Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2020)836 - Second DRAFT General Budget of the EU for the financial year 2021 GENERAL INTRODUCTION

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Brussels, 10.12.2020

COM(2020) 836 final

Second DRAFT General Budget
of the European Union
for the financial year 2021




Second DRAFT General Budget
of the European Union
for the financial year 2021





Having regard to:

–the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 314 thereof, in conjunction with the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 106a thereof,

–the Commission proposal for a Council Regulation laying down the multiannual financial framework for the years 2021 to 2027 of 2 May 2018 1 and its amended proposal of 28 May 2020 2 ,

–the conclusions adopted by the European Council on 21 July 2020 3 following the special meeting of 17-21 July 2020;

–the Commission proposal for Interinstutional Agreement on budgetary discipline, cooperation and budgetary matters and sound financial management of 2 May 2018 4 and its amended proposal of 28 May 2020 5 .

–the Commission proposal for a Council Decision on the system of Own Resources of the European Union of 2 May 2018 6 and its amended proposal of 28 May 2020 7 ,

–the proposal for a Council Regulation establishing a European Union Recovery Instrument to support the recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic 8 ,

–the Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union, amending Regulations (EU) No 1296/2013, (EU) No 1301/2013, (EU) No 1303/2013, (EU) No 1304/2013, (EU) No 1309/2013, (EU) No 1316/2013, (EU) No 223/2013, (EU) No 283/2014, and Decision No 541/2014/EU, and repealing Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 9 ,

–the original draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021, presented by the Commission on 27 July 2020 10 ,

–the Council’s position on the original draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021 adopted by the Council on 7 September 2020 11 ,

–the European Parliament’s amendments on the Council’s position on the original draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2021, adopted by the European Parliament on 12 November 2020 12 ,

–the Amending letter 1/2021 to the original draft general budget 2021, presented by the Commission on 13 November 2020 13 ,

–the common understanding on the content of the budget for 2021, based on the Draft Elements of Joint Conclusions no. 4 as presented by the Commission on 4 December 2020, reached by the Conciliation Committee on 4 December 2020.

The European Commission hereby presents to the European Parliament and to the Council the general introduction to the second draft general budget for 2021.

Simultaneously with this general introduction, the full details by section of the second draft budget for 2021 are available on EUR-Lex ( eur-lex.europa.eu/budget/www/index-en ) in all linguistic versions.




1. Introduction


2. The multiannual financial framework and the Second 2021 draft budget


2.1. Ceilings of the multiannual financial framework for the 2021 budget


2.2. Overview of the second 2021 draft budget


3. Key elements of the second draft budget proposal


3.1. Horizontal issues


3.2. General approach for commitment appropriations

3.2.1. Heading 1 – Single Market, Innovation and Digital

3.2.2. Heading 2a – Economic, social and territorial Cohesion

3.2.3. Heading 2b – Resilience and Values

3.2.4. Heading 3 – Natural Resources and Environment

3.2.5. Heading 4 – Migration and Border Management

3.2.6. Heading 5 – Security and Defence

3.2.7. Heading 6 – Neighbourhood and the World

3.2.8. Heading 7 – European Public Administration


3.2.9. Thematic special instruments: EGF and SEAR


3.3. General approach for payment appropriations


3.4. Reserves


3.5. Changes in nomenclature and budget remarks


3.5.1. Budget remarks


3.5.2. Nomenclature


4. Concluding Remarks


5. 2021 second draft budget by financial framework headings and main programmes



On 27 July 2020, the Commission transmitted the draft budget for 2021 in all official languages 14 . On 7 September 2020, the Council completed its reading of the draft budget and on 12 November 2020 the European Parliament adopted its reading. On 13 November the Commission transmitted amending letter 1/2021 with updated estimates for the year 2021. As the European Parliament did not accept the Council reading and adopted amendments to the draft budget which could not be accepted by the Council, a Conciliation Committee was convened, in accordance with Article 314(4)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

The Conciliation Committee worked over a period of twenty-one days, between 17 November and 7 December 2020. Although the Conciliation Committee reached a common understanding on the content of the budget for 2021, based on the Draft Elements of Joint Conclusions no. 4 as presented by the Commission on 4 December 2020, in the light of the circumstances as regards the multiannual financial framework (MFF) for 2021-2027 at that time, it was not in a position to agree on a joint text within the conciliation period of 21 days.

In the absence of formal agreement in the Conciliation Committee, in accordance with Article 314(8) of the TFEU, the Commission hereby submits a second draft budget for 2021. It is based on the common understanding reached by the Conciliation Committee on 4 December. It follows to a large extent the Commission’s original draft budget, as amended by Amending letter no 1/2021 15 , with some significant reinforcements in commitment appropriations for key programmes and investments contributing to green and digital transition and creating jobs and growth (such as the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – Transport, the Digital Europe Programme and LIFE) and with some decreases and redeployments especially in heading 2b following the readings of the Council and the European Parliament of the original draft budget. A targeted increase amounting to EUR 20 million of Horizon Europe is proposed through the application of Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation. The overall level of payments following the changes in commitments and redeployments is EUR 63,9 million lower compared to Amending letter 1/2021.

Given the progress in the formal adoption of the Multiannual Financial Framework package, the second draft general budget is proposed with a view of its adoption together with the new 2021-2027 MFF before the end of the year.


2.The multiannual financial framework and the Second 2021 draft budget


2.1.Ceilings of the multiannual financial framework for the 2021 budget

The ceilings for commitment and payment appropriations in the multiannual financial framework (MFF) 16 for the establishment of the second 2021 draft budget are presented in the table below:

Heading2021 MFF ceilings

million EUR, at current prices
1.Single Market, Innovation and Digital20 919
2.Cohesion, Resilience and Values52 786
2a.Economic, social and territorial cohesion48 191
2b.Resilience and values4 595
3.Natural Resources and Environment58 624
of which: Market related expenditure and direct payments40 925
4.Migration and Border Management2 467
5.Security and Defence1 805
6.Neighbourhood and the World16 247
7.European Public Administration10 635
of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions8 216

In the MFF, the overall ceiling for commitment appropriations is set at EUR 163 483 million, which represents 1,17 % of EU gross national income (GNI) 17 . The ceiling for payment appropriations is EUR 166 140 million, or 1,19 % of GNI.


