Legal provisions of COM(2024)119 - Delegation of power to adopt delegated acts conferred on the Commission pursuant to Regulation 2019/287 implementing bilateral safeguard clauses and other mechanisms allowing for the temporary withdrawal of preferences in certain trade agreements concluded between the EU and third countries

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

1. Introduction

Regulation (EU) 2019/287 (‘Bilateral Safeguard Regulation’)(1) was adopted on 13 February 2019 and it entered into force on 14 March 2019. It implements bilateral safeguard clauses and other mechanisms allowing for the temporary withdrawal of preferences in certain trade agreements concluded between the European Union and third countries.

The Bilateral Safeguard Regulation lays down general principles and procedures necessary to implement those clauses or mechanisms. Where trade agreements contain specific provisions that are not in accordance with the Bilateral Safeguard Regulation, such specific provisions should be listed in the Annex to that Regulation. For the time being, the Annex to that Regulation contains specific provisions relating to three agreements: the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Singapore, the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Agreement between the European Union and Japan for an Economic Partnership.

Pursuant to Articles 15 and 16 of the Bilateral Safeguard Regulation, the Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in order to amend the Annex with a view to adding entries relating to specific provisions of new trade agreements.

2. Legal Basis

This report is required under Article 16(2) of Bilateral Safeguard Regulation. Pursuant to that provision, the power to adopt delegated acts concerning the matters listed therein is conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from 14 March 2019 and the Commission is required to prepare a report in respect of that delegation of power.

3. Exercise Of The Delegation

1. Delegated acts adopted

During the period between 14 March 2019 and 31 December 2023, the Commission did not exercise its delegated powers and no delegated acts have been adopted under the Bilateral Safeguard Regulation.

4. Conclusion

The Commission invites the European Parliament and the Council to take note of this report.

According to Article 16, the Commission will again prepare a report on delegated powers before the end of the next five-year period.

1()Regulation (EU) 2019/287 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 February 2019 implementing bilateral safeguard clauses and other mechanisms allowing for the temporary withdrawal of preferences in certain trade agreements concluded between the European Union and third countries, OJ L 53, 22.2.2019, p. 1