Legal provisions of SEC(2009)1100 - Accompanying theREPORT FROM THE COMMISSIONon the implementation in 2005-2006 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport (24th report from the Commission on the implementation of the social legislation relating to road transport) - Main contents
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dossier | SEC(2009)1100 - Accompanying theREPORT FROM THE COMMISSIONon the implementation in 2005-2006 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the ... |
document | SEC(2009)1100 |
date | August 3, 2009 |
Brussels, 3.8.2009
SEC(2009) 1100
Accompanying the
on the implementation in 2005-2006 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport (24th report from the Commission on the implementation of the social legislation relating to road
1. National Initiatives 3
1.1. Administrative Measures 4
1.2. Regulatory and other Measures 4
2. Penalties 5
2.1. Scales 5
2.2. Tables of Penalties 7
2.3. Additional information on penalties 8
3. Comments from the Member States 9
4. Other Statistical Data 12
4.1. Reference Period 12
4.2. Annex B Calculation of minimum checks to be carried out 12
4.3. Checks 13
4.3.1. Number of checks at the roadside 13
4.3.2. Number of drivers checked at the premises of undertaking 16
4.3.3. Number of working days checked at the roadside 17
4.3.4. Number of working days checked at premises of undertaking 21
4.4. Offences; Number of offences recorded 22
4.4.1. Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: driving period 22
4.4.2. Article 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: breaks 25
4.4.3. Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: rest periods 28
1. National Initiatives
Austria reported about the following regulatory national initiatives: Arbeitszeitgesetz BGBl. Nr. 461/1969 idF BGBl. I Nr. 175/2004, Arbeitszeitgesetz BGBl. Nr. 461/1969 idF BGBl. I Nr. 138/2006 (Working Time Act); Arbeitsruhegesetz BGBl. Nr. 144/1983 idF BGBl. I Nr. 175/2004, Arbeitsruhegesetz BGBl. Nr. 144/1983 idF BGBl. I Nr. 138/2006 (Act on rest Times); Kraftfahrgesetz 1967 (Vehicles Act).
Malta reported the enactment of the following regulations: Motor Vehicles (Weights, Dimensions and Equipment) Regulations, Motor Vehicles (Carriage of Goods by Road) Regulations and Motor Vehicles (Carriage of Passengers by Road) Regulations.
In Germany the relevant legislation consists of the Fahrpersonalgesetz (Law on Driving Personnel) and the Fahrpersonalverordnung (Regulation on Driving Personnel). The Third Law to change the Regulation on Driving Personnel was about to be passed on the 9th of November 2007 in order to implement Directive 2006/22/EC1 on minimum conditions for the implementation of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/852 and (EEC) No 3821/853. Drivers of vehicles between 2.8 and 3.5 tons are required to keep records of driving times and rest periods. This is a procedural requirement which is governed by §1 of the above Regulation on driving personnel and which applies both to German and foreign drivers. Failure to comply with this legislation is punishable by a fine. National driving times and rest periods correspond to those in Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85.
Denmark passed Decree No. 328 of 28 of March 2007 on driving time and rest period provisions in road transport, which entered into force on 11 April 2007 and repeals Justice Ministry Decree No. 688 of 29 June 2005.
Slovenia informed about the following legislative national initiatives: Act on working time and compulsory rest periods of persons performing mobile road transport activities and on recording equipment (tachograph) in road transport (Ul. RS 64/2007); Regulation on enforcing the regulations on working time and compulsory rest periods of persons performing mobile road transport activities and on recording equipment (Ul. RS 34/2006).
The United Kingdom reported that there were several amendments made to Part Vi of the Transport Act 168 and the Passenger and Goods Vehicles 5Recording Equipment) Regulations (NI) 1996 to introduce the requirements regarding the fitment of digital recording equipment as set out in Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods.
Ireland informed about the’ establishment of the Road Safety Authority, which had been tasked with the enforcement of EU- and national legislation dealing with driver’s hours, rest periods and breaks.
In Portugal, Decision C.M. 189/05 of the 16 May 2005 designates the Directorate General for Land and River Transport / Institute for Mobility and Land Transport as the national authority responsible for the introduction of digital tachographs. Law No. 13/06 of 17 April 2006 on the collective transport of children was introduced too. Order No. 23721/06 of 21 November 2006 defines the requirements to be met by training courses and the knowledge assessment and the certification of safety advisors and drivers of dangerous goods.
Cyprus enacted the following legislation: The Inspection of Driving and Rest Time of Drivers of certain Vehicles Law of 2004 (Law 137(I)/2004), The Organisation of the Working Time of Persons Performing Mobile Road Transport Activities Law of 2005 (Law 47(I)/2005 and The Authorised Body Shops and Issuance of Recording Equipment Cards Law of 2004 (Law 192(I)/2004).
1.1. Administrative Measures
The United Kingdom reported that no changes were made to the operator licensing regime, requiring all operators to undertake regular checks of drivers' hours and to have administrative systems for such purposes.
In Cyprus, due to the technical nature of the subject and to the difficulties faced by the Minister of Labour and Social Security in implementing Laws 137(I)/2004 and 47(I)/2005, the Minister exercised powers conferred to him by the said laws and authorised the Department of Labour Inspection of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security to implement the provisions of the aforementioned laws. The competent authority for managing the legislative framework remained the Department of Labour Relations.
Acting pursuant to this authorisation, the Department of Labour Inspection established a unit comprising one labour inspection officer and three labour inspectors. Checks are being carried out from the regional office in Nicosia on the premises of undertakings and on the roadside in several regions of Cyprus. Additionally, the Cyprus Police's Vehicle Mechanical Inspection Team, carries out additional checks in cooperation with the department of Labour Inspection.
Furthermore, Cyprus has established a system to check exemptions of vehicles from Regulation (EEC) No. 3821/85.
In the 1st quarter of 2005, Belgium tested the introduction of the new digital tachograph.
Member States not mentioned under this chapter did not submit sufficient data.
