Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2002)581 - Quality of bathing water

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dossier COM(2002)581 - Quality of bathing water.
source COM(2002)581 EN
date 24-10-2002
1. Introduction

Protection of bathing waters has been one of the first, and one of the most successful, elements of European Water Policy. The 1976 Bathing Water Directive i has not only set binding standards for bathing waters throughout the European Union, but also resulted in an unprecedented public awareness, as bathing water quality is perceived by the citizens as directly touching upon their daily life. The annual Bathing Water Report published by the Commission each year before the start of the bathing season, clearly underlines substantial progress in the quality of our bathing waters.

The most recent report - concerning the 2001 bathing season - shows a high degree of compliance as well as significant improvements in water quality during the past 10 years. Improvements are particularly impressive in coastal bathing areas; but also inland bathing waters (rivers, lakes) have now achieved a good compliance rate.


However, changes in science and technology as well as in managerial experience oblige the Commission to revise EU environmental legislation where appropriate. The 1976 Bathing Water Directive clearly reflects the state of knowledge and experience of the early 1970s, as regards the technical-scientific basis, the managerial approach and the involvement of the public.

Initiatives to revise the Bathing Water Directive actually started in 1994, with the Commission presenting a Proposal for a revision. This Proposal saw first reading in the European Parliament, but was never further negotiated by the Council. It was preferred that a new Directive was developed, based on new scientific evidence and on a broad consultation. However, this Proposal gave the incentive for further studies and developments on bathing water quality, as regards parameters as well as the managerial approach.

Further, the European Union has recently completely restructured EU Water Policy by adopting the Water Framework Directive i, providing a coherent managerial framework for all water-related EU legislation. The provisions of the Bathing Water Directive must be fully compatible with this new framework.

A survey i conducted by the Commission showed in 1999 that 71% of Europeans are concerned about water, air and soil pollution. Pollution of the sea, coasts, rivers and lakes are primary concerns. When it comes to judging their immediate living environment, Europeans value good bathing water quality even higher than all other water topics.

This high interest is also shown at the level of the Europa Bathing Water Website i. In 2001, more than 2 million requests were registered, whereof more than 60% in the period people plan their holiday (May to July), and a further 9% in August.

The Commission bases its Proposal for a revised Bathing Water Directive on the following considerations, reasons and principles:

- Coherence with the Sustainable Development Strategy, the 6th EAP and with the objectives singled out by the European Council for future development in priority areas such as 'public health' and 'natural resources' i.

- Coherence with other EU water-related legislation adopted since 1976, in particular with the Water Framework Directive, must be ensured.

- The parameters used for setting the standards shall be reviewed and streamlined, focusing on robust microbiological indicators and taking into account the monitoring system established under the Water Framework Directive; parameters and values are to be based on the latest scientific evidence and a high level of protection, also with a view to sensitive groups of citizens such as children.

- Care for our bathing waters needs to progress from simply sampling and monitoring to integrated quality management.

- To ensure better and earlier information to the public, making use both of locally and regionally available facilities and technology approaches such as the Internet and geographical information systems.

- The participatory processes shall be enhanced and expanded. Such implementation efforts have to involve not only Member States and the Commission, but in particular, local and regional bodies, stakeholders and NGOs and the scientific community.

- Revision efforts shall also provide a further example of Good European Governance as outlined in the Commission White Paper of October 2001.


2. The context for a new Directive


2.1. European Water Legislation


2.1.1. The Water Framework Directive

On 23 October 2000 the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Water Framework Directive i establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy.

Whilst the Bathing Water Directive has a distinct contribution to the integration of policies on the environment and tourism and a clear, separate identity, it will need to be closely co-ordinated with the Water Framework Directive. This approach is made operational through provisions established under the Water Framework Directive, with a general objective of achieving good ecological status for all waters and specific objectives for so-called protected areas such as bathing waters i.


2.1.2. The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive

The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive i addresses key point sources of pollution from urban and industrial discharges. Urban waste waters impact on waters both in terms of biodegradable material and the addition of nutrients, which contribute to eutrophication. Many lakes as well as parts of our regional seas (North Sea, Baltic Sea, parts of the Mediterranean) show significant eutrophication with large accumulations of microscopic and macroscopic algae, leading to marked changes in the ecosystem. These conditions are unpleasant for bathers, and have a significant negative impact upon the bathing water's reputation and on the tourist Industry.

