Legal provisions of SEC(2009)1104 - Accompanying document to the COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS - Europe's Digital Competitiveness Report - Volume 2: i2010 — ICT Country Profiles

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Brussels, 4.8.2009

SEC(2009) 1104 final


Accompanying document to the


Europe's Digital Competitiveness Report

Volume 2: i2010 — ICT Country Profiles

{COM(2009) 390 final}
{SEC(2009) 1060}
{SEC(2009) 1103}


Introduction 4

Definitions and Sources 4

1. Austria 8

2. Belgium 10

3. Bulgaria 12

4. Cyprus 14

5. The Czech Republic 16

6. Denmark 18

7. Estonia 20

8. Finland 22

9. France 24

10. Germany 26

11. Greece 28

12. Hungary 30

13. Ireland 32

14. Italy 34

15. Latvia 36

16. Lithuania 38

17. Luxembourg 40

18. Malta 42

19. The Netherlands 44

20. Poland 46

21. Portugal 48

22. Romania 50

23. Slovakia 52

24. Slovenia 54

25. Spain 56

26. Sweden 58

27. United Kingdom 60

28. Iceland 62

29. Norway 64

30. Croatia 66


This annex presents country-level results for 52 benchmarking indicators for which up-to-date data is available. Profiles are provided for each Member State plus Norway, Iceland and Croatia.1

The indicators were defined by the Commission in co-operation with Member States and were set out in the i2010 Benchmarking Framework2 endorsed by the i2010 High Level Group in April 2006. The main sources of data are the Community Surveys of Households and Individuals and of Enterprises undertaken by the National Statistical Offices and Eurostat3. These data are complemented by other official statistics on electronic communications collected through the Communication Committee and by ad-hoc studies undertaken by independent contractors notably for broadband coverage, speeds and online availability of public services. A full list of the indicators used, sources and notes is given in the next section.

Data reported in the country profiles come from statistical sources harmonised at EU level.4 Some indicators, in particular for those related to eCommerce, eBusiness take up by enterprises and eGovernment take up by citizens have to be interpreted with care because of slight changes in the definitions and/or changes in the structure of the questionnaire that could have affected comparability over time. The eCommerce indicator for 2008, in particular, is not available for a number of Member States.

Definitions and Sources


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population) - Source: study for the European Commission, Broadband coverage in Europe (Preliminary data for December 2008)5, Idate. Estimations for the EU average include IS and NO.

DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population) - Source: study for the European Commission, Broadband coverage in Europe (Preliminary data for December 2008), Idate. Estimations for the EU include IS and NO.

Broadband penetration: number of total subscriptions to fixed broadband connections (households, enterprises, public sector) by platform (DSL, all others) divided by the number of inhabitants. 3G subscriptions are not included in the total. Source: Communications Committee (COCOM) (1 January 2009). FR, NL, AT, EE, LT: data as at 1 October 2008. NO at 1st January 2009. For 2003 and 2005, data is at 31st December for all the countries except for NO (1st July). Note that COCOM data does not include mobile broadband connections.

Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps– Source: study for the European Commission, Broadband coverage in Europe (Preliminary data for December 2008), Idate.

% of households with an Internet connection – households with at least one member aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households 2008

% of households having a broadband connection – households with at least one member aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals 2008

% of enterprises having a broadband connection - 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises 2008

% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals 2008

% of individuals using a laptop via wireless connection away from home/work to access the internet – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals 2008

Internet usage

% of population who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week in the last 3 months) – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals

% of population who are using the internet every day or almost every day (in the last 3 months) – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals

% of population who have never used the internet – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals

% of population using the Internet for specific activities (in the last 3 months) - Activities: sending emails, looking for information about goods and services, reading online newspapers/magazines, ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use (in the last year), selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions), internet banking, downloading computer or video games or their updates, downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films, paying for online audiovisual contents, listening to the web radio/watching web tv, uploading self-created content, seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition, looking for a job or sending a job application, doing an online course, consultation with the purpose of learning. – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals

eGovernment indicators

% of basic public services fully available online (for households and enterprises) - A public service is considered fully online when the publicly accessible website offers the possibility to completely treat the public service via the website, including decision and delivery. No other formal procedure is necessary for the applicant via 'paperwork'. Source: The User Challenge. Benchmarking the Supply of Online Public Services, European Commission. Data for September 2007

% of population using eGovernment services (in the last three months) – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals

% of population using eGovernment services for sending filled forms (in the last three months) – individuals aged 16-74. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by households and individuals

% of enterprises using eGovernment services (in the last year) – 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises.

% of enterprises using eGovernment services for sending filled forms (in the last year) – 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises.

% of enterprises using eGovernment services to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement) - 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises.


eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises - Turnover on the Internet or via other external computer mediated network as % of the total turnover of enterprises (in 2007). 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises

% of enterprises receiving orders/purchasing on the Internet - Non financial enterprises. % of enterprises receiving orders/purchasing on the Internet or via other external computer mediated network (in 2007). 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector. Source: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises


For all the indicators in this section the source is: Eurostat survey on ICT use by enterprises

% of enterprises using applications for integrating internal business processes– % of enterprises sharing electronically information on sales and/or purchases with the software used for any internal function (management of inventory levels, accounting, production/service management, distribution management), in January 2008. 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector.

% of enterprises using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises) – as above but for enterprises with 250+ employees.

% of enterprises using applications for employees to access HR services – % of enterprises using, in January 2008, dedicated applications for employees to access human resources services (e.g. see open job positions, request annual leave, view or download payslips, or other services). 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector, excluding the financial sector.

% of enterprises exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers - % of enterprises sending/receiving automatically, in January 2008, orders, e-invoices, product information (catalogues, price lists, etc), transport documents. 10+ employees, excluding the financial sector.

% of enterprises sending/receiving e-invoices - % of enterprises, in January 2008, sending/receiving e-invoices in a digital format which allows its automatic processing.10+ employees, excluding the financial sector.

% of enterprises using analytical CRM - % of enterprises having used, in January 2008, any software application for making analysis of the information about clients for marketing purposes (this is commonly referred to as Customer Relationship Management, e.g. to set prices, make sales promotion, choose distribution channels, etc.).

Indicators on the growth of ICT sector and R&D

ICT sector share on total employment and value added – Source: Eurostat estimation based on SBS (structural business statistics) and National Accounts statistics.

Share of ICT R&D performed by the business sector as % of GDP and as % of total business expenditure in R&D. Source: IPTS (European Commission) – Prospective Insights on R&D in ICT Annual Report 2008.

% of ICT exports/imports on total exports/imports: data for Imports and Exports of goods are from the COMEXT database; data for services are from Balance of Payments statistics. Share of all Exports and Imports is calculated comparing the previously mentioned data with data from National Accounts Exports and Imports. Source: Eurostat.

% of persons employed with ICT user skills - Based on the OECD definition of ICT user (basic + advanced) skills. Source: Eurostat Labour Force Survey. The figure for 2008 refers to the first 3 quarters.

% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills - Based on the OECD definition of ICT specialist skills. Source: Eurostat Labour Force Survey. The figure for 2008 refers to the first 3 quarters.

ICT specialists: they have the ability to develop, operate and maintain ICT systems. ICTs constitute the main part of their job – they develop and put in place the ICT tools for others.

Advanced users: competent users of advanced, and often sector-specific, software tools. ICTs are not the main job but a tool.

Basic users: competent users of generic tools (e.g. Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint) needed for the information society, eGovernment and working life. Here too, ICTs are a tool, not the main job.

The information society at large - connectivity, ICT usage by households, enterprises and government - is more developed than on average in the EU. Austria is a frontrunner in particular in the availability of eGovernment services, for which Austria has been leading developments in the EU consistently over the recent years. More recently particular emphasis has been given to the security of electronic transactions (eSecurity) through the deployment of the social security eCard which can be used for authentication in both public and private transactions.


Fixed broadband access indicators do not feature significant progress, but indications are that wireless mobile is developing at a faster rate than in most EU countries. Austria's fixed broadband penetration now stands at 21.4%, close to the EU average, with households exhibiting higher rates of connectivity than enterprises do. For enterprise connectivity, Austria places near the bottom of the ranking. DSL coverage is at average levels, but progress is slow. Wireless mobile connectivity on the other hand is developing fast both for 3G and wireless laptop access and Austria is one of the most advanced country in the take up of these technologies.

Internet Usage

In the EU, Austria ranks 9th in terms of both regular (at least once a week) and frequent (almost every day) internet usage. 66% of the population were regular internet users in 2008 (above the EU average), up from 49% in 2005; 48% were frequent users, up from 32% in 2005. Nevertheless, a quarter of the population has never used the internet – somewhat better than the EU average of 33%. The picture in terms of use of advanced internet services is more mixed. While Austrian citizens are more intensive users of some services, such as sending e-mails, looking for information on goods and services, online shopping and seeking health information, they are less intensive users of others, such as watching web tv, seeking information with the purpose of learning, downloading video games or watching/downloading films and music.

Austria has reached full online availability of basic public services for citizens and enterprises. Take-up of eGovernment services by enterprises, at 80%, is relatively good and the country is one of the best performers in the area of e-procurement. Take-up by citizens, however, is significantly lower, though at 39% is higher than the EU average (28%).

ICTs in the Economy

Austria's performance on the eCommerce dimension is in line with the general situation in Europe. For eBusiness, Austria exhibits some top-ranking scores. This is primarily the case for in-house operations (integrating business processes, providing access to HR-services, using analytical CRM). For activities managing external relations (e.g. sending/receiving e-invoices or electronic information sharing with customers/suppliers), the figures are less impressive.

Austria also has a higher than average business expenditure on ICT R&D, ranking fourth, despite a less than average size of the ICT sector. It also has a rather good specialist eSkills base, but lags behind than expected in the percentage of persons employed with user skills.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)10.114.317.419.021.422.912
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps22.929.742.957.363.316
% of households with an internet connection44.646.752.359.668.960.48
% of households with a broadband connection16233346544911
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access55616972768120
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet12439
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1422122
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)4649556166569
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)2832394548439
% population who have never used the internet40342825339
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails4548535463538
looking for information about goods and services36424747515011
uploading self-created content81116
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use1925323637329
reading online newspapers/magazines16212624302514
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)448771011
internet banking18222730342912
downloading computer or video games or their updates6923
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films202820
paying for online audiovisual contents558
listening to the web radio/watching web tv3577132024
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition616242732287
looking for a job or sending a job application469891318
doing an online course13
seeking information with the purpose of learning9122624
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online6070100511
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online8810010072
% of population using eGovernment services2129332739287
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms14129
% of enterprises using eGovernment services74758181806810
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms47415454595012
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)1113111693
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises77101113127
% enterprises selling online1210151815169
% enterprises purchasing online2222374234287
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)59413
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)92701
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services19116
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers292511
sending/receiving e-invoices18172117
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.201611
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.2930171
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP4.
ICT sector share of total employment2.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.50.50.34
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports7.
% of ICT exports on total imports9.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.19.718.218.317.617.518.420
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

The information society is more developed in Belgium than on average in the EU. However, Belgium is not one of the frontrunners: although broadband markets are highly developed and performance is good in the fields of eCommerce and eBusiness, the country still lags behind in the use of advanced services and eGovernment (although some applications are very successful, for example the electronic tax return form 'Tax-on-web') . A new national digital strategy is under preparation.


With complete DSL coverage and 93.8% of internet connected households having access to broadband (mostly +2Mbps and even +4Mbps connections), Belgium has almost completed the transition from narrowband to broadband. With fixed broadband penetration at 27.5%, and a good balance of platform competition (DSL and cable modem), the country scores above average, even though in terms of ranking it lost two places since last year and no longer belongs to the leading group of countries. Enterprises' broadband access on the other hand has significantly progressed, with Belgium now ranking 4th in the EU (i.e. up 3 places since last year).

Despite good performance in fixed broadband access, there is room for improvement in terms of exploiting mobile opportunities: both for 3G mobile phone access and wireless laptop connections outside the office or home, Belgium scores below average.

Internet Usage

Belgium ranks among the top third in terms of both regular and frequent internet use. 66% of the population are regular internet users, accessing the internet at least once a week, and 51% are frequent users, accessing the internet almost every day. One quarter of the population has never used the internet. Belgians are above average users of the most common internet services, such as sending emails, looking for information on goods and services and internet banking. By contrast, they exhibit below average use of most other services.

In the area of eGovernment, while progress has been made in the provision of eGovernment services, especially for enterprises, uptake is lagging, particularly for citizens, with only 16% of the population making use of these services.

ICTs in the Economy

Progress in enterprises' connectivity has translated into a more intensive take-up of ICT. Belgium scores among the top 8 countries in every eCommerce indicator and shows solid performance in the eBusiness area. The Belgian ICT sector is comparable to the EU27 average, both in terms of contribution to GDP and employment.