1.2. Regulatory and other Measures
In the United Kingdom the main operator agency - The Vehicle and Operator Services Agency (VOSA) – practices a risk-based approach to enforcement with the aim of minimising the burden of compliant operators. During the reporting period VOSA carried out 17 large scale roadside checks – three of these specially targeted passenger vehicle operations; all were carried out in combination with other enforcement agencies and concentrated on traffic on international journeys; and five Pan-European Check, carried out in combination with other Member States, specifically focused on vehicles carrying dangerous goods.
In addition, VOSA routinely targeted vehicles on long distance or international journeys. This was in response to relatively high level of involvement by these vehicles in serious road accidents.
VOSA now has the power to stop vehicles across considerable parts of the country, as does the Driver and vehicle Agency (DVA) in Northern Ireland (NI). This enables the authorities to show considerable flexibility in how checks can be conducted, which improves their effectiveness.
VOSA and DVA continue to visit new operators to advise and educate them to help prevent offences from being committed through ignorance and misunderstanding and publish a number of guidance documents. Direct contact with groups of operators is also seen as essential.
Equipment that enables staff to download and analyse digital data generated or stored within digital recording equipment has been purchased and provided to all staff across the United Kingdom.
In Ireland, proposals for a fixed penalty charge system have been submitted to the Department for Transport. The adoption of such a system is expected to enable enforcement officers to sanction out of state drivers for breaches of the relevant legislation.
The Netherlands hope to increase their amount of checks by digitalising their systems and increasing the control period.
Cyprus engaged in training its officers on how to implement national legislation and how to operate analogue and digital tachographs. Furthermore a checking system was introduced in order to assure the achievement of the minimum number of controls under Directive 88/599/EEC on standard checking procedures.
In December 2006 Cypriot received their equipment as specified in Annex II of Directive 2006/22/EC on minimum conditions for the implementation of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport and (EEC) No 3821/85 on recording equipment.
In Belgium the digital tachograph became compulsory as of 5 August 2005 by Royal Order of 14 July 2005.
Member States not mentioned under this chapter did not submit sufficient data.
2. Penalties
The information in this chapter concerns the period of 2005-2006. There might have been changes in the Member States after the entry into force of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods.
2.1. Scales
Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania,, Slovenia and United Kingdom provided information on the scale of penalties imposed for violations to the Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport. A wide range of fines among Member States is still apparent.
Austria applies penalties ranking from € 36 to € 5000 . The sanction of imprisonment for up to 6 weeks is available for infringements concerning driving time and breaks, with additional limitations arising from Title no 102, paragraph 12 of the law concerning circulation of the Heavy Goods vehicles (Kraftfahrgesetz). The date of last modification to Arbeitzeitgesetz
BGBl., no 461/1969 was published in BGBl. I Nr. 138/2006 and to Arbeitsruhegesetz BGBI
No 144/1983 was published in BGBl. I Nr. 175/2004.
Cyprus applies penalties for infringements of the provisions of the Inspection of Driving and Rest Time for Drivers of Certain Vehicles Law of 2004 and the Organisation of the Working Time of Persons Performing Mobile Road Transport Activities Law of 2005 of up to six months of imprisonment or a fine of up to € 3417 or both
The Transposition of Directive 2006/22/EC on minimum conditions for the implementation of Regulations (EEC) No 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85 as well as the implementation of the provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods were carried out by the Inspection of Driving and Rest Time for Drivers of Certain Vehicles Law of 2007 (Law 86(I)/2007), entering into force on 13 June 2007 and repealing Law 137(I)/2004 and the Authorised Body Shops and Issuance of Recording Equipment Cards Law of 2004 (Law 192(I) /2004).
In Finland penalties are imposed either on the driver or the employer depending on the offence. A day fine is imposed for an offence, the number of day fines depending on the gravity of the offence. In the case of driving and rest periods offences, the penalties range from 4 to 12 day fines per offence. For example, 8 day fines are imposed for failure to use the tachograph, and 6 day fines for non-compliance with the provisions regarding its use. The value of one day fine in euros varies depending on the income and the number of dependants of the person.
Hungary applies fines between € 187 (HUF 50000) and € 2992 (HUF 800000).
In Ireland, the maximum penalty amounts to a fine of € 5000.
Latvia applies a standard fine for drivers of € 70.60 – 141.19 (LVL 50 - 100).
In Malta, there is a fixed Penalty of € 60 per offence.
Poland applies fines as from € 12 (PLN 50 and) depending on the duration of the infringement.
In Romania the scale of fines ranges from € 186 (RON 735) to €2530 (RON 10000).
Slovenian fines range from € 150 to € 3300. A difference is being made, whether the offence is committed by driver or employer.
In the United Kingdom there has been no change to the maximum fines for drivers' hours and tachograph related offences and for those who cause or permit them. The fines therefore continue to range from € 223 (£ 200) to € 5590 (£ 5000). Similarly, in addition to a fine, the offences of falsifying a chart and altering or forging a seal on a tachograph continue to carry a prison sentence of up to two years.
The most recent change was increasing the maximum fines in Great Britain in October 1992. In Northern Ireland, the maximum £5000 fine came into effect in June 1996. The power of prohibition for drivers’ hours and tachograph offences by drivers of UK registered vehicles was introduced in February 2001.
The Criminal Justice Act 1991 lays down the maximum amount for each level of fine in Great Britain. Reference to the level of fine appropriate to each category of drivers’ hours offence (i.e. Level 1 or Level 2) is contained in Part VI of the Transport Act 1968, as amended.
In Northern Ireland the fine levels in operation in 2001 and 2002 are contained in the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order and the European Communities Road traffic and Vehicles – Passenger and Goods Vehicles – (Recording Equipment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1996.
The Transport Act 2000 inserted a new section 99A into the Transport Act 1968, which empowers an authorised person to prohibit the driving of a vehicle where it appears to him that there has been a contravention of the requirements in Regulation (EEC) 3820/85.
