Legal provisions of COM(2024)426 - Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine

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Chapter I

General Provisions

Article 1

Subject matter

This Regulation establishes the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism (‘the Mechanism’) and makes available to Ukraine exceptional macro-financial assistance with a view to supporting Ukraine in covering its financing needs.

Article 2


For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply:

(1) ‘Union support’ means the MFA Loan and non-repayable financial support available under this Regulation;

(2) ‘bilateral loan’ means a loan given directly or indirectly by a third country as a lender (also ‘bilateral lender’) to the benefit of Ukraine;

(3) ‘eligible bilateral loan’ means a bilateral loan approved as eligible under the Mechanism by the Commission;

(4) ‘MFA Loan’ means the exceptional financial support made available by the Union to Ukraine in the form of a loan under Chapter III;

(5) ‘MFA Loan Agreement’ means the loan agreement signed by the Commission, on behalf of the Union, and Ukraine under Chapter III;

(6) ‘other related costs’ means any costs or fees due under the MFA Loan and the respective bilateral loan.

Chapter II

Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism

Article 3


The purpose of the Mechanism shall be to provide Ukraine with non-repayable financial support with a view to assisting Ukraine to repay the MFA Loan and eligible bilateral loans. To achieve this purpose, the Mechanism shall receive resources and disburse them on a regular basis to Ukraine to cover the principal, interest and any other related costs of the MFA Loan and eligible bilateral loans. In its operations, the Mechanism shall ensure equal access both for bilateral lenders and the Union.

Article 4


(1) The Mechanism shall be endowed with resources made available by:

(a) amounts transferred in accordance with Annex XLI to Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, which shall constitute external assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(5) of the Financial Regulation; and

(b) amounts received as financial contributions from Member States, third countries or other sources. Such contributions shall constitute external assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(2), points (a)(ii), (d) and (e) respectively of the Financial Regulation.

(2) For all contributions referred to in paragraph 1, point (b), a contribution agreement shall be concluded between the Commission, on behalf of the Union, and the contributor. The contribution agreement shall contain, in particular, provisions concerning the payment conditions. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament and the Council simultaneously and without delay of the concluded contribution agreements.

Article 5

Available support

(1) The non-repayable financial support under the Mechanism shall be available under the conditions set out in Articles 6 to 8 to assist Ukraine to repay the principal, interest and any other related costs of:

(a) the MFA Loan; and

(b) the eligible bilateral loans.

(2) The non-repayable financial support shall be allocated to assist Ukraine to repay the loans referred to in paragraph 1 in proportion to the principal of each loan expressed in euro against the sum of the principal of the MFA Loan and all the eligible bilateral loans expressed in euro. Once the MFA Loan or an eligible bilateral loan has been fully repaid by Ukraine, including interest and any other related costs, such allocation shall be adjusted so that any future resources are allocated to remaining loans in proportion to the principal of each loan expressed in euro against the sum of the principal of all remaining loans expressed in euro.

(3) The Commission shall adopt a decision establishing the allocation provided in paragraph 2 between the MFA Loan and eligible bilateral loans. The Commission shall use the principal of each eligible bilateral loan expressed in euro as referred to in Article 6(5)(b). The Commission shall amend this decision to include each bilateral loan without delay upon entry into force of the respective bilateral loan. The Commission may amend that decision to proportionally reduce the allocation to a bilateral loan should that bilateral loan not be fully disbursed within the deadline set out in Article 6(2)(c).

(4) The overall amount of principal of the loans referred to in paragraph 1 shall not exceed EUR 45 billion.

(5) The non-repayable financial support under the Mechanism shall be carried out in euro.

(6) All payments shall be subject to the availability of resources referred to in Article 4(1).

(7) The Union shall not assume any liability for the repayment of the eligible bilateral loans.

Article 6

Commission implementing decision on the eligibility of the bilateral loans

(1) Should Ukraine wish to request support under the Mechanism to assist it to repay a bilateral loan, Ukraine shall submit to the Commission the text of the relevant bilateral loan agreement by 1 June 2025 at the latest.

(2) The Commission shall without delay assess the eligibility of the bilateral loan under the Mechanism in accordance with the following criteria:

(a) the bilateral loan agreement was not signed before [date of adoption of the proposal];

(b) the counterparty to the bilateral loan is acting under the auspices of the G7 “Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration Loans for Ukraine” initiative; and

(c) the bilateral loan is to be fully disbursed to the benefit of Ukraine before 31 December 2027. Such disbursements may be linked to the completion of policy conditions.

