Explanatory Memorandum to COM(1999)276 - Amendment of Council Directive 92/61/EEC relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

1. Aim of the proposal

The aim of this proposal is to facilitate the effective operation of the whole vehicle type-approval for two- and three-wheel motor vehicles and the uniform application by all Member States of the administrative and technical requirements relating to the type-approval.

The experience gained since framework Directive 92/61/EEC relating to the type-approval of two- and three-wheel motor vehicles i entered into force has shown that certain requirements need to be clarified, in particular as regards the length of validity of the national approvals, and that the addition of harmonised requirements on the numbering of type-approval certificates, special provisions for end-of-series vehicles and the 'new technologies', following the example of the regulations already in force in the motor vehicles sector, would be desirable.

OJ L 225, 10.8.1992, p. 72.



2. Legal base

Since no provision is made for the amendment of the Articles of Directive 92/61/EEC by the procedure referred to in Article 16, and since the nature of the proposed amendments to the annexes of this same directive goes beyond that of a simple adaptation to technical progress, the Commission considers the forwarding of a proposal to the European Parliament and the Council to be justified.

This proposal is based on Article 95 of the EC Treaty.

This text is of interest for the EEA.


3. General context

The purpose of the Community type-approval procedure for the vehicles covered by the parameters of the framework directive is to ensure the effective operation of the single market through the introduction of uniform requirements with a view to obtaining the approval for a type of vehicle as well as the certification of its components and characteristics.

Considering that road safety, environmental and consumer protection call for design and manufacturing requirements which are based on a high level and which must at the same time ensure market unity, this Community type-approval procedure for two-and three-wheel motor vehicles has been designed within a system of total harmonisation. It should thus be stressed that only vehicles, components and technical units which are in conformity with Community requirements may be placed on the market and sold for the first time for use in the Member States.

Given the scale and impact of the proposed action in the sector in question, the Community measures provided for in this proposal are necessary, not to say essential, for the objective being pursued, namely Community vehicle type-approval, to be achieved. This objective cannot be achieved satisfactorily by the Member States acting separately.


4. Contents of the proposal

The main aims of the measures proposed in Article 1 are:

- to exclude from the scope of the acceptance procedure certain cycles with pedal assistance;

- to clarify, in all the language versions of Directive 92/61/EEC, that the type-approval procedure does not apply to single vehicles;

- to provide more precise definitions of the terms 'variant' and 'version';

- to supplement the type-approval certificate by attaching thereto a document pertaining to the test results concerning noise and exhaust emissions, and to introduce a numbering system for this certificate;

- to inform the competent authorities of the Member States more effectively of the approvals and certificates granted;

- to inform the Member States and the Commission prior to any request aiming at having information other than that mentioned on the model presented in Annex IV section A included on the certificate of conformity;

- to provide a better specification of the period of validity of the approvals and certificates granted at national level before the entry into force of the Community provisions; and

- to introduce special dispensations for end-of-series vehicles as well as for vehicles, components and technical units designed according to techniques or principles which are by nature incompatible with certain specific requirements.

This proposal also stipulates that the Member States should take the necessary measures for the transposition into national law to be effected before 1 January 2002, the date after which the Directive can be implemented on an optional basis and at the manufacturer's request. The proposed date for entry into force on a mandatory basis is 1 July 2002, which thus leaves a six-month period of optional application between the date of transposition and the date on which mandatory implementation commences.

The main aims of the amendments listed in the annex of this proposal are:

- to replace the information document by a new document containing more comprehensive information and on which the essential features are easily spotted;

- to provide more detailed instructions concerning the documents to be annexed to the type-approval certificate;

- to rule out any forging of the certificates of conformity;

- to introduce a system of numbering of the type-approval and component type-approval certificates;

- to add a document relating to the results of tests on noise and exhaust emissions; and finally

- to add specific requirements governing the number of end-of-series vehicles authorised to be put into service in each Member State.


5. Preparatory work

The proposed amendments have been examined by the Commission's 'Motorcycles' Working Group in the course of several meetings that have been attended by experts from the Member States, the industry concerned and other interested sectors. The examination of these amendments has led to a majority agreement being reached as to their substance.


6. Future work

Given that the measures proposed in this proposal will have an effect on most of the specific directives adopted in the sector of two- and three-wheel motor vehicles, the Commission will make every effort to adapt these directives as quickly as possible, using the procedure referred to in Article 13 of Directive 70/156/EEC on the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers i.

OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 1. Directive last amended by Directive 98/91/EC (OJ L 11, 16.1.1999, p. 25).


Proposal for a EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL DIRECTIVE amending Council Directive 92/61/EEC relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles (Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 95 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission i,


Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee i,


Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty,

Whereas Council Directive 92/61/EEC of 30 June 1992 relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles (5), as amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden, lays down the procedure for Community type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles, of components and of separate technical units produced in conformity with the technical requirements set out in separate directives;

OJ L 225, 10.8.1992, p. 72.

Whereas all separate directives, provided for in the exhaustive list of characteristics, components and separate technical units to be regulated on Community level, have been adopted;

Whereas the commencement of the applicability of Directive 97/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 1997 on certain components and characteristics of two or three-wheel motor vehicles (6) allows the type-approval procedure to be applied completely;

OJ L 226, 18.8.1997, p. 1.