2.2. Tables of Penalties
Member State | Type of Penalty | |
Minor Offences | Serious Offences | |
Austria | Up to € 5000 or arrest up to 6 weeks; € 72 - € 1815 working time Act and € 36 - € 2180 Working Break Act | |
Belgium4 | ||
Cyprus | Articles 6, 7, 8 and 14 (1) Imprisonment of up to 6 months or a fine of up to €3 417 or both. Article 14(4)(a) 3rd subparagraph Imprisonment of up to 2 years or a fine of up to £4 000 (€6 834) or both. Article 14(5) fine of up to £3 000 (€5 125). | |
Czech Republic1 | ||
Denmark5 | Fine of at least € 67 for the driver and € 135 for the company, the amount depending on the nature and gravity of the offence. | |
Estonia1 | ||
Finland | Penalties are imposed using the 'day-fine' criterion, the amount of which depends on the type of offences. | |
France2 | € 1517 maximum | Severe infringements may attract a fine up to € 30489 |
Serious of repeated infringements can lead to the temporary or permanent revocation of the Community licence or of the transport authorisation. The immobilisation of the vehicle up to three months is also an administrative sanction. | ||
Germany2 | The infringements are punished according to the type of offences and persons involved. Fines fro infringements of the provisions on driving times, rest periods and breaks range from € 15 to € 31 for the driving personnel and by a fine of € 61 (minimum) for employer. Fines for drivers who do not respect the provisions on recording of driving times range from € 15 to € 53 and for employer’s range from € 153 to € 1534. Breaches of provisions on the service time table and duty roster are punished with a fine ranging from € 51 to € 128 for the driver and by a fine of € 511 (minimum) for the employer) | |
Greece1 | ||
Hungary | € 186 | € 2980 |
Ireland | Maximum 5000 | |
Italy2 | € 16 minimum | € 4447 |
Latvia | € 70.50 – 141.18 for drivers and € 570 – 1415 for undertakings | |
Lithuania | € 30-60 | |
Luxembourg1 | ||
Malta | € 60 | |
Netherlands | There are set fines for each breach of a provision of the Regulation ranging from € 45 to € 1365 (total amount of fines collected is € 2671074). | |
Poland | € 12 minimum fine; higher fines according to duration of infringement | |
Portugal1 | ||
Romania | € 365 – 1215 depending on type of infringement | |
Slovakia1 | ||
Slovenia | € 150 – 2900 depending on type of infringement and whether it is placed upon the company, the person responsible in the company or the driver | |
Spain1 | ||
Sweden | € 273 per offence; + 50% for 2nd offence of same kind |
2.3. Additional information on penalties
Germany informed that amendments necessary to adapt to amendments in the law concerning driving personnel and in the Order concerning driving personnel are currently being made.
In total, the following punishments were imposed in Germany:
Passenger transport | Goods transport | |
Cautions with cautionary fines | 5241 | 139102 |
Fines (regardless of whether or not they are legally binding) | 2540 | 140410 |
In total | 7781 | 279512 |
Cases of drivers not allowed to continue their journey | 1111 | 57838 |
France submitted the following table:
Year | 2005 | 2006 | |
Number of undertaking sanctioned in France | 247 | 292 | |
Certified Copies | Complete withdrawal | 15 | 57 |
Suspension | 310 | 261 | |
Authorisations | Complete Withdrawal | 0 | 0 |
Suspension | 0 | 0 | |
Number of immobilised vehicles | 173 | 207 |
3. Comments from the Member States
In Denmark the Justice Ministry’s circular notice of 30 March 2007 changing practice concerning penalties in the driving times and rest periods sector introduced a new fine for contravention of the uninterrupted driving time rule (Article 7 of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods). The rule entered into force on 11 April 2007.
After the period under examination, Cyprus transposed Directive 2006/22/EEC and has implemented the rules in Regulations (EC) No 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods via the Inspection of Driving and Rest Time for Drivers of Certain Vehicles Law of 2007 (Law 86(I)/2007) which took effect on 13.7.2007 and the Authorised Body Shops and Issuance of Recording Equipment Cards Law of 2004 (Law 192(I)/2004). Law 86(I).2007 repealed the Inspection of Driving and Rest Time for Drivers of Certain Vehicles Law of 2004 (Law 137(I)/2004).
Apart from that Cyprus also pointed out the following reasons for its low number of controls:
1. During roadside checks carried out by the Police at the start of 2005, it became clear that there was a need to focus efforts on implementation of the legislation, and on briefing professional drivers and affected undertakings.
2. The work which arose from examination of applications for exemption from the tachograph installation / usage requirement during the reporting period.
3. Procedural and technical difficulties in issuing memory cards for digital tachographs.
4. The adjustment period of professional drivers in complying with the requirements of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 and Directive 2002/15/EC6 on the organisation of the working time of mobile workers in road transport.
5. The extension granted in the Cyprus Accession Agreement to the European Union (see Article 24(6) of Annex VII) on the implementation of Article 3(1) of Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 which caused confusion among the owners of affected vehicles about the extent to which the extension also related to implementation of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport.
For these reasons it was considered necessary to prepare the information campaign for owners of affected vehicles about the provisions of the said Regulation.
Checks recommenced in March 2007.
Lithuania reported that a draft amendment to the Administrative Offences Code, providing for increased penalties in respect of infringements of the rules on driving times and rest periods, had been submitted to the Parliament for the second time in 2007.
Finland reported improvements in the compilation of statistics and that the Occupational Safety and Health Inspector's data can be accessed directly from a computer terminal.
In Lithuania a draft amendment to the Administrative Offences Code, providing for increased penalties in respect of infringements of the rules on driving times and rest periods, has been submitted to the Parliament for the second time in 2007.
Germany reported to have exceeded the minimum control level of 1%, while at the same time the number of relevant vehicles had almost doubled.
Concerning the ratio of controls and infringements detected in Germany, no significant change was reported.
In comparison with the 2003-2004 reporting period, the number of fines/cautions with cautionary fines in passenger transport fell by 45% and the number of cases of drivers not being allowed to continue their journey fell by 32%. In goods transport there was a 35% reduction in the number of fines/cautions with cautionary fines. The number of cases of drivers being banned from continuing their journey fell by a mere 3%.
Overall there was no significant change in terms of respecting driving times and rest periods in Germany and it remains to be seen, whether Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods leads to an improvement of the situation. Some optimism seems to be appropriate because of the introduction of the digital tachograph.
