Legal provisions of COM(2018)332 - Authorisation to open negotiations on an agreement with the USA on the import of High Quality Beef from animals not treated with certain growth-promoting hormones

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

Article 1

The Commission is hereby authorised to open negotiation on behalf of the European Union with the United States of A merica concerning the operation of the tariff rate quota opened pursuant to the Revised M emorandum of Under standing with the United States of A merica Regard i ng the I m portation of Beef fro m An i mals N ot T reated with Uertai n UrowthTromoting Hormones and Increased Duties applied by the United States to Certain Products of the European Union of 21 0 cto b e r 2013, including the countryallocation of the same tariff rate quota. The Commission is hereby also authorised to open negotiation on behalf of the European Union with other substantial supplying countries, to seek to obtain their accord as regards the countryal location of the same tariff rate quota, in line with the applicable WTO rules, to the extent necessary.

Article 2

The negotiations shall be conducted on the basis of the negotiating directives of the Council set out in the Annex.

Article 3

The Commission shall conduct negotiations in accordance with WTO rules and in consultation with [name of the special committeeto be inserted by the Council].

Article 4

This Decis ion is addressed to the Vvom mission.