Explanatory Memorandum to COM(2024)651 - Amending letter N° 1 to the budget 2025 Adjustments in payment appropriations Updated estimated needs for agricultural expenditure Other adjustments and technical updates - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2024)651 - Amending letter N° 1 to the budget 2025 Adjustments in payment appropriations Updated estimated needs for agricultural ... |
source | COM(2024)651 |
date | 10-10-2024 |
- the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 314 thereof, in conjunction with the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community, and in particular Article 106a thereof,
- Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 of 14 December 2020 on the system of own resources of the European Union1, entered into force on 1 June 2021,
- Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2024/2509 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2024 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (recast)2, and in particular Article 42 thereof,
- the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025, as adopted by the Commission on 12 July 20243,
The European Commission hereby presents to the European Parliament and to the Council Amending Letter No 1 to the draft general budget of the European Union for the financial year 2025, for the reasons set out in the explanatory memorandum.
The changes to the general statement of expenditure and revenue as well to the statements of revenue and expenditure by section are available on EUR-Lex (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/budget/www/index-en.htm). An English version of the changes to this statement is attached for information as a budgetary annex.
1. Introduction
- Amending Letter No 1 (AL 1/2025) to the draft budget for the year 2025 (DB 2025) covers the following elements:
- - Further adjustments of the EU contribution of several decentralised agencies, as follows:
- For Heading 7, the overall impact on expenditure is as follows, also including the reallocations linked to CERT-EU and the specific request for the European Ombudsman as detailed in the next sections:
- The detailed impact by section, in relation to the impact of the increased salary adjustment in 2024, is as follows:
- The overall impact on expenditure of EUR 19,6 million in commitment and payment appropriations is detailed as follows:
- Consequently, the proposed reinforcement of the EU contribution to EPPO amounts to EUR 3,3 million, as follows:
Amending Letter No 1 (AL 1/2025) to the draft budget for the year 2025 (DB 2025) covers the following elements:
- Increase of payment appropriations in relation to the additional flexibilities and support for an indicative amount of EUR 10 billion from cohesion funds to the Member States affected by the natural disasters in Europe;
- Update of the needs for the interest line for NextGenerationEU, against the backdrop of a lower level of NextGenerationEU disbursements until end September 2024 than previously estimated;
- Update of the estimated needs, assigned revenue and appropriations for agricultural expenditure. In addition to changing market factors, AL 1/2025 also incorporates the impact of decisions in the agricultural sector since the DB 2025 was adopted in July 2024, as well as other proposals expected to have a significant effect during the financial year;
- Update of the estimated needs for the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs), taking into account the new protocols with the Republic of Cabo Verde (2024-2029) and with the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (2024-2029);
- Adjustments to heading 7 “European Public Administration”:
- to incorporate the impact of the higher salary adjustment for 2024 on the administrative expenditure of the institutions and on pensions following updated estimates for purchasing power and inflation, compared to the parameters used when preparing the DB 2025;
- to reinforce the Computer Emergency Response Team for the EU institutions, bodies and agencies (CERT-EU) through the transfer of posts and appropriations from other Institutions, following the agreement on the Cybersecurity Regulation;
- to incorporate a technical correction to the European Ombudsman section.
- Adjustments to the level of appropriations for administrative expenditure outside of heading 7, including for some decentralised agencies, linked to the 2024 salary update;
- a reinforcement of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) to cater for the proposed introduction of a housing allowance for staff at the lower grades in Luxembourg and to further strengthen the IT independence of the EPPO;
- an adjustment of the EU contribution to the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) to reinforce its cybersecurity and a reinforcement of the establishment plan with one establishment plan post;
- an adjustment of the grading in the establishment plans of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust), allowing for suitable promotion and progression of careers;
- Adjustment of the budgetary nomenclature and remarks following the adoption of the proposal for the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism (ULCM) Regulation4;
- Adjustment of the budgetary nomenclature following specific Member States’ requests to transfer resources pursuant to Article 26 of the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR)5;
- Technical corrections in the relevant budget remarks in relation to references to decommitments made in relation to appropriations made available again in accordance with Article 15(3) of the Financial Regulation.
- Updating the revenue side of the budget as regards the revised UK contribution and adjustment of the budget nomenclature and remarks following the adoption of the proposal for the ULCM.
Overall, the net impact of AL 1/2025 on expenditure in the DB 2025 is a decrease of EUR 303,0 million in commitment appropriations and an increase of EUR 2 657,0 million in payment appropriations.
(In EUR million) | ||
Programme | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) | 0,0 | 3 000,0 |
EURI interest line | -195,0 | -195,0 |
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) | -351,9 | -391,9 |
SFPAs | 0,0 | 0,0 |
Revised salary update - adjustments under heading 7 | 219,9 | 219,9 |
CERT-EU | 0,0 | 0,0 |
Revised salary update - adjustments under heading 1-6 | 19,6 | 19,6 |
Other adjustments to some decentralised agencies | 4,4 | 4,4 |
Total | -303,0 | 2 657,0 |
More information on each component is provided in the following sections.
The relevant budget lines are detailed in the budgetary annex, together with the update of the revenue resulting from the expenditure changes included in this amending letter.
2. Increase of payment appropriations in relation to recent natural disasters
Following the recent floods in Central Europe, the cohesion policy programmes will be mobilised to assist Member States in recovering from the damages. The flexibilities that the Commission intends to propose in the cohesion policy will allow the affected Member States to amend their programmes in order to respond to climate change and natural disasters while benefiting from additional liquidity from the EU budget. It is proposed to include an additional EUR 3 billion in payment appropriations above the level already proposed in the DB 2025. These payment appropriations will be used to address urgent needs and provide swift support to the disaster-stricken countries.
EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
05 02 01 | ERDF — Operational expenditure | 0 | 3 000 000 000 |
Total | 0 | 3 000 000 000 |
3. Funding costs NextGenerationEU
In the context of the DB 2025, the Commission proposed a reinforcement of the EURI interest line by EUR 2 478,2 million as compared to the financial programming for 2025 to a total amount of EUR 5 156 million, based on projections of NGEU disbursements and interest rates until the end of the third quarter 2024. As of 30 September 2024, all executed transactions by the third quarter of 2024 amount to a total of NGEU disbursements to EUR 49,8 billion, or EUR 5,4 billion lower than at the time of establishing the Draft Budget 2025.
The final estimated cost of funding for the 2025 budget is therefore EUR 4 961 million i.e. a cost overrun of EUR 2 283,2 million. This amount is final, in line with the revised approach providing that, as of the 2025 budget, the Commission will base the budgeting of the EURI interest line on the volume of disbursements which is confirmed by the end of the third quarter of the previous year. This provides a stable basis for the application of the ‘cascade mechanism’ by the time of the amending letter to the draft budget.
The final cost for the interest line is thus reduced by EUR 195 million compared to the DB 2025. The Commission proposes to decrease the level of commitment and payment appropriations of the EURI interest line accordingly.
EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
06 04 01 | European Union Recovery Instrument (EURI) – Payment of periodic coupon and redemption of maturity | -195 000 000 | -195 000 000 |
Total | -195 000 000 | -195 000 000 |
With the proposed reduction, the Commission proposes that the overall needs of EUR 2 283,2 million above the financial programming for 2025 are financed by the remaining margin under sub-Heading 2b of EUR 35,7 million and the mobilisation of EUR 1 105,8 million under the Flexibility Instrument, with a view to continue mobilising an amount in line with the 50 % benchmark of the cost overrun. On that basis, considering the other adjustments to sub-Heading 2b proposed in this AL 1/2025, the recourse to the Flexibility Instrument under sub-heading 2b will be reduced by EUR 87,0 million to EUR 1 105,8 million, and the amount mobilised under the EURI instrument will be reduced by EUR 97,5 million to EUR 1 141,6 million.