Portugal reported to have transposed Directive 2002/15/EC into its national law by Decree-Law No. 237/2007 of 19 June 2007. The same Decree-Law would also regulate certain aspects of the organisation of the working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities and covered by Regulations (EEC) No. 3820/85 and (EC) No. 561/2006 respectively or by the AETR-Agreement.
France reported that the number of vehicles controlled diminished because of the increased time span controls require, due to the longer period to be controlled. Furthermore, a lot of time had to be dedicated to the training of officers on automatic data processing systems related to the digital tachograph.
Concerning administrative sanctions, after a decrease in 2004 due to a legal reorganisation, in 2005 and 2006 France returned to normalcy with an increase in 2005 and 2006.
Austria reported an increase of the number of vehicles falling under Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport in 2006, especially during the period January-March. The reason for this is the introduction of the digital tachograph for vehicles originally registered after 1 May 2006. The increase in the working days controlled was explained by the obligation of drivers under Regulation (EC) No. 561/2006 on driving times and rest periods to have record sheets with them.
In Austria compliance with the said legislation is controlled in motorway lay-bys and along transit routes.
There are two automated systems in Austria for the inquiry of driving times and rest periods (ADAS and DAKO); in order to guarantee a consistent procedure at one and the same level. Both systems adapted to the needs of controls of the digital tachograph.
In 2006 numerous training measures for officials were carried out with a view to the digital tachograph.
As a member of Euro Control Route (ECR), Austria took part in coordinated controls. Concerted controls were also carried out with the German authorities.
Latvia reported the detection of 705 other infringements of Regulation (EEC) No. 3820/85 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport, which do not concern Articles 6, 7, 8 and 14.
United Kingdom reported that it is possible to see an increase (14.6%) in the number of offences recorded despite a decrease in the number of working days (tachograph charts) checked at the roadside and at the premises. The authorities believe that the increase in the number of offences recorded can be attributed to the effectiveness of the targeting policy. In 2003-2004, enforcement authorities recorded 1 offence for every 89 charts checked, compared with 1 every 103 charts in 2001-2002 and 1 in every 243 charts in 1999-2000.
The non-compliance of by foreign drivers remained a problem. While the ration of charts checked against offences detected is lower than in the previous reporting period (1 offence for every 18 charts checked in 2003-2004 compared to 1 offence for every 27 charts checked in 2005-2006), this ratio is still considerably higher than for UK nationals with 1 offence detected on every 99 charts checked in 2005-2006.
As well as directing enforcement effort in this direction, the UK is developing a graduated fixed penalties and deposit system similar to that used in some other Member States. This will allow VOSA and the Police to issue Fixed Penalty tickets to all offenders. Those with a UK address, where legal proceedings can be safely served will be given 28 days to pay the penalty amount. Those without such address will need to pay a deposit equal to the level of penalty immediately and can ask to have the case brought before a court. This is currently passing through the legislative process and should be introduced during the next reporting period.
Like in previous reports, the UK included offences recorded for exceeding 6 daily driving periods in the weekly rest offence total an the breaks too short in the driving for more than four and a half hours without a break section.
The UK continues to have concerns about the lack of requirement to provide any information about tachograph offences.
Member States not mentioned under this chapter did not submit sufficient data.
4. Other Statistical Data
4.1. Reference Period
1.1.2005 – 31.12.2006
4.2. Annex B Calculation of minimum checks to be carried out
(Article 2 of Directive 88/599/EEC and Article 2 of Directive 2006/22/EC)
- a - | - b - | - c - | - d - | |
Member State | Minimum number of working days to be checked | Number of working days checked (nationals) | Number of working days checked (non-nationals) | Total number of working days checked |
Austria | 470736 | 875914 | 510678 | 1386592 |
Belgium | 726000 | 965414 | 152065 | 1117479 |
Cyprus7 | 77589 | 4738 | 4738 | |
Czech Republic | 265491 | 1159843 | 219308 | 1379151 |
Denmark | 220000 | 284455 | 27985 | 312440 |
Estonia | 61160 | 37189 | 2290 | 39479 |
Finland | 334000 | 379920 | 79033 | 458953 |
France | 2505000 | 8958405 | 2073646 | 11032051 |
Germany | 5717462 | 7571798 | 5586304 | 13158102 |
Greece | 6402 | 29646 | 917 | 30563 |
Hungary | 560000 | 639530 | 132494 | 772024 |
Ireland | 904700 | 632710 | 89 | 632799 |
Italy | 3268176 | 7441167 | 934095 | 8375262 |
Latvia | 305662 | 485697 | 73915 | 559612 |
Lithuania | 251660 | 237567 | 78807 | 316374 |
Luxembourg | 51201 | 72091 | 15923 | 88014 |
Malta | 103 | 1001 | 65 | 1066 |
Netherlands | 595405 | 471571 | 59831 | 531402 |
Poland | 1286126 | 5063096 | 3479674 | 8542770 |
Portugal | 585 077 | 99613 | 518 | 100131 |
Romania | 410106 | 428043 | 72680 | 500723 |
Slovakia | 164027 | 202278 | 1519 | 203797 |
Slovenia | 80000 | 81059 | ||
Spain | 1912819 | 4138122 | 438912 | 4577034 |
Sweden | 528000 | 414891 | 96227 | 511118 |
United Kingdom | 2254506 | 3157534 | 484546 | 3642080 |
Switzerland | 412040 | 1646858 | 331930 | 1978788 |
4.3. Checks
4.3.1. Number of checks at the roadside
Member State | Type of Transport | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | |
Nationals | Non-Nationals | ||||
Austria | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 1091 50171 12164 63426 | 1250 29753 5001 36024 | 2097 14566 1794 18457 | 3347 44319 6795 54481 |
Belgium | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 2881 32880 35761 | 3278 52730 56008 | 207 3049 3256 | 3935 55779 59264 |
