Considerations on COM(2022)209 - Rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse - Main contents
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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.
dossier | COM(2022)209 - Rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. |
document | COM(2022)209 ![]() |
date | May 11, 2022 |
(2) Given the central importance of relevant information society services, those aims can only be achieved by ensuring that providers offering such services in the Union behave responsibly and take reasonable measures to minimise the risk of their services being misused for the purpose of child sexual abuse, those providers often being the only ones in a position to prevent and combat such abuse. The measures taken should be targeted, carefully balanced and proportionate, so as to avoid any undue negative consequences for those who use the services for lawful purposes, in particular for the exercise of their fundamental rights protected under Union law, that is, those enshrined in the Charter and recognised as general principles of Union law, and so as to avoid imposing any excessive burdens on the providers of the services.
(3) Member States are increasingly introducing, or are considering introducing, national laws to prevent and combat online child sexual abuse, in particular by imposing requirements on providers of relevant information society services. In the light of the inherently cross-border nature of the internet and the service provision concerned, those national laws, which diverge, have a direct negative effect on the internal market. To increase legal certainty, eliminate the resulting obstacles to the provision of the services and ensure a level playing field in the internal market, the necessary harmonised requirements should be laid down at Union level.
(4) Therefore, this Regulation should contribute to the proper functioning of the internal market by setting out clear, uniform and balanced rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse in a manner that is effective and that respects the fundamental rights of all parties concerned. In view of the fast-changing nature of the services concerned and the technologies used to provide them, those rules should be laid down in technology-neutral and future-proof manner, so as not to hamper innovation.
(5) In order to achieve the objectives of this Regulation, it should cover providers of services that have the potential to be misused for the purpose of online child sexual abuse. As they are increasingly misused for that purpose, those services should include publicly available interpersonal communications services, such as messaging services and web-based e-mail services, in so far as those service as publicly available. As services which enable direct interpersonal and interactive exchange of information merely as a minor ancillary feature that is intrinsically linked to another service, such as chat and similar functions as part of gaming, image-sharing and video-hosting are equally at risk of misuse, they should also be covered by this Regulation. However, given the inherent differences between the various relevant information society services covered by this Regulation and the related varying risks that those services are misused for the purpose of online child sexual abuse and varying ability of the providers concerned to prevent and combat such abuse, the obligations imposed on the providers of those services should be differentiated in an appropriate manner.
(6) Online child sexual abuse frequently involves the misuse of information society services offered in the Union by providers established in third countries. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the rules laid down in this Regulation and a level playing field within the internal market, those rules should apply to all providers, irrespective of their place of establishment or residence, that offer services in the Union, as evidenced by a substantial connection to the Union.
(7) This Regulation should be without prejudice to the rules resulting from other Union acts, in particular Directive 2011/93 of the European Parliament and of the Council 38 , Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 39 and Regulation (EU) …/… of the European Parliament and of the Council 40 [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC], Directive 2010/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council 41 , Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council 42 , and Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 43 .
(8) This Regulation should be considered lex specialis in relation to the generally applicable framework set out in Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC] laying down harmonised rules on the provision of certain information society services in the internal market. The rules set out in Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC] apply in respect of issues that are not or not fully addressed by this Regulation.
(9) Article 15(1) of Directive 2002/58/EC allows Member States to adopt legislative measures to restrict the scope of the rights and obligations provided for in certain specific provisions of that Directive relating to the confidentiality of communications when such restriction constitutes a necessary, appropriate and proportionate measure within a democratic society, inter alia, to prevent, investigate, detect and prosecute criminal offences, provided certain conditions are met, including compliance with the Charter. Applying the requirements of that provision by analogy, this Regulation should limit the exercise of the rights and obligations provided for in Articles 5(1), (3) and 6(1) of Directive 2002/58/EC, insofar as strictly necessary to execute detection orders issued in accordance with this Regulation with a view to prevent and combat online child sexual abuse.
(10) In the interest of clarity and consistency, the definitions provided for in this Regulation should, where possible and appropriate, be based on and aligned with the relevant definitions contained in other acts of Union law, such as Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC].
(11) A substantial connection to the Union should be considered to exist where the relevant information society services has an establishment in the Union or, in its absence, on the basis of the existence of a significant number of users in one or more Member States, or the targeting of activities towards one or more Member States. The targeting of activities towards one or more Member States should be determined on the basis of all relevant circumstances, including factors such as the use of a language or a currency generally used in that Member State, or the possibility of ordering products or services, or using a national top level domain. The targeting of activities towards a Member State could also be derived from the availability of a software application in the relevant national software application store, from the provision of local advertising or advertising in the language used in that Member State, or from the handling of customer relations such as by providing customer service in the language generally used in that Member State. A substantial connection should also be assumed where a service provider directs its activities to one or more Member State as set out in Article 17(1), point (c), of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council 44 . Mere technical accessibility of a website from the Union should not, alone, be considered as establishing a substantial connection to the Union.
(12) For reasons of consistency and technological neutrality, the term ‘child sexual abuse material’ should for the purpose of this Regulation be defined as referring to any type of material constituting child pornography or pornographic performance within the meaning of Directive 2011/93/EU, which is capable of being disseminated through the use of hosting or interpersonal communication services. At present, such material typically consists of images or videos, without it however being excluded that it takes other forms, especially in view of future technological developments.
