Explanatory Memorandum to COM(1983)332 -

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dossier COM(1983)332 - .
source COM(1983)332 EN
date 27-05-1983


COM (83) 332

Vol. 1983/0134


Conformement au reglement (CEE, Euratom) n° 354/83 du Conseil du 1er fevrier 1983 concernant l'ouverture au public des archives historiques de la Communaute economique europeenne et de la Communaute europeenne de l'energie atomique (JO L 43 du 15.2.1983, p.

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In accordance with Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom) No 354/83 of 1 February 1983 concerning the opening to the public of the historical archives of the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community (OJ L 43, 15.2.1983, p.

1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1700/2003 of 22 September 2003 (OJ L 243, 27.9.2003, p.

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In Obereinstimmung mit der Verordnung (EWG, Euratom) Nr. 354/83 des Rates vom 1. Februar 1983 uber die Freigabe der historischen Archive der Europaischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft und der Europaischen Atomgemeinschaft (ABI. L 43 vom 15.2.1983, S.

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COM(83) 332 final Brussels, 27 May 1983


amending regulation EEC IOO9/83 laying down for I9S3 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the

flag of Norway



y tin

COM(83) 352 final

The Commission Is currently engaged In consultations with

Norway after the receipt of the advice of the ICES Advisory

Committee on Fisheries Management (ACFM) which recommended,

' 1 inter alia, herring TACs in the northern and-Central North '

Sea (ICES Divisions IVa, iVb and IVc of 35 000 tonnes,

27 000 tonnes and 36 000 tonnes respectively.

• '

Pending the completion of these consultations and in order '■ to take account of the interests of Norwegian fishermen

'    : t

in this joint stock, the Commission proposes an interim and

strictly limited allocation to Norway of 3 500 t of herring

for the period beginning 1 June 1983 under the same conditions

applicable to the provisional quota allocations granted to I

Community..fishermen. .    . • •    '    * ■ i|.<

! ‘ • •

• I '

As soon as the consultations with Norway have been finalised a complete proposal for all herring stocks will be made.

Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) amending regulation EEC 1009/83

laying down for 1983 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the flag of Norway


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community,

Having regard to Council Regulation (EEC) No. 170/83 of 25 January 1983 establishing a Community system for the conservation and management of fishery resources (1), and in particular articles 3 and 11 thereof.

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Whereas the Council on the 27th of Apeil 1983 laid down for 1983 certain measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources applicable to vessels flying the ffag of Norway (2);

Whereas fishing for the northern and central North Sea herring stocks is authorized for a limited quantity following the scientific advice;

Whereas pending the results of current consultationu with Norway and a final Council decision it is appropriate to allocate a provisional quota of herring of 3 500 tonnes applicable to vessels flying the flag of Norway to commence fishing on the northern and central North Sea herring stocks from 1 June 1983;

(1) 0J No L 24, 27.1.1983, p. 1

(2) 0J No L 115, 27.4.1983, p. 11

Whereas it is necessary to allocate that provisional allocation to . ICES divisions IVa) and IVb);


Article 1

Annex 1 to regulation (EEC) No 1009/83 shall be replaced by the annex to this regulation.

Article 2    ■

This Regulation shall enter into force bn the day of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. It shall apply from 1 June 1983.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all member States.

Done at Brussels,For the Council The President


Fuhing quoin
cArea within which fishing b authorizedQuantity

MackerelICES VI a) C) + VII d), e), f), h)
4 II a)22 000
1 lerringICES VI a) (•)7 000
SpratICES IV40 000
( odICES IV8 000
1 f.idd'xltICES IV -18 000
S.itthcICES IV and Skagcrrak (*)33 000
U IdlingICES IV7 000
PlaiceICES IV5 000
1 lerringICES IV c)4 000 (’)    .
Sand-eel. Norway pout.
blue whitingICES IV70 000 (M
Blue whitingICES II, IV a), VI a) (*). VI b), VII
('). XIV160 000 (')
Rluc lingICES IV, V b), VI, VII1 000 C)
1 ing and tuskICES IV, V b), VI, VII22 000 (M (•)
UfgfuhICES IV, VI, VII2 000 (*) .
Basking shark (")ICES IV, VI, VII800 (*)
PorbeagleICES IV, VI, VII500    '
Northern deep-water prawnNAFO 1 (')    .500
(Pandalus borealis)ICES XIV + V a)2 000
Greenland halibutNAFO 1500 CM
ICES XIV + V a)500 CM
I l.dihutNAFO 1200 CM
Other species CMICES IV    .5 000
HerringICES IVa), IVb) (14)3 500
'•) North of 56° 30' N.
(') l imited in the west by a line drawn from the lighthouse of Hanstholmto the lighthouse of

l.indesnes and in (he touth by a line drawn from Shagen lighthouse to the lighthouse of Tistlama and from there to the nearest coast of Sweden.

(V From this quota catches made between 1 October and 31 December 1982 shall be deducted. The remainder, may be fished only until 28 February 1983.

(V Of which sand-eel alone not more than 60 000 tonnes or Norway pout and blue whiting together not more than SO 000 tonnes. Up to 10 000 tonnes of the Norway pout quota may be fished in ICES VI a) north of 56* 30' N. However, this quantity should be deducted from the quota of sand-eel, Norway pout and blue whiting in ICES IV.

Cl West of 12“ W.

<•> Of which no more than 40 000 tonnes may be fished in ICES division IV a).

Cl Of which a by-catch of 20 % of cod per ship, at any moment, it authoriied in ICES sub-areas VI and VII. However, this percentage may be exceeded in the first 24 hours following the beginning of the fishing on a specific ground. The total magnitude of by-catches should not exceed 1 000 tonnes of which not more than 300 tonnes should be cod.

f) Of which ling may be a maximum of 17 000 tonnes and tusk a maximum of 9 000 tonnes.

C! This quota does not include catches taken in the areas defined in Annex II.

(") Risking shark liver.

(") South of 68° N.

C1) By-catches of cod should not exceed 10 %.

CM Excluding shrimps.

(14) Fishing for herring in the whole of ICES Division IVb is prohibited from 15 August 1983 to 30 September 1983 and east of 3°E throughout the year.