Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2015)523 - European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

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Brussels, 23.10.2015

COM(2015) 523 final


European Development Fund (EDF): forecasts of commitments, payments and contributions from Member States for 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019

1. Foreword

In accordance with Article 7(3) of the 11th EDF Internal Agreement 1 and Article 21(2) of the Council Regulation (EU) 2015/323 2 on the financial regulation applicable to the 11th European Development Fund (hereinafter referred to as '11th EDF Financial Regulation'), the Commission presents in this document estimates of commitments, payments and contributions for the period 2015 to 2017, taking into account the forecasts of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

This document sets out the financial implementation of the EDFs (8th to 11th) for 2014 and the forecasts of implementation for 2015 till 2017. In addition, this document draws a non-binding estimation, for the EDF contributions, from the Member States, for the years 2018 and 2019.

The Member States contribute funds directly to the European Investment Bank for the instruments which it manages under the 9th, 10th, and 11th EDFs (the Investment Facility and interest-rate subsidies).

2. Introduction

The Commission and the EIB have updated their commitment and payment forecasts for 2015, 2016 and 2017 for each of the ACP countries 3 and the OCTs 4 . The payment forecasts in particular have been compiled with the aim of helping the Member States to assess as accurately as possible the amounts they need to earmark in their national budgets while ensuring that sufficient financial resources are available for the EDF to avoid liquidity problems.

In accordance with Article 7 of the 11th EDF Internal Agreement 5 and Article 21(5) of the 11th EDF Financial Regulation 6 , the estimates provided in this document have been updated.

The graph below shows the general trend in gross commitments and payments since 1999, including projections for 2015, 2016 and 2017 (Commission and EIB cumulated amounts).


Gross commitments and payments: trend 1999-2017 (Million EUROS)

NB: figures from implementation of the European Development Funds at 31 December 2014 (commitments, payments and financial situation) and forecasts for 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Attachments 1, 2 and 3 show respectively the actual commitments, payments and financial situation compared with previous forecasts.
Attachments 4, 5 and 6 show respectively the Member States contributions for 2015 and 2016 per instalment and a global view on contributions for the period 2016-2019 per year, per Member State.

3. Financial forecasts for 2015 - 2017

The following table provides an update of the commitments, the payments and of the contributions, based on the Commission's latest forecasts.

Forecasts 2015-2017 (*)201520162017
CommitmentsCommission4 9474 6634 963
Total5 7775 5135 863
PaymentsCommission3 1523 5503 900
Total3 4523 9604 360
ContributionsCommission3 2003 4503 950
Total3 4003 6004 150

* gross amounts, i.e. no decommitments or recoveries/reflows have been deducted. This approach is in line with that used for the general budget of the EU.

4. Non-binding Estimation of contribution for 2018 - 2019

Forecasts 2018-2019 (**)20182019
ContributionsCommission4 0504 150
Total4 2504 450

**Art.21(2)(d) Council Regulation (EU) 2015/323): indicative, non-binding forecast based on a statistical approach for the expected annual amounts of contributions for the years n + 3 and n + 4.

5. Financial implementation forecasts for 2015, 2016 and 2017

The updated forecasts are set out in attachments 1 to 3.

The updated 2015 forecasts confirm the Member States' contributions to the EDF for 2015 at EUR 3 200 million, as decided by the Council in November 2014 7 and amended in June 2015 8 .

These figures confirm the June 2015 Communication from the Commission in terms of consumption for the current year.

For 2016, the annual amount of the contribution is set to EUR 3 600 million inline with the ceiling voted by the Council in November 2014. However, the EIB share accounts for EUR 150 million (down by EUR 100 million compared to the ceiling decided in November 2014) while the Commission will amount to EUR 3 450 million (up by EUR 100 million). This transfer allows smoothing the binding Member States contribution for 2016 (annual amount).