(13) The term ‘online child sexual abuse’ should cover not only the dissemination of material previously detected and confirmed as constituting child sexual abuse material (‘known’ material), but also of material not previously detected that is likely to constitute child sexual abuse material but that has not yet been confirmed as such (‘new’ material), as well as activities constituting the solicitation of children (‘grooming’). That is needed in order to address not only past abuse, the re-victimisation and violation of the victims’ rights it entails, such as those to privacy and protection of personal data, but to also address recent, ongoing and imminent abuse, so as to prevent it as much as possible, to effectively protect children and to increase the likelihood of rescuing victims and stopping perpetrators.
(14) With a view to minimising the risk that their services are misused for the dissemination of known or new child sexual abuse material or the solicitation of children, providers of hosting services and providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services should assess such risk for each of the services that they offer in the Union. To guide their risk assessment, a non-exhaustive list of elements to be taken into account should be provided. To allow for a full consideration of the specific characteristics of the services they offer, providers should be allowed to take account of additional elements where relevant. As risks evolve over time, in function of developments such as those related to technology and the manners in which the services in question are offered and used, it is appropriate to ensure that the risk assessment is updated regularly and when needed for particular reasons.
(15) Some of those providers of relevant information society services in scope of this Regulation may also be subject to an obligation to conduct a risk assessment under Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC] with respect to information that they store and disseminate to the public. For the purposes of the present Regulation, those providers may draw on such a risk assessment and complement it with a more specific assessment of the risks of use of their services for the purpose of online child sexual abuse, as required by this Regulation.
(16) In order to prevent and combat online child sexual abuse effectively, providers of hosting services and providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services should take reasonable measures to mitigate the risk of their services being misused for such abuse, as identified through the risk assessment. Providers subject to an obligation to adopt mitigation measures pursuant to Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC] may consider to which extent mitigation measures adopted to comply with that obligation, which may include targeted measures to protect the rights of the child, including age verification and parental control tools, may also serve to address the risk identified in the specific risk assessment pursuant to this Regulation, and to which extent further targeted mitigation measures may be required to comply with this Regulation.
(17) To allow for innovation and ensure proportionality and technological neutrality, no exhaustive list of the compulsory mitigation measures should be established. Instead, providers should be left a degree of flexibility to design and implement measures tailored to the risk identified and the characteristics of the services they provide and the manners in which those services are used. In particular, providers are free to design and implement, in accordance with Union law, measures based on their existing practices to detect online child sexual abuse in their services and indicate as part of the risk reporting their willingness and preparedness to eventually being issued a detection order under this Regulation, if deemed necessary by the competent national authority.
(18) In order to ensure that the objectives of this Regulation are achieved, that flexibility should be subject to the need to comply with Union law and, in particular, the requirements of this Regulation on mitigation measures. Therefore, providers of hosting services and providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services should, when designing and implementing the mitigation measures, give importance not only to ensuring their effectiveness, but also to avoiding any undue negative consequences for other affected parties, notably for the exercise of users’ fundamental rights. In order to ensure proportionality, when determining which mitigation measures should reasonably be taken in a given situation, account should also be taken of the financial and technological capabilities and the size of the provider concerned. When selecting appropriate mitigation measures, providers should at least duly consider the possible measures listed in this Regulation, as well as, where appropriate, other measures such as those based on industry best practices, including as established through self-regulatory cooperation, and those contained in guidelines from the Commission. When no risk has been detected after a diligently conducted or updated risk assessment, providers should not be required to take any mitigation measures.
(19) In the light of their role as intermediaries facilitating access to software applications that may be misused for online child sexual abuse, providers of software application stores should be made subject to obligations to take certain reasonable measures to assess and mitigate that risk. The providers should make that assessment in a diligent manner, making efforts that are reasonable under the given circumstances, having regard inter alia to the nature and extent of that risk as well as their financial and technological capabilities and size, and cooperating with the providers of the services offered through the software application where possible.
(20) With a view to ensuring effective prevention and fight against online child sexual abuse, when mitigating measures are deemed insufficient to limit the risk of misuse of a certain service for the purpose of online child sexual abuse, the Coordinating Authorities designated by Member States under this Regulation should be empowered to request the issuance of detection orders. In order to avoid any undue interference with fundamental rights and to ensure proportionality, that power should be subject to a carefully balanced set of limits and safeguards. For instance, considering that child sexual abuse material tends to be disseminated through hosting services and publicly available interpersonal communications services, and that solicitation of children mostly takes place in publicly available interpersonal communications services, it should only be possible to address detection orders to providers of such services.
(21) Furthermore, as parts of those limits and safeguards, detection orders should only be issued after a diligent and objective assessment leading to the finding of a significant risk of the specific service concerned being misused for a given type of online child sexual abuse covered by this Regulation. One of the elements to be taken into account in this regard is the likelihood that the service is used to an appreciable extent, that is, beyond isolated and relatively rare instances, for such abuse. The criteria should vary so as to account of the different characteristics of the various types of online child sexual abuse at stake and of the different characteristics of the services used to engage in such abuse, as well as the related different degree of intrusiveness of the measures to be taken to execute the detection order.
