Explanatory Memorandum to COM(1977)394 -

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier COM(1977)394 - .
source COM(1977)394 EN
date 28-07-1977


In its first report to the CREST Committee (predecessor of CREST), the Scientific and Technical Research Committee) on 8 February 1972 (DOC Hl/368/72), the Planning Group on Town Planning and Housing Structures pointed to the need for increased scientific research, studies and pilot projects concerning town and country planning in the European Community* At its meeting on 16 June 1976 the PREST committee decided to ask the group to study in greater detail one of the topics to which it had given first priority, i.e. the growth of large urban concentrations.

In its second report (PREST/l97/73), the Planning Group examined the trends in urbanisation in the Member States and the research in progress on tnAC subject in the Member States and in some international organisations. It concluded that the growth of large concentrations was a suitable subject for study at Community level. It therefore proposed that the first stage in a Community research programme should take the form of a series of preliminary studies or an exploratory programme, to last not more than two years. At the end of the first stage it would be possible to define precisely the content of, and implementing procedure for, a further more extensive stage.

The Planning Group defined the exploratory research programme as "a comparative analysis of the causes, dynamics and consequences of the development of large urban concentrations within and across the boundaries of the Member States of the Community". Three lines of Study should be accorded priority: identification of the motive forces behind urbanisation and concentration! analysis of the dynamics of the concentration processes or urban decay and shifts of population and activities between towns! highlighting of consequences - both the consequences of the free play of the factors at work and the consequences of deliberate action. The Planning Group suggested that the exploratory programme be implemented in a 'concerted action'.

The programme has been prepared with the assistance of a working group set up by CREST at its meeting on 27-28 March 1974, to advise on the content and organisation of the programme. The Working Group met fourteen times and representatives of all Member States participated in its meetings.

Member States were invited to propose research projects for inclusion in the programme. The following Member States responded to this invitation: Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom. The research projects described in Annex A to this memorandum are those which the Commission, on the advice of the working group, puts forward for inclusion in the Community programme.

In the action programme on the environment adopted "by the Council on 17 May 1977 it is provided in Title III, Chapter 1, Section 3, that a proposal for a Community Urban Research programme, to be implemented as a 'concerted action', should be submitted to the• Council. The Commission forwards herewith its proposal for such a programme.


The Decision proposes the implementation of a research programme on the growth of large urban concentrations, in the form of a concerted action, the object being the coordination at Community level of research projects rela/ted to the theme of the programme, which are financed and executed in Member States*

'The Commission will be responsible for coordination of the research activities included in the programme. Provision is made for the establishment of a Concerted Action Committee to assist and advise the Commission in this task. The terms of reference and composition of the Committee are contained in Annex 2 to the Decision.

The financial contribution of the Community for the purposes of the programme is evaluated at 200,000 SJA. This sum will be expended in coordinating the research activities included in the programme.

Article 6 of the Draft Decision provides for the participation of European States, not members of the Community, which participate in European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research (COST).

On or before the conclusion of the proposed 2-year programme, the Commission will review the results obtained with a view to putting forward proposal^. for the content and organisation of a further and more extensive programme.


. adopting a concerted research action on the Growth of Large Urban Concentrations


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 235 thereof,

Having regard to the proposal of the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament,

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee,

Whereas by virtue of Article 2 of the Treaty, the Community has been assigned the task of promoting; throughout the Community a harmonious development of economic activities, a continuous and balanced expansion and an accelerated raising of the standard of living; "

Whereas in its resolution adopted on 17 May 1977? the Council

. has _ approved the principles and objectives of the

Community environmental policy and the general description of the actions outlined in the annexed programme to be undertaken at Community level, which include the Commission's intention to submit a proposal for a Community Urban Research programme on the growth of large urban concentrations; ■

Whereas the Council stressed in its Resolution of 14 January 1974 on an initial outline programme of the European Communities in the field of science and technology that an'appropriate approach should be adopted towards the whole range of available ways and means, including concerted action, and that whenever it proves desirable that third countries, particularly European',ones, should be associated in these projects, steps should be taken to make this possible;

Whereas on 14 January 1974, the Council entrusted the Community .

