Annexes to COM(2000)285-2 - Programme of Community action in the field of public health (2001-2006)

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1. To improve health information and knowledge for the development of public health by:

1.1. developing and operating a sustainable health monitoring system to establish comparable quantitative and qualitative indicators at Community level on the basis of existing work and of accomplished results, and to collect, analyse and disseminate comparable and compatible age- and gender-specific information on human health at Community level concerning health status, health policies and health determinants, including demography, geography and socioeconomic situations, personal and biological factors, health behaviours such as substance abuse, nutrition, physical activity, sexual behaviour, and living, working and environmental conditions, paying special attention to inequalities in health;

1.2. developing an information system for the early warning, detection and surveillance of health threats, both on communicable diseases, including with regard to the danger of cross-border spread of diseases (including resistant pathogens), and on non-communicable diseases;

1.3. improving the system for the transfer and sharing of information and health data including public access;

1.4. developing and using mechanisms for analysis, advice, reporting, information and consultation with Member States and stakeholders on health issues relevant at Community level;

1.5. improving analysis and knowledge of the impact of health policy developments and of other Community policies and activities, such as the internal market as it affects health systems, in contributing to a high level of human health protection, including developing criteria and methodologies for assessing policies for their impact on health and developing other links between public health and other policies;

1.6. reviewing, analysing, and supporting the exchange of experiences on, health technologies, including new information technologies;

1.7. supporting the exchange of information and experiences on good practice;

1.8. developing and operating a joint action with the plans drawn up under e-Europe to improve availability to the general public on the Internet of information on health matters, and considering the possibilities for establishing a system of recognisable Community seals of approval for Internet sites.

The existing data and the information provided by the system is to be easily accessible to the Community, relevant users in Member States and, as appropriate, international organisations.

The statistical element of the system will be developed, in collaboration with Member States, using as necessary the Community Statistical Programme to promote synergy and avoid duplication.

2. To enhance the capability of responding rapidly and in a coordinated fashion to threats to health by:

2.1. enhancing the capacity to tackle communicable diseases by supporting the further implementation of Decision No 2119/98/EC on the Community network on the epidemiological surveillance and control of communicable diseases;

2.2. supporting the network's operation, in the Member States and the countries participating on the basis of Article 10 of this decision, in particular in relation to common investigations, training, continuous assessment, quality assurance and, where appropriate, in relation to its contribution to the actions described in the Annex, points 1.2 and 1.3;

2.3. developing strategies and mechanisms for preventing, exchanging information on and responding to non-communicable disease threats, including gender-specific health threats and rare diseases;

2.4. exchanging information concerning strategies in order to counter health threats from physical, chemical or biological sources in emergency situations, including those relating to terrorist acts, and developing or using, when appropriate, Community approaches and mechanisms;

2.5. exchanging information on vaccination and immunisation strategies;

2.6. enhancing the safety and quality of organs and substances of human origin, including blood, blood components and blood precursors by developing high standards of quality and safety for the collection, processing, storage and distribution and use of these substances;

2.7. implementing vigilance networks for human products, such as blood, blood components and blood precursors;

2.8. promoting strategies and measures concerning the protection of human health from possible adverse effects from environmental agents such as ionising and non-ionising radiation and noise;

2.9. developing strategies for reducing antibiotic resistance.

3. To promote health and prevent disease through action on health determinants across all Community policies and activities by:

3.1. preparing and implementing strategies and measures, including those related to public awareness, on life-style related health determinants, such as nutrition, physical activity, tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other substances and on mental health, including measures to take in all Community policies and age- and gender-specific strategies;

3.2. analysing the situation and developing strategies on social and economic health determinants, in order to identify and combat inequalities in health and to assess the impact of social and economic factors on health;

3.3. analysing the situation and developing strategies on health determinants related to the environment and contributing to the identification and assessment of the health consequences of environmental factors;

3.4. analysing the situation and exchange information on genetic determinants and the use of genetic screening;

3.5. developing methods to evaluate quality and efficiency of health promotion strategies and measures;

3.6. encouraging relevant training activities related to the above measures.

4. Support measures

4.1. Community assistance may be provided to support the actions and activities referred to in Article 3.

4.2. In carrying out the programme, the Commission may require additional resources, including recourse to experts, for instance for the monitoring system, the evaluation of the programme or the preparation of new legislation. It may also require experts to work for the Community structural arrangements for the coordination and integration of networks for health monitoring and for rapid reaction to health threats. The report referred to in Article 12(1) shall be accompanied, if need be, by any proposal regarding adjustment of the requirements.

4.3. The Commission may also undertake information, publication and dissemination of actions. It may also undertake evaluation studies and organise seminars, colloquia or other meetings of experts.

Commission Statements

Declaration on structural arrangements

in order to ensure the effective implementation of the programme, in conformity with Article 5 of the Decision, the Commission intends to proceed as follows:

1. it will take the necessary steps to ensure the functioning of the Committee established under Articles 8 and 9 of the Decision. This Committee will be composed of representatives designated by the Member States, as laid down in Decision 1999/468/EC;

2. in full respect of the provisions of Article 218(2) of the EC treaty, it will operate its departments in the best way in order to facilitate attaining the three general objectives of the programme set out in Article 2 of the Decision;

3. in accordance with point 4 of the Annex to the Decision, the Commission will make use of scientific and technical experts to reinforce its capacity in the specific areas of action of the programme. Such experts will work with the Commission services in conformity with the relevant administrative rules;

4. the Commission also intends to make full use of the possibilities described in its Communication on externalisation (COM(2000) 788) and proposed regulation (COM(2001) 808). This may include examining the setting up of an executive agency in order to assist the Commission in implementing certain tasks of the programme once the proposed Regulation currently before the Council, is adopted.

The Commission further declares that the actions envisaged in points 1 and 2 will be implemented not later than the beginning of 2003, when the programme comes into effect; point 3 will begin early in the programme as soon as the relevant arrangements can be made, and point 4 will be considered later in the programme once the proposed Regulation is adopted.

Declaration on Article 7

The financial framework of the programme shall be reviewed in the context both of the accession of new Member States and the preparation for the revision of the financial perspective, taking account of the establishment of the structural arrangements, and of developments concerning key priorities; financial proposals will be made, if appropriate.