Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2001)319 - Amendment of Council Regulation (EC) N.°577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the EC - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2001)319 - Amendment of Council Regulation (EC) N.°577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the EC. |
source | COM(2001)319 |
date | 13-06-2001 |
Because of the difficulty in implementing a continuous labour force survey on the same date in all Member States, the Council Regulation (EC) n° 577/1998 provided in article 1, i, that 'those Member States which are not in a position to implement a continuous survey may carry out an annual survey only, to take place in the spring.'
At the time being, not all Member States have made the arrangements needed to ensure the implementation of a continuous survey within reasonable time limits.
Three major reports have insisted on the need to ensure and speed up the transition to a continuous labour force survey in all Member States :
a) the Commission report to the European Council at Vienna (December 1998) on ways of improving the comparability of statistics used to monitor the European Union employment strategy (COM(1998)698 final)
b) the Commission report to the European Parliament and the Council on implementation of Council Regulation (EC) n° 577/1998 (adopted by the Commission and transmitted to the European Parliament and the Council on 5.01.2001)
c) the Action Plan on European Monetary Union (EMU) statistical requirements endorsed by the Council on 19.01.2001.
Both the Commission report to the European Parliament and the Council and the Action Plan on European Monetary Union statistical requirements explicitly request an amendment to Council Regulation (EC) n° 577/1998.
Implications of Non-implementation
Given the considerable loss in terms of uselfulness of the labour force exercise in case of the non-implementation of a continous labour force survey by individual Member States, European Parliament and Council reiterate their request that the continuious labour force survey be introduced by all Member States.
Next steps
As required by the Action Plan on EMU statistical requirements, the proposed Regulation will be part of a package of legal amendments to be presented to the European Parliament and the Council in Spring 2001.