Institutions aided by the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) with the task of,ensuring the gradual co-ordination of national policies in the field of science and technology;

Whereas a concerted Community research action on the growth of large urban concentrations will contribute effectively to the achievement of the above-mentioned aims; .


Whereas the Member States intend, as part of the rules and procedures applicable to their national programmes, to carry out the research summarised in Annex I, and are prepared to integrate such research into a process of coordination at Community level over a period of two years; '

Whereas the carrying out of such research as summarised in Annex'I will require a financial contribution of about 1 million EUA from the Member States;

Whereas the Treaty has not provided the necessary powers for this purpose;

Whereas the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CHEST) has given its opinion with regard to the Commission proposal, .


Article 1

The Community shall implement for a period of two years a concerted research action on the growth of large urban concentrations. This action shall consist in the coordination at Community level of research which is summarised in Annex I and which forms part of the research programmes of the Member States. •.

Article 2

The Commission shall be responsible for such coordination.

Article 3

The maximum financial contribution by the Community to such co- • ordination is evaluated at 200.000 EUA. v

Article 4

■ \ : •

To facilitate the carrying out of the action, an"Urban Research". Concerted Action Committee, hereinafter referred to as 'the Committee', shall be established. A project leader shall be appointed by the Commission with tho Committee's agreement. He shall assist the. Commission in its coordinating activity.

The terms of reference and the composition of this Committee are defined in Annex 2.

The Committee shall draw up its rules of procedure. Its secretariat shall -fog provided by the Commission.


Article 5

1. In accordance with a procedure to he adopted by the Commission in agreement with the Committee, the participating states shall exchange regularly all useful information concerning the execution of the research covered by the concerted action, and shall supply the Commission with all information which can usefully be coordinated. They shall also endeavour to provide the Commission with information on similar research planned or carried out by bodies for which they are not responsible. This information shall be treated as confidential if so requested by the Member State which provides it.

2. The Commission shall prepare yearly progress reports on the basis of the information supplied, and shall forward them to the Member States.

3. At the end of the coordination period, the Commission, in agreement with the Committee, shall forward to the Member States and to the European Parliament a general report on the execution and results of the coordination action. The Commission shall publish this report six months after it has been forwarded, unless a Member State objects. In this case, the report shall be distributed, at their request, solely to the institutions and undertakings whose research or production activities justify access to the knowledge resulting from the performance of the research covered by the Community concerted action. The Commission may make provision that the report remains confidential and is not passed to third parties.

Article 6

1. In accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 228 of the Treaty establishing the EEC, the Community may conclude agreements with other States involved in European Cooperation in the field

of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) with a view to extending the coordination which is the subject of this Decision to research undertaken in these States.

2. The Commission is hereby authorised to open negotiations for the conclusion of agreements of the type referred to in the preceding paragraph.

* . •/ ...

Article 7

This Decision shall come into force on the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. .


Done at

For the Council

The President


The aspects of the growth of large urban concentrations to "be studied and the distribution of work among the Member States may be summarised as follows: •


1. Location of • B

1. Location of Economic Activities .

,2. Migration '

3. Evaluation of Urban Planning and Policies . X

4' Other, Aspects

Member State









MS','EX 2


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Terms of reference and composition of the Concerted Action

Committee 'Urban Research'. . :

1. The Committee shall:

1.1 Contribute to the optimum execution of the programme by giving its opinion on all of its aspects;

1.2 Evaluate the results and draw conclusions as regards their application;

1.3 Assist the Commission in ensuring the exchange of information referred to in Article 5'1'

1.4 Keep abreast of national research being done in the fields covered by the concerted action, and more especially of scientific and technical developments likely to affect the. carrying out of the action;

1.5 Give guidance to the project leader.

2. The Committee’s reports and opinions shall be transmitted to the Commission and to the participating States. The Commission shall forward these opinions to the CREST.