Cyprus | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 1378 3009 4387 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Czech Republic | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 303 9563 31 9897 | 104 2692 8 2804 | 56 705 1 762 | 160 3397 9 4166 |
Denmark | Not distinguished | 75128 | 8485 | 844 | 9329 |
Estonia | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 160 2180 2340 | 60 440 500 | 5 70 75 | 65 510 575 |
Finland | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 2707 57655 5 60367 | 333 11224 0 11557 | 328 7489 0 7817 | 661 18713 0 19374 |
France8 | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 63405 1242632 1306037 | 26555 174610 187781 | 26555 174610 187781 | |
Germany | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 71729 2421937 2493666 | 54857 1954202 2009059 | 20709 311418 332127 | 75566 2265620 2341186 |
Greece | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 1449 1655 1500000 1503104 | 14 37 0 51 | 19 104 0 123 | 33 141 0 174 |
Hungary | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 2753 65471 68224 | 864 16862 17726 | 1538 14718 16256 | 2402 31580 33982 |
Ireland | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 5861 26664 75 32600 | 810 1195 2 2007 | 112 27 2 141 | 922 1222 4 2148 |
Italy | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 56961 474374 82305 613640 | 5789 50210 4740 60739 | 2672 11396 2135 16203 | 5461 61606 6875 76942 |
Latvia | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 927 13617 14544 | 116 3466 3582 | 116 3466 3582 | |
Lithuania | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 4667 23547 385 28599 | 741 9878 84 10713 | 519 9035 97 9651 | 1260 18913 181 20364 |
Luxembourg | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 114 1855 1969 | 642 4349 4991 | 11 149 160 | 653 4498 5151 |
Malta | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 0 7 7 | 5 13 18 | 0 0 0 | 5 13 18 |
Netherlands | Not distinguished | 36065 | 24470 | 1712 | 26182 |
Poland | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 85903 255349 14434 355686 25534914434 | 7360 96954 1611 105925 | 32 669 240 990 352 273659 | 40029 337944 1963 379936 |
Portugal | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 68 2415 4 2487 | 1 108 1 110 | 0 0 0 | 1 108 1 110 |
Romania | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 23632 54562 78194 | 0 0 0 | 1015 6097 7112 | 1015 6097 7112 |
Slovakia | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 11 3143 3154 | 66 1123 1199 | 11 708 719 | 77 1831 1918 |
Slovenia | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 711 1065 1776 | 66 1406 1472 | 84 1246 1330 | 150 2652 2802 |
Spain | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 217837 1185783 1403620 | 29680 173276 202956 | 7098 19147 26245 | 36778 192423 229201 |
Sweden | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total | 4930 65127 75 70132 | 571 23620 21 24212 | 84 2095 0 2179 | 655 25715 21 26391 |
United Kingdom | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total | 20255 195763 216018 | 1165 66818 67983 | 101 9605 9706 | 1266 76423 77689 |
Switzerland | Total | 107374 | 107904 | 3578 | 111482 |
4.3.2. Number of drivers checked at the premises of undertaking
Member State | Carriage of passengers | Carriage of goods | Carriage for own account | Carriage for hire and reward |
Austria | 1308 | 18248 | 2367 | 16970 |
Belgium9 | 2007 | 941 | 25403 | |
Cyprus | 0 | 10 | 17 | 0 |
Czech Republic | 739 | 6801 | 215 | 7325 |
Denmark | 596 | 3076 | 315 | 2761 |
Estonia | 13 | 110 | 3 | 120 |
Finland | 5355 | 6935 | 90 | 8504 |
France | 18672 | 71560 | 1163 | 89069 |
Germany | 11363 | 75231 | 10192 | |
Greece | 557 | 584 | 82 | 237 |
Hungary | 336 | 2948 | 245 | 3039 |
Ireland | 906 | 6613 | 698 | 7005 |
Italy | 717 | 7026 | 1058 | 6789 |
Latvia10 | 2210 | 42211 | ||
Lithuania | 466 | 2313 | 162 | 2617 |
Luxembourg5 | 250 | 1501 | ||
Malta5 | 0 | 43 | ||
Netherlands11 | 2061 | 1489 | ||
Poland | 48409 | 144192 | 49770 | 142831 |
Portugal | 519 | 3442 | 581 | 3380 |
Romania | 4400 | 13789 | 580 | 17609 |
Slovakia5 | 3486 | 74330 | ||
Slovenia | 112 | 639 | 84 | 667 |
Spain | 503 | 33383 | 3670 | 39743 |
Sweden | 768 | 3927 | 113 | 2123 |
United Kingdom | 1329 | 6086 | 908 | 5178 |
Switzerland | 1325280 | 0 |
4.3.3. Number of working days checked at the roadside
Member State | Type of Transport | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | |
Nationals | Non-Nationals | ||||
Austria | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 2503 94783 31068 128354 | 2718 64307 14992 82017 | 4095 27065 5427 36587 | 6813 91372 20419 118604 |
Belgium | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 11373 91361 102734 | 8613 136170 144783 | 368 6914 7282 | 8981 143084 152065 |
Cyprus | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 1360 3033 4393 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 |
Czech Republic | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 24397 591604 482 616483 | 4945 183547 91 188583 | 1747 28972 6 30725 | 6692 212519 97 219308 |
Denmark | Not distinguished | 229851 | 25454 | 2531 | 27985 |
Estonia | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 320 4360 4680 | 120 880 1000 | 10 140 150 | 130 1020 1150 |
Finland | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 11211 234075 16 245286 | 1363 44854 0 46217 | 1329 31487 0 32816 | 1692 76341 0 79033 |
France12 | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 263281 6567182 6921263 | 166763 1906883 2073646 | 166763 1906883 2073646 | |
Germany | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 163287 5640428 2493666 | 118947 4673898 4792844 | 43398 750062 793460 | 162345 5423960 5586305 |
Greece | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 2603 8220 8823 | 33 54 87 | 143 687 830 | 176 741 917 |
Hungary | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 8620 220585 229205 | 4324 67646 71970 | 6517 54007 60524 | 10841 121653 132494 |
Ireland | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 3011 31655 34666 | 32 52 84 | 2 3 5 | 34 57 89 |
Italy | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 254000 1670639 171081 2095720 | 20830 161425 10034 192289 | 6221 39613 3171 49005 | 27051 201038 13202 241291 |
Latvia13 | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 3708 54468 58176 | 464 13864 14328 | 464 13864 14328 | |