(22) However, the finding of such a significant risk should in itself be insufficient to justify the issuance of a detection order, given that in such a case the order might lead to disproportionate negative consequences for the rights and legitimate interests of other affected parties, in particular for the exercise of users’ fundamental rights. Therefore, it should be ensured that detection orders can be issued only after the Coordinating Authorities and the competent judicial authority or independent administrative authority having objectively and diligently assessed, identified and weighted, on a case-by-case basis, not only the likelihood and seriousness of the potential consequences of the service being misused for the type of online child sexual abuse at issue, but also the likelihood and seriousness of any potential negative consequences for other parties affected. With a view to avoiding the imposition of excessive burdens, the assessment should also take account of the financial and technological capabilities and size of the provider concerned.
(23) In addition, to avoid undue interference with fundamental rights and ensure proportionality, when it is established that those requirements have been met and a detection order is to be issued, it should still be ensured that the detection order is targeted and specified so as to ensure that any such negative consequences for affected parties do not go beyond what is strictly necessary to effectively address the significant risk identified. This should concern, in particular, a limitation to an identifiable part or component of the service where possible without prejudice to the effectiveness of the measure, such as specific types of channels of a publicly available interpersonal communications service, or to specific users or specific groups of users, to the extent that they can be taken in isolation for the purpose of detection, as well as the specification of the safeguards additional to the ones already expressly specified in this Regulation, such as independent auditing, the provision of additional information or access to data, or reinforced human oversight and review, and the further limitation of the duration of application of the detection order that the Coordinating Authority deems necessary. To avoid unreasonable or disproportionate outcomes, such requirements should be set after an objective and diligent assessment conducted on a case-by-case basis.
(24) The competent judicial authority or the competent independent administrative authority, as applicable in accordance with the detailed procedural rules set by the relevant Member State, should be in a position to take a well-informed decision on requests for the issuance of detections orders. That is of particular importance to ensure the necessary fair balance of the fundamental rights at stake and a consistent approach, especially in connection to detection orders concerning the solicitation of children. Therefore, a procedure should be provided for that allows the providers concerned, the EU Centre on Child Sexual Abuse established by this Regulation (‘EU Centre’) and, where so provided in this Regulation, the competent data protection authority designated under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 to provide their views on the measures in question. They should do so as soon as possible, having regard to the important public policy objective at stake and the need to act without undue delay to protect children. In particular, data protections authorities should do their utmost to avoid extending the time period set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 for providing their opinions in response to a prior consultation. Furthermore, they should normally be able to provide their opinion well within that time period in situations where the European Data Protection Board has already issued guidelines regarding the technologies that a provider envisages deploying and operating to execute a detection order addressed to it under this Regulation.
(25) Where new services are concerned, that is, services not previously offered in the Union, the evidence available on the potential misuse of the service in the last 12 months is normally non-existent. Taking this into account, and to ensure the effectiveness of this Regulation, the Coordinating Authority should be able to draw on evidence stemming from comparable services when assessing whether to request the issuance of a detection order in respect of such a new service. A service should be considered comparable where it provides a functional equivalent to the service in question, having regard to all relevant facts and circumstances, in particular its main characteristics and functionalities, the manner in which it is offered and used, the user base, the applicable terms and conditions and risk mitigation measures, as well as the overall remaining risk profile.
(26) The measures taken by providers of hosting services and providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services to execute detection orders addressed to them should remain strictly limited to what is specified in this Regulation and in the detection orders issued in accordance with this Regulation. In order to ensure the effectiveness of those measures, allow for tailored solutions, remain technologically neutral, and avoid circumvention of the detection obligations, those measures should be taken regardless of the technologies used by the providers concerned in connection to the provision of their services. Therefore, this Regulation leaves to the provider concerned the choice of the technologies to be operated to comply effectively with detection orders and should not be understood as incentivising or disincentivising the use of any given technology, provided that the technologies and accompanying measures meet the requirements of this Regulation. That includes the use of end-to-end encryption technology, which is an important tool to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the communications of users, including those of children. When executing the detection order, providers should take all available safeguard measures to ensure that the technologies employed by them cannot be used by them or their employees for purposes other than compliance with this Regulation, nor by third parties, and thus to avoid undermining the security and confidentiality of the communications of users.
(27) In order to facilitate the providers’ compliance with the detection obligations, the EU Centre should make available to providers detection technologies that they may choose to use, on a free-of-charge basis, for the sole purpose of executing the detection orders addressed to them. The European Data Protection Board should be consulted on those technologies and the ways in which they should be best deployed to ensure compliance with applicable rules of Union law on the protection of personal data. The advice of the European Data Protection Board should be taken into account by the EU Centre when compiling the lists of available technologies and also by the Commission when preparing guidelines regarding the application of the detection obligations. The providers may operate the technologies made available by the EU Centre or by others or technologies that they developed themselves, as long as they meet the requirements of this Regulation.
