Explanatory Memorandum to COM(1976)134 -

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dossier COM(1976)134 - .
source COM(1976)134 EN
date 05-04-1976


COM (76)134

Vol. 1976/0042


Conformement au reglement (CEE, Euratom) n° 354/83 du Conseil du ler fevrier 1983 concernant I’ouverture au public des archives historiques de la Communaute economique europeenne et de la Communaute europeenne de I’energie atomique (JO L 43 du 15.2.1983, p.

1), tel que modifie par le reglement (CE, Euratom) n° 1700/2003 du 22 septembre 2003 (JO L 243 du 27.9.2003, p.

1), ce dossier est ouvert au public. Le cas echeant, les documents classifies presents dans ce dossier ont ete declassifies conformement a I’article 5 dudit reglement.

In accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 of 1 February 1983 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (OJ L 43, 15.2.1983, p.

1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1700/2003 of 22 September 2003 (OJ L 243, 27.9.2003, p.

1), this file is open to the public. Where necessary, classified documents in this file have been declassified in conformity with Article 5 of the aforementioned regulation.

In Obereinstimmung mit der Verordnung (EWG, Euratom) Nr. 354/83 des Rates vom 1. Februar 1983 uber die Freigabe der historischen Archive der Europaischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft und der Europaischen Atomgemeinschaft (ABI. L 43 vom 15.2.1983, S.

1), geandert durch die Verordnung (EG, Euratom) Nr. 1700/2003 vom 22. September 2003 (ABI. L 243 vom 27.9.2003, S.

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0011(76) 134 final. Brussels, 5 April 1976

Proposal for a DECISION OF THE COUNCIL ' on the continuation of the surveys to be carried out by the Member States on bovine livestock.

(submitted to the Council by the Commission)

CGK(7S) 134 final


In accordance with the conclusions of the report on the experience gained from the surveys, which will be submitted in Spring 1976 pursuant to Article 10 of Directive 73/132/EEC, with the request that this joint project be prolonged for a further three years so that statistics on bovine livestock can be more fully harmonized, the Commission is submitting the enclosed draft decision to the Council, in accordance with Article 11 of the Directive, recommending that?

1. the surveys be continued after 31 December 1975 — Article lj

2• the necessary expenditure continue to be charged as a fixed sum to the budget of the European Communities for the years 1976, 1977 and 1978 - Article 2.


on the continuation of the surveys to be carried out , by the Member States on bovine livestock


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 43 thereof,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No 805/58 of 27 June 1958 on the common organization of the market in beef and veal^\ as last amended by Regulation (EEC) No 568/76and in particular Article 2 thereof,

Having regard to Council Directive 73A32/EEC of 15 May 1973 on the statistical surveys to be carried out by the Member States on bovine livestock, r.n forecasts on the availability of bovine animals for slaughter and on statistics on slaughtered bovine animals^and in particular Article 11,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,    _

Having regard to the Opinion of the European Parliament,

Whereas in order to carry out the task assigned to it by the Treaty and by Regulation (EEC) No 805/68, the Commission requires precise information on trends in bovine livestock in December of each year after the survey of December 1975;

Whereas the financial contribution of the Community towards the expenditure incurred by the Member States in carrying out the surveys under this Decision should be specified;


'    ■    . Article 1    ,

Member States shall carry out a statistical survey of total cattle numbers each year in accordance with Article 1 of Council Directive 73/132/EEC of 15 May 1973.    ‘

Article 2

The necessary expenditure to carry out the surveys under this Decision in respect of 1976, 1977 and 1978 shall be met by way of a lump sum to be fixed in the budget of the European Communities.

Article 3

This Decision is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels,

For the Council

■    The President    i