Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2018)24 - Key Competences for Lifelong Learning - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2018)24 - Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. |
source | COM(2018)24 |
date | 17-01-2018 |
• Reasons for and objectives of the proposal
European societies and economies are experiencing significant digital and technological innovations as well as labour market and demographic changes. Many of today's jobs did not exist a decade ago and many new forms of employment will be created in the future. In the White Paper on the Future of Europe the Commission highlights that it 'is likely that most children entering primary school today will end up working in new job types that do not yet exist' and that coping with this 'will require a massive investment in skills and a major rethink of education and lifelong learning systems' 1 .
Education and training are part of the solution to get more people into decent jobs, respond better to the skills the economy needs and strengthen Europe's resilience. With rapid technological progress and related changes in job profiles and requirements, lifelong learning needs to build on strong collaboration and synergies between industry, education, training and learning settings. At the same time, education and training systems need to adapt to this reality. In particular, it appears no longer sufficient to equip young people with a fixed set of skills or knowledge; they need to develop resilience, a broad set of competences, and the ability to adapt to change 2 . As such, the need for and value of a lifelong learning perspective, where people acquire new and more relevant competences throughout their lives, is more evident than ever.
In the declaration of Rome of 25 March 2017, the leaders of 27 Member States and of the European Council, the European Parliament and the European Commission pledge to working towards a Union 'where young people receive the best education and training and can study and find jobs across the continent' 3 .
Our societies and economies rely heavily on highly educated and competent people. Skills such as creativity, critical thinking, taking initiative and problem solving play an important role in coping with complexity and change in today's society. The Reflection Paper on Harnessing Globalisation recognises that new ways of learning, as well as more flexible training and educational models, are needed for a society which is becoming increasingly mobile and digital, and the Reflection Paper on the Social Dimension of Europe emphasises the importance of possessing the right set of skills and competences to sustain living standards in Europe. 4 Climate change and the limits of ecological resources, together with economic and social inequalities, mean that sustainable development is a necessary concern for all human activity. 5
As was clearly outlined in the Commission Communication on Strengthening European identity through education and culture 6 , a European Education Area should facilitate cooperation and mobility of learners, of education and training staff and educational and training institutions This is based on a shared interest of all Member States to harness the full potential of education and culture as a driver for jobs, social fairness, active citizenship and European identity in all its diversity. It responds to the increased mobility of European labour markets, the need to increasingly invest in language learning, in digital, entrepreneurial and STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) competences. In its follow-up, the European Council in December 2017 inter alia asked for examining measures to address the skills challenges linked to digitalisation, cybersecurity, media literacy and artificial intelligence and the need for an inclusive, lifelong learning-based and innovation-driven approach to education and training 7 .
In stark contrast to these demands, latest OECD PISA data show that one in five pupils in the European Union (EU) has insufficient proficiency in reading, mathematics or science. 8 Worryingly, between 2012 and 2015, the trend in underachievement for the EU as a whole has worsened. In the countries involved in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) 2012, between 4.9% and 27.7% of adults are proficient at only the lowest levels in literacy and 8.1% to 31.7% are proficient at only the lowest levels in numeracy. 9
In addition, 44% of the EU population have low or no (19%) digital skills, 10 despite the fact that the pace of technological and digital change is having a profound effect on our economies and societies. The rapid digital transformation of the economy means that almost all jobs now require some level of digital skills, as does participation in society at large. Digital skills are now as vital as literacy and numeracy and Europe therefore needs digitally competent people who are not only able to use but also to innovate and lead in using these technologies.
The European Pillar of Social Rights states as its first principle the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning 11 . Not having the necessary competences to successfully participate in society and the labour market increases the risk of unemployment, poverty and social exclusion. It hampers inclusive and sustainable growth, in addition to industry competitiveness and innovation capablities. As research shows, improving basic skills in literacy, numeracy as well as digital competences, goes hand in hand with competence development in a broader range of key competences; it is especially strongly related to personal development, the development of learning competences and civic competences. 12
In 2006, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning 13 . It recommended Member States to develop the provision of key competences for all as part of their lifelong learning strategies. It also defined in the annexed 'European Reference Framework of Key Competences' the competences each individual needs for personal fulfilment and development, employment, social inclusion and active citizenship. Member States were asked to use the Reference Framework to ensure that initial education and training offers all young people the means to develop the key competences to a level that equips them for adult life and that adults are able to develop and update their key competences throughout their lives.
