Legal provisions of COM(2017)554 - 10th financial report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the council on the European agricultural fund for rural development (eafrd) 2016 financial year

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Brussels, 27.9.2017

COM(2017) 554 final



Table of contents

1. 1. Budget procedure

1.1. 1.1. Financial framework

1.2. 1.2. Draft Budget (DB) 2016

1.3. 1.3. The adoption of the 2016 Budget

1.4. 1.4. The adoption of the Amending Budgets

2. 2. Management of appropriations

2.1. 2.1. Management of commitment appropriations

2.1.1. 2.1.1. EAFRD rural development programmes

2.1.2. 2.1.2. Technical assistance

2.2. 2.2. Management of payment appropriations

2.2.1. 2.2.1. EAFRD rural development programmes

2.2.2. 2.2.2. Technical assistance

3. 3. Implementation of the 2016 EAFRD budget

3.1. 3.1. Implementation of commitment appropriations

3.1.1. 3.1.1. EAFRD rural development programmes

3.1.2. 3.1.2. Technical assistance

3.2. 3.2. Implementation of payment appropriations

3.2.1. 3.2.1. EAFRD rural development programmes

3.2.2. 3.2.2. Technical assistance

3.3. 3.3. Analysis of expenditure declared by axis and/or by measure

3.4. 3.4. Implementation of EAFRD programmes

3.4.1. 3.4.1. Programming period 2007-2013

3.4.2. 3.4.2. Programming period 2014-2020

1. Budget procedure

1.1.    Financial framework 

Rural development expenditure in 2016 is funded within two multiannual financial frameworks (MFFs): 2007-2013 and 2014-2020. The financial framework 2014-2020 is provided by Council Regulation (EU) No 1311/2013. The allocation for rural development and the allocation for market related expenditure and direct payments after the annual technical adjustment of the MFF are presented in table 1.

Table 1 – Financial framework 2014-2020

HEADING 2.In million EUR; current prices
Sustainable growth: natural resources2014201520162017201820192020
TOTAL49 85764 69264 26260 19160 26760 34460 421
of which :
- Rural Development a), b), c), d), e)
5 29918 18418 68414 37114 38114 33014 333
- Market related expenditure and direct aids, a), b), c), d)
43 77844 19043 95044 14644 16244 24144 263
a) After net transfer of EUR 351.9 million between EAGF and EAFRD for the financial year 2014 (see note f for details)

b) After net transfer of EUR 51.6 million between EAGF and EAFRD for the financial year 2015 (see note f for details)

c) After net transfer of EUR 28 million between EAGF and EAFRD for the financial years 2014-2020 (see note f for details)

d) After net transfer of EUR 3 577.2 million between EAGF and EAFRD for financial years 2015-2020 (see note f for details)

e) After the reprogramming of the EAFRD allocation of year 2014 following the application of Article 19 of MFF Regulation (EU) No 1311/2013 a total amount of EUR 8 705 million deducted from 2014 commitments was equally distributed to 2015 and 2016 commitments

f) The transfers into Rural Development (EAFRD) mentioned in notes a) to d) above involve: EUR 4 million transferred annually for the whole period 2014-2020 from the cotton sector (EL) on the basis of Article 66(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013, EUR 296.3 million set for the voluntary adjustment transferred for the financial year 2014 (UK) on the basis of Article 10b and 10c(2) of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009, EUR 51.6 million for unspent amounts transferred each year for financial years 2014 and 2015 (SE and DE) on the basis of Articles 136 and 136b of Regulation (EC) No 73/2009 and EUR 3577.2 million for the reduction of payments and the flexibility between pillars on the basis of Articles 7(2) and 14(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013

1.2.    Draft Budget (DB) 2016

The 2016 Draft Budget (DB) was adopted by the Commission and proposed to the Budgetary Authority on 24 June 2015.

The Draft Budget included EUR 3 268 million in payment appropriations for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) for the 2007-2013 programming period. No commitment appropriations were requested for year 2016 as the 2007-2013 programming period ended at the end of 2013. For the programming period 2014-2020, the DB 2016 included EUR 18 672 million in commitment appropriations and EUR 8 594 million in payment appropriations.