For the purposes of the assessment, the Commission may seek additional information from Ukraine.

(3) A suspensive condition in a bilateral loan agreement that provides that such agreement does not enter into force before the approval by the Commission of the eligibility of the bilateral loan or before the entry into force of the agreement referred to in Article 7 shall not prevent the positive assessment of the bilateral loan.

(4) The Commission shall approve by means of an implementing decision the eligibility of the bilateral loan.

(5) The Commission implementing decision under paragraph 4 shall set out:

(a) the bilateral lender;

(b) the principal of the bilateral loan expressed in euro; to the extent necessary, the principal of the bilateral loan shall also be expressed in the currency of the respective bilateral loan, where the conversion rate for the bilateral loan to euro shall be the daily euro exchange rate published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union on [date of adoption of the proposal]; and

(c) the justification for the positive assessment of the bilateral loan.

(6) The sum of principals of all bilateral loans approved by the Commission in accordance with this Article and the MFA Loan shall at all times respect the amount referred to in Article 5(4).

(7) The Commission may repeal the implementing decision referred to in paragraph 4 if the bilateral loan agreement does not enter into force by 30 June 2025.

(8) In case of a negative assessment, the Commission shall communicate a duly justified assessment to Ukraine.

Article 7

Agreement for the Implementation of the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism

(1) The non-repayable financial support referred to in Article 5 shall only be granted to Ukraine after the Commission has concluded an agreement with Ukraine (‘the ULCM Agreement’).

(2) The ULCM Agreement shall contain in particular the following elements:

(a) the obligation of Ukraine to use the non-repayable financial support for the repayment of the principal, interest and any other related costs of the MFA Loan or eligible bilateral loans;

(b) the bank accounts of all bilateral lenders, to which payments of the non-repayable financial support related to their respective bilateral loans shall be made by the Commission;

(c) for the payments of the non-repayable financial support related to the MFA Loan, provisions ensuring that the Union shall use these amounts to directly repay the MFA Loan;

(d) dedicated provisions reflecting Article 5(7) and ensuring that the Union shall not be held liable for any damage caused by Ukraine or by any third parties in the implementation of the eligible bilateral loans, including as a consequence of the implementation of the Mechanism, and specifically where the amounts referred to in Article 4(1) vary over time or cease;

(e) the obligation of Ukraine to obtain from the bilateral lenders and provide, without delay, to the Commission the proof of:

(a) entry into force of each bilateral loan agreement; and

(b) discharge of each repayment obligation, including, to the extent necessary, the applicable conversion rate used.

(f) the obligation of Ukraine to agree with each bilateral lender that any amounts provided by Ukraine to repay the loan that do not immediately discharge repayment obligations, shall remain available until such time as repayment obligations fall due, with any interest accrued on that amount also available to be used to discharge obligations under the bilateral loan agreement;

(g) the obligation of Ukraine to accompany each payment request with:

(a) details of remaining amounts due under each bilateral loan agreement; and

(b) details of amounts referred to in point (f).

(h) the express authorisation for bilateral lenders to exceptionally make a request for payment in line with Article 8(6), provided that the information referred to in point (g) of this paragraph is submitted by the bilateral lenders; and

(i) any other requirements needed for the implementation of the Mechanism.

(3) To the extent necessary, the ULCM Agreement shall be amended following the entry into force of any Commission decision adopted pursuant to Article 6(4).

Article 8

Disbursement of the non-repayable financial support

(1) Ukraine may submit to the Commission twice a year a request for non-repayable financial support in respect of the MFA Loan and eligible bilateral loans.

(2) The Commission shall assess Ukraine’s request on the basis of the following requirements:

(a) compliance with the precondition set out in Article 11, which shall only be applicable as regards the MFA Loan;

(b) confirmation that the total value of disbursements in respect of the MFA Loan or each eligible bilateral loan, together with any interest accrued thereon, does not exceed the total amount due to that lender; and

(c) compliance with the obligations of the ULCM Agreement.

(3) Subject to the availability of resources referred to in Article 4(1), where the Commission makes a positive assessment, it shall adopt without undue delay a decision authorising the disbursement of the non-repayable financial support, including the amount disbursed to support the repayment of each eligible bilateral loan and the amount made available to support the repayment of the MFA Loan. The amount disbursed shall equal the amount of resources available on the basis of Article 4(1). That amount disbursed shall be allocated in accordance with the Commission decision referred to in Article 5(3).