Since 2006 the ways in which teaching and learning take place have evolved rapidly: greater use of technology, enhanced distance learning and the increase of informal learning through the use of mobile digital devices impacts on the opportunities to acquire competences. Experiences during the last decade have shown that education, training and learning settings need to better use these new opportunities to actively support the development of competences throughout life. Learning experiences for all learners and across subject areas need to be enriched by reinforcing collaboration between formal and non-formal learning settings. This can be achieved by promoting cross-discipline learning, inquiry-based learning, traineeships and work-based learning.
The objective of the proposed Recommendation is to improve the development of key competences for all people throughout life and to promote measures needed to achieve this objective. It encourages Member States to better prepare people for changing labour markets and active citizenship in more diverse, mobile, digital and global societies, and to develop learning at all stages of life. It calls especially for investing in basic skills, in entrepreneurial and digital competences as well as in language competences to enable everyone to participate actively in society and economy. It also calls for investment in STEM competences to nurture scientific understanding and increase the attractiveness to follow a career in STEM. The proposed Recommendation replaces the Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in 2006 14 . It will:
·Support the implementation of the first principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights - underlining that '(e)veryone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and lifelong learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market' – as well as the 4th principle – strengthening the right 'to timely and tailor-made assistance to improve employment or self-employment prospects', including the right to 'support for job search, training and re-qualification.'
·Support the development of an European Education Area by agreeing on the key competences needed by all learners, by supporting mobility of learners and educational staff, and by supporting especially the development of language competences to facilitate mobility and cooperation in Europe;
·Support the development of entrepreneurial competences to develop essential skills and attitudes including creativity, initiative taking, teamwork, understanding of risk and a sense of responsibility;
·Respond to changing requirements for competences, including basic skills, digital competences, competences in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and highlight measures to support competence development in these areas;
·Highlight the role of active citizenship, shared values and fundamental rights;
·Incorporate the results of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and the impetus provided by UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Education 2030;
·Assist Member States, education, training and learning settings and education staff to better support competence development by setting out good practices to support the development of key competences;
·Contribute to the design of the future Strategic Framework for European cooperation in Education and Training by promoting a common understanding of key competences;
·Support the use of European funding sources such as Erasmus+, the European Structural and Investment Funds and Horizon 2020;
The accompanying Staff Working Document provides further evidence on previous experiences in the implemention of the 2006 Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, analysis supporting the new Recommendation on Key Competences for lifelong learning, as well as examples of existing policies and projects supporting competence development in a lifelong learning perspective.
Key competences are those competences all individuals need for personal fulfilment and development, employment, social inclusion and active citizenship. They are composed of knowledge, skills and attitudes and go beyond the notion of only (academic) knowledge.
The 2006 European Reference Framework of Key Competences for lifelong learning (Reference Framework) defined eight key competences:
·Communication in the mother tongue;
·Communication in foreign languages;
·Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology;
·Digital competence;
·Learning to learn;
·Social and civic competences;
·Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; and
·Cultural awareness and expression.
Since its adoption, the Reference Framework and its underlying concept have been used by Member States and stakeholders; a majority of Member States have implemented related reforms. There is great variation in these reforms, and Member States have also adapted the definition of key competences over time. Most reforms have taken place in school education or vocational education and training. Progress has been seen in relation to key competences that easily relate to traditional school 'subjects', such as communication in mother tongue and foreign languages or mathematical competence, rather than competences which cut across the boundaries of traditional “subjects” such as learning-to-learn, entrepreneurship or social and civic competence 15 .
