provided by the Member States regarding the incentive measures as well as statistics regarding indicators. The information provided by the Member States is the basis upon which the report is based.



Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”: The Austrian federal law – Federal Management Act 96/2001 (7.8.2001 and 2.8.2004) as amended.

The law contains several sections offering benefits to companies:

· §§ 21, 21a simplified proceedings for exchanging engines or equipment for similar types, the enforcement authority has to call a meeting in adequate time.

· § 22 The authority has to consolidate all the approvals valid for the facility in accordance with federal environmental regulations. The new consolidated approval substitutes all the other existing older ones.

(1) is in force and applicable to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce/ consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”: Federal Management Act 96/2001 (7.8.2001 and 2.8.2004).

According to § 26 of the Federal Management Act 96/2001 (7.8.2001 and 2.8.2004) EMAS organisations that comply with the reporting and recording obligations set out in the environmentally relevant laws, ordinances and notices as well as the obligation to forward environmentally relevant data to the authority in an equivalent manner within the scope of their environmental management shall be exempt from these obligations by the authorities responsible for enforcement of these environmental regulations on application. This exemption shall lapse if the EMAS organisation is no longer registered in the list of organisations (§ 16 Par. 3), registration was suspended (§ 16 Par. 3) or the organisation no longer complies with the reporting and recording obligations and the forwarding obligations in the manner notified to the authority. If there is reasonable doubt as to whether the manner chosen by the EMAS organisation is equivalent to the obligations set out in Par. 1, the authority shall determine this by notice.

Furthermore the following reporting and recording obligations and forwarding obligations shall not be required of EMAS organisations:

· Change report as set out in § 13 Par. 1, Waste Management Act;

· Publication of emission data as set out in § 13 Par. 1 and 2, Environmental Information Act, and

· Recording obligations as set out in § 14, Waste Management Act, with regard to waste that is subject to mandatory collection by the communal waste system.

They are in force and applicable to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”

1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”: Federal Management Act 96/2001 (7.8.2001 and 2.8.2004).

According to § 27 of the Federal Management Act 96/2001 (7.8.2001 and 2.8.2004) EMAS organisations shall be dispensed from the obligation of self-monitoring as set out in § 82b, Trade Code of 1994, and § 134 Par. 4, Water Quality Act.

They are in force and applicable to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2004, 2005 and 2006:

4 documents to provide information on EMAS:

· Flyer 'Mit EMAS zum Erfolg': it informs organisations about implementing EMAS

· Flyer 'Das Lebensministerium setzt auf EMAS': information how to implement EMAS for public authorities

· Handbooks supporting registered organisations

· Guidelines supporting registered organisations

The flyers were made in paper 4 pages, for all organisations in Austria. The content was: information about EMAS. They had application to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Alongside the information on the yearly EMAS Conference an Austrian magazine (Gewinn) published 3 issues with each 2 pages a year, presenting the award winners and newcomers. All EMAS organisations receive an EMAS-logo-plate showing their registration number as well as a certificate signed by the minister.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


4 workshops for the exchange of experience in eco-efficiency and 1 EMAS Conference annually. In the workshops the EMAS organisations got some information about actual environmental law and management inputs. They had application to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

In the annual EMAS conference the Minister for the Environment congratulates the new EMAS participants and where approximately 10 EMAS organisations get the national EMAS award. On the other hand relevant topics are being presented and discussed.

2005 and 2006:

4 workshops for the exchange of experience in eco-efficiency and annually there is an EMAS Conference. In the workshops the EMAS organisations got some information about actual environmental law and management inputs. The presentation of the EMAS Awards to the best companies is one of the highlights of the conference, and is also contributing to promote EMAS and, thereby, sustainable development through higher efficiency and a sparing use of resources. They had application to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

In the annual EMAS conference the Minister for the Environment congratulates the new EMAS participants and where approximately 10 EMAS organisations get the national EMAS award. On the other hand relevant topics are being presented and discussed.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

The official web site is run by the Federal ministry ( which is also the only Competent body in Austria.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Environmental Support Act (UFG BGBl. Nr. 185/1993 idgF) provides the frame work for the financial support of the implementation of EMAS.

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 169.400 €.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 267.849 €.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 207.484 €.

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registration

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Financial support for new EMAS registrations (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100): (MEMBER STATE)X100/(MEMBER STATE + EU) = 100%.

During the introduction of EMAS external and internal costs for consultancy and verification are subsidized.

Furthermore the regional environmental support programmes in 7 Austrian Federal countries provide organisations with a financial support for the consultancy regarding the EMAS-implementation.

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.


There was a special financial support of 49.000€ with the project “With EMAS to the ecological public authority”. In workshops the participants should learn how to implement an environmental management system in practice. Applicable to BMLFUW, Div. VI/5 and OWAV, in different communities in Austria, at regional level.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


4 documents created for technical assistance: Handbook 'Legal compliance', Handbook 'Interne Audit'; Handbook 'Kosten-/Nutzencheck', 'Leitfaden zur EMAS Umwelterklärung'. The handbooks and guidelines were made in paper 40 pages (DIN A4), for support to registered organisations. They had application to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Workshops for EMAS organisations are organised 3 times a year, where participants get some information on the possible improvement and get the possibility to exchange their experiences. Furthermore there are Workshops for verifiers and consultants.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Ökomanagement NÖ Club, Öko-Audit Working Group (ÖWAV)

Indicator 5: Number of projects or pilot programmes


1 project: “Marketing measures to promote EMAS” to give information about EMAS to non registers organisations. A contract is awarded to UBA, Austria, to non registers organisations.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 document in process related to Public Procurement: Statement submitted to the Council of Ministers. It is a proposal to take environmental criteria into consideration in public procurement. It has application to BMLFUW, Austria, (Organisation in the meaning of Art. 2 lit.s EMAS II).

Best Practices

2004, 2005 and 2006:

The activities related to workshops and EMAS conference are the best way to promote EMAS in Austria.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 legislative text where is established that there is not obligation to do a 'decretale milieuaudit' (environmental report, every 3 years).

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is a web site for EMAS information.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

4 databases for EMAS controlling, register, etc.

Funding Support

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is special financial support in the Walloon and Flemish Regions.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No registration fees).

Technical Support

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)


2 specific regulations:

· Decisions of the Council of Ministers of 20 March 2004 : commitment to utilise the EMAS system (in particular), for environmental management in the federal public services

· Federal plan for sustainable development 2004-2008, § 31709: by 2007, all SPF/SPP and federal 'parastataux' (public federal services) should have a certified environmental management system. Independent public enterprises will be encouraged to adopt such a system. The effective implementation of such a system is the responsibility of all levels of authority. It can be achieved by integrating environmental management into the management plans of those responsible for administration....


1 specific regulation:

Decision of the Council of Ministers of 20 July 2005, implementation of the federal plan for sustainable development 2004-2008; level concerned: federal : 23 federal public services (all of them), more than 1000 buildings and more than 80 000 workers; 3 batches spread over time, from 2006 until 2008.


1 specific regulation:

Decisions of the Council of Ministers of 14 July 2006; confirmation of the decision of the Council of Ministers of 20 July 2005; level concerned: federal: 23 federal public services (all of them), more than 1000 buildings and more than 80 000 workers; 3 batches spread over time, from 2006 until 2008.


No activities in the field covered by this in the years before the accession of Bulgaria to the European Union.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”


1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”:

In the Permits for IPPC (Laws 56(I)/2003 to 2006) a term is included for the organisation to develop an environmental management system. The law is still in force. Organisations have EMAS as one of the options and they will benefit form less auditing from the authorities. Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. The sectors of application are: industry and farming.

The permits are renewed every 3 years.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There was an informative A5 brochure to provide information on EMAS each year, sent to chamber of commerce and industry, other ministries and directly to organisations interested to promote EMAS.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and is annual.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


1 presentation on EMAS for Conference on Environmental Issues organised by the Technical Chamber of Cyprus. The University of Cyprus, the Technical Chamber of Commerce, the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of the Interior were involved.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and is annual.


4 different meetings:

· 2 lectures in Conferences (QUALITY FORUM 2005, ECOFORUM 2005) with 200 participants in each one, mainly directed to industry and services sectors. The presentation was distributed

· 1 Seminar on EMAS: The seminar was organised by the Environment Service and a representative from DG Environment was present. Other ministries, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the federation of industries, the Cyprus Tourist Organisation and companies from all sectors participated. SME oriented seminar targeted both to industry and the hotel sector, leaflets on EMAS and presentation were distributed

· 1 Presentation of EMAS by the Competent Body to the State General Laboratory interested in implementing EMAS, 30 participants (personnel from the S.G. L.). Leaflets and presentations were distributed

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and mainly annual.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


2 different ways to contact were used: E-mails and phone calls were made. Mainly hotels were interested, asking information from EMAS website.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and with monthly frequency.

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 4250 €.

This part of the budget was dedicated to: seminars covering travel costs of speakers and the organisational costs, costs for publication material. The budget was spent mainly on publication material.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and is annual.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 4250 €.

This part of the budget was dedicated to: seminars covering travel costs of speakers and the organisational costs, costs for publication material. Printed copies of the presentation were given as well as copies EMAS regulation and relevant guidelines.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and is annual.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 91500 €.

The aforementioned amount was included in the 2006 budget to be use as financial aid for the companies interested in implementing EMAS. Due to unforeseen reasons the financial aid scheme was postponed for 2007 and eventually it was announced in February 2007.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and is annual.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No registration fees).

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to all sectors and is continuous.

Technical Support

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


There was training on Environmental Management Systems including EMAS organised by the Cyprus Certification Company. The programme included presentation for various issues. The specific presentation contained a general description of environmental management systems and reference was made to the benefits of EMAS and the differences with ISO 14001. 10 organisations have participated (industry and tourist sectors). Information on environmental management systems, leaflets and presentations were distributed.

Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus. Applicable to industry and tourism sectors and is annual.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2006: draft Action Plan for the Promotion of Green Public Procurement finalised in 2007. It is a decision of the Ministerial Council nº. 65.181 of 2007 and still in force. It is promoting the importance the greening of procurement and in that framework the application of environmental management systems by organisations. Applicable in the government controlled area of the Republic of Cyprus, the public sector. The Action Plan will be revised in 2009.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2006: 2 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications” applicable to all sectors:

· Act on Public Procurement No. 137/2006. It is a law applicable to all public procurers in all sectors. EMAS was introduced as criterion of tender

· Rules of National eco-labelling programme, issued by the Ministry of Environment of July 2006. Applicable to companies applying for eco-label. EMAS registered organisations can benefit from lower fees for eco-label

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2004 and 2005:

2 different documents to provide information on EMAS applicable to all sectors:

· Brochure EMAS Programme in the Czech Republic. Made in 2003 in pdf-format and paper.

· Brochure EMAS: Manual on Obtaining an Integrated Permit. Made in 2003 in pdf-format and paper.


1 document to provide information on EMAS, applicable to all sectors:

Manual Voluntary Environmental Activities: Handbook for Enterprises. Made in 2006 in pdf-format and paper (800 issues) with 28 pages.

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

Articles about EMAS are published in proceedings from various seminars and conferences (see also Indicator 3 under the paragraph on technical support) and environmental and business magazines. They are made continuously, every year.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)

No seminars, conferences or courses promoting EMAS only. EMAS is presented and promoted as one of possible voluntary instruments at various seminars and other activities. Applicable to all the enterprises.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

1 website.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

1 website:

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

No direct letters or e-mails regarding EMAS sent to enterprises. Enterprises are contacted and informed at seminars and conferences (see also Indicator 3 under the paragraph on technical support and Indicator 3 under the paragraph on information support).

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004: Emails were sent.

2005 and 2006: Emails were sent and meetings were organised (see also Indicator 4 under the paragraph on technical support).

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004: 3 documents in relation with EMAS funding:

· Programme MARKET, 2001. It is a programme of Ministry of Industry related to financial support for SMEs for EM(A)S/QMS implementation, covering 50% of implementation and certification costs

· Financial support from State Environmental Fund, 2000. It is a programme of Ministry of Environment related to financial support for EM(A)S or Integrated MS implementation covering 50% of implementation costs

· Financial support from Vysočina Fund, 2004. Financial support for EM(A)S/QMS implementation for companies up to 50 employees

2005: 3 documents in relation with EMAS funding:

· Programme MARKET, 2001. It is a programme of Ministry of Industry related to financial support for SMEs for EM(A)S/QMS implementation covering 50% of implementation and certification costs. It has application to all the SMEs

· Financial support from State Environmental Fund, 2000. It is a programme of Ministry of Environment related to financial support for EM(A)S or Integrated MS implementation covering 50% of implementation costs. It has application to all the enterprises

· Financial support from Vysočina Fund, 2004. Financial support for EM(A)S/QMS implementation for companies up to 50 employees. It has application to the enterprises up to 50 employees from Vysočina region

2006: 2 documents in relation with EMAS funding:

· Programme MARKET, 2001. It is a programme of Ministry of Industry related to financial support for SMEs for EM(A)S/QMS implementation covering 50% of implementation and certification costs applicable to all SMEs

· Financial support from Vysočina Fund, 2004. Financial support for EM(A)S/QMS implementation for companies up to 50 employees applicable to enterprises up to 50 employees from Vysočina region

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 12.000 €

There is no special budget for EMAS (no specific item in ministerial budget). The expenses on EMAS are not monitored separately. In 2006, the Ministry of Environment invested approx 2.000 € into EMAS:

· Payment to EMAS Agency to carry out registration, information and promotional activities and promotional activities (1500€)

· Publication of voluntary environmental activities: a handbook for enterprises (250€)

· Publication EMAS: Eco-management and audit scheme (250€)

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.

2006: 2 special financial supports:

· ESF project Partnership for Sustainable Consumption and Production, 2006. The fields included in the funding were: capacity building (training of SCP managers), implementation of SCP instruments in selected enterprises and EMAS promoted as one of applicable instruments. It was applicable to regions of Central and Western Bohemia

· ESF project Partnership for Sustainable Production and Services, 2006. The fields included in the funding were: capacity building (training of SCP managers), implementation of SCP instruments in selected enterprises and EMAS promoted as one of applicable instruments. It was applicable to Prague

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)

2004 and 2005: 1 document created for technical assistance:

· Manual EMAS Easy for SMEs (Czech translation). Made in November 2004 in pdf-format and paper with 18 pages

· 2006: 2 documents created for technical assistance:

· Manual Eco-Management and Audit Scheme: EMAS Programme Manual. Made in 2006 in pdf-format and paper (800 issues) with 16 pages. Applicable to all sectors

· Manual EMAS Easy for SMEs (Czech translation). Made in November 2004 in pdf-format and paper with 18 pages. Applicable to SMEs

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)

No seminars, conferences or courses promoting EMAS only. EMAS is presented and promoted as one of possible voluntary instruments at various seminars and other activities for all the enterprises.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004 and 2005: different meetings of EMAS Council (advisory body of the minister of environment – 20 members), composed of various stakeholders (ministries, industry, NGOs, financial sector). Members were given all necessary information about EMAS and strategic issues are discussed, from 1998. These meetings are organised once a year.

2005 and 2006: yearly meetings:

· with EMAS registered organisations (approx. 15 participants). Organisations were given all necessary information about EMAS and strategic issues are discussed.

· of EMAS Council (advisory body of the minister of environment), composed of various stakeholders, from 1998.

· with EMAS registered organisations. approx. 20 members. Organisations were given all necessary information about EMAS and strategic issues are discussed.

· with Accreditation Body and environmental verifiers, representative of Accreditation Bodies and all environmental verifiers accredited in the Czech Republic (7 persons), they are given all necessary information about EMAS and strategic issues are discussed.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2004: 2 documents related to public procurement:

· Government Resolution N° 720/2000 on Promotion of Eco-labelled Products Purchase applicable to the central state administration

· Publication Green Office Work, 2004, applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

2005: 4 documents related to public procurement:

· Government Resolution N° 720/2000 on Promotion of Eco-labelled Products Purchase applicable to central state administration

· Publication Green Office Work, 2004 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

· Publication Buying Green!, June 2005 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

· Leaflet Environmentally Friendlier Operation of Offices, Schools and Other Institutions, March 2005 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

2006: 6 documents related to public procurement:

· Act on Public Procurement (see also Indicator 1 in the paragraph on regulatory flexibility) - applicable to all sectors

· Government Resolution N° 720/2000 on Promotion of Eco-labelled Products Purchase applicable to the central state administration

· Publication Green Office Work, 2004 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

· Publication Buying Green!, June 2005 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

· Leaflet Green Office, 2006 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

· Leaflet Environmentally Friendlier Operation of Offices, Schools and Other Institutions, March 2005 applicable to public administration at all levels and other public institutions

Best Practices

Programme MARKET has been defined as best practice in the Best Project on EMS organised by DG Enterprise in 2003.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce/ consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”. Applicable to all Denmark:

The Statutory Order on Green Accounts with national level. It is valid for the 1000 companies who are obliged to produce a yearly green account to the public, a green account which has to be assessed by the enforcement authority before publication. Description: EMAS registered companies can submit their validated environmental statement as the obligatory green account, and there is no obligation of assessment of the enforcement authority.

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”


1 document giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”:

EMAS registered companies got 50% reduction of the registration fee. This provision ended 31 Dec 2004 when the statutory order was revised.

2005 and 2006: 1 document giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce Inspections”:

New ways of calculation the annual fees for inspections. Statutory order 'Brugerbetalingsbekendtgørelsen' into force 1 Jan 2005. The annual fee for licenses and inspections for companies shall now be based on the numbers of hours the authority actually has spent on issues for that company. There is no longer a reduction for EMAS-companies - but of course there is an indirect benefit, as it should be easier for the authority and less time-consuming to supervise an EMAS-registered company (or ISO 14001-certified). The EMAS registration means that less inspection time are needed.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006: 4 different documents produced annually to provide information on EMAS:

· 2 leaflets

· 1 brochure

· documents published in the EMAS website

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

2004: 2 publications:

· EMAS Newsletter N° 2 was issued and distributed electronically

· The logo CD was distributed

2005: 1 publication:

· EMAS Newsletter was published and distributed electronically

2006: 4 publications:

· 1 EMAS Newsletter was published and distributed electronically

· An EMAS article in the Danish EPA Newsletter

· Press release on the nomination of Københavns Energi for the EMAS award

· 2 minutes in the regional TV about a European EMAS award nominated organisation

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)

2005: 2 meetings:

The above-mentioned EMS-guide was launched at 2 “market days” (seminars) promoting EMS and EMAS. The 125 participants also provided valuable input about their views on the EMAS revision.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

Web page: - Industri - Miljøledelse & EMAS & CSR. About 10 years old, but updated monthly.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 database for EMAS controlling, register, etc. It is an EMAS administrative database. About 10 years old, but updated weekly.

Funding Support

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2 different ways of reduction in registration fees applicable to all Denmark:

· Low registration fee

· 15% reduction on the EU Flower fee for EMAS registered organisations (Statutory order 700 of 26/06/2001)

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


Creation of new manuals, guidelines, toolkits etc was not necessary, as since 1996 more than 100 documents etc have been created for this purpose. The material was developed in close cooperation with the industrial sectors. This material still applies.

2005: 1 document created for technical assistance applicable to all Denmark:

A comprehensive electronic guide for results and experiences from EMS and EMAS through more than 100 EMS-projects and activities was launched on the web, this includes a search function (e.g. by environmental aspects or sectors).

2006: Sufficient material had been developed and they are easy to find at the EMAS website.

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes

2004: 1 project, the compilation of all material developed since 1996. The project was focus on SMEs. The project collected results and experiences from about 100 EMS projects. The result was published at the website of the Competent Body.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2004, 2005 and 2006: 49 documents (Environmnetal guidelines) covering 49 product groups related to public procurement, applicable to all Denmark. Produced at national level and distributed widely to the local and regional authorities. Updating started.

No legislation. In practice it happens very often that environmental management systems are requested, including EMAS. EMAS registration is often included in public procurement in Denmark, especially by municipalities.


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2006: 5 different documents to provide information on EMAS. (See also indicator 2 in the paragraph on technical support).

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

2006: numerous publications. See also indicator 1 in the paragraph on technical support. A special Info-bulletin of EKJA is issued 3 times per year.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)

2005 and 2006:

EMAS as main European style EMS was often presented in the framework of environmentally oriented conferences, seminars, etc. EMS's and EMAS issues have been added to agendas of several events not devoted directly to EMAS. A high number of different seminars were organised, which have been dealing with environmental management, including EMAS.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2005 and 2006:

1 Competent Body with its webpage, but in addition, the Ministry of Environment has its own EMAS website:

· Competent Body's website : the date to starting work was: 03-2005. The issues treated are: general information about EMAS, registration information, documents needed for registration, EMAS register and useful links. The structure is: EMAS section is one part of the webpage EMAS-logo stands on the main-page, when clicking you can go via to the EMAS-section

· Ministry of Environment EMAS website. The issues treated are: EMAS and ISO 14001, EU Eco-label, information about events, trainings, links and legislation, different materials for downloading.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2005 and 2006:

1 Competent body in Estonia.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004: 3 different ways to contact with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS - focus on all sectors:

· Letters: -type of organisations: different -information: different information (brochures, leaflets)

· Mailing: -type of organisation: different; -information: different information needed

· Personal contact/Phone: -type of organisation: different; -information: any information needed

2005 and 2006: 4 different ways to contact organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS – focus on all sectors:

· Letters: -type of organisations: different -information: different information (brochures, leaflets)

· Mailing: -type of organisation: different; -information: different information needed

· Personal contact/Phone: -type of organisation: different; -information: any information needed

· Seminars/trainings:-type of organisations: different; -information: seminar/training materials

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2005 and 2006: 4 different ways to contact organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS - focus on industry sector:

· Letters: -type of organisations: different -information: different information (brochures, leaflets)

· Mailing: -type of organisation: different; -information: different information needed

· Personal contact/Phone: -type of organisation: different; -information: any information needed

· Seminars/trainings:-type of organisations: different; -information: seminar/training materials

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS

2006: Budget allocated to EMAS: 7.700 €.

This budget was dedicated to: budgeted directly for promotional activities (website, manuals etc in €). Additional resources can be allocated for seminars etc. Value represents only the resources of which use should be designated by Ministry of the Environment. In the limits of the given value the Ministry of Environment has full competence to designate what the resources could be used for (certainly for EMAS, but not designated as for seminars, publications, etc.).

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations

2006: No special support for voluntary actions on regular basis, but possibility to apply and receive financial support – implementation of EMS's is one of the national highlighted measures that are supported (see also indicator 5 in the paragraph on funding support).

Indicator 3: Tax reduction on purchases designed to improve environmental performance

2005 and 2006: Polluter Pays Principle is fully implemented through environmental fees. Fee can be substituted by investment requirement if polluter agrees to apply additional measures for pollution reduction. The value of substitution is in correlation with the value of the investment and final outcome. Applicable to all sectors.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No registration fees).

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)

2005: 2 documents for technical assistance.

2006: 5 documents for technical assistance:

· Samm sammult EMAS-i registreerimiseni (eng. Step-by-step toward to registration of EMAS)

· Keskkonnajuhtimise ja -auditeerimise süsteemi rakendamise juhised (eng. Guidelines for introduction of EMS)

· Keskkonnajuhtmis-süsteemi käsiraamat (eng. Handbook of EMS)

· Ökokaardistamise käsiraamat (eng. Eco-mapping Handbook)

· Rahvusvahelistele standarditele vastavad keskkonnajuhtimissüsteemid (eng. Internationally acceptable EMS. Guide)

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)

2006: Most of the activities were organised on the basis of personal consultation. There was at least one relevant training programme done by private consulting company on project basis.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2006: 1 synergy: EKJA – Eesti Keskkonnajuhtimise Assotsiatsioon (eng – Network – Estonian Association of Environmental Management): 26 organisations are full-members of EKJA. Estonia is a member of INTOSAI Network

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes

2006: 1 project: EMAS training for municipalities with an ongoing Compass+ project.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2005: 1 document related to public procurement: Public Procurement Act – valid till 01.05.2007

2006: 1 document related to public procurement: Public Procurement Act – adopted 24.01.2007, entered into force 01.05.2007, national level law. + list of other linked legislation. Green public procurement guide is under preparation. As defined in the act – state, local government, etc authorities


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

2 documents to provide information on EMAS at national level and for all sectors (each year):

· EMAS brochure, printed and electronic format (0,9 MB), basic information on EMAS, 1 page, printed + available at the web-site.

· EMAS booklet on reasoning and advantages of EMAS, 15 pages, printed, disseminated e.g. in seminars.

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


1 newsletter (0,7 MB) with 8 pages, printed and electronic, available on the website. It was disseminated e.g. to the EMAS organisations, representatives in BAT Network, in seminars and fairs. The issues contained were: EMAS in local authorities, reporting of waste management organisations, experiences on EMAS, environmental issues in product planning and EMAS news.


1 newsletter (3,5 MB) with 8 pages, printed and electronic, available on the website. It was disseminated e.g. to the EMAS organisations, representatives in BAT Network, in seminars and fairs. The issues contained were: Sustainable consumption and production.


1 newsletter (0,5 MB) with 8 pages, printed and electronic is available on the website. It was disseminated e.g. to the EMAS organisations, representatives in BAT Network, in seminars and fairs. The issues contained were: e.g. Best Available techniques, BREFs in environmental permitting, EMAS information, IPPC directive, Energy efficiency in management systems, EMAS reports and environmental responsibility, Verification.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


6 meetings at national level and for all sectors:

· EMAS was promoted in Environmental fair at Finnish Environment Institute's stand

· Environmental congress OtaEco. Hundreds of people have participated

· EMAS Workshop (2 days) for the enforcement authorities and enterprises in the city of Jyväskylä, with 48 participants. The issues discussed were: EMAS in the EU, public procurement, life cycle assessment and environmental management, interaction between EMAS and environmental legislation, environmental management systems in organisations operations. It is organised for authorities every year.