(28) With a view to constantly assess the performance of the detection technologies and ensure that they are sufficiently reliable, as well as to identify false positives and avoid to the extent erroneous reporting to the EU Centre, providers should ensure human oversight and, where necessary, human intervention, adapted to the type of detection technologies and the type of online child sexual abuse at issue. Such oversight should include regular assessment of the rates of false negatives and positives generated by the technologies, based on an analysis of anonymised representative data samples. In particular where the detection of the solicitation of children in publicly available interpersonal communications is concerned, service providers should ensure regular, specific and detailed human oversight and human verification of conversations identified by the technologies as involving potential solicitation of children.
(29) Providers of hosting services and providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services are uniquely positioned to detect potential online child sexual abuse involving their services. The information that they may obtain when offering their services is often indispensable to effectively investigate and prosecute child sexual abuse offences. Therefore, they should be required to report on potential online child sexual abuse on their services, whenever they become aware of it, that is, when there are reasonable grounds to believe that a particular activity may constitute online child sexual abuse. Where such reasonable grounds exist, doubts about the potential victim’s age should not prevent those providers from submitting reports. In the interest of effectiveness, it should be immaterial in which manner they obtain such awareness. Such awareness could, for example, be obtained through the execution of detection orders, information flagged by users or organisations acting in the public interest against child sexual abuse, or activities conducted on the providers’ own initiative. Those providers should report a minimum of information, as specified in this Regulation, for competent law enforcement authorities to be able to assess whether to initiate an investigation, where relevant, and should ensure that the reports are as complete as possible before submitting them.
(30) To ensure that online child sexual abuse material is removed as swiftly as possible after its detection, Coordinating Authorities of establishment should have the power to request competent judicial authorities or independent administrative authorities to issue a removal order addressed to providers of hosting services. As removal or disabling of access may affect the right of users who have provided the material concerned, providers should inform such users of the reasons for the removal, to enable them to exercise their right of redress, subject to exceptions needed to avoid interfering with activities for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of child sexual abuse offences.
(31) The rules of this Regulation should not be understood as affecting the requirements regarding removal orders set out in Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC].
(32) The obligations of this Regulation do not apply to providers of hosting services that do not offer their services in the Union. However, such services may still be used to disseminate child sexual abuse material to or by users in the Union, causing harm to children and society at large, even if the providers’ activities are not targeted towards Member States and the total numbers of users of those services in the Union are limited. For legal and practical reasons, it may not be reasonably possible to have those providers remove or disable access to the material, not even through cooperation with the competent authorities of the third country where they are established. Therefore, in line with existing practices in several Member States, it should be possible to require providers of internet access services to take reasonable measures to block the access of users in the Union to the material.
(33) In the interest of consistency, efficiency and effectiveness and to minimise the risk of circumvention, such blocking orders should be based on the list of uniform resource locators, leading to specific items of verified child sexual abuse, compiled and provided centrally by the EU Centre on the basis of diligently verified submissions by the relevant authorities of the Member States. In order to avoid the taking of unjustified or disproportionate measures, especially those that would unduly affect the fundamental rights at stake, notably, in addition to the rights of the children, the users’ freedom of expression and information and the providers’ freedom to conduct a business, appropriate limits and safeguards should be provided for. In particular, it should be ensured that the burdens imposed on the providers of internet access services concerned are not unreasonable, that the need for and proportionality of the blocking orders is diligently assessed also after their issuance and that both the providers and the users affected have effective means of judicial as well as non-judicial redress.
(34) Considering that acquiring, possessing, knowingly obtaining access and transmitting child sexual abuse material constitute criminal offences under Directive 2011/93/EU, it is necessary to exempt providers of relevant information society services from criminal liability when they are involved in such activities, insofar as their activities remain strictly limited to what is needed for the purpose of complying with their obligations under this Regulation and they act in good faith.
(35) The dissemination of child sexual abuse material is a criminal offence that affects the rights of the victims depicted. Victims should therefore have the right to obtain, upon request, from the EU Centre yet via the Coordinating Authorities, relevant information if known child sexual abuse material depicting them is reported by providers of hosting services or providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services in accordance with this Regulation.
(36) Given the impact on the rights of victims depicted in such known child sexual abuse material and the typical ability of providers of hosting services to limit that impact by helping ensure that the material is no longer available on their services, those providers should assist victims who request the removal or disabling of access of the material in question. That assistance should remain limited to what can reasonably be asked from the provider concerned under the given circumstances, having regard to factors such as the content and scope of the request, the steps needed to locate the items of known child sexual abuse material concerned and the means available to the provider. The assistance could consist, for example, of helping to locate the items, carrying out checks and removing or disabling access to the items. Considering that carrying out the activities needed to obtain such removal or disabling of access can be painful or even traumatic as well as complex, victims should also have the right to be assisted by the EU Centre in this regard, via the Coordinating Authorities.
(37) To ensure the efficient management of such victim support functions, victims should be allowed to contact and rely on the Coordinating Authority that is most accessible to them, which should channel all communications between victims and the EU Centre.
(38) For the purpose of facilitating the exercise of the victims’ right to information and of assistance and support for removal or disabling of access, victims should be allowed to indicate the relevant item or items of child sexual abuse material in respect of which they are seeking to obtain information or removal or disabling of access either by means of providing the image or images or the video or videos themselves, or by means of providing the uniform resource locators leading to the specific item or items of child sexual abuse material, or by means of any other representation allowing for the unequivocal identification of the item or items in question.