3. The Committee shall be composed of the persons responsible for coordinating the national contributions to the programme and of the project leader. Eaoh member may be accompanied by experts.

4* The members of the Committee are appointed for the duration of the concerted research action. A member's mandate ceases should the member die or resign, or if the government which appointed him asks that he be replaced. His successor shall be appointed for the remainder of the initial term of office.



B1 Title: Typology of Residential Environments;

Research Institution: Interfaculty Institute for Urban and Regional Planning, Catholic University of Louvain.

Status: The first phase began in March 1974 and ended in August 1976. Phase 2 began on 1 January 1977 and is in progress.

Subject: The aim of the research is to arrive at a comprehensive

terminology for survey and planning of hierarchy of residential environments based on different types of human activities which are carried out in the residential environment. The environment is defined by physical indicators and by means of enquiries among the population concerning their personal experience. A description will be given of the size, equipment, accessibility, organisation and appearance of the dwellings and their immediate and further surroundings Inhabited by 200 families in the North East of Belgium. Elements both of family situation and environmental situation are taken into account to define types of residential environments.

It is intended in the second phase to extend the research to the whole Flemish area of the country, to test the theory in practice, to extend it to the planning phase, to assure a feedback and to develop a participatory model.

B2 Title: Costs of Urban Growth

Research Institution: Mens en Ruimte, Brussels ... .

Status: The study began in 1974 and. is in progress.

Subject: The multi-national project on the Costs of Urban Growth was set up in 1972 by the International Social Science Council at the European Coordination Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences in Vienna. Mens en Ruimte is the Belgian participant. "

The objective of the study is to identify, measure and explain the costs associated with increments of urban grovrth within t and between countries. To undertake this dynamic analysis it is necessary to identify, measure and explain the cost structure associated with urban areas of different sizes at various points in time.

Costs are related to services. Therefore, attention is paid to the comparison of certain cost elements with the quality and quantity of the resulting output. .


The empirical research approach is twofold: on the national level the cost structures of local authorities according' to six categories are analysed * A further detailed analysis with time series over a 20-year period is applied to Mechelen. The detailed analysis will he compared with similar cases in other coumtries. ■


DK1 Title: Trends in the Location of Metropolitan Activities in Denmark and Motives for Changes of Location* .

Research Institutions: Danish Building Research Institute and project group directed "by E.H. Matthiesen.

Status: The study, which is financed'by the research institutions, began in March 1976 and is in progress. ■ ■ .

Subject: The study is concerned with developments in the location of manufacturing firms, wholesale trades and industrially-oriented service trades in Denmark during 1961-1976, ,

The investigation is based on a sample survey of 2000 firms. Among these firms, some are studied in depth in order to analyse motivations for decisions to move away from the Copenhagen region.


D1 Title: An Attempt to Explain the Consequences of Intra-Regional Migration for the Development of Urban Concentrations.

Research Institution: GEVIOS E*V., Hamburg .

Status: The project, which is funded by the Federal Government, began in August 1976 and is in progress.

Subject: The project aims to explain the consequences for employment, services, etc. of migration within densely-populated areas and their surrounding areas. It also aims, to analyse the motives underlying decisions to migrate, related to the migration distance, and the consequences of moving for the migrant and his/her family.

D2 Title: Structural Changes in Densely Populated Areas Research Institution: PROGNOS, Basel

Status: The project, which is funded by the Federal Government, began in 1976 and is in progress. ■ ' • • •

Subject: In order to examine structural changes in densely-populated areas in the past and in the future, a study is being conducted in three phases: ‘

Phase 1 - Analysis of structural changes in two selected densely-populated areas in the Federal Republic;

./. * •

Phase 2 - Design of scenarios of demographic and emp-Loymeht uwvexop-ments in densely-populated areas;

Phase 3 - Development of methodological and conceptual aspects.