Finally, the percentage of people employed with ICT user skills and ICT specialist skills are respectively at and below the European average, a surprising result given the average development of the information society in this country.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)100.0100.0100.0100.099.992.74
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)100.0100.0100.099.676.64
Broadband penetration (as % of population)15.519.222.825.627.522.98
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps91.791.290.893.963.32
% of households with an internet connection50546064609
% of households with a broadband connection41485660497
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access7078848691814
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet111323
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.781217
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)53586366568
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)38454951437
% population who have never used the internet393429263312
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails49546062539
looking for information about goods and services43515558508
uploading self-created content51121
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use161921213214
reading online newspapers/magazines131617212520
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)78101010
internet banking23283539298
downloading computer or video games or their updates6921
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films232817
paying for online audiovisual contents3517
listening to the web radio/watching web tv1113152020
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition192325242815
looking for a job or sending a job application89881320
doing an online course23314
seeking information with the purpose of learning17202619
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online1718425116
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online63888872
% of population using eGovernment services183023162820
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms51221
% of enterprises using eGovernment services60615951696818
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms263337374950
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)637920
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises6981112
% enterprises selling online1816151816168
% enterprises purchasing online918164334286
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)58414
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)89702
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services17118
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers39251
sending/receiving e-invoices3136213
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.35161
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1717
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.
ICT sector share of total employment3.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.310.290.319
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports6.
% of ICT exports on total imports7.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

The information society in Bulgaria is at a relatively early stage of development. Although some visible progress has taken place since last year in the areas of broadband and internet usage, there is still significant room for improvement: very low rankings on broadband penetration, internet usage and eGovernment show the urgent need of further efforts to narrow the gap with the rest of Europe. To this end, in the 3rd quarter of 2008, a National Programme for Accelerated Information Society Development 2008-2010 was implemented, and proposals for the adoption of two complementary programmes with a three-year term of operation were elaborated: a National Programme for the Development of Information Technologies and a National Programme for the Development of Broadband Access. Both draft programmes are aimed at systematising the efforts and providing for adequate conditions to converge with the advanced EU countries in the area of broadband and ICTs in the economy.


Fixed broadband penetration was 11.2% in 2008, less than half of the EU27 average. The percentage of households having access to the internet is among the lowest in Europe. But there is a more positive trend in terms of speed: 68.4% of those with internet access use a +2MB/s connection, a number only exceeded by three other countries. This suggests that Bulgaria is leapfrogging the phases of narrowband and slow broadband internet connections.

Internet Usage

Rates of internet usage have been gradually improving over the last few years. Nevertheless, take-up of the internet in Bulgaria is still very low and a majority (57%) of the population has never used the internet. Usage of internet services is correspondingly low. The most popular services are also the most commonly used ones at EU level: sending emails and looking up information on goods and services. Another popular activity among internet users in Bulgaria is downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films.

In 2007 availability of eGovernment services was low. The rate of adoption of eGovernment services by both citizens and enterprises is also low, especially for citizens for which it is the lowest in the EU.

ICTs in the Economy

83% of Bulgarian enterprises are connected to the internet but only 75% of these connections are based on broadband. . This explains why Bulgarian enterprises are still towards the bottom of the distribution for use of eCommerce, although some minor improvements have been made in terms of ranking. The situation is somewhat better for the take-up of eBusiness. In particular, Bulgaria scores well for the implementation of HR-applications, automatic documents exchange and the use of e-invoices.

Despite the below-average percentages of employees with ICT-skills, the ICT sector is relatively important: its contribution to GDP (6.3% in 2004) exceeds the EU27 average.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)N/A92.724
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)4.57.611.222.926
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps58.568.463.39
% of households with an internet connection101719256027
% of households with a broadband connection41015214926
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access28325761628124
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet001322
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.121226
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)132228335625
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)71420234326
% population who have never used the internet7165573326
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails141925285325
looking for information about goods and services81317225026
uploading self-created content31126
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use12333227
reading online newspapers/magazines71110152526
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)01111021
internet banking11222927
downloading computer or video games or their updates6920
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films212819
paying for online audiovisual contents2524
listening to the web radio/watching web tv61110132023
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition35572827
looking for a job or sending a job application34571323
doing an online course11326
seeking information with the purpose of learning252627
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online255121
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online072
% of population using eGovernment services58682827
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms31226
% of enterprises using eGovernment services38324645586824
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms9112329435020
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)81778914
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises40111219
% enterprises selling online32121625
% enterprises purchasing online43332825
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)354121
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)547025
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services22112
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers312510
sending/receiving e-invoices926218
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.141616
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.991720
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP6.35.0
ICT sector share of total employment1.92.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.020.030.3124
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports2.
% of ICT exports on total imports5.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.11.711.711.411.512.118.425
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

The information society in Cyprus is at early stages of development. Although efforts have been made to improve connectivity, the take-up of internet services by the public systematically remains below the European average. eBusiness scores are showing a brighter picture, while a good e-skill base can be a firm foundation for further development. To exploit the opportunities provided by ICTs, Cyprus is developing an integrated National Strategy for the Information Society, including the appointment of a Commissioner for Information Society, the creation of an appropriate institutional and regulatory framework for increased and safer Internet usage, the promotion of ICT and the internet into everyday life and the expansion of broadband coverage in rural areas.


In only four years time, fixed broadband penetration in Cyprus rose from 2.5% to 18.2%, narrowing the gap with the rest of Europe, with enterprise connectivity on the rise and widespread broadband coverage (although rural areas are not covered, only 3% of population resides in these areas). However, only a small fraction of broadband connections are fast (+2MB/s) and mobile access is scarcely used.

Internet Usage

Cyprus exhibits low rates of both regular and frequent internet use, and little improvement has been made in recent years. The rates of regular internet use stagnated at 35% between 2007 and 2008 and only a 1pp. increase was observed in the rate of frequent use, to 24%, over this period. Furthermore, more than half of the population has never used the internet. Usage of internet services is less common than in the majority of other EU countries and the take up of internet services did not increase significantly for any of the indicators measured in 2007.

Some progress has been made with regard to the provision of public services for enterprises and take-up by enterprises has reached 65%. However, both provision and take-up for and by citizens is relatively low.

ICTs in the Economy

The percentage of employees with ICT user/specialist skills is in line with the EU average. The use of applications for integrating internal business processes is above average, but the take up of eBusiness and eCommerce services remains generally low.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)69.769.779.693.292.715
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.00.08.611.963.327
% of households with an internet connection53323739436024
% of households with a broadband connection241220334923
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access35405569798119
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet011326
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.731222
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)28262935355624
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)18161923244324
% population who have never used the internet646256543323
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails24232530305324
looking for information about goods and services21242732325023
uploading self-created content61120
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use4571093223
reading online newspapers/magazines17152022232517
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)001111022
internet banking46612112924
downloading computer or video games or their updates7919
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films162825
paying for online audiovisual contents1525
listening to the web radio/watching web tv129913122025
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition681114122824
looking for a job or sending a job application335541326
doing an online course11324
seeking information with the purpose of learning21172620
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online1725335118
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online38506372
% of population using eGovernment services11111320162821
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms61219
% of enterprises using eGovernment services35404454656820
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms119814185026
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)0000926
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises02111218
% enterprises selling online546771618
% enterprises purchasing online14151012142816
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)464115
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)817010
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services71124
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers82527
sending/receiving e-invoices1072126
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.81625
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.14141714
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.030.040.3121
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports5.
% of ICT exports on total imports6.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.17.718.018.919.518.918.415
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.
5.The Czech Republic

Progress in the development of the information society in the Czech Republic is visible although the country is still lagging behind in comparison to general developments in the EU. The country scores well in particular in the areas of eCommerce and in the use of applications for integrating internal business processes. To this end, the 'Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation' has been conceived to support companies which invest in ICT to increase effectiveness in their internal operations ('ICT in Enterprises' programme) or to support the creation/upgrading of ICT companies and services (''ICT and Strategic Services' programme).


Progress in DSL coverage has been strong and is in line with the EU27 average. There has been a significant improvement in households' connectivity over the last years and the share of broadband subscriptions relative to total internet subscriptions has increased from 23% in 2004 to over 79% in 2008. Fixed broadband penetration and the percentage of households having access to broadband however remain low. Nevertheless, all broadband subscriptions now display +2MB/s speeds, suggesting that the Czech Republic is benefiting from the development of platform competition and accelerating its transition to broadband. The percentage of users accessing the internet through UMTS is also above average.

Internet Usage

The Czech Republic has a somewhat lower proportion of regular and frequent internet users in the population than the EU average, although the proportion of those who have never used the internet is the same as for the EU as a whole. In addition, the number of users has risen substantially over the past few years: the number of regular users has doubled over the period since 2005 to reach 51% in 2008, and the number of frequent users has tripled, to reach 30%.

The most popular internet services used by Czech citizens are sending emails and looking for information on goods and services, as in the rest of EU. Other popular services include reading online newspapers and ordering goods and services online. In relation to the take up of other internet services, the Czech Republic still ranks quite low.

The take-up of eGovernment by citizens is amongst the lowest in the EU. This is possibly related to the fact that the availability of public services is also low. For enterprises, the picture is completely different: 100% of services are available online and take-up exceeds the EU average by 5 p.p.

ICTs in the Economy

The Czech Republic scores relatively well on the eCommerce dimension. With 15% of total turnover coming from eCommerce, the country ranks 4th. The share of enterprises buying and selling online lies around the European average, giving the Czech Republic a place in the top-10 for both aspects. For eBusiness, the picture is less positive: the popularity of business integration applications is important, but the other indicators yield low scores.

It is also clear that ICT is an important export product. Accordingly, the percentage of high-skilled ICT professionals lies above average. The presence of ICT user and ICT specialist skills in enterprises is increasing over time.

The Czech Republic

Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)74.781.385.092.092.719
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)2.26.410.614.617.122.920
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps9.043.4100.063.31
% of households with an internet connection19192935466023
% of households with a broadband connection451728364921
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access38526977798117
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet14535
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.371218
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)25263642515617
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)10101824304322
% population who have never used the internet634946333314
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails27273742515315
looking for information about goods and services17203237455018
uploading self-created content21127
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use551317233212
reading online newspapers/magazines10121922332512
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)510
internet banking551012142920
downloading computer or video games or their updates5926
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films192822
paying for online audiovisual contents4512
listening to the web radio/watching web tv3368132021
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition31011142823
looking for a job or sending a job application324451325
doing an online course12320
seeking information with the purpose of learning17102626
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online178255121
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online506310072
% of population using eGovernment services751716142824
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms41224
% of enterprises using eGovernment services75797673736817
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms24323234355024
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)1610128917
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises687915124
% enterprises selling online111389151610
% enterprises purchasing online1921172226288
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)49419
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)85704
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services51126
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers152524
sending/receiving e-invoices33172119
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.121623
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.15141715
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.110.140.3113
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports12.212.113.514.95
% of ICT exports on total imports13.212.414.315.34
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.16.516.817.417.918.318.418
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Denmark is among the top nations for most i2010 indicators and is a clear frontrunner in the development of the information society. It is the leader in broadband penetration and has the highest share of frequent internet users in Europe. With an action plan on green ICT launched in 2008, Denmark is also at the forefront in terms of eco-friendly usage of ICT.


Denmark ranks first in the EU in terms of broadband penetration rate (37.3%) and features complete coverage of fixed broadband networks. 90% of internet connected households subscribe to broadband. Mobile connectivity opportunities are used twice as much as the EU average. All this makes Denmark one of the top countries regarding broadband connectivity for citizens. Enterprises however are not capitalising on broadband connectivity at similar rates: broadband take-up has been stabilizing over the last years around 80%, in line with the EU27 average.

Internet Usage

Denmark is one of the frontrunners in terms of regular and frequent use of the internet, with 80% and 71% of the population accessing the internet at least once a week and almost every day, respectively. This is well above the EU averages for these indicators. In addition, the share of individuals never having used the internet, at 12%, is amongst the lowest in the EU.

Furthermore, all internet services are used by a larger percentage of the Danish population than is average for the EU, whether it be the most common ones, such as sending emails or looking for information about goods and services, or the less commonly used ones, such as paying for online content, downloading computer or video games or their updates, selling goods and services and uploading self-created content.

Denmark has around 50% availability of public services for citizens online and 86% for enterprises. As with the majority of Member States, Denmark has a larger uptake of online public services by enterprises than by citizens. However, as with other take-up indicators, take-up of online public services in Denmark has one of the highest rates.

ICTs in the Economy

Despite losing some places on the European ranking for some indicators, Denmark still performs well in the fields of eCommerce and eBusiness, with scores well above average.

For the ICT sector as a whole, figures are again very positive, both in absolute numbers and in terms of ranking. ICT is a significant contributor to the Danish GDP and employment. The R&D expenditure on ICT is relatively high and there is a strong presence of both user and specialist skills in employment.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)95.0100.0100.0100.0100.092.71
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)100.0100.0100.0100.076.61
Broadband penetration (as % of population)19.224.731.935.637.322.91
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps11.316.248.670.563.38
% of households with an internet connection6975797882603
% of households with a broadband connection3651637074491
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access80828380808116
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet11633
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.2512
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)7073787680563
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)5357656671431
% population who have never used the internet14101212333
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails6569747476533
looking for information about goods and services5963686873503
uploading self-created content141110
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use4248555659321
reading online newspapers/magazines3638464752253
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)55172219102
internet banking4549575761294
downloading computer or video games or their updates1199
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films36284
paying for online audiovisual contents1452
listening to the web radio/watching web tv1619273437202
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition2724283836286
looking for a job or sending a job application1619202623132
doing an online course43310
seeking information with the purpose of learning5347262
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online3342505114
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online88888672
% of population using eGovernment services44435844285
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms27122
% of enterprises using eGovernment services8587878890683
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms56556165508
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)578915
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises12172212
% enterprises selling online2532343320165
% enterprises purchasing online2832343638285
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)57416
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)85705
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services24111
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers38253
sending/receiving e-invoices3743211
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.22167
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1719177
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP4.95.15.05
ICT sector share of total employment3.63.72.74
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.510.580.313
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports5.
% of ICT exports on total imports8.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.22.624.023.523.222.818.44
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills4.