(39) To avoid disproportionate interferences with users’ rights to private and family life and to protection of personal data, the data related to instances of potential online child sexual abuse should not be preserved by providers of relevant information society services, unless and for no longer than necessary for one or more of the purposes specified in this Regulation and subject to an appropriate maximum duration. As those preservation requirements relate only to this Regulation, they should not be understood as affecting the possibility to store relevant content data and traffic data in accordance with Directive 2002/58/EC or the application of any legal obligation to preserve data that applies to providers under other acts of Union law or under national law that is in accordance with Union law.
(40) In order to facilitate smooth and efficient communications by electronic means, including, where relevant, by acknowledging the receipt of such communications, relating to matters covered by this Regulation, providers of relevant information society services should be required to designate a single point of contact and to publish relevant information relating to that point of contact, including the languages to be used in such communications. In contrast to the provider’s legal representative, the point of contact should serve operational purposes and should not be required to have a physical location. Suitable conditions should be set in relation to the languages of communication to be specified, so as to ensure that smooth communication is not unreasonably complicated. For providers subject to the obligation to establish a compliance function and nominate compliance officers in accordance with Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC], one of these compliance officers may be designated as the point of contact under this Regulation, in order to facilitate coherent implementation of the obligations arising from both frameworks.
(41) In order to allow for effective oversight and, where necessary, enforcement of this Regulation, providers of relevant information society services that are not established in a third country and that offer services in the Union should have a legal representative in the Union and inform the public and relevant authorities about how the legal representative can be contacted. In order to allow for flexible solutions where needed and notwithstanding their different purposes under this Regulation, it should be possible, if the provider concerned has made this clear, for its legal representative to also function as its point of contact, provided the relevant requirements of this Regulation are complied with.
(42) Where relevant and convenient, subject to the choice of the provider of relevant information society services and the need to meet the applicable legal requirements in this respect, it should be possible for those providers to designate a single point of contact and a single legal representative for the purposes of Regulation (EU) …/… [on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC] and this Regulation.
(43) In the interest of the effective application and, where necessary, enforcement of this Regulation, each Member State should designate at least one existing or newly established authority competent to ensure such application and enforcement in respect of providers of relevant information society services under the jurisdiction of the designating Member State.
(44) In order to provide clarity and enable effective, efficient and consistent coordination and cooperation both at national and at Union level, where a Member State designates more than one competent authority to apply and enforce this Regulation, it should designate one lead authority as the Coordinating Authority, whilst the designated authority should automatically be considered the Coordinating Authority where a Member State designates only one authority. For those reasons, the Coordinating Authority should act as the single contact point with regard to all matters related to the application of this Regulation, without prejudice to the enforcement powers of other national authorities.
(45) Considering the EU Centre’s particular expertise and central position in connection to the implementation of this Regulation, Coordinating Authorities should be able to request the assistance of the EU Centre in carrying out certain of their tasks. Such assistance should be without prejudice to the respective tasks and powers of the Coordinating Authorities requesting assistance and of the EU Centre and to the requirements applicable to the performance of their respective tasks and the exercise of their respective powers provided in this Regulation.
(46) Given the importance of their tasks and the potential impact of the use of their powers for the exercise of fundamental rights of the parties affected, it is essential that Coordinating Authorities are fully independent. To that aim, the rules and assurances applicable to Coordinating Authorities should be similar to those applicable to courts and tribunals, in order to guarantee that they constitute, and can in all respects act as, independent administrative authorities.
(47) The Coordinating Authority, as well as other competent authorities, play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness of the rights and obligations laid down in this Regulation and the achievement of its objectives. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure that those authorities have not only the necessary investigatory and enforcement powers, but also the necessary financial, human, technological and other resources to adequately carry out their tasks under this Regulation. In particular, given the variety of providers of relevant information society services and their use of advanced technology in offering their services, it is essential that the Coordinating Authority, as well as other competent authorities, are equipped with the necessary number of staff, including experts with specialised skills. The resources of Coordinating Authorities should be determined taking into account the size, complexity and potential societal impact of the providers of relevant information society services under the jurisdiction of the designating Member State, as well as the reach of their services across the Union.
(48) Given the need to ensure the effectiveness of the obligations imposed, Coordinating Authorities should be granted enforcement powers to address infringements of this Regulation. These powers should include the power to temporarily restrict access of users of the service concerned by the infringement or, only where that is not technically feasible, to the online interface of the provider on which the infringement takes place. In light of the high level of interference with the rights of the service providers that such a power entails, the latter should only be exercised when certain conditions are met. Those conditions should include the condition that the infringement results in the regular and structural facilitation of child sexual abuse offences, which should be understood as referring to a situation in which it is apparent from all available evidence that such facilitation has occurred on a large scale and over an extended period of time.
(49) In order to verify that the rules of this Regulation, in particular those on mitigation measures and on the execution of detection orders, removal orders or blocking orders that it issued, are effectively complied in practice, each Coordinating Authority should be able to carry out searches, using the relevant indicators provided by the EU Centre, to detect the dissemination of known or new child sexual abuse material through publicly available material in the hosting services of the providers concerned.
