Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2012)434 - EU position on the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee EU-Georgia on protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

The Agreement between the European Union (EU) and Georgia on protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs entered in to force on 1 April 2012. Article 11 of the Agreement establishes a Joint Committee consisting of representatives of the EU and Georgia.

The Joint Committee sees to the proper functioning of the Agreement and may consider any matter related to its implementation and operation. In particular, it is responsible for:

(a)          amending Article 2(1) and  i of the Agreement, as regards the references to the law applicable in the Contracting Parties;

(b)          modifying Annexes III and IV of the Agreement as regards geographical indications;

(c)          exchanging information on legislative and policy developments on geographical indications and any other matter of mutual interest in the area of geographical indications;

(d)          exchanging information on geographical indications for the purpose of considering their protection in accordance with the Agreement.

The Joint Committee adopts its decisions by consensus and determines its own rules of procedure. It meets at the request of either of the Contracting Parties, alternatively in the EU and in Georgia, at a time and a place and in a manner (which may include by videoconference) mutually determined by the Contracting Parties, but no later than 90 days after the request.

According to the draft rules of procedure the Chair of the Committee shall be held alternately by the Head of Delegation of each Party. The chair shall also be responsible for the secretarial duties of the Committee. Each party shall bear the expenses it incurs in taking part in the meetings of the Committee.

The Commission is hereby requested:

· To adopt the proposal for a Council decision concerning an EU position on the rules of procedure of the Joint Committee established under the Agreement between the EU and Georgia on protection of geographical indications of agricultural products and foodstuffs.

· To forward this proposal to the Council.