Estonia presents a mixed picture of information society developments. It is strong in the fields of eGovernment and in some of the eBusiness indicators, including enterprises' connectivity, but generally weak in eCommerce. The "Estonian Information Society Strategy 2013" which covers the period from 2007-2013, sets as main objective that each citizen should be able to benefit of the opportunities of the information society in every possible way and actively participate in public life ("nobody will stay or will be left behind"). It also states that Estonia's economic growth is based on the wide use of ICT solutions and supported by a public sector which is citizen-centred, transparent and efficient.


Estonian households and enterprises have a higher level of broadband connectivity than the EU average – with a broadband penetration rate of 24.6%, Estonia is showing the best performance of the Member States that joined the EU since May 2004 – and growth is continuing. Moreover, 94% of the internet connected households use broadband connections. Despite widespread connectivity, few of these broadband subscriptions have speeds above 2MB/s (only 38.9%, one of the lowest percentages in Europe). 88% of the enterprises have broadband access, giving Estonia a 7th place in the European ranking, up by 20 percentage points relative to four years ago.

Internet Usage

Estonia has a somewhat higher proportion of the population that are regular and frequent internet users than is average for the EU, and only about a quarter of the population has never used the internet, compared to around a third for the EU. With regard to the use of internet services, while Estonians are above average users of some services, for others they record low rates of use. On the one hand Estonia has the highest rate of internet use for the purpose of uploading self-created content, ranks second in terms of the proportion of the population that reads online newspapers and has more than the double the percentage of people using internet banking than is average for the EU. On the other hand only 1% of the population pay for online content and only 10% buy goods and services online. Use of other services is around average.

Both the provision and use of eGovernment services is more advanced in Estonia than the EU average. While 58% of public services for citizens are available online, for enterprises it is 88%. Rates of take up are 34% and 77%, respectively.

ICTs in the Economy

With only 11% and 18% of enterprises selling and purchasing online, Estonia is still lagging behind in the field of eCommerce. The situation is mixed for eBusiness: with the exception of the indicators on the automatic exchange of documents and sending and receiving e-invoices, Estoniais one of the weakest countries in Europe for the other indicators.

The latest figures reveal that the importance of the Estonian ICT sector in terms of GDP and employment is in line with the EU27 average. The same holds for the percentage of employees with ICT user or specialist skills.

ICT R&D represents one quarter of total R&D, but total R&D expenditure is low. The shares of ICT exports and imports have been falling over time.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)10.313.318.421.224.622.910
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps3.738.963.321
% of households with an internet connection31394653586015
% of households with a broadband connection20303748544912
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access6867767888817
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet122315
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1216129
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)45545659625612
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)27404043454311
% population who have never used the internet363432263310
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails39494954545312
looking for information about goods and services32414448535010
uploading self-created content21111
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use6779103221
reading online newspapers/magazines3846505054252
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)343551013
internet banking3545485355295
downloading computer or video games or their updates1197
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films252816
paying for online audiovisual contents1526
listening to the web radio/watching web tv13151721192014
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition161826252812
looking for a job or sending a job application1218171315139
doing an online course7534
seeking information with the purpose of learning222614
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online366458519
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online1001008872
% of population using eGovernment services2031293034288
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms24125
% of enterprises using eGovernment services84706976776813
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms54505458625010
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)13131296
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises3212
% enterprises selling online88147111613
% enterprises purchasing online32131713182814
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)424118
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)727018
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services81120
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers34257
sending/receiving e-invoices2539212
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.131620
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1091723
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP4.94.75.08
ICT sector share of total employment2.92.92.77
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.120.150.3111
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports13.613.911.66.512
% of ICT exports on total imports12.813.710.77.717
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.17.219.917.819.318.918414
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Finland is amongst the best performing countries in Europe and is one of the frontrunners in information society developments in all respects. The ICT sector is very important for the Finnish economy The National information society policy is planning to further develop infrastructure, to innovate environment and markets, to develop content and services, expertise and preparedness. The public sector structures will be revamped and provision of electronic public services will be increased.


In comparison to last year, the broadband penetration rate went down, lowering Finland's ranking from 2 to 4. However, just like for coverage, penetration still largely exceeds the EU27 average. The share of internet connected households (using broadband connections in 92% of the cases) is one of the highest in Europe too. The percentage of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps is one of the only indicators for which Finland scores below average. Given the presence of one of the leading mobile phone manufacturers, the adoption of mobile connectivity could be expected to be higher as well.

Finally, 92% of all enterprises have access to broadband internet. Nevertheless, Finland is no longer leading the European ranking in this respect, and scores third.

Internet Usage

With almost 4/5th of the population using the internet on a regular basis, mostly via high speed broadband connections, Finland ranks as one of the best countries for internet use in the EU. This high broadband take-up is clearly reflected in the use of Internet services, for which Finland is placed among the highest ranking countries on almost all measured indicators. In particular, there is nowhere else in the EU where a larger proportion of the population uses the internet to look for health information, take courses, look for a job or read a newspaper.

In the field of eGovernment, Finland is also one of the leading countries. Its use by enterprises and citizens is the highest and second highest in Europe respectively. However, online availability of services for companies lies below the EU average and has decreased substantially in recent years.

ICTs in the economy

In no other European country, the ICT sector contributes more to the GDP than in Finland, and its share in total employment is only higher in Sweden. Accordingly, the (relative) spending on R&D is unseen in any other country. ICT exports account for a relatively large share of total exports and imports, but this share is decreasing. The importance of ICTs for Finnish companies is reflected in the adoption of eBusiness applications, which all score above average. With the notable exception of customer relation management, the rankings and scores on this dimension do not fully match the overall development of the information society in Finland.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)89.490.491.896.095.792.710
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)14.922.427.134.630.722.94
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps30.826.731.960.363.315
% of households with an internet connection5154656972606
% of households with a broadband connection2136536366494
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access7181899192813
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet224311
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.8121210
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)6362717578564
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)4649566266434
% population who have never used the internet23181713334
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails6263677174535
looking for information about goods and services5962676873504
uploading self-created content91112
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use3338444851326
reading online newspapers/magazines3741465057251
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)89141314107
internet banking5056636672291
downloading computer or video games or their updates7917
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films34285
paying for online audiovisual contents955
listening to the web radio/watching web tv1217202433204
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition3339444751281
looking for a job or sending a job application2224262626131
doing an online course131431
seeking information with the purpose of learning3031267
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online606080516
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online75635072
% of population using eGovernment services4547475053282
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms18127
% of enterprises using eGovernment services9191939495681
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms6171787881501
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)000926
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises131414151612
% enterprises selling online171714151316
% enterprises purchasing online1919231928
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)494110
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)747015
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services18117
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers282513
sending/receiving e-invoices2725219
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.201612
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.2625173
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP7.
ICT sector share of total employment4.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP1.531.570.311
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports17.020.217.414.66
% of ICT exports on total imports13.114.813.713.16
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.19.920.020.620.620.018.49
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills4.

France is fairly advanced in the information society, with many benchmarking indicators above the EU average, notably in the area of broadband, which have translated in advanced internet usage. However, ICT usage by businesses and eSkills are weaker than other areas. Further progress is expected from the France's national strategy 'Digital France 2012', the country’s action plan for the development of the Digital Economy by 2012. The plan has the goal of making it one of the best ICT countries by 2012, by providing 100% coverage of fixed and mobile broadband and introducing digital television. The plan rests on four priorities: (1) to provide access of the whole population to the internet and digital services, (2) to develop the production and supply of digital content, (3) to increase and diversify usage and digital services within enterprises, administrations and households, and (4) to modernise the governance of the digital economy.


The broadband market has continued to grow, reaching a penetration rate of 27.7% in 2008, improving France's ranking by two places, and featuring high speeds. There is almost full DSL coverage in the whole country. 62% of households have an internet connection (92% are broadband), slightly exceeding the EU27 average. Mobile access to the internet is not yet developed. Enterprises on the other hand, do take advantage of the high DSL coverage. With 92% of the companies having broadband access, France ranks first on this indicator.

Internet Usage

In France, regular and frequent rates of internet use have been rising in recent years and they are currently somewhat higher than the average for the EU. Around a quarter of the population has never used the internet, compared to a third for the EU.

On average, use by French citizens of various internet services is also above the EU average. While the most popular activities are sending emails and looking up information about goods and services, as in most other countries, France is also one of the best countries for looking up information for the purpose of learning. The least popular activities include doing online courses, paying for online audiovisual content and downloading computer or video games and their updates. This is the case for most EU countries.

Both availability and take up of eGovernment services is above the EU average in France. As with most Member States, it is more developed for enterprises than it is for citizens.

ICTs in the Economy

France's performance on the eCommerce and eBusiness dimensions is not exceptional. For eCommerce, the share of e-turnover is equal to the EU27 average, but scores for the two other indicators are below average. For eBusiness, the rankings are relatively low, with the exception of the use of applications for integrating internal business processes by large enterprises. Despite high connectivity in Europe, French enterprises do not seem to take advantage of this opportunity to boost eBusiness and eCommerce.

The ICT sector's share in GDP and employment is in line with the European average, just like the ICT R&D expenditure. More could be expected however in terms of eSkills.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)90.896.498.498.5100.092.71
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)87.996.596.7100.076.61
Broadband penetration (as % of population)11.216.420.423.327.722.97
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps30.540.654.764.463.314
% of households with an internet connection344149626011
% of households with a broadband connection304357498
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access868992811
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet11319
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.7101214
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)3957635610
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)2641474310
% population who have never used the internet4632263311
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails3448575311
looking for information about goods and services365557509
uploading self-created content17115
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use223540328
reading online newspapers/magazines918222518
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)710109
internet banking183240297
downloading computer or video games or their updates6922
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films38283
paying for online audiovisual contents559
listening to the web radio/watching web tv101724208
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition132939285
looking for a job or sending a job application61317135
doing an online course2439
seeking information with the purpose of learning4347263
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online425858519
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online63758872
% of population using eGovernment services264143286
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms25124
% of enterprises using eGovernment services6669736816
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms515967507
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)1191395
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises12129
% enterprises selling online131611
% enterprises purchasing online182813
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)464114
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)81709
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services111116
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers292512
sending/receiving e-invoices10202115
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.121622
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.9141717
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP4.
ICT sector share of total employment3.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.360.340.317
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports7.
% of ICT exports on total imports9.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.17.116.916.917.717.818.419
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Germany is just outside the leading countries for information society development with most of benchmarking indicators having values around the EU average. However, there is room for improvement in the fields of eGovernment (especially for enterprises) and eBusiness.


The broadband market has expanded further compared to the previous year. The latest figures reveal improvements on every indicator. DSL coverage has increased, particularly in rural areas. The broadband penetration rate exceeds the EU average, yielding a 9th rank. Three quarters of all households have internet access but only 73% of them use broadband connections and only half of all broadband subscribers access speeds above 2MB/s. On the other hand, the use of wireless laptop connections is getting widespread. Significant progress has also been made in broadband connectivity by enterprises, exceeding the EU average rate for the first time.

Internet Usage

Germany performs relatively well in terms of rates of regular and frequent internet users in the population. However, it is not one of the most connected. Only 20% of German citizens have never used the internet, compared to 33% for the EU as a whole. Take up of most internet services is above the EU average, with the exception of reading online newspapers and doing online courses. Germany has the highest rate of population downloading computer or video games or their updates.

The online availability of public services exceeds the EU27 average, for both citizens and enterprises. However, take-up by enterprises is lagging in EU comparison. Despite this, use of e-procurement is average.

ICTs in the Economy

Germany shows a mixed picture in the area of eBusiness: for some indicators like the use of applications to access Human Resources services, Germany is among the leading countries, while for others relating to the integration of internal business processes and to supply chain management, it scores weakly.

The indicators on the ICT sector show that Germany is in line with the EU averages.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)90.792.092.695.796.692.79
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)55.058.587.589.776.69
Broadband penetration (as % of population)8.412.818.123.827.522.99
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps2.17.732.053.663.317
% of households with an internet connection6062677175605
% of households with a broadband connection18233450554910
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access54627380848112
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet122318
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1418124
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)5054596468567
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)3034404651438
% population who have never used the internet29262320337
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails51606467536
looking for information about goods and services52606366506
uploading self-created content14119
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use3742495253325
reading online newspapers/magazines151921212519
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)14202118103
internet banking263235382910
downloading computer or video games or their updates1891
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films292812
paying for online audiovisual contents557
listening to the web radio/watching web tv81215212012
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition344141284
looking for a job or sending a job application14171716137
doing an online course22316
seeking information with the purpose of learning2728268
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online272764518
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online75758872
% of population using eGovernment services33324333289
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms101215
% of enterprises using eGovernment services36444956566825
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms17243743455019
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)13111210910
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises1113141112
% enterprises selling online1816182416
% enterprises purchasing online4741485228
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)334122
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)687020
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services161111
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers35255
sending/receiving e-invoices1927217
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.121621
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.3026172
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP4.
ICT sector share of total employment2.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.390.380.316
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports10.
% of ICT exports on total imports11.611.311.19.710
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.19.720.220.319.818.318.417
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Greece has experienced good progress in the area of broadband over recent years. However, the information society in Greece is still lagging behind in comparison to general developments in the EU. Scores for the eBusiness dimension are around the European average, but for all other indicators, there is a serious gap between Greece and the large majority of other countries. To fill the gap, Greece has been implementing an ambitious 'Digital Strategy 2006-2013' plan, aiming to perform a 'Digital Leap to Productivity and Quality of life', by leveraging EU Structural Funds. The Digital Strategy comprises two main objectives: enhanced business productivity through the use of ICT; and improved quality of life through ICT. Particular emphasis has been given to increase digital literacy among students and the younger generation through projects to encourage access to broadband ('Diodos'), to subsidise the purchase of laptops of top ranking first year students ('See your life digitally'), an education-focused initiative (starting in 2009) to provide laptops to school pupils aimed at getting them acquainted with new technologies early on ('Digital Classroom'), and certified training courses for all students ('e-ducate').