2.2.Overview of the second 2021 draft budget

EUR million in current prices

Headings(A)(B)(B – A)(B / A)
2020 Budget
Second draft budget 2021Difference 2021 – 2020 (Difference
1.SINGLE MARKET, INNOVATION AND DIGITAL21 869,019 154,720 816,617 191,6-1 052,4-1 963,1-4,8%-10,2%
Ceiling20 919,0
2.COHESION, RESILIENCE AND VALUES66 213,662 054,552 861,966 153,8-13 351,74 099,3-20,2%6,6%
Of which under Flexibility Instrument76,4
Ceiling52 786,0
2.a— Economic, social and territorial cohesion58 568,155 208,648 190,561 867,9-10 377,66 659,3-17,7%12,1%
Sub-ceiling48 191,0
2.b— Resilience and Values7 645,56 845,84 671,44 285,9-2 974,1-2 560,0-38,9%-37,4%
Of which under Flexibility Instrument76,4
Sub-ceiling4 595,0
3.NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT59 936,558 662,558 568,656 804,2-1 368,0-1 858,3-2,3%-3,2%
Ceiling58 624,0
— Of which: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) — Market related expenditure and direct payments43 458,843 428,740 368,040 353,7-3 090,8-3 074,9-7,1%-7,1%
Sub-ceiling40 925,0
Net transfer between EAGF and EAFRD
EAGF Margin557,0
4.MIGRATION AND BORDER MANAGEMENT2 367,82 168,02 278,82 686,2-89,0518,2-3,8%23,9%
Ceiling2 467,0
5.SECURITY AND DEFENCE831,4814,21 709,3670,6877,8-143,5105,6%-17,6%
Ceiling1 805,0
6.NEIGHBOURHOOD AND THE WORLD10 848,69 603,316 097,210 811,05 248,61 207,748,4%12,6%
Ceiling16 247,0
7.EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION10 222,310 225,310 448,310 449,6226,1224,32,2%2,2%
Ceiling10 635,0
— Of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions7 906,17 909,18 035,88 037,1129,7128,01,6%1,6%
Sub-ceiling8 217,0
European Schools and Pensions2 316,12 316,12 412,52 412,596,496,44,2%4,2%
Administrative expenditure of the institutions7 906,17 909,18 035,88 037,1129,7128,01,6%1,6%
APPROPRIATIONS FOR HEADINGS172 289,2162 682,4162 780,6164 767,0-9 508,62 084,6-5,5%1,3%
Of which under Flexibility Instrument76,4628,5
Ceiling163 483,0166 140,0
Margin778,82 001,4
Appropriations as % of GNI (2)1,01%0,96%1,16%1,18%0,15%0,22%
Thematic special instruments (3)1 594,91 425,61 470,81 293,5-124,0-132,1-7,8%-9,3%
Outside MFF
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS173 884,1164 108,0164 251,5166 060,5-9 632,61 952,4-5,5%1,2%
Appropriations as % of GNI1,02%0,97%1,17%1,19%0,15%0,22%
(1) Budget 2020 includes amending budgets 1 to 8 and draft amending budget 10.

The second draft budget 2021 is based on the forecast of GNI as presented in the Spring Econcomic Forecast published on 6 May 2020.

Thematic special instruments includes the ‘Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR)’, the ‘European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF)’, the ’European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF)’ and the Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR)

In terms of commitment appropriations (including thematic special instruments), the total expenditure proposed in the second draft budget (DB) 2021 is set at EUR 164 251,5 million. Overall, this leaves a margin below the MFF ceilings for 2021 of EUR 778,8 million in commitment appropriations.

For payment appropriations (including thematic special instruments), the requested total expenditure is EUR 166 060,5 million. Overall, this leaves a margin below the MFF ceilings for 2021 of EUR 2 001,4 million in payment appropriations.

The Flexibility Instrument for 2021 is mobilised in commitment appropriations for an amount of EUR 76,4 million for heading 2b Resilience and Values.

The 2021 payment appropriations related to the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 are estimated by the Commission at EUR 628,5 million. The estimated payment schedule of the related outstanding amounts for these years is detailed in the following table:

Flexibility instrument - payment profile
Mobilisation year2 0212 0222 0232 024Total

Commitment appropriations for Single Market, Innovation and Digital are set at EUR 20 816,6 million leaving a margin of EUR 102,4 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 17 191,6 million.

For heading 2a Economic, social and territorial cohesion commitment appropriations are set at EUR 48 190,5 million leaving a margin of EUR 0,5 million under the expenditure ceiling of the heading. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 48 190,5 million.

For heading 2b Resilience and Values commitment appropriations are set at EUR 4 671,4 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 2b and the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for EUR 76,4 million. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 4 285,9 million.

Under heading 3 Natural Resources and Environment, the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 58 568,6 million, leaving a margin of EUR 55,4 million under the expenditure ceiling of the heading. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 56 804,2 million.

Commitment appropriations for Migration and Border Management are set at EUR 2 278,8 million, leaving a margin of EUR 188,2 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 4. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 2 686,2 million.

For heading 5 Security and Defence commitment appropriations are set at EUR 1 709,3 million, leaving a margin of EUR 95,7 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 5. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 670,6 million.

Commitment appropriations for Neighbourhood and the World are set at EUR 16 097,2 million, leaving a margin of EUR 149,8 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 6. Payment appropriations are set at EUR 10 811,0 million.

Commitment and payment appropriations for Administration (heading 7) for all institutions combined including pensions and European schools is respectively set at EUR 10 448,3 million for commitments and EUR 10 449,6 million for payments. The resulting unallocated margin is EUR 186,7 million.


3.Key elements of the second draft budget proposal

Overall, the second draft budget builds on the common understanding reached by the Conciliation Committee on 4 December. The details of the amendments proposed to the original draft budget, as modified by Amending letter 1/2021, are outlined hereafter.


3.1.Horizontal issues

Decentralised agencies

For decentralised agencies, the EU contribution (in commitment appropriations and in payment appropriations) and the number of posts are proposed to be set at the level of the original draft budget as amended by Amending letter 1/2021, with the following amendments:

·Under heading 1b:

oThe European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA, budget article 07 10 04) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 638 178.

oThe European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE, budget article 07 10 05) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 971 628.

oThe European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust, budget article 07 10 07) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 500 000.

oThe European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO, budget article 07 10 08) for which 8 additional posts (representing a frontloading of the increase foreseen in 2022) are allocated and the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 7 252 790.

·Under heading 4:

oThe European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex, budget article 11 10 01) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is reduced by EUR 61 000 000.

oThe European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (‘eu-LISA’, budget article 11 10 02) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 500 000.


Executive agencies

For executive agencies, the EU contribution (in commitment appropriations and in payment appropriations) and the number of posts are proposed to be set at the level of the original draft budget, as amended by Amending letter 1/2021.