4. European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF)
AL 1/2025 updates the estimates for agricultural expenditure based on the most up-to-date economic data and legislative framework. By September 2024, the Commission had at its disposal a first indication of the level of production for 2024 and the outlook for the agricultural markets as well as actual figures for most of the 2024 budget execution as regards EAGF shared management, which are the basis for the updated estimates of the budgetary needs for 2025.
Apart from taking into account market factors, AL 1/2025 also incorporates the impact of legislative decisions in the agricultural sector since the DB 2025 was adopted in June 2024.
Overall 2025 EAGF needs, including the agricultural reserve, are now estimated at EUR 41 215 million6. This is an increase by EUR 344 million compared to the DB 2025, which is due respectively to:
1. additional needs of EUR 120 million for the agricultural reserve for the exceptional measures adopted in 2024 and for which the expenditure will be declared in the agricultural year 2025,
2. additional needs for Member States’ market measures and interventions of EUR 94 million, for promotion measures, fruit and vegetables sector and school schemes, following a good implementation in 2024,
3. a relatively minor increase of EUR 30 million for direct payments,
4. additional needs of EUR 100 million under the article 08 02 06 ‘Policy strategy, coordination and audit’,
5. a budget-neutral move from the completion of previous programmes line to the ‘old’ direct payments schemes amounting to EUR 30 million.
In 2024, exceptional measures under the agricultural reserve were adopted for an amount of EUR 295 million, of which EUR 175 million may still be paid in 2024, while EUR 120 million will be carried over to 2025 in accordance with Article 16(2) of the CAP Horizontal Regulation7. This would bring the agricultural reserve in 2025 to EUR 570 million, leaving EUR 450 million available for new measures. It will be financed from an unspent amount of the 2024 agricultural reserve of EUR 282 million, as well as EUR 288 million from the 2025 EAGF availabilities.
At the same time, the total amount of the assigned revenue and the appropriations carried over, including the agricultural reserve, that is expected to be available in 2025 increases from EUR 342 million in the DB 2025 to EUR 1 038 million (i.e. an increase of EUR 696 million), fully covering the additional needs of EUR 344 million. The surplus originates notably from the under-execution of the 2024 agricultural reserve as explained above and higher-than-expected assigned revenue from the clearance of EAGF accounts in 2024.
As a result of these updates, the amount of commitment appropriations is EUR 40 177 million, which includes EUR 288 million for the agricultural reserve. This would leave EUR 351,9 million margin under the net balance available for the EAGF of EUR 40 528,9 million. As usual during the year, the Commission will monitor closely the needs, including for the agricultural reserve, and will propose relevant budgetary solutions if and as necessary.
EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
08 02 01 | Agricultural reserve | -162 000 000 | -162 000 000 |
08 02 02 | Types of interventions in certain sectors under the CAP Strategic Plans | 51 000 000 | 51 000 000 |
08 02 03 | Market-related expenditure outside the CAP Strategic Plans | 43 000 000 | 3 000 000 |
08 02 04 | Direct payments types of interventions under the CAP Strategic Plans | -383 920 598 | -383 920 598 |
08 02 05 | Direct payments outside the CAP Strategic Plans | 30 000 000 | 30 000 000 |
08 02 06 | Policy strategy, coordination and audit | 100 000 000 | 100 000 000 |
08 02 99 | Completion of previous programmes and activities | -30 000 000 | -30 000 000 |
Total | -351 920 598 | -391 920 598 |
5. Update of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements
The Commission has examined the most recent information available concerning Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs) and reviewed the expected needs for 2025 on the basis of the developments in the negotiations with the third countries involved, as foreseen in point C of Part II of the Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA)8. On the basis of this review, the Commission proposes a transfer of EUR 17,8 million in commitment and payment appropriations from the reserve to the main operational SFPA line. This budgetary-neutral transfer relates to new protocols with the Republic of Cabo Verde (2024-2029) signed on 23 July 2023, and with the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (2024-2029) signed on 18 September 2024.
With the proposed adjustments, the total available commitment appropriations for the sustainable fisheries partnership agreements will amount to EUR 150,6 million, of which EUR 60 million in the reserve and EUR 90,6 million on the main operational line. With respect to payment appropriations, the total amount of EUR 135,3 million will include an amount of EUR 41,6 million in the form of reserve.
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
08 05 01 | Establishing a governance framework for fishing activities carried out by Union fishing vessels in third country waters | 17 780 000 | 17 780 000 |
30 02 02 | Differentiated appropriations (Reserve for budget article 08 05 01) | -17 780 000 | -17 780 000 |
Total | 0 | 0 |
6. European Public Administration (Heading 7)
In this AL 1/2025, the Commission proposes adjustments to the heading 7 “European Public Administration” in relation to the impact of the increased salary adjustment for 2024 on administrative expenditure in 2025 including +1,2 % from 1 April 2025 due to the application of the ‘moderation clause’ in accordance with Article 10 of Annex XI of the Staff Regulations9.
Administrative expenditure of the Institutions
In the preparation of the 2025 draft budget, the Commission applied the principles of stable staffing and a maximum 2 % increase in non-salary related expenditure for all institutions. It revised the requests of other institutions in order to present a draft budget which respects all legal obligations, while seeking to limit the necessary recourse to special instruments.
Since the entry into force of the revised Staff Regulations in 2014, the level of the salary and pensions update for the staff of all EU institutions and agencies is based on a non-discretionary methodology comprising two elements. The first element is the net evolution of the purchasing power of national civil servants from a basket of 10 Member States10, representing at least 75% of the EU GDP. This constitutes the Global Specific Indicator (GSI). The second element – the Joint Index (JI) – takes account of inflation in Belgium and Luxembourg. The automaticity of the salary update method ensures the system reflects both the events in the real economy and decisions by Member States, as confirmed by Eurostat in agreement with national statistical institutes. The 2024 salary update at +7,2% is higher than the +5,3% foreseen in the DB 2025. The moderation clause implies a salary update of +1,2% in April 2025, whereas the draft budget 2025 was built on a +0,6% assumption.
While the corresponding Commission’s report to the Council and the European Parliament will be adopted in November, a proposal to adjust the budgetary appropriations to take into account the most recent parameters is justified at this stage of the budgetary year, in accordance with the principles of sound financial management and budgetary accuracy. Consequently, the Commission and the other institutions have recalculated their salary expenditure. This increases the salary expenditure by EUR 147,9 million as compared to the estimates in the DB 2025.
In addition, the request for pension expenditure increases by EUR 67,9 million, and the request for the European Schools by EUR 4,3 million.
Overall and detailed impact by Sections
Overall, the proposal is to increase the non-differentiated expenditure of heading 7 (European Public Administration) by EUR 219,9 million for 2025, compared to the DB 2025, which requires further recourse to the Single Margin Instrument. It corresponds to an increase of EUR 147,8 million for the administrative expenditure of the Institutions, EUR 67,9 million for pensions of all institutions and EUR 4,3 million for the European Schools.