The Directive sets out a high level of protection, as a rule secondary (biological) treatment, and even more advanced treatment in sensitive areas (nutrient removal). Implementation deadlines are phased from 1998 to 2005, depending on the size of the discharge and the characteristics of the affected water.

The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive contains a provision calculating the load taking into account possible increase during the touristic season. Non respect of these provisions is a frequent cause of bacteriological pollution of bathing water.


2.1.3. The Directive on Nitrates Pollution from Agricultural Sources

The Nitrates Directive i aims at reducing nitrogen pollution from agricultural sources, and at preventing further such pollution. Pollution by nitrates impacts on eutrophication of both inland and coastal waters (causing effects as descibed above).

In areas subject to eutrophication or potential eutrophication, legally binding measures have to be taken (manure storage capacities, restrictions in application of manure etc.).

Recent experience gained by Member States has shown that run-off, leakage and direct access of cattle to rivers may cause significant diffuse microbiological pollution of bathing waters i i. As such, bathing water quality control will contribute to the creation of good agricultural practices as foreseen under the Nitrates Directive.


2.2. Related European Union Policies


2.2.1. Access to Environmental Information

Since 1976 policy and legislation on environmental information and public participation has evolved considerably. The 1990 Directive on the freedom of access to information on the environment i, constitutes a cornerstone in EU legislation on public awareness and involvement, as it catalysed the way public authorities approach the process of openness and transparency.

With the signing, in 1998, and ongoing ratification of the UN-ECE Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision Making ('Aarhus Convention'), the European Union and its Member States are committed to increased information and participation. The Commission has adopted a Proposal for a Directive on public access to environmental information, in order to adapt the 1990 Directive to the electronic media and to deliver on the EU's commitments under the Aarhus Convention. i The new Bathing Water Directive must be coherent with this proposal. In practice, better information would mean presenting real-time information on beach conditions, management practices and bathing water quality. This would have to be done at a local level, and beyond the local level on the Internet.

2.2.2. Integrated Coastal Zone Management i

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is a multi-disciplinary approach to promote sustainable management of coastal zones. It covers the full cycle of information collection, planning (in its broadest sense), decision making, management and monitoring. ICZM uses the informed participation and co-operation of all stakeholders to assess the societal goals in a given coastal area. The revised Bathing Water Directive will take into account ICZM principles.


3. The response to the consultation on a new Bathing Water Directive


3.1. Council

In December 2000 the Commission published a Communication 'Developing a new Bathing Water Policy' i. The Council responded to the Commission's Communication by Council Conclusions of 8 March 2001,

- welcoming the foreseen review and requesting that the forthcoming legislative proposal adhere to certain principles;

- supporting the emphasis on water quality management and long-term trends;

- requesting clear and unambiguous definitions, further clarification on the relationship with other water directives as well as cost-benefit considerations;

- supporting early and better information of the public.


3.2. European Parliament

The European Parliament did not adopt a report on the Commission Communication 'Developing a new Bathing Water Policy' i, but stressed on earlier occasions the importance of bathing water protection and the need for coherence with the Water Framework Directive. Further, the European Parliament demanded an expansion of the scope of the Directive to include recreational waters. i The agreement between Council and Parliament on the 6th Environmental Action Programme confirmed the support for a revision of the Bathing Water Directive. i


3.3. Committee of the Regions

The Committee of the Regions attached particular interest to monitoring and assessing eutrophication, caused both by natural source or impact of human activities. It emphasised the need to take into account regional differences when defining elements such as the length of the bathing season or sampling regimes i.


3.4. Consultation of the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (SCTEE)

The Commission has consulted the Scientific Committee on the choice of parameters and the values attached to them. On the question ,Does the Scientific Committee consider that the two chosen indicators i (by the Communication COM(2000)860) and the suggested limit values are appropriate for the protection of humans", the CSTEE delivered the following opinion i:

- Even though the two studies taken into consideration by the Commission are recognised as scientifically sound, the CSTEE recommends to make use of all the available information.