5.1.Attachment 1: forecasts for commitments 9 for 2015, 2016 and 2017 (EUR million)

COM Oct 2014COM Jun 2015COM Oct 2015COM Jun 2015COM Oct 2015COM Oct 2015
East Africa60625625
West Africa338966966
Central Africa330692692
Southern Africa238368368
Sub-total9732 6582 658
African Peace Facility325692692
Trust Funds (*)001 395
Other (**)315201201
Sub-total6408932 288
Total European Commission1 6133 5524 9474 6634 6634 963
Investment facility730750750770770820
Interest rate subsidies (***)808080808080
Total EIB810830830850850900
TOTAL European Commission + EIB2 4234 3825 7775 5135 5135 863

* EU emergency Trust Fund for stability and addressing root causes of illegal migration in Africa.
** Including support expenditures, e.g. to support joint institutions and the ACP Secretariat.
*** Including interest rate subsidies under previous EDFs

5.2.Attachment 2: forecasts for payments 10 for 2015, 2016 and 2017 (EUR million)

COM Oct 2014COM Jun 2015COM Oct 2015COM Jun 2015COM Oct 2015COM Oct 2015
East Africa478426445
West Africa894761795
Central Africa425334348
Southern Africa391389389
Sub-total2 4582 1912 241
African Peace Facility363373371
Water and Energy Facility717171
Other (*)557468470
Total European Commission3 4493 1033 1523 4683 5503 900
Investment facility330350275370370410
Interest rate subsidies (**)808025804050
Total EIB410430300450410460
TOTAL European Commission + EIB3 8593 5333 4523 9183 9604 360

* Including support expenditures, e.g. to support joint institutions and the ACP Secretariat.
** Including interest rate subsidies under previous EDFs

5.3.Attachment 3: Financial situation for 2015, forecasts for 2016 and 2017 (EUR million) and non-binding estimations for 2018 and 2019:

COM June 2015 1COM October 2015
Balance 31/12/2014 12071940401207194401
2015Member States Contributions for 2015:3 2002003 4003 2002003 400
1st instalment1 500501 5501 500501 550
2nd instalment850100950850100950
3rd instalment8505090085050900
Reflows 2250250196196
Contributions 2015 received in 2014-228-228-228-228
Recoveries, interest and other1001008080
Total payments 3-3 103-385-45-3 533-3 152-300-3 452
Balance 31/12/2015 4176259-45390107290397
2016Member States Contributions for 2016:3 3501001003 5503 4501503 600
1st instalment1 75001 750
2nd instalment1 0001001 100
3rd instalment70050750
Reflows 2220220190190
Recoveries, interest and other1001008080
Total payments 3-3 468-400-50-3 918-3 550-410-3 960
Balance at 31/12/2016158179534287220307
2017Member States Contributions for 2017:3 450140603 6503 9502004 150
Reflows 2190190
Recoveries, interest and other5050
Total payments 3-3 900-460-4 360
Balance at 31/12/2017187150337
2018Member States Contributions for 2018 53 500100703 6704 0502004 250
2019Member States Contributions for 2019 54 1503004 450

1 Funds available for operations;
2 Net of EIB management fees;
3 Including interest rates subsidies under the previous EDFs;
4 Balances do not include: (i) Cofinancings received by 31.12.2014, (ii) Receipts in bank not yet allocated to a specific EDF line, (iii) Special fund for DRC;
5 Art.21(2)(d) Financial Regulation: non-binding forecast based on a statistical approach for the expected annual contributions for the years n + 3 and n + 4;
6 Art.21(1), calls for contributions shall first use up the amounts laid down for previous EDFs, one after the other. Therefore calls under the 11th EDF to finance the IFE are further delayed.

5.4.Attachment 4: Member States contributions for 2015 (EUR)