Table 2

Draft Budget 2016
Budget ItemCommitment appropriations
(in EUR)
Payment appropriations
(in EUR)
05.040501 (Rural development programmes)-3 268 000 000
05.040502 (Operational technical assistance)--
05.046001 (Rural development programmes)18 650 559 4958 574 000 000
05.046002 (Operational technical assistance)21 363 00020 025 443

The Council adopted its position on the 2016 Draft Budget on 4 September 2015 and the European Parliament adopted its position on 28 October 2015. The Conciliation Committee had to be convened and the Committee agreed on a joint text within the 21-day time limit. The Council approved the joint text on 24 November 2015 and the European Parliament approved it on 25 November 2015,

The 2016 budget was finally adopted on 25 November 2015 decreasing EAFRD payment appropriations by EUR 120 million, of which EUR 33 million for the 2007-2013 programming period and EUR 87 million for the 2014-2020 period.

1.3.    The adoption of the 2016 Budget

The 2016 Budget adopted on 25 November 2015 included for the EAFRD in chapter 05 04 an amount of EUR 3 235 million in payment appropriations for the programming period 2007-2013 and EUR 18 672 million in commitment appropriations and EUR 8 507 million in payment appropriations for the period 2014-2020.

Table 3

Adopted Budget 2016
Budget ItemCommitment appropriations
(in EUR)
Payment appropriations
(in EUR)
05.040501 (Rural devevelopment programmes)-3 235 000 000
05.040502 (Operational technical assistance)--
05.046001 (Rural development programmes)18 650 559 4958 487 000 000
05.046002 (Operational technical assistance)21 363 00020 025 443

1.4.    The adoption of the Amending Budgets

None of the Amending Budgets concerned the EAFRD.

2. Management of appropriations

2.1.    Management of commitment appropriations

2.1.1.    EAFRD rural development programmes

As regards commitment appropriations, the 2016 voted budget amounted to EUR 18 651 million, all related to the 2014-2020 programmes.

The Budget 2016 did not include any commitment appropriations for EAFRD 2007-2013 programmes.

Table 4

Management of commitment appropriations in 2016 – EAFRDBudget Item


(amounts in EUR)
Budget Item


(amounts in EUR)
Appropriations at the beginning of 2016-18 650 559 495
Appropriations available in 2016-18 650 559 495
Appropriations used in 2016 1-18 649 599 495

2.1.2.    Technical assistance

Article 51(1) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 provides that the EAFRD may use up to 0.25% of its annual allocation to finance technical assistance actions at the initiative of the Commission. In the 2016 budget, the initial amount available for this purpose was EUR 4.4 million for non-operational technical assistance and EUR 21.4 million for operational technical assistance.

2.2.    Management of payment appropriations

2.2.1.    EAFRD rural development programmes

For the rural development programmes 2014-2020, the payment appropriations of the voted budget 2016 amounted to EUR 8 487 million. The payment appropriations were reinforced with the transfer of EUR 1.0 million from the line of the completion of rural development financed by the EAGGF Guarantee Section (item 05.040114), where no appropriations were needed. On the other hand, the payment appropriations were reduced by two transfers totalling to EUR 32.1 million which were transferred to EAGGF-Guidance 2000-2006 in order to close one of the old programmes of Objective 1. Moreover, EUR 646.1 million was transferred to cover the urgent needs linked to the closure of EAFRD 2007-2013 programmes. Taking into account all transfers, the total amount of payment appropriations available in 2016 amounted to EUR 7 809.9 million. All appropriations of 2016 have been used during the year.

For the rural development programmes 2007-2013, payment appropriations of the voted budget 2016 amounted to EUR 3 235 million. In addition, the available assigned revenue, either carried over from 2015 or collected during the year, amounted to EUR 359.1 million. At the end of the year, the closure of the 64 programmes required additional payment appropriations. This was partially covered with a transfer from the EAFRD 2014-2020 programmes line (EUR 646.1 million), the technical assistance line (EUR 3.0 million) and the End-of-Year transfer (EUR 264.7 million). The total amount of payment appropriations available in 2016 was EUR 4 507.9 million. Of this amount, EUR 12.1 million of assigned revenue were automatically carried over to 2017.