(50) With a view to ensuring that providers of hosting services are aware of the misuse made of their services and to afford them an opportunity to take expeditious action to remove or disable access on a voluntary basis, Coordinating Authorities of establishment should be able to notify those providers of the presence of known child sexual abuse material on their services and requesting removal or disabling of access thereof, for the providers’ voluntary consideration. Such notifying activities should be clearly distinguished from the Coordinating Authorities’ powers under this Regulation to request the issuance of removal orders, which impose on the provider concerned a binding legal obligation to remove or disable access to the material in question within a set time period.
(51) In order to provide clarity and ensure effective enforcement of this Regulation, a provider of relevant information society services should be under the jurisdiction of the Member State where its main establishment is located, that is, where the provider has its head office or registered office within which the principal financial functions and operational control are exercised. In respect of providers that do not have an establishment in the Union but that offer services in the Union, the Member State where their appointed legal representative resides or is established should have jurisdiction, considering the function of legal representatives under this Regulation.
(52) To ensure effective enforcement and the safeguarding of users’ rights under this Regulation, it is appropriate to facilitate the lodging of complaints about alleged non-compliance with obligations of providers of relevant information society services under this Regulation. This should be done by allowing users to lodge such complaints with the Coordinating Authority in the territory of the Member State where the users reside or are established, irrespective of which Member State has jurisdiction in respect of the provider concerned. For the purpose of lodging of complaints, users can decide to rely on organisations acting in the public interest against child sexual abuse. However, in order not to endanger the aim of establishing a clear and effective system of oversight and to avoid the risk of inconsistent decisions, it should remain solely for the Coordinating Authority of establishment to subsequently exercise any of its investigatory or enforcement powers regarding the conduct complained of, as appropriate, without prejudice to the competence of other supervisory authorities within their mandate.
(53) Member States should ensure that for infringements of the obligations laid down in this Regulation there are penalties that are effective, proportionate and dissuasive, taking into account elements such as the nature, gravity, recurrence and duration of the infringement, in view of the public interest pursued, the scope and kind of activities carried out, as well as the economic capacity of the provider of relevant information society services concerned.
(54) The rules of this Regulation on supervision and enforcement should not be understood as affecting the powers and competences of the data protection authorities under Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
(55) It is essential for the proper functioning of the system of mandatory detection and blocking of online child sexual abuse set up by this Regulation that the EU Centre receives, via the Coordinating Authorities, material identified as constituting child sexual abuse material or transcripts of conversations identified as constituting the solicitation of children, such as may have been found for example during criminal investigations, so that that material or conversations can serve as an accurate and reliable basis for the EU Centre to generate indicators of such abuses. In order to achieve that result, the identification should be made after a diligent assessment, conducted in the context of a procedure that guarantees a fair and objective outcome, either by the Coordinating Authorities themselves or by a court or another independent administrative authority than the Coordinating Authority. Whilst the swift assessment, identification and submission of such material is important also in other contexts, it is crucial in connection to new child sexual abuse material and the solicitation of children reported under this Regulation, considering that this material can lead to the identification of ongoing or imminent abuse and the rescuing of victims. Therefore, specific time limits should be set in connection to such reporting.
(56) With a view to ensuring that the indicators generated by the EU Centre for the purpose of detection are as complete as possible, the submission of relevant material and transcripts should be done proactively by the Coordinating Authorities. However, the EU Centre should also be allowed to bring certain material or conversations to the attention of the Coordinating Authorities for those purposes.
(57) Certain providers of relevant information society services offer their services in several or even all Member States, whilst under this Regulation only a single Member State has jurisdiction in respect of a given provider. It is therefore imperative that the Coordinating Authority designated by the Member State having jurisdiction takes account of the interests of all users in the Union when performing its tasks and using its powers, without making any distinction depending on elements such as the users’ location or nationality, and that Coordinating Authorities cooperate with each other in an effective and efficient manner. To facilitate such cooperation, the necessary mechanisms and information-sharing systems should be provided for. That cooperation shall be without prejudice to the possibility for Member States to provide for regular exchanges of views with other public authorities where relevant for the performance of the tasks of those other authorities and of the Coordinating Authority.
(58) In particular, in order to facilitate the cooperation needed for the proper functioning of the mechanisms set up by this Regulation, the EU Centre should establish and maintain the necessary information-sharing systems. When establishing and maintaining such systems, the EU Centre should cooperate with the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (‘Europol’) and national authorities to build on existing systems and best practices, where relevant.
(59) To support the implementation of this Regulation and contribute to the achievement of its objectives, the EU Centre should serve as a central facilitator, carrying out a range of specific tasks. The performance of those tasks requires strong guarantees of independence, in particular from law enforcement authorities, as well as a governance structure ensuring the effective, efficient and coherent performance of its different tasks, and legal personality to be able to interact effectively with all relevant stakeholders. Therefore, it should be established as a decentralised Union agency.