MEMBER STATESKey 10th EDF %1st instalment2nd instalment3rd instalmentTotal EIBTotal CommissionTotal 2015
paid topaid topaid topaid topaid topaid to
10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF
AUSTRIA2.411 205 00036 150 0002 410 00020 485 0001 205 00020 485 0004 820 00077 120 00081 940 000
BELGIUM3.531 765 00052 950 0003 530 00030 005 0001 765 00030 005 0007 060 000112 960 000120 020 000
BULGARIA0.1470 0002 100 000140 0001 190 00070 0001 190 000280 0004 480 0004 760 000
CYPRUS0.0945 0001 350 00090 000765 00045 000765 000180 0002 880 0003 060 000
CZECH REPUBLIC0.51255 0007 650 000510 0004 335 000255 0004 335 0001 020 00016 320 00017 340 000
DENMARK2.001 000 00030 000 0002 000 00017 000 0001 000 00017 000 0004 000 00064 000 00068 000 000
ESTONIA0.0525 000750 00050 000425 00025 000425 000100 0001 600 0001 700 000
FINLAND1.47735 00022 050 0001 470 00012 495 000735 00012 495 0002 940 00047 040 00049 980 000
FRANCE19.559 775 000293 250 00019 550 000166 175 0009 775 000166 175 00039 100 000625 600 000664 700 000
GERMANY20.5010 250 000307 500 00020 500 000174 250 00010 250 000174 250 00041 000 000656 000 000697 000 000
GREECE1.47735 00022 050 0001 470 00012 495 000735 00012 495 0002 940 00047 040 00049 980 000
HUNGARY0.55275 0008 250 000550 0004 675 000275 0004 675 0001 100 00017 600 00018 700 000
IRELAND0.91455 00013 650 000910 0007 735 000455 0007 735 0001 820 00029 120 00030 940 000
ITALY12.866 430 000192 900 00012 860 000109 310 0006 430 000109 310 00025 720 000411 520 000437 240 000
LATVIA0.0735 0001 050 00070 000595 00035 000595 000140 0002 240 0002 380 000
LITHUANIA0.1260 0001 800 000120 0001 020 00060 0001 020 000240 0003 840 0004 080 000
LUXEMBOURG0.27135 0004 050 000270 0002 295 000135 0002 295 000540 0008 640 0009 180 000
MALTA0.0315 000450 00030 000255 00015 000255 00060 000960 0001 020 000
NETHERLANDS4.852 425 00072 750 0004 850 00041 225 0002 425 00041 225 0009 700 000155 200 000164 900 000
POLAND1.30650 00019 500 0001 300 00011 050 000650 00011 050 0002 600 00041 600 00044 200 000
PORTUGAL1.15575 00017 250 0001 150 0009 775 000575 0009 775 0002 300 00036 800 00039 100 000
ROMANIA0.37185 0005 550 000370 0003 145 000185 0003 145 000740 00011 840 00012 580 000
SLOVAKIA0.21105 0003 150 000210 0001 785 000105 0001 785 000420 0006 720 0007 140 000
SLOVENIA0.1890 0002 700 000180 0001 530 00090 0001 530 000360 0005 760 0006 120 000
SPAIN7.853 925 000117 750 0007 850 00066 725 0003 925 00066 725 00015 700 000251 200 000266 900 000
SWEDEN2.741 370 00041 100 0002 740 00023 290 0001 370 00023 290 0005 480 00087 680 00093 160 000
UNITED KINGDOM14.827 410 000222 300 00014 820 000125 970 0007 410 000125 970 00029 640 000474 240 000503 880 000
TOTAL EU-27100.0050 000 0001 500 000 000100 000 000850 000 00050 000 000850 000 000200 000 0003 200 000 0003 400 000 000

5.5.Attachment 5: Member States contributions for 2016 (EUR)