Table 5

Management of payment appropriations in 2016
(in EUR)
EAFRD (2014-2020)
Budget Item - 05.046001
Appropriations at the beginning of 20168 487 000 000
Transfer to EAGGF-Guidance — Objective 1 regions (2000 to 2006)-5 124 931
Transfer to EAGGF-Guidance — Objective 1 regions (2000 to 2006)-26 940 235
Transfer from EAGGF Guarantee Section 2000-20061 006 524
Transfer to EAFRD 2007-2013-646 066 430
Appropriations available in 20167 809 874 928
Appropriations used in 20167 809 874 920
EAFRD (2007-2013)
Budget Item - 05.040501
Appropriations at the beginning of 20163 235 000 000
Assigned revenue carried over from 201522 697 504
Assigned revenue collected in 2016336 400 606
Transfer from EAFRD 2014-2020646 066 430
Transfer from TA line of EAFRD 2014-20203 000 000
End-of-the year transfer264 739 750
Appropriations available in 20164 507 904 290
Appropriations used in 20164 495 770 025

2.2.2.    Technical assistance

As regards the EAFRD, total payment appropriations in the 2016 budget amounted to EUR 20.0 million. EUR 3.0 million were transferred to the EAFRD 2007-2013 programmes line in order to cover the closure of programmes EAFRD 2007-2013. The final payment appropriations was EUR 17.0 million. The total payments reached EUR 12.8 million.

3. Implementation of the 2016 EAFRD budget

3.1.    Implementation of commitment appropriations

3.1.1.    EAFRD rural development programmes    

Of the total amount of commitment appropriations available in the 2016 budget for the EAFRD programmes 2014-2020 (EUR 18 650.6 million), EUR 18 649.6 million was committed. The minor amount not committed (EUR 0.96 million) was due to a modification of the allocation for the UK set out in Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 2 (see footnote 1).

Table 6 shows, per Member State, the allocation established by Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of 17/12/2013 as last amended by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/142 of 02/12/20151 and the amounts committed in 2016.

Table 6

Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 (as amended) vs. amounts committed by the end of 2016
Budget item: 05.046001(in EUR)
MSRegulation (EU) No 1305/2013Amounts committed in 2016
2016 Allocation
AT560 883 465560 883 465
BE109 821 794109 821 794
BG505 020 057505 020 057
CY28 345 12628 345 126
CZ503 130 504503 130 504
DE1 685 574 1121 685 574 112
DK136 397 742136 397 742
EE111 192 345111 192 345
ES1 780 403 4451 780 403 445
FI338 456 263338 456 263
FR2 363 567 9802 363 567 980
GR1 007 736 8211 007 736 821
HR448 426 250448 426 250
HU737 099 981737 099 981
IE469 724 442469 724 442
IT2 231 599 6882 231 599 688
LT230 431 887230 431 887
LU21 432 13321 432 133
LV153 066 059153 066 059
MT20 878 69020 878 690
NL118 496 585118 496 585
PL1 193 429 0591 193 429 059
PT578 913 888578 913 888
RO1 751 613 4121 751 613 412
SE378 153 207378 153 207
SI119 342 187119 342 187
SK215 603 053215 603 053
UK850 859 320850 859 320
Total18 649 599 49518 649 599 495

3.1.2.    Technical assistance

For the programming period 2014-2020, the amount of commitment appropriations for operational technical assistance in the budget 2016 was EUR 21.4 million. This line was reinforced by EUR 1.0 million transferred from the EAFRD 2014-2020 programmes line to cover the needs in relation to the contribution of the EAFRD to the European Solidarity Corps. Table 7 shows the consumption of the commitment appropriations available for technical assistance in 2016. The most important part relates to the Technical Advisory Platform for Financial Instruments and to the European Network for Rural Development.

Table 7

Technical assistance – Implementation of commitment appropriations
Budget Item: 05.046002(in EUR)
DescriptionAmount committed
Technical Advisory Platform for Financial Instruments4 800 000
European Network for Rural Development4 455 468
Information technology*3 094 064
Corporate Communication2 600 000
European Innovation Partnership2 570 801
European Evaluation Network1 845 650
European Solidarity Corps1 300 000
Audit and Controls1 269 555
Protection of symbols57 093
Total21 992 630

* Including BCO (Broadband Competence Offices)

3.2.    Implementation of payment appropriations

3.2.1.    EAFRD rural development programmes

For the programming period 2014-2020, almost all payment appropriations available after the transfers (EUR 7 810 million) were used, of which EUR 1 001 million for the pre-financing.

For the programming period 2007-2013, all payment appropriations available in the budget (EUR 3 235 million) were implemented. Additional payments of EUR 1 261 million were made with appropriations from EAFRD 2014-2020 programmes line, the operational technical assistance line, the assigned revenue and the End-of-Year transfer. At the end of 2016, the total amount paid for EAFRD programmes 2007-2013, including the closure of 64 programmes, was EUR 4 496 million.