· EMAS seminar for enterprises with 99 participants. The issues discussed were: EMAS in the EU, environmental reporting and benefits to permitting and enforcement processes. It is organised for enterprises every year.

· EMAS seminar and workshop (2 days) for local authorities in Helsinki organised together with the DG Environment, with 34 participants. The issues discussed were: environmental management in overall management, advantages of EMS in local authorities, workshop on setting up EMAS system

· EMAS statements have been awarded on a yearly basis in the CSR and Environmental reporting competition. The awarded EMAS organisations in 2004 were: Hartmann-Varkaus Oy (NACE 21.25), Nokian Renkaat (NACE 25.1) and Ekokem Oy Ab (NACE 24.1). The awards are made yearly


2 meetings at national level and for all sectors:

· EMAS annual seminar for enterprises in Helsinki, “Future challenges - tools for managing environmental issues”. The issues discussed were: EMAS in EU - future trends, environmental responsibility as part of social responsibility, EMS supporting energy efficiency, panel discussion on future challenges - how to develop EMAS.

· EMAS statements have been awarded on a yearly basis in the CSR and Environmental reporting competition. The awarded EMAS organisations in 2005 Hartmann-Varkaus Oy (NACE 21.25), Stora Enso Oyj Oulu Mill (NACE 21) and Rautaruukki Oyj Raahe Steel Works (NACE 27). The awards are made yearly.


4 meetings at national level and for all sectors:

· EMAS was promoted in Environmental fair at Finnish Environment Institute's stand

· Environmental congress OtaEco. Hundreds of people have participated

· EMAS Workshop for the enforcement authorities and enterprises in Helsinki, with 53 participants. The issues discussed were: voluntary environmental management systems and revision of permitting, SMEs and EMS, energy efficiency in EMS, EMAS and legal compliance. It is annually organised for authorities

· EMAS statements have been awarded on a yearly basis in the CSR and Environmental reporting competition. The awarded EMAS organisations in 2006 Ekokem Oy Ab (NACE 24.1) and Teollisuuden Voima Oy (NACE 40.1). The awards are made yearly

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

3 web pages:,, (all language versions available from any of the 3 addresses). The current web site was opened on February 2004 and it is updated when necessary. The web site contains EMAS news, information on EMAS system, registration procedures, registered organisations, etc. 18 pages in Finnish, 11 pages in Swedish and 5 in English.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

2 national databases for EMAS:

· EMAS register (1996) in excel format

· EMAS follow-up (2004) in excel format

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2005:

4 different ways to contact were used: dissemination of the newsletter and information on EMAS through industrial associations, in BAT Network, seminars and on website, contacts in seminars and environmental fair, e-mail, letters, website, personal contacts. Monthly frequency.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


3 different ways to contact were used: e-mail, letters and website e.g. information on reporting competitions and daily EMAS issues, invitations to the seminars. The contact was made with EMAS organisations when needed.


3 different ways to contact were used: e-mail, letters and website e.g. information on national and EU reporting and environment competitions, forwarded EU EMAS Newsletters, letter informing the organisations on the new EMAS logo and registration numbers, invitations to the seminars. The contact was made with EMAS organisations when needed.


3 different ways to contact were used: e-mail, letters, and website e.g. information on the national and EU reporting and environment competition, EU EMAS Newsletters, revision of EMAS, Commission decision 2006/193/EY, EMAS news, changes in the EMAS fees, invitation to the seminars etc. The contact was made with EMAS organisations when needed.

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 13.000 €.

This budget was dedicated to: EMAS Newsletter (writing of articles, make-up, photos and printing), events (seminar materials and EMAS stand at environmental congress), environmental reporting competition (assessment of the reports, experts group). National level.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 7.500 €.

This budget was dedicated to: Newsletter (printing and dissemination), events (stand for the material), and environmental reporting competition (assessment of the reports). National level.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 2.100 €.

This budget was dedicated to: newsletter (printing and dissemination) and events (stand for the material). National level.

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.

2004 and 2005:

Special financial support (each year): 100% (MS expenditure 15 250 € / total 15 250 €*100).

Aim and content of the project: EMAS implementation project on environmental reporting in EMAS. The target group was the energy sector, with staff training and external consultants. The discussions of implementing EMAS were held with 2 sectors, of which the energy sector was finally selected for the pilot project. 3 organisations have participated in the project.

The project was developed between 2004 and 2005, with a total budget of 30.500 €.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

The reduction of registration fees for small organisations has been taken into account when setting the fees in a decree. Finland has 3 different categories for fees according to the number of sites included (1, 2-4, 5 or more) in the organisation. It is at national level and in force 2004 to 2006.

Within one category the fees are set according to the number of personnel:

· The reduction on the fee for organisations including 1 site; (1-9 employees) -67%, (10-49 employees) -39%

· Organisations including 2-4 sites; (max 19 employees) -55%, (20-99 employees) - 23%

· Organisations including 5 or more sites; (max 49 employees) - 40%, (50-249 employees) -20%

Technical Support

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


1 national synergy, made for the mandate of years 2004 to 2006. The Ministry of the Environment set a working group including different stakeholders. One of the tasks of the group was to supervise the promotion of EMAS and contribute to the use of EMAS in permitting and compliance monitoring of environmental permits. 14 interest groups including e.g. ministries, permitting and enforcement authorities, employers and employees associations, local authorities association.

2005 and 2006:

1 national synergy, made for the mandate of years 2004 to 2007. A working group (including different stakeholders) was set up in 2004 by the Ministry of the Environment. One of the tasks of the group was to supervise the promotion of EMAS and contribute to the use of EMAS in permitting and compliance monitoring of environmental permits. 15 interest groups, e.g. ministries, permitting and enforcement authorities, employers and employees associations and local authorities association.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


1 guidebook on environmentally sound public purchasing.

· Date entry in force: 2/ 2004

· Level: National guidebook

· Description of main application: Guide for use of environmental criteria in public purchasing

· Organisations to which is applicable: Public administration and municipalities


2 different documents related to Public Procurement.

Brochure (Nordic Council of Ministers) for decision-makers

· Date entry in force: 1/ 2005

· Level: Brochure for 5 Nordic countries

· Description of main application: Motivate decision-makers in integrating green purchasing into the strategy of the organisation

· Organisations to which is applicable: Public administration and municipalities

Brochure (Nordic Council of Ministers) for purchasers

· Date entry in force: 1/ 2005

· Level: Brochure for 5 Nordic countries

· Description of main application: Motivate purchasers in buying green

· Organisations to which is applicable: Public administration and municipalities


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2006: 1 law governing public contracts article 45. Applicable to all sectors.

Article 45: "The contracting authority may ask economic operators to produce quality certificates. These certificates, issued by independent bodies, are based on European standards.

For those contracts where it is justified, the authority may require the production of certificates, issued by independent bodies, and demonstrating their capacity for performing the contract.

For works and service contracts whose performance implies the implementation of environmental management measures, these certificates are based on the Community Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) or on European or international standards of environmental management.

In those cases mentioned in the 3 paragraphs above, the contracting authority accepts any equivalent means of proof as well as equivalent certificates from bodies established in other Member States."

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


There is an environmental declaration guide (2003) of 31 pages (A4) for evaluating the application of the interested parties and the means to respond to it. The Environmental Declaration, which is the original European EMAS regulation in terms of a system of environmental management, represents an opportunity for an enterprise to start a fruitful dialogue with civil society. Apart from an interest in making its activity better known, the enterprise demonstrates its reactivity with respect to its approach of continuous improvement as well as its actions undertaken to limit its environmental impact both on its premises and with respect to its suppliers or customers

2/ Web site of ACFCI:

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

2006: 2 articles in newspapers.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2006: 10 different contacts.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2006: 5 to 10 contacts.

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Financial support for EMAS registered organisations

2006: Supplementary budget for 2002 (N) 2002-1576 from 30 December 2002 / ecological tax (TGAP) cuts for wastes received at an installation that is both authorised for said receipt and ISO 14001 certified or EMAS registered.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2006: Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No registration fees).

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


There is an environmental declaration guide (2003) with national level. It has 31 pages (A4) for evaluating the application of the interested parties and the means to respond to it. In fact, the Environmental Declaration, which is the original European EMAS regulation in terms of a system of environmental management, represents an opportunity for an enterprise to start a fruitful dialogue with civil society. Apart from an interest in making its activity better known, the enterprise demonstrates its reactivity with respect to its approach of continuous improvement as well as its actions undertaken to limit its environmental impact both on its premises and with respect to its suppliers or customers.

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


There is an educational programme: EMAS EASY (put in place by ARPE and ADEME). The elaboration of an Environmental Management System (EMS), in response to the requirements of the standard ISO 14001 with existing methods requires human and financial means that the majority of TPEs (very small enterprises) do not have.

ARPE (regional environment agency), in partnership with ADEME (Environment and Energy Agency) have thus started a pilot project unique in France to implement an environmental management system via the tool ECOCARTES® - EMAS Easy, aiming at ISO 14001 certification in 4 of the TPEs of Midi Pyrénées. This method enables the “person responsible for the environment” (who usually is the person in charge of the TPE) to develop an Environmental Management System (EMS) which complies with the criteria of the ISO standard 14001 with the possible minimum of written documents.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


1 synergy: Association of the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Assemblée des Chambres Françaises de Commerce et d'Industrie (ACFCI)).

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes


1 project: “123 environment project”: Many SMEs wish to undertake environmental management measures but lack the time or means to achieve ISO 14001 certification.

The CCI, i.e. the French Chambers of Commerce and Industry are proposing today a solution which suits their needs, with the project 1.2.3 Environment.

Having been tested since 2006 in 4 pilot regions with the support of the regional councils, the regional managements of research and environmental industry (Drire), Ademe (French Environment and Energy Agency) and several certification bodies, the project has just been extended to the whole of the territory.

It is original in that it rests on a frame of reference composed of 3 performance levels, which permits to act by stages. With step-by-step guidance, enterprises may communicate about activities they undertake with their clients/customers. More than 120 enterprises have already taken the first step.

The site provides first pieces of information and comprises an auto-evaluation test. This new device should serve as a forerunner at international level.

A standard for environmental management by stages, ISO 14005, is being elaborated.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2004, 2005 and 2006: 11 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations:

Federal Level: 9th Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Emission Control Act (Ordinance on the permit procedure) as amended and promulgated on 29.5.1992, last amended by law of 21.6.2005 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 1666)

Federal Countries: Federal Countries’ Laws and Ordinances as well as administrative instructions which require authorities to adequately consider the EMAS-participation in case of permission applications in the fields of Emission control, laws pertaining to water and laws regarding waste management (estimated more than 10).

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

2004, 2005 and 2006: 11 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations:

Federal Level: Ordinance on Facilitation of Supervision under Emission Control and Waste Law for Sites and Organisations registered pursuant to EC Regulation No. 761/2001 (EMAS Privileges Ordinance (EMAS-Privilegierungs-Verordnung) of 24.6.2002 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2247), last amended by Ordinance of 21.12.2006 (Federal Law Gazette I p 3392).

Federal Countries: Federal Countries’ Laws and Ordinances as well as administrative instructions which reduce reporting requirements and monitoring requirements in the fields of emission control, laws pertaining to water and laws regarding waste management. To some extent the Environmental Declaration or the report on the Environmental Audit substitutes other reports (estimated more than 10).

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”

2004, 2005 and 2006: 11 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations:

Federal Level: Ordinance on Facilitation of Supervision under Emission Control and Waste Law for Sites and Organisations registered pursuant to EC Regulation No. 761/2001 (EMAS Privileges Ordinance (EMAS-Privilegierungs-Verordnung) of 24.6.2002 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2247), last amended by Ordinance of 21.12.2006 (Federal Law Gazette I p 3392).

Federal Countries: Federal Countries’ Laws and Ordinances as well as administrative instructions which reduce inspections in the fields of emission control, laws pertaining to water and laws regarding waste management (estimated more than 10).

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Federal Countries: All federal countries give information on EMAS within their different networks dealing with economic affairs and protection of the environment. The 64 chambers of industry and commerce and the chambers of trade inform about relevant developments regarding EMAS and regarding financial support. Most of the Federal Countries have environmental partnerships between industry and the government with special requirements for access to these partnerships. EMAS organisations may join the partnerships offhand.

Totally, the number of brochures, leaflets and posters etc. in 2006/2007 is more than 50 each year.

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


Federal Level: The following 6 publications were issued: Bundesumweltministerium/Umweltbundesamt: EMAS – Von der Umwelterklärung zum Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, Juni 2007; Bundesumweltministerium/Umweltbundesamt: CD-Rom – EMAS Poster throughout Europe, 2007; Bundesumweltministerium: „10 Jahre EMAS – Nachhaltig Wirtschaften in „Deutschland“, September 2006; Bundesumweltministerium/Umweltbundesamt: EMAS - Praxisleitfaden für die Behörde - Umsetzungshilfe für die Einführung eines Umweltmanagementsystems nach EMAS in Behörden, 2007; Umweltgutachterausschuss (UGA): Innovativ. Nachhaltig. Umweltbewusst. - Wir für EMAS, Dezember 2007; Umweltgutachterausschuss (UGA): EMAS-Aktuell – regelmäßiger Newsletter, 2006/2007.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Some Federal Countries hold regular EMAS conferences where the Minister for the Environment of the relevant country congratulates the new EMAS participants and where the participants have the opportunity to exchange their views and discuss with enforcement authorities.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Federal Level: PortalU, the German internet based Environmental Information Portal, offers a comfortable and central access to over 1.000.000 web-pages and database entries from public agencies in Germany. More than 3000 links to EMAS subjects are to be found. The PortalU is cooperation between the German Federal Countries and the German Federal Government (see Another internet based data base of the Federal Environment Agency offers an up to date bibliography for EMAS brochures in Germany and other EU states (see All publications about EMAS and the EMAS environmental statements are kept in the library of the Federal Environmental Agency and are therefore easily accessible to the general public.

The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) ( has dealt with EMAS in different workshops during the Week of the Environment 2007 which took place under the auspices of the German Federal President. Further, the DBU co-financed a pilot project introducing “EMAS easy”.

In 2007, the Umweltgutachterausschuss (Environmental Verifiers Committee) has launched a large internet campaign to promote EMAS, see In a first step well-known persons spoke in favour of EMAS, in a second step EMAS-organisations described their motivation for EMAS and reported about benefits.

The DIHK as the central Competent body for EMAS and the DAU as the accreditation body for environmental verifiers inform consequently on important issues under EMAS, mainly by their websites and

The Federal Minister of the Environment welcomes all new EMAS participants with a personal letter.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.) and

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

The number of contacts cannot be given precisely, but is anyway some 1000.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is a study done by the German Federal Ministry and the Environmental Agency, which can be downloaded from the ministry’s website

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Budget allocated to EMAS: 500.000€

The precise budget allocated for EMAS on the federal and the countries’ level is more than 500.000 € each year.

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Financial and technical support is usually given to a certain amount, but differs from country to country. The number of different approaches for the phased implementation of an environmental management system is more than 15 and these environmental management approaches have around 2.000 participating companies. Most of these staged approaches promote EMAS as the final stage of a good EMS

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There are reductions, which are given to EMAS participants within, for example, the Immissionsschutzrecht, Abfallrecht, Wasserrecht, Gentechnikrecht. Most of the federal countries have introduced a reduction of fees either for supervision purposes and/or for permissions in one or more of the above mentioned areas:

German Federal Countries || Percentage of reduction of fees

Bayern || 30 %/50%

Brandenburg || 20 %

Hamburg || 30 %

Hessen || 25 %

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern || 30 %

Niedersachsen || 30 %

Nordrhein-Westfalen || 30 %

Saarland || 30 %/20 %

Sachsen || 30 %

Thüringen || 30 %

Technical Support

Indicator 2: Number of programmes for phased implementation of EMAS

Some Federal Countries have begun to promote the methodology EMAS easy for smaller enterprises. 5 programmes for phased implementation of EMAS.

Most of the Federal Countries promote the phased implementation of EMAS. Some of these phased approaches are these 5: “Ecocamping” (for campsites), “Umweltsiegel für das Gastgewerbe” (for restaurants and hotels), “Qualitätsverbund umweltbewusster Handwerksbetriebe” (craft producers), “Grüner Gockel” (church institutions), “EcoStep”.

Best Practices

EMAS is already well-known in Germany. Best practice examples have already been described in numerous former guidance brochures. Best practice examples with regard to a combination of EMAS and sustainability reporting are given by the brochure “Von der Umwelterklärung zum Nachhaltigkeitsbericht, Juni 2007”. This publication from the German Environmental Ministry and Environmental Agency can be downloaded from the ministry’s website:

Overall performance of EMAS registered companies towards the publication of environmental or sustainable reports

At the end of the year 2007 only 113 German companies had published a “traditional” environmental report. 107 companies have published a sustainability report.

As for most of the EMAS registered companies their EMAS environmental statement is their first “environmental report” so far it can be clearly stated that EMAS companies hold the majority of German companies in public reporting about their environmental achievements.

A “Status Quo Report” on this issue was published at the end of December 2007 and can be than downloaded from the German Environmental Ministry’s website (


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


1 document to provide information on EMAS, produces in approximately 800-1000 leaflets by the Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the EMAS registered Municipality of Amaroussion concerning sustainable consumption. It is available in stands at the entrance of the Amaroussion City Hall and the Mayor's office for public in general and organisations.


There was an electronic guide -software for EMAS in the hospitals in the framework of the co-financed Life Project e-hospital EMAS (presentation to Members of staff of Asklipeio Voulas Hospital and of Metropolitan Hospital and displayed in the web

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


19 different publications:

· A newsletter which presented the environmental policy of the EMAS registered Municipality of Amaroussion in the framework of the co-financed Life project Green games and local authorities -GALA, in Greek and English

· A newsletter focused mainly on the implementation of environmental management systems in sport facilities. It was available by Amaroussion City hall, ATHOC and the rest selected municipal sport facilities. It was also sent to local sport associations

· A newsletter presented the EMAS implementation in selected municipal departments and sport facilities, the public consultation process, the Environmental training seminar and the dissemination activities, in Greek and English. It was distributed through the stands at Amaroussion City Hall and Athoc, through other projects and networks that Amaroussion participates. They were also available at the Conferences where the Gala project was presented.

· Publications in 16 newspapers for the EMAS financing projects by the Ministry of Development


3 different publications:

· A Newsletter (6 pages) on EMAS in Hospitals in the framework of the co-financed Life Environment project 'E-Hospitals EMAS' was developed with the aim of presenting “e–Hospitals EMAS” project to other public hospitals in Greece. In the newsletter the following issues were presented:

Short description of the project and its objectives

- Information on the Community Action for the Environment

- The LIFE Programme

- Presentation of EMAS: beneficiaries, prerequisites, EMAS philosophy and benefits

- Project Partners

The newsletter available in Greek and English contained all the relevant links to the project’s webpage and the EMAS webpage.

The Greek newsletter was initially sent to public hospitals of the Attika Region. In the progress, a mailing list of public hospitals in Greece was developed and a letter was sent to each hospital’s manager, presenting the programme and requiring contact details for the dissemination of the newsletter. Overall, 124 letters were sent, both via e-mail and fax. The total number of public hospitals in Greece is 131. Also, a letter was sent to all Managers of the 17 Regional Health Services in Greece (the Regional Health Service supervises hospitals and health care services in each region) with the same content

· A newsletter on EMAS Hospital in the framework of the co financed Life Environment project E-Hospitals EMAS. It was produced in Greek and in English. The following issues were presented:

- Message from the General Secretary of Public Health of the Hellenic Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity

- Article on the relation between health and environment

- News on the project’s progress and future actions

- Presentation of a best practice example from EMAS implementation in a European hospital

- Helpdesk contact information

The newsletter was sent to all available e-mail addresses of public hospitals (addressed both to the Manager and Deputy Manager) and Regional Health Administrations

· Publication in the Press of a multitude of articles and information bulletins regarding the course of the implementation of EMAS in the University of Macedonia


13 publications:

· Advertisements posters for EMAS Awards and Article 14 Committee meeting in Athens 50X70 (EMAS stakeholders, organisations, Competent bodies, Competent Authorities)

· EMAS logo poster stands for EMAS Awards in Athens and Article 14 Committee meeting (180X60)

· EMAS advertisement conference bags (42X29X6,5) for EMAS stakeholders and organisations

· EMAS conference folders 31X23 for members of Article 14 Meeting and EMAS stakeholders

· Press release for EMAS and European EMAS Awards in newspapers

· EMAS Logo CD diffusion for EMAS registered organisations

· EMAS Conference Notebooks

· EMAS conference pencils

· Publications for EMAS financing projects in 16 newspapers by the Ministry of Development (participant in the Hellenic Competent Body)

· Newsletter on EMAS in Hospitals in the framework of the co-financed Life environment project E-Hospitals EMAS, was produced in June 2006 and the following issues were presented:

-News on the E-Hospital EMAS project

-Article on Environment and Occupational Health

-Description of the software developed for the project

-Introductory texts on “Green Purchasing” and Energy Performance in Hospitals

-Helpdesk contact information

The newsletter was sent by e-mail to all available e-mail addresses of public hospitals (addressed to both the Manager and Deputy Manager of the hospitals) and Regional Health Administrations, as well as to large private hospitals all over Greece

· Information on EMAS and relevant activities on the recently redesigned Official EMAS website of the Ministry for the Environment was made

· EMAS financing projects displayed on the official website of the Ministry of Development

· Publication in the Environmental magazine 'Environment 21' for the EMAS Awards ceremony 2006, included the points of the speech for EMAS of the Deputy Minister for the Environment of Greece, the winners of the National and European Awards and an interview with the Head of the Unit" Environment and Industry" of the European Commission. The magazine was disseminated to wide public

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


6 meetings:

· Environmental training seminar at the City Hall of Amaroussion towards EMAS registration in the framework of the co -financed Life project Green Games and Local Authorities-GALA. The participants were: the people invited to that meeting (50 in total) included the official sponsors of the Games 2004, the Directors of the municipal departments, the director of the municipal sport facilities, the General Secretariat of Sports and ATHOC. The environmental management system of the municipal departments and the municipal sport facilities were presented while the participants had the opportunity to discuss simple ways, in which everyone can contribute to the minimisation of the environmental impacts of the Games. In addition there was a presentation on the relationship between sports and environmental management systems and a presentation on the topic of solid waste management during the Games

· Conference "Sport Events and Local Authorities: The Environmental Dimension by the EMAS registered Municipality of Amaroussion. The issues discussed were mainly: Environmental management and major Sport events, the outcomes of the Gala project, the experiences of cities which have hosted Olympic Games (e.g. Sydney), the view of cities which are going to host Olympic Games such as Turin. The audience was more than 180 people, included representatives of the Life monitoring team, IOC, ATHOC, elected members and officers from Greek Olympic cities as well as from more than 20 European cities, representatives of Ministries, sport associations and community bodies. The speakers included representatives of the European Commission, the IOC, the organising Committees of Olympic Games of Sydney, Athens and Turin as well as experts involved in the implementation of the GALA project

· Conference and Round Table in the EMAS registered University of Macedonia on Eco Management Initiatives at local and regional level (10-12-2004) (100 participants). In the participants were included the General Secretary of the Region of Eastern Macedonia ,the Vice Mayor of Thessaloniki, the Rector of the University, the Responsible of the EMAS EDIN project, Students of the University involved with EMAS, Competent authorities, Ministry for the Environment -Hellenic EMAS Competent Body and other representatives and EMAS stakeholders

· The constitution of an 'one stop shop' on Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), as well as environmental -friendly practices and sustainable development issues in general within a public academic institute by the EMAS registered University of Macedonia which serves as a focal point for the promotion of EMAS in wider Thessaloniki area and the northern Greece region

· The organisation of 2 open discussions about the University's of Macedonia Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) programme. (30 participants) Students and Competent Authorities


4 meetings:

· Virtual Workshop and Tele Conference on Eco Management and Social Partners (8-7-2005) by the EMAS registered University of Macedonia with 30 participants approximately: Responsible of EMAS EDIN Project, Hellenic Competent Body, students of the University involved with EMAS, EMAS registered organisations, NGOs. The issues discussed were: the implementation of Environmental Management Systems, the Environmental Management and Audit Scheme, the Social responsibility in companies

· The launching of the Environmental Information Kiosk by the EMAS registered University of Macedonia at the Municipal Park of Nea Elvetia in collaboration with the Municipality of Thessaloniki

· 2 Seminars took place in the EMAS registered University of Macedonia organised by the Hellenic Institute of Health and Safety at work (Fire protection-Hygiene and Safety Legislation-Health and Safety Committees -Optical Image Monitors, Myo Skeletal Diseases, Safety Signalling) with 30 participants


7 meetings:

· Article 14 Committee meeting in Athens (Members of the Committee, Hellenic Competent Body and EMAS stakeholders). 55 participants approximately. The issues discussed were mainly on the EMAS revision and included in the official Agenda of the meeting

· European EMAS Awards in Athens, organised by EC and the environmental agency of Austria in collaboration with the Hellenic Competent Body, financed by EC and supplementary financing for official invitations and additional guests by Hellenic Ministry for Environment. 150 guests approximately, included EMAS organisations and EMAS stakeholders, Deputy Ministry for the Environment of Greece, European Commission, Hellenic Competent Body and Competent Authorities, EMAS Verifiers, etc. Level: national. EMAS awards and European EMAS Awards

· Workshop for EMAS in hospitals in the framework of the relevant co-financed Life- Environment project e-hospital EMAS. It took place on September 25th, 2006 at the National School of Public Health. The target audience included public and private hospital executives, as well as Regional Health Services employees in the Attica Region. A number of 56 participants-among which from private and public hospitals, Regional Health Administrations and the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity- attended the workshop

· Workshop for the Environmental Management in Healthcare in the framework of the relevant co-financed Life-Environment project e-hospital EMAS. It targeted mostly health professionals outside the Attica Region, therefore it was decided that it would be organized parallel to the 2nd National Congress on Health Management, Economics and Policies organized by the National School of Public Health, Department of Health Economics on 13 – 16 November 2006 at the Athens Hilton Hotel. Participants in the Congress included Directors, Managers, and personnel of Greek hospitals, NHS Clinics and other health care units, business executives involved in healthcare (biomedicine technology, medical equipment and pharmaceutical industry, insurance organisations and similar private agents), freelancers and students involved professionally or scientifically in related areas, as well as journalists and mass media delegates. 1.800 people participated in the Congress. The workshop took place on November 15th, 2006 under the title “Environmental Management in Healthcare”

· Workshop in Athens in the framework of the partnership for building capacity through EMAS in the municipal enterprises in Kaliningrad (Municipal institute-ECAT-Kaliningrad), Epta ltd(Greece), Municipality of Agii Anargiri (Greece), Kaliningrad Teploset, Vodocanal, Hellenic EMAS Competent Body, First Secretary of Russian Embassy, City of Kalliningrad (Head of Environmental Unit) etc. (25 participants approximately)

· Green Public Procurement Good Practice Award for the EMAS registered Municipality of Amaroussion (ICLEI, European Commission, Ministry for the Environment, Ministry of finance, Ministry of Development, etc.)