In comparison to the situation five years ago, Greece's performance in broadband has improved significantly thanks to the implementation of the electronic communications regulatory framework and of the 'Broadband Action Plan' that used Structural Funds to stimulate broadband investments and extend coverage in Greek regions. Total DSL coverage increased from 9% (in 2004) to 88% in 2008, DSL coverage in rural areas rose from 0% to 55%, and take up reaches 13.4% of the population, up from 0.5%. Despite good progress over 2007, households' connectivity remains low and stands at only half of the European average. Connectivity of enterprises is somewhat better, but still significantly lower than for most EU Member States. Mobile broadband is emerging.

Internet Usage

In Greece, a third of the population uses the internet regularly, 23% are frequent users and 56% have never used the internet. The country also consistently ranks as one of those with the lowest use of various internet services. Most internet users are active in sending emails and looking for information on goods and services. Looking up information for the purpose of learning, reading online news papers and downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films are also popular activities among Greek internet users.

The availability of eGovernment services, for citizens and enterprises, in Greece is below the EU average, though it has grown substantially in recent years. Take up of eGovernment services by citizens is very low and has not shown much improvement. By contrast, at 78%, take up by enterprises is high, 10 p.p. above the EU average.

ICTs in the Economy

No significant progress has been made over the years in terms of eCommerce. The situation is far more positive for eBusiness, where scores are in line with the European average. Only the use of e-invoices is significantly behind.

Information on the impact of ICTs on the Greek economy is limited with no information available on size and growth of the ICT sector. Indicators on ICT exports and eSkills have stabilised over time and remain among the lowest in Europe.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.09.730.043.763.320
% of households with an internet connection17222325316025
% of households with a broadband connection0147224925
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access21445872718122
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet011324
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.131224
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)17182328335626
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)9111319234325
% population who have never used the internet736562563325
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails15141721265326
looking for information about goods and services14172328315024
uploading self-created content41125
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use125893224
reading online newspapers/magazines1191416192522
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)01010
internet banking112452925
downloading computer or video games or their updates6924
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films192823
paying for online audiovisual contents2523
listening to the web radio/watching web tv4458162019
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition6268102826
looking for a job or sending a job application224551324
doing an online course22321
seeking information with the purpose of learning5222615
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online1817335118
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online50506372
% of population using eGovernment services87912102825
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms41225
% of enterprises using eGovernment services77818482786811
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms4556767762509
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)2111107918
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises223231216
% enterprises selling online677661619
% enterprises purchasing online141411892820
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)424117
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)717019
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services141112
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers202520
sending/receiving e-invoices10132120
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.201613
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.15151712
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP3.15.0
ICT sector share of total employment1.52.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.090.070.3119
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports1.
% of ICT exports on total imports4.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.12.112.313.012.712.918.424
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

The share of Internet users in Hungary is increasing and has caught up with EU average levels. The information society in Hungary however is still lagging behind in comparison with the general developments in Europe, with most of the other benchmarking indicators below the EU average. Broadband is widely available, and the strength of the ICT sector with the good eSkills base are strategic assets for in this country. Furthermore, Hungary has launched specific programmes and action plans in the areas of eInclusion and eBusiness, notably the set up of public access points for rural and socially disadvantaged, the Digital Literacy Action Plan, and the 'e-Economy Action Plan' designed to strengthen the digital maturity of SMEs and remove barriers to ICT introduction and use.


DSL coverage in Hungary is above EU average. Households are increasingly connected to the internet. The share of households in the population using broadband connections has increased significantly during 2007 and nowadays 87.5% of connected households have broadband, indicating that Hungary has managed to leapfrog slower access technologies. Enterprises' connectivity remains below EU average and broadband penetration remains among the lowest in the EU.

Internet Usage

Internet use has expanded in Hungary in recent years and the percentages of regular and frequent internet users are equal to those for the EU average. Use of a number of internet services is also similar to the EU average. However, for some services, there are larger differences. On the one hand, Hungary exhibits an above average percentage of the population downloading computer or video games or their updates and uploading self-created content. On the other hand, it has a below average proportion of the population buying goods and services online and doing their banking over the internet.

Both the availability and use of eGovernment services for the citizens is at the same level as the EU average. For enterprises, however, the rates are lower, especially for availability.

ICTs in the Economy

Of all turnover, 12% is generated by eCommerce, a figure equal to the EU average. Nevertheless, the share of enterprises selling or purchasing online is among the lowest in Europe. For the eBusiness dimension, Hungary persistently shows low rankings, with all indicators giving below average scores.

Despite these difficulties, Hungary has a relatively large ICT sector that represents approximately a fifth of its exports, the third highest in the EU, and the percentage of persons employed with ICT user skills exceeds the EU average. The ICT sector contributes significantly to the GDP and employment as well, ranking 4th and 3rd for these indicators respectively. ICT-related R&D drives more than a quarter of total R&D but R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP remains generally low.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps2.013.444.833.463.323
% of households with an internet connection14223238486019
% of households with a broadband connection6112233424917
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access486170728121
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet112316
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.241221
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)21344249565615
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)18202937434313
% population who have never used the internet605246373316
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails20313747535313
looking for information about goods and services19253543495013
uploading self-created content17116
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use48711143219
reading online newspapers/magazines14182528332511
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)113451015
internet banking36812132922
downloading computer or video games or their updates1393
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films302811
paying for online audiovisual contents2521
listening to the web radio/watching web tv371216182016
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition810172329289
looking for a job or sending a job application6101213141310
doing an online course22315
seeking information with the purpose of learning19222616
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online850505114
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online25505072
% of population using eGovernment services16181725252815
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms111214
% of enterprises using eGovernment services354555606823
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms232844505016
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)889913
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises37612128
% enterprises selling online649441622
% enterprises purchasing online14511772823
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)274125
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)677021
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services91119
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers192521
sending/receiving e-invoices452127
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.141618
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.551725
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP6.
ICT sector share of total employment3.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.050.050.3120
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports23.123.423.321.53
% of ICT exports on total imports20.619.118.518.63
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.20.520.520.620.320.918.47
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Ireland provides a mixed image of information society developments, with good scores for eCommerce and eGovernment services for enterprises, but also levels of connectivity and usage of ICTs by citizens and businesses very close to the EU average. Ireland is developing a National Knowledge Society Strategy focused on the development of its knowledge economy in order to help accelerate the development of knowledge-intensive areas such as: digitally traded services; eLearning products and services; and clinical trial infrastructure. More generally the Strategy will bring together the various actions and supports which will result in Ireland having the ability to develop, produce, licence and export products and services based on knowledge-intensive ideas.


In 2007, fixed broadband penetration reached 20.2% of the population, slightly below the EU27 average of 22.9%. 49% of broadband subscriptions exceed the 2MB/s threshold, giving Ireland only the 19th place on the speed ranking.

The take-up of broadband internet by households has been increasing swiftly, but narrowband is still relatively widespread (one third of all connections). Ireland's rankings for fixed connections are average, but the countries ranks high (5th) for wireless laptop connections.

83% of the enterprises have broadband internet access, in line with the EU27 average.

Internet Usage

Internet usage by Irish citizens is similar to that for the EU average: 57% of the population uses the internet on a regular basis and 46% are frequent users. The proportion of those who have never used the internet is also around a third. Take up of services, on the other hand, is generally lower than for the EU as a whole, except for ordering goods online, which at 36% is somewhat larger, and sending emails, which is equal to, the EU average.

In the area of eGovernment, Ireland records below average availability of online public services. Despite this, take up by citizens is similar to the EU average and take up by enterprises is one of the best in Europe, with 91% of enterprises using eGovernment services. Ireland is even the most advanced country for the take up of e-procurement in the EU.

ICTs in the Economy

More than 27% of all Irish exports come from the ICT sector, the highest share in Europe. Moreover, Ireland is one of the leading countries for the share of R&D devoted to ICT. Surprisingly, on the other hand, the country ranks only 24th for specialist eSkills and the share has been slowly declining. This could indicate that there is an important concentration of e-knowledge in few, R&D intensive companies.

The business side of the information society is better developed. Ireland shows some very good ranking for the eBusiness dimension, and it is one of the frontrunners in Europe in eCommerce .


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)71.082.385.689.290.592.720
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)56.564.073.377.076.618
Broadband penetration (as % of population)3.46.712.317.420.222.914
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps6.917.118.449.463.319
% of households with an internet connection40475057636010
% of households with a broadband connection371331434915
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access32486168838113
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet132317
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1118125
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)27314451575613
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)12172532394316
% population who have never used the internet554235323313
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails27314548535314
looking for information about goods and services22294244465017
uploading self-created content81114
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use14192833363210
reading online newspapers/magazines54810172525
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)114331019
internet banking10132124282913
downloading computer or video games or their updates5925
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films192821
paying for online audiovisual contents2520
listening to the web radio/watching web tv34910132022
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition610812192820
looking for a job or sending a job application326791317
doing an online course33311
seeking information with the purpose of learning16212617
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online3030405117
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online75756372
% of population using eGovernment services14182632272814
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms18126
% of enterprises using eGovernment services6976848991682
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms3242566968505
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)1421222691
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises1820171918123
% enterprises selling online1921232725163
% enterprises purchasing online3341535554281
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)62412
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)86703
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services161110
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers232519
sending/receiving e-invoices26212114
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.101624
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.2324174
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.440.480.315
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports27.627.227.027.61
% of ICT exports on total imports12.312.312.110.49
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.19.418.818.918.919.218.413
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Italy presents a mixed picture of information society developments. It shows good scores in terms of availability of eGovernment services and eBusiness adoption but still lags behind for fixed connectivity, eCommerce and the use of the internet by households. An important framework initiative has been launched in 2008 to enhance public services (the " new Strategic Plan for Innovation of the Italian Government"). The “Linea Amica” (friendly line) has been launched at the beginning of 2009 to enhance citizens' accessibility to public on-line services. Those who are not familiar with internet can contact Linea Amica by calling a toll free number either from a fixed line or from a mobile phone. A “Programme for infrastructural broadband coverage”, was activated by the Government in coordination with Italian Regions, to reach 99% of population with a broadband connection with speeds between 2 and 20 Mb/s by 2012. The programme will increase the capacity of access networks, both through fixed and wireless technologies.


Fixed broadband penetration increased in 2008, but is still roughly 4 p.p. below the EU27 average. Total DSL coverage is high, and the latest figures reveal that this is now the case in rural areas too, thanks to significant progress in the past two years. Almost 70% of broadband subscribers access speeds above 2MB/s but the percentage of internet-connected households remains one of the lowest in Europe. Although the figure has doubled in two years, less than one in three households has a broadband connection. Enterprises' broadband connectivity on the other hand is comparable to the EU average. Mobile broadband appears well established.

Internet Usage

Only a minority of Italians use the internet on a regular and/or frequent basis and half of the population has still never used the internet at all. Progress in getting more people online has also been rather gradual. As such, Italy ranks as one of the least internet active countries in Europe. Correspondingly, the take-up of internet services is also weak. The most popular activities are also the most common ones undertaken at EU level; namely, sending emails and looking up information about goods and services. Italian citizens are also approaching the European average in terms of looking up information for the purposes of learning.

Italy scores relatively well in the provision of eGovernment services, with 58% of public services for citizens and 88% for enterprises available online. While take up of these services is relatively good for enterprises, as with general connectivity, take up by citizens is low.

ICTs in the Economy

The importance of eCommerce in the Italian economy is negligible. For eBusiness, the situation is far more positive. For most indicators, the EU27 average is exceeded. Only applications for employees to access HR services are much rarer than in other countries. Most enterprises thus seem to acknowledge the importance of the Internet as a business tool. The ICT sector is comparable to the European average in terms of GDP and employment contribution. The ICT R&D share to total R&D is at EU average, but R&D spending as a whole in Italy is particularly low. Finally, the percentage of employees with ICT specialist skills is below average; while ICT user skills are at EU average.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)44.650.581.782.076.615
Broadband penetration (as % of population)8.011.814.517.119.022.916
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps4.24.345.268.363.310
% of households with an internet connection34394043476021
% of households with a broadband connection131625314924
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access23577076818114
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet233313
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.7101213
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)26283134375623
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)24272931354319
% population who have never used the internet625954503322
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails262931345323
looking for information about goods and services212327305025
uploading self-created content71119
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use6910113220
reading online newspapers/magazines131317172524
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)23441018
internet banking8912132923
downloading computer or video games or their updates4927
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films152827
paying for online audiovisual contents0527
listening to the web radio/watching web tv55892026
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition91216162822
looking for a job or sending a job application56771322
doing an online course22317
seeking information with the purpose of learning21242612
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online273658519
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online88888872
% of population using eGovernment services141617152823
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms51222
% of enterprises using eGovernment services6573878482689
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms35294935425021
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)10779912
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises322212
% enterprises selling online733231624
% enterprises purchasing online641010122818
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)49418
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)82707
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services61125
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers272515
sending/receiving e-invoices3429215
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.21168
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.15141713
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP3.
ICT sector share of total employment2.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.130.140.3114
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports3.
% of ICT exports on total imports8.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.17.617.518.919.419.418.412
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

The information society in Latvia is still lagging behind in comparison with the general developments in the EU, although internet users are actively taking up advanced services. The wide dissemination of internet usage in the population and a good skill base are laying the foundations for further developments. Several important initiatives have been taken in 2008 to boost information society. In particular, the approval by the Government of a list of high-priority projects related to information society and eServices ( education, culture, health care, employment, social security etc ) submitted by the ministries and other institutions subordinated to them. Furthermore, the 'Latvian Educational System Informatization Programme for 2007-2013' envisages the establishment of an educational information system, teacher training in the use of ICT, development of electronic education materials, establishment of an interactive portal for teachers and parents, computerisation of schools and libraries and a number of other measures to improve the quality of education.