(4) In the event that the amount made available to Ukraine to support the repayment of the MFA Loan is higher than the amount due for repayment, the excess amount may be used for early repayment of the loan in accordance with Article 15(2), point (e), or may be retained by the Union for the exclusive purpose to support the repayment of the MFA Loan in the future. Any interest accrued thereon shall also be available to support this purpose.

(5) Where the Commission gives a negative assessment to the request, it shall, without delay, inform Ukraine, giving reasons for its assessment.

(6) Without prejudice to paragraphs 1 and 2, the Commission may for duly justified reasons exceptionally assess requests for payment submitted by the bilateral lenders, in particular should the Commission have taken a decision in accordance with Article 11(4) or should Ukraine not be in compliance with the obligations of the ULCM Agreement.

Chapter III

Macro-Financial Assistance

Article 9

Making available of the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance

(1) The Union shall make available to Ukraine exceptional macro-financial assistance, with a view to supporting Ukraine in covering financing needs. The Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance shall be provided to Ukraine in the form of loans. The assistance shall contribute to covering Ukraine’s financing gap as identified in cooperation with international financial institutions.

(2) The release of the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance shall be managed by the Commission based on its assessment of the precondition referred to in Article 11 and the implementation of the policy conditions included in the Memorandum of Understanding (‘MoU’) referred to in Article 12(1).

(3) The MFA Loan to Ukraine shall be available until 31 December 2024. It shall be made available by the Commission in one instalment, which may be disbursed in one or more tranches. The disbursement of all such tranches shall take place by 31 December 2025 at the latest.

Article 10


(1) The MFA Loan to Ukraine shall be for a maximum amount of EUR 35 billion. However, where, at the moment of the adoption of the Commission decision on the release of the instalment referred to in Article 13, the sum of this maximum amount and of the principal amount of eligible bilateral loans already approved by the Commission in accordance with Article 6, and of the principal amount indicated in stated intentions of third countries communicated to the Commission under the auspices of the G7 “Extraordinary Revenue Acceleration Loans for Ukraine” initiative, exceed EUR 45 billion, the maximum amount of the MFA Loan shall be reduced by the value of the excess.

(2) If the financing needs of Ukraine decrease fundamentally during the period of the availability of the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance, including in the event of a settlement of Ukraine’s war damages by Russia, the Commission, acting in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 16, may reduce the amount of the assistance or cancel it.

(3) The MFA Loan shall have a maximum duration of 45 years.

Article 11

Precondition for support

(1) A precondition for granting the exceptional macro-financial assistance shall be that Ukraine continues to uphold and respect effective democratic mechanisms, including a multi-party parliamentary system and the rule of law, and to guarantee respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.

(2) The Commission services and the European External Action Service shall monitor the fulfilment of the precondition set out in paragraph 1, in particular before the instalment is released and tranches are disbursed, taking, as appropriate, duly into account the Commission’s regular enlargement report. The Commission shall take into account the relevant recommendations of international bodies, such as the Council of Europe and its Venice Commission, in this process. The Commission shall inform the Council of the fulfilment of the precondition set out in paragraph 1 before the instalment is released and before tranches are disbursed to Ukraine.

(3) Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall apply in accordance with Council Decision 2010/427/EU26.

(4) The assessment referred to in paragraph 2 shall be conducted together with the assessment provided for in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2024/79227.

(5) Where the Commission finds that the precondition is not met or is no longer met, it shall suspend disbursements of the exceptional macro-financial assistance and the release of non-repayable support referred to in Article 8 as it pertains to the MFA Loan.

Article 12

Memorandum of Understanding

(1) The Commission shall agree with Ukraine on policy conditions to which the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance is to be linked. Those policy conditions shall be set out in a MoU.

(2) The policy conditions in the MoU shall be consistent with the qualitative and quantitative steps contained in the Annex to the Council Implementing Decision (EU) 2024/1447 on the approval of the assessment of the Ukraine Plan, and any amendments thereof. The policy conditions in the MoU shall additionally include a commitment to promote cooperation with the Union on the recovery, reconstruction and modernisation of Ukraine’s defence industry, in line with the objectives of the European Defence Industry Programme (EDIP) and other relevant Union programmes.

(3) The Commission shall approve the signature of the MoU and of its amendments by means of implementing acts. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 16(2).

Article 13

Decision on release

(1) Ukraine shall submit a request for funds ahead of the release of the instalment, accompanied by a report in accordance with the provisions of the MoU.