- The two parameters are representative of the most reported episodes of contamination and they are correlated with health problems. Assessment of both indicators in coastal and fresh waters will provide more information and could help determining the sources of contamination. Nevertheless, research on viral indicators remains necessary.Under the current state of knowledge it is difficult to determine a threshold limit for Escherichia coli and Intestinal Enterococci (below which no adverse effect are observed) and that any chosen limit will not at all times be universally true. However, the Committee confirms that under the current state of knowledge, the Communication's suggestions are in the right range, but relying on data obtained from different assay methods to fix values is questionable.

- Indicator organisms should be assayed using intercalibrated, standardised procedures such as ISO CEN methods.

- The need to consider the variability of bathing conditions within Europe must be taken into account in the proposal.


3.5. Further consultations with Member States, stakeholders, experts, non-governmental organisations and the wider public

Following the Communication i the Commission facilitated a large-scale consultation of all interested and involved parties. Comments and suggestions were received in writing, by email and on the Internet, but also during specific consultation meetings. One of the key elements of the consultations was a 3-day Bathing Water Conference during Green Week in April 2000.

Main findings of this consultation process:

- general support for developing a new Bathing Water Directive;

- parameters and values to be based on latest scientific evidence;

- coherence with the new Water Framework Directive as regards monitoring, management approach and obligations, as well as public participation;

- more, better and earlier information to the public;

- differences of opinion on the scope of a new Bathing Water Directive, i.e. certain types of recreational waters (for windsurfing etc.) to be included in the scope or not.

Between July 2001 and February 2002 the Commission organised further expert meetings with Member States and regions, stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and the scientific community. The complementary findings can be summarised as follows:

- The Scope of the Directive: Reservations by many Member States to expand the scope of the Directive to recreational waters (used for windsurfing, canoeing etc.); reservations were largely related to costs implications.

- Parameters: General agreement on restricting the choice to a limited number of microbiological parameters; agreement on the epidemiological correlation between numerical values for these parameters and the ensuing health risk, as put forward in section 4. The available epidemiological correlation provide a coherent basis. Agreement that defining the permissible risk is a political, not a scientific decision; the Commission stressed in this context the need for a high level of protection (article 174 of the Treaty).

- Management approaches: Agreement that the Directive should set out principles whilst leaving further details to implementation efforts. On implementation, a broad participation base of national authorities, regional and local bodies, stakeholders, non-governmental organisations and of the Commission was generally supported.


4. The main lines of a Proposal for a new Bathing Water Directive


4.1. The Continued importance of EU Bathing Water Policy; coherence with the 6th Environmental Action Programme

It remains important to protect citizens from risks of bathing in waters of insufficient quality. Waters do not respect administrative and political borders, neither do the impacts of pollution on those waters. Appropriate measures should be based on common quality standards ensuring a high level of protection (article 174 of the Treaty). Whilst the framework and its standards should in a coherent way be provided at EU level, the approach should also provide for sufficient flexibility at the local and regional level. It is at this level that that appropriate and cost effective management approaches can be taken.


4.2. Coherence with EU water policy, in particular the Water Framework Directive

The EU has recently thoroughly restructured its water protection policy. A new Bathing Water Directive needs to ensure coherence with the Water Framework Directive and form an integral part of this water protection policy. This approach is made operational on the one hand through provisions established under the Water Framework Directive (meaning general objective of good ecological status for all waters plus complementary objectives for so-called protected areas such as bathing waters, with river basin management plans and programmes of measures as the managerial instrument), and on the other hand by choosing parameters, measures, managerial approaches and deadlines for the revised Bathing Water Directive which are compatible with those under the Water Framework Directive efforts.


4.3. Scope

The 1976 Directive's main aim was improving water quality and thereby protecting the health of citizens who use natural water bodies for bathing. At that time, bathing meant mainly swimming. During the past 25 years, a lot of social and technical changes have occurred. New water activities like surfing, wind-surfing, kayaking, etc. have developed. In all these activities, falling into the water, submerging and swallowing of water is commonplace. This also applies for canoeing and kayaking on fresh waters, especially when the sport is practised in a family context, i.e. by non experienced users, as water contact and immersion are rather likely.