(60) In the interest of legal certainty and effectiveness, the tasks of the EU Centre should be listed in a clear and comprehensive manner. With a view to ensuring the proper implementation of this Regulation, those tasks should relate in particular to the facilitation of the detection, reporting and blocking obligations imposed on providers of hosting services, providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services and providers of internet access services. However, for that same reason, the EU Centre should also be charged with certain other tasks, notably those relating to the implementation of the risk assessment and mitigation obligations of providers of relevant information society services, the removal of or disabling of access to child sexual abuse material by providers of hosting services, the provision of assistance to Coordinating Authorities, as well as the generation and sharing of knowledge and expertise related to online child sexual abuse.
(61) The EU Centre should provide reliable information on which activities can reasonably be considered to constitute online child sexual abuse, so as to enable the detection and blocking thereof in accordance with this Regulation. Given the nature of child sexual abuse material, that reliable information needs to be provided without sharing the material itself. Therefore, the EU Centre should generate accurate and reliable indicators, based on identified child sexual abuse material and solicitation of children submitted to it by Coordinating Authorities in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Regulation. These indicators should allow technologies to detect the dissemination of either the same material (known material) or of different child sexual abuse material (new material), or the solicitation of children, as applicable.
(62) For the system established by this Regulation to function properly, the EU Centre should be charged with creating databases for each of those three types of online child sexual abuse, and with maintaining and operating those databases. For accountability purposes and to allow for corrections where needed, it should keep records of the submissions and the process used for the generation of the indicators.
(63) For the purpose of ensuring the traceability of the reporting process and of any follow-up activity undertaken based on reporting, as well as of allowing for the provision of feedback on reporting to providers of hosting services and providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services, generating statistics concerning reports and the reliable and swift management and processing of reports, the EU Centre should create a dedicated database of such reports. To be able to fulfil the above purposes, that database should also contain relevant information relating to those reports, such as the indicators representing the material and ancillary tags, which can indicate, for example, the fact that a reported image or video is part of a series of images and videos depicting the same victim or victims.
(64) Given the sensitivity of the data concerned and with a view to avoiding any errors and possible misuse, it is necessary to lay down strict rules on the access to those databases of indicators and databases of reports, on the data contained therein and on their security. In particular, the data concerned should not be stored for longer than is strictly necessary. For the above reasons, access to the database of indicators should be given only to the parties and for the purposes specified in this Regulation, subject to the controls by the EU Centre, and be limited in time and in scope to what is strictly necessary for those purposes.
(65) In order to avoid erroneous reporting of online child sexual abuse under this Regulation and to allow law enforcement authorities to focus on their core investigatory tasks, reports should pass through the EU Centre. The EU Centre should assess those reports in order to identify those that are manifestly unfounded, that is, where it is immediately evident, without any substantive legal or factual analysis, that the reported activities do not constitute online child sexual abuse. Where the report is manifestly unfounded, the EU Centre should provide feedback to the reporting provider of hosting services or provider of publicly available interpersonal communications services in order to allow for improvements in the technologies and processes used and for other appropriate steps, such as reinstating material wrongly removed. As every report could be an important means to investigate and prosecute the child sexual abuse offences concerned and to rescue the victim of the abuse, reports should be processed as quickly as possible.
(66) With a view to contributing to the effective application of this Regulation and the protection of victims’ rights, the EU Centre should be able, upon request, to support victims and to assist Competent Authorities by conducting searches of hosting services for the dissemination of known child sexual abuse material that is publicly accessible, using the corresponding indicators. Where it identifies such material after having conducted such a search, the EU Centre should also be able to request the provider of the hosting service concerned to remove or disable access to the item or items in question, given that the provider may not be aware of their presence and may be willing to do so on a voluntary basis.
(67) Given its central position resulting from the performance of its primary tasks under this Regulation and the information and expertise it can gather in connection thereto, the EU Centre should also contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Regulation by serving as a hub for knowledge, expertise and research on matters related to the prevention and combating of online child sexual abuse. In this connection, the EU Centre should cooperate with relevant stakeholders from both within and outside the Union and allow Member States to benefit from the knowledge and expertise gathered, including best practices and lessons learned.
(68) Processing and storing certain personal data is necessary for the performance of the EU Centre’s tasks under this Regulation. In order to ensure that such personal data is adequately protected, the EU Centre should only process and store personal data if strictly necessary for the purposes detailed in this Regulation. It should do so in a secure manner and limit storage to what is strictly necessary for the performance of the relevant tasks.
(69) In order to allow for the effective and efficient performance of its tasks, the EU Centre should closely cooperate with Coordinating Authorities, the Europol and relevant partner organisations, such as the US National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children or the International Association of Internet Hotlines (‘INHOPE’) network of hotlines for reporting child sexual abuse material, within the limits sets by this Regulation and other legal instruments regulating their respective activities. To facilitate such cooperation, the necessary arrangements should be made, including the designation of contact officers by Coordinating Authorities and the conclusion of memoranda of understanding with Europol and, where appropriate, with one or more of the relevant partner organisations.
(70) Longstanding Union support for both INHOPE and its member hotlines recognises that hotlines are in the frontline in the fight against online child sexual abuse. The EU Centre should leverage the network of hotlines and encourage that they work together effectively with the Coordinating Authorities, providers of relevant information society services and law enforcement authorities of the Member States. The hotlines’ expertise and experience is an invaluable source of information on the early identification of common threats and solutions, as well as on regional and national differences across the Union.