For Heading 7, the overall impact on expenditure is as follows, also including the reallocations linked to CERT-EU and the specific request for the European Ombudsman as detailed in the next sections:
Amounts in EUR | |||
Draft Budget 2025 | Amending Letter 1/2025 | Draft Budget 2025 including AL1/2025 | |
Pensions and European Schools | 3 052 382 066 | 72 162 590 | 3 124 544 656 |
Pensions | 2 789 377 000 | 67 878 000 | 2 857 255 000 |
European Schools | 263 005 066 | 4 284 590 | 267 289 656 |
Administrative expenditure of the institutions | 9 561 979 384 | 147 751 601 | 9 709 730 985 |
Commission | 4 378 737 735 | 78 547 255 | 4 457 284 990 |
Other institutions | 5 183 241 649 | 69 204 346 | 5 252 445 995 |
European Parliament | 2 498 063 379 | 33 461 779 | 2 531 525 158 |
Council | 705 821 530 | 9 932 328 | 715 753 858 |
Court of Justice of the European Union | 532 720 000 | 8 871 503 | 541 591 503 |
Court of Auditors | 190 918 281 | 3 597 566 | 194 515 847 |
European Economic and Social Committee | 171 725 025 | 2 222 096 | 173 947 121 |
Committee of the Regions | 128 585 216 | 1 797 730 | 130 382 946 |
European Ombudsman | 15 183 194 | 242 236 | 15 425 430 |
European Data Protection Supervisor | 26 473 899 | 329 976 | 26 803 875 |
European External Action Service | 913 751 125 | 8 749 132 | 922 500 257 |
Total | 12 614 361 450 | 219 914 191 | 12 834 275 641 |
Salary update
The detailed impact by section, in relation to the impact of the increased salary adjustment in 2024, is as follows:
Amounts in EUR | ||
Budget Line | Name | Appropriations |
Section I - European Parliament | ||
1 0 0 0 | Salaries | 2 138 430 |
1 0 2 | Transitional allowances | 345 645 |
1 0 3 1 | Invalidity pensions (PEAM) | 2 138 |
1 0 3 2 | Survivors’ pensions (PEAM) | 47 279 |
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 20 159 060 |
1 2 0 2 | Paid overtime | 1 173 |
1 2 2 0 | Allowances for staff retired or placed on leave in the interest of the service | 84 598 |
1 4 0 0 | Other staff — Secretariat and political groups | 2 100 929 |
1 4 0 1 | Other staff — Security | 1 173 404 |
1 4 0 2 | Other staff — Drivers in the Secretariat | 220 704 |
1 4 0 4 | Traineeships, seconded national experts, exchanges of officials and study visits | 310 850 |
1 4 0 5 | Expenditure on interpretation | 1 441 796 |
4 2 2 | Expenditure relating to parliamentary assistance | 5 875 873 |
Sub-total Section I | 33 901 879 | |
Section II - Council and European Council | ||
1 0 0 0 | Basic salary | 10 000 |
1 0 0 1 | Entitlements related to the post held | 3 000 |
1 0 0 2 | Entitlements related to the personal circumstances | 1 000 |
1 0 0 3 | Social security cover | 1 000 |
1 0 1 0 | Transitory allowance | 15 000 |
1 1 0 0 | Basic salaries | 5 875 621 |
1 1 0 1 | Entitlements under the Staff Regulations related to the post held | 45 000 |
1 1 0 2 | Entitlements under the Staff Regulations related to the personal circumstances of the staff member | 1 375 000 |
1 1 0 3 | Social security cover | 227 000 |
1 1 0 4 | Salary weightings | 4 000 |
1 1 0 7 | Annual adjustment of the remuneration | 2 120 000 |
1 1 1 0 | Allowances in the event of retirement in the interests of the service | 56 000 |
1 2 0 0 | Other staff | 300 000 |
1 2 0 1 | National experts on secondment | 35 000 |
1 2 0 2 | Traineeships | 23 000 |
1 2 0 7 | Annual adjustment of the remuneration | 67 000 |
Sub-total Section II | 10 157 621 | |
Section III - Commission | ||
20 01 01 01 | Salaries, allowances and payments of Members of the institution | 307 000 |
20 01 01 03 | Allowances of former Members | 101 000 |
20 01 02 01 | Remuneration and allowances - Headquarters & Representation offices | 61 672 000 |
20 01 02 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, transfers and termination of service — Headquarters and Representation offices | 337 000 |
20 01 02 03 | Remuneration and allowances - Union delegations | 3 477 000 |
20 01 02 04 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, transfers and termination of service — Union delegations | 65 000 |
20 01 04 | Officials in non-active status, retired in interests of service or dismissed | 172 000 |
20 02 01 01 | Contract staff | 2 332 619 |
20 02 01 02 | Agency staff and technical and administrative assistance in support of different activities | 181 646 |
20 02 01 03 | National civil servants temporarily assigned to the institution | 881 834 |
20 02 02 01 | Contract staff | 473 018 |
20 02 03 01 | Contract staff | 17 000 |
20 02 04 | Cost of organising graduate traineeships with the institution | 185 000 |
20 02 05 | Special advisers | 21 000 |
20 03 15 01 | Publications Office | 1 732 000 |
20 03 15 02 | European Personnel Selection Office | 366 000 |
20 03 16 01 | Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements | 1 113 000 |
20 03 16 02 | Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels | 2 141 000 |
20 03 16 03 | Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Luxembourg | 543 000 |
20 03 17 | European Anti-Fraud Office | 1 175 000 |
21 01 01 | Pensions and allowances | 66 494 000 |
21 01 02 01 | Pensions of former Members of the European Parliament | 492 000 |
21 01 02 02 | Pensions of former Presidents of the European Council and of former Secretaries-General of the Council of the European Union | 17 000 |
21 01 02 03 | Pensions of former Members of the Commission | 261 000 |
21 01 02 04 | Pensions of former Members of the Court of Justice of the European Union | 427 000 |
21 01 02 05 | Pensions of former Members of the Court of Auditors | 170 000 |
21 01 02 06 | Pensions of former Members of European Ombudsmen | 7 000 |
21 01 02 07 | Pensions of former Members of European Data Protection Supervisors | 10 000 |
21 02 01 01 | Office of the Secretary-General of the European Schools (Brussels) | 29 677 |
21 02 01 02 | Brussels I (Uccle) | 765 081 |
21 02 01 03 | Brussels II (Woluwe) | 644 955 |
21 02 01 04 | Brussels III (Ixelles) | 571 040 |
21 02 01 05 | Brussels IV (Laeken) | 555 394 |
21 02 01 06 | Luxembourg I | 410 262 |
21 02 01 07 | Luxembourg II | 347 787 |
21 02 01 08 | Mol (BE) | 189 966 |
21 02 01 09 | Frankfurt am Main (DE) | 162 064 |
21 02 01 10 | Karlsruhe (DE) | 193 745 |
21 02 01 11 | Munich (DE) | 8 185 |
21 02 01 12 | Alicante (ES) | 31 171 |
21 02 01 13 | Varese (IT) | 300 239 |
21 02 01 14 | Bergen (NL) | 75 024 |
Sub-total Section III | 149 455 707 | |
Section IV - Court of Justice | ||
1 0 0 0 | Remunerations and allowances | 904 000 |
1 0 0 2 | Entitlements on entering the service, transfer and leaving the service | 48 000 |