Education, training and learning settings face challenges in applying competence-oriented approaches to teaching and learning. Moving from a rather static conception of curricular content to a dynamic definition of the knowledge, skills and attitudes a learner needs to develop throughout the learning process requires a paradigm shift in education, training and learning, affecting the way it is organised and assessed.
In addition, competence needs are not static; they change throughout life. The competences acquired at school need to be developed to be adequate throughout life; keeping competences up to date, and acquiring new ones in response to changing needs is a lifelong process. Everyone, therefore, needs the opportunity to develop his or her competences throughout life.
This Recommendation presents not only an updated European Reference Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, but also outlines good practices supporting the development of competence-oriented approaches in education and training, including non-formal learning and in a lifelong perspective.
• Consistency with existing policy provisions in the policy area
The 2015 Joint Report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET 2020) set clear priorities in developing 'relevant and high-quality knowledge, skills and competences developed throughout lifelong learning focusing on learning outcomes for employability, innovation, active citizenship and well-being' 16 .
The Commission Communication on Strengthening European identity through education and culture 17 calls for investing in people and their education and to make sure that education and training systems help all learners acquire the knowledge, skills and competences that are deemed essential in today's world. It also makes a strong link between a common understanding of the competences everybody needs and the establishment of a European Education Area.
The review of the 2006 Council Recommendation of Key Competences was announced in the New Skills Agenda for Europe to develop a shared and up-dated understanding of key competences, to foster their introduction in education and training curricula, and to provide support for better developing and assessing them 18 .
In the Investing in Europes Youth' initiative, adopted on 7 December 2016 19 , and the following Communications on School development and excellent teaching 20 as well as Modernising Higher Education 21 in May 2017, the Commission further underlined the need to invest in competence development and further ambitions in this area.
The Council Recommendaton adopted in December 2016 on Upskilling pathways: new opportunities for adults, recommends that adults with a low level of skills, knowledge and competences be offered the opportunity, according to their individual needs, to acquire a minimum level of literacy, numeracy and digital competence; and/or acquire a wider set of skills, knowledge and competences, building on the 2006 Recommendation on Key competences for lifelong learning.
The Council Recommendation of 20 December 2012 on the Validation of non-formal and informal learning 22 invited Member States to have in place, no later than 2018, in accordance with national circumstances and specificities, and as they deem appropriate, arrangements for the validation of non-formal and informal learning which enable individuals to have knowledge, skills and competences which have been acquired through non-formal and informal learning validated and to obtain a full qualification, or, where applicable, partial qualification.
The Council Recommendation of 22 May 2017 on the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning repealing the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning 23 provides a common reference framework to help individuals and organisations compare different qualification systems and the levels of qualifications from these systems.
The Europass Framework 24 helps people to better communicate and describe their competences and qualifications.
• Consistency with other Union policies
In its Communication on Strengthening European identity through education and culture the Commission underlines that education forms the basis for a productive and creative work force and eventually a resilient economy. It stresses the need to invest in people, in their competences and opportunities. It refers especially to the need to increase efforts in supporting the development of key competences. 25
The European Pillar of Social Rights underscores "the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable [everyone] to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market" as well as 'the right to further training and re-qualification' 26 .
The proposal for Council Recommendation on Common values, inclusive education and the European dimension of teaching 27 highlights in particular civic competence, as described in the Annex to this Recommendation. It sets out a number of actions that Member States could take with the support of the Union.
The Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee of the Regions on the Digital Education Action Plan 28 sets out how education and training systems can make better use of innovation and digital technology and support the development of relevant digital competences needed for life and work in an age of rapid digital change. The Digital Education Action Plan has a specific focus on initial education and training systems and covers schools, VET and higher education.
• Legal basis
The initiative is in conformity with Articles 165 and 166 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Article 165 states that the Union shall contribute to the development of quality education by encouraging cooperation between Member States and, if necessary, by supporting and supplementing their action, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States for the content and organisation of their education systems. Article 166 states that the Union shall implement a vocational training policy which shall support and supplement the action of the Member States, while fully respecting the responsibility of the Member States for the content and organisation of vocational training.