Lithuania | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 15449 17366 477 33292 | 664 12602 85 133351 | 710 12090 172 12972 | 1374 24692 257 146323 |
Luxembourg | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 203 5369 5572 | 1915 13497 15412 | 20 491 511 | 1935 13988 15923 |
Malta | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 0 54 54 | 10 55 65 | 0 0 0 | 10 55 65 |
Netherlands | Not distinguished | 82849 | 55924 | 3907 | 59831 |
Poland | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 897829 3827715 144951 4870495 | 624086 637446 19146 1280678 | 376189 1818627 4180 2198996 | 1000275 2456073 23326 3479674 |
Portugal | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 1208 15728 12 16948 | 6 512 0 518 | 0 0 0 0 | 6 512 0 518 |
Romania | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 68102 136893 204995 | 0 0 0 | 2889 13770 16659 | 2889 13770 16659 |
Slovakia | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 120 35753 35873 | 463 12445 12908 | 8 1511 1519 | 471 13956 14427 |
Slovenia14 | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 7112 32698 39810 | |||
Spain | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 468488 2500236 2968724 | 64365 317940 382305 | 15271 41336 56607 | 79636 359276 438912 |
Sweden | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Not distinguished Total Number | 12580 256239 414 269233 | 1378 87230 101 88709 | 250 7267 1 7518 | 1628 94497 102 96227 |
United Kingdom | Transport of Passengers Transport of Goods Total Number | 119407 1028459 1147866 | 9193 424578 433771 | 1079 49696 50775 | 10272 474274 484546 |
Switzerland | Not distinguished | 321’578 | 321’978 | 9’952 | 331930 |
4.3.4. Number of working days checked at premises of undertaking
Member State | Carriage of passengers | Carriage of goods | Carriage for own account | Carriage for hire and reward |
Austria | 23934 | 320821 | 45724 | 294561 |
Belgium15 | 43036 | 21882 | 797762 | |
Cyprus | 0 | 345 | 499 | 0 |
Czech Republic | 123734 | 434757 | 55566 | 502925 |
Denmark | 4388 | 50126 | 4431 | 45785 |
Estonia | 5105 | 19874 | 230 | 24749 |
Finland | 24978 | 109640 | 2422 | 114004 |
France | 412506 | 1624636 | 15262 | 2021880 |
Germany | 241783 | 1384398 | 141902 | |
Greece | 6896 | 11927 | 675 | 2650 |
Hungary | 53146 | 357179 | 13426 | 370605 |
Ireland | 52536 | 545508 | 58835 | 539194 |
Italy | 107100 | 779882 | 77496 | 802570 |
Latvia16 | 2210 | 42211 | ||
Lithuania | 9958 | 54858 | 3116 | 61700 |
Luxembourg11 | 9280 | 57239 | ||
Malta13 | 0 | 947 | ||
Netherlands17 | 348835 | 39887 | ||
Poland | 48409 | 144192 | 49770 | 142831 |
Portugal | 10012 | 72653 | 3885 | 78780 |
Romania | 74367 | 147006 | 5303 | 216070 |
Slovakia11 | 3486 | 74330 | ||
Slovenia | 6139 | 35110 | 4605 | 36644 |
Spain | 107324 | 1082072 | 98705 | 1070691 |
Sweden | 14537 | 131121 | 2396 | 66989 |
United Kingdom | 224411 | 1785257 | 278180 | 1507077 |
Switzerland11 | 0 | 1325280 |
4.4. Offences; Number of offences recorded
4.4.1. Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: driving period
Member State | Type of offence | Passengers | Goods | Total Passengers and Goods | ||||||
Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | |||
Austria | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 306 62 2 | 370 26 2 | 129 4 2 | 499 30 4 | 8055 1293 400 | 4002 507 28 | 956 191 5 | 4958 698 33 | 13818 2083 439 |
Belgium | Not distinguished | 128 | 66 | 8 | 74 | 1007 | 3153 | 278 | 3431 | 4640 |
Cyprus | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 13 2 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 4 2 2 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 17 4 2 |
Czech Republic | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 235 54 0 | 30 7 0 | 2 0 0 | 32 7 0 | 1649 237 2 | 623 86 7 | 89 18 0 | 712 104 7 | 2628 402 9 |
Denmark | Daily driving period and six days maximum Fortnight | 9 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 460 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 469 0 |
Estonia | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 4 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 42 2 1 | 16 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 17 0 0 | 63 2 1 |
Finland | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 97 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 3026 58 26 | 13 0 0 | 5 0 0 | 18 0 0 | 3141 58 0 |
France18 | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 27432 610 0 | 9812 96 0 | 37244 706 | ||||||
Germany | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 5165 274 266 | 156 0 0 | 112 0 21 | 168 0 21 | 127715 3525 5995 | 10498 120 80 | 1323 27 20 | 11821 147 100 | 144869 3946 387 |
Greece19 | ||||||||||
Hungary | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 24 0 0 | 4 1 0 | 34 2 0 | 38 3 0 | 1393 79 5 | 466 27 0 | 559 52 0 | 1025 79 0 | 2480 161 68 |
Ireland | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 48 0 1 | 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 2643 84 217 | 17 0 3 | 0 0 0 | 17 0 3 | 2709 84 221 |
Italy | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 680 371 722 | 92 240 480 | 3 0 0 | 95 240 480 | 11343 606 2102 | 491 301 600 | 128 0 0 | 619 301 600 | 12737 1518 3904 |
Latvia | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 9 1 9 | 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 11 1 9 |
Lithuania | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 4 1 1 | 0 0 0 | 4 0 0 | 4 0 0 | 64 3 2 | 12 1 2 | 40 2 2 | 52 3 4 | 124 7 7 |
Luxembourg | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 5 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 31 0 0 | 50 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 50 0 0 | 86 0 0 |
Malta | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 |
Netherlands | Not distinguished | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 541 | 118 | 11 | 129 | 672 |
Poland | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 3292 0 109 | 141 0 0 | 35 0 0 | 176 0 0 | 10873 0 176 | 5682 0 84 | 1159 0 0 | 6841 0 84 | 21182 0 369 |
Portugal | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 5 4 0 | 7 0 0 | 0 0 0 | 7 0 0 | 107 33 3 | 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 1 | 119 37 4 |
Romania | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 292 24 5 | 0 0 0 | 3 0 0 | 3 0 0 | 2424 99 11 | 0 0 0 | 105 9 0 | 105 9 0 | 2824 132 16 |