PI Title: Industrialisation, Social Change and Spatial Organisation

Research Institution: B3TURE, St Quentin en Yveline . .

Status: The project, which is funded Dy the Government, began in 1976 and is in progress.

Subject: The main aim of the research is to see how now industrialisation alters +be social and spatial functioning of two regions which _'iii. ^..avauied, one in which there is a tradition of rural industry afta'ih which new industrialisation stimulated from outside is now developing, the other a non-industrial region which is now experiencing rapid industrialisation. "

F2 Title: Description of an Urbanised Region - the Rhine-Main Region.

Research Institution: Prospective et Amenagement, Mont rouge..

Status: The project, which is financed by the Government, began in 1976 and is in progress. :

Subject: The research sets out to understand both how the general processes of social and technical organisation of space operate in a.developed region, in the present stage of capitalism, and how in turn the resulting spatial organisation reinforces certain processes which created it. The research will focus on the Rhine-Main Region and will follow three main lines of inquiry: changes in the economic structure, changes.in the way society perpetuates and continues itself, dominant social groups and socio-political forms of control.

F3 Title: Perpetuation of Society in Regions of Linked Towns

Status: The project, which is financed by the Government, began in 1976 and is in progress.

Subject: In order to perpetuate and continue itself, a society must assure the conditions for its-own survival. These include not only the production of goods and services but also a political framework which provides for the resolution of social conflicts, and the requisite social facilities and public services. These conditions and requirements will be studied in regions containing a number of towns with significant linkages between them.


F4 Title: Public Investments and the. Large Urbanised Region

Research Institution: U.E.R. Urbanisation - Amenagement, Univorsite . de Grenoble II

Status: The project, which is financed by the Government, began in 197^~and is in progress*

Subject: The effects of public investment on the urbanised region ' will be studied, taking account of the relationships between the state and the private sector, on the one hand, and between the local and the external economies, on the other hand. The researchers wish to verify the hypothesis (based on their earlier work) that urban policy, i'e. the control over urban space exercised by the investment policies of the public authorities, determines the emergence of inter-urban systems. \

IRELAND ... . . 1 .

IR1 Title: Office Location in Ireland - Further Areas of Research

Research Institution: An Foras Porbartha, Dublin

Status: The project is funded and executed by An Foras Porbartha, which is the National Institute for Physical Planning and Construction Research. It began in Autumn 1976 and is in progress.

Subject: The objectives are (l) to investigate the occupational changes talcing place in Ireland by type of activity and by location, and to project future employment trends by occupation; i to establish with the cooperation of the Industrial Development Authority, a clear picture of the nature and role of private sector information flows and to compare these with the results of earlier work. The principal purpose of the study is to clarify the geographical pattern of industrial information flows and to establish the nature of the links between the private and public sectors? i to rate the attractiveness and suitability of all Irish towns for the servicing and support of office-type activities; i to establish the economic and social benefits of locating office activities regionally and to test how these benefits vary depending on distance from Dublin, size of centre, status of.the job functions moved and quality of the reception environment.

IR2 Title: Impact of Oil and Gas Exploration: Resource - Base : Urbanisation.

Research Institution: An Foras Forbartha, Dublin.; -

Status: The project is funded and executed by An Foras Forbartha.

It began in 1976 and is in progress. .• •

Subject: The objective is to prepare information and guidance on shore-based development related to the discovery of oil and gas off the Irish coast, as a basis for national policy and county development plans. A Rational Ports Study (1974) and a Study of Suitable Coastal Locations for Oil Refineries (1979) have already been completed.


Ill Title: Indicators for Use in Defining Homogeneous Areas in order to Ascertain Housing Heeds at Regional Level.

Research Institution: CRS5UE, Rone

Status: The project, which is financed ty the regional government of Liguria, began, in 1976 and is in progress. '

Subject: In earlier work, the researchers developed a methodology, which they applied to Italy as a whole, for determining areas in which the characteristics of housing needs are similar. They now propose to apply this methodology at regional level, in Liguria.

er&rchy of the State University,

IT2 Title: Coordinated Research on the Urban H Straits of Messina Region.