· Annual Awards of Environmental Excellence by the EMAS registered University of Macedonia which promote best practice examples of environmental awareness and practice within the members of the academic community of the University of Macedonia. The Awards were given to the members of the Voluntary Environmental Support group of the students of the University as well as to academic, administrative and technical personnel involved with EMAS and Environment

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is only one Competent Body and 1 Web site. The date started working was around 1999, redesigned in 2002 and in 2006. The issues treated are: general information for EMAS, EMAS Step-By Step, EMAS Registration Procedure, Guidance, access to legal documents, EMAS Register, Links and Contact Details. The structure is based on multiple levels/windows/depending on issues-information required by the public.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is only one Competent Body and one database. The date started working was in 1999. It is currently under reconstruction. The structure is based in an Excel spreadsheet and txt formats.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004 and 2006:

Different information letters each year to the Enterprises Supporting Centres for EMAS financing projects by the Ministry of Development, which participates in the Hellenic EMAS Competent Body, as well as to Intermediate Bodies. EMAS financing projects displayed in the official website of the Ministry of development and relevant Competent authorities. Different publications for EMAS financing projects in 16 newspapers.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Different mailings each year (e-mails and letters) with EMAS Registered Organisations SMEs, on several issues (EMAS logo use, awards, environmental statement, accreditation of verifiers, etc.)

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding


1 legislative text: Ministerial Decision 15624/1025. Date: 10-8-2004 (in force). Level: National. Description: Funding for SMEs. Organisations to which is applicable: Industrial enterprises.


1 legislative text: Ministerial Decision 24378/2233. Date: 20-10-2006 (in force). Level: National. Description: Funding for SMEs. Organisations to which is applicable: Industrial and tourist enterprises.

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 684.885,98 €.

This budget was dedicated to: Financial support of enterprises for EMAS registration and/or ECOLABEL (10-8-2004). Level: National. Organisations: Industrial SMEs.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 30.000+901.763,70=931.763,7 €.

This budget, which is annual, was dedicated to:

· 30.000 €: Ministerial Decision 35722 (Date: 1 -9 -2006) and national level. Description: EMAS guide book and other promotional material, EMAS awards additional guests and EMAS Awards formal invitations and Article 14 committee meeting in Athens

· 901.763,70 €: Ministerial Decision 24378/2233 (Date: 20-10-2006) and national level. Description: Funding for SMEs. Organisations: Industrial and tourist enterprises

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations


Financial support for new EMAS registrations (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100): (MEMBER STATE)X100/(MEMBER STATE + EU) = 684.885,98x100/(684.885,98+1.598.067,28) = 30%.

Financial support of enterprises for EMAS registration (10-8-2004). Level: National. Organisations: Industrial SMEs.


Financial support for new EMAS registrations (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100): (MEMBER STATE) X100 /(MEMBER STATE + EU) = 901.763,70 x100 / (901.763,70+1.535.435,49) = 37%.

Financial support of enterprises for EMAS registration (10-8-2004). Level: National. Organisations: Industrial SMEs.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No registration fees). National level.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


3 documents for technical assistance. The 3 guides were the main outcome of the GALA project and were published in English and Greek and they were displayed on the project website:

· The guide for the implementation of EMAS in Local Authorities.(A4, 100 pages, Greek version, 89 pages English version). The Greek version of the Guide for the implementation of EMAS in local authorities was printed in 400 copies and was sent to municipalities with more than 60000 inhabitants, the Central Union of Local Authorities of Greece (KEDKE), the Hellenic Organisation for Standardisation etc. The English version of the guide for the implementation of EMAS in local authorities was printed in 200 copies and was sent out by mail to the Council for European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), to ICLEI, to National Associations for Local Authorities throughout Europe, to the partners of international cooperation projects. The Guide for the implementation of EMAS in local authorities provides some background information to EMAS for Municipalities and elaborates on the respective costs and benefits. Then, it goes through each one of the EMAS steps (i.e. Environmental Policy, Environmental Review, Environmental Programme, Environmental Management System, Audit, Verification and Registration). Finally, it provides a list with useful contacts

· The guide for the implementation of EMAS in Sport Facilities. (A4 pages 60 Greek and English versions). The Guide for the implementation of EMAS in sport facilities has been designed to help sport facilities decision makers (principally facilities operators and consequently event organisers,) to identify their key environmental issues, develop strategies to tackle them, set targets to focus their efforts, monitor progress, use the available information for continuous improvement and finally match all the above elements in a coherent environmental management system according to EMAS requirements. The Guide is divided into 3 sections, answering some precise questions:

- What are Environmental Management Systems -What are the steps for developing an Environmental Management System in sport facilities?

- How can the environmental impacts of a sport facility be managed and

- What are the major environmental management issues for specific sports facilities?

In addition, some case studies are presented in Appendix, as well as a Green Games Scorecard. Sports events and facilities come in many forms, and regional conditions can vary dramatically. An attempt has been made in this Guide, to help the users understand their own priority issues and develop their own environmental strategies and performance indicators

The Guide for the environmentally sound management of major sport events. (A4 pages 30 Greek and English versions). Major sport events, such as the Olympic Games, are complex events that involve many stakeholders and require a significant number of different flows of products, services and information, along with an extensive infrastructure. All these can potentially have significant environmental impacts if not properly managed. The purpose of this guide is to assist the environmental manager of major sport events to organise, conduct and communicate his/her work more efficiently. To have that happening, an environmental manager should possess a number of skills and management capabilities. He/she should be aware of identifying environmental issues and potential problems, understand their drivers, plan ahead to prevent problems, conduct crisis management in some instances, communicate both within and outside his organisation and motivate people to align their actions to the sport event organiser’s environmental policy

The guides for the implementation of EMAS in Sport Facilities and the environmentally sound management of major sport events were printed in 200 copies and were sent out to the General Secretariat of Sports, to Olympic Sports Complex, to National Sport federations, to local sport associations. The English version of the Guides for the implementation of EMAS in sport facilities and the environmentally sound management of major sport events were printed in 200 copies and were sent out to IOC to the City of Beijing, which will host the Olympic games 2008, to Torino 2006 (The organising Committee of the XX Olympic Winter Games (TOROC), to the candidates cities for the Olympic Games 2012, London, New York, Paris, Madrid, Moscow to International Sport Federations, to UNEP, to organisations such as the Helsinki University of Technology and Cardiff University-Brass Research Centre.


2 documents for technical assistance:

· Best Practice Guide for the implementation of EMAS by the University of Macedonia in the framework of the co-financed Life EMAS EDIN project displayed on the university web site ( with format A4, 63 pages, (10 steps in implementing EMAS in the University)

· Cost-Benefit Analysis for the implementation of an Eco-Management and Audit System at the University of Macedonia. It presents the cost benefit aspect of such an endeavour through the recorded and actual costs and the direct and indirect financial and environmental benefits of the implementation of an Eco Management and Audit Scheme at the University of Macedonia


4 documents created for technical assistance:

· EMAS guide 2006 (Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works.) 150 copies, 21X15 with 16 pages. The issues contained were: description of EMAS, EMAS step by Step, EMAS Registration Procedure, EMAS Competent Body, National Accreditation Body, EMAS Benefits, Legal texts for EMAS, EMAS Guidance in brief, Hellenic EMAS Registry, EMAS dictionary and useful links. Organisations: EMAS stakeholders and Competent Bodies. The dissemination was made to: EMAS stakeholders and organisations

· Guide on e-Hospital EMAS in electronic format, in Greek and English in the framework of the co financed life project eco hospital and the implementation of EMAS in hospitals (Asklipeiio Voulas), displayed on the website

· Manual on Sustainable Waste Management in Hospitals, which was completed on 1st of September 2006 – 77 pages – available in the website (

· Best practices on energy efficiency in hospitals – 23 pages – available in the website in the framework of life project e-hospital EMAS

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004 and 2005:

5 synergies:

· Partnership for the promotion of EMAS in hospitals (General Hospital Asklipeio Voulas, Metropolitan Hospital, National School of Public Health, Epta Ltd, Planet SA

· Network for EMAS in Local Authorities: Kirklees Metropolitan Council(UK), Global to Local Ltd, CEMR-Council or European Municipalities, Hungary (MIskolc, Gyor, Dunaujvaros Sopron), Poland (Plock, Trzebina, Olkusz) and Greece (Municipality of Holargos, Municipality of Serres, Municipality of Ancient Olympia, Epta ltd)

· Partnership for building capacity in Kaliningrad (ECAT-Kaliningrad, Epta ltd(Greece), Alfa-alfa Municipal Enterprise of the Municipality of Agii Anargiri, (Greece)Kalliningrad Teploset, Vodocanal

· Partnership for Greening Cultural Events in Archaeological Sites (on going): Municipality of Ancient Olympia(Greece), Epta ltd(Greece) and Global to Local ltd (UK)

· One of the joint procurement activities foreseen in the framework of the project Local Authorities, EMAS and procurement -LEAP (on going) was the development of a national consortium to purchase a specific product. The Municipality of Amaroussion coordinated the joint procurement activity to acquire DIN a4 recycled paper, working together with 6 other Greek authorities (public and semi-public bodies: Municipality of Amaroussion Development Company, Kalithea-Rhodes Sustainability non Profit Municipal Company, Municipal Enterprise of Holargos, Municipal Company of Ancient Olympia, Municipality of Neo Psychiko Environment and Sustainable Development Company, Municipality of Rhodes Solid Waste Company, Marathonios Development Company SA.).


5 synergies:

· Partnership for the promotion of EMAS in hospitals (on going) (General Hospital Asklipeio Voulas, Metropolitan Hospital, National School of Public Health, Epta Ltd, Planet SA

· Network for EMAS in Local Authorities (on going), Kirklees Metropolitan Council(UK), Global to Local Ltd, CEMR-Council or European Municipalities, Hungary (MIskolc, Gyor, Dunaujvaros Sopron), Poland (Plock, Trzebina, Olkusz) and Greece (Municipality of Holargos, Municipality of Serres, Municipality of Ancient Olympia, Epta ltd)

· Partnership for building capacity in Kaliningrad (on going) (ECAT-Kaliningrad, Epta ltd (Greece), Alfa-alfa Municipal Enterprise of the Municipality of Agii Anargiri, (Greece) Kalliningrad Teploset, Vodocanal

· One of the joint procurement activities foreseen in the framework of the project Local Authorities, EMAS and procurement -LEAP (on going) was the development of a national consortium to purchase a specific product. The Municipality of Amaroussion coordinated the joint procurement activity to acquire DIN a4 recycled paper, working together with 6 other Greek authorities (public and semi-public bodies: Municipality of Amaroussion Development Company, Kalithea-Rhodes Sustainability non Profit Municipal Company, Municipal Enterprise of Holargos, Municipal Company of Ancient Olympia, Municipality of Neo Psychiko Environment and Sustainable Development Company, Municipality of Rhodes Solid Waste Company, Marathonios Development Company SA.)

· Innovative EMAS Partnership of University of Macedonia and the Municipality of Thessaloniki. One of the major innovations of the University of Macedonia Eco-Management Programme is the type of partnership established for the elaboration of the demonstrative environmental projects. Through this partnership the efforts of an Educational Institute (University of Macedonia-UOM) and its hosting Municipality (Municipality of Thessaloniki -Mo TH) are joined to improve environmental performance of the hosted organisation, to the benefit of the local society. The Municipality of Thessaloniki recognising these benefits supports the undertaking of environmental projects from hosted public organisations. The cooperation developed in this particular project can be viewed as a pilot project for the Municipality of Thessaloniki

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


1031 questionnaires of the same type on GPP were sent to all Greek local authorities by the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment in the framework of co-financed Life Project Green Med. (Ministerial questionnaires) Level: national. Organisations: All local authorities of Greece.


2 documents were made, within the Green public procurement guidance package in the framework of co-financed LIFE Project Green Med:

· The GPM model: training material on public procurement. It was displayed in the web and available to public. The Hellenic Ministry for the Environment was a partner to the project

· The Green profit model: electronic version of a guidance tool for including green criteria in public tender. It was displayed in the web and available to public. The Hellenic Ministry for the Environment was a partner to the project (

These are guidance documents not laws and apply to all local authorities, public organisations, public administration.


5 documents related to Public Procurement:

· Call for tender by the Municipality of Amaroussion, which coordinated the joint procurement activity to acquire. Made in A4 recycled paper, working together with 6 other Greek authorities (public and semi public bodies) as a national Greek consortium in the framework of the co financed life project 'Local Authorities EMAS and Procurement -LEAP'. The tender was published in newspapers at the national and local level in Greece as well as the Official Journal of the European Union on 1 March 2006

· The Draft Greek Action Plan for the promotion of green public procurement, in the framework of co-financed Life project Green Med

· The Recommendations for amendments to the National Legislative Framework for the introduction of environmental parameters in the public procurement procedure in the framework of the co-financed Life project Green Med. The Hellenic Ministry for the Environment was a partner to the project. The Action Plan and the Recommendations are both Greek editions available in website: (

· State-of-the-art policies for green procurement in hospitals – 12 pages – available in the website in the framework of the co-financed Life Environment e-Hospital EMAS (

· Green Purchasing Guide for Hospitals – 24 pages – available in the website ( in the framework of the co-financed Life Environment project e-Hospital EMAS

Best Practices


Best Practice Guide for the implementation of EMAS in an Academic Institute by the University of Macedonia in the framework of the co-financed Life EMAS EDIN project displayed on the university web site (


Green Public Procurement Good Practice Award for the EMAS registered Municipality of Amaroussion.

The EMAS registered University of Macedonia (EMAS/ EDIN project) ranks among the 22 best lives -environment projects (EMAS/ EDIN project).

The establishment of the Annual Awards of Environmental Excellence of the EMAS registered University of Macedonia which promote best practice examples of environmental awareness and practice within the members of the academic community of the University of Macedonia -academic administrative, technical personnel and students.


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”


A brochure, with application on all the country, was made “A better environmental management”. It was a brochure in paper with 14 pages. Dissemination: interested organisations such as SMEs, local authorities, environmental authorities in order to involve them in the scheme. Dissemination was carried out by Hungarian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Hungarian Association of Local Authority and the net of environmental authorities. Number brochures disseminated: 3000


A leaflet, with application on all the country, was made 'EMAS as a best way for environmental management'. Dissemination: among NGOs (500), ISO 14001 organisations (1100) and 'Green point bureaus' within the Ministry for Environment and the National Inspectorate. Number leaflets disseminated: 5000

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


1 conference of the Art. 14 Meeting and a Workshop in Budapest. Date: 25. June 2004. People attended the conference: 160 participants from EU.


3 Road Shows in 3 big cities (Miskolc, Szeged, Pécs) for private production companies and consulting firms. Description: 3 days' Road show, to give information about EMAS and to create more interest for EMAS. Participants: 49. They had application to all the regions.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 EMAS website on the website of the Ministry for Environment and Water. Date: 06-2004. The issues treated are: Information about EU and national EMAS regulations, EMAS registration procedure, registered organisations, verifiers, and news. Structure: single page. It had application in all the country. (

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


Different direct letters to ISO 14001 organisations in Hungary. Description: to inform these organisations, to draw their attention to EMAS, and to involve them into the EMAS procedure. Number letter sent: 1100.

Funding Support

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No fees are charged for registration).

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


5 EU Guidance were made available in Hungarian on Hungarian EMAS website. These guidance were all prepared by the Commission and were available from The Commission's website. After translation into Hungarian the guidelines were put on the web.

Indicator 2: Number of programmes for phased implementation of EMAS


2 programmes for phased implementation of EMAS:

· The EMAS Project of Municipalities supported by the EU LIFE financed NEST project Organisations: 4 Hungarian municipalities (Dunaújváros, Győr, Sopron, and Miskolc,) Description: preparation of municipalities. Results: 4 successful verification procedures and 1 EMAS registered municipality. Tools: trainings, meetings, financial support

· The EU EMAS Easy project in Hungary was run by KÖVET (Hungarian Association for Environmentally Aware Management). Description: preparation of 10 SMEs for EMAS verification by Eco-Planning method. Results: 4 EMAS registered organisations

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


2 educational programmes in the country to potential EMAS verifiers.

A pilot project for verifiers was organised by the National Accreditation Body. The purpose was to have accredited Hungarian EMAS verifiers.

2 applicants were selected, organisations interested in being EMAS registered volunteered. The verifiers were trained and the audits were supervised and checked by the NAB. The Ministry for Environment hasn’t participated in the process, but provided financial support. The verifiers got their accreditation. Program: Invitation of potential verifiers (individuals and organisations) (December 2003-January 2004).

Applications: 4 organisations and 2 individuals (March 2004). The selection of 1 individual and 1 organisation were made in April 2004. The submission of application and documentation were made in May 2004. The decision on accreditation was made in April 2005.


2 educational programmes in the country to potential EMAS verifiers and environmental authorities:

Course implementation and assessment. Organisations: inspectors from the Competent enforcement authorities. Description: 4 day-course to provide to inspectors the necessary knowledge to adopt the EMAS regulation in their work. Tools: training books. Number of participants: 24

Course implementation and assessment. Organisations: potential Verifiers’ .Description: 5 day-course to provide to potential verifiers the necessary knowledge before accreditation about requirement concerning environmental auditing. Tools: training books. Number of participants: 30

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes


1 Twinning project: “Implementation of EMAS Regulation in Hungary”. Partners: Hungary, the Ministry for Environment and Water- Denmark, Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Organisations: Ministry for Environment and Water, Competent Body, Accreditation Body. Description: Implementation of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in Hungary to bring the Hungarian administration connected to EMAS to working level. The project has resulted in a promotional strategy and an EMAS information campaign and in a pilot project for an organisation to prepare it for registration under EMAS. Tools: meetings, discussions, workshops, checklists.

The project has a country/ governmental administration level.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


1 document related to public procurement: Act CXXIX of 2003, on the general Rules of Procurement:

· Date entry into force 01. May 2004

· Hierarchy: Act

· Level: National

· Description: The amendment of the Act in 2005 made possible the expectations of EMAS registration or ISO 14001 certification of the companies in the procurement procedures. Applicable to all (public and private) organisations


Promotional Incentives

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 30.000 €.

This budget was dedicated to: €30,000 was allocated to the Irish National Accreditation Body to facilitate their activities in relation to the EMAS scheme in Ireland (attendance at EU EMAS meetings, provision of information, accreditation etc).

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.


Special financial support: 100%€.

30,000 € were allocated by each of 2 Irish public bodies, the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government; and FAS, to assist 3 Irish local authorities achieve EMAS registration. The allocation was to cover external consultants' technical assistance, staff training, audits etc. The project continued during 2007 and is likely to result in EMAS registrations during 2008.

The 3 local authorities involved are Waterford, South Tipperary and Wexford County Councils, all in the south east region.

Technical Support

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


3 synergies: one Working Group, one portal (EMS4SMEs) and one Network (that of the users of the website

An Irish Working Group was established to explore implementation of recommendations of DG Enterprise's BEST Expert group on promoting the uptake of EMSs in SMEs. The Working Group comprised representatives of stakeholder organisations already involved with the implementation of any type of EMS including EMAS, either through the accreditation/ verification process or through providing support and information to companies wishing to implement an EMS. The Working Group initiated the establishment of a web portal “EMS4SMEs” to disseminate information in an SME friendly way on EMSs. This was added to Enterprise Ireland’s Environ-centre website and gathers all information in relation to the implementation of Environmental Management Systems in one location. In 2005, 8 companies had EMAS and 290 companies had ISO 14001 in Ireland. In addition, at least 6 less formal EMSs in operation but figures on their uptake are not available.

Applicable to all sectors but particularly to SMEs across all regions.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”


2 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications” at national level and for all sectors:

· 13/01/2003, n. 36. It is a legislative decree with national level. Description of main application: EMAS registered organisations have a reduction in 8 years for the renew of Landfill Permit

· 23/03/2001 n.93. It is a law with national level. Description of main application: EMAS registered organisations have administrative simplifications for the renew of Environmental Permits

2005 and 2006:

3 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications” at national level and for all sectors:

· 23/03/2001 n.93. It is a law with national application. Main elements: EMAS registered organisations have administrative simplifications for the renew of Environmental Permits

· 13/01/2003, n. 36. It is a legislative decree with national application. Main elements: EMAS registered organisations have a reduction in 8 years for the renew of Landfill Permit

· 18/02/2005 n.59. It is a legislative decree with national application. Main elements: EMAS registered organisations have a reduction in 8 years for the renew of Environmental Integrated Permit

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


2 different documents to provide information on EMAS with national application and monthly:

· EMAS in Public Sector: Efficiency, Credibility, Transparency (Leaflet - 107Kb) - Published on APAT web site - 1 page

· Environmental Management and Audit Scheme (Brochure - 98Kb) - Published on APAT web site - 1 page


Several local initiatives. It was not possible to monitor each of them.

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


2 different publications applicable to the regional and local public administration and made annually:

· Regioni e Ambiente, EMAS and Ecolabel School: approved the new Scheme (Article - 233Kb) - Published on APAT web site - 3 pages

· Regioni e Ambiente, EMAS Environmental Verifiers: Accreditation Status 2004 (Article - 221Kb) - Published on APAT web site - 3 pages


2 different publications with national application and monthly:

· Regioni e Ambiente, Environmental Verifiers Accreditation (Article - 482Kb) - Published on APAT web site - 5 pages

· Regioni e Ambiente, EMAS Logo: why and how use it to communicate (Article - 1196Kb) - Published on APAT web site - 16 pages


1 publication with national application and monthly:

· Environmental Declaration of organisations which share a common path (Article) - Published on APAT web site - 1 page

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


2 different meetings applicable to regional and local public administration and made annually:

· European Commission Workshop on Local Authorities (600 participants from international and local public institutions) - Bologna, 06/05/2004

· Conference about 10 years of EMAS Eco-label (300 participants from public institutions, companies-awards assigned to EMAS registered organisations) - Roma, 25/11/2004


2 different meetings organised applicable to regional and local public Administration and annually:

· EMAS art. 14 Committee Meeting + Award Ceremony (300 participants from public institutions, companies-awards assigned to EMAS registered organisations) - Torino, 21-24/11/2005

· Use of Advertisement space during the meeting in Rimini (600 participants from international and local public institutions) - Emilia Romagna


3 different meetings organised applicable to regional and local public Administration and annually:

· European Forum on Local Authorities - Ravenna, 10/02/2006

· Conference 'EMAS Eco-label Day' (300 participants from public institutions, companies-awards assigned to EMAS registered organisations) - Roma, 28/02/2006

· Speech about promotion and diffusion of EMAS during the meeting organized from Associazione SALPARE (50 participants from shipping sector) - Tuscany

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)


1 national web site APAT web-site with the following structure:

· Accreditation: List of Accredited Environmental Verifiers, Accreditation Way, Training, Technical Statement, Laboratories, NACE Codes, Documentation

· EMAS: List of EMAS registered organisations, EMAS Registration Way, EMAS Network, EMAS Incentives, Statistics, Documentation

· Eco-label: Brand, Certified Products and Services, Laboratories, Consumer space, Documentation, European Flower Week and Month

2005 and 2006:

2 national web sites with the following structure:

APAT web-site:

· Accreditation: List of Accredited Environmental Verifiers, Accreditation Way, Training, Technical Statement, Laboratories, NACE Codes, Documentation

· EMAS: List of EMAS registered organisations, EMAS Registration Way, EMAS Network, EMAS Incentives, Statistics, Documentation

· Eco-label: Brand, Certified Products and Services, Laboratories, Consumer space, Documentation, European Flower Week and Month

Competent and Accreditation Body web-site:

· Eco-label: Eco-label Section, European eco-label, Procedures, Rights in using Brand, Organisations with brand products, Laboratories, Eco-label Criteria

· EMAS: EMAS Section, Procedures, EMAS registered organisations, Accredited Environmental Verifiers

· Documentation

· News

· Useful Links

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

3 Databases with national and regional application, updated monthly:

· Accreditation


· Eco-label

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004 and 2006:

1 questionnaire each year.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004 and 2005: 5 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· 19/12/1992 n. 488. It is a national law. Description of main application: organisations can obtain a better level in ranking to receive funding support to obtain EMAS

· 25/02/1992 n. 215. It is a national law. Description of main application: organisations can receive capital contribute to obtain EMAS

· 25/01/1994 n.70. It is a national law. Description of main application: SME's can receive funding support to obtain EMAS

· 18/12/1997 n.259. It is a national CIPE Deliberation. Description of main application: organisations which are in depressed area can receive funding support for plants to obtain EMAS

· 20/12/2004 n.71. It is a regional law. Description of main application: EMAS registered organisations can have a discount of IRAP (Regional Tax on productive activity)

2006: 6 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· 19/12/1992 n. 488. It is a national law. Description of main application: organisations can obtain a better level in ranking to receive funding support to obtain EMAS

· 25/02/1992 n. 215. It is a national law. Description of main application: organisations can receive capital contribute to obtain EMAS

· 25/01/1994 n.70. It is a national law. Description of main application: SME's can receive funding support to obtain EMAS

· 18/12/1997 n.259. It is a national CIPE Deliberation. Description of main application: organisations which are in depressed area can receive funding support for plants to obtain EMAS

· 20/12/2004 n.71. It is a regional law. Description of main application: EMAS registered organisations can have a discount of IRAP (Regional Tax on productive activity)

· 03/04/2006 n. 152. It is a national legislative decree. Description of main application: EMAS registered organisations can have a discount of financial guarantees

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS

2004: Budget allocated to EMAS: 60.390 €+ 15.770 €+ 20.000 €= 96.160 €.