Slovakia | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 486 0 106 | 7 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 8 0 0 | 6899 0 564 | 297 0 1 | 50 0 2 | 347 0 3 | 7740 0 673 |
Slovenia20 | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 128 5 13 | 45 1 11 | 369 3 8 | 414 4 19 | 542 9 32 | ||||
Spain | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 169 0 3 | 11 0 0 | 10 0 0 | 21 0 0 | 10248 0 301 | 1232 0 0 | 92 0 0 | 1324 0 0 | 11762 0 304 |
Sweden | Not distinguished | 127 | 19 | 1 | 20 | 925 | 247 | 12 | 259 | 1331 |
United Kingdom | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 152 0 2 | 11 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 12 0 0 | 3024 0 44 | 1928 0 34 | 153 0 2 | 2081 0 36 | 5269 0 82 |
Switzerland21 | Daily driving period Six days maximum Fortnight | 931 34 50 | 704 18 4 | 11 0 2 | 715 18 6 | 1646 52 56 |
4.4.2. Article 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: breaks
Member State | Type of offence | Passengers | Goods | Total Passengers and Goods | ||||||
Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | |||
Austria | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 422 135 | 362 19 | 244 20 | 606 39 | 6991 4031 | 3797 585 | 1451 228 | 5248 813 | 16307 1978 |
Belgium | Not distinguished | 14 | 22 | 4 | 26 | 264 | 631 | 65 | 696 | 1000 |
Cyprus | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 52 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 12 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 64 |
Czech Republic | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 357 126 | 29 8 | 7 2 | 36 10 | 1323 983 | 517 171 | 58 34 | 575 205 | 2291 1324 |
Denmark | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 29 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1307 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1336 0 |
Estonia | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 1 1 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 75 22 | 6 3 | 0 0 | 6 3 | 82 26 |
Finland | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 348 126 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1286 963 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1634 1089 |
France22 | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 31334 0 | 4894 0 | 4894 0 | 36228 0 | |||||
Germany | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 2863 4171 | 95 161 | 61 61 | 156 232 | 127952 145271 | 6854 6554 | 1046 934 | 7900 7488 | 138871 157162 |
Greece23 | ||||||||||
Hungary | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 44 56 | 28 10 | 43 28 | 71 38 | 2031 913 | 536 291 | 579 283 | 1115 574 | 3261 1581 |
Ireland | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 22 63 | 1 0 | 0 0 | 1 0 | 1043 1531 | 11 1 | 0 0 | 11 1 | 1077 1595 |
Italy | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 751 12 | 53 0 | 0 0 | 53 0 | 8437 536 | 224 38 | 61 5 | 285 43 | 9526 591 |
Latvia | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 30 2 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 30 2 |
Lithuania | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 4 0 | 2 0 | 2 0 | 4 0 | 75 0 | 5 0 | 37 0 | 42 0 | 125 0 |
Luxembourg | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 3 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 17 0 | 37 0 | 0 0 | 37 0 | 57 0 |
Malta | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 2 1 | 0 0 | 2 1 | 2 1 |
Netherlands | Not distinguished | 18 | 5 | 0 | 5 | 1322 | 120 | 10 | 130 | 1475 |
Poland | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 3243 0 | 416 0 | 74 0 | 490 0 | 11573 0 | 8736 0 | 2680 0 | 11416 0 | 26722 |
Portugal | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 10 3 | 4 0 | 0 0 | 4 0 | 136 24 | 4 0 | 0 0 | 4 0 | 154 27 |
Romania | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 2345 0 | 0 0 | 123 0 | 123 0 | 8931 0 | 0 0 | 836 0 | 836 0 | 12235 0 |
Slovakia | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 1100 0 | 18 0 | 0 0 | 18 0 | 13725 23 | 745 0 | 73 0 | 818 0 | 15661 23 |
Slovenia24 | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 6 2 | 1 1 | 5 0 | 6 1 | 12 3 | ||||
Spain | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break and breaks too short | 194 | 14 | 20 | 34 | 5695 | 493 | 57 | 550 | 6473 |
Sweden | Not distinguished | 313 | 31 | 0 | 31 | 1215 | 208 | 9 | 217 | 177§ |
United Kingdom | Not distinguished | 284 | 20 | 2 | 22 | 17074 | 9058 | 654 | 9712 | 27092 |
Switzerland25 | Driving more than 4.5 hours without break Breaks too short | 1856 1789 | 1902 1815 | 6 20 | 1908 1835 | 3762 3624 |
4.4.3. Article 8 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: rest periods
Member State | Type of offence | Passengers | Goods | Total Passengers and Goods | ||||||
Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | |||
Austria | Daily Weekly | 319 22 | 407 32 | 328 48 | 735 80 | 6488 991 | 3928 504 | 1285 193 | 5213 697 | 12755 1790 |
Belgium | Not distinguished | 112 | 164 | 7 | 171 | 828 | 2859 | 218 | 3077 | 4188 |
Cyprus | Daily Weekly | 37 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 2 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 39 0 |
Czech Republic | Daily Weekly | 168 52 | 5 2 | 2 0 | 7 2 | 1521 179 | 329 46 | 39 18 | 368 64 | 2064 297 |
Denmark | Daily Weekly | 82 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1512 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 1594 0 |
Estonia | Daily Weekly | 5 0 | 2 0 | 0 0 | 2 0 | 98 21 | 28 2 | 3 1 | 31 3 | 136 24 |
Finland | Daily Weekly | 209 8 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 5962 64 | 4 1 | 17 1 | 21 2 | 6192 74 |
France26 | Daily Weekly | 40141 1799 | 9875 0 | 9875 0 | 50016 1799 | |||||
Germany | Daily Weekly | 5754 712 | 252 45 | 205 20 | 457 65 | 216315 5042 | 21281 445 | 4009 89 | 25290 534 | 247816 6353 |
Greece27 | ||||||||||
Hungary | Daily Weekly | 97 67 | 16 8 | 34 22 | 50 30 | 1781 593 | 725 205 | 923 283 | 1648 558 | 3576 1248 |
Ireland | Daily Weekly | 48 8 | 1 1 | 0 0 | 1 1 | 2645 332 | 12 3 | 0 0 | 12 3 | 2706 344 |
Italy | Daily Weekly | 257 317 | 14 72 | 0 0 | 14 72 | 5403 635 | 203 112 | 54 2 | 257 114 | 5931 1138 |
Latvia | Daily Weekly | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 24 1 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 24 1 |