Table 8 shows the breakdown of payments made in 2016 by declaration period:

Table 8

Payments 2016 for EAFRD rural development programmes (in million EUR)2007-20132014-2020
Item 05.040501Item 05.046001
Pre-financing 2014-20200.001 000.59
Reimbursement of payment claims prior to Q4 2015277.49554.36
Reimbursement of payment claims Q4 20151 547.841 346.31
Reimbursement of payment claims Q1 20168.011 257.34
Reimbursement of payment claims Q2 20160.002 038.53
Reimbursement of payment claims Q3 20160.001 612.74
Closure payments 2007-20132 662.430.00
Total 20164 495.777 809.87

The monthly consumption of payment appropriations during the year (January to December 2016) is shown in the graph below.

Graph 1

The breakdown per Member State and per declaration period of the amounts paid by the Commission in budget year 2016 is shown in tables 9a and 9b.

Table 9a

Payments effectively made between 01/01/2016 and 31/12/2016
EAFRD 2007-2013 - Budget item 05.040501 (in EUR)
MSPrior to Q4 2015Q4 2015Positive payments, mainly following the judgements of Court of JusticeClosureTotal
AT0201 048 843201 048 843
BE011 915 30711 915 307
BG211 263104 910 087105 121 350
CY08 138 2658 138 265
CZ0584 299138 417 270139 001 569
DE10 959 942995 397388 608 987400 564 326
DK7 243 06620 963 29128 206 357
EE035 481 51035 481 510
ES49 444 612254 214 73328 301138 757 741442 445 387
FI0927 82873 189 52074 117 347
FR24 430 59434 997 3674 746 78464 174 744
GR3 215 169451 499 2421 726 644456 441 055
HU0100 146 037100 146 037
IE0123 238 683123 238 683
IT123 857 373215 437 259117 416 941456 711 574
LT086 077 48786 077 487
LU04 310 8284 310 828
LV0303 187 52 512 93152 816 118
MT1 310 503560 0592 656 2384 526 801
NL027 849 91627 849 916
PL0654 646 405654 646 405
PT03 922 417166 884 840170 807 257
RO54 175 098481 300 950535 476 048
SE039 280 92739 280 927
SI042 697 63342 697 633
SK086 339 54686 339 546
UK2 637 812141 550 893144 188 705
Total277 485 4321 547 837 5098 317 0432 662 130 0404 495 770 025

Table 9b

Payments effectively made between 01/01/2016 and 31/12/2016
EAFRD 2014-2020 - Budget item 05.046001(in EUR)
MSPre-financingPrior to Q4 2015Q4 2015Q1 2016Q2 2016Q3 2016Total
AT39 375 5203 265 09117 539 570339 778 14433 993 775433 952 101
BE6 477 9784 864 5663 635 8032 443 35220 679 1767 880 15445 981 029
BG23 667 17084 793 19715 018 21029 248 636152 727 213
CY1 322 44454 7022 367 7763 429 6081 325 6128 500 142
CZ23 056 7404 850 09431 962 88250 356 78760 232 28134 480 775204 939 559
DE93 607 20117 663 132218 875 742165 939 180148 021 29097 342 001741 448 545
DK14 976 097991 94520 595 20417 020 88317 784 54918 536 43289 905 110
EE8 233 4164 138 4956 567 38248 892 14213 093 42715 209 98496 134 846
ES82 973 88814 051 95467 590 62081 033 25468 486 032147 428 430461 564 178
FI23 804 08348 031 959106 332 5345 276 18357 387 698110 154 555350 987 012
FR113 848 442315 907 65590 883 88122 904 48341 866 58052 994 771638 405 812
GR47 182 9188 494 05526 664 899192 679 994275 021 867
HR20 262 225388 12010 181 2275 305 51872 442 37242 726 922151 306 384
HU34 306 645196 249 54012 218 585242 774 769
IE21 905 92249 948 02077 659 94510 385 3328 342 894107 486 601275 728 714
IT104 443 80811 074 93940 546 96164 506 841174 280 211129 139 789523 992 549
LT16 130 8821 147 24432 577 39733 299 99161 974 99744 957 701190 088 212
LU1 005 74613 6453 306 700867 3962 168 0987 361 586
LV10 756 0382 527 22831 848 82833 063 67819 549 71221 843 592119 589 076
MT973 269565 94423 5131 562 726
NL10 812 454943 9894 002 74423 346 1165 065 3121 091 76545 262 379
PL88 961 08873 652 412238 330 81750 868 806451 813 122
PT40 601 40435 704 235284 545 887114 089 54151 094 44151 511 050577 546 557
RO81 279 96456 984 320231 935 189235 097 590605 297 063
SE17 455 653430 80051 589 53555 384 86115 530 15368 470 024208 861 025
SI8 378 4981 163 33922 175 36726 250 28626 101 3941 570 15185 639 035
SK15 885 298673 17934 644 2056 584 29137 635 40826 144 967121 567 349
UK48 906 19539 849 997203 467 861246 560 88086 990 96976 141 057701 916 960
Total1 000 590 984554 364 5341 346 310 5011 257 342 3232 038 531 2451 612 735 3337 809 874 920