This budget was dedicated to:

· Competent Body Promotion activities (advertisement campaigns, organisations of events, meetings, workshop,…): 60.390 €

· Competent Body direct participation costs (participation to seminars, meetings…): 15.770 €

· APAT direct participation costs (office audit, witnessing, participation to seminars, meetings…): 20.000 €

2005: Budget allocated to EMAS: 173.000 €+ 353.083 €+ 39.545 €+ 20.000 €= 585.628 €

This budget was dedicated to:

· APAT Promotion activities (EMAS Network): 173.000 €

· Competent Body Promotion activities (advertisement campaigns, organisations of events, meetings, workshop,…): 353.083 €

· Competent Body direct participation costs (participation to seminars, meetings…): 39.545 €

· APAT direct participation costs (office audit, witnessing, participation to seminars, meetings…): 20.000 €

2006: Budget allocated to EMAS: 161.283 €+ 5.900 €+ 14.000 €= 181.183 €

This budget was dedicated to:

· Competent Body Promotion activities (advertisement campaigns, organisations of events, meetings, workshop,…): 161.283 €

· Competent Body direct participation costs (participation to seminars, meetings…): 5.900 €

· APAT direct participation costs (office audit, witnessing, participation to seminars, meetings…): 14.000 €

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. Free Registration Fees for Public Administration, foreseen by Competent and Accreditation Body Procedure.

Indicator 6: Number of banks that provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations (cheap loans to implement EMAS, etc.)

2004: 3 banks provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations, at regional and national level annually:

· Monte dei Paschi di Siena (Toscana)

· Unicredito Italiano (Lombardia)

· Credito Trevigiano (Veneto)

2005 and 2006: 4 banks provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations, at regional and national level annually:

· Monte dei Paschi di Siena (Toscana)

· Unicredito Italiano (Lombardia)

· Credito Trevigiano (Veneto)

· Dexia Crediop (Lombardia)

Indicator 7: Number of insurers that provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations

2004: 45 insurers provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations, at regional and national level and annually:

Allianz Subalpina || Antoniana Veneta || Assicurazioni di Roma

Assimoco || Assitalia || Augusta Assicurazioni

Axa Assicurazioni || Axa Corporate Solutions || Bernese

Carige Assicurazioni || Cattolica Assicurazioni || Cattolica Aziende

Fata || Fondiaria-Sai || Gan Italia

Generali Assicurazioni || HDI Assicurazioni || Il Duomo

Italiana Assicurazioni || ITAS Assicurazioni || ITAS Mutua

MMI Assicurazioni || Liguria || Lloyd Adriatico

Lloyd Italico || Meieaurora || Milano Assicurazioni

Nationale Suisse || Navale Assicurazioni || Nouva Tirrena

Padana Assicurazioni || Piemontese Ass.Ni || Ras

Reale Mutua || Royal & Sunalliance || Sear

Sara Assicurazioni || Sasa || Siat

Montepaschi Ass.Ni Danni || Toro Assicurazioni || Uni One

Unipol || Vittoria Assicurazioni || Winterthur

2005: 43 insurers provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations at regional and national level and annually:

Allianz Subalpina || Antoniana Veneta || Assicurazioni di Roma

Assimoco || Assitalia || Augusta Assicurazioni

Aurora || Axa Assicurazioni || Axa Corporate Solutions

Bernese || Carige Assicurazioni || Cattolica Assicurazioni

Cattolica Aziende || Fata || Fondiaria-Sai

Gan Italia || Generali Assicurazioni || HDI Assicurazioni

Il Duomo || Italiana Assicurazioni || ITAS Assicurazioni

ITAS Mutua || Liguria || Lloyd Adriatico

Milano Assicurazioni || MMI Assicurazioni || Montepaschi Ass. Ni Danni

Nationale Suisse || Navale Assicurazioni || Nouva Tirrena

Padana Assicurazioni || Piemontese Ass.Ni || Ras

Reale Mutua || Royal & Sunalliance || Sara Assicurazioni

Sasa || Sear || Siat

Toro Assicurazioni || Uni One || Unipol

Vittoria Assicurazioni || ||

2006: 42 insurers provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations at regional and national level and annually:

Allianz Subalpina || Antoniana Veneta || Assicurazioni Generali

Assimoco || Assitalia || Augusta Assicurazioni

Aurora || Axa Assicurazioni || Axa Corporate Solutions

Bernese || Carige Assicurazioni || Cira Ex Cattolica Aziende

Compagnia Assicuratrice Unipol || Fata || Fondiaria-Sai

Groupama || HDI Assicurazioni || Il Duomo

Italiana Assicurazioni || ITAS Assicurazioni || ITAS Mutua

Le Assicurazioni di Roma || Liguria || Lloyd Adriatico

Milano Assicurazioni || Montepaschi Ass.Ni Danni || Nationale Suisse

Navale Assicurazioni || Nouva Tirrena || Padana Assicurazioni

Piemontese Ass.Ni || Ras || Reale Mutua

Royal & Sunalliance || Sara Assicurazioni || Sasa

Sear || Siat || Societa’ Cattolica

Toro Assicurazioni || Uni One || Vittoria Assicurazioni

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)

2006: 4 documents for technical assistance:

· Teknezia SRL, Informative paragraphs on the magazine: Appalti Verdi - Green Procurement (2 pages) - 1000 copies

· Guida Monaci, Informative paragraphs on the magazine: Guida Monaci - General information on EMAS (2 pages)

· Ecoedizioni Internazionali, Informative paragraphs on the magazine: Protecta - 15 Articles on implementation of EMAS and study cases (67 pages) - 2000 copies

· Società Editoriale Marittima, Informative paragraphs on the magazine: La Gazzetta Marittima - 10 articles on implementation of EMAS and study cases on shipping (58 pages) - 1000 copies

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


20/04/2004, Environmental Verifiers, Competent and Accreditation Body, APAT working group – Issues treated:

· Process of registration (Registration procedure, Legal compliance, obligatory contents of environmental statement, relationships between Competent and Accreditation Body, APAT (Environmental Protection Agency), Environmental Verifiers and Organisations

· Entity suitable for registration to EMAS (Distretti, Productive areas...)

· Logo using

The participating organisations were: Competent Body, APAT (Environmental Protection Agency), Environmental Verifiers (Certiquality, RINA, Penati, CSQA, SGS, BVQI, ICIM) and Organisations to be accredited as E.V. (CERMET, LRQA)


20/09/2005, Environmental Verifiers, Competent and Accreditation Body, APAT working group – Issues treated:

· Audit and Validation frequency for small municipalities

· Information on Registration

· Simplification on Environmental Statement writing

The participating organisations were: Competent Body, APAT (Environmental Protection Agency), All of Environmental Verifiers accredited.


11/05/2006, Environmental Verifiers, Competent and Accreditation Body, APAT working group – Issues treated:

· Public Administration Environmental Statement Contents

· Multisite Environmental Statement Content

· Simplification on Environmental Statement writing

· Registering Entity

· Respect of deadlines of payment on Accreditation Procedure

· Granting of Certificates (Attestato) to APO (Ambiti Produttivi Omogenei)

The participating organisations were: Competent Body, APAT (Environmental Protection Agency), All of Environmental Verifiers accredited.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2004: 8 documents related to public procurement:

· 1994-2004, Ferrara Municipality. Description of main application: introduction in school canteen of biological products, use of eco-paper in the Municipality, ecological school transport, use of recovery paper for cleaning products. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 12/2002, Cremona Municipality. Description of main application: project to create a Network of green public purchaser called GPP-net. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 04/2003, Bologna Province. Description of main application: actions towards GPP: school and office furniture, writing objects, cycling, methane car, students transport. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 05/2003, Lecco Municipality. Description of main application: project of GPP in 3 phases: 1-purchasing, 2-developing, monitoring and training, 3-diffusion and communication. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 10/2003, Pesaro and Urbino Province. Description of main application: meetings with 40 organisations to define pilot projects on GPP in public administration and responsible consumptions. Applicable to Marche Region/Public Administration

· 04/2004, ARPA (Environmental Protection Agency of Piemonte Region) and Torino Province. Description of main application: project for green public purchasing called APE. Applicable to Piemonte Region/Public Administration

· 03/2004, ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency of Toscana Region). Description of main application: project for monitoring green purchasing in the market. Applicable to Toscana Region/Public Administration

· 10/2004, Reggio Emilia Municipality. Description of main application: project for introducing environmental criteria in public purchasing. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

2005: 11 documents related to public procurement:

· 1994-2004, Ferrara Municipality. Description of main application: introduction in school canteen of biological products, use of eco-paper in the Municipality, ecological school transport, use of recovery paper for cleaning products. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 12/2002, Cremona Municipality. Description of main application: project to create a Network of green public purchaser called GPP-net. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 04/2003, Bologna Province. Description of main application: actions towards GPP: School and Office Furniture, Writing objects, cycling, methane car, students transport. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 05/2003, Lecco Municipality. Description of main application: project of GPP in 3 phases: 1 - purchasing, 2 - developing, monitoring and training, 3 - diffusion and communication. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 10/2003, Pesaro and Urbino Province. Description of main application: meetings with 40 organisations to define pilot projects on GPP in public administration and responsible consumptions. Applicable to Marche Region/Public Administration

· 04/2004, ARPA Piemonte (Environmental Protection Agency of Piemonte Region) and Torino Province. Description of main application: project for green public purchasing called APE. Applicable to Piemonte Region/Public Administration

· 03/2004, ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency of Toscana Region). Description of main application: project for monitoring green purchasing in the market. Applicable to Toscana Region/Public Administration

· 10/2004, Reggio Emilia Municipality. Description of main application: project for introducing environmental criteria in public purchasing. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 31/05/2005 n.100, Padova Municipality. Description of main application: institution of a coordinating office for internal training, purchasing analysis, environmental criteria definition, also of environmental suppliers. Applicable to Veneto Region/Public Administration

· 2005, Lombardia Region. Description of main application: pilot projects for the introduction of GPP: Communications, Technical Assistance and Helpdesk. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 2005, ARPA Lazio (Environmental Protection Agency of Lazio Region) and Rome Province. Description of main application: publication of an operating manual of GPP for Public Administration. Applicable to Lazio Region/Public Administration

2006: 13 documents related to public procurement:

· 1994-2004, Ferrara Municipality. Description of main application: introduction in school canteen of biological products, use of eco-paper in the Municipality, ecological school transport, use of recovery paper for cleaning products. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 12/2002, Cremona Municipality. Description of main application: project to create a Network of green public purchaser called GPP-net. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 04/2003, Bologna Province. Description of main application: actions towards GPP: school and office furniture, writing objects, cycling, methane car, students transport. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 05/2003, Lecco Municipality. Description of main application: project of GPP in 3 phases: 1 - purchasing, 2 - developing, monitoring and training, 3 - diffusion and communication. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 10/2003, Pesaro and Urbino Province. Description of main application: meetings with 40 organisations to define pilot projects on GPP in public administration and responsible consumptions. Applicable to Marche Region/Public Administration

· 04/2004, ARPA Piemonte (Environmental Protection Agency of Piemonte Region) and Torino Province. Description of main application: project for green public purchasing called APE. Applicable to Piemonte Region/Public Administration

· 03/2004, ARPAT (Environmental Protection Agency of Toscana Region). Description of main application: project for monitoring green purchasing in the market. Applicable to Toscana Region/Public Administration

· 10/2004, Reggio Emilia Municipality. Description of main application: project for introducing environmental criteria in public purchasing. Applicable to Emilia Romagna Region/Public Administration

· 31/05/2005 n.100, Padova Municipality. Description of main application: institution of a coordinating office for internal training, purchasing analysis, environmental criteria definition, also of environmental suppliers. Applicable to Veneto Region/Public Administration

· 2005, Lombardia Region. Description of main application: pilot projects for the introduction of GPP: Communications, Technical Assistance, and Helpdesk. Applicable to Lombardia Region/Public Administration

· 2005, ARPA Lazio (Environmental Protection Agency of Lazio Region) and Rome Province. Description of main application: publication of an operating manual of GPP for Public Administration. Applicable to Lazio Region/Public Administration

· 12/04/2006 n.163. It is a legislative decree with national level. Description of the main application: guide for use of environmental criteria in public purchasing. Applicable to Italia/Public Administration

· 01/08/2006 n. 23. It is a regional law (Puglia). Description of the main application: Regional Statement for the promotion of GPP. Applicable to Puglia Region/Public Administration


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


A brochure about EMAS was published in paper format with a size of 4 pages. Dissemination: it was sent (in 2005) to ISO registered companies, 15 sock companies, universities, environmental consultants, environmental authorities and municipalities. The brochure was also disseminated (in 2004/2005/2006) in seminars and events. The issues treated were: what is EMAS, differences between EMAS and ISO, steps to implement EMAS, benefits from EMAS, Verification/Registration procedures and relevant contacts.

Applicable in the territory of Latvia to all sectors. The brochure is still used and disseminated.

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


2 different publications:

· An article in local municipal newspaper with 1/2 pages long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers -mainly inhabitants of municipality). The issues treated were: Municipal environmental policy with EMAS

· An article in magazine "Kvalitāte" (business magazine) with 4 pages long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers -entrepreneurs of Latvia). The issues treated were: EMAS implementation and information about EMAS project in municipalities

It was for the territory of Latvia and applicable to business sector and municipalities. It was one time event.


8 different publications:

· 2 articles about EMAS in the newspaper 'Dienas Bizness' (Daily Business newspaper) with half page long. Dissemination: national press dissemination system (readers in all territory of Latvia). The issues treated were: what is EMAS, benefits, implementation and ongoing projects

· An article in magazine "Kvalitāte" (business magazine) with 2 pages long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers in all territory of Latvia). The issues treated were: considerations about environmental aspects in city development and management

· An article in regional newspaper 'Zemgale' with 1 page long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers -mainly inhabitants of region). The issues treated were: EMAS implementation - step by step

· An article in local municipal newspaper "Informācija" with 1/4 page long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers - mainly inhabitants of municipality). The issues treated were: EMAS brings new opportunities to inhabitants of municipality

· An article in local county newspaper "Vietējā" with 1/2 page long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers - mainly inhabitants of county). The issues treated were: EMAS in the county

· An article in local county newspaper 'Novadnieks' with 1/4 page long. Dissemination: national printed press dissemination system (readers - mainly inhabitants of county). The issues treated were: EMAS in the county

Applicable to business sector. It was a one time event.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


2 different meetings:

· A seminar to EMAS stakeholders was organized. Participants - environmental boards, ministries, accreditation body, environmental consultants and environmental auditors. People - 25. The issues treated were: what is EMAS, what are individual responsibilities within EMAS and what are the targets for EMAS in Latvia. no awards given

· A conference EMAS for local authorities. Participants - municipal administration, Participation -~ 60 people. The issues treated were: benefits from EMAS in municipal management. No awards were given

It was for the territory of Latvia and applicable to EMAS stakeholders and municipalities. It was one time event.


2 different meetings:

· EMAS Easy seminar. Target audience: environmental authorities and EMAS target organisations. Participants ~ 50 people. The issues treated were: what is EMAS, how to implement EMAS in an easy way and project targets. no awards

· A seminar for local authorities. Participants ~ 40 people. Target audience - administration of municipalities. The issues treated were: what is EMAS, what does EMAS do for local authorities, LIFE project for EMAS implementation in municipalities, project aims and targets, invitation to participate in the project


2 different meetings:

· Seminar 'Public procurement and environmental criteria'. Target audience: Public administration. Participants: ~50 people. The issues treated were: New law on public procurement, environmental criteria in public procurement, EMAS and public procurement. no awards

· EMAS Easy final seminar. Target audience: environmental authorities, EMAS target organisations. Participants ~ 50 people. The issues treated were: project results, targets for future. no awards

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2005 and 2006:

2 web sites for EMAS information, available to anyone and active:

· National Competent Body website/EMAS section. Started working on 2004. Contents: what is EMAS, how to implement EMAS, how to register, who has been registered and what is new in EMAS. Structure - multistep page with main sectors - 1 - Information, 2 - registration procedure, 3 - registrar, 4 - guidance, 5 - publications, and 6 - what is new. (

· EMAS project web page (EMAS for local authorities). Started working on 2006. Contents: what is EMAS, EMAS for local authorities, about the project, report on project activities and information materials? Structure: Multistep web page.(

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)


1 Competent Body. 1 EMAS Register. It was publicly available on Competent Body homepage. It contains information about registered organisations (registration date, registration number, information about the organisation and verifier).

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


E-mails about EMAS were sent to local authorities and IPPC installations, in the territory of Latvia.


Letters were sent. 50 local authorities were contacted with a letter (biggest cities, regional administrations, local municipalities). Information about EMAS in municipalities was sent, including links to good practices in EMAS as a tool for territory planning (ECOLUP project results), as well as information about ongoing project in Latvia. EMAS brochure was added. 5 universities were contacted with a letter. University administrations (basically environmental science study chairs) were informed about EMAS, links to relevant websites were given, EMAS brochures were sent. Universities were asked to address EMAS as a better tool for environmental performance when covering the issues of environmental management in their environmental science programme curriculum. 15 stock companies were addressed inviting to EMAS. A brochure about EMAS was added to the letter.

Funding Support

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.


Special financial support: 9,5% (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100).

No special notification in legislative texts/ State budget programme "Vides aizsardzības projekti", guideline "Multisektoriālie projekti"/ Sectors covered - All projects related to environmental protection/ Fields included in the funding - EMAS implementation or maintenance - technical assistance, external consultation, staff training, verification, publication of environmental statement (total expenditure of the guideline "Multisektoriālie projekti" in 2006 - 215489 LVL). It had national application.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2005 and 2006:

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No registration fees).

Applicable in all the country and all the sectors, with permanent application.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


2 documents created for technical assistance for all sectors and with permanent application:

· EMAS manual for municipalities was produced and translated in Latvian within the project 'EMAS peer review for cities', 90 pages long in electronic and paper format. Disseminated to project partners, other local authorities and environmental authorities. The issues covered were: a tool for EMAS implementation

· Environmental management handbook in paper format. ~ 30 pages long disseminated to universities, Leonardo project partners. The issues treated were: implementation if an environmental management system using ISO 14001 standard and EMAS Regulation


1 document created for technical assistance for all sectors and with permanent application:

The guideline 'EMAS 2001' was translated. It was in paper format with 20 pages and disseminated to environmental consultants, environmental authorities, and several potential EMAS organisations. Contents: what is EMAS and how to implement EMAS?

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


There was an EMAS working group, established for setting up the strategy for EMAS implementation and awareness rising in Latvia. The working group involved representatives from 3 ministries, 3 environmental boards, 2 environmental consultant companies, one environmental auditor company, EMAS Competent Bodies and Accreditation Bodies. Strategy was defined. 15 people in total in the working group. It was an activity with application for all sectors and ended in 2005.

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes


A project for EMAS implementation in Latvia was organised. The project focus was: EMAS Competent Body and EMAS Accreditation Body. The project aims were: Competent authority training, setting up the legislative basis, dissemination of information on EMAS. Tools: a brochure was published, staff trained, legislation set, public informed. The project members from Latvia were Latvian Accreditation Body and Latvian Competent Body. It was an activity with application for all sectors and ended in 2004.

2005 and 2006:

A project for EMAS implementation was made each year in local authorities. The staff was trained, the consultants were trained and EMAS was implemented. The tools given were: manual for EMAS implementation in local authorities. 12 local authorities participated. It was applied in that year to the municipalities of Latvia.

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There was an order for establishing and maintaining EMAS register and registering organisations:

· Hierarchy: Minister Cabinet Regulations

· Entry into force 01.05.2004

· National level

· Description: regulations setting up the system of registering organisations in national EMAS registrar, inter alia - refusal, suspension, deletion and other issues

Applicable to the territory of Latvia, public administration and EMAS candidate organisations. It has permanent application.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


A Manual for green procurement was translated in 2005. Manual description: provides guidance for using environmental criteria in public purchasing, applicable to public and private sector administration with permanent application.


2 documents related to Public Procurement, with permanent application:

· Law on Public procurement, entry into force: 01.05.2006. It is a law with national level. Description: setting up the system for public procurement and criteria for public procurement, inter alia environmental, applicable to public administration

· Manual for green procurement, translated in 2005, manual, description: provides guidance for using environmental criteria in public purchasing, applicable to public and private sector administration


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”


1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”, applicable to all the organisations:

27 February 2002 Lithuanian Environment Ministry order Nº 80 'The rules Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control permission, renewal and annulment' article 16.8. Organisations which have EMAS don’t prepare the waste reduces plan. It is still in force and with national level.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


There is a 2007 brochure 'EMAS EASY for SME' with 35 pages and formatted web site page

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


2 different publications:

· Article in newspapers "Žaliasis pasaulis" 16 April 2007 'Voluntary environmental issues', 1 page, format A1

· Article in newspapers 2 February 2006 "Žaliasis pasaulis" Sustainable development - and Olympic games", 1 page, about EMAS in Olympic games stadiums into Torino, format A1

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


1 meeting: 27-10-2006 seminar organized by Environmental Protection Agency 'Environmental consumption culture' participated enterprises ecologist, scientist, Economic and Environment Ministries specialist, NGO, discussed about EMAS and Eco-label systems, 1 days

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


letters to: Economic Ministry for EMAS financial support, Local Authorities Panevezys and Alytu and 10 SME about EMAS register.

3 Ministries: Economic, Environmental and Agriculture 2-10-2006 order No. D1-439/4-361 3D-380 was published "The programme to implement EU eco-labelling and EMAS systems in Lithuania's Republic 2006-2008 years“; Competent Body Protection Agency, 370 52662825,

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding


1 legislative text in relation with EMAS funding:

27 April 2006 Lithuanian Republic Economic Ministry order Nº 4-143 'Program to financial project' 24 appendix inform, that organisation, which register EMAS, will has 75 percent compensation cost for registration and estimation EMAS. It is still in force with national level.

Technical Support

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes


1 project:

2004-2006 Project 'EMAS EASY', focus SMEs, participated 10 SMEs. Anyone did not register EMAS today.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


1 document related to public procurement:

8 August 2007 Lithuania's Republic Governmental Act Nº 804 'National Green Buying Implementation Programme'. EMAS is as tool of achieving high environmental quality. It is still in force with national level.


No information received.


No information received.


Regulatory Flexibility

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is a reduction 50 % of fee for inspections and audits done by the environmental enforcement inspectorate (SFT), applies both for EMAS and ISO 14001. It is seized to apply 01.01.2007.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Several information documents, brochures etc (number unknown).

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Different publications in technical magazines etc (number unknown).

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

5 websites dealing with EMAS including the Competent Body. 4 of them are not specific for EMAS, but for environmental management systems in general, also including ISO 14001.

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is only one Competent Body.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


letters to approximately 350 organisations.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

letters regarding the EMAS Awards - apart from general handlings on applications, etc.

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Budget allocated to EMAS each year: approximately 130.000 €.

Indicator 7: Number of insurers that provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations


a substantial reduction in premiums for insurance, with of NOK 3-4 M (1/2 M €) of fish-farms. There is not information of which insurance company was.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Grip has guidelines / web based tool-kits on step to step approach towards EMAS.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is a yearly seminar with participants from the Competent Body, the environmental enforcement inspectorate (Norwegian Pollution Control Authority) and Accreditation body together with environmental verifiers where there is a discussion related to questions about EMAS.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


There is a Norwegian guideline on public procurement. It is in force.


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


3 different documents to provide information on EMAS:

· Po prostu EMAS - EMAS Easy guidebook (20-page elaboration). User friendly introduction to EMAS implementation

· National eco-management and audit scheme. A guidebook (85-page elaboration) with legal frameworks of EMAS functioning, implementation of EMAS in organisation

· ISO 14001: research and evaluation of Polish organisations in the scope of environmental management effectiveness (16-page elaboration)

They were distributed by the Competent Body, Association Polish Forum ISO 14000 and National Foundation for the Environmental Protection during e.g conference and seminar.