Total DSL coverage in Latvia grew further to reach 88% of the population, exceeding the EU average. However, broadband coverage in rural areas remains an issue and broadband penetration is still lower than average, as is the connectivity of households. With only 62% of enterprises having broadband internet access, Latvia is placed at the bottom of the European ranking as well (23rd). No significant progress can be observed in the area of broadband over the last year.

Internet Usage

The presence of regular and frequent internet users in Latvia is comparable to that for the EU as a whole. Take-up of internet services is also generally good. Rates of participation for the more popular activities such as sending emails and looking up information about goods and services are similar to the EU average and for a number of other services rates of use are higher. In particular, Latvia records particularly large above average rates of the population using the internet for reading online newspapers (+18 p.p.), internet banking (+10pp.), uploading self-created content (+8 p.p.), doing online courses (+5 p.p.) and downloading video games (+5 p.p.). For a small number of services (seeking information for learning purposes, ordering goods), it records relatively low rates of use by its citizens. The take-up of all services, for which there is comparable data, has increased since last year.

The availability of online public services is very low, both for citizens and for enterprises. Subsequently, the use of eGovernment also lies far below the European average.

ICTs in the Economy

eCommerce and eBusiness are not particularly developed yet in Latvia. Despite improvements in terms of rankings and absolute figures, the three indicators of eCommerce remain below the EU27 average. In eBusiness dimension, indicators are at or below EU average.

Data on the size of the ICT sector are not available and other indicators suggest that ICTs do not yet play an important part in the Latvian economy. The percentage of persons employed with ICT user skills is above average, but ICT specialists score less well.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)2.45.710.515.017.422.919
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.37.632.673.063.36
% of households with an internet connection15314251536016
% of households with a broadband connection5142332404918
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access45485957628123
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet011320
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.3101212
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)27364652575614
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)16233137424314
% population who have never used the internet514539343315
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails25334146495316
looking for information about goods and services19273639495014
uploading self-created content19112
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use35811163218
reading online newspapers/magazines19242718332513
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)112210
internet banking1216222839299
downloading computer or video games or their updates1394
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films33288
paying for online audiovisual contents4510
listening to the web radio/watching web tv911172024209
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition871211242816
looking for a job or sending a job application91011916138
doing an online course6832
seeking information with the purpose of learning5132623
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online88255121
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online0133872
% of population using eGovernment services13132518162822
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms61220
% of enterprises using eGovernment services40354045556826
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms15152126395023
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)0068916
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises11271215
% enterprises selling online12261620
% enterprises purchasing online13592821
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)364120
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)607022
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services111117
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers192522
sending/receiving e-invoices25202116
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.201614
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1091721
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment1.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.020.020.3125
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports3.
% of ICT exports on total imports6.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.17.016.619.321.021.318.46
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Fast progress in internet usage by individuals and growth in eCommerce activities are laying the foundations for further information. The Strategy for Information Society Development in Lithuania has given priority to the creation of ICT competence in the population (e-skill) and social cohesion (e-Inclusion). The modernization of the public administration through the use of ICTs and the protection of the Lithuanian culture (e-content) are also main objectives of the ICT strategy.


Broadband coverage in rural areas has experienced significant progress in recent years. In 2008, fixed broadband penetration increased to 17.5%, moving 4 places up since last year, but still lags behind the EU27 average of 23%. Despite progress, the connectivity of households remains below average and the situation is even weaker for enterprises, as Lithuania ranks at the bottom of the list. New mobile connectivity usages are not yet developed.

Internet Usage

Corresponding to its low level of connectivity, Internet use by Lithuanian households also remains below average. At 43% Lithuania also has an above average proportion of the population that has never used the internet. Nevertheless, the share of regular and frequent users has increased substantially over the past four years; from 26 to 50% and from 13 to 38%, respectively.

The take-up of internet services too shows a sharp increase in comparison to four years ago. For some services, Lithuania ranks among the top ten users e.g. reading online newspapers, downloading games, music of films and doing online courses. For other indicators, however, use is lower than the average.

The online availability of public services for citizens is only half of the EU average, and has not increased since 2004. Take up by citizens is below the EU average but is increasing. Availability is higher for services for enterprises, though but still below average, and take up by enterprises exceeds the EU average by 18pp.

ICTs in the Economy

In only 3 other countries more enterprises sell online than they do in Lithuania, and the country ranks 9th for the share of firms purchasing online. In general, 8% of total turnover in Lithuania comes from eCommerce.

In terms of eBusiness, applications for integrating internal business processes, for HR services or for Customer Relation Management are still rare. On the other hand, ICTs are often used to exchange documents, to share information on Supply Chain Management and for e-invoices.

ICTs have a minimal impact on the Lithuanian economy. R&D investment is very small, as are exports of ICT products. User skills are widespread among Lithuanian employees, but nowhere else in Europe specialist skills are lacking more.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)54.658.067.568.576.619
Broadband penetration (as % of population)3.86.810.613.717.522.918
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.
% of households with an internet connection12163544516018
% of households with a broadband connection4121934434916
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access50575753568126
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet001325
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.231223
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)26303845505618
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)13162330384317
% population who have never used the internet615449433319
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails23263239425320
looking for information about goods and services15223036375020
uploading self-created content81115
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use124663225
reading online newspapers/magazines2124303243255
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)012111020
internet banking7101521272914
downloading computer or video games or their updates1296
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films32289
paying for online audiovisual contents3518
listening to the web radio/watching web tv8111720192013
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition91519212819
looking for a job or sending a job application47910101314
doing an online course5437
seeking information with the purpose of learning20202618
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online2525255121
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online63635072
% of population using eGovernment services10121318202816
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms131210
% of enterprises using eGovernment services6572767686687
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms3052566075503
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)813162092
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises225581213
% enterprises selling online56131422164
% enterprises purchasing online137171825289
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)234127
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)557024
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services101118
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers33259
sending/receiving e-invoices1535214
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.29163
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.981724
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP3.22.85.0
ICT sector share of total employment1.81.82.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.030.030.3122
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports5.
% of ICT exports on total imports6.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.17.518.819.421.223.418.43
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Luxembourg is well advanced in the information society, with many benchmarking indicators significantly above the EU average, in particular in the area of broadband connectivity, households' Internet usage and eSkills endowments. The country is also very active in Green IT: all the companies have accepted the challenge and a variety of concrete solutions have been deployed to significantly reduce energy use in other sectors of the economy and in the society as a whole.


Luxembourg has further improved its broadband penetration since last year, reaching 28.8% and rising 2 places in the EU ranking. There is full DSL coverage and the use of wireless laptop connections is the highest in Europe. The good infrastructure is reflected in the percentage of households connected to (broadband) internet (80%).

Speeds are the only downside in the connectivity dimension: only one in two broadband connections is faster than 2MB/s.

Internet Usage

Luxembourg performs well in terms of the proportion of its population that are using the internet. 77% of citizens are regular internet users, most accessing the internet almost every day, and only 16% have never used the internet. Use of various internet services is also high in comparison to other EU Member States; with Luxemburg exhibiting above average use by its citizens of all but two activities: looking for a job and downloading computer or video games or their updates. Luxemburg has the highest proportion of its population using the internet to look for information for the purpose of learning.

Despite below average availability, the use of eGovernment services by citizens and enterprises is one of the highest in Europe.

ICTs in the Economy

There are fewer enterprises in Luxembourg selling and purchasing online relative to EU averages. eBusiness on the other hand is well developed, with rankings ranging from 6th to 14th place.

No information is available on the size of the ICT sector in Luxembourg, but exports are significant despite a decline since 2006. The workforce displays the highest user eSkills and second highest specialist eSkills in Europe (an improvement of two places since last year). Together with the high connectivity rate and widespread take up of internet services in the general population, this forms a very good starting point for further information society developments.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)100.0100.0100.0100.0100.092.71
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)100.0100.0100.0100.076.61
Broadband penetration (as % of population)8.115.521.525.428.822.95
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps7.78.112.453.063.318
% of households with an internet connection5965707580604
% of households with a broadband connection1633445861496
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access4864768187819
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet144310
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.3131121
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)5963657277565
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)3644475665435
% population who have never used the internet29272016335
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails5963657174534
looking for information about goods and services5361646869505
uploading self-created content15117
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use4039444749327
reading online newspapers/magazines2829294241257
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)5651212108
internet banking3537414648296
downloading computer or video games or their updates9911
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films42282
paying for online audiovisual contents1253
listening to the web radio/watching web tv1519222936203
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition4141274844283
looking for a job or sending a job application11121114121313
doing an online course3536
seeking information with the purpose of learning4750261
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online88335118
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online38505072
% of population using eGovernment services4546465248284
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms16128
% of enterprises using eGovernment services71838590684
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms263235415022
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)1257921
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises12
% enterprises selling online11101113101615
% enterprises purchasing online34223034232810
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)494111
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)797012
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services131114
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers35256
sending/receiving e-invoices23242112
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.23166
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1317179
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.120.110.3116
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports15.918.217.812.08
% of ICT exports on total imports14.215.417.411.87
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.27.027.527.227.729.118.41
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Malta performs well in the fields of eCommerce, eBusiness and the provision of eGovernment services, and displays a relatively high proportion of eSkills among employees. However, it is lagging in terms of regular use of the internet and the take up of many internet services. ICT exports are very important for the economy. This is an indication of the economic importance of the information society in this country. Even more impetus is expected from the 'Smart Island National ICT Strategy 2008-2010' which sets a vision for the country to become one of the top 10 information societies in the world. The strategic plan prepares Malta for the next generation of technology by laying the foundations for a world class inclusive infrastructure; developing a smart workforce; using IST to improve quality of life; re-inventing government and enhancing the productivity of the private sector and its competitiveness.


After a stall in broadband growth in 2006, there was a substantial increase in 2007 and 2008. Broadband penetration now stands at 24% of population. This gives Malta the 11th place in Europe, up five places since last year. There also is virtually complete DSL and cable modem networks coverage, while mobile connectivity methods are not yet fully exploited.

55% of Maltese households (or 93% of those connected to the internet) have broadband access. For the enterprises, this figure is at 89%. Broadband speeds however are among the lowest in Europe and this is a consequence of interconnection issues to the main land.

Internet Usage

While internet use has been growing among the population, Malta is placed in the bottom third of EU Member States with respect to rates of regular and frequent internet users and almost half of the population has never used the internet. The take up of internet services is also generally below the EU average; with the exception of downloading computer and/or video games, reading online newspapers, downloading/listeningto/watching music and/or films and listening to web radio/watching web TV, for which use is slightly above the average.

Malta performs very well in terms of the provision online public services; with 92% of public services for citizens and 100% of public services for enterprises available online. In terms of take up, however, it performs less well. While an above average proportion of enterprises use online pubic services (74%, compared to an EU average of 68%), use by citizens is relatively low.

ICTs in the Economy

Malta's position is strong in eCommerce and eBusiness. No other EU Member States features such a high share of enterprises' turnover from eCommerce. And all the eBusiness indicators are above the EU average.

The latest figures indicate that the Maltese business sector tripled its R&D expenditure in ICT between 2004 and 2005. ICT R&D expenditure relative to GDP remains lower than average, but one third (compared to 11% in the previous year) of all R&D spending goes to the ICT sector, resulting in a steep increase of Malta's ranking (from 23rd to 8th position), mainly led by the presence of the semiconductors industry. In 2006, Malta had the highest proportion of ICT exports in total exports in the EU. ICT plays an important role in the Maltese economy, as also underlined by strong eSkills, both at user and specialist levels, in the workforce.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)76.6
Broadband penetration (as % of population)9.412.712.516.923.922.911
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.059.629.021.263.325
% of households with an internet connection415354596012
% of households with a broadband connection23414455499
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access78838989816
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet002314
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.441220
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)343643465620
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)252634364318
% population who have never used the internet575851493321
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails323140435319
looking for information about goods and services272634425019
uploading self-created content51123
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use141420223213
reading online newspapers/magazines141720272515
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)13751014
internet banking161622252915
downloading computer or video games or their updates1295
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films292813
paying for online audiovisual contents3515
listening to the web radio/watching web tv81014212011
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition161820232817
looking for a job or sending a job application5810101315
doing an online course32318
seeking information with the purpose of learning21232613
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online338392512
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online506310072
% of population using eGovernment services191725202817
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms71218
% of enterprises using eGovernment services686777746815
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms453549465017
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)79117919
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises22121
% enterprises selling online161416131612
% enterprises purchasing online332527132817
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)58415
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)727017
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services19114
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers282514
sending/receiving e-invoices24252110
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.191615
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.2219178
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.040.140.3115
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports32.426.727.323.52
% of ICT exports on total imports26.522.422.718.72
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.20.520.520.821.222.418.45
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills4.
19.The Netherlands

The Netherlands is among the best performing ICT countries in Europe, leading the way in a broad range of information society developments. The connectivity of households is the highest in Europe and the take-up of internet services is widespread. There is still room for improvement however in the area of eGovernment despite worthwhile progress has been made in 2008, driven by the implementation of Citizen Service Numbers and the widespread use of DigiD. In Spring 2008, the national ICT agenda 2008-2011 was published, formulating the cabinet's objectives around five priority areas: eSkills, eGovernment, interoperability and standards, ICT and public domains, and services innovation and ICT.