1 0 2 | Temporary allowances | 81 000 |
1 2 0 0 | Remunerations and allowances | 7 612 000 |
1 2 0 2 | Paid overtime | 18 000 |
1 2 0 4 | Entitlements related to entering the service, transfer and leaving the service | 45 000 |
1 4 0 0 | Other staff | 290 000 |
1 4 0 4 | In-service training and staff exchanges | 77 000 |
Sub-total Section IV | 9 075 000 | |
Section V - Court of Auditors | ||
1 0 0 0 | Remuneration, allowances and pensions | 246 000 |
1 0 0 2 | Entitlements on entering and leaving the service | 4 000 |
1 0 2 0 | Temporary allowances | 11 000 |
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 3 243 000 |
1 2 0 2 | Paid overtime | 5 000 |
1 2 0 4 | Entitlements on entering the service, transfer and leaving the service | 16 000 |
1 4 0 0 | Other staff | 140 000 |
1 4 0 4 | In-service training and staff exchanges | 26 000 |
Sub-total Section V | 3 691 000 | |
Section VI - European Economic and Social Committee | ||
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 2 143 237 |
1 2 2 0 | Allowances for staff retired or placed on leave in the interests of the service | 7 300 |
1 4 0 0 | Other staff | 70 196 |
1 4 0 4 | Graduate traineeships, grants and exchanges of officials | 22 151 |
Sub-total Section VI | 2 242 884 | |
Section VII - European Committee of the Regions | ||
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 1 660 000 |
1 2 0 2 | Paid overtime | 700 |
1 2 0 4 | Entitlements on entering the service, transfer and leaving the service | 5 100 |
1 2 2 0 | Allowance for staff retired in the interests of the service | 8 300 |
1 4 0 0 | Other staff | 124 100 |
1 4 0 4 | Graduate traineeships, grants and exchanges of officials | 14 900 |
Sub-total Section VII | 1 813 100 | |
Section VIII - European Ombudsman | ||
1 0 0 | Salaries, allowances and payments related to salaries | 20 000 |
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 320 000 |
1 4 0 0 | Other staff | 57 000 |
1 4 0 4 | Graduate traineeships, grants and exchanges of officials | 23 000 |
Sub-total Section VIII | 420 000 | |
Section IX - European Data Protection Supervisor | ||
1 0 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 9 000 |
1 1 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 193 000 |
1 1 1 0 | Contract staff | 54 000 |
3 0 1 0 | Remuneration and allowances | 50 000 |
3 0 2 0 | Contract staff | 27 000 |
Sub-total Section IX | 333 000 | |
Section X - European External Action Service | ||
1 1 0 0 | Basic salaries | 2 000 000 |
3 0 0 0 | Remuneration and entitlements of statutory staff | 7 000 000 |
Sub-total Section X | 9 000 000 | |
Total |
Specific annex for the Publications Office | ||
O1 01 01 01 | Remuneration and allowances | 1 688 000 |
O1 01 01 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, (…) | 7 000 |
O1 01 02 | External personnel | 37 000 |
Total | 1 732 000 | |
Specific annex for the European Personnel Selection Office | ||
O2 01 01 01 | Remuneration and allowances | 329 000 |
O2 01 01 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, (…) | 1 000 |
O2 01 02 | External personnel | 36 000 |
Total | 366 000 | |
Specific annex for the Office for the Administration and Payment of Individual Entitlements | ||
O3 01 01 01 | Remuneration and allowances | 469 000 |
O3 01 01 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, (…) | 3 000 |
O3 01 02 | External personnel | 641 000 |
Total | 1 113 000 | |
Specific annex for the Office for infrastructure and logistics in Brussels | ||
O4 01 01 01 | Remuneration and allowances | 875 000 |
O4 01 01 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, (...) | 3 000 |
O4 01 02 01 | External personnel - OIB | 826 000 |
O4 01 02 02 | External personnel - Child care facilities | 437 000 |
Total | 2 141 000 | |
Specific annex for the Office for infrastructure and logistics in Luxembourg | ||
O5 01 01 01 | Remuneration and allowances | 295 000 |
O5 01 01 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, (…) | 1 000 |
O5 01 02 01 | External personnel - OIL | 207 000 |
O5 01 02 02 | External personnel - Child care facilities | 40 000 |
Total | 543 000 | |
Specific annex for the European anti-fraud Office (OLAF) | ||
O6 01 01 01 | Remuneration and allowances | 1 155 000 |
O6 01 01 02 | Expenses and allowances related to recruitment, (...) | 4 000 |
O6 01 02 | External personnel | 16 000 |
Total | 1 175 000 |
CERT-EU - Transfer of establishment plan posts and appropriations from several Institutions to the Commission
With the increasing risk and spread of cyber attacks, there is a need to increase the funding of CERT-EU, which provides a high common level of cybersecurity of all EU institutions, enabling alignment around a framework that addresses the cybersecurity threats, and establishes monitoring and reporting to an Interinstitutional Cybersecurity Board.
The extension of CERT-EU’s mandate was established in the Cybersecurity Regulation which entered into force on 7 January 2024. The legislative financial statement accompanying the agreed Regulation foresees a reinforcement of human and budgetary resources to CERT-EU from all Union institutions. With respect to staffing, it specifies that such contribution “is in proportion to the respective share of permanent AD posts of the organisation”.
While the Commission had already made available the necessary establishment plan posts, the current proposal is to transfer nine AD8 posts and the related salary appropriations, to cover a six-month period in 2025, as follows: two from the European Parliament, two from the Council, two from the Court of Justice, one from the European Court of Auditors, and two from the European External Action Service. The changes to the related establishment plans are set out in the budgetary annex.
Similarly, all Union institutions should contribute to the operations of CERT-EU through budget line 20 04 04 Inter-institutional computer emergency response team for the Union’s institutions, bodies and agencies (CERT-EU). The amount required for the 2025 budget (EUR 8.921 millon) corresponds to an increase of EUR 1.156 million compared to the 2024 budget. When establishing the DB 2025, the Commission budgeted the full amount – its own share of EUR 531 916, plus the share of the other institutions amounting to EUR 624 138, by limiting its own IT request. With the transfer of the share of the other institution to the CERT-EU line, it is now proposed to allocate the equivalent amount to line 20 04 03 Data Centre and Networking Services, which should have been the original destination of the amount.