These new patterns of recreational water use present significant challenges. First of all, at any given site, windsurfing, kayaking, sailboarding are often practised at significant distances (1 km or more) from the shore. In contrast bathing/swimming typically takes place within a distance of 50 to 100 metres. Secondly, practitioners of these more physically demanding water sports are often prepared to go to sites, which are not suitable for bathing/swimming. Thirdly, with the development of new materials, recreational water sports can now be undertaken over an extended period: far longer than the traditional bathing season. Finally, some of the new recreational uses of water are not always compatible with swimming and bathing, necessitating the division of a bathing area into different zones.

In the light of the above considerations it is legitimate to ask whether the level of protection (in terms of water quality and management practices) which is currently afforded to bathers should be extended to those pursuing other recreational water uses irrespective of location, or time of the year.

The Commission has taken the view that it would not be appropriate to include the new recreational uses of water in the definition of bathing waters as to do so would oblige Member States to significantly increase the extent, both physically and temporally, of water quality protection, monitoring and management obligations.

However, the Commission does consider it appropriate that Member States should improve the level of protection afforded to persons engaging in these newer water sports. To this end, Member States should ensure that relevant information is provided to the public, identifying clearly whether water quality monitoring and other management practices ensure an equal level of protection for practitioners of these sports. This will have an impact on the classification (quality label) which the bathing waters will receive.


4.4. Parameters

The 1976 Directive established 19 parameters, against the then prevailing background of knowledge and experience, existing problems in water quality and the fact that the Directive was amongst the very first pieces of EU water legislation. The Commission now proposes a drastic reduction in the number of parameters, from 19 parameters to 2 key microbiological parameters in the new Directive, complemented by visual inspection (algae bloom, oil) and pH measurement in fresh waters.

The reasons for this proposed drastic reduction are twofold. Firstly, an assessment of monitoring results and trends leads to the conclusion that microbiological pollution is, in the vast majority of cases, the limiting factor for achieving good bathing water quality. Secondly, the Water Framework Directive has established a comprehensive chemical and biological monitoring system for all waters including coastal waters, to be operational by the end of 2006.

In the 1976 Directive three microbiological parameters were monitored (Total Coliforms, Faecal Coliforms and Faecal Streptococci), but the first two parameters are in the same family of bacteria, and the third (Faecal Streptococci) was only taken into account as a guide to better water quality.

The two faecal indicator parameters retained in the revised Directive are Intestinal Enterococci (IE) and Escherichia coli (EC), providing the best available match between faecal pollution and health impacts in recreational waters. The choice of the microbiological parameters and values was based on available scientific evidence provided by epidemiological studies i.

It is thus evident that the drastic reduction of parameters in a new Bathing Water Directive will provide for considerable reduction of costs, avoid parallel efforts, but at the same time not entail any reduction in the level of protection for the citizens.


4.5. Parametric values

A WHO epidemiological study i examined the relationship between the level of microbiological contamination (based on Intestinal Enterococci / IE as parameter) and the level of illness with people bathing in contaminated water. WHO defined a 1% risk for illness occurrence due to bathing as 'an excess illness of one incidence in every 100 exposures', compared to non-bathers.

The dose-response relation between contamination risk and the 95th percentile value of the IE indicator for contracting gastro-enteritis and AFRI i by bathing in microbiologically contaminated water is shown in the following graph.


A randomised epidemiological study on health risks from bathing in German fresh water bathing sites i, using the same protocol, confirmed WHO research on IE and indicated that an EC to IE ratio ranging from 2 to 3 would be appropriate to reflect equal risk.

Based on these latest studies and taking into account the Treaty requirement to ensure a high level of protection, the Commission therefore proposes a legally binding Good Quality value and an Excellent Quality guide value for Intestinal Enterococci and Escherichia coli concentration in bathing water as set out in the following table:



4.6. Considerations on health risk

The standards proposed are equivalent to a risk of 5% ("Good" Standard) and 3% for contracting gastro-interitis.and to a risk of 2.5% ("Good" Standard) and 1% for contracting AFRI.

