Annexes to COM(2003)796 - Single framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences (Europass)

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Criteria for the introduction of new Europass documents as referred to in Article 2(c)

All new Europass documents should respect the following minimum criteria:

1.Relevance: Europass documents should specifically aim at improving the transparency of qualifications and competences;

2.European dimension: without prejudice to their voluntary nature, Europass documents should potentially be applicable in all Member States;

3.Linguistic coverage: the models of Europass documents should be available at least in all the official languages of the European Union;

4.Feasibility: Europass documents should be fit for effective dissemination, where appropriate through awarding bodies, in both paper and electronic form.



1. Description

1.1.The Europass-CV builds upon the common European format for curricula vitae (CVs) proposed by Recommendation 2002/236/EC.

It provides individual citizens with a model for the systematic, chronological and flexible presentation of their qualifications and competences. Specific directions on the different fields are provided and a set of guidelines and examples has also been produced to help citizens to complete the Europass-CV.

1.2.The Europass-CV includes categories for the presentation of:

information on personal matters, language proficiency, work experience and educational and training attainments,

additional competences held by the individual, emphasising technical, organisational, artistic and social skills,

additional information which might be added to the Europass-CV in the form of one or more annexes.

1.3.The Europass-CV is a personal document, which contains self declarations written by individual citizens.

1.4.The template is quite detailed, but it will be up to the individual citizens to choose which fields to fill. Citizens who complete the electronic form – either downloaded or on line – should be allowed to remove any field which they choose not to complete. For instance, a person who does not indicate his or her sex or who has no specific technical skill to report, should be allowed to remove these fields, so that no blank field appears on the screen or in the printed version.

1.5.The Europass-CV is the backbone of the Europass: a Europass portfolio for a given citizen will include the Europass-CV completed by the citizen himself or herself, and one or more other Europass documents, according to the specific learning and working history of that citizen. The electronic form of the Europass-CV should make it possible to establish links from its sections to the relevant Europass documents, for instance from the education and training section to a Diploma Supplement or a Certificate Supplement.

1.6.In accordance with Article 12(e) of this Decision, in managing the Europass-CV, particularly in its electronic form, appropriate measures should be taken by the competent authorities to ensure that the relevant Community and national provisions concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy are fully respected.

2. Common structure of the Europass-CV

In the box below, the model for the structure and text of the Europass-CV is indicated. The layout of both the paper and the electronic form, as well as modifications of the structure and text, will be agreed between the Commission and the competent national authorities.

Text in italics is meant as an aid to completing the document.



1. Description

1.1.The Europass-Mobility is meant to record, using a common European format, a European learning pathway as defined in section 1.2.

It is a personal document, recording the specific European learning pathway achieved by its holder and it will help the holder better to communicate what he/she gained through this experience, particularly in terms of competences.

1.2.A European learning pathway is a period that a person – of whatever age, educational level and occupational status – spends in another country for learning purposes and that:

(a)either takes place within the framework of a Community programme in the field of education and training,

(b)or satisfies all the following quality criteria:

the period spent in another country takes place within the framework of a learning initiative based in the country of provenance of the person that follows it,

the organisation responsible for the learning initiative in the country of provenance (sending organisation) stipulates with the host organisation and submits to the National Europass Centre, or a body delegated to manage the Europass-Mobility in the country of provenance, a written agreement on the content, objectives and duration of the European learning pathway, ensuring that appropriate linguistic preparation is provided to the person concerned, and identifying a mentor in the host country, charged with assisting, informing, guiding and monitoring the person concerned,

each of the countries involved should be a Member State of the European Union or an EFTA/EEA country,

where appropriate, the sending organisation and the host organisation cooperate in providing the person concerned with appropriate information about workplace health and safety, labour law, equality measures and other work-related provisions applying in the host country.

1.3.The Europass-Mobility is completed by the sending and host organisation involved in the mobility project, in a language agreed between them and the person concerned.

Citizens who are awarded a Europass-Mobility are entitled to ask for a translation in a second language, chosen by them from amongst the languages of the sending and host organisations or a third European language. In the case of a third language, the responsibility for translation rests with the sending organisation.