The proposed – budgetary neutral – adjustments are as follows:
Amounts in EUR | ||
Budget Line | Name | Appropriations |
Section I - European Parliament | ||
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | -140 000 |
2 1 0 0 | IT governance and cyber security | -300 100 |
Sub-total Section I | -440 100 | |
Section II - Council and European Council | ||
1 0 0 0 | Basic salary | -140 000 |
2 1 0 2 | Servicing and maintenance of equipment and software | -85 293 |
Sub-total Section II | -225 293 | |
Section III - Commission | ||
20 01 02 01 | Remuneration and allowances - Headquarters & Representation offices | 630 000 |
20 04 03 | Data Centre and Networking Services | 624 138 |
Sub-total Section III | 1 254 138 | |
Section IV - Court of Justice | ||
1 2 0 0 | Remunerations and allowances | -140 000 |
2 1 0 0 | Purchase, servicing and maintenance of equipment and software | -63 497 |
Sub-total Section IV | -203 497 | |
Section V - Court of Auditors | ||
1 2 0 0 | Remuneration and allowances | -70 000 |
2 1 0 2 | External services for the operation, implementation and maintenance of software and systems | -23 434 |
Sub-total Section V | -93 434 | |
Section VI - European Economic and Social Committee | ||
2 1 0 2 | Outside assistance for the operation, development and maintenance of software systems | -20 788 |
Sub-total Section VI | -20 788 | |
Section VII - European Committee of the Regions | ||
2 1 0 2 | Outside assistance for the operation, development and maintenance of software systems | -15 370 |
Sub-total Section VII | -15 370 | |
Section VIII - European Ombudsman | ||
2 1 0 0 | Purchase, servicing and maintenance of equipment and software, and related work | -1 764 |
Sub-total Section VIII | -1 764 | |
Section IX - European Data Protection Supervisor | ||
2 0 1 0 | Information technology equipment and services | -3 024 |
Sub-total Section IX | -3 024 | |
Section X - European External Action Service | ||
1 1 0 0 | Basic salaries | -140 000 |
2 1 0 0 | Information and communication technology | -110 868 |
Sub-total Section X | -250 868 | |
Total | 0 |
Technical correction for the European Ombudsman
In preparing its estimates for 2025, the European Ombudsman did not take account of changes made to the entitlements of members by Council Regulation (EU) 2016/30011, both in terms of transitional allowances and installation and resettlement allowances, and to the reimbursement of removal costs. The estimates submitted in DB 2025 are thus erroneous in relation to two budget lines, which are both directly linked to the election of a new Ombudsman. The request for amendment seeks to correct this by returning to the general EU budget all the appropriations requested on the budget line for ‘Temporary allowances’ amounting to EUR 306 000 and requesting additional appropriations on the budget line for “Allowances and expenses on entering and leaving the service” that are needed to finance the payment of installation and resettlement allowances, and the reimbursement of travel and removal costs for the outgoing Ombudsman and the new Ombudsman for an amount of EUR 130 000.
Amounts in EUR | ||
Budget Line | Name | Appropriations |
Section VIII - European Ombudsman | ||
1 0 2 | Temporary allowances | -306 000 |
1 0 8 | Allowances and expenses on entering and leaving the service | 130 000 |
Total | - 176 000 |
7. Administrative expenditure outside Heading 7
To cover the additional needs for salary expenditure in 2025, in relation to the increased salary adjustment for 2024 presented above, on the administrative expenditure under Headings 1 to 6, the Commission has made every effort to cover the additional needs by mobilising remaining appropriations and in-build flexibilities. However, for several programmes as well as executive agencies, it is proposed to increase the level of appropriations by 2,3% to reflect the unexpected adjustment of the salary related expenditure. This 2,3% increase is the direct consequence of a higher than expected salary update in 2024 (+7,2%, applied in 2024 and +1,2% in April 2025, whereas the DB 2025 was built with +5,3% in 2024 and +0,6% in April 2025). In such cases, it is proposed that a corresponding proportional reduction is applied to the budget line(s) for corresponding relevant operational programmes. The proposed – budgetary neutral – adjustments are as follows:
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
01 01 01 01 | Expenditure related to officials and temporary staff implementing Horizon Europe — Indirect research | 4 121 490 | 4 121 490 |
01 01 01 02 | External personnel implementing Horizon Europe - Indirect research | 1 159 599 | 1 159 599 |
01 01 01 71 | European Research Council Executive Agency — Contribution from Horizon Europe | 1 249 108 | 1 249 108 |
01 01 01 72 | European Research Executive Agency — Contribution from Horizon Europe | 1 898 668 | 1 898 668 |
01 01 01 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from Horizon Europe | 295 368 | 295 368 |
01 01 01 76 | European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency — Contribution from Horizon Europe | 588 870 | 588 870 |
01 02 05 | Horizontal operational activities | -9 313 102 | -9 313 102 |
01 01 02 01 | Expenditure related to officials and temporary staff implementing the Euratom Research and Training Programme — Indirect research | 181 641 | 181 641 |
01 01 02 02 | External personnel implementing the Euratom Research and Training Programme — Indirect research | 7 851 | 7 851 |
01 03 01 | Fusion Research and development | -130 081 | -130 081 |
01 03 02 | Nuclear Fission, safety and radiation protection (indirect actions) | -59 412 | -59 412 |
01 01 03 01 | Expenditure related to officials and temporary staff implementing ITER | 140 760 | 140 760 |
01 01 03 02 | External personnel implementing ITER | 5 750 | 5 750 |
01 04 01 | Construction, operation and exploitation of the ITER facilities — European Joint Undertaking for ITER — and the Development of Fusion Energy | -146 510 | -146 510 |
02 01 21 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from the Connecting Europe Facility - Transport | 148 031 | 148 031 |
02 03 01 | Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Transport | -148 031 | -148 031 |
02 01 22 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from the Connecting Europe Facility - Energy | 63 505 | 63 505 |
02 03 02 | Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) - Energy | -63 505 | -63 505 |
05 01 01 01 | Support expenditure for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) | 78 184 | 78 184 |
05 01 01 76 | European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency — Contribution from interregional innovation investments | 28 574 | 28 574 |
05 02 02 | ERDF — Operational technical assistance | - 106 758 | - 106 758 |
05 01 02 01 | Support expenditure for the Cohesion Fund | 34 237 | 34 237 |
05 01 02 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from the Cohesion Fund | 131 712 | 131 712 |
05 03 02 | Cohesion Fund (CF) — Operational technical assistance | - 165 949 | - 165 949 |
05 01 03 | Support expenditure for the 'Support to the Turkish-Cypriot Community' | 47 176 | 47 176 |
05 04 01 | Financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community | -47 176 | -47 176 |
07 01 02 75 | European Education and Culture Executive Agency — Contribution from Erasmus+ | 650 551 | 650 551 |
07 03 01 01 | Promoting learning mobility of individuals and groups, and cooperation, inclusion and equity, excellence, creativity and innovation at the level of organisations and policies in the field of education and training — Indirect management | -650 551 | -650 551 |
07 01 03 75 | European Education and Culture Executive Agency — Contribution from the European Solidarity Corps | 29 593 | 29 593 |
07 04 01 | European Solidarity Corps | -29 593 | -29 593 |
07 01 04 75 | European Education and Culture Executive Agency — Contribution from Creative Europe | 365 873 | 365 873 |
07 05 01 | Culture strand | -120 738 | -120 738 |
07 05 02 | Media strand | -212 206 | -212 206 |
07 05 03 | cross-sectoral strand | -32 929 | -32 929 |
07 01 05 75 | European Education and Culture Executive Agency — Contribution from Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values | 167 077 | 167 077 |
07 06 04 | Union values | -167 077 | -167 077 |
08 01 01 72 | European Research Executive Agency — Contribution from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund | 40 463 | 40 463 |
08 02 04 01 | Basic income support for sustainability | -40 463 | -40 463 |
08 01 02 | Support expenditure for the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development | 45 484 | 45 484 |
08 03 02 | European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) — Operational technical assistance | -45 484 | -45 484 |
08 01 03 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund | 91 422 | 91 422 |
08 04 03 | European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) — Operational technical assistance | -91 422 | -91 422 |
09 01 01 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from the Programme for Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) | 327 107 | 327 107 |
09 02 01 | Nature and biodiversity | -90 517 | -90 517 |
09 02 02 | Circular economy and quality of life | -55 080 | -55 080 |
09 02 03 | Climate change mitigation and adaptation | -33 586 | -33 586 |
09 02 04 | Clean energy transition | -147 924 | -147 924 |
13 01 02 01 | Expenditure related to officials and temporary staff implementing the European Defence Fund — Research | 152 719 | 152 719 |
13 01 02 02 | External personnel implementing the European Defence Fund — Research | 42 299 | 42 299 |
13 03 01 | Defence Research | -195 018 | -195 018 |
13 01 03 74 | European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency — Contribution from Connecting Europe Facility (Transport) for military mobility | 19 621 | 19 621 |
13 04 01 | Military mobility | -19 621 | -19 621 |
Total | 0 | 0 |
Conversely, for decentralised agencies the scope for internal redeployments is limited and therefore the Commission proposes to increase the EU contribution by 2,3 %, applied to Title 1 ‘Staff expenditure’ of the agencies’ budget, taking into account the ratio between the EU contribution and the agencies’ total budget, except for some agencies for which internal redeployments can cover the additional needs. Moreover, it is proposed not to include FRONTEX in the increase, notably because of a still rather significant vacancy rate and because the salaries represent a lower portion of the total budget of the agency, leaving more room for internal redeployments with limited impact on the tasks or the functioning of the agency.