Tables 10a and 10b compare, for each Member State, the EAFRD payments made in 2016 with the payments in 2015. The total payments for EAFRD 2007-2013 programmes decreased by 31% (EUR 4.5 billion vs. 6.5 billion), reflecting that the eligibility for Union expenditure for the 2007-2013 programmes ended on 31 December 2015 and that hence the 2016 payments cover the reimbursements for Q4/2015 as well as the payments for the EAFRD programmes closed in 2016. At the same time the payments for EAFRD 2014-2020 programmes increased significantly (by 49%) compared to year 2015 (EUR 7.8 billion vs. EUR 5.3 billion).

Table 10a

Payments made to Member States - Comparison 2016 vs 2015 - EAFRD 2007-2013(in EUR)
MS20152016Difference 2016 vs. 2015
Interim paymentsClosureTotalInterim paymentsClosureTotal(in €)(in %)
AT0000201 048 843201 048 843201 048 843-
BE5 360 02005 360 020011 915 30711 915 3076 555 287122.30%
BG404 510 4260404 510 426105 121 350105 121 350-299 389 076-74.01%
CY18 280 429018 280 42908 138 2658 138 265-10 142 164-55.48%
CZ000584 299138 417 270139 001 569139 001 569-
DE287 887 7310287 887 73111 955 339388 608 987400 564 326112 676 59539.14%
DK60 727 573060 727 5737 243 06620 963 29128 206 357-32 521 216-53.55%
EE000035 481 51035 481 51035 481 510-
ES953 334 8920953 334 892303 687 646138 757 741442 445 387-510 889 505-53.59%
FI000927 82873 189 52074 117 34774 117 347-
FR239 865 4330239 865 43364 174 74464 174 744-175 690 689-73.25%
GR379 109 3030379 109 303456 441 055456 441 05577 331 75220.40%
HU382 092 9590382 092 9590100 146 037100 146 037-281 946 922-73.79%
IE0000123 238 683123 238 683123 238 683-
IT1 143 347 34801 143 347 348339 294 632117 416 941456 711 574-686 635 774-60.05%
LT38 115 984038 115 984086 077 48786 077 48747 961 503125.83%
LU00004 310 8284 310 8284 310 828-
LV000303 18752 512 93152 816 11852 816 118-
MT8 590 73008 590 7301 870 5622 656 2384 526 801-4 063 929-47.31%
NL10 583 063010 583 063027 849 91627 849 91617 266 853163.16%
PL1 170 599 02001 170 599 0200654 646 405654 646 405-515 952 615-44.08%
PT31 039 518031 039 5183 922 417166 884 840170 807 257139 767 739450.29%
RO1 257 624 31901 257 624 319535 476 048535 476 048-722 148 271-57.42%
SE000039 280 92739 280 92739 280 927-
SI000042 697 63342 697 63342 697 633-
SK29 960 498029 960 498086 339 54686 339 54656 379 048188.18%
UK43 269 312043 269 3122 637 812141 550 893144 188 705100 919 393233.24%
Total6 464 298 56006 464 298 5601 833 639 9852 662 130 0404 495 770 025-1 968 528 535-30.45%

