Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2021)460 - Amending budget N° 5 to the budget 2021 Humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

1. Introduction

The purpose of Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 5 for the year 2021 is to provide continued support to the most vulnerable of the around 3,7 million refugees in Turkey as a consequence of the Syria crisis. This DAB represents the first component of the Commission’s formal proposals for the continuation of financing for Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and other parts of the region within the context of the EU’s overall migration policy. Under the MFF heading 6 “Neighbourhood and the World”, EUR 149,6 million in commitment appropriations are requested to ensure the continuation of humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey. No additional payment appropriations are requested for this purpose in 2021.


2. Humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey

Turkey currently hosts the largest refugee population in the world – close to 4,1 million. Some 3,7 million of them are Syrians who fled the ongoing conflict that has been ravaging their country for over 10 years. The situation might be aggravated depending on the developments in Afghanistan. The vast majority of refugees in Turkey live outside camps, with growing but still limited access to basic services. The European Union, in close cooperation with the Turkish authorities, has been assisting the most vulnerable people based on humanitarian needs.

Following the EU-Turkey Statement signed by EU Heads of State or Government and their Turkish counterpart on 18 March 2016, the Commission and Member States committed in two tranches EUR 6 billion in EU assistance to refugees in Turkey for 2016-2019, delivered through the Facility for Refugees in Turkey. The operational envelope of this funding has been committed and contracted in full. Disbursements reached EUR 4,2 billion by end of May 2021 in line with the planning.

The publication of the fifth annual report on the EU Facility for refugees in Turkey 8 gives evidence of the results achieved so far, and how vital the Facility is in supporting refugees and host communities in Turkey.

In 2020, EUR 485 million from the EU budget (from the margin under the expenditure heading of Heading 4 “Global Europe” and the Contingency Margin) was allocated in the amending budget 5/2020 9 to be able to continue the two key humanitarian flagship programmes - the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) and the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE).

The Commission will put forward proposals for the continuation of financing for Syrian refugees and host communities in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon and other parts of the region. This DAB proposes the necessary reinforcement to put in place the humanitarian component of this package of support to refugees in Turkey.

As part of the strategy of transition from humanitarian to development assistance and the longer term transition strategy with the Turkish authorities, the Conditional Cash Transfer for Education (CCTE) will transition to development assistance at the end of the school year 2021/2022 by mid-2022. However, the transition of the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) to development assistance is planned to take place in early 2023, i.e. beyond the expiry of the current agreement in March 2022. Approximately EUR 325 million in commitment appropriations is therefore needed to extend the coverage of the ESSN support - which provides monthly cash transfers to over 1,8 million refugees - from March 2022 until the beginning of 2023.

The Commission proposes to finance the extension of this support by using the remaining Heading 6 margin in 2021, with the balance coming from the Humanitarian Aid envelope in 2021 and 2022.

Budget lineNameCommitment appropriationsPayment appropriations
14 03 01Humanitarian aid149 643 796
Total 149 643 796


3. Financing

Apart from the use of the existing Humanitarian Aid envelope, there are currently no other redeployment possibilities under MFF Heading 6. In addition to the EUR 100,4 million to be committed under the Humanitarain Aid envelope this year, the Commission therefore proposes to mobilise the full unallocated margin under this heading of EUR 149,6 million to finance the urgent humanitarian support to refugees in Turkey. The balance required – currently estimated at EUR 75 million - will be committed from the Humanitarian Aid budget line in 2022.

No additional payment appropriations are requested under the 2021 budget. However, the payment appropriations to cover the proposed reinforcement of commitment appropriations in 2021 will be needed in 2022 and 2023. The impact on the 2022 payments will be incorporated in the the amending letter to the 2022 draft budget in October 2021.


4. Summary table by MFF heading


Budget 2021 (incl. AB 1/2021, DABs 1-3-4/2021)Draft Amending Budget 5/2021Budget 2021 (incl. AB 1/2021, DABs 1-3-4-5/2021)
1.Single Market, Innovation and Digital20 816 559 76717 191 887 23220 816 559 76717 191 887 232
Ceiling20 919 000 00020 919 000 000
Margin102 440 233102 440 233
2.Cohesion, Resilience and Values53 077 938 53466 361 525 90453 077 938 53466 361 525 904
Of which under Flexibility Instrument292 422 534292 422 534
Ceiling52 786 000 00052 786 000 000
Margin484 000484 000
2a.Economic, social and territorial cohesion48 190 516 00061 867 897 54548 190 516 00061 867 897 545
Ceiling48 191 000 00048 191 000 000
Margin484 000484 000
2b.Resilience and values4 887 422 5344 493 628 3594 887 422 5344 493 628 359
Of which under Flexibility Instrument292 422 534292 422 534
Ceiling4 595 000 0004 595 000 000
3.Natural Resources and Environment58 570 566 90856 806 203 45258 570 566 90856 806 203 452
Ceiling58 624 000 00058 624 000 000
Margin53 433 09253 433 092
Of which: Market related expenditure and direct payments40 367 954 00040 353 742 88340 367 954 00040 353 742 883
EAGF sub-ceiling40 925 000 00040 925 000 000
Rounding difference excluded for calculating the sub-margin
Net transfers between EAGF and EAFRD557 046 000557 046 000
Net balance available for EAGF expenditure (sub-ceiling corrected by transfers between EAGF and EAFRD)40 367 954 00040 367 954 000
EAGF sub-margin
4.Migration and Border Management2 278 829 7592 686 245 9782 278 829 7592 686 245 978
Ceiling2 467 000 0002 467 000 000
Margin188 170 241188 170 241
5.Security and Defence1 709 261 441670 628 2431 709 261 441670 628 243
Ceiling1 805 000 0001 805 000 000
Margin95 738 55995 738 559
6.Neighbourhood and the World16 097 356 20410 811 039 356149 643 79616 247 000 00010 811 039 356
Ceiling16 247 000 00016 247 000 000
Margin149 643 7960
7.European Public Administration10 442 813 00210 444 088 09110 442 813 00210 444 088 091
Ceiling10 635 000 00010 635 000 000
Margin192 186 998192 186 998
of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions8 030 324 7208 031 599 8098 030 324 7208 031 599 809
Sub-ceiling8 216 000 0008 216 000 000
Sub-margin185 675 280185 675 280
Appropriations for headings162 993 325 615164 971 618 256149 643 796163 142 969 411164 971 618 256
Ceiling163 483 000 000166 140 000 000163 483 000 000166 140 000 000
Of which under Flexibility Instrument292 422 534836 562 086292 422 534836 562 086
Margin782 096 9192 004 943 830632 453 1232 004 943 830
Thematic special instruments3 216 749 5983 039 364 5983 216 749 5983 039 364 598
Total appropriations166 210 075 213168 010 982 854149 643 7960166 359 719 009168 010 982 854

(1) Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 of 14 December 2020 on the system of own resources of the European Union and repealing Decision 2014/335/EU, Euratom, OJ L 424, 15.12.2020.
(2) OJ L 193, 30.7.2018.
(3) OJ L 93, 17.3.2021.
(4) OJ L XXX, XX.X.2021.
(5) COM(2021) 30 final.
(6) COM(2021) 270 final.
(7) COM(2021) 444 final.
(8) COM(2021) 255 final
(9) OJ L 299, 11.9.2020.