Whereas it is clearly necessary, in order that the type-approval system may work properly, to clarify certain administrative instructions and to supplement the norms contained in the annexes to Directive 92/61/EEC; whereas with this in view, it is necessary to introduce into that Directive harmonised norms concerning, in particular, the numbering of type-approval certificates and component type-approval certificates as well as exemptions for end-of-series vehicles and for vehicles, components and separate technical units incorporating technologies which are not yet covered by community arrangements, in the manner of the analogous norms of Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailers (7), as last amended by European Parliament and Council Directive 98/91/EC (8);

OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 1.

OJ L 11, 16.1.1999, p. 25.

Whereas, in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty, the objectives of improving the functioning of the system of Community vehicle approval according to type, cannot be adequately achieved by the Member States individually and can therefore, given the scale and the impact of the measures proposed, be better achieved at Community level; whereas this Directive confines itself to a minimum set of measures in order to attain this objective and does not go beyond what is necessary for that purpose;

Whereas Directive 92/61/EEC should therefore be amended accordingly,



Article 1

Directive 92/61/EEC is hereby amended as follows:

1. Article 1 is amended as follows:

(a) paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

"1. This Directive applies to all two or three-wheel motor vehicles, twin-wheeled or otherwise, intended to travel on the road, and to the components or separate technical units of such vehicles.

This Directive does not apply to the following vehicles:

- vehicles with a maximum design speed not exceeding 6 km/h,

- vehicles intended for pedestrian control,

- vehicles intended for use by the physically handicapped,

- vehicles intended for use in competition, on roads or in off-road conditions,

- vehicles already in use before the application date of this Directive,

- tractors and machines, used for agricultural or similar purposes,

- vehicles designed primarily for off-road leisure use having wheels arranged symmetrically with one wheel at the front of the vehicle and two at the rear,

- cycles with pedal assistance which are equipped with an auxiliary electric motor having a maximum power of 0.25 kilowatts, of which the output is progressively reduced as the vehicle speed increases, being cut off altogether at a speed of 25 km/h, and which cannot be propelled solely by means of such motor,

nor to the components or technical units thereof unless they are intended to be fitted to vehicles covered by this Directive.

It does not apply to the type-approval of single vehicles except that Member States granting such approvals shall accept any competent type-approval of components and separate technical units granted under this Directive instead of under the relevant national requirements."

(b) paragraph 3, point (a), is replaced by the following:

"(a) light quadricycles whose unladen mass is not more than 350 kg, not including the mass of the batteries in case of electric vehicles, whose maximum design speed is not more than 45 km/h and whose engine cylinder capacity does not exceed 50 cm³ for spark-ignition engines, or whose maximum net power is no more than 4 kW for other types of engines; these shall be considered to be three-wheel mopeds; "

2. In Article 2, paragraphs 2 and 3 are replaced by the following:

" i variant of a type: means vehicles within a type which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

- the shape of the bodywork (basic characteristics),

- the mass in running order and the maximum technically permissible mass (if the difference exceeds 20%, the vehicle becomes another variant),

- the type of power unit (spark-ignition, compression-ignition, electric, hybrid, etc.),

- operating cycle (two- or four-stroke),

- cylinder capacity (if the difference exceeds 30%, the vehicle becomes another variant),

- number and configuration of cylinders,

- power (if the difference exceeds 30%, the vehicle becomes another variant),

- operating mode (of electric motors).


Variants of a type may include versions;"

version of a type or a variant: means vehicles within the same type which do not differ in at least the following essential respects:

- power transmission (automatic or non-automatic gearbox, transmission ratios, gear selection method, etc.),

- cylinder capacity (if the difference exceeds 30% the vehicle becomes another version),

- power (if the difference exceeds 30% the vehicle becomes another version),

- mass in running order and maximum technically permissible mass (if the difference exceeds 20% the vehicle becomes another version)."

3. Article 5 is amended as follows:

(a) paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

"1. The competent authority in a Member State shall fill in all the headings of the type-approval form contained in Annex III for all types of vehicles in respect of which it conducts type-approval, and in addition shall enter the test results under the relevant headings on the form attached to the vehicle approval form, the model for which is given in Annex VII."

(b) the following paragraph 3 is added:

"3. Type-approval and component type-approval certificates shall be numbered in accordance with the method described in Annex V, Part A."

4. Article 6 is replaced by the following:

"Article 6

1. The competent authority in each Member State shall forward to those of the other Member States, within one month, a copy of the type-approval certificate, together with the annexes thereto, filled in for each type of vehicle that they type-approve or refuse to type-approve.

2. The competent authorities in each Member State shall send monthly to the competent authorities of the other Member States, a list of the component type-approvals which they have granted or refused to grant during that month; in addition, on the application of a competent authority of another Member State, they shall send forthwith a copy of the component type-approval certificate for each type of component or separate technical unit which they have approved or refused to approve."

5. In Article 7, paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:

"1. A certificate of conformity, a model of which is shown in Annex IV-A, shall be completed by the manufacturer for each vehicle produced in conformity with the type that has been approved. However, Member States may request, after giving at least three months' notice to the Commission and other Member States, for reasons of vehicle taxation or in order to draw up the vehicle registration document, that the certificate of conformity shall contain details other than those mentioned in Annex IV-A, provided that those details are explicitly included in the information document."