The Commission will present a Draft Amending budget in 2021 in order to adjust the structure and appropriations to the new set of executive agencies once they are formally established. The corresponding Commission implementing decision establishing the new executive agencies and the Commission decisions delegating powers to them are expected to be adopted early in the 2021.


Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions

The second draft budget includes a comprehensive package of 59 pilot projects and preparatory actions for a total amount of EUR 71,8 million in commitment appropriations, reflecting the European Parliament's reading of the original draft budget.


3.2.General approach for commitment appropriations

3.2.1.Heading 1 – Single Market, Innovation and Digital

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021, with the amendments included in the table below:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1.0.221CEF Transport1 725 058 0001 785 393 45860 335 458
02 03 01Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Transport1 711 996 4201 772 331 87860 335 458
1.0.23Digital Europe Programme1 103 848 0001 129 576 96225 728 962
02 04 03Artificial Intelligence293 895 160318 323 27424 428 114
02 04 04Skills82 290 59483 591 4421 300 848
PPPAPilot projects and preparatory actions35 965 000
Total122 029 420

As a consequence, the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 20 816,6 million, leaving a margin of EUR 102,4 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 1.

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation 18 , commitment appropriations are made available again on the research budget lines for a total of EUR 20 million in commitment appropriations. The following budget lines are reinforced as follows:

(in Eur)
Budget linesCommitment appropriations
01 02 02 10Cluster Health3 400 000
01 02 02 40Cluster Digital, Industry and Space3 400 000
01 02 02 50Cluster Climate, Energy and Mobility6 600 000
01 02 02 60Cluster Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment6 600 000
Total20 000 000

These appropriations are part of the overall amount of up to EUR 0,5 billion (in 2018 prices) for the period 2021-2027 retained in the ‘Joint declaration’ agreed on 10 November 2020. This leaves up to EUR 481,2 million in 2018 prices available for the period 2022-2027.

3.2.2.Heading 2a – Economic, social and territorial Cohesion

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021.

3.2.3.Heading 2b – Resilience and Values

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021, with the amendments included in the table below:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
2.2.23Financing cost of the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI)111 461 00039 591 000-71 870 000
06 04 01European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) – Payment of periodic coupon and redemption at maturity106 461 00034 591 000-71 870 000
07 03 01Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training2 298 294 5840-2 298 294 584
07 03 01 01Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training – Indirect management01 755 470 4461 755 470 446
07 03 01 02Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training – Direct management0542 824 138542 824 138
2.2.351Justice43 696 00046 392 5382 696 538
07 07 01Promoting judicial cooperation10 646 00011 319 945673 945
07 07 02Supporting judicial training17 570 00018 682 2681 112 268
07 07 03Promoting effective access to justice14 380 00015 290 325910 325
2.2.352Rights and Values90 624 00097 179 1526 555 152
07 06 02Promote citizens engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union34 938 00036 238 8481 300 848
07 06 03Daphne15 690 00020 444 3044 754 304
07 06 04Protect and promote Union values0500 000500 000
2.2.3DAGDecentralised Agencies211 135 699220 498 2959 362 596
07 10 04European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)23 111 51723 749 695638 178
07 10 05European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)7 955 0008 926 628971 628
07 10 07European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust)42 345 00642 845 006500 000
07 10 08European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO)37 700 00044 952 7907 252 790
07 20 04 06Specific competences in the area of social policy, including social dialogue49 380 38128 326 381-21 054 000
07 20 04 09Information and training measures for workers’ organisations021 054 00021 054 000
PPPAPilot projects and preparatory actions31 870 000
Total-21 385 714

As a consequence, the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 4 671,4 million, with no margin left under the expenditure ceiling of heading 2b and the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument for EUR 76,4 million.

3.2.4.Heading 3 – Natural Resources and Environment

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021, with the amendments included in the table below:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
3.2.21Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)696 491 000738 505 37242 014 372
09 02 01Nature and biodiversity258 642 156274 720 40016 078 244
09 02 02Circular economy and quality of life168 461 328178 933 56610 472 238
09 02 03Climate change mitigation and adaptation121 426 944128 975 3347 548 390
09 02 04Clean energy transition127 332 437135 247 9377 915 500
PPPAPilot projects and preparatory actions3 740 000
Total45 754 372

As a consequence, the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 58 568,6 million, leaving a margin of EUR 55,4 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 3.

3.2.5.Heading 4 – Migration and Border Management

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021, with the amendments detailed in the following table:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
4.0.2DAGDecentralised Agencies794 770 045734 270 045-60 500 000
11 10 01European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex)566 949 620505 949 620-61 000 000
11 10 02European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (‘eu-LISA’)227 820 425228 320 425500 000
Total-60 500 000

Following the recent political agreement of 10 November 2020 between the European Parliament and the Council on the MFF 2021-2027 and pending the approval of the relevant texts, the reduction for the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) in 2021 does not affect the overall top-up of EUR 0,5 billion (in 2018 prices) agreed politically in that context. The cut proposed in 2021 will be compensated in later years in line with the agreement on the MFF, whilst respecting the principles of sound financial management.

As a consequence, the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 2 278,8 million, leaving a margin of EUR 188,2 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading.

3.2.6.Heading 5 – Security and Defence

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021.

3.2.7.Heading 6 – Neighbourhood and the World

Commitment appropriations are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021, with the amendments included in the table below:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
6.0.111Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)12 060 779 76712 070 958 14810 178 381
15 02 01 10Southern neighbourhood1 460 009 3851 470 187 76610 178 381
6.0.12Humanitarian Aid (HUMA)1 478 000 0001 503 000 00025 000 000
15 03 01Humanitarian aid1 391 512 4501 416 512 45025 000 000
6.0.1SPECPrerogatives91 394 97393 023 5141 628 541
15 20 04 03Information policy and strategic communication for external action41 756 02343 384 5641 628 541
PPPAPilot projects and preparatory actions175 000
Total36 981 922

Following the recent political agreement of 10 November 2020 between the European Parliament and the Council on the MFF 2021-2027 and pending the approval of the relevant texts, the reinforcement of Humanitarian Aid is part of the overall top-up of EUR 0,5 billion (in 2018 prices) agreed politically in that context, leaving EUR 476,4 million in 2018 prices available for the period 2022-2027.

As a consequence, the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 16 097,2 million, leaving a margin of EUR 149,8 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading.

