Annexes to COM(2003)364 - Statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States

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dossier COM(2003)364 - Statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States.
document COM(2003)364 EN
date March 31, 2004


1. Partner Member State

(a) The partner Member State is the Member State of consignment, on arrival. This means the presumed Member State of dispatch in cases where goods enter directly from another Member State. Where, before reaching the Member State of arrival, goods have entered one or more Member States in transit and have been subject in those States to halts or legal operations not inherent in their transport (e.g. change of ownership), the Member State of consignment shall be taken as the last Member State where such halts or operations occurred.

(b) The partner Member State is the Member State of destination, on dispatch. This means the last Member State to which it is known, at the time of dispatch, that the goods are to be dispatched.

2. Quantity of the goods

The quantity of the goods can be expressed in two ways:

(a) the net mass, which means the actual mass of the goods excluding all packaging;

(b) the supplementary units, which mean the possible units measuring quantity other than net mass, as detailed in the annual Commission regulation updating the Combined Nomenclature.

3. Value of the goods

The value of the goods can be expressed in two ways:

(a) the taxable amount, which is the value to be determined for taxation purposes in accordance with Directive 77/388/EEC;

(b) the statistical value, which is the value calculated at the national borders of the Member States. It includes only incidental expenses (freight, insurance) incurred, in the case of dispatches, in the part of the journey located on the territory of the Member State of dispatch and, in the case of arrivals, in the part of the journey located outside the territory of the Member State of arrival. It is said to be a fob value (free on board) for dispatches, and a cif value (cost, insurance, freight) for arrivals.

4. Nature of the transaction

The nature of transaction means the different characteristics (purchase/sale, work under contract, etc.) which are deemed to be useful in distinguishing one transaction from another.

5. Country of origin

(a) The country of origin, on arrivals only, means the country where the goods originate.

(b) Goods which are wholly obtained or produced in a country originate in that country.

(c) Goods whose production involved more than one country shall be deemed to originate in the country where they underwent their last, substantial, economically justified processing or working in a company equipped for that purpose, resulting in the manufacture of a new product or representing an important stage of manufacture.

6. Region of origin or destination

(a) The region of origin, on dispatch, means the region of the Member State of dispatch where the goods were produced or were erected, assembled, processed, repaired or maintained; failing that, the region of origin is the region where the goods were dispatched, or, failing that, the region where the commercial process took place.

(b) The region of destination, on arrival, means the region of the Member State of arrival where the goods are to be consumed or erected, assembled, processed, repaired or maintained; failing that, the region of destination is the region to which the goods are to be dispatched, or, failing that, the region where the commercial process is to take place.

7. Delivery terms

The delivery terms mean those provisions of the sales contract which lay down the obligations of the seller and the buyer respectively, in accordance with the Incoterms of the International Chamber of Commerce (cif, fob, etc.).

8. Mode of transport

The mode of transport is determined by the active means of transport by which the goods are presumed to be going to leave the statistical territory of the Member State of dispatch, on dispatch, and by the active means of transport by which the goods are presumed to have entered the statistical territory of the Member State of arrival, on arrival.

9. Statistical procedure

The statistical procedure means the different characteristics which are deemed to be useful in distinguishing different types of arrivals/dispatches for statistical purposes.