6. Article 8 is replaced by the following:

"Article 8

1. Any vehicle produced in conformity with the type which has been type-approved shall bear a type-approval mark consisting of section 1 and section 4 of the type-approval number, as described in Annex V, Part A.

2. Any separate technical unit and any component produced in conformity with the type having been type-approved shall include, if the relevant separate directive so provides, a component type-approval mark which meets the requirements set out in Annex V, Part B. The component type-approval number listed in Annex V, Part B, paragraph 1.2. consists of Section 4 as described in Annex V, Part A.

The information contained in the component type-approval mark may be supplemented by further information enabling certain characteristics that are specific to the separate technical unit or component at issue to be identified. That further information shall, where appropriate, be specified in the separate directives on those separate technical units or components."

7. In Article 9, the following paragraph 3a is inserted:

"3a. Where the particulars appearing in the information document for vehicle approval have changed, the manufacturer shall issue revised pages showing clearly the nature of the change and the date of re-issue. Only where the changes made to the information document necessitate the amendment of one or more of the entries in items 1 to 10 of the certificate of conformity shall the reference number on the information document be changed."

8. The title of Chapter III is replaced by the following:

"Conditions attached to free movement, provisional arrangements, exemptions and alternative procedures."

9. In the first subparagraph of point (c) of Article 15 i, the word 'maximum' is deleted.

10. An Article 15a is inserted, as follows:

"Article 15a

1. By way of derogation from Article 15 i and i, and within the limits set out in Annex VIII, Member States may, for a limited period, register and permit the sale or entry into service of new vehicles conforming to a type of vehicle whose type-approval is no longer valid.

This option shall be limited to a period of 12 months as from the date on which the type-approval lost its validity.

The first and second subparagraph shall apply only to vehicles which were in the territory of the Community and were accompanied by a valid certificate of conformity which had been issued when the type-approval of the vehicle in question was still valid, but which had not been registered or put into service before the said type-approval lost its validity.

2. Before paragraph 1 may be applied to one or more types of a given category, the manufacturer shall submit a request to the competent authority of each Member State concerned by the entry into service of such types of vehicle. The request shall specify the technical and/or economic reasons justifying it.

Within three months such Member States shall decide whether, and for how many units, they will accept the vehicle type concerned for registration in their territory.

Each Member State concerned by the entry into service of such types of vehicle shall be responsible for ensuring that the manufacturer complies with the provisions of Annex VIII.

Member States shall send the Commission every year a list of exemptions granted.

3. As regards vehicles, components or separate technical units whose design reflects technologies or principles which cannot, owing to their specific nature, be compatible with one or more of the requirements of any of the separate directives, the provisions of point (c) of Article 8 i of Council Directive 70/156/EEC* shall apply.

* OJ L 42, 23.2.1970, p. 1."

11. Article 16 is replaced by the following:

"Article 16

Any changes needed for the purposes of adaptation to technical progress of the Annexes hereto, or of the provisions of the separate directives referred to in Annex I, which are specifically referred to in each of those directives, shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 13 of Directive 70/156/EEC. "

12. Annexes I to V are amended in accordance with Annex I to this Directive.

13. Annexes VII and VIII, as shown in Annex II to this Directive, are added.


Article 2

1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive no later than 31 December 2001. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

When Member States adopt those provisions, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. Member States shall determine how such reference is to be made.

2. From the date referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 1, Member States shall not prohibit the first entry into service of vehicles complying with this Directive.

3. Member States shall apply the provisions referred to in paragraph 1, first subparagraph from 1 July 2002. However, at the request of the manufacturer the previous model of the certificate of conformity may still be used for 12 months thereafter.

4. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.


Article 3

This Directive shall not invalidate any approvals granted before its entry into force, nor prevent extension of such approvals under the terms of the Directive under which they were originally granted. However, as from 12 months after the date specified in Article 2 i, all certificates of conformity issued by the manufacturer shall comply with the model specified in Annex IV to Directive 92/61/EEC as amended by this Directive.


Article 4

This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.


Article 5

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels,


For the European Parliament For the Council

The President The President


I. Annex I is amended as follows:

The heading of heading No 27 is replaced by the following:

"27. Trailer coupling devices and attachment of side-cars".

The heading of heading No 35 is replaced by the following:

"35. Position for the mounting of rear registration plate".

II. Annex II is replaced by the following:

"Annex II




All information documents in this Directive and in separate Directives must consist only of extracts from and adhere to the numbering system of this total list.

Items that are already entered on the approval document of a separate directive need not be repeated, save for the essential characteristics (in bold characters) of this Annex.

The following information on the vehicle to be type-approved and the separate technical units or components to be component type-approved must be supplied in triplicate and be accompanied by a list of contents. All drawings must be sufficiently detailed and presented on an appropriate scale on A4 format or be folded to that dimension. Photographs too must be sufficiently detailed. Where functions are controlled by microprocessors appropriate information concerning performance should be provided. The information document must have a reference number supplied by the applicant.