These figures are in line with WHO research i. Further, the expertise of the independent Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment (SCTEE) has been sought, the Committee agreeing on both parameters. The Committee considered that the values proposed by the Communication on Bathing Water Quality i seemed to be in an acceptable range, although on the basis of available data, setting scientifically sound limit values was not possible. Nevertheless the risk level may look alarming. No parent would be comfortable to let their children bathe if there was a 1 in 20 chance of infection. However, the risk values indicated above are based on repetitive exposure to concentrations of contaminants, as high as the proposed Good standards. In reality, many bathing waters will have water quality equal to or better than 'Excellent', and reaching the 'Excellent' standard will be a marked positive point for the concerned bathing water. Furthermore, risk levels will be further reduced by adequate information of the citizen at or close to the beach and managerial action taken, both based on the profile for the particular bathing water and the results of monitoring.

A comparative assessment of old and new standards leads to the following conclusions: Bathing waters complying with the Guide standards of the 1976 Directive carry a bathing risk of 5% on gastro-enteritis, those complying only with the Imperative standards a risk of about 12% to 15%. The majority of bathing waters comply with the Guide standards of the 1976 Directive (>85% of coastal sites, >70% of freshwater sites). 4.7. Monitoring of bathing waters

Under the 1976 Bathing Water Directive, Member States have been able to build up a long experience monitoring bathing waters, yet complemented by the implementation of the Urban Wastewater, Nitrates- Water Framework Directives. Monitoring points will be set up when establishing the bathing water profile in places, which reflect the water quality to which bathers are exposed.

There will be flexibility on monitoring frequencies, allowing for a reduction of sampling in bathing waters without major problems, and continued monitoring at routine frequencies in the case of problem waters, in particular to ensure early and adequate information to the citizen. Further, quality assurance measures shall address the challenge of reliably providing a sound basis both for information to the public and for managerial action where appropriate.


4.8. Standards for Handling of Samples

Relying on data from different assay methods to fix limit values is questionable. Standards on parameter values must be accompanied by harmonised methods used for handling the samples. The way the sample is taken and the way storage and transport is organised may influence the results of the microbiological analysis. To ensure maximum comparability between the analyses carried out in the different Member States, it is therefore considered appropriate to establish guidelines for the handling of samples. The Directive foresees adaptation to new (ISO-CEN) i standards which are currently in preparation.


4.9. From sampling and monitoring to adequate management of our bathing waters

The management of bathing water quality needs to be more than just sampling and monitoring. In the proposed revision, authorities are given an important role in developing bathing water profiles, in identifying potential sources of contamination (with appropriate mitigation measures), in collecting, analysing and interpreting information on water quality and providing information to the public. Also, authorities should react on emergency events and particularly inform the public when bathing is not advisable.

4.10. From numerical compliance to management driven conformity

At the end of each bathing season, monitored data collected during the last three years are assessed, as explained in Annex I. Based on the outcome of the calculation, the bathing waters are classified (see Annex II) as 'Poor', 'Good' or 'Excellent'. 'Excellent' classification can only be obtained if the quality complies with the standard set down in the directive and if management measures have taken into account the range of recreational water uses practised at the bathing area.

A minimum classification 'Good' and full monitoring of all parameters are needed to assure Bathing water in conformity to the directive. However, if 'Good' classification was not reached, a bathing water will still be regarded as conforming with the directive on condition that appropriate measures are taken to bring the water quality into compliance within a 3 year period. Measures must also be taken to inform the public and to prevent human exposure to pollution.


4.11. Importance of research and technical development

Research and technical development has in the past contributed to improved knowledge and understanding, in particular on epidemiological correlations. At the same time efforts need to be continued in this field to further develop parameters and methods of analysis delivering even higher reliability and quicker and less costly results, as well as addressing new challenges in water quality. In particular, research on virus detection methods is underway. Continued activity with the EU research programmes i will contribute to that aim, allowing adaptation of the Directive to scientific and technical progress.


4.12. Regulatory Committee

A Regulatory Committee shall assist the Commission in addressing, where appropriate, adaptations to scientific and technical progress. This concerns issues such as newly developed parameters ensuring the same level of protection, even more reliable and less costly than the present ones, methods of analysis or the development of guidelines on selected issues of implementation.