(2) The Commission shall decide on the release of the instalment subject to its assessment of the following requirements:

(a) compliance with the precondition set out in Article 11; and

(b) satisfactory fulfilment of the policy conditions set out in the MoU.

(3) The disbursement of tranches may be aligned with the timing of disbursements of loan or non-repayable financial support under Pillar I of the Ukraine Facility in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2024/792.

Article 14

Borrowing and lending operations

(1) In order to finance the exceptional macro-financial assistance, the Commission shall be empowered, on behalf of the Union, to borrow the necessary funds on the capital markets or from financial institutions in accordance with Article 220a of the Financial Regulation.

(2) By way of derogation from Article 31(3), second sentence, of Regulation (EU) 2021/947, the financial assistance provided to Ukraine in the form of loans shall not be supported by the External Action Guarantee. No provisioning for the MFA Loan shall be constituted and, by way of derogation from Article 211(1) of the Financial Regulation, no provisioning rate as a percentage of the amount referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation shall be set.

(3) Amounts suspended in accordance with Article 11(4) shall be available, to the extent necessary, to support the repayment of Union borrowing operations. The use of such resources in this manner shall not release Ukraine from its liability to repay the loan in accordance with the terms of the MFA Loan Agreement.

Article 15

MFA Loan Agreement

(1) The detailed financial terms of the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance shall be laid down in the MFA Loan Agreement.

(2) In addition to the elements laid down in Article 220(5) of the Financial Regulation, the MFA Loan Agreement shall contain requirements:

(a) that the rights, responsibilities and obligations provided in the Framework Agreement referred to in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2024/792 apply to the MFA Loan Agreement and the funds therein;

(b) that Ukraine utilises the same management and control systems as proposed in the Ukraine Plan established under Regulation (EU) 2024/792;

(c) ensuring that the Union is entitled to early repayment of the loan where it has been established that, in relation to the management of the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance, Ukraine has engaged in any act of fraud or corruption or any other illegal activity detrimental to the financial interests of the Union;

(d) that Ukraine continues to respect the conditions specified in Article 11(1);

(e) that the excess amount referred to in Article 8(4) may be used in full or in part for the early repayment of the MFA Loan at the initiative of the Commission or, subject to the approval of the Commission, upon request of Ukraine; and

(f) that define the modalities of repayment, based on a waterfall structure. Firstly, that non-repayable support made available for the MFA Loan from the Mechanism authorised in accordance with Article 8 is used to directly repay the MFA Loan. Secondly, if no or only partial non-repayable support is provided for reasons of insufficient amounts, amounts retained by the Union in accordance with Article 8(4), shall be used to directly repay the MFA Loan. Thirdly, if the above amounts are insufficient, that in the event of an agreement being reached to provide Ukraine with war reparations or any equivalent financial settlement of war damages, Ukraine shall use such resources for the servicing of the MFA Loan. Fourthly, if the above amounts are insufficient, Ukraine shall remain liable for any remaining amount due.

(3) Non-compliance with the terms of the MFA Loan Agreement shall constitute a ground for the Commission to suspend or cancel the release of the instalment or tranches, or, where warranted, demand early repayment of the MFA Loan.

(4) The MFA Loan Agreement shall be made available, upon request, simultaneously to the European Parliament and the Council.

Article 16

Committee procedure

(1) The Commission shall be assisted by a committee. That committee shall be a committee within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011.

(2) Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.

Chapter IV

Final Provisions

Article 17

Information to the European Parliament and to the Council

(1) The Commission shall inform the European Parliament and the Council of developments regarding the implementation of this Regulation, including disbursements under the Mechanism and the MFA Loan and shall provide those institutions with the relevant documents in due time. This information should be provided in line with the inter-institutional arrangements agreed under the Ukraine Facility, including the Ukraine Facility Dialogue.

(2) By 30 June of each year, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a report on the implementation of this Regulation in the preceding year, including an evaluation of that implementation. That report shall: (a) examine progress made in implementing the Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance; and (b) assess the economic situation and prospects of Ukraine, as well as progress made in implementing the policy measures referred to in Article 12(1). Where appropriate, in particular after the MFA Loan and all the eligible bilateral loan agreements have expired, the Commission shall include in that report a review of the adequacy of the arrangements contained in this Regulation.

(3) Not later than 31 December 2027, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council an ex-post evaluation report, assessing the results and efficiency of the completed Union’s exceptional macro-financial assistance provided under this Regulation and the extent to which it has contributed to the aims of the assistance.

Article 18

Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.