4 different documents to provide information on EMAS:

· Newsletter - 4 pages format A4, contains information about EMAS - what is it, how to implement it, examples of advantages for organisations while implementing EMAS, information about Phare project, contact details

· 1st leaflet - 174 Kb - one page A4, contains information about EMAS - what is it, how to implement it, information about Phare project, contact details

· 2nd leaflet - 3,5 Mb - contains information about EMAS - what is it, how to implement it, register organisation, differences between EMAS and ISO 14001, structure of Polish EMAS scheme, costs of implementation, advantages of implementation of EMAS, contact details

· Letter promoting trainings for organisations interested in EMAS implementation - 1 page directed to several organisations from various sectors (including public administration and educational entities); dissemination during conferences, trainings, through mail with invitations for conferences, through websites


2 different documents to provide information on EMAS:

· 3-page informational leaflet (what is EMAS, who can participate, steps of implementation of EMAS, advantages of participating in EMAS) - 4000 pieces

· Information on EMAS for media prepared for International Ecological Fair POLEKO 2006; conference materials; dissemination during conferences, trainings, through mail with invitations for conferences, during fair in EMAS stand, in Ministry of Environment

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


10 different publications:

· 'Time for EMAS' (38 Mb) TV promotional film was made in the frame of Phare Project contains information about EMAS: what is it, who it is directed to, basic information presented by representatives of Competent Bodies, Accreditation Bodies and organisations interested in EMAS implementation (school, Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and 2 large organisations), advantages of EMAS implementation

· E-mail information on EMAS sent out to significant amount of organisations (1 page with information about Phare project and invitation for trainings conducted in the frame of that project); preparing and printing EMAS poster (350 kb, format A0)

· Internet announcement, 10 press releases (information presented: what is EMAS, how to implement it, register organisation, differences between EMAS and ISO 14001, costs of implementation, advantages of implementation of EMAS, interview with project consultant - printed in national and specialist newspapers)

· Several gadgets targeted for EMAS logo diffusion (mugs, umbrellas, T-shirts, bags, pins, pens, sweets, etc.). Dissemination during conferences, trainings, through mail with invitations for conferences, e-mails and through websites. Targeted at chambers of commerce, trade associations, NGOs, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Voivodship Agencies for Regional Development, Inspections for Environmental Protection, other Ministries, Regional governments (Environmental Department of Voivodship Offices and Regional Development Department of Marshall offices), local governments (gminas, powiats)


4 different publications:

· 2 advertisement banners with EMAS logo

· Notebooks A4 with EMAS logo (600 pieces)

· EMAS calendar (5000 pieces)

The dissemination was made during conferences, trainings, through mail with invitations for conferences.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


3 different meetings:

· October 2004: EMAS Conference in Ministry of the Environment organized by National Foundation for the Environmental Protection

· International Network for Environmental Management (INEM) in the frame of EMAS Easy Phare Project financed by EU, hosting 11 companies which took part in the pilot phase in 2003

· Seminar organised by the City of Gdańsk at the finalization of EMAS Peer Review for Cities Project


6 different meetings:

· EMAS Conference (December) organized by the Consultant contracted for the Phare Project (79 participants - participants of Phare project trainings, representatives of voivoship offices, Accreditation Bodies, certification units, organisations interested in EMAS implementation)

· International Scientifically and Technical Conference KOMEKO 2005 (40 organisations participated - specialists in environmental management, technological managers)

· EMAS stand on International Ecological Fair POLEKO 2005 - companies received information about EMAS from experts in the EMAS stand prepared by the Consultant contracted for the EMAS Phare Project 2002/000.605.05.01 in the frame of promotional project TA III 'Promotion of EMAS in Poland'

· City light promotional campaign in 5 main Polish cities (December)

· Consultant of Phare project (June 2004) gave presentation during fair for power generating sector (1026 organisations; 21 000 people visiting fairs)

· Representation of Consultants organised meetings with organisations in order to define the possibilities of incentives


2 different meetings:

· International Ecological Fair POLEKO 2006 (25000 visitors) - EMAS stand with EMS consultants on duty and conference 'EMAS - current situation and prospects of development' - 52 attendants: specialists on environmental management, auditors, several companies, research institutes, students, voivodship governmental staff. The issues discussed were: EMAS Easy, presentation of Polish EMAS organisations, verifiers, changes in EMAS Regulation

· Conference for representatives of automotive industry: “Environmental management systems in Poland – new challenge of EMAS”, concerning combined aspects of EMS/EMAS in that branch of industry, in connection with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control permits (45 participants)

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)


1 web site for EMAS information: 2002 - - designed to provide professional advice to environmental managers in Polish companies and public administration, established in the framework of HERMES (Health, Environment, Risk Managers Educational Support) Project funded by Leonardo da Vinci Programme.


2 web sites for EMAS information:

· - website of the Ministry of the Environment - current information on Phare project implementation in sub-page

· - Phare project website prepared by consultant on his own server, started working in March 2005 – it has basic information about Phare project, contractor of TAII and TAIII, electronic versions of publications prepared in the frame of these project


2 web sites, with national application:

·; www. August 2006 - national EMAS website

· - user friendly official Polish EMAS website containing registers of organisations in EMAS, environmental verifiers, registration application form, calculator of registration fees, interactive checklists for Competent Bodies, Accreditation Bodies, organisations, interactive educational package with module enabling to run e-learning programme

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2005 and 2006:

Since December 2005, there is a Database. RDBMS database of the Competent Body (Ministry of the Environment) consisted of voivodship and national registers of organisations registered under EMAS, environmental verifiers. Structure of database enables automatic transfer of the data from voivodship base to the national base. (16 voivodships, Ministry of the Environment, Polish Centre for Accreditation).

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


5 ways to contact: phone calls, faxes, mails, e-mails, information on website. Documents sent: invitations, consultations, leaflets, guidebooks. Type of organisations contacted: municipalities, marshal offices, voivodeship offices, organisations with ISO 14001, NGOs, and agencies of regional development.


6 ways to contact: phone calls, faxes, mails, e-mails, invitations, information on website. Type of organisations contacted: banks, municipalities, marshal offices, voivodeship offices, organisations with ISO 14001, NGOs, agencies of regional development, insurance companies, previous participants of EMAS Phare project trainings, universities, libraries, voivodship environmental protection inspectorates/ funds. Documents sent: leaflets, guide on EMAS implementation, manuals for administration, organisations, verifiers, posters, invitation for conference, trainings.


6 ways to contact: phone calls, faxes, mails, e-mails, invitations, information on website. Type of organisations contacted: banks, municipalities, marshal offices, voivodeship offices, organisations with ISO 14001, NGOs, agencies of regional development, insurance companies, previous participants of EMAS Phare project trainings, universities, libraries, voivodship environmental protection inspectorates/ funds. Documents sent: leaflets, guide on EMAS implementation, manuals for administration, organisations, verifiers, posters; invitation for conference. Contact made with the voipdship.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2005 and 2006:

10 ways to contact: phone calls, faxes, mails, e-mails. Certificates, invitations, explanations to application process, leaflets, calendars, posters. It has application to energy production and health service sector.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding


2 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· 22 December 2004 - covenant between Ministry of Environment and National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for co-financing activities undertaken within Phare project 2002/000-605.05.01 'Implementation of EMAS in Poland'

· The act of 12 March 2004 on the National Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) - national law applying to all parties constituting EMAS scheme in Poland


1 legislative text in relation with EMAS funding:

· 22 December 2004 - covenant between Ministry of Environment and National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for co-financing activities undertaken within Phare project 2002/000-605.05.01 'Implementation of EMAS in Poland'


1 legislative text with a list of priorities projects for financial support by National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management - resolution of national level having impact on investments aiming at implementation of EMSs.

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 7.800 €.


Budget allocated to EMAS: Phare 1.500.000 EUR; Polish co-financing: 710.000 EUR.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 81.500 €.

This budget was dedicated to: state budget allocation and Phare EMAS project national co-financing.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


2 documents created for technical assistance:

· Manual for implementation of EMAS (1000 copies). The activity was commissioned by Competent Body and financed by National Found for the Environmental Protection and Water Management. It was distributed by Polish Forum ISO 14000 to participants of seminars, conferences and meetings and by National Foundation for the Environmental Protection during activities connected with IPPC

· 'EMAS easy' guide (1000 copies) was distributed by the Competent Body and National Foundation for the Environmental Protection during e.g Conference mentioned in point 15


7 documents created for technical assistance:

· EMAS easy guide (new 1000 copies)

· 1 guide (10 000 copies, 12 Mb, content: EMAS regulation 761/2001, EMAS scheme in Poland, advantages of implementation of EMAS, concept of EMS, differences between EMAS and ISO 14001, who can implement EMAS, verification, registration, registration fee, EMAS logo)

· 3 manuals (for organisation -2000 copies, 9,1 Mb; for administration -1000 copies, 2,4 Mb; for verifiers - 500 copies, 3,9 Mb - scope of content the same as in guide but described in different scale of detail)

· Manual for user of EMAS application (75 copies - manual for client of Lotus Notes mailbox and manual for EMAS application)

· Handbooks for participants of Phare trainings (450 copies - scope of content the same as in guide but described in different scale of detail) - printed in the frame of EMAS Phare Project 2002/000.605.05.01. Distributed by the Consultant contracted for the project to participants of: seminars and trainings, conferences and also to voivodship offices and marshal offices, companies (with and without ISO 14001), insurance companies, banks, libraries etc.


1 document created for technical assistance:

10-page 'Framework concept of EMAS development in Poland' - concept of development and promotion of EMAS in Poland basing on sectorial program and promotion strategy through PR research; document aimed at acquainting Competent Body with methods of defining group of interest among wide range of sectors, containing draft project plan for implementation of EMAS in sport centre.

Indicator 2: Number of programmes for phased implementation of EMAS


1 programme for phased implementation of EMAS:

· EMAS Easy project in 5 new member states - implementation of environmental management system according EMAS using EMAS Easy methodology, 10 companies from Poland took part in the project. Applicable to SMEs and finalised in January 2006

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


6 educational programmes, applicable to public administration, organisations of several sectors, inter alia power plants, metal and chemical manufacturers, education entities:

· Workshop with representatives of Voivodship Offices responsible for EMAS – organised in February 2005 - presentation of findings of evaluation of training needs for the environmental administration on the base of questionnaires, discussion on structure of Polish EMAS scheme, requirements for registering bodies

· Series of trainings for the candidates for Polish verifiers (40 people) - e.g. requirements of EMAS Regulation, definition of legal compliance, requirements of Polish regulations, environmental law, procedure of accreditation and verification

· Training for the representatives of Competent Bodies and Accreditation Bodies (26 people) - on EMAS - what is it, how to implement it, register organisation, differences between EMAS and ISO 14001, structure of Polish EMAS scheme, costs of implementation, advantages of implementation of EMAS, requirements of EMAS Regulation, definition of legal compliance, requirements of Polish regulations, environmental law, procedure of accreditation and verification

· Training for the representatives of Voivodship Offices and Voivodship Environmental Inspections (55 people)

· Training for organisations interested in EMAS implementation (350 people) - programmes containing similar scope of issues as training for representatives of Competent Bodies and Accreditation Bodies

· Computer training for representatives of Competent Bodies and Accreditation Bodies on EMAS IT application servicing and running (70 people)

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


1 local synergy:

EMAS Peer Review for Cities project - guiding 2 municipalities – City of Gdańsk and City of Sopot through the process of implementing EMS on the basis of the requirements of EMAS Regulation.

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes


3 projects:

· EMAS Easy project in 5 new member states - pilot project for small organisations testing methodology of implementation of EMAS called EMAS Easy - methodology developed by INEM for micro and small companies. 10 organisation from production sectors involved

· Pilot Project for introducing proposed IT solutions in few chosen voivodship offices (regional Competent Body)

· Training and consultation for organisations implementing EMAS requirements within a framework of pilot scheme (70 people) - Phare project activity

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)


1 specific regulation with national application: November 2005 - Program of accreditation of environmental verifiers (EMAS scheme) DAC-09 - document for certification units and individual auditors who want to become EMAS environmental verifiers, contains requirements that have to be fulfilled. It has been revised.


1 specific regulation with national application: November 2006 - Program of accreditation of environmental verifiers (EMAS scheme) DAC-09 - document for certification units and individual auditors who want to become EMAS environmental verifiers, contains requirements that have to be fulfilled. It has been up dated.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


1 document related to Public Procurement:

"Analiza i ocena możliwości stosowania w polskich warunkach kryteriów środowiskowych w zamówieniach publicznych" - analysis and evaluation of possibilities of implementation environmental criteria (together with energetic efficiency) in public procurement in Polish reality with in-depth diagnosis of current state of art.


3 documents related to public procurement applicable to the entire sector and still in force:

· "Krajowy Plan Działań w zakresie zielonych zamówień publicznych na lata 2007-2009" - (National Action Plan for green public procurement for 2007-2009), aiming at e.g. raising awareness in the scope of GPP

· "Propozycja kryteriów środowiskowych dla produktów zużywających energię możliwych do wykorzystania przy formułowaniu specyfikacji na potrzeby zamówień publicznych" - proposition of environmental criteria that might be used in specification for tender procedure on products using energy

· 'Mapa Drogowa' Wdrażania Planu Działań na Rzecz Technologii Środowiskowych w Polsce" - (road map) describes current state of application of environmental technologies in Poland with strong accent on GPP as a main factor for rising economic and environmental effect of Action Plan for Environmental Technologies in Poland

· "Buying green! A handbook on environmental public procurement" by EC


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is an agreement giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce Inspections”:

There is a non written agreement between the EMAS Competent Body and the Inspectorate for the Environment, both under the Ministry for the Environment. It is in force since 2000. It is a 'gentlemen agreement' with national level. This agreement is based on the belief that EMAS organisations have a better knowledge of their environmental performance and therefore national efforts should be optimised by directing them towards non-EMAS organisations. As EMAS organisations have to improve continually their environmental performance they are more conscious of the state of this situation and are able to prove it among the interested parties and for that reason national authorities must do their best to show this behaviour to non-EMAS organisations as an example in order to motivate them to participate in EMAS. The organisations to which it is applicable: industrial sector. EMAS organisations have one inspection on a 2-yearly basis instead of one inspection per year.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


3 different documents to provide information on EMAS:

1 triptych brochure (24 x 21 cm) and 2 paper posters (100 x 70 cm). The dissemination was made to EMAS and non-EMAS organisations (SME and large companies) and in events throughout the country (seminars, workshops, conferences, fairs, exhibitions, etc.). The issues contained were: EMAS information: main steps to reach EMAS, registration procedures, benefits/advantages, etc.

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


8 different publications:

· 3 articles (2 = 2 pages, 1 = 3 pages) and 3 interviews (1 = 2 pages, 2 = 3 pages) published in environmental magazines with A4 format. The dissemination was made to EMAS and non-EMAS organisations from different sectors (industry, public services, tourism, etc.), certification and verification bodies, associations, NGO, environmental experts, etc.. The issues contained were: EMS information, EMAS and ISO 14001, EMAS benefits/advantages, EMAS registration procedures, EMAS as a way towards sustainability, EMAS and Local Agenda 21, etc.

· 2 EMAS flags: One registration flag (1.20 x 0.80 meters) for EMAS organisations and one desk flag (10 x 15 cm) for EMAS and non-EMAS organisations and to be disseminated in events.


6 different publications:

· 3 articles (1 = 1 page, 2 = 2 pages) and 2 interviews (2 = 2 pages) published in environmental magazines with A4 format. The dissemination was made to EMAS and non-EMAS organisations from different sectors (industry, public administration, local authorities, tourism, etc.), certification and verification bodies, associations, NGO, environmental experts, etc. The issues contained were: EMS information, EMAS and ISO 14001, EMAS benefits/advantages, EMAS registration procedures, EMAS towards sustainability, etc.

· To commemorate the World Environment Day the Competent Body produced a short TV film on environmental issues were 2 Portuguese EMAS organisations were shown: Fernandes & Terceiro (printing industry) and Central Termoeléctrica do Pego (electrical power plant)


5 different publications:

· 2 articles (2 = 2 pages) and 3 interviews (3 = 2 pages) published in environmental magazines with A4 format. The dissemination was made to EMAS and non-EMAS organisations (SME) from different sectors (industry, local authorities, tourism, etc.), certification and verification bodies, associations, environmental experts, etc. The issues contained were EMS information, EMAS and ISO 14001, EMAS steps, EMAS benefits/advantages, EMAS as a sustainability tool, etc.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


9 different meetings:

· 2 Seminars organised by the Competent Body: one Seminar on EMAS and Sustainability and an Award Ceremony, with 300 participants from public administration, local authorities, industry, tourism, universities, verifiers, NGO, environmental experts, students, etc. The issues discussed were: Environmental management - instruments for sustainability, standardization and environmental policies, environmental agreements, contracts for continual improvement of environmental performance, EMAS in the tourism sector, financial instruments, CSR, Eco-label, IPP, LIFE. The EMAS organisations were awarded the EMAS registration flag

· One Seminar on Environmental Management Systems with 100 participants from SME, tourism, local authorities, certification/verification bodies, universities, ONG, etc. The issues discussed were: Voluntary instruments (ISO 14001, EMAS and Eco-label), EMAS advantages/benefits, EMAS registration procedures, EMAS as a high quality tool, etc... no awards

· Competent Body representatives’ participation throughout the country in 6 events organised by Portuguese companies, associations and local authorities with the presentation of communications on EMAS (one Conference, 3 Workshops and 2 Seminars). The total number of participants was 460, from public administration, local authorities, industry, tourism, universities, verifiers, NGO, environmental experts, students, etc. The issues discussed were: EMAS, ISO 14001, Eco-label, IPP, GPP, LA21, etc. no awards


6 different meetings: Competent Body representatives’ participation throughout the country in events organised by Portuguese companies, associations and local authorities:

· One Conference on Environment with 150 participants from public administration, local authorities, industry, NGO, environmental experts, students, etc. The issues discussed were: EMS (EMAS, ISO 14001 and Eco-label), nature protection, waste management, air and water quality, etc.

· 2 Workshops on LA21 with 85 participants from public administration, local authorities, tourism, etc. The issues discussed were: LA21 and EMS

· One Seminar on Sustainable Development with 112 participants from public administration, SME, environmental experts, etc. The issues discussed were: EMAS and sustainability

· One Seminar on EMS in golf clubs with 75 participants from public administration, golf associations, local authorities, environmental experts, etc. The issues discussed were: EMS in golfing, protected areas, nature conservation, tourism towards sustainable development, etc.

· One Seminar organised by the Competent Body in the Lisbon Oceanarium with 60 participants from government members, public administration, environmental experts, EMAS organisations, etc., with the purpose to present the Oceanarium EMAS Award 2005 and explain the EMAS advantages and benefits


8 different meetings: Competent Body representatives’ participation throughout the country in events organised by Portuguese companies, associations and local authorities:

· One International Conference on Tourism and Environment with 110 participants from public administration, local authorities, industry, tourism, environmental experts, etc. The issues discussed were: EMS (EMAS, ISO 14001 and Eco-label)

· One Conference on National Defence and Environment with 60 participants from military staff. The issues discussed were: EMAS as an excellence instrument

· One Seminar on Local Sustainability with 60 participants from public administration, local authorities and environmental experts. The issues discussed were: EMAS, local authorities and SME

· One Workshop on LA21 with 150 participants from public administration, local authorities and environmental experts. The issues discussed were: Implementation of LA21

· One Workshop on GGP with 130 participants from public administration, SME and environmental experts. The issues discussed were: National perspective on GPP

· One Workshop on EPD with 30 participants from public administration, industry and environmental experts. The issues discussed were: EPD, IPP and standardization

· One Environment fair with 95 participants from organisations working with environmental issues - no awards

· One Ceremony on the World Environment Day to present the PM EMAS project for SME (tourism sector and printing industry), aiming at implementing EMAS by phases

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Different letters, mailing, phone calls and meetings to SME and large organisations. EMAS information and reference documents were given.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Different letters, mailing, phone calls and meetings to SME and large organisations. EMAS information, logo CD-ROM and EMAS registration flag were given.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004 and 2005:

3 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· Decree-law nº 70-B/2000, entry into force in 05/05/2000

· Portaria nº 687/2000 (law that regulates the Decree-law application), entry into force in 31-08-2000 and repealed by the Portaria nº 262/2004, entry into force in 11-03-2004.

It was a law with national level. Description: under the SME Economy Operational Programme this legislation provides the companies financial benefits in order to modernise their performance. Applicable to EMAS organisations, IPPC installations and companies interested in reducing emissions.


4 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· Decree-law nº 70-B/2000, entry into force in 05-05-2000

· Portaria nº 262/2000 (law that regulates the Decree-law application), entry into force in 31-08-2000, repealed by Portaria nº 262/2004, entry into force in 11-03-2004, repealed by Portaria nº 130-A/2006, entry into force in 14-02-2006

It is a law with national level. Description: under the SME Economy Operational Programme this legislation provides the companies financial benefits in order to modernise their performance. Applicable to EMAS organisations, IPPC installations and companies interested in reducing emissions.

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 2.234 €.

This budget was dedicated to: EMAS flags (registration and desk flags), 2 days workshop for verifiers, EMAS brochures and finance the participation in international EMAS meetings.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 18.863 €.

This budget was dedicated to: 2 days workshop for verifiers, TV film on EMAS and finance the participation in international EMAS meetings.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 10.575 €.

This budget was dedicated to: 2 days workshop for verifiers and finance the participation in international EMAS meetings.

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations

2004, 2005 and 2006:

· In 2004 the incentives were not provided to the applying organisations due to the fact that the involved authorities signed the protocol under the SME Economy Operational Programme in September 2004, too late for preparing the organisations' processes.

· 2005: Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 100% (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€) x100). 75% from the Ministry for the Economy = 937.500,00€; 25% from the Ministry for the Environment = 312.500,00€; Total = 1.250.000,00€ (100%).

· 2006: Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 100% (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€) x100). 75% from the Ministry for the Economy = 682.365,20€; 25% from the Ministry for the Environment = 227.455,07€; Total = 909.820,27€ (100%)

The SME Economy Operational Programme (Decree-law nº 70-B/2000 - 05/05/2000 and Portaria nº 262/2004 - 11-03-2004) provide financial benefits to organisations that, as a condition, comply with all the legal requirements pertaining to their activity. Total costs and the eligible costs are those considered under the Programme for funding. The organisations opting for an EMAS system has more 5% of the eligible costs covering all the EMAS activities, but they have to use the funding amount only in the activities regarding the EMAS process.

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.


Special financial support: 223.560 € (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100).

PM EMAS project for SME, a Competent Body proposal. This projects main objective is a phased implementation of EMAS, based on BS 8555. It applies to SME from the tourism sector and printing industry.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


The PM EMAS project required the production of 2 manuals for the phased implementation of EMAS: one for the tourism sector and one for printing industry.

Indicator 2: Number of programmes for phased implementation of EMAS


3 programmes for phased implementation of EMAS, contracts of continual improvement of environmental performance for 3 industrial sectors:

· Packing industry (Glass packing industries for large organisations)

· Cement industry (for large organisations)

· Transport sector (for SME)

These organisations had the commitment of a phased improvement of their environmental performance in order to be registered under EMAS. The tools given were: documentation and information assistance. Number of organisations involved in the programme: 6 (glass packing industry) + 6 (cement industry) + 30 (transport sector) = 42 organisations.


2 programmes for phased implementation of EMAS, contracts of continual improvement of environmental performance for 2 industrial sectors:

· Cement industry (for large organisations)

· Transport sector (for SME)

These organisations had the commitment of a phased improvement of their environmental performance in order to be registered under EMAS. The tools given were: documentation and information assistance. Number of organisations involved in the programme: 6 (cement industry) + 30 (transport sector) = 36 organisations.


2 programmes for phased implementation of EMAS:

· 1 contract of continual improvement of environmental performance for transport sector for SME. These organisations have the commitment of a phased improvement of their environmental performance in order to be registered under EMAS. The tools given were: documentation and information assistance. 30 organisations involved

· 1 PM EMAS project for SME from the tourism sector and printing industry. This project main objective is a phased implementation of EMAS, based on BS 8555. The tools given were: documentation, information and technical assistance. 14 organisations involved

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


1 training workshop for environmental verifiers (Portuguese verification bodies). 2-days workshop in order to harmonise the application of environmental legislation and provide the verifiers the competence and knowledge for their activity. The tools given were: environmental legislation and other documentation. 59 verifiers from 4 verification bodies involved.


1 training workshop for environmental verifiers (Portuguese verification bodies). 2-days workshop in order to harmonise the application of environmental legislation and provide the verifiers the competence and knowledge for their activity. The tools given were: environmental legislation and other documentation. 61 verifiers from 4 verification bodies involved.


4 educational programmes:

· One Training workshop for environmental verifiers (Portuguese verification bodies). 2 days workshop in order to harmonise the application of environmental legislation and provide the verifiers the competence and knowledge for their activity. The tools given were: environmental legislation and other documentation. 69 verifiers from 5 verification bodies involved

· One Training course on EMS for students. 2 days training course to provide information on EMS. The tools given were: reference documents. One University with 30 students was the organisation involved

· 2 Training courses for policemen: 1 on EMS and 1 on IPP and EPD. The tools given were: reference documents. The Ministry of Defence with 90 policemen was the organisation involved

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 working group each year to develop and implement in the EMAS Competent Body an integrated management system for quality and environment with the target to reach EMAS. The organisations focuses were: the Competent Body and the organisations involved in this project. Description of the synergy: meetings with the WG and all the Competent Bodies departments for information exchange. The tools given were: documentation and technical assistance for processes and procedures concerning each Competent Body department. 3 organisations involved in the synergy: Competent Body, the University responsible for the Competent Body environmental review and the government authority responsible for licensing the perforation to get water.