0. General

0.1. Make :

0.2. Type (state any possible variants and versions: each variant and each version must be identified by a code consisting of numbers or a combination of letters and numbers):

0.2.1. Commercial name (where applicable):

0.3. Means of type identification if stated on vehicle (b):

0.3.1. Location of that means of identification :

0.4. Vehicle category (c) :

0.5. Name and address of manufacturer :

0.6. Name and address of manufacturer's authorised representative, if any :

0.7. Position and method of affixing statutory inscriptions to the chassis :

0.7.1. The serial numbering of the type begins with No :

0.8. Position and method of affixing the component type-approval mark for components and separate technical units:

1. General arrangement of vehicles:

1.1. Photos and/or drawings of a typical vehicle:

1.2. Dimensional drawing of the complete vehicle :

1.3. Number of axles and wheels (where appropriate, number of crawler tracks or belts) :

1.4. Position and arrangement of engine:

1.5. Number of seating positions :


2. Masses (in kg) (d)(2)

2.0. Unladen mass (i) :

2.1. Mass of vehicle in running order (i):

2.1.1. Distribution of that mass between the axles:

2.2. Mass of vehicle in running order (i) , together with rider :

2.2.1. Distribution of that mass between the axles :

2.3. Maximum technically permissible mass declared by the manufacturer :

2.3.1. Division of that mass between the axles :

2.3.2. Maximum technically permissible mass on each of the axles :

2.4. Maximum hill-starting ability at the maximum technically permissible mass declared by the manufacturer :

2.5. Maximum towable mass (where applicable) :

2.6. Maximum mass of the combination :


3. Engine (e )

3.0. Manufacturer :

3.1. Make :

3.1.1. Type (stated on the engine, or other means of identification) :


3.2. Spark - or compression-ignition engine


3.2.1. Specific characteristics of the engine

21. Operating cycle: spark/compression ignition, four/two stroke (1) Number, arrangement and firing order of cylinders :

22. Bore : . mm (f)

23. Stroke : . mm (f) Cylinder capacity : . cm³ (g) Compression ratio i : Drawings of cylinder head, piston(s), piston rings and cylinder(s) : Idling speed i: . min-1

24. Maximum net power output : kW at min-1

25. Net maximum torque : Nm at min-1


3.2.2. Fuel: diesel petrol/mixture/LPG/other (1)


3.2.3. Fuel tank Maximum capacity i: Drawing of tank with indication of material used : Diagram clearly indicating the position of the tank on the vehicle : Approval number of the fuel tank fitted :


3.2.4. Fuel supply

29. Via carburettor(s) : yes/no (1) Make(s) : Type(s) : Number fitted :

30. Settings (2)

i. e. of Diffusers : Level in float chamber : Mass of float : Float needle :

or Fuel curve as a function of the air flow and setting required in order to maintain that curve :

31. Cold-starting system: manual/automatic (1) Operating principle(s) :

32. By fuel injection (solely in the case of compression ignition): yes/no (1) Description of system :

33. Operating principle : direct/indirect/turbulence chamber injection (1)

34. Injection pump

either : Make(s) : Type(s) :

or Maximum fuel flow rate (1) i : mm³/per stroke or cycle at a pump rotational speed of: min-1 or characteristic diagram: Injection advance i : Injection advance curve i :

35. Calibration procedure: test bench/engine (1)

36. Regulator Type :

37. Cut-off point

38. Cut-off point under load : min-1

39. Cut-off point under no load : min-1

40. Idling speed : min-1

41. Injection pipework

42. Length : mm

43. Internal diameter : mm

44. Injector(s)

either Make(s) : Type(s) :

or Opening pressure i : kPa or characteristic diagram (2)

45. Cold starting system (if there is one)

either : Make(s) : Type(s) :

or Description :

46. Secondary starting device (if there is one)

either : Make(s) : Type(s) :

or Description of system :

47. By fuel injection (solely in the case of spark-ignition) : yes/no (1)

either : Description of system : Operating principle : injection into induction manifold (single/multiple point)(1)/direct injection /other (state which) i :

or Make(s) of the injection pump : Type(s) of the injection pump : Injectors : opening pressure i : kPa

or characteristic diagram i : Injection advance :

48. Cold starting system Operating principle(s) : Operating/setting limits (1) i :

49. Fuel pump : yes/no (1)


3.2.5. Electrical equipment

51. Nominal voltage : V, positive/negative earth (1)

52. Generator Type :

53. Nominal power : W


3.2.6. Ignition Make(s) : Type(s) : Operating principle : Ignition advance curve or operating set point i : Static timing i : before TDC Points gap i : mm Dwell angle i : mm Anti-radio interference system : Terminology and drawing of anti-radio interference equipment : Indication of the nominal DC resistance value and, in the case of resistive ignition leads, statement of nominal resistance per metre :


3.2.7. Cooling system (liquid/air) (1) Nominal setting for the engine-temperature control device :

56. Liquid Nature of liquid :

57. Circulating pump(s) : yes/no (1)

58. Air

59. Blower : yes/no (1)


3.2.8. Induction system

61. Supercharging : yes/no (1) Make(s) : Type(s) : Description of system [example: maximum boost pressure kPa, waste gate (where appropriate)]