The overall impact on expenditure of EUR 19,6 million in commitment and payment appropriations is detailed as follows:
- Heading 1 - Single Market, Innovation and Digital
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
02 10 01 | European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) | 516 817 | 516 817 |
02 10 02 | European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) | 848 698 | 848 698 |
02 10 03 | European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) | 514 383 | 514 383 |
02 10 04 | European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) | 276 379 | 276 379 |
02 10 05 | Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) | 117 342 | 117 342 |
02 10 06 | European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) | 275 013 | 275 013 |
03 10 01 01 | European Chemicals Agency — Chemicals legislation | 1 142 251 | 1 142 251 |
03 10 01 02 | European Chemicals Agency — Activities in the field of biocides legislation | 118 498 | 118 498 |
03 10 02 | European Banking Authority (EBA) | 337 416 | 337 416 |
03 10 03 | European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) | 240 155 | 240 155 |
03 10 04 | European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) | 319 986 | 319 986 |
03 10 05 | Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) | 181 944 | 181 944 |
Total | 4 888 882 | 4 888 882 |
- Sub-heading 2b - Resilience and Values
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
06 10 01 | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control | 978 047 | 978 047 |
06 10 02 | European Food Safety Authority | 1 642 278 | 1 642 278 |
06 10 03 01 | Union contribution to the European Medicines Agency | 311 554 | 311 554 |
07 10 01 | European Foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions (Eurofound) | 380 111 | 380 111 |
07 10 02 | European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) | 190 571 | 190 571 |
07 10 03 | European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) | 311 055 | 311 055 |
07 10 04 | European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) | 400 080 | 400 080 |
07 10 05 | European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) | 124 267 | 124 267 |
07 10 06 | European Training Foundation (ETF) | 395 290 | 395 290 |
07 10 07 | European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) | 821 164 | 821 164 |
07 10 08 | European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) | 1 297 225 | 1 297 225 |
07 10 09 | European Labour Authority (ELA) | 351 925 | 351 925 |
Total | 7 203 567 | 7 203 567 |
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
08 10 01 | European Fisheries Control Agency | 286 350 | 286 350 |
09 10 01 | European Chemicals Agency – Environmental directives and international conventions | 141 571 | 141 571 |
09 10 02 | European Environment Agency | 962 392 | 962 392 |
Total | 1 390 313 | 1 390 313 |
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
10 10 01 | European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) | 1 425 925 | 1 425 925 |
11 10 02 | European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) | 1 191 352 | 1 191 352 |
Total | 2 617 277 | 2 617 277 |
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
12 10 01 | European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) | 2 934 906 | 2 934 906 |
12 10 02 | European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) | 124 115 | 124 115 |
12 10 03 | European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) | 430 239 | 430 239 |
Total | 3 489 260 | 3 489 260 |
8. Additional adjustments to decentralised agencies
In early June 2024, the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) was the target of a series of cyberattacks. The incidents were immediately reported to the competent Cybersecurity Service for the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (CERT-EU). After a full investigation launched in collaboration with CERT-EU, the agency needed a complete rebuilding of its IT infrastructure. To allow the agency to substantially increase its cybersecurity up to the highest levels, the Commission proposes to increase the EU contribution to the agency for 2025 by EUR 1 million in commitment and payment appropriations and to add one additional AD post to its establishment plan. With respect to 2024, the Commission proposed a reinforcement in the DAB 5/2024, to cover the immediate costs of the cyber-attacks. The agency will work closely with the Commission (DG DIGIT) to rebuild its IT infrastructure and for the maintenance of its cyber security.
Amounts in EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
12 10 02 | European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) | 1 100 000 | 1 100 000 |
Total | 1 100 000 | 1 100 000 |
In combination with the effect of the salary update mentioned above (proposed reinforcement of the EU contribution of EUR 124 115), the total reinforcement for CEPOL is proposed to be increased by EUR 1 224 115.
The updated establishment plan is set out in the budgetary annex.
The breakdown of posts across the grades of the establishment plans of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol) and of the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust), as transmitted by the agencies in the context of the preparation of the DB 2025, does not allow for the necessary career development of staff through reclassification. Following a careful review of the grades carried out with Europol and Eurojust, the Commission proposes to adjust the breakdown of the grades in the establishment plan accordingly. The overall budget and the total number of posts of Europol and Eurojust remain unchanged.
The updated establishment plans are set out in the budgetary annex.
The EPPO has its headquarters in Luxembourg. To allow the EPPO to introduce a Luxembourg allowance for staff at the lower grades to assist them in meeting the costs of accommodation in Luxembourg as other EU institutions are planning on introducing, it is proposed to include an amount of EUR 499 848 for such expenditure, pending the final adoption of the related internal decision.
Additionally, to ensure the EPPO’s IT-independence from the Commission IT network, it is proposed to reinforce EPPO by allocating three establishment plan posts and one contract agent to take account of the additional workload. This would require EUR 2 814 000 to cover the salaries of the staff to be hired as well as EPPO IT-expenditure needed for its IT-independence.
Consequently, the proposed reinforcement of the EU contribution to EPPO amounts to EUR 3,3 million, as follows:
EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
07 10 08 | European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) | 3 313 848 | 3 313 848 |
Total | 3 313 848 | 3 313 848 |
The updated establishment plan is set out in the budgetary annex.
In combination with the effect of the salary update mentioned above (proposed reinforcement of the EU contribution of EUR 1 297 225), the total reinforcement for the EPPO is proposed to be EUR 4 611 073.
9. Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism (ULCM)
In June 2024, the European Council invited the Commission, the High Representative and the Council to take work forward, while addressing all relevant legal and financial aspects, to provide additional funding for Ukraine by the end of the year. In line with the results of the G7 summit of 13-15 June 2024, this would take the form of loans serviced and repaid by future flows of the extraordinary revenues stemming from immobilised Russian sovereign assets.
Consequently, on 20 September 202412, the Commission proposed a Regulation establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism (ULCM) and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine. The ULCM will support G7 partners in issuing loans to Ukraine in parallel to the EU’s exceptional MFA loan, with a view to reaching the total amount envisaged at the G7 summit. In order to allow the Commission to manage the related budgetary operations in a timely manner upon the adoption of the ULCM Regulation, the Commission proposes to make the necessary adjustments to the budget nomenclature and budget remarks in both DAB 5/202413 and in this Amending Letter. Accordingly, the Commission proposes to create a new budget line within a new dedicated chapter 14 11 (without appropriations) as follows:
EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
14 11 01 | Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism | p.m. | p.m. |
Total | p.m. | p.m. |
The corresponding budget remarks are set out in the budgetary annex.