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)


The PM EMAS project requires the production of a Portuguese Standard for the phased implementation of EMS.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


There is a document: National Strategy for Green Public Procurement 2008-2010. Required from the government and with national level, it started to be developed in July 2006. This Strategy establishes criteria for priority sectors and products concerning GPP. Applicable to public organisations.


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


1 document to provide information on EMAS, a general guidance about EMAS – elaborate by EMAS Bureau on 11.05.2006:

· Format: Word, Power Point

· Size: 7 pages

· Dissemination: electronic format

· Type of organisation: majority from public organisation

· Issue contain: information about EMAS

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


1 workshop concerning the provision of EMAS Regulation:

· Organisation: All type of the organisations

· Description: 1 day

· Information about implementation of EMAS Regulation

· Tools: training

· Number of people attended the workshop: 50


1 workshop concerning the implementation of EMAS Regulation at the national level:

· Type the participants: all the authorities involved in the EMAS implementation process

· Issues discussed: the provisions and requirements of the EMAS Regulation


2 workshops concerning the implementation of EMAS Regulation at the national level:

· type of participants: representatives from SME

· Issues discussed: the provisions and requirements of the EMAS Regulation

· Number of organisation pro workshop: 70

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)


1 web site for EMAS information: on the Ministry website:

· Date started working: 2004 February

· Issues treated: national legislation and European legislation, news in EMAS field

2005 and 2006:

17 web sites for EMAS information:

The issues treated were: national legislation and European legislation, news in EMAS field. These web pages were created on the Ministry, NEPA, LEPA, REPA web sites in order to inform all interested parties about EMAS (European legislation, national legislation, news) or about the organisation’s applications for EMAS registration. These sites are controlled only by the Ministry, NEPA, LEPA, REPA.

· on the Ministry web page

Date started working: 2005 January

REPA – Regional Environmental Protection Agency

· REPA Bacau

· - REPA Sibiu

· REPA Pitesti

· REPA Galati

· REPA Timisoara

· EPA Craiova

· REPA Cluj

· REPA Bucharest

LEPA- Local Environmental Protection Agency

· LEPA Maramures

· LEPA Constanta

· LEPA Bacau

· LEPA Timis

· LEPA Suceava

· LEPA Vaslui

· LEPA Mures

· LEPA Braila

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004 and 2005:

EMAS Bureau ensures the technical Secretariat of the EMAS Consultative Committee and is responsible with draw up, maintain and update a data base at the national level for EMAS controlling, register, etc.


EMAS Bureau ensures the technical Secretariat of the EMAS Consultative Committee and is responsible with draw up, maintain and update a data base at the national level for EMAS controlling, register, etc.

Data start working in this format: August 2006


· Name of organisation

· Legal representative

· Contact detail

· Type of organisation

· Type of organisation activity Cod NACE

· Type of environmental regulation

· No. of employers

· Date of environmental statement

· Registration number

· Name of environmental verifiers

· Number of accreditation and accreditation field

· Name of accreditation body

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


Different e-mails were sent and phone calls to SMEs were made. European and national legislation concerning EMAS was disseminated.


Different e-mails and faxes were sent, and phone calls were made to all types of organisations. European and national legislation concerning EMAS was disseminated.

Funding Support

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 17.600 €.

This budget was dedicated to: study on scientifically and logistical support necessary for enhance the capability at the national and territory level for implementation of EMAS Regulation, The study included the following activities:

· Study on organisational structure necessary to develop at the national and territory level for implementation of EMAS Regulation

· Study on the EMAS registration procedure

· Study on accreditation procedure of the environmental verifier


Budget allocated to EMAS: 7.000 €.

This budget was dedicated to: Logistic procurement (computers, printers) and organisational expenses of the workshop.

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees


Reduction in registration fees: 25%. The fees for EMAS registration is around 150 € and is discounted with 25% discount for SME. Date started: 17.05.2006.

Technical Support

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)


1 specific regulation with national level and application to all type of organisations:

· Ministerial Order Nº 50/2004 establishing the procedure for organisation and coordination of eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) aiming to voluntary participation of organisations at this scheme (Date entry into force: 30.01.2004)


3 specific ministerial orders, that describe all the rules, responsibilities and attributions of the Competent Body and Accreditation Body concerning to the EMAS registration process (including the registration procedure under EMAS) and accreditation process of the verifiers.

· The Regulation, with national level, for organisation and operating of EMAS Consultative Committee and Bureau, Ministerial Order Nº 790. (Data entry into force: 11.08.2006)

· The Regulation, with national level, for organisation and operating of Accreditation Commission for environmental verifiers, Ministerial Order Nº 1201. (Date entry into force: 04.12.2006)

· The procedures for EMAS registration, with national level, Ministerial Order Nº 1018. (Date entry into force: 27.10.2006)

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


There is a document related to public procurement with national level:

· Government Emergency Ordinance Nº 34/2006 regarding the awarding of public procurement contracts, of public works concession contracts and of the service concession contracts was enacted, as approved with amendments and supplements under Law Nº 377/2006. Data entry into force: 30-06-2006. Description of main application: use EMAS registration as environmental criteria in awarding process of public procurement contracts. Organisations to which it is applicable: public administration


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2004 and 2005:

1 legislative text:

Act No 468 / 2002 on EMAS, - Date of entry into force: 1.12.2002,

· Repealed: 31.12.2005, - Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Section. 22, Paragraph 2d deals with the support for registered organisations during state inspections, as well as allowances' controls and updating.

Application of Acts:

· No 223/2001 on Waste,

· No 184/2002 on Waters,

· No 478/2002 on Air protection,

· No 543/2002 on Nature protection


1 legislative text:

Act No 491/ 2006 on EMAS Verifying and Registration,

· Date of entry into force: 1.1.2006 (Still in force),

· Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Section 6, Paragraph 2c deals with the support for registered organisations during state inspections, as well as allowances' controls and updating. There is an extension of integrated allowance from 8 to 10 years for IPPC.

Application of Acts:

· No 17/2004 on Waste,

· No 3644/2004 on Waters,

· No 478/2002 on Air protection,

· No 543/2002 on Nature protection,

· No 243/203 on IPPC

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

2004 and 2005:

1 legislative text:

Act No 468 / 2002 on EMAS, - Date of entry into force: 1.12.2002,

· Repealed: 31.12.2005, - Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Section. 22, Paragraph 2d deals with the support for registered organisations during state inspections, extension of the reporting period from 12 to 18 month.

Application of Acts:

· No 261/2002 on SEVESO II


1 legislative text:

Act No 491/ 2006 on EMAS Verifying and Registration,

· Date of entry into force: 1.1.2006 (Still in force)

· Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Section 6, Paragraph 2c deals with the support for registered organisations during state inspections, extension of the reporting period from 12 to 18 month

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”

2004 and 2005:

1 legislative text:

Act No 468 / 2002 on EMAS, - Date of entry into force: 1.12.2002, - Repealed: 31.12.2005, - Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National, - Description: Section. 22, Paragraph 2 deals with the support for registered organisations in planning and execution of state inspections.

Application of Acts:

· No 223/2001 on Waste,

· No 184/2002 on Waters,

· No 478/2002 on Air protection,

· No 543/2002 on Nature protection,

· No 272/1994 on the Human health protection


1 legislative text:

Act No 468 / 2002 on EMAS, - Date of entry into force: 1.12.2002, - Repealed: 31.12.2005, - Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National, - Description: Section. 22, Paragraph 2 deals with the support for registered organisations in planning and execution of state inspections.

Application of Acts:

· No 223/2001 on Waste,

· No 184/2002 on Waters,

· No 478/2002 on Air protection,

· No 543/2002 on Nature protection,

· No 272/1994 on the Human health protection

· No 261/2002 on SEVESO II


1 legislative text:

Act No 491/ 2006 on EMAS Verifying and Registration,

· Date of entry into force: 1.1.2006 (Still in force),

· Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Section 6, Paragraph 2c deals with the support for registered organisations in planning and execution of state inspections.

Application of Acts:

· No 17/2004 on Waste,

· No 3644/2004 on Waters,

· No 478/2002 on Air protection,

· No 543/2002 on Nature protection,

· No 243/203 on IPPC,

· No 272/1994 on the Human health protection,

· No 261/2002 on SEVESO II

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


1 publication: 21st Century - 'Company entitled to use the logo EMAS’ Matador again among the first.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


1 seminar, the 23rd November:

Seminar “EMAS in public administration” (Modra). The issues treated were: EMAS legislation and institutional framework, in the EU and Slovakia. Application of EMAS in particular conditions of municipalities.


3 different seminars:

· EMAS in SMEs: 21st February in Bratislava. Participants: 58.

· EMAS- an EU Competitiveness and SDS Instrument: 7th December in Modra. Participants: 25. Issues treated: presentation of new EMAS legislation.

· Responsible care and EMAS: 16th December in Bratislava. Participants: 11.


2 different meetings:

Slovak Rubber Conference: 24th and 25th May in Púchov. Participants: 65. It was the 18th international conference.

Workshop for the National Competent Bodies on Eco-labelling and EMAS: 27th September in Spisska Sabota. Participants: 13.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004 and 2006:

Cooperation with certification bodies, with associations of industry and industrial chambers, with the Slovak Association for Quality and the businesses.


Cooperation with certification bodies, with associations of industry and industrial chambers, with the Slovak Association for Quality and the businesses

Letters: The Minister of the Environment had sent a personal letter with a call for participation in EMAS to directors on the organisations with the EMS registration

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Working and procedural contacts

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004 and 2005:

1 legislative text:

Act No 468 / 2002 on EMAS, - Date of entry into force: 1.12.2002,

· Repealed: 31.12.2005, - Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Section. 22, Paragraph 2a deals with the support for SMEs

Application of Act 231/1999 as amended 434/2001 on State support


1 legislative text:

Act No 491/ 2005 on EMAS Verifying and Registration, - Date of entry into force: 1.1.2006, -Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National, - Description: Under the section 6, paragraph 2nd the financial support for the introduction EMAS is allowed from the Environmental Fund.

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: 14.400 €.

This budget was allocated to EMAS without salary of staff and indirect costs devoted to activities connected with technical and information support.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 6.700 €.

This budget was allocated to EMAS without salary of staff and indirect costs devoted to activities connected with technical and information support.


Budget allocated to EMAS: 16.000 €.

This budget was allocated to EMAS without salary of staff and indirect costs devoted to activities connected with technical and information support.

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations

2004 and 2005:

Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 4.400 €

Description: Contribution for each new organisation applying for EMS/EMAS under the Act on the state support for SMEs.

Indicator 2: Financial support for EMAS registered organisations


Financial support for EMAS registered organisations: 15%

Description: Act No 469/2002 on Eco-labelling,

· Date of entry into force 1.12.2002, - Repealed 1.1.2005,

· Hierarchy: - Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Under the section 9 paragraph 8b the annual fee for use of the eco-labelled sign is reduced by 15 % when the eco-label sign holder is also EMS/EMAS registered

2005 and 2006:

Financial support for EMAS registered organisations: 15%

Description: Act No 469/2002 on Eco-labelling as amended by the Act No 587/2007

· Date of entry into force 1.1.2005, - Repealed 30.5.2007,

· Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Under the section 9 paragraph 8b the annual fee for use of the eco-labelled sign is reduced by 15 % when the eco-label sign holder is also EMS/EMAS registered

Indicator 6: Number of banks that provide advantages to EMAS registered organisations (cheap loans to implement EMAS, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

There is a bank providing advantages to EMAS registered organisations: Dexia banka Slovensko a. s.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


1 manual for EMAS organisations dealing with waste landfills. Format: A4; Size: 70 pages; Dissemination: 30 enterprises undertaking in the waste management; Issues: 50


1 manual on CD: EMAS for the SMEs.

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


3 educational programmes:

· Seminar on organisations incorporation into EMAS

· Seminar for the experts - candidates for verifiers from the Universities

· Seminar EMAS in public administration - EMAS legislation and institutional framework, in the EU and Slovakia. Application of EMAS in particular conditions of municipalities


4 educational programmes:

· Seminar: EMAS in the SMEs

· Training for staff of the Certification Body and for the environment verifiers

· Seminar: EMAS - An EU Competitiveness and SDS Instrument

· Seminar: Responsible Care and EMAS


3 educational programmes:

· Slovak Rubber Conference - 18th International Conference

· Joint Workshop for the Slovak and Czech National Competent Bodies on Eco-labelling and EMAS

· From EMS after ISO 14001 to EMAS - training for the representatives of organisations

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004 and 2005:

1 synergy each year:

Cooperation with certification bodies, with associations of industry and industrial chambers, with the Slovak Association for Quality and businesses.


2 synergies:

· The working group III -under the National Convent on EU, the session on the voluntary instruments in environmental policy including EMAS and eco-innovation

· Cooperation with certification bodies, with associations of industry and industrial chambers, with the Slovak Association for Quality and the businesses

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes


1 project:


· A questionnaire on the environmental performance of organisations with EMS certification had been compiled by the Slovak Environmental Agency in coordination with Slovak Environmental Inspection and Regional environmental state authorities

· About 250 private subjects and some 50 entities from state environment administration had been involved

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)


Guideline MP COHEM/2005 on registration of an organisation in EMAS.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2004 and 2005:

1 document related to Public Procurement:

Order of the Environment Minister No 6/2001,

· Date of entry into force: 1.10.2001 (still in force),

· Hierarchy: Decree, - Level: Sector,

· Description: Organisations under the Ministry of the Environment should prefer the eco-labelled products made by producers with EMS/EMAS


3 documents related to Public Procurement:

1) Order of the Environment Minister No 6/2001,

· Date of entry into force: 1.10.2001 (still in force),

· Hierarchy: Decree, - Level: Sector,

· Description: Organisations under the Ministry of the Environment should prefer the eco-labelled products made by producers with EMS/EMAS;

2) Act No 25/2006 on Public Procurement,

· Date of entry into force: 1.2.2006 (still in force),

· Hierarchy: Law, - Level: National,

· Description: Under the section 30 the costumer is allowed to claim the document on EMS/EMAS registration

3) Questionnaire on execution of Green Public Procurement in the Slovak Republic in 2006 aiming on creating the GPP National Action Plan


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”


There is a legislative text:

The Environmental protection Act (entry into force 7.5.2004 - still in force), with national application. In the governmental regulations facilities and incentives may be laid down for organisations participating in EMAS, relating in particular to the reduced frequency and scope of monitoring and reporting.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


2 different publications:

· Article in Finance (newspaper of financial matters)

· Article in the bulletin of Chamber of commerce and Industry

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


4 different meetings:

· Seminar at Chamber of commerce and industry (industry)

· 2 Workshops with EMAS verifiers (participants from the organisations interested for EMAS)

· EMAS in local authorities - EU Commission action organised in Slovenia


5 different meetings:

· Workshop at Chamber of commerce and Industry - EMAS and IPPC (industry)

· EMAS in municipalities - training course (local authorities - bigger cities of Slovenia)

· EMAS conference in Koper (local authorities - in cooperation with Italian municipalities)

· Workshop for organisations interested for EMAS

· EMAS conference in Villach (together with Austria)

Funding Support

Technical Support

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)


3 educational programmes:

· Programme for the assessors for accreditation of EMAS verifiers,

· EMAS training course - focus to all organisations interested in EMAS

· EMAS in local authorities - EU Commission action organised in Slovenia - material translated to Slovenian


1 seminar: EMAS for municipalities

Public Procurement


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”


3 legislative texts giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”:

· Project of Royal Decree that approves the Regulation about the development and implementation of the Law 16/2002 (IPPC). Article nº 8: 'Integrated environmental authorization and environmental management schemes'. (This Project of Royal Decree gives benefit to EMAS registered organisations in the fields indicated in indicators 1 and 3 in the paragraph on regulatory flexibility). Is has national application and it is in progress/ Ministry of Environment (Subsidiary Competent Body)

· Blueprint for the Law of the quality of the air and atmosphere protection. Article nº 21: 'environmental management and audit schemes'

· Blueprint for the Law on environmental responsibility. Article 28 b). It allows exemptions to the obligation in the constitution of compulsory financial guarantee

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

2004 and 2005:

1 legislative text giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”:

There was the Law 3/1998 (implementation of IPPC). It is in force since 1998 in the Catalan Autonomous Community. EMAS registered companies that are included in the annex I of the law (equivalent to companies included in IPPC) and annex II.1 (moderated environmental impact) do not have to do the periodic control (every 2 years or 4 years).

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”


There is a project of Royal Decree which approves the Regulation about the development and implementation of the Law 16/2002 (IPPC). Article nº 8: 'Integrated environmental authorization and environmental management schemes'. (This Project of Royal Decree gives benefit to EMAS registered organisations in the field indicated in the fields indicated in indicators 1 and 3 in the paragraph on regulatory flexibility).

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)


4 different documents to provide information on EMAS:

· Funding for SMEs: leaflet in paper, 6.200 issues, information about 2005 funding announcement, disseminated to general public and also in specific events (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· EMAS/EEE in tourism: leaflet in paper, 5.000 issues, and information about advantages of implementing EMAS or awarding EEE in tourist activities, disseminated to general public and also in specific events (Autonomous Community Madrid). It was applicable to the tourism sector

· EMAS: 3-pages leaflet in paper, 3.000 issues, general information about EMAS, disseminated to general public and also in specific events (Autonomous Community Madrid). Applicable to all sectors

· Leaflets with general information about EMAS scheme. (2000) (Autonomous Community Catalonia)


1 document to provide information on EMAS:

A document of Funding for SMEs: leaflet in paper, 6.000 issues, and information about 2005 funding announcement, disseminated to general public and also in specific events (Autonomous Community Madrid). Applicable to all sectors


5 different documents to provide information on EMAS:

· Guide for EMAS and Eco-label. Format: Book in 2 versions, Spanish and Catalan. Size: 27 pages. Dissemination: courses, associations, events, website. The issues treated were: basic information about EMAS and ECOLABEL (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· What is EMAS: 3-pages leaflet in paper, 3.000 issues, disseminated in conferences and other events (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Funding for SMEs: leaflet in paper, 1.000 issues, information about 2006 funding announcement, disseminated to general public and also in specific events (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· EMAS organisations: leaflet in paper, 3.000 issues, list of registered organisations at that time, disseminated to general public (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· EMAS in commerce: leaflet in paper, 100.000 issues, information about EMAS in commercial sector, disseminated to consumers in Centro Commercial Las Ventas (municipal market registered on EMAS) (Autonomous Community Madrid)

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


1 publication:

· CD EMAS logo: CD with the logo generator created by the Commission, 1.000 issues. One of them sent to each registered organisation (Autonomous Community Madrid)


1 publication:

· Shopping plastic bags with the EMAS logo on them: 105.000 issues, to be used in Las Ventas Municipal Market (EMAS registered organisation) (Autonomous Community Madrid)

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


4 meetings:

· Participation in the Tourism Fair of the Balearic Islands for the promotion of the hotel sector (Ministry of Environment)

· EMAS certificates ceremony: all organisations registered in 2003 get an EMAS certificate in 2004, in an event with participation of local authorities, stakeholders and the press. Applicable to all sectors (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Environmental National Conference 2004: Autonomous Community Madrid takes part in this conference with seminars, stands, etc., and information about EMAS is given through them. Applicable to all sectors (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Expotural: participation of Autonomous Community Madrid in this tourism fair, and giving information/publications about EMAS to the public. Applicable to tourism sector (Autonomous Community Madrid)


9 meetings:

· Competent Bodies and verifiers meeting held in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia) (Subsidiary Competent Body/ Ministry of Environment)

· EMAS certificates ceremony: all organisations registered in 2004 get an EMAS certificate in 2005, in an event with participation of local authorities, stakeholders and the press. Applicable to all sectors (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Expotural: participation of Autonomous Community Madrid in this tourism fair, and giving information/publications about EMAS to the public. Applicable to tourism sector (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Workshop of Spanish Competent Bodies and Ministry of Environment (June 2005). Types of Participants: Competent Bodies, Verifiers. People attended: about 30. The issues discussed were: EMAS registration, conflicts with Verifiers (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· EMAS Promotion (brochure and books dissemination) in international tourist fairs (2). Types of Participants: fair attendants of tourist sector (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Seminar about Environmental Improvement through EMAS for Local Hotelier Association (March 2005). Types of Participants: Hoteliers. People attended: 15. The issues discussed were: support to environmental management systems (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Seminar about Environmental Management with Hotel Chains Association (November 2005). Types of Participants: hotel chain representatives. People attended: 25. The issues discussed were: support to environmental management system, waste management (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Workshops to develop an integrated scheme for beaches. Types of Participants: regional government technicians. People attended: 8. The issues discussed were: detection of quality, security, sanitary and environmental aspects of beaches (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)


39 meetings:

· EMAS certificates ceremony: all organisations registered in 2005 get an EMAS certificate in 2006, in an event with participation of local authorities, stakeholders and the press. Applicable to all sectors (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Environmental National Conference 2006: Autonomous Community Madrid takes part in this conference with seminars, stands, etc., and information about EMAS is given through them. Applicable to all sectors (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Expotural: participation of Autonomous Community Madrid in this tourism fair, and giving information/publications about EMAS to the public Applicable to all sectors (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Conference title: “EMAS initiatives and Regulation progress”. Participation of the Competent Body of Madrid in this meeting who were organized by the Ministry of Environment

· Workshop of Spanish Competent Bodies to elaborate a common Registration Procedure and an Environmental Statement Guide (2 reunions) Participation of the Competent Body of Madrid in this meeting who were organized by the Ministry of Environment

· Accreditation Commission meeting (3 meetings). ENAC certification meeting (3) Participation of the Competent Body of Madrid in this meeting who were organized by the Ministry of Environment

· Conference 'Impulse to the adhesion to the EMAS Regulation of organisations from Asturias' Participation of the Competent Body of Madrid in this meeting who were organized by the Ministry of Environment

· 32 Workshop of Spanish Competent Bodies and Ministry of Environment to elaborate a common Registration Procedure and an Environmental Statement Guide (2 meetings). EMAS Promotion (brochure and books dissemination) in local fairs (25) and international tourist fairs (4). ENAC: participation in Accreditation Body reunions (2 meetings). All the Competent Body biannual

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)


6 web sites for EMAS information:

· Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary: web page with the following issues: general information about what is EMAS, EMAS registered organisations in Spain, legislation, tool-Kits and information about registration procedure. List of Accredited Environmental Verifiers. Financial aids for the inscription in the EMAS Register. Useful links to EMAS. Additional information about EMAS. List of organisations EMAS registered in Spain

· Autonomous Community Murcia: Ambiente/Calidad Ambiental/EMAS: web page with the following issues: introduction EMAS, what is EMAS, Competences to EMAS, Institutional promotion EMAS, basic legislation about EMAS, documents and guides for application, application to EMAS register, list of environmental verifiers, financial support for EMAS register, differences between EMAS Regulation and ISO 14001, interesting links for EMAS, list EMAS registered organisations in Murcia, procedure to EMAS register

· Autonomous Community Galicia: Level: regional/Competent Body: Galicia. The issues treated are: Benefits of EMAS. Guideline for the application of EMAS PYMES. Environmental Statements of the registered organisations. Programme for EMAS logo generator. Aids. Link with the EMAS web site of the European Commission

· Autonomous Community Catalonia: The issues treated are: What is EMAS and how is working. Legislation in force. Verifiers. Forms. Publications. Seminaries and conference of EMAS. Exemption of regulatory control. Organisations adhered in the Autonomous Community Catalonia. Club EMAS. Environmental Statement of the Department

· Autonomous Community Andalusia: Started in 1998. The issues treated are: EMAS Register (registered organisations in Autonomous Community Andalusia). Concepts about EMAS

· Autonomous Community Madrid: Date: it started before 2004. The issues treated are: general information about what is EMAS, advantages, etc.; European, national and regional legislation; registration procedure (requirements, documents needed, proceedings); EMAS registered organisations; information about the procedure and requirements to ask for funding for implementing EMS; files of different publications, brochures, etc. regarding EMAS. Structure: a single page inside the institutional page of Autonomous Community Madrid


7 web sites for EMAS information:

· Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary: web page with the following issues: general information about what is EMAS, EMAS registered organisations in Spain, legislation, tool-Kits and information about registration procedure. List of Accredited Environmental Verifiers. Financial aids for the inscription in the EMAS Register. Useful links to EMAS. Additional information about EMAS. List of organisations EMAS registered in Spain

· Autonomous Community Murcia: Ambiente/Calidad Ambiental/EMAS: web page with the following issues: introduction EMAS, what is EMAS, Competences to EMAS, Institutional promotion EMAS, basic legislation about EMAS, documents and guides for application, application to EMAS register, list of environmental verifiers, financial support for EMAS register, differences between EMAS Regulation and ISO 14001, interesting links for EMAS, list EMAS registered organisations in Murcia, procedure to EMAS register

· Autonomous Community Galicia: Level: regional/Competent Body: Galicia. The issues treated are: Benefits of EMAS. Guideline for the application of EMAS PYMES. Environmental Statements of the registered organisations. Programme for EMAS logo generator. Aids. Link with the EMAS web site of the European Commission

· Autonomous Community Catalonia: The issues treated are: What is EMAS and how is working. Legislation in force. Verifiers. Forms. Publications. Seminaries and conference of EMAS. Exemption of regulatory control. Organisations adhered in the Autonomous Community Catalonia. Club EMAS. Environmental Statement of the Department