62. Intercooler : with/without (1) Description and drawings of induction pipework and accessories (plenum chamber, heating device, additional air intakes, etc.) : Description of induction manifold (with drawings and/or photos) : Air filter, drawings :

or Make(s) : Type(s) : Inlet silencer, drawings :

or Make(s) : Type(s):


3.2.9. Exhaust system Drawing of complete exhaust system :

3.2.10. Minimum cross-section of the inlet and exhaust ports :


3.2.11. Induction system or equivalent data Maximum, valve lift, opening and closing angles in relation to the dead centres, or data concerning the settings of other possible systems : Reference and/or setting ranges i :


3.2.12. Anti-air pollution measures adopted Crankcase-gas recycling device, solely in the case of four-stroke engines (description and drawings) : Additional anti-pollution devices (where present and not included under another heading) : Description and/or drawings:

3.2.13. Location of the coefficient of absorption symbol (compression-ignition engines only):


3.3. Electric traction motor

3.3.1. Type (winding, excitation) :

67. Maximum hourly output: kW

68. Operating voltage : Volts


3.3.2. Battery Number of cells :

70. Mass : kg

71. Capacity : Ah (amp/hours) Location :

3.4. Other motors or combinations of motors (specific information concerning the parts of those motors) :


3.5. Temperatures permitted by the manufacturer


3.5.1. Cooling system

74. Liquid cooling

75. Maximum temperature at outlet : C

76. Air cooling Reference point :

77. Maximum temperature at reference point : C


3.6. Lubrication system


3.6.1. Description of system Location of oil reservoir (if any) : Feed system (pump/injection into induction system/mixed with the fuel, etc.) i :


3.6.2. Lubricant mixed with the fuel Percentage :


3.6.3. Oil cooler: yes/no (1) Drawing(s) :

or Make(s) : Type(s) :


4. Transmission (h)

4.1. Diagram of transmission system :

4.2. Type (mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, etc.) :

4.3. Clutch (type) :


4.4. Gearbox


4.4.1. Type : automatic/manual (1)


4.4.2. Method of selection: by hand/foot (1)


4.5. Gear ratios


N = gear ratio

R1 = primary ratio (ratio of engine speed to rotational speed of primary gearbox shaft).

R2 = secondary ratio (ratio of rotational speed of primary shaft to rotational speed of secondary shaft in gearbox)

R3 = final drive ratio (ratio of rotational speed of gearbox output shaft to rotational speed of driven wheels).

Rt = overall ratio.

4.5.1. Brief description of the electrical and/or electronic components used in the transmission:

4.6. Maximum speed of vehicle and gear in which it is reached (in km/h) (i) :


4.7. Speedometer

4.7.1. Make(s) :

4.7.2. Type(s) :


4.7.3. Photographs and/or drawings of the complete system

4.7.4. Speedrange displayed :

4.7.5. Tolerance of the measuring mechanism of the speedometer :

4.7.6. Technical constant of the speedometer :

4.7.7. Method of operation and description of drive mechanism :

4.7.8. Overall transmission ratio of the drive mechanism :


5. Suspension

5.1. Drawing of suspension arrangement :

5.1.1. Brief description of the electrical and/or electronic components used in the suspension :

5.2. Tyres (category, dimensions and maximum loading) and rims (standard type) :

5.2.1. Nominal rolling circumference :


5.2.2. Tyre pressures recommended by the manufacturer : kPa

5.2.3. Tyre/wheel combinations :

5.2.4. Minimum-speed category symbol compatible with the theoretical maximum design speed of the vehicle:

5.2.5. Minimum load-capacity index with the maximum load on each tyre:

5.2.6. Categories of use compatible for the vehicle:


6. Steering


6.1. Steering gear and control

6.1.1. Type of gear :

6.1.2. Brief description of the electrical and/or electronic components used in the steering system :


7. Braking

7.1. Diagram of braking devices :

7.2. Front and rear brakes, disc and/or drum i :

7.2.1. Make(s) :

7.2.2. Type(s):


7.3. Drawing of parts of the brake system

7.3.1. Shoes and/or pads i :

7.3.2. Linings and/or pads i :

7.3.3. Brake levers and/or pedals i :

7.3.4. Hydraulic reservoirs (where applicable) :

7.4. Other devices (where applicable): drawing and description :

7.5. Brief description of the electrical and/or electronic components used in the braking system :


8. Lighting and light-signalling devices

8.1. List of all devices (mentioning the number, make(s), model, component type-approval mark(s), the maximum intensity of the main-beam headlamps, colour, the corresponding tell-tale) :

8.2. Diagram showing the location of the lighting and light - signalling devices :

8.3. Hazard warning lamps (where fitted) :

8.4. Additional requirements relating to special vehicles :

8.5. Brief description of the electrical and/or electronic components used in the lighting system and in the light signalling system:


9. Equipment


9.1. Coupling devices (where applicable)


9.1.1. Type: hook/ring/other (1)

9.1.2. Photograph and/or drawings showing the position and the construction of the coupling devices :

9.2. Arrangement and identification of controls, tell-tales and indicators :

9.2.1. Photographs and / or drawings of the arrangement of the symbols, controls, tell-tales and indicators :


9.3. Statutory inscriptions

9.3.1. Photographs and/or drawings showing the location of the statutory inscriptions and the chassis number :

9.3.2. Photographs and/or drawings showing the official part of the inscription (with statement of dimensions) :

9.3.3. Photographs and/or drawings of the chassis number (with statement of dimensions) :

9.4. Device(s) to protect against unauthorized use :


9.4.1. Type of device(s)


9.4.2. Summary description of device(s) used

9.5. Audible warning device(s) :

9.5.1. Summary description of device(s) used and their purpose :

9.5.2. Make(s) :

9.5.3. Type(s) :

9.5.4. Name and address of manufacturer(s) :

9.5.5. Component type-approval mark :

9.5.6. Drawing(s) showing the location of the audible warning device(s) in relation to the structure of the vehicle :

9.5.7. Details of the method of attachment, including the part of the vehicle structure to which the audible warning device(s) is (are) attached :

9.6. Location of rear registration plate (indicate variants where necessary; drawings may be used as appropriate) :

9.6.1. Inclination of plane in relation to the vertical :




1. Equipment


1.1. Rear-view mirror(s) (please provide the following information for each rear-view mirror)

1.1.1. Make :

1.1.2. Component type-approval mark :

1.1.3. Variant :

1.1.4. Drawing(s) showing the location of the rear-view mirror(s) in relation to the structure of the vehicle :

1.1.5. Precise information concerning the type of attachment, including that part of the vehicle structure to which the rear-view mirror is attached :


1.2. Stand


1.2.1. Type: central and/or side(1)

1.2.2. Drawing showing the location of the stand(s) in relation to the structure of the vehicle :


1.3. Attachments for motorcycle sidecars (where applicable)

1.3.1. Photographs and / or drawings showing the location and the construction :


1.4. Hand-hold for a passenger


1.4.1. Type: strap and / or handle(1)

1.4.2. Photographs and / or drawings showing the location :

1.5. For mopeds fitted with pedals and if Directive 97/24/EC, Chapter 3, Annex I, point 3.5. applies: description of the measures taken in order to insure safety :




1. Dimensions and masses (in mm and kg) (where necessary, refer to drawings)


1.1. Dimensions to be complied with when building unbodied chassis

1.1.1. Length :

1.1.2. Width :

1.1.3. Unladen height :

1.1.4. Front overhang :

1.1.5. Rear overhang :

1.1.6. Limit position for centre of gravity of bodied vehicle :


1.2. Masses (d)

1.2.1. Maximum payload declared by manufacturer :


2. Equipment


2.1. Bodywork

2.1.1. Nature of bodywork :

2.1.2. General dimensional arrangement drawing of inside :

2.1.3. General dimensional arrangement drawing of outside :

2.1.4. Materials and methods of manufacture :

2.1.5. Passenger doors, locks and hinges :

2.1.6. Configuration, dimensions, direction and maximum opening angle of doors :

2.1.7. Drawing of locks and hinges and their location in the doors :

2.1.8. Technical description of locks and hinges :


2.2. Windscreen and other glazing


2.2.1. Windscreen Materials used :


2.2.2. Other glazing Materials used :


2.3. Windscreen wiper(s)

2.3.1. Detailed technical description (with photographs or drawings) :


2.4. Windscreen washer(s)

2.4.1. Detailed technical description (with photographs or drawings) :


2.5. Defrosting and demisting

2.5.1. Detailed technical description (with photographs or drawings) :


2.6. Rear-view mirror(s) (please give the following information for each rear-view mirror)

2.6.1. Make :

2.6.2. Component type-approval mark :

2.6.3. Variant :

2.6.4. Drawing(s) showing the location of the rear-view mirror(s) in relation to the structure of the vehicle :

2.6.5. Detailed information on the method of attachment, including that part of the structure of the vehicle to which the rear-view mirror is attached :


2.7. Seats

2.7.1. Number :

2.7.2. Location :


2.7.3. Coordinates or drawing of the R point (j) Driving seat : Other seats :


2.7.4. Intended seat-back inclination Driving seat : Other seats :


2.7.5. Seat adjustment range, where appropriate Driving seat : Other seats :


2.8. Passenger-compartment heating system (where applicable)

2.8.1. Summary description of type of vehicle in respect of the heating system if this uses heat from the liquid engine coolant :

2.8.2. Detailed description of the type of the vehicle in respect of the heating system if this uses the cooling air or exhaust gases as a heat source, including : An overall drawing of the heating system giving its location on the vehicle (and the arrangement of the sound damping devices (including the position of the heat exchange points)) : An overall drawing of the heat exchanger used in systems utilizing the heat from the exhaust gases, or of the parts where that exchange takes place (in the case of heating systems using the heat provided by the engine cooling air) : A sectional drawing of the heat exchanger or parts where heat exchange takes place, together with a statement of the wall thickness, of the materials used and the characteristics of their surface : Specifications regarding the method of manufacture and technical data relating to other major components of the heating system, such as the fan :


2.9. Safety belts

2.9.1. Number and location of safety belts, together with a reference to the seats where that type of equipment may be installed :



2.10. Anchorages

2.10.1 Number and location of the anchorages :

2.10.2. Photographs and/or drawings of the bodywork showing the true, effective location and dimensions of the anchorages, together with an indication of the R-point position :

2.10.3. Drawings of the anchorages and the parts of the structure of the vehicle to which they are attached (together with a statement of the nature of the materials used) :

2.10.4. Designation of the types of belts () authorized for attachment to the anchorages on the vehicle :


(*) A : for a three-point belt.