4.13. Participatory approaches in developing and implementing the Directive - an example of Good European Governance; subsidiarity

The Commission has developed the Proposal for a revised Bathing Water Directive in a broad consultation with all interested and involved parties. Such an approach needs to be adopted not only in developing EU environmental legislation, but also in implementing it. Implementation has to involve not only Member States and the Commission, but in particular local and regional bodies, enforcement agencies, stakeholders and NGOs and the scientific community. Such initiatives should provide a further example of Good European Governance as outlined in the Commission White Paper of July 2001 i.

The new Bathing Water Directive will provide for shared and coherent responsibilities between the EU and Member States and their regions. There is need for defining coherent environmental and health objectives at an EU level, as well as comparable methods of sampling, analysis and evaluation, at the same time ensuring flexibility in issues such as monitoring frequencies or managerial action to address problems in bathing water quality, taking into account local and regional circumstances and making best use of knowledge and experience available in the particular region.


5. Legal basis

The Commission bases its Proposal on article 175 i of the Treaty.


6. Economic and business impact assessment

EU Bathing Water Policy has in the past, based on the 1976 Directive, delivered considerable achievements, both in promoting tourism and in improving water quality. In many regions good bathing water quality has been a considerable factor in promoting the tourism industry; the enormous interest by the public and the media in the Commission's annual Bathing Water Report underlines these facts. Efforts for increased protection of waters have at the same time entailed costs for upgrading infrastructure on waste water treatment.

Specific studies that have carried out comprehensive economic assessments of changes in the quality of bathing water are rare in Europe, while several studies have investigated economic issues related partially to water quality improvements. Studies demonstrate the economic importance of bathing water quality improvements, for specific regions and bathing sites as well as for specific economic sectors and businesses. Overall, improving bathing water quality leads to a reduction in human health hazard and treatment costs, an increase in the turn-over of economic sectors (mainly tourism, but also fisheries), an increase in property values and the economic value of land, as well as increases in non-monetised effects such as aesthetic and cultural values. As illustrations:

- A GESAMP i/WHO study i - based on global estimates of the number of tourists who bathe worldwide, and on WHO estimates of the relative risks at various levels of contamination -estimates that bathing in polluted seas causes some 250 million cases of gastro-enteritis and upper respiratory disease every year. Some of these people will be disabled over the longer term. The global impact can be measured by adding up the total years of healthy life that are lost through disease, disability and death using a new measurement - the Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) - developed by WHO and the World Bank. When this is done, the world-wide burden of disease incurred by bathing in the sea, adds up to some 400,000 DALYs, comparable to the global impacts of diphtheria and leprosy. It is estimated to cost society, worldwide, about US $1.6 billion a year.

- Studies undertaken for the Opal Coast in the Artois-Picardie river basin i in France estimated at between EUR300 million to EUR500 million the yearly economic loss that the tourism sector would suffer if the quality of bathing water would deteriorate. These economic losses can be compared with the overall EUR150 million investments in sewerage and wastewater treatment that have been spent over the last 10 years for obtaining the current bathing water quality;

- A study undertaken for Rhodos Island i in Greece assessed the overall benefits of avoiding degradation to the coastal environment from an increasing pressure from tourism. Overall, avoiding degradation would lead to benefits (avoided damage) of EUR 15 millions per year or 3% of the GDP of the island;

- Studies in the United Kingdom i estimated for several sites the willingness of people to pay for reducing the risk of illness as a result of revising the existing Bathing Water Quality Directive. On average, people's willingness to pay was estimated at between EUR25-45 per year.

In preparing the Proposal for a revised Bathing Water Directive, the Commission has, in 2001, commissioned an economic study i. The study selected case studies in various regions representing diverse conditions

- coastal waters and freshwaters,

- Northern and Southern waters,

- waters with high and with low tourist presence.

The study, done in co-operation with Member States, regional and local bodies, focused on the following case studies:

- Fylde coast in England (United Kingdom),

- Barcelona area in the Catalonia region (Spain),

- Célé river in the Aquitaine region (France), and

- Ayrshire coast in Scotland (United Kingdom).