The Netherlands is one of the world's leaders in the broadband ranking and now stands in second place in the EU with 36.2% (one place up since last year). Speeds are generally high and coverage virtually complete. Nowhere else in Europe a higher proportion of households is connected to the internet, and broadband households' connectivity is only higher in Denmark. For the mobile connectivity methods, the country scores above average as well.
With 86% of the Dutch enterprises having broadband access, the EU average is exceeded by 5%. However, there has been no progress since last year, resulting in a loss of four places on the EU ranking.

Internet Usage

Good connectivity had translated into high shares of internet users in the population and growth in the use of advanced services. 83% of Dutch citizens are accessing the Internet at least weekly, while 67% are doing so almost daily, well above the EU27 average. Furthermore, only 11% of the population has never used the internet, as compared to 33% for the EU. The Netherlands is also leading the way in the take-up of internet services, with well above average rates of use for all but one of the indicators: seeking information for the purpose of learning.

The Netherlands ranks first in terms of the take up of eGovernment services by its citizens and second in terms of take up by enterprises, despite an only slightly better than average provision of online public services.

ICTs in the Economy

The three indicators measuring eCommerce adoption by enterprises all reveal scores exceeding the EU27 average, resulting in top-5 rankings. eBusiness is widely taken up by enterprises, although there is scope for improvement in the electronic sharing of information with customers and suppliers.

Data on the size of the ICT sector are not available, but the ICT export sector appears important. The eSkills base is above average.

The Netherlands

Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)18.925.231.834.236.222.92
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps39.146.663.372.963.37
% of households with an internet connection78808386601
% of households with a broadband connection54667474492
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access54718287868110
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet14438
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1216127
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)74768183562
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)53616667433
% population who have never used the internet18161311332
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails73767982531
looking for information about goods and services70737676501
uploading self-created content19113
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use43485556323
reading online newspapers/magazines29364043256
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)14182025101
internet banking50596569292
downloading computer or video games or their updates1592
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films46281
paying for online audiovisual contents756
listening to the web radio/watching web tv20283532205
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition41454546282
looking for a job or sending a job application16191917136
doing an online course3438
seeking information with the purpose of learning14152621
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online1836555113
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online50757572
% of population using eGovernment services46525554281
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms32121
% of enterprises using eGovernment services4757708185688
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms2744617375502
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)566924
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises14125
% enterprises selling online1714232627162
% enterprises purchasing online2220323640284
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)72411
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)84706
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services19115
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers34258
sending/receiving e-invoices1129216
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.131619
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1420176
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.330.320.318
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports18.219.919.018.44
% of ICT exports on total imports19.721.219.719.41
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills4.

The information society in Poland is still only developing slowly and in two thirds of all benchmarking indicators Poland is close to the bottom of the EU ranking. Poland is however taking active steps through a national ICT strategy, the Computerization Plan for Poland in 2007-2010 and a new one was adopted in December 2008 for the period up to 2013: Strategy for Information Society Development till 2013. The two strategies are principally aimed at counteracting digital exclusion for low-income citizens and at widening access to the Internet for micro, small and medium entrepreneurs. The former plan aims at developing data communication systems used to carry out public tasks, while the latter focuses on the use of ICT for accelerating the growth of intellectual and social capital of citizens, for increasing productivity and competitiveness of Polish companies and for improving the effectiveness of the public administration.


Broadband penetration by population in Poland stood at 13.6% in 2008. It went up by almost 60% since last year, but is still one of the lowest in EU27. DSL coverage at the national level and in rural areas is widely below the EU average. It is therefore no surprise that broadband connectivity for both households and enterprises is at a low level, with Poland ranking 20th and 25th respectively.

Internet Usage

While they have grown steadily over the past few years, rates of regular and frequent internet in Poland are still relatively low compared to the EU average. Furthermore, there are as many people (44%) never having used the internet as there are regular users. Correspondingly, rates of usage of internet services are also relatively low in EU comparison, with the exception of seeking information with the purpose of learning.

Similar conclusions hold for the take-up of eGovernment services. With availability of public services far below the European average, take-up by citizens is low, while use by businesses has reached EU average levels.

ICTs in the Economy

Investment in ICT R&D is very small, but progress in terms of ICT exports (in terms of ranking) confirms an important role for the Polish economy in the manufacturing of ICT goods.

ICT take-up by businesses, reflected by eCommerce and eBusiness indicators, is still at a low level. The share of turnover generated through eCommerce is a quarter lower than on average in Europe, while the proportion of enterprises selling online is only half of the average figure.

The automatic exchange of business documents, however, slightly exceeds the EU average and, together with eGovernment take-up, is a promise for progress in the further development of the information society.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)55.262.367.164.069.692.726
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)51.954.842.542.576.623
Broadband penetration (as % of population)
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.
% of households with an internet connection26303641486020
% of households with a broadband connection8162230384920
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access28434653598125
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet011321
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.361219
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)22293439445621
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)12172227324321
% population who have never used the internet585248443320
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails19242732385321
looking for information about goods and services15182527335022
uploading self-created content71117
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use571216183216
reading online newspapers/magazines14131615192523
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)115571012
internet banking46913172919
downloading computer or video games or their updates7918
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films212818
paying for online audiovisual contents2522
listening to the web radio/watching web tv661013182015
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition571113192821
looking for a job or sending a job application557781319
doing an online course2322
seeking information with the purpose of learning1928269
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online8175125
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online25383872
% of population using eGovernment services131315162819
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms51223
% of enterprises using eGovernment services74646164686819
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms68605656605011
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)6786923
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises346691211
% enterprises selling online459981617
% enterprises purchasing online991613112819
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)244126
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)587023
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services81122
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers262517
sending/receiving e-invoices8112122
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.141617
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.12121719
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.020.030.3123
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports4.
% of ICT exports on total imports8.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.15.114.715.115.115.418.423
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Portugal has a fairly strong position in the information society as far as eBusiness and eCommerce are concerned. It is also one of the leading countries in terms of eGovernment availability. The country is lagging behind in eSkills and in households' connectivity, but mobile broadband penetration has had a strong development. The Connecting Portugal programme launched in 2005 aims at improving the spread of the information society. Priority is given to increase the ICT capacity of the scientific community (eScience) and of basic and secondary schools and students through the Technological Plan for Education. In eScience, this includes the development of a high performance network for research and education, digital scientific libraries (including the provision of online access to scientific publications by research and higher education institutions), open access scientific repositories and the National Grid Computing Initiative. Regarding basic and secondary education, all the 1st to 12th grade public schools are connected to broadband since January 2006, and in 2007 pioneering programs were launched to facilitate de acquisition of laptops with broadband connections to students.


As fixed broadband penetration only increased very little, Portugal fell from 17th to 21st place. However, mobile broadband connectivity is higher than the EU average (ranking 3rd) and the speed of the subscribed fixed broadband is comparatively high (4th in connections above 10 Mbps, and 3rd for connections above 2 Mps). Despite high coverage and speeds, household's connectivity and fixed broadband connectivity is far below average (rankings 22nd and 19th respectively). The situation is more positive for enterprises' broadband connectivity, with a score equal to the EU average.

Internet Usage

Portugal is one of the countries with the lowest rates of regular and frequent internet users, and has a high share of the population who have never used the internet. Subsequently, usage of online services is also relatively low. The main exception to this is for the use of internet with the purpose of learning, which at 33% of the population is well above the EU average of 26%.

Portugal is one of the best EU Member States in terms of the provision of online public services. 83% of public services for citizens are available online, exceeding the EU average of 51%, and 100% of services for enterprises are available online. While enterprises are actively exploiting the new opportunities well above EU average, including in the area of e-procurement, take-up by citizens remains more limited.

ICTs in the Economy

Portugal scores well in eCommerce and eBusiness. The contribution of eCommerce to total turnover is equal to the EU average, while slightly more Portuguese companies sell and fewer purchase online. Portugal is among the leading countries for enterprises' implementation of eBusiness applications, with almost every indicator exceeding the EU average.

The ICT sector as a whole does not play a major role in the Portuguese economy. Investment in R&D is very small, as are exports of ICT products. Its contribution to GDP and employment is below average too. Although some evidence suggests that the situation may have improved in the last years, fully comparable data are not yet available. Finally, the country is underachieving in terms of eSkills, for which it worsened its ranking over the last year.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)92.092.694.
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)8.111.613.916.116.522,921
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps16.243.054.985.163.33
% of households with an internet connection26313540466022
% of households with a broadband connection12202430394919
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access49636676818115
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet13537
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.816128
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)25283135385622
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)16192227294323
% population who have never used the internet636056543324
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails24262933365322
looking for information about goods and services23263033345021
uploading self-created content71118
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use5679103222
reading online newspapers/magazines15161615202521
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)11110
internet banking881012142921
downloading computer or video games or their updates7916
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films192824
paying for online audiovisual contents2519
listening to the web radio/watching web tv891114172017
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition101418222818
looking for a job or sending a job application345681321
doing an online course12319
seeking information with the purpose of learning2633265
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online254283515
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online638810072
% of population using eGovernment services13141719182818
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms131211
% of enterprises using eGovernment services57586072756814
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms5052546668506
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)61091494
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises587121210
% enterprises selling online697919167
% enterprises purchasing online8121412202811
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)53417
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)82708
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services21113
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers39252
sending/receiving e-invoices14242111
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.31162
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.15161711
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP4.05.0
ICT sector share of total employment1.42.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.070.080.3118
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports6.
% of ICT exports on total imports8.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.13.412.612.211.511.818.426
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

The information society is at early stages of development in Romania. The use of eProcurement, an important development for this country, is progressing at a good pace (the number of auctions in the Electronic System of Public Acquisitions (SEAP - grew from under 2% to over 12%). In November 2008 the Agency for Information Society Services (ASSI) published its eGovernment strategy which aims at improving the performance of the public administration at the service of citizens. This is complemented by several initiatives: recently, the e-Romania Portal was launched, offering online administrative services for citizens and companies. It aims, inter alia, to cut administrative costs between 30% and 70% by the end of 2009. Secondly, there is the eStore Portal for the promotion of electronic commerce and the business networks. And finally, initiatives were started aiming at enhancing digital inclusion to reduce the rural-urban digital divide, stimulate the use of ICTs in schools as well as facilitating the interaction between citizens and administration.


Broadband penetration is growing slowly and now stands 11.7%, the third lowest in the EU. In order to solve this problem, the Romanian Government has launched the National Strategy for Broadband Development, with the aim of achieving an increase in the penetration rate at household level to 40% by 2010 and up to 80% by 2015. Broadband coverage is still limited, translating into low take-up of broadband by both households and enterprises. On the positive side, almost 80% of all broadband subscriptions are fast (+2MB/s), suggesting good basis for future leapfrogging of traditional broadband access. Still, only one third of households had an internet connection.

Internet Usage

Low connectivity is reflected in rates of internet usage. Despite a gradual increase over the past few years, Romania records the lowest rates of regular and frequent internet use in the EU. In addition, a majority of Romanian citizens (64%) have never used the internet. On the whole, most internet services are used to a significantly lesser degree than on average in the EU.

Similar conclusions can be drawn for eGovernment. Take up by citizens and enterprises is one of the weakest in Europe. Having said this, availability of online public services for enterprises exceeds the EU27 average, as does use of e-procurement.

ICTs in the Economy

Levels of eCommerce and eBusiness are still low. The eSkills base is also relatively weak.

The ICT industry is nevertheless important for the Romanian economy and it is highly prioritised by the Government: although it contributes little to total GDP (3.6%) and employment (1.5%), it is responsible for 5.3% of total exports.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)67.692.727
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)5.09.811.722.925
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps33.379.163.35
% of households with an internet connection61422306026
% of households with a broadband connection58134927
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access73137448127
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet001327
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.121225
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)101822265627
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)4912154327
% population who have never used the internet7469643327
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails101620245327
looking for information about goods and services51012175027
uploading self-created content51122
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use01343226
reading online newspapers/magazines379142527
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)00111023
internet banking01222926
downloading computer or video games or their updates8914
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films162826
paying for online audiovisual contents4511
listening to the web radio/watching web tv24672027
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition56112825
looking for a job or sending a job application13331327
doing an online course11323
seeking information with the purpose of learning8112625
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online85127
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online7572
% of population using eGovernment services3592826
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms31227
% of enterprises using eGovernment services313942396827
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms121320235025
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)681099
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises1221217
% enterprises selling online2331623
% enterprises purchasing online842824
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)284123
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)537026
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services121115
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers182523
sending/receiving e-invoices15112123
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.71626
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1417
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP3.
ICT sector share of total employment1.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.010.010.3127
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports4.
% of ICT exports on total imports8.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills1.