Table 10b

Payments made to Member States - Comparison 2016 vs 2015 - EAFRD 2014-2020(in EUR)
MS20152016Difference 2016 vs. 2015
Interim paymentsPre-financingTotalInterim paymentsPre-financingTotal(in €)(in %)
AT381 361 90439 375 520420 737 424394 576 58139 375 520433 952 10113 214 6773.14%
BE60 955 84712 955 95573 911 80339 503 0516 477 97845 981 029-27 930 774-37.79%
BG047 334 33947 334 339129 060 04323 667 170152 727 213105 392 874222.66%
CY03 967 3313 967 3317 177 6991 322 4448 500 1424 532 811114.25%
CZ187 621 86446 113 480233 735 344181 882 81923 056 740204 939 559-28 795 785-12.32%
DE270 520 722171 219 696441 740 417647 841 34593 607 201741 448 545299 708 12867.85%
DK1 704 1616 294 0077 998 16874 929 01314 976 09789 905 11081 906 9421024.07%
EE31 042 91616 466 83147 509 74787 901 4318 233 41696 134 84648 625 099102.35%
ES12 750 662207 434 721220 185 382378 590 28982 973 888461 564 178241 378 796109.63%
FI382 518 72824 011 173406 529 902327 182 92923 804 083350 987 012-55 542 890-13.66%
FR345 362 039227 696 885573 058 924524 557 370113 848 442638 405 81265 346 88811.40%
GR0141 548 754141 548 754227 838 94947 182 918275 021 867133 473 11394.29%
HR54 335 23340 524 45094 859 683131 044 15920 262 225151 306 38456 446 70159.51%
HU068 613 29068 613 290208 468 12534 306 645242 774 769174 161 479253.83%
IE327 135 53954 764 804381 900 343253 822 79221 905 922275 728 714-106 171 629-27.80%
IT7 578 868208 887 615216 466 483419 548 741104 443 808523 992 549307 526 066142.07%
LT38 414 22332 261 76570 675 988173 957 33016 130 882190 088 212119 412 224168.96%
LU12 209 6402 011 49214 221 1326 355 8401 005 7467 361 586-6 859 546-48.23%
LV53 339 16421 512 07674 851 240108 833 03810 756 038119 589 07644 737 83659.77%
MT01 946 5381 946 538589 457973 2691 562 726-383 812-19.72%
NL27 621 65312 146 10739 767 76134 449 92610 812 45445 262 3795 494 61813.82%
PL174 360 86585 982 808260 343 673362 852 03488 961 088451 813 122191 469 44973.54%
PT226 596 31447 698 857274 295 171536 945 15340 601 404577 546 557303 251 386110.56%
RO0243 839 892243 839 892524 017 09981 279 964605 297 063361 457 171148.24%
SE140 723 64334 911 305175 634 948191 405 37217 455 653208 861 02533 226 07718.92%
SI29 933 49616 756 99646 690 49277 260 5378 378 49885 639 03538 948 54383.42%
SK61 667 35130 905 45792 572 808105 682 05015 885 298121 567 34928 994 54131.32%
UK479 188 11798 067 330577 255 447653 010 76548 906 195701 916 960124 661 51321.60%
Total3 306 942 9481 945 249 4745 252 192 4226 809 283 9361 000 590 9847 809 874 9202 557 682 49848.70%

3.2.2.    Technical assistance 

For the programming period 2014-2020, the amount for payment appropriations for technical assistance was EUR 20.0 million. A part of these appropriations (EUR 3.0 million) was transferred to cover payment needs in relation to rural development programmes under EAFRD 2007-2013.

Table 11 hereafter presents the payments grouped by main activities. The most important part relates to the European Network for Rural Development.

Table 11

Technical assistance – Implementation of payment appropriations
Budget Item: 05.046002(in EUR)
DescriptionAmount paid
European Network for Rural Development3 807 289
Information technology2 331 319
Technical Advisory Platform for Financial Instruments2 198 479
European Innovation Partnership2 159 784
European Evaluation Network1 404 023
Audit and Controls812 715
Protection of symbols100 000
Total12 813 822

3.3.    Analysis of expenditure declared by axis and/or by measure

Tables 12a and 12b show the payment claims declared by Member States and by axis/measure for rural development in 2016 (4th quarter of 2015 to 3rd quarter of 2016), the cumulative declared expenditure from the beginning of the programmes and also the financial plans of EAFRD programmes.

It should be noted that for EAFRD 2007-2013 the 4th quarter of 2015 was the last quarter for declaration of expenditure. In this quarter the expenditure concentrated in axis 1 (40.3%), followed by axis 2 with 23.3%, axis 3 with 20.8% and axis 4 with 12.8%. The cumulative declared expenditure from the beginning of the programmes (32.0%, 47.7%, 12.4% and 5.9% for axis 1 to 4 respectively) are very much in line with the programming per axis.

Axis 2 measures mainly involve annual payments (e.g. agro-environmental measures) whilst axis 1, 3 and, to a lesser extent, axis 4 mainly relate to multi-annual measures that require longer proceedings for their approval and implementation (e.g. investment projects).