'B' : for a lap belt

'S' : for special types of belt (in this case provide specific information on the nature of these types under observation).

'Ar', Br, or Sr : for a belt incorporating an inertia reel.

'Are', Bre and Sre : for a belt equipped with an inertia reel and an energy-absorption device on at least one anchorage.

2.10.5. Description of a specific type of belt, one anchorage of which is attached to the seat back-rest or incorporates an energy-dissipation device:



Delete where inappropriate.

State tolerance(s).

(a) Where a device has been component type-approved, the description may be replaced by a reference to that component type-approval. Likewise, no description is needed where a component's structure is clear from the diagrams or drawings attached to the certificate. State the numbers of the corresponding Annexes for each heading where Photographs and drawings must be attached.

(b) Where used, means of identification may appear only on vehicles, separate technical units or components falling within the scope of the separate directive governing components type-approval.

Where the method of type identification includes characters which do not relate to the description of the types of vehicle/separate technical unit/component referred to in this information document, those characters are replaced in the documentation, by the sign '?' (example:ABC??123??).

(c) Classification in accordance with the following categories:

- two-wheel moped,

- three-wheel moped and light quadricycle,

- motor-cycle,

- motor-cycle with side-car,

- motor tricycle and quadricycle.

(d) 1. Unladen mass: mass of vehicle ready for normal use and equipped as follows:

- additional equipment required solely for the normal use under consideration,

- complete electrical equipment, including the lighting and light-signalling devices supplied by the manufacturer,

- instruments and devices required by the laws under which the unladen mass of the vehicle has been measured,

- the appropriate amounts of liquids in order to ensure the proper operation of all parts of the vehicle.

N.B.: the fuel and the fuel/oil mixture are not included in the measurement, but components such as the battery acid, the hydraulic fluid, the coolant and the engine oil must be included.

2. Mass in running order: unladen mass to which the mass of the following components is added:

- fuel: tank filled to at least 90% of the capacity stated by the manufacturer,

- additional equipment normally supplied by the manufacturer in addition to that need for normal operation (tool kit, luggage carrier, windscreen, protective equipment, etc.)

N.B.: in the case of a vehicle operating with a fuel/oil mixture:

a) when the fuel and oil are pre-mixed the word 'fuel' must be interpreted as meaning a pre-mixture of fuel and oil of this type;

b) when the fuel and oil are put in separately the word 'fuel' must be interpreted as meaning only the petrol. In this case, the oil is already included in the measurement of the unladen mass.

3. Technically permissible maximum mass: mass calculated by the manufacturer for specific operating conditions, taking account of factors such as the strength of the materials, loading capacity of the tyres, etc.

4. Maximum payload declared by the manufacturer: load obtained by subtracting the mass defined in section 2, with rider, from the mass defined in section 3.

5. The mass of the rider is taken to be a round figure of 75 kg.

(e) Where unconventional engines and systems are fitted, information equivalent to that referred under this heading must be supplied by their manufacturer.

(f) This figure should be to the nearest tenth of a millimetre.

(g) This value should be calculated with ( = 3,1416 to the nearest cm³ .

(h) The information requested should be supplied for a possible variant.

(i) A tolerance of 5% is permitted.

(j) The R point or seat reference point means the reference point indicated by the manufacturer, which:

- has specific co-ordinates in relation to the structure of the vehicle,

- corresponds to the theoretical position of the point of rotation of the trunk/thighs (H point) for the lowest normal driving or use position and the rearmost position stated by the manufacturer of the vehicle for each of the seats provided,

- may be taken as a reference by the competent authorities, where they so wish, for each of the seats other than the front seats where the H point cannot be determined by means of the tridimensional reference system or the procedures for determination of the H point."

III. Annex III is amended as follows:

Section A is amended as follows:

(a) Section 4 is replaced by the following:

"4. After the checks referred to in Sections 2 and 3 have been carried out, filling in the type-approval certificate shown in Section B."

(b) the following Section 5 is added:

"5. Attaching the following documents to the type-approval certificate:

(a) a copy of the information document submitted by the manufacturer (containing at least the essential characteristics of Annex II);

(b) name(s) and specimen(s) of the signature of the person(s) authorised to sign certificates of conformity and a statement of his (their) position in the company;

(c) a copy of the test results (a model of which is shown in Annex VII)."

Section B is amended as follows:

(a) the heading of heading No 10.9. is replaced by the following:

"10.9. Windows; windscreen wipers; windscreen washers; de-icing and demisting devices for three-wheel mopeds, tricycles and quadricycles with bodywork:"

(b) the heading of heading No 10.11. is replaced by the following:

"10.11. Anchorages for safety belts and safety belts for three-wheel mopeds, tricycles and quadricycles with bodywork:"

(c) the heading of heading No 10.16. is replaced by the following:

"10.16. Trailer coupling devices and attachment of side-cars:"

The heading of Section C is deleted.

IV. Annex IV is amended as follows:

Section A is amended as follows:

(a) the heading is replaced by the following:


(b) footnote reference i is renumbered i ;

(c) the footnotes are replaced by the following:

" i The certificate of conformity shall be made in such a way to prevent any forgery. For this purpose, the printing shall be made on paper protected either by coloured graphics or watermarked with the manufacturer's identification mark.