The findings of the case studies lead to the conclusion that for most sites it will be feasible to achieve water quality standards stricter than existing ones. As far as compliance to the current Bathing water Directive is assured, costs remain below foreseen benefits. Given the importance of tourism as regards benefits assessment, benefits will be higher where tourism is important, even for very strict standards.

In areas with a high density of population and/or with CSOs i immediately adjacent to bathing waters, increased storage facilities and extensive treatment of urban waste waters are needed as a major measure. In catchments with considerable impact of diffuse pollution, application of codes of good practices for agriculture (in compliance with existing legislation) will already help improving bathing water quality.

Some problems may remain in a limited number of cases requiring more drastic interventions and solutions and where visitors to bathing sites (thus benefits) are very low. Examples to illustrate these general conclusions:

- For the Barcelona area (Spain), where tourism is a significant part of the economy, benefits outweigh costs for all scenarii tested. For example, benefits are estimated at 12 EUR per visitor per season when the associated costs are only at 4 EUR per visitor per season, for standards fixed at 200 FS i with 95% of the samples complying.

- For the Fylde coast (England) benefits estimated per season visit are higher than costs for a 500 FS standard (at 95% of the samples) but lower than the benefits per person for the 200 FS (at 95% of the samples) standard. But in reality, actions will be necessary to reduce the influence of agricultural diffuse pollution in relation with the Water Framework Directive, the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, Nitrate and Shellfish Directive i. Reduction of parameter values for these directives will have a beneficial effect on faecal contamination. These measures could reduce the total diffuse pollution abatement costs for the revision of the Bathing Water Directive.

- In Ayrshire, which has less bathers, costs per season visit are above benefits. The key problem is that substantial efforts are needed to meet the existing Bather Water Quality Directive.

- River Célé has no costs for complying with the 200 FS (at 95% of the samples) standard and moderate costs for reaching the highest standard of 40 FS (at 95% of the samples)

- The comparison between case studies showed the wide range of measures that would need to be considered in the different bathing sites for reaching stricter bathing water quality standards and dealing with key pollution sources. From more traditional measures, such as increasing CSO storage in the case of Barcelona (Spain) or adding sewerage pipes to connect 100% of the population in the Célé river (France), to removing animals from saltmarshes in the Fylde coast (England) or developing network storage on drainage for grazed fields in the Ayrshire basin (Scotland).

The study illustrates as well the impact of the proposal on monitoring costs. Current monitoring costs linked to the 1976 Bathing Water Directive have been estimated at EUR 15 million per year. Monitoring and management costs are likely to increase in the short term, as a result of the need to increase the frequency of sampling. However, in the longer term, revision of the Directive will lead to a small reduction in the monitoring costs as polluted bathing sites are cleaned and monitoring frequency reduced.

The results of the cost-benefit analysis suggests that in the case of some existing bathing beaches, waters just cannot meet the proposed standards because of natural bacteriological pollution intrinsic to the site (like birds). If so, it is clear that the proposed legislation could result in these beaches being classified as 'poor' or being removed from the list of bathing waters by the Member States.

Bathing water profiles will lead to new initial and maintenance costs, estimated at EUR 13 M per year. However, it is expected that Member States will ensure best integration and synergies between the development of beach profiles and the analysis of impacts and pressures as required for the Water Framework Directive for 2004, and the river basin management plans by 2008-2009. Thus, extra costs resulting from the development of beach profiles will be kept to a minimum. Overall, aggregated monitoring and beach profile costs remain very small as compared to costs of measures required for improving bathing water quality.

It has not proved possible to carry out a full cost-benefit analysis of the implications of the proposed legislation for the EU as a whole. The UK government has however recently published two studies presenting more comprehensive benefits and costs estimates for 470 UK beaches. The benefits study, based on a survey of public willingness to pay, found amenity benefits of some £60 million and health benefits of £62 million, amounting to a total of £122 million. The study found a cost of implementing the proposed 200 FS (95%) standard of some £250 million per year i. However, a significant proportion of these estimated costs is attributed to measures to reduce agricultural diffuse pollution. In the report it is indicated that confidence in estimated costs related to agricultural pollution is low. Furthermore, the report characterises these cost projections as conservative over-estimates.
£9.7 million and £3500 million respectively.