Annexes to COM(1997)358 - End of life vehicles

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dossier COM(1997)358 - End of life vehicles.
document COM(1997)358 EN
date September 18, 2000

Minimum technical requirements for treatment in accordance with Article 6(1) and (3)

1. Sites for storage (including temporary storage) of end-of-life vehicles prior to their treatament:

- impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degeasers,

- equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater, in compliance with health and environmental regulations.

2. Sites for treatment:

- impermeable surfaces for appropriate areas with the provision of spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degreasers,

- appropriate storage for dismantled spare parts, including impermeable storage for oil-contaminated spare parts,

- appropriate containers for storage of batteries (with electrolyte neutralisation on site or elsewhere), filters and PCB/PCT-containing condensers,

- appropriate storage tanks for the segregated storage of end-of-life vehicle fluids: fuel, motor oil, gearbox oil, transmission oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, antifreeze, brake fluids, battery acids, air-conditioning system fluids and any other fluid contained in the end-of-life vehicle,

- equipment for the treatment of water, including rainwater, in compliance with health and environmental regulations,

- appropriate storage for used tyres, including the prevention of fire hazards and excessive stockpiling.

3. Treatment operations for depollution of end-of-life vehicles:

- removal of batteries and liquified gas tanks,

- removal or neutralisation of potential explosive components, (e.g. air bags),

- removal and separate collection and storage of fuel, motor oil, transmission oil, gearbox oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, antifreeze, brake fluids, air-conditioning system fluids and any other fluid contained in the end-of-life vehicle, unless they are necessary for the re-use of the parts concerned,

- removal, as far as feasible, of all components identified as containing mercury.

4. Treatment operations in order to promote recycling:

- removal or catalysts,

- removal of metal components containing copper, aluminium and magnesium if these metals are not segregated in the shredding process,

- removal of tyres and large plastic components (bumpers, dashboard, fluid containers, etc), if these materials are not segregated in the shredding process in such a way that they can be effectively recycled as materials,

- removal of glass.

5. Storage operations are to be carried out avoiding damage to components containing fluids or to recoverable components and spare parts.


Materials and components exempt from Article 4(2)(a)


Within the procedure referred to in Article 4(2)(b), the Commission shall evaluate the following applications:

- lead as an alloy in aluminium in wheel rims, engine parts and window levers

- lead in batteries

- lead in balance weights

- electrical components which contain lead in a glass or ceramics matrix compound

- cadmium in batteries for electrical vehicles

as a matter of priority, in order to establish as soon as possible whether Annex II is to be amended accordingly.As regards cadmium in batteries for electrical vehicles, the Commission shall take into account, within the procedure referred to in Article 4(2)b and in the framework of an overall environmental assessment, the availability of substitutes as well as the need to maintain the availability of electrical vehicles.

Commission statements

Re Article 5(1), first indent

The Commission confirms that Article 5(1), first indent, authorises Member States to use existing collection systems for the collection of waste used components and does not oblige them to set up separate collection systems (for waste used components) with specific financial requirements.

Re Article 5(3), first subparagraph

The Commission considers that the reference to registration contained in Article 5(3) first subparagraph, authorises Member States to decide whether producers, dealers and collectors should be registered pursuant to the Framework Directive on Waste, or whether they should be entered in a new register established specifically for that purpose.

Re Article 7(1)

The Commission states that Article 7(1) does not introduce any additional requirements, measures or criteria with regard to technical controls.