Delete where inapplicable."

Section B is amended as follows:

(a) the heading is replaced by the following:


(b) the following footnote is added:

" i The certificate of conformity shall be made in such a way to prevent any forgery. For this purpose, the printing shall be made on paper protected either by coloured graphics or watermarked with the manufacturer's identification mark."

V. Annex V is replaced by the following:

"Annex V




(see Article 5)

The type-approval number and component type-approval number shall consist of

- four sections for type-approvals and

- five sections for characteristic, component, and separate technical unit approvals,

as detailed below. In all cases, the sections shall be separated by the '*' character.

Section 1: the lower case letter e followed by the distinguishing code (letter(s) or number) of the Member State issuing the type-approval or component type-approval:

1 for Germany; 2 for France; 3 for Italy; 4 for the Netherlands; 5 for Sweden; 6 for Belgium; 9 for Spain; 11 for the United Kingdom; 12 for Austria; 13 for Luxembourg; 17 for Finland; 18 for Denmark; 21 for Portugal; 23 for Greece; IRL for Ireland.

Section 2: the number of the base directive.

Section 3: the number of the latest amending Directive applicable to the type-approval or component type-approval.

In the case of type-approvals, this means the latest Directive amending an Article (or Articles) of Directive 92/61/EEC.

In the case of component type-approvals, this means the latest separate directive containing the actual provisions with which the characteristic, component or technical unit conforms.

However, if a base directive has not been amended, its number is retaken in section 3.

Should a directive contain different implementation dates referring to different technical standards, an alphabetical character shall be added to specify to which standard the approval was granted.

In the case component type-approvals are possible according to chapters or sections of the same separate directive, an Arabic number to indicate each chapter or section shall be added to Section 3. If the sections or chapters are divided in parts having a separate approval certificate, a Roman number indicating each part shall be added. In all cases, these numbers shall be separated by the / character.

Section 4: a four-digit sequential number (with leading zeros as applicable) to denote the base type-approval or component type-approval number. The sequence shall start from 0001 for each base directive.

In the case of a derogatory approval pursuant to Article 15a i, the first character shall be replaced by the letter 'D'.

Section 5: a two-digit sequential number (with leading zeros if applicable) to denote the extension. The sequence shall start from 00 for each base type-approval or component type-approval number.

2. In the case of type-approvals, Section 2 shall be omitted.

3. On the vehicle's statutory plate only, Section 5 shall be omitted.

4. Example of the second component type-approval granted by the Netherlands according to Directive 97/24/EC, Chapter 5, Part II:


5. Example of the third component type-approval (extension 1) granted by Italy according to Directive 95/1/EC, Section 1:


6. Example of the fourth type-approval (extension 2) granted by Germany:


7. Example of the type-approval number stamped on the vehicle's statutory plate:




1. The component type-approval mark consists of:

1.1. a rectangle surrounding a lower case letter e, followed by the distinguishing number or group of letters of the Member State which has issued component type-approval, i.e.:

- 1 for Germany

- 2 for France

- 3 for Italy

- 4 for the Netherlands

- 5 for Sweden

- 6 for Belgium

- 9 for Spain

- 11 for the United Kingdom

- 12 for Austria

- 13 for Luxembourg

- 17 for Finland

- 18 for Denmark

- 21 for Portugal

- 23 for Greece

- IRL for Ireland;

1.2 the component type-approval number corresponding to the number of the component type-approval form completed for the separate technical unit or component concerned. The component type-approval number is entered below and close to the rectangle referred to in 1.1. The figures making up the component type-approval number are entered on the same side of the letter e and face the same direction. In order to avoid any confusion with other symbols, Roman numerals must not be used in the component type-approval number.

2. The component type-approval is affixed to the separate technical unit or component in such a way as to be indelible and clearly legible, even when the separate technical unit or component is fitted to the vehicle.


3. An example of a component type-approval mark is contained in the Appendix to this Annex."


Example of a component type-approval mark


Legend: the above component type-approval was issued by Ireland (e IRL) under number 0676.



The following Annexes VII and VIII are added:




(Article 5 i, first subparagraph)

(This sheet must be completed by the approval authority and be attached to the vehicle type-approval certificate)

In each case, the information must make clear to which variant and version it is applicable. One version may not have more than one result.


1. Results of the sound level tests



2. Results of the exhaust emission test



3. Diesel





(Article 15a i and (2))

The maximum number of vehicles put into service in each Member State under the procedure laid down in Article 15a i shall be restricted in one of the following ways to be chosen by the Member State:



(a) the maximum number of vehicles of one or more types may not exceed 10% of the vehicles of all types concerned put into service in that Member State during the previous year. Should 10% be less than 100 vehicles, then the Member State may allow the putting into service of a maximum of 100 vehicles;

(b) the number of vehicles of any one type shall be restricted to those for which a valid certificate of conformity was issued on or after the date of manufacture and which remained valid for at least three months after its date of issue but subsequently lost its validity because of coming into force of a separate directive.

A special entry shall be made on the certificate of conformity of the vehicles put into service under this procedure."