The initiative does not propose any extension of EU regulatory power or binding commitments on Member States. Member States will decide, according to their national circumstances, how they implement this Recommendation.
• Subsidiarity (for non-exclusive competence)
While many Member States have their own national competence frameworks to guide education and training, there is currently limited exchange of good practice in further supporting competence oriented teaching and learning.
The added value of this Recommendation at the Union level lies in the ability of the Union to:
·Formulate a common reference framework for the key competences needed;
·Promote a common understanding of lifelong learning;
·Facilitate sharing of knowledge, expertise and good practice;
·Support inititatives at EU level to foster competence development;
·Support the development of competence frameworks that help define learning outcomes and form a basis for assessment and validation practices;
·Support the evaluation of competence development and monitor progress at EU level.
• Proportionality
The proposal reinforces a common understanding of key competences for lifelong learning and lays the foundation for Member States and the Commission in sharing good practice and in developing policies at both national and EU levels supporting the acquisition of key competences. The proposal covers all educational and training levels, formal, non-formal and informal learning and all age groups. As the commitments Member States will make are of a voluntary nature and each Member State decides the approach to take, the measure is considered proportionate.
• Choice of the instrument
To contribute to the achievement of the objectives referred to in articles 165 and 166 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, this Treaty authorises the adoption of Recommendations by the Council, on a proposal from the Commission.
A Council Recommendation is an appropriate instrument within the field of education and training, where the EU has a supporting competence, and is an instrument that has been frequently used for European action in the areas of education and training. As a legal instrument, it signals the commitment of Member States to the measures within the text and provides a stronger political basis for cooperation in this area, while fully respecting Member State competence in the field of education and training.
• Ex-post evaluations/fitness checks of existing legislation
Not applicable.
• Stakeholder consultations
Starting with the Education, Training and Youth Forum in October 2016, a series of dedicated consultation meetings and expert seminars have been held. The review of the 2006 Recommendation of Key Competences was also broadly discussed with Member States representatives in the ET 2020 High Level Group meetings, the meetings of Director Generals for school education, vocational education and training, and higher education as well as the Advisory Committee for Vocational Education and Training, the Cultural Affairs Committee and the Youthpass Advisory Group meeting.
An online public consultation was open from 22 February till 19 May 2017 resulting in almost 500 responses and the submission of 69 position papers. Contributions show a good coverage of education ministries and non-governmental stakeholders. The consultation process was concluded with a conference in Brussels on 14 June 2017 29 .
The results of the consultation confirm the relevance of the European Reference Framework of Key Competences. Respondents confirmed that changes are needed to ensure that it reflects political, social, economic, ecological and technological developments of the last decade.
Key findings of the online public consultation are:
·the majority of respondents appreciate the Reference Framework as a relevant tool for
·education, training and learning (77%);
·a majority of contributors see a need to introduce minor changes into the Reference Framework (65%);
·respondents stress the need to further support the use of the Reference Framework and
·support competence-oriented education, training and learning in Europe.
The online consultation, position papers and consultation meetings/conferences underlined the need:
·to respond to competence demands in literacy, languages and communication in today's multilingual and culturally diverse societies;
·to respond to rapidly changing digital and technological environments by updating the definition of digital competence. This update should include the lessons learned in developing and supporting use of the widely used Digital Competence Framework 30 ;
·to further improve the development of competences in mathematics, science and technologies;
·to stress the importance of personal and interpersonal skills, sometimes referred to as life, socio-emotional, or soft skills, as they help individuals respond to uncertainty and change. Skills such as critical thinking, teamwork, intercultural skills and problem solving are suggested to be further strengthened in the Reference Framework;
·to stress sustainability in the Recommendation, following the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005 – 2014) and in view of the global sustainable development goals, including for education, for 2030;
·to highlight civic competence and the role of citizenship, shared values and human rights. It is increasingly important to empower individuals to act as responsible, active people able to contribute to peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure societies. In this context, it is furthermore suggested to strengthen media literacy and intercultural skills;
·to highlight creativity, the ability to plan and manage processes, and deal with risk as part of informed decision-making as essential dimensions of entrepreneurship competence. There was a preference to align the updated definition with the EntreComp Framework; 31
·to take into account a broader range of contemporary forms of cultural expression and also include the element of developing one’s own cultural identity. Positive and open-minded attitudes towards other cultures and cultural differences should be highlighted.