MEMBER STATESKey 10th EDF %1st instalment2nd instalment3rd instalmentTotal EIBTotal CommissionTotal 2016
paid topaid topaid topaid topaid topaid to
10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF10th EDF
AUSTRIA2.41042 175 0002 410 00024 100 0001 205 00016 870 0003 615 00083 145 00086 760 000
BELGIUM3.53061 775 0003 530 00035 300 0001 765 00024 710 0005 295 000121 785 000127 080 000
BULGARIA0.1402 450 000140 0001 400 00070 000980 000210 0004 830 0005 040 000
CYPRUS0.0901 575 00090 000900 00045 000630 000135 0003 105 0003 240 000
CZECH REPUBLIC0.5108 925 000510 0005 100 000255 0003 570 000765 00017 595 00018 360 000
DENMARK2.00035 000 0002 000 00020 000 0001 000 00014 000 0003 000 00069 000 00072 000 000
ESTONIA0.050875 00050 000500 00025 000350 00075 0001 725 0001 800 000
FINLAND1.47025 725 0001 470 00014 700 000735 00010 290 0002 205 00050 715 00052 920 000
FRANCE19.550342 125 00019 550 000195 500 0009 775 000136 850 00029 325 000674 475 000703 800 000
GERMANY20.500358 750 00020 500 000205 000 00010 250 000143 500 00030 750 000707 250 000738 000 000
GREECE1.47025 725 0001 470 00014 700 000735 00010 290 0002 205 00050 715 00052 920 000
HUNGARY0.5509 625 000550 0005 500 000275 0003 850 000825 00018 975 00019 800 000
IRELAND0.91015 925 000910 0009 100 000455 0006 370 0001 365 00031 395 00032 760 000
ITALY12.860225 050 00012 860 000128 600 0006 430 00090 020 00019 290 000443 670 000462 960 000
LATVIA0.0701 225 00070 000700 00035 000490 000105 0002 415 0002 520 000
LITHUANIA0.1202 100 000120 0001 200 00060 000840 000180 0004 140 0004 320 000
LUXEMBOURG0.2704 725 000270 0002 700 000135 0001 890 000405 0009 315 0009 720 000
MALTA0.030525 00030 000300 00015 000210 00045 0001 035 0001 080 000
NETHERLANDS4.85084 875 0004 850 00048 500 0002 425 00033 950 0007 275 000167 325 000174 600 000
POLAND1.30022 750 0001 300 00013 000 000650 0009 100 0001 950 00044 850 00046 800 000
PORTUGAL1.15020 125 0001 150 00011 500 000575 0008 050 0001 725 00039 675 00041 400 000
ROMANIA0.3706 475 000370 0003 700 000185 0002 590 000555 00012 765 00013 320 000
SLOVAKIA0.2103 675 000210 0002 100 000105 0001 470 000315 0007 245 0007 560 000
SLOVENIA0.1803 150 000180 0001 800 00090 0001 260 000270 0006 210 0006 480 000
SPAIN7.850137 375 0007 850 00078 500 0003 925 00054 950 00011 775 000270 825 000282 600 000
SWEDEN2.74047 950 0002 740 00027 400 0001 370 00019 180 0004 110 00094 530 00098 640 000
UNITED KINGDOM14.820259 350 00014 820 000148 200 0007 410 000103 740 00022 230 000511 290 000533 520 000
TOTAL EU-27100.0001 750 000 000100 000 0001 000 000 00050 000 000700 000 000150 000 0003 450 000 0003 600 000 000

5.6.Attachment 6: Member States contributions for 2016-2019 (EUR)