Lithuania | Daily Weekly | 20 10 | 21 6 | 22 6 | 43 12 | 150 34 | 90 21 | 124 25 | 214 46 | 427 102 |
Luxembourg | Daily Weekly | 4 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 20 0 | 12 0 | 0 0 | 12 0 | 36 0 |
Malta22 | ||||||||||
Netherlands | Daily Weekly | 63 9 | 36 2 | 18 0 | 54 2 | 2416 4 | 1077 1 | 108 0 | 1185 1 | 3718 16 |
Poland | Daily Weekly | 5364 1583 | 373 38 | 148 0 | 521 38 | 22193 2721 | 10026 1029 | 3293 175 | 13319 1204 | 41397 5546 |
Portugal | Daily Weekly | 29 3 | 7 0 | 0 0 | 7 0 | 188 17 | 10 1 | 0 0 | 10 1 | 133 21 |
Romania | Daily Weekly | 754 5422 | 0 0 | 7 267 | 7 267 | 3068 15753 | 0 0 | 81 1917 | 81 1917 | 3910 23359 |
Slovakia | Daily Weekly | 397 39 | 28 1 | 0 0 | 28 1 | 11242 1187 | 457 6 | 77 0 | 534 6 | 12201 1233 |
Slovenia28 | Daily Weekly | 111 0 | 84 0 | 199 1 | 283 1 | 394 1 | ||||
Spain | Daily Weekly | 743 53 | 70 0 | 167 0 | 237 0 | 11953 182 | 1330 0 | 185 0 | 1515 0 | 14448 235 |
Sweden | Not distinguished | 357 | 54 | 10 | 64 | 1680 | 471 | 24 | 495 | 2596 |
United Kingdom | Daily Weekly | 592 1745 | 43 127 | 3 10 | 46 137 | 7564 1436 | 3611 1033 | 377 119 | 3988 1152 | 12190 4470 |
Switzerland29 | Daily Weekly | 2187 745 | 2019 789 | 24 7 | 2043 796 | 4230 1541 |
4.4.4. Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85: Service time table and Duty roster
Member State | Type of offence | Passengers | |||
Nationals | EU | Third Countries | Total Non-Nationals | ||
Austria | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 126 31 | 56 31 | 42 18 | 98 49 |
Belgium30 | |||||
Cyprus25 | |||||
Czech Republic | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 3 10 | 0 7 | 0 0 | 0 7 |
Denmark | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Estonia | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 1 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Finland | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 133 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
France31 | Faulty and incorrectly applied | 499 | 168 | 168 | |
Germany | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 134 64 | 35 66 | 39 49 | 74 115 |
Greece25 | |||||
Hungary | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 24 22 | 1 0 | 2 1 | 3 1 |
Ireland | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 2 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Italy | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 970 46 | 19 0 | 0 3 | 19 3 |
Latvia | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 0 2 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Lithuania | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 12 2 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Luxembourg | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Malta25 | Faulty Incorrectly applied | ||||
Netherlands | Faulty and incorrectly applied | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Poland | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 55 25 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Portugal | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 2 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Romania | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Slovakia25 | |||||
Slovenia | Faulty Incorrectly applied | 0 4 | 0 1 | 0 4 | 0 5 |
Spain | Faulty and incorrectly applied | 3751 | 350 | 298 | 648 |
Sweden | Faulty and incorrectly applied | 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
United Kingdom | Faulty Incorrectly applied Faulty | 2 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
Switzerland | Faulty and incorrectly applied | 1103 | 1234 | 27 | 1261 |
1Directive 2006/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on minimum conditions for the implementation of Council Regulations (EEC) 3820/85 and (EEC) No 3821/85 concerning social legislation relating to road transport activities and repealing Council Directive 88/599/EEC, OJ L 102, 11.4.2006, p. 35
2Council Regulation (EEC) No 3820/85 of 20 December 1985 on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport, OJ L370, 31.12.1985, p. 1
3Council Regulation (EEC) No 3821/85 of 20 December 1985 on recording equipment in road transport, OJ L 370, 31.12.1985, p. 8
4Member State did not supply data
5Figures for France, Denmark, Germany and Italy are those registered in the previous report as these countries did not communicate any change in their legislation
6Directive 2002/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2002 on the organisation of working time of persons performing mobile road transport activities, OJ L 80, 23.3.2002, p. 35
7The'rr'''e'eee report does not include controls of non-nationals
8Differentiation only between residents and non-residents
9No data submitted for carriage of goods
10No differentiation between carriage for own account and carriage for hire and reward
11No differentiation between carriage of passengers and goods
12Differentiation only between residents and non-residents
13No differentiation between other Member States and third countries
14No differentiation between nationals and non-nationals
15No data on transport of goods available
16No differentiation between carriage for own account and carriage for hire and reward
17No differentiation between transport of goods and transport of passengers
18No differentiation between other Member States and third countries and between transport of passengers and goods
19Member State did not submit data
20No correct differentiation between transport of passengers and transport of goods
21No differentiation between transport of passengers and goods
22No differentiation between other Member States and third countries and between transport of passengers and goods
23Member State did not submit data
24No correct differentiation between transport of passengers and transport of goods
25No differentiation between transport of passengers and goods
26No differentiation between other Member States and third countries and between transport of passengers and goods
27No data supplied by Member State
28No correct differentiation between transport of passengers and transport of goods
29No correct differentiation between transport of passengers and transport of goods
30Member State did not submit data
31No differentiation between other Member States and third countries