· Autonomous Community Andalusia: Started in 1998. The issues treated are: EMAS Register (registered organisations in Autonomous Community Andalusia). Concepts about EMAS

· Autonomous Community Madrid: Date: it started before 2004. The issues treated are: general information about what is EMAS, advantages, etc.; European, national and regional legislation; registration procedure (requirements, documents needed, proceedings); EMAS registered organisations; information about the procedure and requirements to ask for funding for implementing EMS; files of different publications, brochures, etc. regarding EMAS. Structure: a single page inside the institutional page of Autonomous Community Madrid

· Autonomous Community Valencia: started in 2005. The issues treated are: application/ renewal of the EMAS register (concepts, forms, procedures, etc.). Link to EMAS Register. Link to the European official web page EMAS


11 web sites of the Competent Body in Spain (from the total of 15 Competent Body):

· Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary: web page with the following issues: general information about what is EMAS, EMAS registered organisations in Spain, legislation, tool-Kits and information about registration procedure (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary)

· Autonomous Community Galicia: Level: regional/Competent Body: Galicia. The issues treated are: Benefits of EMAS. Guideline for the application of EMAS PYMES. Environmental Statements of the registered organisations. Programme for EMAS logo generator. Aids. Link with the EMAS web site of the European Commission

· Autonomous Community Murcia: Ambiente/Calidad Ambiental/EMAS: web page with the following issues: introduction EMAS, what is EMAS, Competences to EMAS, Institutional promotion EMAS, basic legislation about EMAS, documents and guides for application, application to EMAS register, list of environmental verifiers, financial support for EMAS register, differences between EMAS Regulation and ISO 14001, interesting links for EMAS, list EMAS registered organisations in Murcia, procedure to EMAS register

· Autonomous Community Balearic Islands: Creation and maintenance of website about EMAS and ECOLABEL ( ). Date: 2006. The issues treated are: basic information about EMAS and ECOLABEL, registration forms, registered sites, and publication in PDF, contacts, and activities of the Competent Body. All in Spanish and Catalan. Pages: aprox.16.for EMAS

· Autonomous Community Madrid: Date: it started before 2004. The issues treated are: general information about what is EMAS, advantages, etc.; European, national and regional legislation; registration procedure (requirements, documents needed, proceedings); EMAS registered organisations; information about the procedure and requirements to ask for funding for implementing EMS; files of different publications, brochures, etc. regarding EMAS. Structure: a single page inside the institutional page of Autonomous Community Madrid

· Autonomous Community Canary Islands: The issues treated are: general issues. Legislation. Procedure of adhesion. EMAS Logo. Subsidies. Organisations adhered in the Autonomous Community Canary Islands. Useful links

· Autonomous Community Castilla la Mancha: The issues treated are: Target of EMAS Register. What is EMAS and how is working. Which are the implications for the organisations? How to make the registration. EMAS registered organisations in Castilla La Mancha. Useful links

· Autonomous Community Basque Country: The issues treated are: Legislation. Target group. Advantages. Stages or phases. From ISO 14001 to EMAS. EMAS Register. EMAS registered organisations in Basque Country. ISO 14001 in the Department

· Autonomous Community Catalonia: The issues treated are: What is EMAS and how is working. Legislation in force. Verifiers. Forms. Publications. Seminaries and conference of EMAS. Exemption of regulatory control. Organisations adhered in the Autonomous Community Catalonia. Club EMAS. Environmental Statement of the Department

· Autonomous Community Andalusia: Started in 1998. The issues treated are: EMAS Register (registered organisations in Autonomous Community Andalusia). Concepts about EMAS

· Autonomous Community Valencia: started in 2005. The issues treated are: application/ renewal of the EMAS register (concepts, forms, procedures, etc.). Link to EMAS Register. Link to the European official web page EMAS

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)


3 Databases for EMAS controlling, register, etc:

· started in 1996. The issues treated were: collets the data from the Spanish organisations registered in EMAS, and is located in the Ministry of Environment (Subsidiary Competent Body)

· Database of registered organisations and sites. Date started: 2000. Structure: sites, organisations, contact, address, Statements, (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Database of registered organisations and sites. Date started: 1999. Structure: sites, organisations, contact, address, registration number (Autonomous Community Galicia)


4 Databases for EMAS controlling, register, etc:

· started in 1996. The issues treated were: collets the data from the Spanish organisations registered in EMAS, and is located in the Ministry of Environment (Subsidiary Competent Body)

· Database of registered organisations and sites. Date started: 2000. Structure: sites, organisations, contact, address, Statements, …(Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Database of registered organisations and sites. Date started: 1999. Structure: sites, organisations, contact, address, registration number (Autonomous Community Galicia)

· Date: 14/10/2005. Structure: it contains information about the registration procedure and also about the organisations (name, contact information, nº of employees, validation date, verifier, NACE, etc., and information as origin and date of reports about legal compliance, registration/renewal/cancellation date, etc.) (Autonomous Community Madrid)


4 Databases for EMAS controlling, register, etc:

· started in 1996. The issues treated were: collect the data from the Spanish organisations registered in EMAS, Date started: 1996. It is located in the Ministry of Environment (Madrid). Structure: registration number; Registration date; Company name; site name; Contac name; organisation address; site address; country; post code; city; e-mail; website; telephone; fax; NACE code; number of employers; organisation type; verifier registration number

· Database of registered organisations and sites. Date started: 1999. Structure: sites, organisations, contact, address, registration number (Autonomous Community Galicia)

· Database of registered organisations and sites. Date started: 2000. Structure: sites, organisations, contact, address, Statements, …(Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Date: 14/10/2005. Structure: it contains information about the registration procedure and also about the organisations (name, contact information, nº of employees, validation date, verifier, NACE, etc., and information as origin and date of reports about legal compliance, registration/renewal/cancellation date, etc.) (Autonomous Community Madrid)

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


Letters and mailing were made to all registered organisations to inform about news, to send invitations to events, etc. (Subsidiary Competent Body/ Ministry of Environment). Applicable to all sectors. Every time there is a new item or an event/Ministry of Environment. (Competent Body Subsidiary).


Environmental Information Helpdesk ( in Balearic Islands. Answers on environment questions and consultations about EMAS were made. Answers were on telephone or e-mail. (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary).


Environmental Information Helpdesk ( Answers on environment questions were made. 2% of consultations (85) were about EMAS. Answers were on telephone or e-mail. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands).

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


Letters and mailing were made to all registered organisations to inform about news, to send invitations to events, etc. (Competent Body Madrid/Every time there is a new item or an event)


Letters and mailing were made to all registered organisations to inform about news, to send invitations to events, etc. (Competent Body Madrid/Every time there is a new item or an event) and (Competent Body Subsidiary/ Ministry of Environment)/Every time there is a new item or an event.


Letters and mailing were made to all registered organisations to inform about news, to send invitations to events, etc. (Competent Body Madrid/Every time there is a new item or an event) and (Competent Body Subsidiary/ Ministry of Environment)/Every time there is a new item or an event.

The Competent Body Balearic Islands has done a survey (on year 2006). 36 registered organisations of 47 were visited and interviewed about the following issues: degree of satisfaction with the EMAS scheme, expectations, problems, areas of improvement, etc.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding


4 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· Order 778/2004. Date: 30/04/2004. Level: regional (Madrid). Description: funding for implementing EMAS/ISO 14001 in SMEs to al the sectors, up to 100 % EMAS, 70 % ISO 14001. It is annual. Applicable to all sectors

· Order data 27/10/2003 Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS) Came into force: 26/11/2003. Repel: 11/2005. Applicable to all sectors

· Order data 27/03/2001. Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS). Applicable to all sectors

· Order of 12/3/04 which stabilises the regulation bases and conditions for the regimen of grant aids to the companies and organisations for EMAS registration. Level: Autonomous Community Galicia. Applicable to all sectors


7 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· Order 1404/2005. Date: 29/04/2005. Level: regional (Madrid). Description: funding for implementing EMAS/ISO 14001 in SMEs, up to 100 % EMAS, 70 % ISO 14001. It is annual and with application at regional level, to all sectors, but only for SMEs

· Order data 10/10/2005. Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS) Came into force: 10/10/2005. Entry into force: 06/2006. Repel: 06/2006. Applicable to all sectors

· Order data 27/10/2003 Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS) Came into force: 26/11/2003. Repel: 11/2005. Applicable to all sectors

· Order data 22/10/2002. Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS), data entry into force: 10/11/02. Applicable to all sectors

· Order of 23-03-05 which establishes the regulation bases and conditions for the regimen of grant aids to the companies and organisations for EMAS registration. Level regional (Galicia). Applicable to all sectors

· Ordinance. Date: 23-VII-2005. Level: Regional level (Balearic Islands). Description: Funding to EMAS and ISO 14.001 application and certification/verification. Also Eco-label application. Organisations: Addressed to any type of organisation. It is annual

· Resolution for the year 2005 related to an Ordinance from 2005. Date: 20-X-2005. Level: Regional level (Balearic Islands). Description: Funding to EMAS application and verification. Organisations: Addressed to any type of organisation, not to ISO 14.001 or ECOLABEL. It is annual


7 legislative texts in relation with EMAS funding:

· Resolution for the year 2006 related to an Ordinance from 2005. Date: 6-VII-2006. Level: Regional level (Balearic Islands). Description: Funding to EMAS and ISO 14.001 application and certification/verification. Also Eco-label application. Organisations: Addressed to any type of organisation. It is annual

· Order data 10/10/2005. Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS) Came into force: 10/10/2005. Entry into force: 06/2006. Repel: 06/2006. Applicable to all sectors

· Order data 27/10/2003 Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS) Came into force: 26/11/2003. Repel: 11/2005. Applicable to all sectors

· Order data 22/10/2002. Level: regional level (Andalusia). Description: financial assistance to the environmental improvement to the companies (only EMAS), data entry into force: 10/11/02. Applicable to all sectors

· Order of 08-05-2006 which stabilises the regulation bases and conditions for the regimen of grant aids to the companies and organisations for EMAS registration. Level: Autonomous Community Galicia. Applicable to all sectors

· Decree 185/1999 of 17-06-1999, which stabilises the procedure for the application on the Galicia Community of a voluntary system of management and environmental audit. Level: Autonomous Community Galicia. Applicable to all sectors

· Order 3917/2005. Date: 23/12/2005. Application: regional (Comunidad de Madrid). Description: funding for implementing EMAS/ISO 14001 in SMEs, up to 100 % EMAS, 70 % ISO 14001. It is annual. Applicable to all sectors

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


· Budget allocated to EMAS: 1.224.886,04 € (Autonomous Community Andalusia). This funding comes from: the Order 22/ 10/2002, and the Order 27/03/2001 and the Order 27/10/2003

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 180.000 € (Autonomous Community Galicia). This funding comes from the Order of 12/3/04

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 49%. (Autonomous Community Catalonia).

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 224.878,35 €. (Autonomous Community Madrid). This budget was dedicated to: This funding comes from: the Order mentioned in PI-FSA, only for the implementation of EMAS: 214.825,25 €; edition of books: 8.348,98 €; and edition of brochures/other promotional stuff: 1.704,12 €.


· Budget allocated to EMAS: 250.000 € (Autonomous Community Galicia). This funding comes from: the Order of 23-03-05, only for the implementation of EMAS

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 2.159.503,72 € (Autonomous Community Andalusia). This funding comes from the Orders data: 22/10/2002 and 27/10/2003

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 238.886,71 €. (Autonomous Community Madrid). This budget was dedicated to: This funding comes from: the Order mentioned in PI-FSA, only for the implementation of EMAS: 237.195,51 € and edition of brochures/other promotional stuff: 1.691,20 €.

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 176.000 € (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands). Complete budget for Competent Body, environmental good practices, etc. 176.000€. Budget for direct funding: 40,000€. Other: control of Competent Body, promotion of EMAS


· Budget allocated to EMAS: 200.000 € (Autonomous Community Galicia). This funding comes from: the Order of 08-05-2006, only for the implementation of EMAS

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 1.594.210,12 €. (Autonomous Community Andalusia). This budget was dedicated to: Grants to new registers, only EMAS, this funding comes from the Orders data 22/10/2002 and 27/10/2003. The budget allocated to EMAS was 339.972.891.

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 1.036.000 €. (Autonomous Community Catalonia). This budget was dedicated to: Grants to new registers (both ISO 14001 and EMAS).

· Budget allocated to EMAS: 155.000 €. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands). This budget was dedicated to: Complete budget for Competent Body and promotion of Eco-label, environmental good practices, etc. 155.000€. Budget for direct funding: 70.000€. The budget is annual.

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations


· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 46%. (Autonomous Community Catalonia). grants to new registers (both ISO 14001 and EMAS)

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 96% (Autonomous Community Madrid). This funding comes from: the Order 778/2004, only for the implementation of EMAS: 214825,25 €;

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 63,4%. (Autonomous Community Andalusia). This funding comes from: the Orders mentioned in PI-FSA, only for the implementation of EMAS.

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 100% (Autonomous Community Galicia). This funding comes from: the Order of 12/3/04


· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 63%. (Autonomous Community Catalonia). grants to new registers (both ISO 14001 and EMAS).

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 99%. (Autonomous Community Madrid). This funding comes from: the Order 1404/2005, only for the implementation of EMAS: 237.195,51 €;

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 66%. (Autonomous Community Andalusia). This funding comes from: the Order mentioned in PI-FSA, only for the implementation of EMAS: Orders data 22/10/2002 and 27/10/2003.

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 100%. (Autonomous Community Galicia). This funding comes from: the Order of 23-03-05, only for the implementation of EMAS (250.000€)

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 57,11%. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands). Origin: Legislative text at PI-FSA: Resolution for the year 2006 related to an Ordinance from 2005. Date: 20-X-2005. Activities: Funding of Technical Assistance, External Consultants, salaries of personnel in charge of application environmental management, if it is the case. Fields: first Verification, application of Environmental Management Systems (EMAS).


· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 97,46%. (Autonomous Community Cantabria). It is annual support. Grants to new registers, only EMAS, this funding comes from the Orders data 22/10/2002 and 27/10/2003

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 75% (Autonomous Community Madrid). This funding comes from: the Order mentioned in PI-FSA, only for the implementation of EMAS: 254.976,87 €; edition of books: 77625 €; and edition of brochures/other promotional stuff: 7371,02 €. Applicable to all sectors

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 100%. (Autonomous Community Galicia). This funding comes from: the Order mentioned in PI-FSA, only for the implementation of EMAS

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 52%. (Autonomous Community Catalonia). Applicable to all sectors. Order MAH/91/2006 data 3/03/06. Description: financial assistance to the implementation of EMS (ISO 14001 and EMAS) for companies

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 67%. (Autonomous Community Andalusia). Applicable to all sectors. Grants to new registers, only EMAS, this funding comes from the Orders data 22/10/2002 and 27/10/2003.

· Financial support for new EMAS registrations: 85,6%. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands). Applicable to all sectors (EMAS or ISO 14001). Origin: Legislative text in PI-FSA. Activities: Funding of Technical Assistance, External Consultants, salaries of personnel in charge of application environmental management, if it is the case. Fields: first Verification/certification, application of Environmental Management Systems (EMAS or ISO 14.001). It is annual.

Indicator 2: Financial support for EMAS registered organisations


· Financial support for EMAS registered organisations: 49%. (Autonomous Community Catalonia)

· Financial support for EMAS registered organisations: 42,89%. (Autonomous community Balearic Islands). It has application to all sectors and annual. Origin: Legislative text at PI-FSA: Resolution for the year 2005 related to an Ordinance from 2005. Date: 20-X-2005. Activities: Funding of verification process. Fields: Re-Verification. 17.156€


· Financial support for EMAS registered organisations: 8,5 %. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands). Applicable to all sectors and annual. Origin: Legislative text at PI-FSA. Activities: Funding of verification or certification process. Fields: Re-Verification or Re-certification

Indicator 6: Special financial support for: pilot projects, promotion programmes, environmental agreements, etc.


Special financial support: 14% (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100). (Autonomous Community Catalonia).


· Special financial support: 21% (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100). (Autonomous Community Catalonia). Pilot project ob health facilities and schools

· Special financial support: 100% (Expenditure charged by the MS (€)/Total Expenditure (€)x100). (Level national, Spain). (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary). Development of an interactive Guide for the EMAS environmental statement. Development of a homogeneous written EMAS procedure for all Spanish Competent Bodies. Opinion research on EMAS revision. Programme of implementation of EMAS in 15 Local authorities. Initial environmental evaluation in the Ministry of Environment. Total 143.749,23 €. Other promotion: 702,81€ Total : 143.749,12€

· Special financial support: 1,32%. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands). Activity: Support to a Sustainable Hotels Network. Field: Brochure edition and printing. Applicable to the tourist sector

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees


Reduction registration fees: 93%. Only in Murcia there are registration fees.


Reduction registration fees: 98%. Only in Murcia there are registration fees.


Reduction in registration fees: 97%. Only in Murcia there are registration fees.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


9 documents created for technical assistance:

· Guide for the Chemistry Sector: book in paper, 143 pages, and 1.500 issues. Dissemination: it was sent to organisations, associations etc. in the sector, and also given to general public, associations etc. at request, and also in conferences and other events. The issues treated were: information about legal requirements and procedures for this sector; it contains a chapter about EMS, advantages of EMAS and how to register (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Guide to implement EMS in health centres: book in paper, 119 pages and 2.000 issues. Dissemination: it was sent to all health centres of Community of Madrid, and to all the regional health authorities in Spain, and given to general public, associations etc. at request, and also in conferences and other events (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Toolkit: Interactive Guide for to implement EMAS in the Local Authorities. This toolkit is available in the web of the Ministry of Environment.: Digital format. 37 MB. Dissemination: Sent to the Spanish Competent Bodies and the EU Commission. It is available in the web. Type organisations: Local Authorities (Ayuntamientos). The issues treated were: basic concepts. Use of EMAS in the municipalities – environmental analysis, documentation, implementation, verification and register-; cost of implementation; reference legislation; access to the legislation; aids and subsidies. Useful links. (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary)

· 5 to food sector and 1 to pharmaceutical sector. All include Environmental practices and examples from companies that have implemented EMAS (Autonomous Community Catalonia)


2 documents created for technical assistance:

· EMS in local authorities (Autonomous Community Catalonia)

· Toolkit: Interactive Guide for to implement EMAS in the Local Authorities. This toolkit is available in the web of the Ministry of Environment: Digital format. 37 MB. Dissemination: Sent to the Spanish Competent Bodies and the EU Commission. It is available in the web. Type organisations: Local Authorities. The issues treated were: basic concepts. Use of EMAS in the municipalities – environmental analysis, documentation, implementation, verification and register; cost of implementation; reference legislation; access to the legislation; aids and subsidies. Useful links. (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary)

· 2 electronic newsletters. Format: e-mail, PDF. Size: approximately 100 KB. Dissemination: EMAS registered organisations, interested in SGMA organisations (approximately 150). The issues treated were: recent news about EMAS, EMAS promotion and registered organisations. Mostly for tourist sector (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

2006: 13 documents created for technical assistance:

· Environmental declarations. Applicable to all sectors. (Autonomous Community Catalonia)

· Kyoto and EMAS. Applicable to all sectors. (Autonomous Community Catalonia)

· Social Corporate Responsibility and EMAS. Applicable to all sectors. (Autonomous Community Catalonia)

· Guide for the Electric and Electronic Industry: book in paper, 175 pages and 1.000 issues. Dissemination: it was sent to organisations, associations etc. in the sector, and also given to general public, associations etc. at request, and also in conferences and other events. The issues treated were: information about legal requirements and procedures for this sector; it contains a chapter about EMS, advantages of EMAS and how to register (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Guide for the Pharmaceutical Industry: book in paper, 265 pages and 1.000 issues. Dissemination and issues same as the other one (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Environment in Community of Madrid 2003-2004: book in paper and CD; dissemination: given to general public, associations etc. at request, and also in conferences and other events. Issues: it contains a chapter about EMAS in Community of Madrid, with general information about EMAS and also about the registration procedure and statistics of registered organisations (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Environment in Community of Madrid 2005: same as the last one (Autonomous Community Madrid)

· Development of an interactive Guide for the EMAS environmental statement. Format. CD 90,89 Kb (32 page.). The issues treated were: definition, how to do the environmental statement; structure and content of the environmental statement; environmental verification; how to keep the information, type of information to give to the interested parts; how and when to use the EMAS logo. Glossary of terms. (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary)

· Development of a homogeneous written EMAS procedure for all Spanish C.B. Format: CD. (21 page.). The issues treated were: scope; definitions; methodology; flowchart; brief description of involved agents; procedure of inscription of organisations in the EMAS register, procedure of deleted, suspension or reinstatement; procedure of updating and maintenance of EMAS register, updating of the environmental statement; updating of the register, changes produced in the organisations, promotion of the participation. Annex I: register application template. Annex II: template for the inscription in the EMAS register. Annex III: acronym of the Competent Bodies. Both documents are available in the web of the Ministry ( (Ministry of Environment/ Competent Body Subsidiary)

· Manual for the application of SGMA in tourist sector. Format: Book in 2 versions, Spanish and Catalan. Size: 178 pages. Dissemination: courses, associations, website. Issue: detailed description of EMAS application (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Guide for water management. Format: Book in 2 versions, Spanish and Catalan. Size: 68 pages. Dissemination: courses, associations, website. The issues treated were: good practices in tourist sector (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Guide for waste management. Format: Book in 2 versions, Spanish and Catalan. Size: 68 pages. Dissemination: courses, associations, website. The issues treated were: good environmental practices in tourist sector (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

· Electronic newsletter (2 in 2006). Format: e-mail, PDF. Size: 100 KB. Dissemination: EMAS registered organisations, interested in SGMA organisations (approximately 150), website. The issues treated were: recent news about EMAS, EMAS promotion and registered organisations (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)

2004: 1 educational programme in Autonomous Community Catalonia: Corporate Responsibility and EMAS for all sectors.

2005: 3 educational programmes in Autonomous Community Catalonia:

· EMAS review

· Local municipalities

· Non profit organisations

1 educational programme in Autonomous Community Balearic Islands:

Participation in courses organised by other entities. Focus: persons to learn on environmental management systems. 2 hours. Tools given: publications. Organisations involved: Spanish Cooperation Agency, Regional Government Cooperation Department, Balearic Islands University

2006: 2 educational programmes:

· EMAS and Kyoto to all sectors in the Autonomous Community Catalonia

· Participation in courses organised by other entities. Focus: persons to learn on environmental management systems. 6 hours. Tools given: publications. Organisations involved: Chemist Association, Business Organisation, Unemployment Institute. (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)


· Sustainable Hotels Network. Description: association of more than 50 hotels with EMAS, ISO 14.001 or ECOLABEL. They organise occasional workshops on certain subjects (water, etc.). Organisations involved: Brochure edition and printing financed by Competent Body of Balearic Islands (Environmental Department), workshop organisations and website ( financed by Commerce and Industry Department. (tourism sector) (Autonomous Community Balearic Islands)

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes

2004: 1 project: Building sector (2 years) in Autonomous Community Catalonia

2005: 1 project: Health sector (3 years): 6 Hospitals and 34 first health care units in Autonomous Community Catalonia

2006: 3 projects:

· Pilot programme for EMAS implementation in 15 Local Authorities. It was applicable to public administration sector. Ministry of Environment (Subsidiary Competent Body). It was used an interactive tool and the work was developed in group. Digital format: 7 CD. 196,1 MB

· Opinion research on the EMAS revision. It was applicable to public administration sector. Ministry of Environment (Subsidiary Competent Body). Study about future of EMAS at national level with the opinion of interested parts. Sent to the European Commission and published in the web page of the Ministry of Environment. Digital format: 2 CD. 148,8 MB

· Schools (2 years): 9 Schools. Applicable to the teaching sector. Autonomous Community Catalonia

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2004 and 2005: 1 document related to Public Procurement:

· Decree 185/1999 of 17-06-1999, which stabilises the procedure for the application on the Galicia Community of a voluntary system of management and environmental audit. Level: Autonomous Community Galicia. It is in force

2006: 4 documents related to Public Procurement:

· GPP of paper products: As a way of proof of the environmental requirements included within the selection criteria. Level: Autonomous Community Catalonia

· Order of 08-05-2006 which stabilises the regulation bases and conditions for the regimen of grant aids to the companies and organisations for EMAS registration in Galicia

· Decree 185/1999 of 17-06-1999, which stabilises the procedure for the application on the Galicia Community of a voluntary system of management and environmental audit. Level: Autonomous Community Galicia

· Project of Law of contracting in the public sector. Article nº 70.1. As a way of proof of the environmental requirements included within the selection criteria. Level: In progress/ Ministry of Environment (Subsidiary Competent Body)


Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)


3-5 articles in technical magazines connected to EMAS-registered organisations. No one related to the Regulation itself.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)


1 webpage in operation ( Start of the webpage 1996. The issues treated include general information about the credentials of EMAS with links to the Regulation and the Guiding Documents (in English and Swedish), a searchable database to all EMAS-registered organisations introducing them via an Environmental Management Data Sheet including information about other management systems, products-related information and relevant information about the organisation etc.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)


Information about the EMAS Awards 2006 sent through E-mail networks including all EMAS-registered organisations in August 2006.


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

2004: The Environmental Management leaves room for more tailor made licences. Because the possibilities for issuing a Framework licence were not used to the fullest the government published the: 'Circular on the framework licence and the customised licence' in June 1999, it is still in force, it's a national guideline for permitting officers and enforcers on how to ensure that licensing and supervision can interface better with the environmental management system and corporate environmental plan. It has application mainly to industry.

