Considerations on COM(2024)504 - EU position in the Joint Committee set up by the Agreement between the ECSC and Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the ECSC as regards the amendment of that Agreement by replacing Protocol 1 thereto concerning the definition of the concept of ‘originating products’ and methods of administrative cooperation

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(1) The Agreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey on trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (‘the Agreement’) was concluded by the Union by Commission Decision 96/528/ECSC0 and entered into force on 1 August 1996.

(2) Protocol 1 to that Agreement defines the concept of ‘originating products’ and lays down methods of administrative cooperation. Pursuant to Article 39 of that Protocol, the Joint Committee established by Article 14 of the Agreement (‘the Joint Committee’) may decide to amend its provisions.

(3) The Joint Committee is to adopt a Decision on an amendment of Protocol 1 during its next meeting.

(4) It is appropriate to establish the position to be taken on the Union’s behalf in the Joint Committee as the Joint Committee Decision will be binding on the Union.

(5) The Regional Convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean preferential rules of origin (‘the Convention’) was concluded by the Union by Council Decision 2013/93/EU0 and entered into force in relation to the Union on 1 May 2012. It lays down provisions on the origin of goods traded under relevant agreements concluded between the Contracting Parties, which apply without prejudice to the principles laid down in those agreements.

(6) The Convention was amended by Decision No 1/2023 of the Joint Committee of the Regional Convention on pan-Euro-Mediterranean Preferential Rules of Origin of 7 December 20230.

(7) The amendment to the Convention enters into force on 1 January 2025 in relation to all Contracting Parties. To ensure effective and immediate application of the of the amendment to the Convention between the Parties, a reference to the Convention should be introduced in Protocol 1, so as to always refer to the latest version of the Convention in force. In the absence of such reference, the effective application of the amendment to the Convention would not be ensured which could impact the system of diagonal cumulation.

(8) Article 6 of the Convention provides that each Contracting Party is to take appropriate measures to ensure that the Convention is effectively applied. To that effect, the Joint Committee should adopt a decision introducing in Protocol 1 to the Agreement a reference to the Convention.