MEMBER STATESKey 10th Key 11th 2016201720182019
EDF %EDF %BridgingCOM 10thEIB 10thCOM 10thCOM 11thEIB 10thCOM 11thEIB 10thCOM 11thEIB 10th
AUSTRIA2.412.39757-3 366 234.9283 145 0003 615 00043 940 78250 989 8654 820 00097 101 5854 820 00099 499 1557 230 000
BELGIUM3.533.24927-5 470 131.74121 785 0005 295 00064 361 39469 103 2347 060 000131 595 4357 060 000134 844 70510 590 000
BULGARIA0.140.218531 963 637.044 830 000210 0002 552 5774 647 545280 0008 850 465280 0009 068 995420 000
CYPRUS0.090.111621 262 338.093 105 000135 0001 640 9422 373 857180 0004 520 610180 0004 632 230270 000
CZECH REPUBLIC0.510.797457 153 249.2017 595 000765 0009 298 67216 959 6171 020 00032 296 7251 020 00033 094 1751 530 000
DENMARK2.001.98045-1 963 637.0469 000 0003 000 00036 465 37942 118 8454 000 00080 208 2254 000 00082 188 6756 000 000
ESTONIA0.050.08635701 298.941 725 00075 000911 6341 836 432100 0003 497 175100 0003 583 525150 000
FINLAND1.471.50909-140 259.7950 715 0002 205 00026 802 05432 094 2852 940 00061 118 1452 940 00062 627 2354 410 000
FRANCE19.5517.81269-66 623 399.41674 475 00029 325 000356 449 082378 828 00739 100 000721 413 94539 100 000739 226 63558 650 000
GERMANY20.5020.57980-40 114 299.44707 250 00030 750 000373 770 137437 676 99441 000 000833 481 90041 000 000854 061 70061 500 000
GREECE1.471.507353 085 715.3450 715 0002 205 00026 802 05432 057 2802 940 00061 047 6752 940 00062 555 0254 410 000
HUNGARY0.550.614567 714 288.3518 975 000825 00010 027 97913 070 0381 100 00024 889 6801 100 00025 504 2401 650 000
IRELAND0.910.940064 067 533.8631 395 0001 365 00016 591 74819 992 5481 820 00038 072 4301 820 00039 012 4902 730 000
ITALY12.8612.530094 488 313.22443 670 00019 290 000234 472 389266 481 31325 720 000507 468 64525 720 000519 998 73538 580 000
LATVIA0.070.11612981 818.522 415 000105 0001 276 2882 469 560140 0004 702 860140 0004 818 980210 000
LITHANIA0.120.180771 683 117.464 140 000180 0002 187 9233 844 492240 0007 321 185240 0007 501 955360 000
LUXEMBOURG0.270.25509-280 519.589 315 000405 0004 922 8265 425 078540 00010 331 145540 00010 586 235810 000
MALTA0.030.03801420 779.361 035 00045 000546 981808 37060 0001 539 40560 0001 577 41590 000
NETHERLANDS4.854.77678-5 189 612.16167 325 0007 275 00088 428 545101 589 2639 700 000193 459 5909 700 000198 236 37014 550 000
POLAND1.302.0073418 233 772.4744 850 0001 950 00023 702 49742 690 7232 600 00081 297 2702 600 00083 304 6103 900 000
PORTUGAL1.151.196792 524 676.1939 675 0001 725 00020 967 59325 452 5042 300 00048 469 9952 300 00049 666 7853 450 000
ROMANIA0.370.718155 189 612.1612 765 000555 0006 746 09515 273 119740 00029 085 075740 00029 803 2251 110 000
SLOVAKIA0.210.376162 945 455.557 245 000315 0003 828 8657 999 911420 00015 234 480420 00015 610 640630 000
SLOVENIA0.180.224522 524 676.196 210 000270 0003 281 8844 774 937360 0009 093 060360 0009 317 580540 000
SPAIN7.857.9324828 192 217.44270 825 00011 775 000143 126 614168 702 51415 700 000321 265 44015 700 000329 197 92023 550 000
SWEDEN2.742.93911140 259.7994 530 0004 110 00049 957 57062 506 9655 480 000119 033 9555 480 000121 973 0658 220 000
UNITED KINGDOM14.8214.6786229 875 334.89511 290 00022 230 000270 208 460312 174 76729 640 000594 484 11029 640 000609 162 73044 460 000
CROATIA0.000.2251800004 788 97309 119 79009 344 9700
TOTAL EU-28100.00100.0003 450 000 000150 000 0001 823 268 9632 126 731 037200 000 0004 050 000 000200 000 0004 150 000 000300 000 000
3 600 000 0004 150 000 0004 250 000 0004 450 000 000

(1) Internal Agreement between the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States of the European Union, meeting within the Council, on the financing of European Union aid under the multiannual financial framework for the period 2014 to 2020, in accordance with the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement, and on the allocation of financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and Territories to which Part Four of the Treaty applies (OJ L 210, 06.08.2013, p.

(2) OJ L 58, 3.3.2015, p. 17–38
(3) African, Caribbean and Pacific States.
(4) Overseas Countries and Territories.
(5) OJ L 210, 06.08.2013.
(6) OJ L 58, 03.03.2015, Council Regulation (EU) 2015/323of 2 March 2015 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the 11th European Development Fund.
(7) Council Decision of 10 November 2014 – Council document 14563/14
(8) Council Decision of 26 June 2015 – Council document 10257/15
(9) Gross commitments, i.e. without de-commitments being deducted.
(10) Gross payments, i.e. without recoveries being deducted.