(71) Considering Europol’s mandate and its experience in identifying competent national authorities in unclear situation and its database of criminal intelligence which can contribute to identifying links to investigations in other Member States, the EU Centre should cooperate closely with it, especially in order to ensure the swift identification of competent national law enforcement authorities in cases where that is not clear or where more than one Member State may be affected.
(72) Considering the need for the EU Centre to cooperate intensively with Europol, the EU Centre’s headquarters should be located alongside Europol’s, which is located in The Hague, the Netherlands. The highly sensitive nature of the reports shared with Europol by the EU Centre and the technical requirements, such as on secure data connections, both benefit from a shared location between the EU Centre and Europol. It would also allow the EU Centre, while being an independent entity, to rely on the support services of Europol, notably those regarding human resources management, information technology (IT), including cybersecurity, the building and communications. Sharing such support services is more cost-efficient and ensure a more professional service than duplicating them by creating them anew.
(73) To ensure its proper functioning, the necessary rules should be laid down regarding the EU Centre’s organisation. In the interest of consistency, those rules should be in line with the Common Approach of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on decentralised agencies.
(74) In view of the need for technical expertise in order to perform its tasks, in particular the task of providing a list of technologies that can be used for detection, the EU Centre should have a Technology Committee composed of experts with advisory function. The Technology Committee may, in particular, provide expertise to support the work of the EU Centre, within the scope of its mandate, with respect to matters related to detection of online child sexual abuse, to support the EU Centre in contributing to a high level of technical standards and safeguards in detection technology.
(75) In the interest of transparency and accountability and to enable evaluation and, where necessary, adjustments, providers of hosting services, providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services and providers of internet access services, Coordinating Authorities and the EU Centre should be required to collect, record and analyse information, based on anonymised gathering of non-personal data and to publish annual reports on their activities under this Regulation. The Coordinating Authorities should cooperate with Europol and with law enforcement authorities and other relevant national authorities of the Member State that designated the Coordinating Authority in question in gathering that information.
(76) In the interest of good governance and drawing on the statistics and information gathered and transparency reporting mechanisms provided for in this Regulation, the Commission should carry out an evaluation of this Regulation within five years of the date of its entry into force, and every five years thereafter.
(77) The evaluation should be based on the criteria of efficiency, necessity, effectiveness, proportionality, relevance, coherence and Union added value. It should assess the functioning of the different operational and technical measures provided for by this Regulation, including the effectiveness of measures to enhance the detection, reporting and removal of online child sexual abuse, the effectiveness of safeguard mechanisms as well as the impacts on potentially affected fundamental rights, the freedom to conduct a business, the right to private life and the protection of personal data. The Commission should also assess the impact on potentially affected interests of third parties.
(78) Regulation (EU) 2021/1232 of the European Parliament and of the Council 45 provides for a temporary solution in respect of the use of technologies by certain providers of publicly available interpersonal communications services for the purpose of combating online child sexual abuse, pending the preparation and adoption of a long-term legal framework. This Regulation provides that long-term legal framework. Regulation (EU) 2021/1232 should therefore be repealed.
(79) In order to achieve the objectives of this Regulation, the power to adopt acts in accordance with Article 290 of the Treaty should be delegated to the Commission to amend the Annexes to this Regulation and to supplement it by laying down detailed rules concerning the setting up, content and access to the databases operated by the EU Centre, concerning the form, precise content and other details of the reports and the reporting process, concerning the determination and charging of the costs incurred by the EU Centre to support providers in the risk assessment, as well as concerning technical requirements for the information sharing systems supporting communications between Coordinating Authorities, the Commission, the EU Centre, other relevant Union agencies and providers of relevant information society services.
(80) It is important that the Commission carry out appropriate consultations during its preparatory work for delegated acts, including via open public consultation and at expert level, and that those consultations be conducted in accordance with the principles laid down in the Inter-institutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law Making 46 . In particular, to ensure equal participation in the preparation of delegated acts, the European Parliament and the Council receive all documents at the same time as Member States' experts, and their experts systematically have access to meetings of the Commission expert groups dealing with the preparation of delegated acts.
(81) In order to ensure uniform conditions for the implementation of the information-sharing system, implementing powers should be conferred on the Commission. Those powers should be exercised in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council 47 .
(82) In order to allow all affected parties sufficient time to take the necessary measures to comply with this Regulation, provision should be made for an appropriate time period between the date of its entry into force and that of its application.
(83) Since the objectives of this Regulation, namely contributing to the proper functioning of the internal market by setting out clear, uniform and balanced rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse in a manner that is effective and that respects the fundamental rights, cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States but can rather, by reason of its scale and effects, be better achieved at Union level, the Union may adopt measures, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity as set out in Article 5 of the Treaty on European Union. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, as set out in that Article, this Regulation does not go beyond what is necessary in order to achieve that objective.
(84) The European Data Protection Supervisor and the European Data Protection Board were consulted in accordance with Article 42(2) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council 48 and delivered their opinion on […].