10. Application of article 26 CPR to amend the Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument (BMVI) programme and impact on the nomenclature structure
Article 26 of the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) for the 2021-27 period foresees that Member States may request in the Partnership Agreement or in a request for an amendment of a programme to transfer of up to 5 % of the initial national allocation of each Fund to any other instrument under direct or indirect management, or Funds under shared management.
Following the approval of the programme by Commission Decision C(2022)8851 of 29/11/2022, Slovenia has submitted a proposal for amending the BMVI programme 2021-2027. The amendments consist of the transfer of EUR 5 691 543 (5 %) from the BMVI programme to the Internal Security Fund (ISF) in accordance with Article 26 CPR, out of which EUR 1 897 181 will be transferred in 2025. In order to implement this request the Commission proposes creating a new budget line within the BMVI programme as follows:
EUR | |||
Budget line | Name | Commitment appropriations | Payment appropriations |
11 02 01 | Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy | -1 897 181 | -1 897 181 |
11 02 02 | Internal Security Fund (ISF) – Contribution from BMVI | 1 897 181 | 1 897 181 |
Total | 0 | 0 |
The corresponding budgetary remarks are provided in the budgetary annex.
11. Technical correction
As per the relevant joint declaration by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on the re-use of decommitted funds in relation to the research programme14, the top-up of EUR 100 million (2018 prices) from Article 15(3) Financial Regulation agreed in the MFF mid-term revision must stem from decommitments made in 2019 to 2020, depending on availabilities. This was not explicitly stated in the corresponding budget remarks for the amounts and budget line concerned proposed in the DB 2025. It is therefore proposed to correct the clerical mistake in this AL 1/2025.
The corresponding budget remarks are set out in the budgetary annex.
12. Update of revenue
12.1 Update of the United Kingdom contribution
Based on Article 148 of the Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union15, the United Kingdom will make payments to the Union to cover the United Kingdoms’ share in the outstanding commitments prior to 2021 to be paid in 2025, as well as the United Kingdom’s share in the Union’s liabilities (such as pensions) and contingent financial liabilities. The overall United Kingdom’s contribution will also include the Union’s payments to or from the United Kingdom related to own resources corrections and adjustments for financial years until 2021.
The United Kingdom’s share16 is calculated as the ratio between the own resources made available by the United Kingdom in the years 2014 to 2020 and the own resources made available during that period by all Member States and the United Kingdom. The definitive United Kingdom’s share has been set at 12,43 %.
The table below presents the updated United Kingdom contribution to the budget 2025. It includes updated amounts related to traditional own resources that were included in the 2024 September invoice. Moreover, in view of the 2025 April invoice, it includes an updated forecast of the implementation of outstanding commitments prior to 2021, fines resulting from recent court rulings that are due this year and will be reimbursed to the United Kingdom in proportion to its share in 2025, and a forecast of contingent liabilities, based on the 4-year-average amount included in the invoices 2021-2024.
It is therefore proposed to update the estimate introduced in the 2025 budget accordingly. Overall, this will reduce the estimated United Kingdom contribution to the budget 2025 by EUR 370 million.
Reference to the Article of the Withdrawal agreement | 2025 | |
Total provisional UK contribution for 2025, of which: | 1 556 262 820 | |
1. RAL prior 2021 | Art. 140 | 2 005 370 252 |
2. Union's liabilities/pensions* | Art.142 | 332 168 222 |
3. Own resources corrections and adjustments, of which: | -114 379 326 | |
3.1 Surplus/deficit of 2020 | Art.136(3)(a) | n/a |
3.2 UK correction updates | Art.136 | n/a |
3.3. VAT&GNI | Art.136 | -127 441 597 |
3.4. TOR | Art.136, Art. 140(4) | 13 062 271 |
4. Fines | Art.141 | -373 478 959 |
5. Contingent liabilities, of which: | -250 000 000 | |
5.1 ELM, EFSI, EFSD, loans (Guarantee funds) | Art.143 | -200 000 000 |
5.2 Financial Instruments | Art.144 | -50 000 000 |
5.3 Legal cases (incl. fines) | Art.147 | p.m. |
6. ECSC net assets | Art.145 | -36 874 795 |
7. EIF investment | Art.146 | -6 648 463 |
8. Access to networks/systems/data bases** | Art. 49(2), Art. 50 and 53, Art. 62(2), Art. 63(1)(e), Art. 63(2), Art. 99(3), Art. 100(2) | 105 889 |
* - the amount of EUR 332 million will be entered in the EU budget as assigned revenues ** - to be entered in the EU budget as assigned revenues |
12.2 Nomenclature change following the adoption by the Commission of the proposal for the ULCM
As a consequence of the adoption of the Commission proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism and providing exceptional macro-financial assistance to Ukraine (see section 9 above), it is proposed to create a new revenue line within an article for Ukraine support: 6 6 4 2 ‘Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism’.
The corresponding budget remarks are set out in the budgetary annex.
13. Financing
Overall, the net impact of AL 1/2025 on expenditure in the DB 2025 is a decrease of EUR 303,0 million in commitment appropriations and an increase of EUR 2 657,0 million in payment appropriations.
In relation to the impact of the elements included in this AL 1/2025, given the absence of margins and room for redeployment under sub-heading 2b and under heading 5, the Commission proposes to mobilise the Flexibility Instrument in line with Article 12 of Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2093 in commitment appropriations for an amount of EUR 1 105,8 million for sub-heading 2b Resilience and for an amount of EUR 4,6 million for heading 5.
Additionally, the increase of expenditure for heading 7 leads to an increase of the amounts proposed to be mobilised from the Single Margin Instrument by EUR 219,9 million to EUR 710,3 million.
The combined impact of the decrease for the proposed mobilisation of the Flexibility Intrument of EUR 82,4 million and the increase of expenditure for heading 7 of EUR 219,9 million leads to an increase of EUR 137,5 million in the recourse to special non-thematic instruments and an increase of EUR 343 million of the overall margins available under the commitment ceilings. Additionally, the mobilisation of the EURI instrument is reduced by EUR 97,5 million, compared to DB 2025.