The expenditure for EAFRD 2014-2020 in 2016 concentrated mainly in Measure 13 (Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints) and in Measure 10 (Agri-environment-climate).

Table 12a

EAFRD declared expenditure 2016 (Q4 2015) & Total cumulative expenditure (Q4 2006 to Q4 2015)
compared with Financial Plans - EAFRD 2007-2013
Declared expenditure 2016 (Q4 2015)Cumulative declared expenditure (Q4 2006 to Q4 2015)Financial Plans 2007-2013
EAFRD Axis / Measure(million €)(%)(million €)(%)(million €)(%)
111 Vocational training and information actions53.41.0%840.50.9%902.30.9%
112 Setting up of young farmers348.96.9%3 271.43.5%3 310.83.5%
113 Early retirement67.81.3%2 655.22.8%2 593.82.7%
114 Use of advisory services3.70.1%133.30.1%139.40.1%
115 Setting up of management, relief and ....1.20.0%31.70.0%33.80.0%
121 Modernisation of agricultural holdings656.412.9%11 693.412.5%11 828.712.3%
122 Improvement of the economic value of forest6.50.1%308.70.3%324.10.3%
123 Adding value to agricultural and forestry...318.06.2%4 412.64.7%4 643.04.8%
124 Cooperation for development of new products28.70.6%234.30.2%252.50.3%
125 Infrastructure related to the development …477.49.4%4 317.64.6%4 366.94.6%
126 Restoring agricultural production potential36.50.7%648.50.7%652.90.7%
131 Meeting standards based on Community...0.10.0%62.10.1%64.10.1%
132 Participation of farmers in food quality…3.00.1%91.30.1%99.40.1%
133 Information and promotion activities11.80.2%128.40.1%131.30.1%
141 Semi-subsistence farming27.50.5%771.60.8%792.20.8%
142 Producer groups10.50.2%234.90.3%250.70.3%
143 Direct Payment (BG + RO)0.00.0%9.50.0%15.70.0%
144 Holdings undergoing restructuring0.10.0%180.80.2%190.00.2%
Axis 12 051.640.3%30 025.732.0%30 591.831.9%
211 Natural handicap payments to farmers in ...181.13.6%7 391.17.9%7 128.07.4%
212 Payments to farmers in areas with handicaps...87.91.7%7 681.48.2%8 062.58.4%
213 Natura 2000 payments and payments linked ..13.30.3%267.50.3%272.60.3%
214 Agri-environment payments464.29.1%23 619.425.2%23 845.524.9%
215 Animal welfare payments106.32.1%1 006.21.1%1 040.61.1%
216 Non-productive investments40.20.8%621.00.7%656.40.7%
221 First afforestation of agricultural land41.80.8%1 585.51.7%1 584.41.7%
222 First establishment of agroforestry systems...0.30.0%1.50.0%2.50.0%
223 First afforestation of non-agricultural land7.60.1%168.20.2%176.10.2%
224 Natura 2000 payments11.80.2%74.30.1%69.60.1%
225 Forest-environment payments8.00.2%70.10.1%79.40.1%
226 Restoring forestry potential and …148.82.9%1 542.11.6%1 603.31.7%
227 Non-productive investments75.21.5%698.60.7%738.50.8%
Axis 21 186.423.3%44 727.147.7%45 259.2347.2%
311 Diversification into non-agricultural activities74.61.5%1 078.81.1%1 110.51.2%
312 Business creation and development111.52.2%1 430.31.5%1 570.01.6%
313 Encouragement of tourism activities96.11.9%887.90.9%1 112.01.2%
321 Basic services for the economy and rural …522.110.3%3 683.03.9%3 745.63.9%
322 Village renewal and development164.33.2%3 199.63.4%3 327.03.5%
323 Conservation and upgrading of the rural....85.81.7%1 154.91.2%1 194.21.2%
331 Training and information2.70.1%92.20.1%96.40.1%
341 Skills acquisition, animation and implement...4.30.1%100.40.1%101.00.1%
Axis 31 061.320.8%11 627.112.4%12 256.812.8%
411 Implementing local development strategies...80.11.6%471.50.5%505.20.5%
412 Implementing local development strategies...7.50.1%58.90.1%73.80.1%
413 Implementing local development strategies....456.49.0%3 977.04.2%4 059.94.2%
421 Implementing cooperation projects39.10.8%170.80.2%189.90.2%
431 Running the local action group, acquiring ...70.91.4%897.71.0%928.61.0%
Axis 4654.012.8%5 575.95.9%5 757.46.0%
511 Technical Assistance139.62.7%1 440.71.5%1 531.11.6%
611 BG RO Direct Payments0.00.0%436.40.5%437.40.5%
Grand total5 092.8100.0%93 832.7100.0%95 833.8100.0%