3.2.8.Heading 7 – European Public Administration

For heading 7, the number of posts in the establishment plans of the institutions and the appropriations are proposed to be set at the level of the original draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021 with the following exceptions:

·The section of the European Parliament for which its reading is approved and further adjusted to include (i) the impact of the revised salary update as per Amending Letter 1/2021 and (ii) the transfer of two establishment posts from the European Parliament (EP) to the European Commission with a view to support the operations of CERT-EU as per Amending Letter 1/2021;

·The section of the Council, for which its reading is approved and further adjusted to include the impact of the revised salary update as per Amending Letter 1/2021;

·The section of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) for which a technical update following the modification of the establishment plans further to the recourse to Article 53(1) of the Financial Regulation is agreed. This operation involved the conversion of one permanent AST11 post, one permanent AST8 post, one permanent AST7 post, two permanent AST5 posts, one permanent AST4 post and one temporary AST/SC3 post into respectively three permanent AD7 posts and four permanent AD5 posts with no impact on the level of appropriations.

·The section of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 590 854.

·The section of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 564 796.

·The section of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) for which a technical update following the modification of the establishment plans further to the recourse to Article 53(1) of the Financial Regulation is agreed. This operation involved the conversion of one permanent AST5 post into one permanent AST/SC6 post with no impact on the level of appropriations.

·The section of the European External Action Service (EEAS) for which the level of commitment and payment appropriations is increased by EUR 1,0 million for the “Strategic Communication Capacity”;

Furthermore as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the level of commitment and payment appropriations related to missions of all institutions except the European Parliament are reduced by 10%.

The combined adjustments, resulting in an overall decrease of EUR 8,8 million of heading 7, are detailed by section in the following tables:

Section 1 – European Parliament

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 4 0 0Other staff — Secretariat and political groups63 837 72765 039 7271 202 000
1 4 0 1Other staff — Security38 084 54534 584 545-3 500 000
2 0 0 0Rent26 301 00027 301 0001 000 000
2 0 2 6Security and surveillance of buildings16 030 00019 530 0003 500 000
3 0 2Reception and representation expenses845 500858 50013 000
3 0 4 2Meetings, congresses, conferences and delegations2 780 0002 857 00077 000
3 2 0Acquisition of expertise6 629 5007 491 500862 000
2 1 2Furniture5 910 0004 910 000-1 000 000
10 1Contingency reserve4 500 0002 346 000-2 154 000

Section 2 – European Council and Council

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 3 3 1Mission expenses of the General Secretariat of the Council3 600 0003 240 000-360 000
1 3 3 2Travel expenses of staff related to the European Council1 650 0001 485 000-165 000
2 2 0 0Travel expenses of delegations17 228 00015 505 000-1 723 000
2 2 0 1Miscellaneous travel expenses570 000513 000-57 000
2 2 1 3Information and public events5 095 0004 585 500-509 500
Total-2 814 500

Section 3 – Commission

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
20 02 06 01Mission and representation expenses59 145 00053 230 000-5 915 000
20 02 07 01Mission and representation expenses6 083 0005 475 000-608 000
20 03 15 01 - O1 01 03 01Publications Office - Missions and representation expenses235 000212 000-23 000
20 03 15 02 - O2 01 03 01European Personnel Selection Office - Missions and representation expenses401 000361 000-40 000
20 03 16 01 - O3 01 03 01Office for Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements - Missions and representation expenses153 000138 000-15 000
20 03 16 02 - O4 01 03 01Office for Infrastructure and Logistics — Brussels - Missions and representation expenses138 000124 000-14 000
20 03 16 03 - O5 01 03 01Office for Infrastructure and Logistics — Luxembourg - Missions and representation expenses111 000100 000-11 000
20 03 17 - O6 01 03 01European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) - Missions and representation expenses1 460 0001 314 000-146 000
Total-6 772 000

Section 4 – Court of Justice of the European Union

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 6 2Missions450 000405 000-45 000
Total-45 000

Section 5 – European Court of Auditors

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 6 2Missions3 320 0002 988 000-332 000
Total-332 000

Section 6 – European Economic and Social Committee

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 6 2Missions421 082378 974-42 108
2 5 4 8Interpreting6 735 7097 326 563590 854
Total548 746

Section 7 – European Committee of the Regions

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 6 2Missions311 461280 315-31 146
2 1 4Technical equipment and installations1 097 2711 262 067164 796
2 5 4 1Third parties104 100304 100200 000
2 6 4CoR Political groups' communication activities195 049395 049200 000
Total533 650

Section 8 – European Ombudsman

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
3 0 0Expenses for staff missions and duty travel between the three places of work150 000135 000-15 000
Total-15 000

Section 9 – European Data Protection Supervisor

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 1 2 0Mission expenses, travel expenses and other ancillary expenditure155 000139 500-15 500
3 0 3 0Mission expenses, travel expenses and other ancillary expenditure50 00045 000-5 000
3 0 4 8EDPB Chair and Vice chairs expenses59 00053 100-5 900
Total-26 400

Section 10 – European External Action Service

Programme / Budget lineNameVariation in commitment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1 4 0Missions9 132 0508 229 645-902 405
2 2 1 4Strategic Communication Capacity3 000 0004 000 0001 000 000
Total97 595

As a consequence the level of commitment appropriations is set at EUR 10 448,3 million, leaving a margin of EUR 186,7 million under the expenditure ceiling of heading 7.


3.2.9.Thematic special instruments: EGF and SEAR

Commitment appropriations for the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF), and the Solidarity and Emergency Aid Reserve (SEAR) are set at the level proposed by the Commission in the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021.


3.3.General approach for payment appropriations

The overall level of payment appropriations is proposed to be set at the level of the original draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2020 with the following amendments:

1.Firstly, account is taken of the proposed level of commitment appropriations for non-differentiated expenditure, for which the proposed level of payment appropriations is equal to the level of commitment appropriations. This includes the reduction of the financing cost of the European Recovery Instrument (EURI) by -EUR 71,9 million and the adjustment to the Union contribution to decentralised agencies. The combined effect is a decrease of -EUR 123,0 million;

2.The combined adjustments under heading 7 resulting in an overall decrease of EUR 8,8 million;

3.The payment appropriations for all new pilot projects and preparatory actions included in the second draft budget are set at 25% of the corresponding commitment appropriations, or at the level proposed by Parliament, if lower. In the case of extension of existing pilot projects and preparatory actions, the level of payment appropriations is the one defined in the draft budget plus 25% of the corresponding new commitment appropriations, or at the level proposed by Parliament, if lower. The combined effect is an increase of EUR 17,9 million;

