Considerations on COM(2024)108 - Authorisation of the opening of negotiations on an agreement with Andorra on several aspects in the field of border management

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


(1) An agreement is considered necessary to provide the legal basis for the absence of border control between France and Andorra as well as Spain and Andorra.

(2) It appears beneficial to conclude such an agreement in view of Andorra’s geographical proximity and economic interdependence with the Union.

(3) It is required to ensure the fair treatment of third-country nationals possessing residence permits issued by Andorra at the Union’s external borders.

(4) The issuance of such residence permits by Andorra has to be conditional on a binding opinion by France or Spain based on a security assessment carried out by one of these two Member States according to a predetermined distribution key.

(5) The agreement should allow for the conclusion of implementing administrative arrangements of an operational nature between France, Spain and Andorra on matters covered by this agreement provided that their provisions are compatible with those of the agreement and with Union law.

(6) Negotiations should therefore be opened with a view to concluding an agreement between the European Union, of the one part, and Andorra, of the other part. The Commission should be nominated as the Union negotiator.