1.4.The Europass-Mobility includes personal data (see paragraph 2 below). The name of the person who is awarded the Europass-Mobility is the only compulsory piece of personal data. The organisations completing the Europass-Mobility may only complete the other fields concerning personal data if the person concerned agrees to it.

The field ‘Qualification’ is also not compulsory, in recognition of the fact that not all education or training initiatives lead to a formal qualification.

Any arrangement for completing the Europass-Mobility in electronic form – either downloaded or on line – should allow any field, which has not been completed to be removed, so that no blank field appears on the screen or in the printed version.

1.5.The National Europass Centre is responsible for ensuring that:

Europass-Mobility documents are only released to record European learning pathways,

all Europass-Mobility documents are completed in electronic form,

all Europass-Mobility documents are also awarded to their holders in paper form, using a folder specifically produced in cooperation with the Commission.

1.6.In accordance with Article 12(e) of this Decision, in managing the Europass-Mobility, particularly in its electronic form, appropriate measures should be taken by the competent authorities to ensure that the relevant Community and national provisions concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy are fully respected.

2. Common format of the Europass-Mobility

In the box below, the structure and the text of the Europass-Mobility are indicated. The layout of both the paper and the electronic forms, as well as modifications of the structure and text, will be agreed between the Commission and the competent national authorities.

Each item of text is numbered, to facilitate its retrieval in a multilingual glossary. Text in italics is meant as an aid to completing the document. Fields marked with a star (*) are not compulsory.



1. Description

1.1.The Europass-Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document attached to a higher education diploma, in order to make it easier for third persons – particularly persons in another country – to understand what the diploma means in terms of knowledge and competences acquired by its holder.

To this end, the DS describes the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual who holds the original diploma to which the DS is attached. It is therefore a personal document, referring to its specific holder.

1.2.The DS does not replace the original diploma and does not give any entitlement to formal recognition of the original diploma by academic authorities of other countries. On the other hand, it facilitates a sound appreciation of the original diploma, so that it can be helpful to obtain recognition by the competent authorities or by admission staff of higher education institutions.

1.3.The DS is produced by the competent national authorities in accordance with a template that has been developed by a joint European Commission – Council of Europe – UNESCO working party that tested and refined it. The DS template is available in the official languages of the European Union. It is a flexible, non-prescriptive tool, which is conceived for practical purposes, can be adapted to local needs and is subject to regular revisions.

1.4.The DS includes eight sections, that identify the holder of the qualification (1) and the qualification itself (2), give information on the level of the qualification (3), the contents and results gained (4), and the function of the qualification (5), allow for further information (6), certify the Supplement (7) and, finally, give information on the national higher education system (8). Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should be given. Institutions have to apply to the DS the same authentication procedures as for the qualification itself.

1.5.In accordance with Article 12(e) of this Decision, in managing the DS, particularly in its electronic copy, appropriate measures should be taken by the competent authorities to ensure that the relevant Community and national provisions concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy are fully respected.

2. Common structure of the DS

In the box below, the common, non-binding model of structure and text of the DS is indicated. The layout of both the paper and electronic copies will be agreed with the competent national authorities.



1. Description

1.1.The Europass-Language Portfolio (LP), developed by the Council of Europe, is a document in which language learners can record their language learning and cultural experiences and competences.

1.2.The LP has two functions: pedagogic and reporting.

As regards the former, it is designed to enhance the motivation of language learners to improve their ability to communicate in different languages and to pursue new learning and intercultural experiences. It seeks to help learners to reflect on their learning objectives, plan their learning and learn autonomously.

As regards its reporting function, the LP aims to document its holder's language proficiency in a comprehensive, informative, transparent and reliable way. It helps learners take stock of the levels of competence they have reached in one or several foreign languages and enables them to inform others in a detailed and internationally comparable manner. All competence is valued, regardless of whether it is gained inside or outside the ambit of formal education.

1.3.The LP contains:

a language passport which its owner regularly updates. The owner describes his/her language skills, in accordance with common criteria accepted throughout Europe,

a detailed language biography describes the owner's experiences in each language,

a dossier enables examples of personal work to be kept to illustrate language skills.

The Europass-Language Portfolio is the property of the learner.