Research Institution: Institute of Architecture Reggio-Calabria.

Status: The project, which is financed by the Government, began in 1976 and is in progress.

Sub.ie._t: The study focuses on the relationships between the urban hierarchy and the processes of economic development (especially -.uuustrialisation), in the areas of Calabria and Sicily adjoining the Straits of Messina.


u'l ‘Title: The Desired Spacing of Centres for Sendee Industries

Research Institution: Institute of Geography and Planning, University of Amsterdam.

Status: The project, which is financed by the Government, is in progress. .

Subject: This research project aims at reducing the uncertainty regarding the question whether and in how far a hierarchically-structured pattern of retail and service centres should be preferred, as a planning concept, to a more dispersed pattern of allocation for the different constituent elements of these centres.


Status; The project, which is financed by the Government, is in progress *

Subject: The questions to he answered are; What kind of relationship exists between the behaviour of consumers in newly-built city districts and the hierarchically-planned system of shopping centres? Does the hierarchy-as-used by the consumers agree with the hierarchy-as-meant by the planners? The research examines these questions in case studies of four Dutch cities.

N3 Title; The Functional Hierarchy of Urban Nuclei '

Research Institution; Van Heesewijk Consultants

Statue; The project, which is financed by the Government, is in progress. -

Subject; The project aims to discover whether the supply of commercial and non-commercial services in all settlements above a certain minimum size in the Netherlands is in balance with, lagging behind or in excess of the demand for these services. This information can be obtained by checking whether' or not the level of supply corresponds to the present population base. The formulation of objectives concerning accessibility of services also makes it possible to ascertain where shortages occur and what measures are required in respect of town and country planning or the provision of services.


. UTQ Title: Indicators of Regional Prosperity

Research Institutions; Department of Environment, South West Regional Office, Bristol and Centre for Research in the Social Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury. .

Status; Funded by the Department of Environment; in progress.

Subject: A study cf indicators and distribution of prosperity in the UK at the levels of the local authority, the sub-region and the region, to provide clearer descriptions of poorer areas, better measures of differences between them and better knowledge of the reasons for the differences'

UK2 Title; De Facto Urban Areas in England and Wales

Research Institution; Department of the Environment, Regional Planning Directorate, London.

Status; Funded by the Department of the Environment; in progress.

Subject: A technique has been developed for the identification and definition of true (de facto) urban areas according to criteria concerning gross population density and continuity of development. .

The objectives are; (l) to develop a technique for the identification and definition of de facto urban areas which is independent of the boundaries of local government administrative units, and i to analyse the structure of urban areas in England and Wales according to physical criteria so as to provide information on trends for research and planning purposes.

UK3(A) Title; Urban Change in Britain

Research Institution; London School of Economics and Political Science.

Status: The project, which is a continuation of earlier studies on the same subject, is funded by the Government. It began in 1976 and is in progress. '

Subject; This is a study of socio-economic and associated aspects of urban change in Britain, initially on the basis of employment-based urban units (Standard Metropolitan Labour Areas), later within metropolitan counties. The aims are to secure a more detailed understanding of the processes of urban change and to assess factors of significance to urban policies, particularly in regard to changes affecting the inner areas of major towns.

UK3(B) Title; Office Location and the Impact of Telecommunications

Research Institution: Department of Geography (Regional Studies), University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Status: This study started in May 1976 and is in progress. It is being funded by the Department of the Environment. • ’ ■

Subject; The objective of the study is to csta-blish the extent to which new developments in telecommunications might assist in the development of office functions in regions away from London and the South East of England and hence in regional development as a whole.


TJIC4 ' Title; Urban Employment

Research Institution; Department of the Environment, Building Research Establishment, Watford.