The information society in Slovakia is still lagging behind in comparison to general developments in the EU. However, Slovakia has strategic advantages for future developments: important ICT exports, a high level of adoption of Internet by the population, and a high take-up of eBusiness applications by enterprises. The slow development of broadband, however, remains a constraint.


Fixed broadband penetration is at only 10.9%, the lowest rate in Europe. Despite this result, there has been positive progress in terms of households' connectivity, approaching the EU average and climbing some places in terms of ranking, probably because of the larger than average size of Slovakian households. For DSL coverage, Slovakia remains at the bottom end of the EU ranking. As of December 2008, DSL coverage was 78% of population (compared to a EU27 average of 92.7%) and 43% of population in rural areas (the EU27 average standing at 76.6%). Penetration of cable modem in Slovakia is relatively important (about 35% of the market), although limited to urban areas. Take-up of FTTx services is developing quickly and approaches 70,000 lines at the end of 2008. More than half of broadband users subscribe to speeds above 2 MB/s, mainly through cable and FTTx access. Slovakia is also experiencing a generally rapid development of commercial and municipal wireless broadband with increasing take-up rates.

Internet Usage

Despite the absence of widespread broadband networks, there are slightly more regular and frequent internet users in Slovakia than on average in the EU. At 25%, Slovakia also has a lower proportion of the population which have never used the internet. The picture with regard to take-up of internet services is rather mixed. While a larger proportion of the population uses services such as sending emails, reading online newspapers/magazines and downloading computer or videogames or their updates, the proportion of the population which uses other services is relatively low.

The availability of eGovernment services in Slovakia is lagging, especially for citizens. Despite low availability, take up by citizens and enterprises is above the EU average; with, in particular, Slovak enterprises having one of the highest rates of eGovernment take up in the EU.

ICTs in the Economy

Slovakia is lagging behind on the eCommerce dimension, with all indicators below average. This could be related to the low diffusion of broadband. The picture is far more positive for eBusiness. All applications are implemented more often than on average. This is a particularly good result, given the fact that last year's report expressed concerns about the eBusiness use by Slovak enterprises.

The contribution of the ICT sector to GDP and employment is similar to the average situation. For ICT exports and specialist eSkills, Slovakia even is one of the highest scoring countries.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)25.029.538.543.576.622
Broadband penetration (as % of population)
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps0.61.848.665.563.313
% of households with an internet connection23232746586014
% of households with a broadband connection471127354922
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access25486176798118
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet03536
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.491215
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)40434351625611
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)20232633444312
% population who have never used the internet42413525338
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails38424250585310
looking for information about goods and services27303339495012
uploading self-created content41124
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use1091116233211
reading online newspapers/magazines2323252534259
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)202251016
internet banking10101315242916
downloading computer or video games or their updates1198
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films282815
paying for online audiovisual contents3516
listening to the web radio/watching web tv66811172018
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition1891416252814
looking for a job or sending a job application11111011131311
doing an online course11325
seeking information with the purpose of learning3142622
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online88175125
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online25386372
% of population using eGovernment services25273224302812
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms121213
% of enterprises using eGovernment services4757778588686
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms18164556515014
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)2467922
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises00381214
% enterprises selling online67551621
% enterprises purchasing online37892822
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)454116
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)767013
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services131113
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers36254
sending/receiving e-invoices14232113
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.20169
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.11131718
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP3.94.75.07
ICT sector share of total employment2.62.72.710
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.020.020.3126
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports6.69.412.614.57
% of ICT exports on total imports8.59.49.814.85
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.15.715.415.415.615.918.422
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Slovenia is fairly advanced in the information society. The past year was characterised by further improvements in terms of connectivity and Slovenia is one of the leading countries in eGovernment. Significant initiatives have been taken in the field of eLearning. The general framework for the development of the information society in Slovenia is provided by the national Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Slovenia (si2010), which, in terms of its structure, follows the European i2010 initiative. The main objectives of the Strategy are to promote competitiveness and productivity, ensure balanced social and regional development, and improve the quality of life of society as a whole and of each individual.


The latest indicators reveal stabilization in DSL coverage, which now exceeds the EU average also for rural areas. Broadband penetration stands at 21%, just below average. Households and enterprises' connectivity is in line with the EU average. Despite progress, there is room for improvement in terms of broadband speeds, as only a third of broadband subscribers can experience speeds above 2MB/s. Finally, Slovenia is experiencing the take up of mobile broadband through 3G at faster rates than most other countries.

Internet Usage

There are slightly less regular and frequent internet users in Slovenia than on average in the EU. Similarly, there is a somewhat large proportion of people never having used the internet. Subsequently, most indicators measuring take-up of internet services are comparable to the EU average.

Slovenia is one of the leading countries in the adoption of eGovernment. Both online availability and take-up of public services are above average. Especially for enterprises, the rankings are among the highest in Europe.

ICTs in the Economy

2008 data for eCommerce are not available, but progress was flat in previous years. The take-up of most eBusiness applications is higher than average with the exception of Human Resources services, e-invoices and Customer Relation Management.

Data on the contribution of the ICT sector to the economy are not available. Slovenia experiences a fairly good eSkills base which represents a strong basis for future developments.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)27.078.585.582.676.614
Broadband penetration (as % of population)5.99.814.017.321.022.913
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps15.017.537.263.322
% of households with an internet connection47485458596013
% of households with a broadband connection10193444504913
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access62747579848111
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet35634
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.681216
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)33404749525616
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)22273638404315
% population who have never used the internet484339403318
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails29364244475317
looking for information about goods and services29364247485015
uploading self-created content101111
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use81316183217
reading online newspapers/magazines16202423342510
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)28917104
internet banking9121619212917
downloading computer or video games or their updates9912
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films292814
paying for online audiovisual contents3514
listening to the web radio/watching web tv610152326206
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition13152226272810
looking for a job or sending a job application67911101316
doing an online course23313
seeking information with the purpose of learning2431266
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online505892512
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online38758872
% of population using eGovernment services13193030312811
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms71217
% of enterprises using eGovernment services4772758388685
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms3645496169504
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)5451197
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises9912
% enterprises selling online151211101616
% enterprises purchasing online171518212815
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)474112
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)757014
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services81123
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers262516
sending/receiving e-invoices782125
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.27165
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1491722
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.10.10.312
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports4.
% of ICT exports on total imports6.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.20.819.719.820.819.618.411
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Spain scores well in the areas of eGovernment services and availability for citizens and businesses and in some broadband indicators. However, general ICT usage by businesses and households is still below the EU average and progress is slow. The 'Avanza Plan', the national ICT strategic plan, is expected to fill the gap with the European Union: the plan comprises a series of specific programmes focused on citizens, companies, the digital context, digital public services and the eAdministration. Since the end of 2008, the implementation of the 'AvanzaDos Plan' has begun with new strategic lines for developing the information society for the period up to 2012. Specific initiatives have been taken for boosting infrastructures and provide IT equipments to schools and universities.


DSL coverage in Spain further increased, but broadband penetration remains below average. The connectivity of households is lower than average as well, both for broadband and narrowband connections. Enterprises on the other hand are better connected and Spain ranks in second place in the EU. A significant share of broadband subscriptions (the fourth highest in the EU) features speeds above the 2 MB/s threshold.

Spain scores well in mobile connectivity indicators. The take-up of 3G even is the second highest in Europe (after Sweden) and wireless solutions have been deployed in rural areas.

Internet Usage

Spanish citizens are not heavy internet users. The shares of both regular and frequent internet users in the population are significantly below the EU average, resulting in a 19th and 20th place respectively. For the take-up of internet services, Spain is not a frontrunner either. A lot of indicators are below average and show low rankings. Exceptions are: doing online courses, reading newspapers online and online media consumption or downloading.

The take-up of eGovernment services by citizens is in line with the EU average. But for the use by enterprises, Spain is one of the lowest ranking countries. The high online availability of services for both citizens and enterprises is thus not reflected in the adoption.

ICTs in the Economy

For eCommerce, Spain ranks in the middle part of the EU ranking, with all three indicators below average. For eBusiness, the picture is mixed, as the country scores average for some indicators (suggesting a more intensive take up by large enterprises), and poorly for others (exchanging automatically documents with customers and suppliers and sanding/receiving e-invoices).

The ICT sector is not particularly important for the economy and eSkills, both user and specialist levels, are below average.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)8.011.715.218.320.222.915
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps4.026.583.483.763.34
% of households with an internet connection34363945516017
% of households with a broadband connection15212939454914
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access7276879092812
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet5632
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.10121211
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)31353944495619
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)18212530344320
% population who have never used the internet504743383317
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails31343742465318
looking for information about goods and services30333842465016
uploading self-created content81113
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use8121518203215
reading online newspapers/magazines2124272516
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)223341017
internet banking12141516202918
downloading computer or video games or their updates7915
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films312810
paying for online audiovisual contents3513
listening to the web radio/watching web tv2417232010
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition9131921252813
looking for a job or sending a job application10121312
doing an online course5633
seeking information with the purpose of learning19252610
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online333358519
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online88888872
% of population using eGovernment services2526292813
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms91216
% of enterprises using eGovernment services50555858646822
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms32353838455018
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)2235925
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises337981212
% enterprises selling online2388101614
% enterprises purchasing online341516192812
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)404119
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)747016
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services11
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers132525
sending/receiving e-invoices9122121
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.201610
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.15171710
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP3.
ICT sector share of total employment2.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.080.090.3117
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports4.
% of ICT exports on total imports7.
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.15.715.415.515.616.018.421
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.

Sweden is among the top nations for information society developments and is firmly within the group of leading countries in the European Union. It also has a competitive and dynamic ICT sector. New important actions have been launched in 2008 by the Swedish government. They include: a new citizen-centred national e-health strategy designed to use ICT to achieve improvements for patients, health professionals and decision-makers; the adoption of a new action plan for e-Government aiming to improving the coordination of related strategies within the Swedish Government Offices and retaking a leading position in the eGovernment field by 2010; actions to support ICT & Ageing as well as accessibility and usability of eServices websites.


Broadband penetration stands at 31.3%, the third highest figure in the EU and amongst the world leaders. There is also almost full (97.9%) DSL coverage. This results in the second highest percentage of households with internet connections, 85% of which are broadband. Enterprises' broadband connectivity exceeds the EU average too, yielding Sweden a fifth place for this indicator. Sweden is also a frontrunner for the take-up of new mobile methods as well. Nowhere else in Europe, for example, 3G access is more widespread.

Internet Usage

As a result of high connectivity, Sweden ranks 1st and 2nd for the proportion of regular and frequent internet users in the population. Correspondingly, the country has the lowest share of people that have never used the internet.

High connectivity is also reflected in the take-up of online services. There is only one indicator for which the score is slightly below average: downloading computer or video games or their updates. For all the other activities, Sweden is one of the leading countries.

The same holds for the take-up of eGoverment services by citizens, despite somewhat lower availability. As far as eGovernment for enterprises goes, Sweden scores above average as well, although the difference is smaller.

ICT in the Economy

Like for most other dimensions, Sweden is among the top countries for the use of ICT in the economy. It is one of the six best performing countries for eCommerce and exceeds EU averages for most eBusiness indicators. Relative to other areas of take up, however, there is clear scope for improvement in the take up of eBusiness solutions.

Sweden also has a large ICT sector. Its contribution to employment and GDP is the highest and second highest in Europe respectively. Roughly 10% of the exports are ICT exports. Expenditure in ICT R&D as a percentage of GDP is the second highest in Europe. The important role of ICT in the Swedish economy is further strengthened by its large base of ICT specialists.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)91.093.595.397.897.992.78
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)15.420.725.931.231.322.93
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps41.527.356.566.663.311
% of households with an internet connection73777984602
% of households with a broadband connection40516771493
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access83898789815
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet59931
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1522123
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)7576807583561
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)5257615869432
% population who have never used the internet1210159331
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails6467746978532
looking for information about goods and services5970747075502
uploading self-created content15118
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use4350555353324
reading online newspapers/magazines2839414345254
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)610141315106
internet banking4051575765293
downloading computer or video games or their updates8913
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films34287
paying for online audiovisual contents1651
listening to the web radio/watching web tv1321283342201
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition1823282532288
looking for a job or sending a job application1623241822133
doing an online course33312
seeking information with the purpose of learning2733264
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online646475517
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online88887572
% of population using eGovernment services39525352283
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms26123
% of enterprises using eGovernment services92808079786812
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms53485355585013
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)1012111198
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises141413126
% enterprises selling online2023242719166
% enterprises purchasing online3841444850282
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)474113
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)797011
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services16119
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers252518
sending/receiving e-invoices18172118
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.27164
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.2223175
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP6.
ICT sector share of total employment4.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.971.060.312
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports11.211.210.710.69
% of ICT exports on total imports11.511.211.411.28
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.20.119.319.619.820.018.48
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills4.
27.United Kingdom

The United Kingdom is one of the best performing countries in Europe, with most of the benchmarking indicators above EU average. There is high connectivity, which leads on the one hand to a widespread take-up of internet services by households and on the other hand to a significant share of eCommerce, although eBusiness take up is lagging behind. Moreover, the ICT sector holds an important share of the British economy. The recent Digital Britain report sets out the next steps of the British government to maximise the economic and social opportunities of ICT, with four action points: to assist the private sector in delivering an effective modern communications infrastructure, including a universal service commitment to ensure access to 2MB/s broadband services by 2012, and proposals to assist the development of next generation broadband to those areas that will not benefit from commercial deployments; to enable Britain to be a global centre for the creative industries in the digital age, including public service content, within a clear and fair legal framework; to ensure that people have the capabilities and skills to flourish in the digital economy, and that all can participate in digital society; and actions to modernise and improve its service to the taxpayer through digital procurement and the digital delivery of public services.