1.4.A set of common principles and guidelines has been agreed for all Portfolios. Different models are being developed in Council of Europe member States depending on the age of learners and national contexts. All models should conform to agreed principles and be approved by the European Validation Committee in order to use the Council of Europe logo. A model is given below for the language passport, which is the section of the Portfolio which has to be completed in accordance with a defined structure.

1.5.In accordance with Article 12(e) of this Decision, in managing the LP, particularly in its electronic form, appropriate measures should be taken by the competent authorities to ensure that the relevant Community and national provisions concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy are fully respected.

2. Common structure of the Language Passport section of the LP

In the box below, the common, non-binding model of structure and text of the Language Passport section of the LP is indicated. The layout of the paper and electronic copies will be agreed with the competent national authorities.

(Europass logo)


Profile of Language Skills

Summary of language learning and intercultural experiences



1. Description

1.1.The Europass-Certificate Supplement (CS) is a document attached to a vocational certificate, in order to make it easier for third persons – particularly persons in another country – to understand what the certificate means in terms of competences acquired by its holder.

To this end, the CS provides information on:

the skills and competences acquired,

the range of occupations accessible,

the awarding and accreditation bodies,

the level of the certificate,

the different ways of acquiring the certificate,

the entry requirements and access opportunities to next level education.

1.2.The CS does not replace the original certificate and does not give any entitlement to formal recognition of the original certificate by authorities of other countries. On the other hand, it facilitates a sound appreciation of the original certificate, so that it can be helpful to obtain recognition by the competent authorities.

1.3.CS's are produced by the competent authorities at national level and issued to citizens who hold the corresponding certificate in accordance with procedures agreed at national level.

2. Common structure of the CS

In the box below, the common model of structure and text of the CS is indicated. The layout of both the paper and the electronic form will be agreed, as well as any modifications of the structure and text, between the Commission and the competent national authorities.



The Commission and the Member States will cooperate to ensure that the individual citizens are allowed to complete, through the Internet, their Europass-CV and any other Europass document which does not need to be issued by authorised bodies.

All Europass documents issued by authorised bodies are completed in electronic form and made available to their holders. While choices concerning the appropriate technological instrument should be made in cooperation by the Commission and the relevant national authorities taking into account the state of the art and the existing national systems, the features listed below should be ensured.

1. Design principles

Open system. The Europass information system should be developed taking into account the opportunity for future developments, with particular reference to the inclusion of further documents in the Europass framework and to integration with information services on job and learning opportunities.

Interoperability. The parts of the Europass information system managed at national level in the different countries should be fully interoperable with each other and with the parts managed at Community level.

2. Document management and access

2.1.All Europass documents issued by authorised bodies should be completed in electronic form, in accordance with the procedures agreed between the issuing bodies and the National Europass Centre and in conformity with the procedures agreed at European level.

2.2.The Europass-CV and any other Europass document which does not need to be issued by authorised bodies should also be available in electronic form.

2.3.Citizens will be entitled:

to complete through the Internet their Europass-CV and any other Europass document which does not need to be issued by authorised bodies,

to establish, update and remove links between their Europass-CV and their other Europass documents,

to attach any other supporting documents to their Europass documents,

to print totally or partially their Europass and its annexes, if any.

2.4.Access to documents, including personal data, will be allowed only for the person concerned, in conformity with the relevant Community and national provisions concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy.



1.The expenditure is intended to co-finance implementation at national level and to cover certain costs incurred at Community level in relation to coordination, promotion and production of documents.

2.Community financial support for national implementation activities will be provided through yearly operating grants to the National Europass Centre.

National Europass Centres will be established as legal persons and will not receive any other operating grant from the Community budget.

2.1.The grants will be awarded after approval of a work programme related to the activities listed in Article 11 of this Decision and based on specific terms of reference.

2.2.The co-financing rate will not exceed 50 % of the total costs of the relevant activities.

2.3.In implementing this Decision, the Commission may have recourse to experts and to technical assistance organisations, the financing of which may be provided for within the overall financial framework for this Decision. The Commission may organise seminars, colloquia or such other meetings of experts as are likely to facilitate the implementation of this Decision, and may undertake appropriate information, publication and dissemination actions.