Considerations on COM(2017)603 - EU position with regard to a proposal for amending Annex II to the Protocol concerning specially protected areas and biological diversity in the Mediterranean

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

(1) The Convention for the protection of the marine environment and the coastal region of the Mediterranean ('the Barcelona Convention') was concluded by the Community in accordance with Council Decision 1999/802/EC 12 and entered into force on 9 July 2004.

(2) The Union is also a Party to the Protocol concerning specially protected areas and biological diversity in the Mediterranean (‘the Protocol’), which was concluded by the Community in accordance with Council Decision 1999/800/EC 13 and entered into force on 12 December 1999.

(3) Pursuant to Article 18 of the Barcelona Convention, one of the functions of the meetings of the Contracting Parties is to adopt, review and amend as required the Annexes to that Convention and to the protocols.

(4) The twentieth ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, is scheduled to take place from 17 to 20 December 2017. Among the points on the agenda, the meeting is to adopt amendments to Annex II to the Protocol.

(5) The purpose of those amendments is to add four new Anthozoa species (Isidella elongata, Dendrophyllia cornigera, Dendrophyllia ramea and Desmophyllum dianthus) to the list of species set out in Annex II to the Protocol, and to update the denomination of a number of marine and coastal bird species in that list in view of certain taxonomic changes that occurred since the last amendments of the Annexes to the Protocol.

(6) It is appropriate to establish the position to be adopted on behalf of the Union in the twentieth ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, as the amendments to Annex II to the Protocol will be binding upon the Union.

(7) The four Anthozoa species proposed for inclusion in Annex II to the Protocol are present in natural habitat types of Community interest whose conservation requires the designation of special areas of conservation as set out in Annex I to Council Directive 92/43/EEC 14 . Three of those species are also included in Appendix II to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora which is implemented in the Union by Annex B to Council Regulation (EC) No 338/97 15 . All of the species proposed for inclusion are known to be threatened in the Mediterranean Sea and are therefore in need of the enhanced protection from human activities that is provided under the Protocol. 

(8) As the proposal for the decision at the twentieth ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention is for the amendment of Annex II to the Protocol, it is appropriate to publish it in the Official Journal of the European Union after its adoption.

(9) At the twentieth ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, the Union is to be represented by the Commission in accordance with Article 17(1) of the Treaty on European Union (TEU). The Member States are to support the position of the Union in accordance with Article 4(3) TEU.