4.The adjustments on the following budget lines are proposed as a result of the evolution in commitment appropriations for differentiated expenditure:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameVariation in payment appropriations (in EUR)
DB 2021 (incl. AL1)Second draft budget 2021Difference
1.0.221CEF Transport12 067 092
02 03 01Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) — Transport33 691 42045 758 51212 067 092
1.0.23Digital Europe Programme1 916 490
02 04 03Artificial Intelligence21 891 45023 711 0341 819 584
02 04 04Skills6 130 2006 227 10696 906
2.2.351Justice1 078 615
07 07 01Promoting judicial cooperation4 258 4004 527 978269 578
07 07 02Supporting judicial training7 028 0007 472 907444 907
07 07 03Promoting effective access to justice5 752 0006 116 130364 130
2.2.352Rights and Values2 089 154
07 06 02Promote citizens engagement and participation in the democratic life of the Union12 489 00012 879 258390 258
07 06 03Daphne4 706 9106 244 1391 537 229
07 06 04Protect and promote Union values0161 667161 667
07 20 04 06Specific competences in the area of social policy, including social dialogue42 886 00023 234 000-19 652 000
07 20 04 09Information and training measures for workers’ organisations019 652 00019 652 000
3.2.21Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)1 336 954
09 02 01Nature and biodiversity6 870 0007 297 067427 067
09 02 02Circular economy and quality of life10 394 05211 040 188646 136
09 02 03Climate change mitigation and adaptation2 295 5812 438 284142 703
09 02 04Clean energy transition1 947 2322 068 280121 048
6.0.111Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)10 178 381
15 02 01 10Southern neighbourhood143 096 572153 274 95310 178 381
6.0.12Humanitarian Aid (HUMA)20 000 000
15 03 01Humanitarian aid1 800 000 0001 820 000 00020 000 000
6.0.1SPECPrerogatives1 318 031
15 20 04 03Information policy and strategic communication for external action33 794 51135 112 5421 318 031
TOTAL49 984 716

Overall this results in a level of payment appropriations of EUR 166 060,5 million, a decrease of EUR 63,9 million in comparison with the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021.



There are no reserves in addition to those of the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2021.

Commitment and payment appropriations corresponding to new programmes for which the legal bases are being finalised and are expected to be adopted early in the 2021 will not be entered provisionally in reserve. Also, amounts for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will not be put in reserve, given the urgent nature of the needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.


3.5.Changes in nomenclature and budget remarks


3.5.1.Budget remarks

The text of budget remarks corresponds to the draft budget, as amended by Amending Letter 1/2020 with the following amendments:

·Budget lines for which the amendments introduced by the European Parliament in its reading of the original draft budget are proposed in the second draft budget:

Budget lineName
Chapter 07 10Decentralised Agencies

·Budget lines for which the amendments introduced by the European Parliament are proposed with the modification proposed by the Commission in its Executability Letter:

Budget lineName
01 02 02 20Cluster Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
07 02 01ESF+ shared management strand — Operational expenditure
15 03 02Disaster prevention, disaster risk reduction and preparedness

·Budget lines for which the respective budget remark as proposed in the draft budget as amended by the Amending Letter, are proposed with the following modifications:

Budget lineName
Chapter 02 04Digital Europe Programme
Amend text as follows:

Fostered simultaneously, these will help create a thriving data economy, promote inclusiveness and equal opportunities for all, and ensure value creation.
02 04 04Skills
Add following text:

The Programme shall ensure the effective promotion of equal opportunities for all, and the implementation of gender mainstreaming in its actions.
Chapter 03 02Single Market Programme (incl. SMEs)
Amend text as follows:

It will also support women’s participation and contribute to empowerment of all actors of the single market: businesses, citizens including consumers, civil society and public authorities.
03 02 02Add following text:

The Programme shall ensure the effective promotion of equal opportunities for all, and the implementation of gender mainstreaming in its actions.

·In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation and the joint statement on the implementation of Article 15.3 agreed between the European Parliament and the Council, it is proposed to make commitment appropriations available again on the research budget lines. The budget remarks of budget lines 01 02 02 10, 01 02 02 40, 01 02 02 50 and 01 02 02 60 are adjusted accordingly:

Budget lineName
01 02 02 10Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 3 400 000 in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2019 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.
01 02 02 40Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 3 400 000

in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2019 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.
01 02 02 50Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 6 600 000 in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2019 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.
01 02 02 60Add following text:

In accordance with Article 15.3 of the Financial Regulation, an amount of EUR 6 600 000 in commitment appropriations is available for this budget item further to decommitments made in 2019 as a result of total or partial non-implementation of research projects.

·New budget lines for which the respective budget remark are proposed as follows:

Budget lineName
07 20 04 09Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on information and training measures for workers’ organisations, including representatives of workers’ organisations in the candidate countries, deriving from Union action in the framework of the implementation of the Union social dimension.

Those measures should help workers’ organisations to address the overarching challenges facing European employment and social policy as laid down in the Europe 2020 strategy and within the context of Union initiatives to address the consequences of the economic crisis.

Special attention will be given to training on gender challenges at work.
07 06 04Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to focus on protecting, promoting and raising awareness on rights by providing financial support to civil society organisations active at local, regional and transnational level in promoting and cultivating these rights, thereby also strengthening the protection and promotion of Union values and the respect for the rule of law and contributing to the construction of a more democratic Union, democratic dialogue, transparency and good governance.

The above specific objective will be pursued in particular through supporting civil society organisations and non-profit stakeholders active in the areas of the Programme to increase their capacity to react, to carry out advocacy activities to promote rights, and to ensure adequate access for all citizens to their services, counselling and support activities.

·New budget lines stemming from the split of the line 07 03 01 into two separate lines for which the respective budget remark are set as follows:

Budget lineName
07 03 01Delete existing text
07 03 01 01Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover the field of education and training of the Erasmus+ Programme under indirect management. It shall support the 3 Key actions and Jean Monnet actions.

Key action 1: Learning mobility

In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions: (a) the mobility of higher education students and staff; (b) the mobility of vocational education and training learners and staff; (c) the mobility of school pupils and staff; (d) the mobility of adult education staff; (e) language learning opportunities, including those supporting mobility activities.

Key action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions: (a) partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices, including small-scale partnerships to foster a wider and more inclusive access to the Programme; (b) partnerships for excellence, in particular European universities, Centres of vocational excellence and joint master degrees; (c) partnerships for innovation to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity; (d) online platforms and tools for virtual cooperation, including the support services for eTwinning and for the electronic platform for adult learning in Europe.