Broadband penetration in the UK has further increased to 28.4%, meaning that it has almost tripled since 2004 (10.4%). There is also almost complete DSL coverage and the proportion of +2MB/s connections is in line with the EU average. Mobile connectivity is well established as well.

This results in one of the highest shares of internet connected households in Europe (with 86% of them using broadband). Over 87% of the British enterprises have broadband internet access, an increase of 9 p.p. or five places in the ranking relative to last year.

Internet Usage

Due to high household connectivity, the UK ranks 6th in terms of the percentage of regular and frequent internet users in the population. The country is also one of the frontrunners for a wide variety of internet services. All activities except for seeking health and learning information are carried out more often online than on average amongst EU Member States.

However, there was a fallback in the ranking of the take-up of eGovernment services by citizens in 2008, despite high online availability of public services. For enterprises, the availability was very high as well, and there was an increase in their use of eGovernment, however the UK still remains at the bottom end of the EU ranking for this indicator.

ICTs in the Economy

The UK is one of the frontrunners in the field of eCommerce, with one in three companies selling online, and only in Malta accounts for a larger portion of turnover generated by eCommerce.

Despite the importance of electronic trade, British companies seriously lag behind in terms of the use of eBusiness applications, where it is among the lowest of all Member States.

The ICT sector as a whole is an important contributor to the GDP and to employment, but business expenditure in ICT R&D is below average. Finally, the UK is second in terms of employees with ICT user skills, but there is room for improvement in terms of specialist eSkills.

United Kingdom

Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)95.099.499.599.699.892.75
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)94.995.096.199.476.65
Broadband penetration (as % of population)10.216.521.725.728.422.96
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps1.430.846.665.863.312
% of households with an internet connection5660636771607
% of households with a broadband connection1632445762495
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access5065777887818
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet223312
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.1318126
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)4954576570566
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)2934394853436
% population who have never used the internet28292219336
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails5357536166537
looking for information about goods and services4957556264507
uploading self-created content19114
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use3744455357322
reading online newspapers/magazines1824232237258
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)58121315105
internet banking22272832382911
downloading computer or video games or their updates10910
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films34286
paying for online audiovisual contents1254
listening to the web radio/watching web tv1015151826207
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition26251820262811
looking for a job or sending a job application1416161520134
doing an online course5535
seeking information with the purpose of learning24252611
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online608091514
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online57578872
% of population using eGovernment services222438322810
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms121212
% of enterprises using eGovernment services34395254646821
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms12193840515015
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)12109911
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises1416171921122
% enterprises selling online2925302932161
% enterprises purchasing online5351514947283
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)274124
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)517027
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services81121
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers112526
sending/receiving e-invoices15112124
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.71627
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.13141716
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP6.
ICT sector share of total employment3.
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.250.240.3110
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports7.99.913.34.719
% of ICT exports on total imports10.610.010.78.913
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.24.324.824.925.225.218.42
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Iceland shows extraordinary scores for connectivity and citizens' use indicators. For these dimensions, it is more advanced than the EU Member States. However, the availability of eGovernment services does not seem to match the overall development of the information society in the country. To this end, the Icelandic Government published in May 2008 a new 2008-2012 policy on the Information Society, known as e-nation aiming at providing efficient, simple and secure online accessibility of all public services. eProcurement was one of the biggest projects in the IT budget for 2008 and 2009. It has a strong focus on open standards and interoperability and aims at enabling all public administrations to carry out 100 % of their procurement electronically by 2009.


Households' connectivity is high. A remarkable rate of 88% of households has internet access, almost fully (95%) through broadband connections. Virtually all enterprises (99.5%) have broadband internet access. This means that narrowband has already become obsolete.

Furthermore, a third of the population accesses the internet through mobile laptops. Broadband coverage is high, despite the remoteness of some regions, and further progress is expected to take place on average speed, which nowadays exceeds 2MB/s for 72% of broadband lines.

Internet Usage

Iceland also outperforms all the EU27 countries in terms of regular, frequent and non users of the Internet. 88% of the Icelandic population are regular Internet users, which is better than the 83.5% in Sweden, while 78% even are frequent users, exceeding Denmark's 71%. Only 8% have never used the Internet (compared to 9% in Sweden).

This outstanding situation is reflected in the take-up of internet services. For nearly all indicators (even for the most frequent activities), the EU average is largely exceeded.

The use of eGovernment services by citizens and enterprises is much higher than the EU average as well. But the online availability of public services is insufficient to Icelandic standards. This one of the rare indicators for which Iceland is not one of the best performing countries in the European Area.

ICTs in the Economy

Both eCommerce and eBusiness indicators confirm a positive performance in the use of ICT. The eSkills base is close to EU averages.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)
Broadband penetration (as % of population)22.9
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps44.344.146.172.363.3
% of households with an internet connection818483848860
% of households with a broadband connection456372768349
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access959981
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet1133
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.292812
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)778184868856
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)616571747843
% population who have never used the internet1198833
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails737577808353
looking for information about goods and services727376787850
uploading self-created content2011
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use374450504732
reading online newspapers/magazines616567676925
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)6681210
internet banking546167726829
downloading computer or video games or their updates99
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films3728
paying for online audiovisual contents135
listening to the web radio/watching web tv213143485720
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition403940443928
looking for a job or sending a job application161617161413
doing an online course9133
seeking information with the purpose of learning426526
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online36364251
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online71636372
% of population using eGovernment services585561596328
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms2012
% of enterprises using eGovernment services959168
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms818750
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)16119
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises812
% enterprises selling online222116
% enterprises purchasing online383528
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)4641
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)7870
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services1211
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers1825
sending/receiving e-invoices2021
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.1016
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.1917
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.31
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports
% of ICT exports on total imports
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.18.323.318.619.718.4
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills3.

Norway is placed among the top nations for information society developments and firmly belongs to the group of leading European countries. All available indicators show better scores than the EU27 average.


Norway is one of the most advanced countries for Internet connectivity, with high broadband penetration, good DSL coverage and fast broadband lines. Moreover, both 3G and wireless laptop connections are used more than twice as much as on average in the EU.

This provides a good basis for positive outcomes in terms of households and enterprises' connectivity: 73% of households and 86% of enterprises subscribe to broadband connections.

Internet usage

Norway's status as one of the world's leading Internet countries is not only reflected by the very high number of internet connected households, but also by the widespread take-up of most internet services.

With 30% more regular and frequent internet users than on average in the EU27, the results of the top scoring EU countries (Sweden and Denmark respectively) are even exceeded. Moreover, the share of people having never used the internet before is lower than in Sweden, Europe's best performing country on this indicator.

Nearly all the reported internet activities are done significantly more often than on average in the EU. The most popular activities are sending emails, looking up information about goods and services, internet banking and reading online newspapers; where rates of use exceed the EU average by between 30 and 50pp. However, use of other services is also for the most part significantly higher. However, uploading self-created content and selling goods and services are only marginally above the EU average.

It is no surprise then that the use of eGovernment is also higher than on average in the EU, especially for citizens' services. Availability of these services is also high. While also above the EU average, enterprise related eGovernment indicators differ less from the EU average.

ICTs in the Economy

The take up of eBusiness applications has progressed and tops EU averages. The importance of eCommerce is even more significant. Norway is clearly benefiting from the good opportunities provided by the important eSkills base it enjoys.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)82.088.491.095.895.892.7
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)82.786.
Broadband penetration (as % of population)18.124.329.133.522.9
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps27.022.862.078.263.3
% of households with an internet connection606469788460
% of households with a broadband connection304157677349
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access607886858681
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet0473
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.212812
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)687477818656
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)435059667243
% population who have never used the internet151711833
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails666872768253
looking for information about goods and services626774768050
uploading self-created content1211
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use415561636332
reading online newspapers/magazines5660657325
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)461081110
internet banking556267717529
downloading computer or video games or their updates149
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films4228
paying for online audiovisual contents105
listening to the web radio/watching web tv212434374220
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition292634374128
looking for a job or sending a job application161822222213
doing an online course463
seeking information with the purpose of learning465226
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online40608051
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online75887572
% of population using eGovernment services375257606228
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms2712
% of enterprises using eGovernment services698474717668
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms405962616350
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)201515169
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises81514182212
% enterprises selling online132628323016
% enterprises purchasing online273649484428
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)6041
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)8170
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services1811
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers3725
sending/receiving e-invoices293121
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.2216
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.182117
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.31
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports
% of ICT exports on total imports
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.19.519.619.719.219.118.4
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills4.

Available data for Croatia are based on Eurostat. They show that the country is lagging behind EU Member States in most dimensions of the information society, with the notable exception of ICT take up by businesses. Several initiatives have been launched in 2008 to progress information society in Croatia and bridge the digital gap: the Electronic Communication Act to comply with the aquis communitaire; the Operational Plan of implementation of eCroatia to progress of the ICT infrastructures; the Action Plan for the development of broadband Internet access to achieve 500 000 broadband connections until the end of 2008. More recently (January 2009 the Croatian Government has adopted the Strategy for the Development of eGovernment over the period 2009-2012 to build a modern, transparent, efficient and streamlined public services for citizens.


The percentage of households with broadband connections is below EU average but 88% of Croatian firms do have broadband access, exceeding the EU average of 81%.

Internet Usage

In Croatia, regular and frequent internet users are largely underrepresented compared to the average situation in Europe. More than half of the Croatians have even never used the internet before.

These rates are reflected in the take-up of internet services. Except for reading online newspapers, Croatians perform the reported activities far less than on average in the EU. This is also the case for eGovernment services. Especially for the use by citizens, the gap is still very wide.

ICTs in the Economy

While developments in eCommerce are slow, the take up of eBusiness solutions is positive. Most applications are used even more than on average in the EU27. However, the availability of eSkills among employees is limited and this may put a brake to further eBusiness developments.


Total DSL coverage (as % of total population)92.7
DSL coverage in rural areas (as % of total population)76.6
Broadband penetration (as % of population)22.9
Speed - % of broadband subscriptions above 2 Mbps63.3
% of households with an internet connection414560
% of households with a broadband connection232749
% of enterprises with a (fixed) broadband access808881
% of individuals using a mobile phone via UMTS (3G) to access the Internet123
% of indiv. using a laptop via wireless connect. away from home/work to access the inter.5912
Internet Usage
% pop. who are regular internet users (using the internet at least once a week)323956
% pop. who are frequent internet users (using the internet every day or almost every day)212743
% population who have never used the internet565433
Take up of internet services (as % of population)
sending emails263153
looking for information about goods and services303350
uploading self-created content611
ordering goods or services, over the Internet, for private use7732
reading online newspapers/magazines172825
selling goods and services (e.g. via auctions)2410
internet banking91329
downloading computer or video games or their updates69
downloading/listening to/watching music and/or films1828
paying for online audiovisual contents25
listening to the web radio/watching web tv91020
seeking health information on injury, disease or nutrition152028
looking for a job or sending a job application81113
doing an online course113
seeking information with the purpose of learning131726
eGovernment Indicators
% basic public services for citizens fully available online51
% basic public services for enterprises fully available online72
% of population using eGovernment services141228
% of population using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms5312
% of enterprises using eGovernment services515768
% of enterprises using eGovernment services for returning filled in forms333750
of which to submit a proposal in a public electronic tender system (e-procurement)20179
eCommerce as % of total turnover of enterprises3412
% enterprises selling online111616
% enterprises purchasing online192228
eBusiness: % of enterprises
using applications for integrating internal business processes (all enterprises)4541
using applications for integrating internal business processes (large enterprises)6870
using applications for employees to access Human Resources services1811
exchanging automatically business documents with customers/suppliers3225
sending/receiving e-invoices192521
sharing information electronically with customers/suppliers on Supply Chain Manag.3616
using analytical Customer Relation Manag.101117
Indicators on the ICT sector, ICT skills and R&D
ICT sector share of total GDP5.0
ICT sector share of total employment2.7
ICT R&D expenditure by the business sector, as % of GDP0.31
= = = = =, as % of total R&D expenditure
% of ICT exports on total exports
% of ICT exports on total imports
% of persons employed with ICT user skills.13.618.4
% of persons employed with ICT specialist skills2.03.0

1Iceland and Norway are members of the European Economic Area and Croatia is a candidate country to the EU. They contribute to the funding of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme and participate as such in the Eurostat surveys. However, they are not considered in the country rankings of all indicators except for the two broadband coverage indicators where Iceland and Norway are included. Because of the size of their population and of the advanced state of development of the market under consideration, however, the impact on the EU average can be considered negligible.

2i2010 Benchmarking Framework:

3The data used in this version of the paper were extracted from the Eurostat database on 05.06.2009. Almost all Member States contributed to both surveys but there remain some outstanding returns.

4 See

5"Broadband Coverage” refers to the coverage of DSL networks, the most widespread form of broadband access in Europe, and in particular to the percentage of population depending on a Local Exchange equipped with a DSLAM. Thus, figures do not account for those people that reside too far from these switches to be able to purchase a DSL connection even if they wanted to do so. Hence, coverage figures may overestimate actual eligibility.