Considerations on COM(2010)89 - EU position within the ACP-EC Council of Ministers concerning the accession of South Africa to the revised ACP-EC Partnership Agreement

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

1. In accordance with its Article 93, paragraph 3, the revised ACP-EC Agreement entered into force on 1 July 2008.

2. South Africa, having signed the revised ACP-EC Agreement on 25 June 2005, did not deposit an instrument of ratification under the terms of Article 93, paragraph 4, by the deadline of 30 June 2009.

3. Article 94 of the revised ACP-EC Agreement stipulates that any request for accession by a State is to be presented to, and approved by, the ACP-EC Council of Ministers.

4. South Africa presented a request for accession to the ACP-EC Agreement on 23 November 2009.

5. It is appropriate to establish the position to be adopted on the Union's behalf in the Joint ACP-EC Council of Ministers, concerning this request for accession.