Status; Funded by the Department of the Environment; in progress. ■

Subject; The aims of the project may be summarised as (l) to identify the main changes which have occurred in the labour supply and demand situation in the innor areas of major cities in the past decade;

(2) to relate these changes as far as possible to other social and physical changes talcing place in those inner areas; i to provide improved background information against which policy options for inner areas can be identified and evaluated.

UK5 Title; Regional Migration in Great Britain

Research Institution: Department of the Environment, South'West Regional Office, Bristol,

Status: Funded by the Department of the Environment; in progress.

Subject: The objectives are: (l) to increase knowledge about migration flows within and between the regions of Great Britain; i to help the development of policy towards migration at national, regional and structure plan levels, and i to provide better population projection and monitoring systems.

A data-bank is being set up from special computer tapes provided' by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS) based on the 1971 Census and with the aid of this data-bank the characteristics of movers and their moves will be analysed. It is hoped to develop eventually a predictive econometric model of migration flows.

UK6 Title: Population Mobility in the Glasgow Area

Research Institution: Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Glasgow. ••

Status; Funded by the Government; in progress,

Subject: This project at the University of Glasgow, with the additional guidance of the Scottish Development Department, aims to obtain a greater knowledge of the nature and effects of population movement -within a large urban area and of tho relationships between migration and physical and social planning policies. The programme includes (i) analyses of the relevant data sources available, including 1971 Census information, Hew Town records and Glasgow overspill and Housing Department figures;

(2) a review and evaluation

;ien sources and study method

ini or]

ologies; i identification of those aspects and cinclusions which may bo of general applicability to the study of intra-urban mobility elsewhere.

EKV/283/76 Rev, 3

. . ' .



Chapter 33, Item 3371* 2.0 TITLE OF BUDGET ITEM

Concerted actions. 3.0 LEGAL BASIS

Proposal submitted to the Council on based on Article 235 of ESC Treaty.


4*1 Description

Concerted research action on the growth of large urban concentrations.

4.2 Persons C one erne d .

Firstly, the research workers engaged in the research projects included in the Community programme.

Secondly, administrators, planners and academic experts ' concerned with the causes and consequences of urban

cone ent rations.

4.3 Aim of the Action

4'3.1 General Aim

The first and second programmes of action of the European Communities on the Environment provide that the environmental problems inherent in urban development and in the geographical distribution of the population and of its activities should be examined at Community level.

4*3.2 Specific Aim

It is intended to make a comparative analysis of the causes, dynamics and consequences of the growth of large urban concentrations, within and across the boundaries of the Member States of the Community.

The proposed comparative analysis will contribute greatly to a better understanding of the process of urban concentration and its effects and thus to the achievement of the general aim stated above.

3'3 Justification of the means chosen to achieve the aim

Member States are now faced with serious problems of urban planning caused by the growth of large urban concentrations and are carrying out research on this subject which is of general interest to the Community.

A Community research programme in the form of a con. certed action, in which research in progress is coordinated at Community level, is therefore the appropriate method for sharing and intensifying research on the subject of large urban concentrations.


5*1 Total cost of action

' . 200.000 EUA

5.2 Schedule of expected payments

Commitments Payment s

1978J 100.000 EUA ' 70.000 EUA

1979: 100.000 EUA 130.000 EUA

5.3 Incidence of payments

Expected to fall evenly throughout the year.

5.4 Method of calculating the appropriations

This oohcerted action will be carried out by contract; the cost is as estimated at point 5*1•


The Member States will be obliged to exchange regularly all useful information concerning the progress of the research included in the programme and, when the work is finished, to send a final report on the results to the Commission.

At the end of the action, the Commission will prepare and circulate a comprehensive report on the execution and the results of the research programme. >

The expenditure will be subject to the normal controls exercised by the Commission under the financial regulations currently in force.


Expenditure by the Community: 200.000 EUA

(Expenditure by the Member States on the research projects to be coordinated in this acaion is approximately 1 M. EUA®;


One official grade A4 (part-time) paid from the operating budget•

. ' 8.2 Supplementary Btaff required . None. • ' .


By appropriations in the "budgets of 197^ and 1979*