Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2010)780 - Position of the EU within the Association Council on the implementation of Article 98 of the association agreement with Algeria

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

1. The Association Agreements form the legal basis for the European Union's relations with southern Mediterranean countries.

2. The increasing technical complexity of the Union's relations with the southern Mediterranean countries as a result of the implementation of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements requires the working of the institutions of these Agreements to be adapted accordingly. As a result, subcommittees have been set up within the Association Committees of the Euro-Mediterranean Agreements for the purpose of monitoring the implementation of partnership priorities and the approximation of legislation.

3. The EU-Algeria Association Agreement entered into force on 1 September 2005. Six subcommittees have already been set up within the Association Committee: Industry, trade and services, Transport, environment and energy, Information society, research, innovation, education, the audiovisual sector and culture, Agriculture and fisheries, Justice and home affairs and Customs cooperation. A working party on social affairs has also been set up.

4. Political dialogue, security and human rights form an integral and essential part of the framework governing relations between the European Union and Algeria through the Association Agreements. They are also important elements of the EU's relations with its Mediterranean partners in the regional context of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

5. To this end and as provided for in the EU-Algeria Association Council Decision No 3/2007 setting up subcommittees of the Association Committee and a working party on social affairs, the Commission proposed the formal creation of a new subcommittee Political dialogue, security and human rights in addition to the subcommittees or committees already in place.

6. Organisationally, the subcommittee will be chaired for the EU by a representative of the European External Action Service, in full association with the European Commission.

7. The objective, the subjects covered by the subcommittee and the implementing arrangements are contained in the rules of procedure at annex. The tasks and rules of procedure of the subcommittee have been discussed with the Algerian authorities.