The consultation confirmed that the use of the Reference Framework has been focused on formal learning in primary and secondary levels. A stronger connection with other types of education and training, such as early childhood education and care, VET, higher education, adult education, and non-formal learning is therefore needed.
Finally, to further support the use of the Reference Framework it was suggested to strengthen guidance and support for educational and training staff and to explore ways of supporting approaches to assessment, both as part of teaching and learning processes and for education and training governance.
• Collection and use of expertise
The proposal is based on a wide range of reports and studies on the impact of the 2006 Recommendation on Key Competences, related reforms in Member States and relevant EU funded projects. The Joint Progress Report of the Council and the European Commission in 2010 looked at first experiences among Member States in shifting to competence-oriented curricula in education and training. 32 The findings of KeyCoNet 33 , a European policy network on key competences development in school education, as well as a Eurydice Report from 2012 34 provide a good overview of the use of the Reference Framework in school education. CEDEFOP reports 35 provide insight on the extent to which the Reference Framework played a role in vocational education and training.
Evidence was also gathered through studies launched for the purpose of the review, including a literature review on the use of the European Reference Framework and a comparative analysis on international and national competence frameworks 36 .
For specific competences, work relied on studies and reports in these areas such as recent reports on literacy and language learning 37 , science education 38 , social and emotional education 39 , citizenship education 40 , entrepreneurship education 41 , civic and citizenship comptence 42 and cultural awareness and expression 43 .
The review also took note of reports and studies from OECD, UNESCO and the Council of Europe which are engaged in defining competence frameworks in the area of education, training and learning 44 . Another relevant source of information was the work of Joint Research Centre (JRC), especially in the area of digital and entrepreneurial competences 45 .
• Impact assessment
Given the complementary approach of the activities to Member State initiatives, the voluntary nature of the proposed activities and the scope of the impacts expected, an impact assessment was not carried out. The development of the proposal was informed by previous studies, consultation of Member States and the public consultation.
• Regulatory fitness and simplification
Not applicable.
• Fundamental rights
Not applicable.
This initiative will not require additional resources from the EU Budget.
• Implementation plans and monitoring, evaluation and reporting arrangements
To support the implementation, the Commission proposes to develop in cooperation with Member States supporting guidance material which addresses the weaknesses in implementating competence-oriented teaching and learning.
The Commission intends to report on the use of the Recommendation in the context of European cooperation in the area of education, training and learning.
• Explanatory documents (for directives)
Not applicable.
• Detailed explanation of the specific provisions of the proposal
Member States are invited to reinforce the development of the key competences for all learners, in particular learners from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are invited to increase efforts to raise especially levels of achievement in basic skills (literacy, numeracy and basic digital skills), digital and entrepreneurship competences, STEM competences as well as language competences. Member States are asked to reinforce, where necessary, their support for competence-oriented approches to teaching and learning in all education, training and learning settings.
In addition to an up-dated European Reference Framework of Key Competences, several good practices are suggested to support staff in all education, training and learning settings in competence-oriented learning and on further developing the assessment of key competences. Supporting the development of key competences requires creating and applying a variety of supportive learning approaches and contexts; Member States are encouraged to support their further development.
The Recommendation also underlines the need to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals by mainstreaming them in education, training and non-formal learning.
Member States are invited to report on experiences and progress in the provision of key competences.
The Commission proposes to further develop guidance material on competence-oriented approaches in education, training and learning and to support initiatives to develop and promote education for sustainable development with regard to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all 46 .
The Commission proposes to develop a scoreboard to monitor the development of key competences and to provide information on the measures implemented to support competence development. It intends to develop a proposal for future European benchmarks in competence development with regard to the next cycle of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training.