The 2025 payment appropriations related to the mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument in the years 2022 to 2025 are estimated at EUR 1 375,4 million, in current prices. The estimated payment schedule of the related outstanding amounts for these years is detailed in the following table:
Flexibility Instrument - payment profile (in EUR million) | ||||
Mobilisation year | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | Total |
2022 | 36,7 | 0,0 | 0,0 | 36,7 |
2023 | 120,6 | 83,2 | 0,0 | 203,8 |
2024 | 107,6 | 83,7 | 46,3 | 237,6 |
2025 | 1 110,4 | 0,0 | 0,0 | 1 110,4 |
Total | 1 375,4 | 166,9 | 46,3 | 1 588,5 |
14. Summary Table by MFF Heading
Draft Budget 2025 | Amending Letter 1 (AL1) to Draft Budget 2025 | Draft Budget 2025 incl. AL1 | |||||
CA | PA | CA | PA | CA | PA | ||
1. | Single Market, Innovation and Digital | 21 377 684 025 | 20 438 884 655 | 4 888 882 | 4 888 882 | 21 382 572 907 | 20 443 773 537 |
Ceiling | 21 596 000 000 | 21 596 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | 218 315 975 | -4 888 882 | 213 427 093 | ||||
2. | Cohesion, Resilience and Values | 78 128 158 265 | 41 618 661 522 | -184 482 585 | 2 815 517 415 | 77 943 675 680 | 44 434 178 937 |
Ceiling | 75 697 000 000 | 75 697 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | 1 192 832 134 | -86 982 585 | 1 105 849 549 | ||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
of which under EURI Instrument | 1 239 082 096 | -97 500 000 | 1 141 582 096 | ||||
Margin | 755 965 | 755 965 | |||||
2a. | Economic, social and territorial cohesion | 66 360 244 035 | 30 259 002 346 | 3 000 000 000 | 66 360 244 035 | 33 259 002 346 | |
Ceiling | 66 361 000 000 | 66 361 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | 755 965 | 755 965 | |||||
2b. | Resilience and values | 11 767 914 230 | 11 359 659 176 | -184 482 585 | -184 482 585 | 11 583 431 645 | 11 175 176 591 |
Ceiling | 9 336 000 000 | 9 336 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | 1 192 832 134 | -86 982 585 | 1 105 849 549 | ||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
of which under EURI Instrument | 1 239 082 096 | -97 500 000 | 1 141 582 096 | ||||
Margin | |||||||
3. | Natural Resources and Environment | 57 274 962 739 | 52 682 405 247 | -350 530 285 | -390 530 285 | 56 924 432 454 | 52 291 874 962 |
Ceiling | 57 336 000 000 | 57 336 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | 61 037 261 | 350 530 285 | 411 567 546 | ||||
Of which: Market related expenditure and direct payments | 40 528 928 000 | 40 623 753 419 | -351 920 598 | -391 920 598 | 40 177 007 402 | 40 231 832 821 | |
Initial EAGF sub-ceiling | 41 646 000 000 | 41 646 000 000 | |||||
Rounding difference excluded for calculating the sub-margin | 72 000 | 72 000 | |||||
Net transfers between EAGF and EAFRD | -1 117 072 000 | -1 117 072 000 | |||||
Net balance available for EAGF expenditure | 40 528 928 000 | 40 528 928 000 | |||||
Adjusted EAGF sub-ceiling corrected by transfers between EAGF and EAFRD | 40 529 000 000 | 40 529 000 000 | |||||
EAGF sub-margin | 72 000 | 351 920 598 | 351 992 598 | ||||
EAGF sub-margin (excluding the rounding difference) | 0 | 351 920 598 | 351 920 598 | ||||
4. | Migration and Border Management | 4 776 530 747 | 3 201 330 477 | 2 617 277 | 2 617 277 | 4 779 148 024 | 3 203 947 754 |
Ceiling | 4 871 000 000 | 4 871 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | 94 469 253 | -2 617 277 | 91 851 976 | ||||
5. | Security and Defence | 2 617 000 000 | 2 128 565 434 | 4 589 260 | 4 589 260 | 2 621 589 260 | 2 133 154 694 |
Ceiling | 2 617 000 000 | 2 617 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | 4 589 260 | 4 589 260 | |||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | |||||||
6. | Neighbourhood and the World | 16 258 245 797 | 14 406 257 975 | 16 258 245 797 | 14 406 257 975 | ||
Ceiling | 16 303 000 000 | 16 303 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | 44 754 203 | 44 754 203 | |||||
7. | European Public Administration | 12 614 361 450 | 12 614 361 450 | 219 914 191 | 219 914 191 | 12 834 275 641 | 12 834 275 641 |
Ceiling | 12 124 000 000 | 12 124 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | 490 361 450 | 219 914 191 | 710 275 641 | ||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Margin | |||||||
of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions | 9 561 979 384 | 9 561 979 384 | 147 751 601 | 147 751 601 | 9 709 730 985 | 9 709 730 985 | |
Sub-ceiling | 9 219 000 000 | 9 219 000 000 | |||||
of which under Flexibility Instruments | |||||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | 342 979 384 | 147 751 601 | 490 730 985 | ||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
Sub-margin | |||||||
Appropriations for headings | 193 046 943 023 | 147 090 466 760 | -303 003 260 | 2 656 996 740 | 192 743 939 763 | 149 747 463 500 | |
Of which under Flexibility Instrument | 1 192 832 134 | 1 457 791 145 | -82 393 325 | -82 393 325 | 1 110 438 809 | 1 375 397 820 | |
Ceiling | 190 544 000 000 | 175 378 000 000 | 190 544 000 000 | 175 378 000 000 | |||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (a)) | 490 361 450 | 219 914 191 | 710 275 641 | ||||
of which under Single Margin Instrument (Article 11(1) point (c)) | |||||||
of which under EURI Instrument | 1 239 082 096 | 1 239 082 096 | -97 500 000 | -97 500 000 | 1 141 582 096 | 1 141 582 096 | |
Margin | 419 332 657 | 30 984 406 481 | 343 024 126 | -2 836 890 065 | 762 356 783 | 28 147 516 416 | |
Appropriations as % of GNI | 1,05% | 0,80% | 1,05% | 0,80% | |||
Thematic special instruments | 6 669 866 079 | 5 593 595 842 | 6 669 866 079 | 5 593 595 842 | |||
Total appropriations | 199 716 809 102 | 152 684 062 602 | -303 003 260 | 2 656 996 740 | 199 413 805 842 | 155 341 059 342 |
1 Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2020/2053 of 14 December 2020 on the system of own resources of the European Union and repealing Decision 2014/335/EU, Euratom, OJ L 424, 15.12.2020.
2 OJ L, 2024/2509, 26.09.2024, ELI: data.europa.eu/eli/reg/2024/2509/oj.
3COM(2024) 300 final, 12.7.2024.
4 COM(2024) 426 final, 20.9.2024.
5 Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 June 2021 laying down common provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund Plus, the Cohesion Fund, the Just Transition Fund and the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund and financial rules for those and for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the Internal Security Fund and the Instrument for Financial Support for Border Management and Visa Policy, OJ L 231, 30.6.2021, p. 159.
6 The needs amount corresponds to EUR 40 177 million of fresh appropriations plus EUR 395 million of assigned revenue expected to be collected in 2025, EUR 361 million of 2024 surplus, excluding the agricultural reserve and EUR 282 million carry-over of the agricultural reserve.
7 Regulation (EU) 2021/2116 on the financing, management and monitoring of the common agricultural policy and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1306/2013.
8 Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission on budgetary discipline, on cooperation in budgetary matters and on sound financial management, as well as on new own resources, including a roadmap towards the introduction of new own resources, OJ L 433, 20.12.2020, p. 28.
9 OJ 45, 14.6.1962, p. 1385, ELI: data.europa.eu/eli/reg/1962/31(1)/oj.
10 BE, DE, ES, FR, IT, LU, NL, AT, PL, SE.
11 Council Regulation (EU) 2016/300 of 29 February 2016 determining the emoluments of EU high-level public office holders, OJ L 58, 4.3.2016, p. 1.
12 COM(2024) 426 final.
13 [COM(2024) 650, 10.10.2024].
14 OJ C, C/2024/1972, 29.2.2024, ELI: data.europa.eu/eli/C/2024/1972/oj.
15 Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, OJ L 29, 31.01.2020, p. 7.
16 Referred to in points (a) and (c) of Article 136(3), and in Articles 140 to 147 of the Withdrawal Agreement.