Key Action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation

In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions:

(a) the preparation and implementation of the Union general and sectoral policy agendas in education and training, including with the support of the Eurydice network or activities of other relevant organisations; (b) the support to Union tools and measures that foster the quality, transparency and recognition of competences, skills and qualifications; (c) policy dialogue and cooperation with key stakeholders, including Union-wide networks, European non-governmental organisations and international organisations in the field of education and training; (d) measures that contribute to the qualitative and inclusive implementation of the Programme; (e) cooperation with other Union instruments and support to other Union policies; (f) dissemination and awareness-raising activities about European policy outcomes and priorities as well as on the Programme.

Jean Monnet actions

The Programme shall support teaching, learning, research and debates on European integration matters through the following actions: (a) Jean Monnet action in the field of higher education; (b) Jean Monnet action in other fields of education and training; (c) support to the following institutions pursuing an aim of European interest: the European University Institute, Florence, including its School of Transnational Governance; the College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin campuses); the European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht; the Academy of European Law, Trier; the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, Odense and the International Centre for European Training, Nice.
07 03 01 02Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover the field of education and training of the Erasmus+ Programme under direct management. It shall support the 3 Key actions and Jean Monnet actions.

Key action 1: Learning mobility

In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions: (a) the mobility of higher education students and staff; (b) the mobility of vocational education and training learners and staff; (c) the mobility of school pupils and staff; (d) the mobility of adult education staff; (e) language learning opportunities, including those supporting mobility activities.

Key action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions

In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions: (a) partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices, including small-scale partnerships to foster a wider and more inclusive access to the Programme; (b) partnerships for excellence, in particular European universities, Centres of vocational excellence and joint master degrees; (c) partnerships for innovation to strengthen Europe's innovation capacity; (d) online platforms and tools for virtual cooperation, including the support services for eTwinning and for the electronic platform for adult learning in Europe.

Key Action 3: Support to policy development and cooperation

In the field of education and training, the Programme shall support the following actions:

(a) the preparation and implementation of the Union general and sectoral policy agendas in education and training, including with the support of the Eurydice network or activities of other relevant organisations; (b) the support to Union tools and measures that foster the quality, transparency and recognition of competences, skills and qualifications; (c) policy dialogue and cooperation with key stakeholders, including Union-wide networks, European non-governmental organisations and international organisations in the field of education and training; (d) measures that contribute to the qualitative and inclusive implementation of the Programme; (e) cooperation with other Union instruments and support to other Union policies; (f) dissemination and awareness-raising activities about European policy outcomes and priorities as well as on the Programme.

Jean Monnet actions

The Programme shall support teaching, learning, research and debates on European integration matters through the following actions: (a) Jean Monnet action in the field of higher education; (b) Jean Monnet action in other fields of education and training; (c) support to the following institutions pursuing an aim of European interest: the European University Institute, Florence, including its School of Transnational Governance; the College of Europe (Bruges and Natolin campuses); the European Institute of Public Administration, Maastricht; the Academy of European Law, Trier; the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, Odense and the International Centre for European Training, Nice.

This is with the understanding that amendments introduced by the European Parliament or the Council cannot modify or extend the scope of an existing legal base, or impinge on the administrative autonomy of the institutions, and that the action can be covered by available resources.



The budget nomenclature of the original draft budget, as amended by Amending letter 1/2021, is proposed in the second draft budget, with the inclusion of the new pilot projects and preparatory actions (except the new preparatory action PA 01 21 01 for which the related appropriations are added to the existing preparatory action PA 01 20 01). In addition, the following amendments are made:

·Two lines are added, as follows:

Budget lineHeading / catpolName
07 20 04 092b / 2.2.3SPECInformation and training measures for workers’ organisations
07 06 042b / 2.2.352Protect and promote Union values

·The article 07 03 01 “Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training” is split into two separate items as follows, with no impact on the level of appropriations:

Budget line / ProgrammeNameAppropriations (in EUR)
07 03 01Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training
07 03 01 01Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training – Indirect management1 755 470 4461 468 151 286
07 03 01 02Promoting learning mobility of individuals, as well as cooperation, inclusion, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training – Direct management542 824 138295 331 144

·In line with the EUCO agreement of July 2020 and confirmed in the political agreement of November 2020 between the European Parliament and the Council, the programmes (and the other elements) included in the draft budget under the new budget title 14 “Resilience and Crisis Response” have been transferred to the new budget title 06 “Recovery and Resilience” in Amending Letter 1/2021. Therefore a technical re-numbering of the titles 15 “External Action”, 16 “Pre-Accession Assistance” and 17 “Expenditure outside the annual ceilings set out in the Multiannual Financial Framework” is implemented as follows: Title 15 becomes Title 14, Title 16 becomes Title 15 and Title 17 becomes Title 16.

·The new preparatory action PA 01 21 01 for which the related appropriations are added to the existing preparatory action PA 01 20 01 is deleted and other existing preparatory actions under PA 01 21 are renumbered accordingly. As a consequence, PA 01 21 02 “Preparatory action — Advancing evidence for policy at EU, regional and local level” becomes PA 01 21 01 and PA 01 21 03 “Preparatory action — Increasing accessibility to educational tools in areas and communities with low connectivity or access to technologies” becomes PA 01 21 02.

·Following the non-adoption of DAB No 6/2020 and the deletion of budget lines 02 20 03 03 and 02 20 03 04, other existing budget lines under chapter 02 20 are renumbered accordingly. As a consequence, budget line 02 20 03 05 “Nuclear safety — Cooperation with the European Investment Bank” becomes 02 20 03 03 and budget line 03 20 03 06 “Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism” becomes 02 20 03 04.


4.Concluding Remarks

By proposing a second 2021 draft budget, which builds on the common understanding reached in the Conciliation Committee on 4 December, the Commission seeks to create the conditions for a swift adoption of the 2021 budget within the tight timeframe before the end of the year 2020 and upon adoption of the new MFF package.

The timely adoption of the 2021 budget will ensure the proper implementation of the policies and programmes of the European Union. The Commission will do its utmost to achieve this goal.


