(5) | Based on data provided by the Commission (Eurostat) in accordance with Article 8g(1) of Regulation (EC) No 3605/93 following the notification by Portugal before 1 April 2008 and on the Commission services’ spring 2008 forecasts, the following conclusions are warranted:
— | the general government deficit was reduced from 6,1 % of GDP in 2005 to 3,9 % of GDP in 2006 and to 2,6 % of GDP in 2007, which brings it below the 3 % of GDP deficit reference value one year before the deadline set by the Council. The latter compares with a target of 3 % of GDP set in the December 2007 update of the stability programme of Portugal, |
— | both a falling government expenditure-to-GDP ratio and a rising revenue-to-GDP ratio contributed to the improvement in the government balance. The expenditure ratio declined by 1 percentage points of GDP in 2006 and almost of a percentage point of GDP in 2007. In parallel, the government revenue ratio increased by some of a percentage point of GDP in both 2006 and 2007. Fiscal consolidation hinged mainly upon structural measures, with a marginal contribution from a one-off operation worth 0,1 % of GDP in 2007. The improvement in the structural balance (i.e. the cyclically-adjusted balance net of one-off and other temporary measures) is estimated at two percentage points of GDP in 2006 and one percentage point of GDP in 2007, which is in line with the Council recommendation under Article 104(7) for a reduction of the structural balance by 1,5 % of GDP in 2006 and, at least, % of GDP in 2007, |
— | for 2008, the Commission services’ spring 2008 forecasts project a further reduction in the deficit, to 2,2 % of GDP, mainly driven by some additional revenue, with the budgetary execution benefiting from a 0,2 % of GDP one-off deficit-reducing operation. This is broadly in line with the official deficit targets of 2,4 % of GDP set in the December 2007 update of the stability programme of Portugal and the revised target of 2,2 % of GDP announced by the Portuguese authorities in late March 2008. For 2009, the spring forecasts project, on a no-policy change basis, a government deficit at 2,6 % of GDP. This indicates that the deficit has been brought below the 3 % of GDP reference value in a credible and sustainable manner, |
— | nevertheless, the structural balance is projected to improve by about percentage point of GDP in 2008 and, on a no-policy change basis, to worsen by percentage point of GDP in 2009. This has to be seen against the need to make progress towards the medium-term objective (MTO) for the budgetary position, which for Portugal is a structural deficit of 0,5 % of GDP, |
— | government debt declined from 64,7 % of GDP in 2006 to 63,6 % of GDP in 2007. The low GDP growth and still relatively high government deficits projected in the Commission services’ spring 2008 economic forecasts are expected to yield a government debt at some 64 % of GDP in 2009. |