Table 12b

EAFRD declared expenditure 2016 (Q4 2015-Q3 2016) & Total cumulative expenditure (Q4 2014 to Q3 2016)
compared with Financial Plans - EAFRD 2014-2020
Declared expenditure 2016 (Q4 2015 to Q3 2016)Cumulative declared expenditure (Q4 2014 to Q3 2016)Financial Plans 2014-2020
EAFRD Measure(million €)(%)(million €)(%)(million €)(%)
Measure 01Knowledge transfer and information actions20.30.3%21.90.2%1 132.81.1%
Measure 02Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services10.70.2%11.40.1%865.90.9%
Measure 03Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs8.80.1%10.50.1%379.10.4%
Measure 04Investments in physical assets963.615.0%1 183.411.7%22 679.222.8%
Measure 05Restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and catastrophic events and introduction of appropriate prevention actions38.00.6%53.10.5%906.20.9%
Measure 06Farm and business development344.75.4%416.04.1%7 399.67.4%
Measure 07Basic services and village renewal in rural areas117.41.8%120.31.2%6 664.36.7%
Measure 08Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests247.83.9%328.23.2%4 557.54.6%
Measure 09Setting-up of producer groups and organisations16.00.2%16.00.2%476.30.5%
Measure 10Agri-environment-climate1 734.327.1%3 098.030.5%16 365.716.5%
Measure 11Organic farming583.79.1%799.77.9%6 444.66.5%
Measure 12Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive payments61.11.0%95.90.9%573.90.6%
Measure 13Payments to areas facing natural or other specific constraints1 704.526.6%3 217.731.7%16 059.216.2%
Measure 14Animal Welfare182.52.8%231.52.3%1 475.21.5%
Measure 15Forest environmental and climate services and forest conservation6.80.1%9.40.1%266.40.3%
Measure 16Co-operation20.70.3%21.90.2%1 762.61.8%
Measure 17Risk management10.40.2%15.60.2%1 715.91.7%
Measure 18Financing of complementary national direct payments for Croatia36.10.6%90.70.9%111.90.1%
Measure 19Support for LEADER local development — community-led local development (CLLD)116.81.8%125.71.2%6 900.46.9%
Measure 20Technical assistance Member States65.41.0%83.70.8%2 080.92.1%
Measure 113Early retirement117.01.8%197.71.9%529.20.5%
Measure 131Meeting standards based on Community legislation0.00.0%0.00.0%0.00.0%
Measure 341Skills acquisition, animation and implementation0.00.0%0.00.0%0.60.0%
Grand total6 406.6100.0%10 148.5100.0%99 347.5100.0%

*Member States declare their expenditure quarterly. However, for year n, Q4 declarations are submitted in January of year n+1. Consequently, the corresponding reimbursements by the Commission to the Member States in year n go from Q4 of year n-1 until Q3 of year n.

3.4.    Implementation of EAFRD programmes

3.4.1.    Programming period 2007-2013

Graph 2 presents the absorption rate of rural development programmes 2007-2013 per Member State: payments from the beginning of the programming period till 31 December 2016, including closure payments for the programmes that have been already closed by this date, compared to the total 2007-2013 allocation.

Until the end of 2016 the application of the N+2 rule has resulted in decommitments amounting in total to EUR 1 722 million. This amount relates to years 2008-2013.

3.4.2.    Programming period 2014-2020

Graph 3 presents the absorption rate of rural development programmes 2014-2020 per Member State: payments from the beginning of the programming period including payments made for the 4th quarter of 2016 that is reimbursed in financial year 2017 compared to the total 2014-2020 allocation.

(1) Following a UK High Court Consent Order of 12 December 2014, the commitments of the UK-Wales programme were reduced by EUR 4.2 million, affecting the years 2016-2020 which was added to the direct payments ceiling of the UK. The underexecution of EUR 960 000 is the annual impact of the overall decrease in year 2016.
(2) COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2016/142 of 2 December 2015 amending Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Annex III to Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L28 of 4.2.2016, page 8)