5.2021 second draft budget by financial framework headings and main programmes

EUR million in current prices

Headings(1)(2)(2) - (1)
(2) / (1)
2020 Budget
(incl. AB1-8 and DAB10)
Second draft budget 2021Difference 2021 - 2020Difference 2021 / 2020
1.SINGLE MARKET, INNOVATION AND DIGITAL21 869,019 154,720 816,617 191,6-1 052,4-1 963,1-4,8%-10,2%
Ceiling20 919,0
Cluster 01 - Research and Innovation13 962,512 658,412 646,110 716,5-1 316,4-1 941,9-9,4%-15,3%
Horizon Europe13 192,711 605,611 506,59 835,1-1 686,2-1 770,6-12,8%-15,3%
Euratom Research and Training Programme398,7397,7265,7253,8-132,9-143,9-33,3%-36,2%
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)365,1639,0864,0613,6498,9-25,3136,7%-4,0%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions6,116,29,814,03,7-2,160,9%-13,2%
Cluster 02 - European Strategic Investments5 152,14 134,95 236,93 954,784,8-180,21,6%-4,4%
InvestEU Fund812,61 737,0653,61 081,0-159,0-656,0-19,6%-37,8%
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)4 011,72 081,52 847,72 107,0-1 164,025,5-29,0%1,2%
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Transport2 579,21 476,71 785,41 428,4-793,8-48,2-30,8%-3,3%
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Energy1 281,0479,7784,9471,4-496,1-8,3-38,7%-1,7%
Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Digital151,5125,2277,4207,2125,882,083,1%65,5%
Digital Europe Programme86,191,71 129,6158,61 043,566,81211,7%72,9%
European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI)
Decentralised agencies182,7184,0188,1188,15,44,12,9%2,2%
Other actions375,5375,5375,5375,5
Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission21,822,125,521,23,7-0,917,2%-4,1%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions37,218,617,023,4-20,24,9-54,3%26,3%
Cluster 03 - Single Market865,7821,3899,3832,733,511,43,9%1,4%
Single Market Programme (incl. SMEs)607,2569,6575,0547,1-32,2-22,4-5,3%-3,9%
EU Anti-Fraud Programme23,920,224,123,80,23,60,7%17,6%
Cooperation in the field of taxation (FISCALIS)33,127,536,232,83,15,39,4%19,4%
Cooperation in the field of customs (CUSTOMS)75,375,3126,986,351,611,068,6%14,6%
Decentralised agencies109,9109,9121,4121,411,511,510,5%10,5%
Other actions7,07,07,57,50,50,57,1%7,1%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions9,411,98,113,7-1,21,9-12,9%15,8%
Cluster 04 - Space1 888,61 540,12 034,31 687,7145,7147,67,7%9,6%
European Space Programme1 854,01 505,51 997,41 651,5143,4146,07,7%9,7%
Decentralised agencies34,634,635,935,91,31,33,7%3,7%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions1,00,31,00,3
2.COHESION, RESILIENCE AND VALUES66 213,662 054,552 861,966 153,8-13 351,74 099,3-20,2%6,6%
Of which under Flexibility Instrument76,4
Ceiling52 786,0
2.a— Economic, social and territorial cohesion58 568,155 208,648 190,561 867,9-10 377,66 659,3-17,7%12,1%
Sub-ceiling48 191,0
2.b— Resilience and Values7 645,56 845,84 671,44 285,9-2 974,1-2 560,0-38,9%-37,4%
Of which under Flexibility Instrument76,4
Sub-ceiling4 595,0
Cluster 05 - Regional Development and Cohesion44 077,140 710,535 410,445 755,4-8 666,75 044,9-19,7%12,4%
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)32 160,830 280,829 240,333 871,0-2 920,53 590,1-9,1%11,9%
Cohesion Fund (CF)10 093,49 166,64 695,710 595,2-5 397,71 428,6-53,5%15,6%
Cohesion Fund (CF), contribution to the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Transport1 780,61 213,51 442,41 250,1-338,236,6-19,0%3,0%
Support to the Turkish-Cypriot Community37,739,032,034,9-5,7-4,1-15,2%-10,5%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions4,610,74,3-4,6-6,4-100,0%-59,9%
Cluster 06 - Recovery and resilience3 660,23 083,2843,7820,9-2 816,5-2 262,3-76,9%-73,4%
European Recovery and Resilience Facility (incl. Technical Support Instrument)86,756,7116,4109,229,652,534,2%92,5%
Protection of the euro against counterfeiting (the ‘Pericles IV programme')1,10,90,80,8-0,3-0,1-24,2%-7,9%
Financing cost of the European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI)39,639,639,639,6
Union Civil Protection Mechanism (RescEU)574,9267,790,2193,5-484,7-74,2-84,3%-27,7%
Instrument for emergency support within the Union (ESI)2 700,02 470,090,0-2 700,0-2 380,0-100,0%-96,4%
Decentralised agencies215,8211,8257,9247,642,035,919,5%16,9%
Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission12,011,011,410,5-0,6-0,6-5,0%-5,0%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions1,01,80,988,4%
Cluster 07 - Investing in People, Social Cohesion and Values18 476,318 260,716 607,819 577,5-1 868,51 316,7-10,1%7,2%
European Social Fund (ESF)14 528,714 537,112 812,116 147,4-1 716,61 610,3-11,8%11,1%
Employment and Social Innovation102,985,2102,585,3-0,50,1-0,4%0,1%
Erasmus+2 885,42 739,52 662,62 407,6-222,8-331,9-7,7%-12,1%
European Solidarity Corps (ESC)186,7172,7135,7126,6-51,0-46,1-27,3%-26,7%
Creative Europe223,6197,4306,4236,582,839,137,0%19,8%
Rights and Values100,5100,297,287,7-3,3-12,5-3,3%-12,5%
Decentralised agencies172,1175,0220,5220,548,445,528,1%26,0%
Other actions9,49,08,67,3-0,8-1,7-8,4%-19,4%
Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission166,6155,4183,9162,017,36,610,4%4,2%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions56,948,731,951,4-25,12,7-44,0%5,5%
3.NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT59 936,558 662,558 568,656 804,2-1 368,0-1 858,3-2,3%-3,2%
Ceiling58 624,0
— Of which: European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) — Market related expenditure and direct payments43 458,843 428,740 368,040 353,7-3 090,8-3 074,9-7,1%-7,1%
Sub-ceiling40 925,0
Net transfer between EAGF and EAFRD
EAGF Margin557,0
Cluster 08 - Agriculture and Maritime policy59 286,158 234,556 638,656 372,6-2 647,5-1 862,0-4,5%-3,2%