2005 and 2006: The Environmental Management Act was amended (art 8.8. f1 and article 8.13, 1 h and i) in December 2005 to make more explicit that there is room for more tailor made licences. Because the possibilities for issuing a Framework licence were not used to the fullest the government had already published the: 'Circular on the framework licence and the customised licence' in June 1999, it is still in force, it's a national guideline for permitting officers and enforcers on how to ensure that licensing and supervision can interface better with the environmental management system and corporate environmental plan.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

3 different documents to provide information on EMAS each year:

· An A4 style brochure 'De EG EMAS verordening: een milieuzorgsysteem en milieuinformatie met Europese toets' (the EG EMAS regulation: an environmental management system an environmental information either a European check), 28 pages. It was disseminated to: government bodies and companies

· An A4 style brochure: 'De EG EMAS verordening: Milieuzorg: transparant betrouwbaar en overtuigend' (the EG EMAS regulation: Environmental management transparent trustworthy and convincing), 4 pages. It was disseminated to: government bodies and companies

· Wegwijzer 14001 bij overheden (Guidelines for ISO 14001 within government organisations), 72 pages. It was disseminated to: government bodies, companies

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


2 different meetings:

· Dissemination of brochures and information stand during 2 conferences about environmental policy and/or sustainability. Participants: 400 mainly Companies, government bodies and consultants. The issues discussed were: value of an environmental management system.


4 different meetings:

· Dissemination of brochures and information stand during 2 conferences about environmental policy and/or sustainability. Participants: 400 mainly Companies, government bodies and consultants. The issues discussed were: value of an environmental management system

· The SCCM also organised 3 meetings with permitting authorities to inform them on environmental system (ISO 14001 and EMAS) and ways to use that information in their day to day business. 30 people attended the seminar. In addition workshops were organised


2 different meetings:

· Dissemination of brochures and information stand during 2 conferences about environmental policy and/or sustainability. Participants: 400 mainly Companies, government bodies and consultants. The issues discussed were: value of an environmental management system.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

2 different ways each year of contact with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS:

· Telephone and email contact with interested companies and government bodies. In some cases the EMAS brochure in other cases just the answer to some questions

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

2 different ways each year of contact: telephone calls and emails.

Funding Support

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Reduction in registration fees: 100%. (No fees charged for registration). There was a total reduction in registration fees of 10.000 €.

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)


4 documents created for technical assistance:

· EMAS verification system, A-4 style brochure, 18 pages, dissemination to companies and government organisations. The issues treated were: content of EMAS declaration and verification guidelines

· Certification system ISO 14001 (used for the EMS part of EMAS), 54 pg A4, used by companies, verifiers and authorities, guidelines for EMS implementation and verification

· Guidance document identification and evaluation environmental aspects, 18 pg A4 mainly used by companies

· Guidance document about internal audits, 12 pg A4 mainly used by companies


1 document created for technical assistance:

· EMAS verification system, A-4 style brochure, 18 pages, companies and government organisations


5 documents created for technical assistance:

· EMAS verification system, A-4 style brochure, 18 pages, dissemination to companies and government organisations. The issues treated were: content of EMAS declaration and verification guidelines

· Certification system ISO 14001 (used for the EMS part of EMAS), 54 pg A4, used by companies, verifiers and authorities, guidelines for EMS implementation and verification

· Guidance document identification and evaluation environmental aspects in industrial companies, 18 pg A4 mainly used by companies

· Guidance document identification and evaluation environmental aspects in the service sector, 18 pg A4 mainly used by companies

· Guidance document about internal audits, 12 pg A4 mainly used by companies

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 educational programme:

Each year, 2 auditor days, discussions about specific case studies to guarantee a high level of quality of auditing of EMS's. It was focused on auditors for all sectors, with the participation of 20 certifiers.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

2 synergies each year:

· Committee of experts (meetings with experts from government and stakeholders -7 people- about the certification scheme for ISO 14001 and EMAS purpose of the meetings is to ensure a high quality of certification in the Netherlands)

· Meetings of Committee of experts with Certification bodies (to ensure a high quality of certification amongst the certifiers, 20 organisations discussing experiences and problems in the day to day certification of SME's )

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement

2006: Some green public procurement criteria sets (cleaning) mention ISO 14001 or equivalent when buying (some goods and) services. The criteria are national guidelines and have not been put down in law.

Best Practices

2006: 1 project to investigate the barriers for the use of EMAS and ISO 14001 by authorities in the phase of inspection and enforcement. Brochures with suggestions and ideas about the implementation of the EMS, Fact sheets about parts of the environmental management system (ISO 14001).


Regulatory Flexibility

Indicator 1: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Information required for permits: streamlining applications”

Indicator 2: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduced/consolidated reporting and monitoring requirements”

Indicator 3: Number of legislative text, agreements or other documents giving benefits to EMAS registered organisations in the field “Reduce inspections”

2004 and 2005:

1 legislative text:

Operator and Pollution Risk Appraisal Scheme (OPRA), April 2003, a regulatory initiative developed by Environment Agency, implemented at national level. Assessment of hazardous associated with activities of organisations and evaluation of how they are managed. Organisations are rated according to complexity of activity, emissions, location, operator performance (including type of EMS implemented) and compliance. The scheme applies to all organisations regulated by IPPC and Waste Management Licensing regimes. OPRA is linked to licence fees and permit charges so EMAS registered organisations may achieve a higher rating and pay lower costs to the regulator. A high rating achieved for having an EMS can also lead to reduced levels of inspection and monitoring by regulators. Applicable in England and Wales.


Same legislative text as above, in 2006 under review and proposals to extend scheme to all regulatory regimes operated by the Environment agency planned for public consultation. Applicable in England and Wales.

Promotional Incentives

Information Support

Indicator 1: Number of different documents to provide information on EMAS (brochures, information material, leaflets, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

UK produces a wide range of documents about EMAS and EMSs but not all of these have been developed by UK Government. Some of the most widely used information includes these 7 documents:

· Introductory Guide to EMAS, hard copy paper booklet, 19 pages, appropriate for all types of organisation, provides information on benefits, case studies of participants, eligibility, how to apply for registration and list of useful contacts.

PDF files downloadable from web site of:

· Marketing and promoting your environmental achievements with EMAS -guidance on the use of the EMAS logo

· Guidance on verification, validation and audit frequency

· Guidance on breaches

· Case study EMAS in the Supply chain

· Case study EMAS and Product declarations

· A set of 5 promotional posters detailing benefits of participation in hard copy paper format. The posters are also available in pdf-format format and can be inserted as advertising matter in publications

Indicator 2: Number of different publications (articles, newsletters, newspapers, technical magazines, advertisements campaigns, EMAS logo diffusion, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

UK Government and the EMAS Competent Body have however produced EMAS advertisements (as above) inserted in environmental trade press Environment Business Magazine), environmental professional body magazines (The Environmentalist) and uploaded on web site of national Chambers of Commerce organisation.

Indicator 3: Number of different meetings (conferences, workshops, campaigns, voluntary activities, seminars, awards ceremonies, exhibitions, forums, fairs, etc.)


Events Government was directly involved with included: Trade exhibition (ET 2004) and policy forum (National EMS Forum). Participants at the forum included EMAS coordinators, sustainability coordinators, environmental managers, regulators, NGOs, public sector bodies, certification bodies, representatives’ of industry and business, including large organisations as well as SMEs. Over 300 participants. The issues treated were: auditor skills, revisions to ISO 14001, EMAS in schools, supply chain and procurement, benefits of EMAS presented by European Commission.


In partnership with the EMAS Competent Body Government supports every year a policy forum (the National EMS Forum). Participants included EMAS coordinators, sustainability coordinators, environmental managers, regulators, NGOs, public sector bodies, certification bodies, representatives of industry and business, including large organisations as well as SMEs. Over 300 participants. The issues treated were findings of REMAS study, managing corporate multi site EMS, using EMAS to drive sustainable energy use, mainstreaming EMS in the public sector, EMS as a sustainability tool.


Government however supports every year a policy forum (National EMS Forum). Participants included EMAS coordinators, sustainability coordinators, environmental managers, regulators, NGOs, public sector bodies, certification bodies, representatives of industry and business, including large organisations as well as SMEs. Over 300 participants. The issues treated were global take up of EMAS and ISO 14001, driving environmental performance through sustainable procurement, using EMS to drive improvement in the environmental performance of products, training and competencies, making EMS a strategic business issue, adding value to EMSs, communicating environmental performance reporting. Government regularly meets with Competent Body to discuss progress on EMAS implementation.

Indicator 4: Number of web sites for EMAS information (when there is more than one Competent Body)

Indicator 5: Number of Database for EMAS controlling, register, etc (when there is more than one Competent Body)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 web site:

January 1996. The issues included were: maintenance of EMAS Register and database, UK register of UKAS accredited ISO 14001 certifications, brief introduction to EMAS, benefits, case studies, guidance documents, downloadable copies of the EMAS Regulation, application form, useful contacts. Information contained on single pages.

Indicator 6: Number of different contacts with organisations that are not EMAS registered to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Letters and emails were sent.

Indicator 7: Number of different contacts with EMAS registered organisations to provide information on EMAS (letters, mailing, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

Letters and emails were sent.

Funding Support

Indicator 1: Number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents in relation with EMAS funding

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 legislative text in relation with EMAS funding:

A Memorandum of Understanding between UK Government and EMAS Competent Body (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) to carry out all the administrative functions of EMAS and help promote EMAS. Applicable in England, Wales, N Ireland and Scotland.

Indicator 2: Budget allocated to EMAS


Budget allocated to EMAS: £65K (99€).

This part of the budget was dedicated to: meetings with organisations, sponsorship of National EMS Forum, insertion of advertising material in environmental press, maintenance and development of EMAS Competent Body web site, presentations at events and with sector groups.


Budget allocated to EMAS: £68K (104€).

This part of the budget was dedicated to: meetings with organisations, sponsorship of National EMS Forum, insertion of advertising material in environmental press, maintenance and development of EMAS Competent Body web site, presentations at events and with sector groups.


Budget allocated to EMAS: £68K (104€) per annum.

This part of the budget was dedicated to: meetings with organisations, sponsorship of National EMS Forum, insertion of advertising material in environmental press, maintenance and development of EMAS Competent Body web site, presentations at events and with sector groups. For 2006 the expenditure also covered sponsorship of the National Network of regional EMS groups for public sector.

Indicator 3: Financial support for new EMAS registrations


Reduced fees 50% for renewal of registrations for large companies (£700.00) and 50% for SMEs (£350.00).

Indicator 2: Financial support for EMAS registered organisations

2005 and 2006:

Reduced fees 50% for renewal of registrations for large companies (£700.00) and 50% for SMEs (£350.00).

Indicator 7: Reduction in registration fees

2004, 2005 and 2006:

See PI-FS2

Technical Support

Indicator 1: Number of documents created for technical assistance (manuals, guides, toolkits, guidance, guidelines, handbooks, interactive CD, studies, etc.)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

UK produces a broad range of publications and information about EMAS and EMSs but not all of these have been developed by UK government or delivery bodies so it is difficult to calculate an exact number of documents. Some of the most widely used information produced by Government best practice scheme Environ-wise includes 5 documents:

· Setting up an EMS in the food and Drink industry

· EMSs for the furniture industry, freely available from UK Government Best Practice Scheme Environ-wise: it deals with all requirements leading to implementation of EMAS and ISO 14001 for specific sectors. Available in hard copy paper version and CD-ROM and supported by slide presentations

· Work manuals on phased implementation produced for pilot scheme (see also under Indicator 2 in the paragraph on technical support)

· Guidance document on implementation of EMAS and EMSs produced by Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment

· EMAS Case study on implementation of EMAS in a local authority produced by Kirklees Council

Indicator 2: Number of programmes for phased implementation of EMAS


1 programme for phased implementation of EMAS:

Project Acorn, commenced 1999, targeted at SMEs, provided technical guidance and training materials for each stage of the scheme on setting up an EMS and working towards EMAS implementation. Approximately 200 companies participated in the pilot programmes. It was applicable to UK.

2005 and 2006:

1 programme for phased implementation of EMAS:

IEMA-Acorn scheme (successor to Acorn Project pilot scheme): it was targeted at SMEs but also appropriate for larger companies, provides guidance on stepwise approach to implementing an EMS leading to EMAS, Workbooks for each stage with details of requirements at each stage aligned to ISO 14001 and EMAS requirements, spreadsheet to identify progress on completing each stage, provides UKAS accredited inspection and certification. It was applicable to UK. 31 organisations have participated in 2006.

Indicator 3: Educational programmes (training, courses, activities, etc)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

4 educational programmes each year applicable to UK:

Training courses on implementation, management and auditing of EMAS and ISO 14001 provided by Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment Appropriate for all types of organisations:

· Introduction to EMS

· EMS Implementation

· Advanced EMS auditing

· Internal EMS Auditing

The documentation includes national and international standards, EMAS regulation, examples, case studies, practical exercises. More than 2000 organisations participate annually.

Indicator 4: Synergies involving all the actors in environmental management systems (working groups, partnerships, peer reviews, customised coaching, networks, clubs for information, etc.)

2004 and 2005:

12 synergies involving the actors in environmental management systems:

UK works with those external bodies in both the private sector and public sector which provide support, information and guidance about environmental issues and also encourage organisations to participate in either EMAS and/or ISO 14001. The information they provide is targeted at all types of and sizes of organisations. Information offered is normally short explanation of benefits of EMAS and signposting links to UK Competent Body web site or EU Europe EMAS web site for more details. Main bodies and programmes are Institution of Environmental Management and Assessment, WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), Carbon Trust, Groundwork, Environment Agency, Business Links Network, UK Accreditation Body, Associations of Certification Bodies, other Government Departments, Regional Government Offices and Regional Development Agencies.


13 synergies involving the actors in environmental managements systems:

UK works with those external bodies in both the private sector and public sector which provide support, information and guidance about environmental issues and also encourage organisations to participate in either EMAS and/or ISO 14001. The information they provide is targeted at all types of and sizes of organisations. Information offered is normally short explanation of benefits of EMAS and signposting links to UK Competent Body web site or EU Europe EMAS web site for more details. Main bodies and programmes are Institution of Environmental Management and Assessment, WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), Carbon Trust, Groundwork, Environment Agency, Business Links Network, UK Accreditation Body, Associations of Certification Bodies, other Government Departments, Regional Government Offices and Regional Development Agencies. National Network of Regional EMS groups set up to share best practise, knowledge, training and expertise for public sector bodies.

The synergies with IEMA, WRAP, Carbon Trust, Groundwork, Environment Agency, Business Links Network, UKAS, Certification Bodies, Government Departments, Regional Government Offices and RDAs include:

· Simple web based guidance on how to use EMAS and other EMS standards to improve performance and deal with single issues like waste and energy as well as CO2 reduction and achieving internal business efficiencies

· Simple signposting to other sources of information and help, and a guidance including signposting to EMAS Competent Body web site and EMAS web site of European Commission.

Synergy with National Network of EMS groups includes opportunities to share examples of EMS Best Practice and development of a CD tool for management of legal compliance.

Indicator 5: Number projects or pilot programmes

2005 and 2006:

7 projects:

· EMAS and ISO 14001 implementation in supply chain for Society of British Aerospace Companies in SW of England and Scotland piloted through the IEMA Acorn programme: training and support to help SBAC encourage suppliers to use Acorn scheme and work towards EMAS and ISO 14001. Number of companies involved: approximately 30

· Similar approach piloted with offices of the Law Society: provision of work materials and guidance on staged approach and Acorn scheme to head offices of Law Society. This could be rolled out to all firms of solicitors but presently only working with main professional body for solicitors

· Implementation of EMAS and ISO 14001 at British Nuclear fuels Ltd Sellafield using IEMA Acorn scheme: same approach as in before paragraph at a single site

· Green Lincs (Acorn): same approach as above but involving 200 companies

· East Midlands Development Agency (Acorn): same approach as above involving 250 companies

· White, Young, Green Co providing sector guidance on taking stepwise approach to EMAS and ISO 14001 for companies in horticulture, shipbuilding and industrial cleaning. The aim is to develop sector application guides for each group which includes guidance on how to use stepwise approach to achieve either EMAS or ISO 14001

· 250 companies and 7 local authorities in Northern Ireland working together to attain EMAS or ISO 14001 by stepwise approach with assistance from European Funding (STEMS project). All projects have access to Acorn workbooks, and sector guidance information. STEMS scheme works with 250 companies and 7 local authorities to help them implement EMAS or ISO 14001 by using the staged approach and register for the Acorn scheme

Indicator 6: Number of specific regulations (standards)

2004, 2005 and 2006:

1 specific regulation:

BS 8555 – 2003 - Environmental Management Systems – Guide to the phased implementation of an environmental system including the use of environmental performance evaluation, voluntary participation, national standard, applies to all sectors, all types and size of organisation.

Public Procurement

Indicator 1: Number of documents (questionnaires, guidelines, legislation, etc) related to Public Procurement


1 document related to public procurement: UK Government Sustainable Procurement. Action Plan includes mandate for all Government Departments to work towards implementation of either ISO 14001 or EMAS.


Regulatory flexibility

Total number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents Member States have in place that provide regulatory relief and deregulation for EMAS registered organisations

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 3 || 3 || 3

BE || 1 || 1 || 1

BG || 0 || 0 || 0

CY || 0 || 0 || 1

CZ || 0 || 0 || 1

DK || 2 || 2 || 2

EE || 0 || 0 || 0

FI || 0 || 0 || 0

FR || 0 || 0 || 1

DE || 33 || 33 || 33

EL || 0 || 0 || 0

HU || 0 || 0 || 0

IE || 0 || 0 || 0

IT || 2 || 3 || 3

LV || 0 || 0 || 0

LT || 0 || 0 || 1

LU || 0 || 0 || 0

MT || 0 || 0 || 0

NO || 0 || 0 || 0

PL || 0 || 0 || 0

PT || 1 || 1 || 1

RO || 0 || 0 || 0

SK || 3 || 3 || 3

SI || 1 || 0 || 0

ES || 1 || 1 || 4

SV || 0 || 0 || 0

NL || 1 || 1 || 1

UK || 3 || 3 || 3

TOTAL || 51 || 51 || 58

Promotional incentives

Information support

Total number of documents, publications, websites and other tools Member States have in place for providing information relating to EMAS

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 7 || 5 || 5

BE || 5 || 5 || 5

BG || 0 || 0 || 0

CY || 2 || 5 || 3

CZ || 5 || 6 || 5

DK || 8 || 9 || 10

EE || 4 || 11 || 16

FI || 21 || 17 || 19

FR || 0 || 0 || 23

DE || 56 || 56 || 62

EL || 31 || 11 || 26

HU || 2 || 4 || 2

IE || 2 || 4 || 7

IT || 9 || 11 || 10

LV || 4 || 7 || 13

LT || 0 || 0 || 5

LU || 0 || 0 || 0

MT || 0 || 0 || 0

NO || 7 || 7 || 8

PL || 12 || 41 || 27

PT || 28 || 20 || 21

RO || 3 || 21 || 24

SK || 3 || 5 || 5

SI || 6 || 5 || 0

ES || 21 || 26 || 64

SV || 0 || 0 || 7

NL || 9 || 12 || 9

UK || 21 || 21 || 21

TOTAL || 266 || 309 || 397

Funding support

Total number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents Member States have in place for EMAS funding

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 1 || 1 || 1

BE || 0 || 0 || 0

BG || 0 || 0 || 0

CY || 0 || 0 || 0

CZ || 3 || 3 || 2

DK || 0 || 0 || 0

EE || 0 || 0 || 0

FI || 0 || 0 || 0

FR || 0 || 0 || 0

DE || 1 || 1 || 1

EL || 1 || 0 || 1

HU || 0 || 0 || 0

IE || 0 || 0 || 0

IT || 5 || 5 || 6

LV || 0 || 0 || 0

LT || 0 || 0 || 1

LU || 0 || 0 || 0

MT || 0 || 0 || 0

NO || 0 || 0 || 0

PL || 2 || 1 || 1

PT || 3 || 3 || 4

RO || 0 || 0 || 0

SK || 1 || 1 || 1

SI || 0 || 0 || 0

ES || 4 || 7 || 6

SV || 0 || 0 || 0

NL || 0 || 0 || 0

UK || 1 || 1 || 1

TOTAL || 22 || 23 || 25

Total budget allocated to finance the implementation of EMAS

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 169.400 € || 267.849 € || 207.484 €

BE || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

BG || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

CY || 4.250 € || 4.250 € || 91.500 €

CZ || 0 € || 0 € || 12.000 €

DK || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

EE || 0 || 0 || 7.700 €

FI || 13.000 € || 7.500 € || 2.100 €

FR || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

DE || 500.000 € || 500.000 € || 500.000 €

EL || 684.886 € || 0 € || 931.764 €

HU || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

IE || 30.000 € || 0 € || 0 €

IT || 96.160 € || 585.628 € || 181.183 €

LV || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

LT || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

LU || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

MT || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

NO || 130.000 € || 130.000 € || 130.000 €

PL || 7.800 € || 2.210.000 € || 81.500 €

PT || 2.234 € || 18.863 € || 10.575 €

RO || 0 € || 17.600 € || 7.000 €

SK || 14.400 € || 6.700 € || 16.000 €

SI || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

ES || 1.629.764 € || 2.824.390 € || 2.985.210 €

SV || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

NL || 0 € || 0 € || 0 €

UK || 99 € || 104 € || 104 €

TOTAL || 3.281.993 € || 6.572.884 € || 12.856.420 €

Total number of instruments (such as subsidies, tax reductions and other advantages) Member States have in place for financially supporting EMAS registered organisations

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 1 || 1 || 2

BE || 1 || 1 || 1

BG || 0 || 0 || 0

CY || 1 || 1 || 1

CZ || 0 || 0 || 1

DK || 1 || 1 || 1

EE || 1 || 2 || 3

FI || 2 || 2 || 1

FR || 0 || 0 || 2

DE || 2 || 2 || 2

EL || 2 || 1 || 1

HU || 1 || 0 || 1

IE || 0 || 0 || 1

IT || 1 || 1 || 1

LV || 0 || 1 || 2

LT || 0 || 0 || 0

LU || 0 || 0 || 0

MT || 0 || 0 || 0

NO || 0 || 0 || 0

PL || 0 || 0 || 0

PT || 0 || 1 || 2

RO || 0 || 0 || 1

SK || 2 || 1 || 1

SI || 0 || 0 || 0

ES || 3 || 4 || 4

SV || 0 || 0 || 0

NL || 1 || 1 || 1

UK || 2 || 2 || 2

TOTAL || 21 || 23 || 31

Technical support

Total number of documents, programmes, synergies and other measures Member States have in place for technical supporting the implementation of EMAS

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 4 || 0 || 1

BE || 2 || 1 || 1

BG || 0 || 0 || 0

CY || 0 || 1 || 0

CZ || 2 || 3 || 5

DK || 2 || 1 || 0

EE || 0 || 2 || 7

FI || 1 || 1 || 1

FR || 0 || 0 || 4

DE || 5 || 5 || 5

EL || 11 || 7 || 9

HU || 2 || 3 || 7

IE || 0 || 3 || 0

IT || 1 || 1 || 5

LV || 5 || 3 || 2

LT || 0 || 0 || 1

LU || 0 || 0 || 0

MT || 0 || 0 || 0

NO || 2 || 2 || 2

PL || 3 || 17 || 3

PT || 5 || 4 || 10

RO || 1 || 0 || 3

SK || 6 || 7 || 5

SI || 3 || 1 || 0

ES || 11 || 9 || 19

SV || 0 || 0 || 0

NL || 7 || 8 || 8

UK || 23 || 30 || 31

TOTAL || 91 || 109 || 129

Public procurement

Total number of documents that a Member State has in place related with the application of public procurement

MS || 2004 || 2005 || 2006

AT || 1 || 1 || 1

BE || 0 || 0 || 0

BG || 0 || 0 || 0

CY || 0 || 0 || 1

CZ || 2 || 4 || 6

DK || 49 || 49 || 49

EE || 0 || 1 || 1

FI || 1 || 2 || 0

FR || 0 || 0 || 0

DE || 0 || 0 || 0

EL || 1 || 2 || 5

HU || 0 || 1 || 0

IE || 0 || 0 || 0

IT || 8 || 11 || 13

LV || 0 || 1 || 2

LT || 0 || 0 || 1

LU || 0 || 0 || 0

MT || 0 || 0 || 0

NO || 1 || 1 || 1

PL || 0 || 1 || 3

PT || 0 || 0 || 1

RO || 0 || 0 || 1

SK || 1 || 1 || 3

SI || 0 || 0 || 0

ES || 1 || 1 || 4

SV || 0 || 0 || 0

NL || 0 || 0 || 1

UK || 0 || 0 || 1

TOTAL || 65 || 76 || 94


Regulatory flexibility

Total number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents Member States have in place that provide regulatory relief and deregulation for EMAS registered organisations

Promotional incentives

Information support

Total number of documents, publications, websites and other tools Member States have in place for providing information relating to EMAS

Funding support

Total number of legislative texts, agreements or other documents Member States have in place for EMAS funding

Total budget allocated to finance the implementation of EMAS

Total number of instruments (such as subsidies, tax reductions and other advantages) Member States have in place for financially supporting EMAS registered organisations

Technical support

Total number of documents, programmes, synergies and other measures Member States have in place for technical supporting the implementation of EMAS

Public procurement

Total number of documents that a Member State has in place related with the application of public procurement

               OJ L 114, 24.4.2001, p. 1