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)43 458,843 428,740 368,040 353,7-3 090,8-3 074,9-7,1%-7,1%
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)14 698,713 870,115 345,015 022,2646,31 152,14,4%8,3%
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)960,3769,9760,7829,4-199,559,5-20,8%7,7%
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPA) and Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMO)148,0142,5148,1144,50,12,00,1%1,4%
Decentralised agencies16,716,716,716,70,00,00,0%0,0%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions3,76,66,0-3,7-0,5-100,0%-7,9%
Cluster 09 - Environment and climate action650,5428,01 930,0431,61 279,63,6196,7%0,9%
Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)589,6371,9738,5371,5148,9-0,425,3%-0,1%
Just Transition Fund1 137,00,01 137,00,0
Decentralised agencies44,844,850,850,86,06,013,4%13,4%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions16,111,33,79,3-12,4-2,0-76,8%-17,6%
4.MIGRATION AND BORDER MANAGEMENT2 367,82 168,02 278,82 686,2-89,0518,2-3,8%23,9%
Ceiling2 467,0
Cluster 10 - Migration1 347,01 070,91 011,11 439,2-336,0368,2-24,9%34,4%
Asylum and Migration Fund (AMF)1 228,7952,6873,31 301,3-355,4348,7-28,9%36,6%
Decentralised agencies118,3118,3137,8137,819,519,516,5%16,5%
Cluster 11 - Border Management1 020,81 097,11 267,81 247,1247,0150,024,2%13,7%
Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF) - Instrument for border management and visa (BMVI)358,8479,2398,0488,239,28,910,9%1,9%
Integrated Border Management Fund (IBMF) - Instrument for financial support for customs control equipment (CCEi)135,533,0135,533,0
Decentralised agencies662,0617,9734,3725,972,2108,110,9%17,5%
5.SECURITY AND DEFENCE831,4814,21 709,3670,6877,8-143,5105,6%-17,6%
Ceiling1 805,0
Cluster 12 - Security576,4595,7536,5527,4-39,9-68,3-6,9%-11,5%
Internal Security Fund (ISF)195,2193,6175,6180,6-19,6-13,0-10,0%-6,7%
Nuclear decommissioning (Lithuania)68,368,172,550,04,2-18,16,2%-26,5%
Nuclear Safety and decommissioning (incl. For Bulgaria and Slovakia)110,2132,869,278,4-41,0-54,4-37,2%-41,0%
Decentralised agencies179,3179,3197,6197,618,318,310,2%10,2%
Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission21,521,521,520,80,1-0,60,3%-2,8%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions2,00,5-2,0-0,5-100,0%-100,0%
Cluster 13 - Defence255,0218,51 172,8143,2917,8-75,3359,9%-34,4%
European Defence Fund (Research)283,313,1283,313,1
European Defence Fund (Non Research)255,0200,5662,4109,0407,4-91,5159,8%-45,7%
Military Mobility227,116,7227,116,7
Pilot projects and preparatory actions18,04,5-13,5-75,0%
6.NEIGHBOURHOOD AND THE WORLD10 848,69 603,316 097,210 811,05 248,61 207,748,4%12,6%
Ceiling16 247,0
Cluster 14 - External Action9 088,47 857,514 195,88 928,65 107,31 071,156,2%13,6%
Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI)6 963,06 063,812 071,06 514,35 108,0450,573,4%7,4%
European Instrument for Nuclear Safety (EINS)32,932,737,632,54,7-0,214,4%-0,6%
Humanitarian aid (HUMA)1 586,81 275,31 503,01 900,1-83,8624,8-5,3%49,0%
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)351,9328,7351,9328,70,00,0%
Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) (including Greenland)33,533,467,033,433,50,1100,1%0,2%
Other actions35,642,672,141,636,5-1,0102,5%-2,3%
Actions financed under the prerogatives of the Commission and specific competences conferred to the Commission80,778,293,078,012,3-0,215,2%-0,2%
Pilot projects and preparatory actions4,03,00,20,0-3,8-3,0-95,6%-98,6%
Cluster 15 - Pre-Accession Assistance1 760,21 745,71 901,41 882,4141,3136,78,0%7,8%
Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA III)1 760,21 745,71 901,41 882,4141,3136,78,0%7,8%
7.EUROPEAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION10 222,310 225,310 448,310 449,6226,1224,32,2%2,2%
Ceiling10 635,0
— Of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions7 906,17 909,18 035,88 037,1129,7128,01,6%1,6%
Sub-ceiling8 217,0
European Schools and Pensions2 316,12 316,12 412,52 412,596,496,44,2%4,2%
Administrative expenditure of the institutions7 906,17 909,18 035,88 037,1129,7128,01,6%1,6%
European Parliament2 038,12 038,12 062,92 062,924,824,81,2%1,2%
European Council and Council590,6590,6594,4594,43,83,80,6%0,6%
Commission3 681,83 684,83 724,23 725,542,340,61,2%1,1%
Court of Justice of the European Union436,6436,6444,0444,07,47,41,7%1,7%
European Court of Auditors152,2152,2153,7153,71,51,51,0%1,0%
European Economic and Social Committee142,5142,5150,5150,58,08,05,6%5,6%
European Committee of the Regions101,5101,5106,7106,75,25,25,2%5,2%
European Ombudsman12,112,112,312,30,20,21,5%1,5%
European Data Protection Supervisor19,519,519,519,50,00,0-0,1%-0,1%
European External Action Service731,1731,1767,6767,636,636,65,0%5,0%
APPROPRIATIONS FOR HEADINGS172 289,2162 682,4162 780,6164 767,0-9 508,62 084,6-5,5%1,3%
Of which under Flexibility Instrument76,4628,5
Ceiling163 483,0166 140,0
Margin778,82 001,4
Appropriations as % of GNI1,01%0,96%1,16%1,18%0,15%0,22%
Thematic special instruments1 594,91 425,61 470,81 293,5-124,0-132,1-7,8%-9,3%
Outside MFF
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS173 884,1164 108,0164 251,5166 060,5-9 632,61 952,4-5,5%1,2%
Appropriations as % of GNI1,02%0,97%1,17%1,19%0,15%0,22%

(1) COM/2018/322 final
(2) COM/2020/443 final
(3) EUCO 10/2020
(4) COM/2018/323 final
(5) COM/2020/444 final
(6) COM/2018/325 final
(7) COM/2020/445 final
(8) COM/2020/441 final/2
(9) OJ L 193, 30.7.2018
(10) COM/2020/300 final
(11) 10378/20
(12) P9_TA(2020)0302
(13) COM(2020) 748 final
(14) COM(2020) 300 final
(15) COM(2020) 748 final
(16) COM/2020/443 final
(17) GNI figures as presented in the 2020 Spring Economic Forecast published on 6 May 2020
(18) Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 193, 30.7.2018, p.
