Annexes to COM(2004)391 - Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders
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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.
dossier | COM(2004)391 - Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders. |
document | COM(2004)391 ![]() |
date | March 15, 2006 |
(12) Council Decision 2004/860/EC of 25 October 2004 on the signing, on behalf of the European Community, and on the provisional application of certain provisions of the Agreement between the European Union, the European Community and the Swiss Confederation, concerning the Swiss Confederation's association with the implementation, application and development of the Schengen acquis (OJ L 370, 17.12.2004, p. 78).
(13) OJ L 131, 1.6.2000, p. 43.
(14) OJ L 64, 7.3.2002, p. 20.
(15) OJ L 158, 30.4.2004, p. 77.
(16) OJ L 157, 15.6.2002, p. 1.
(17) OJ L 81, 21.3.2001, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 851/2005 (OJ L 141, 4.6.2005, p. 3).
(18) OJ L 64, 7.3.2003, p. 1.
(19) OJ L 53, 23.2.2002, p. 4.
(20) OJ L 239, 22.9.2000, p. 73.
(21) OJ L 116, 26.4.2001, p. 5. Regulation amended by Decision 2004/927/EC (OJ L 396, 31.12.2004, p. 45).
(22) OJ L 261, 6.8.2004, p. 119.
(23) OJ L 261, 6.8.2004, p. 36.
(24) OJ L 369, 16.12.2004, p. 5.
Supporting documents to verify the fulfilment of entry conditions
The documentary evidence referred to in Article 5(2) may include the following:
(a) | for business trips:
(b) | for journeys undertaken for the purposes of study or other types of training:
(c) | for journeys undertaken for the purposes of tourism or for private reasons:
(d) | for journeys undertaken for political, scientific, cultural, sports or religious events or other reasons: invitations, entry tickets, enrolments or programmes stating wherever possible the name of the host organisation and the length of stay or any other appropriate document indicating the purpose of the visit. |
Registration of information
At all border crossing points, all service information and any other particularly important information shall be registered manually or electronically. The information to be registered shall include in particular:
(a) | the names of the border guard responsible locally for border checks and of the other officers in each team; |
(b) | relaxation of checks on persons applied in accordance with Article 8; |
(c) | the issuing, at the border, of documents in place of passports and of visas; |
(d) | persons apprehended and complaints (criminal offences and administrative breaches); |
(e) | persons refused entry in accordance with Article 13 (grounds for refusal and nationalities); |
(f) | the security codes of entry and exit stamps, the identity of border guards to whom a given stamp is assigned at any given time or shift and the information relating to lost and stolen stamps; |
(g) | complaints from persons subject to checks; |
(h) | other particularly important police or judicial measures; |
(i) | particular occurrences. |
Model signs indicating lanes at border crossing points
(1) No logo is required for Norway and Iceland.
Affixing stamps
1. | The travel documents of third-country nationals shall be systematically stamped on entry and exit, in accordance with Article 10. The specifications of those stamps are laid down in the Schengen Executive Committee Decision SCH/COM-EX (94) 16 rev and SCH/Gem-Handb (93) 15 (CONFIDENTIAL). |
2. | The security codes on the stamps shall be changed at regular intervals not exceeding one month. |
3. | On the entry and exit of third-country nationals subject to the visa obligation, the stamp will, if possible, be affixed so that it covers the edge of the visa without affecting the legibility of the indications on the visa or the security features of the visa sticker. If several stamps must be affixed (for example in the case of a multiple-entry visa, this shall be done on the page facing the one on which the visa is affixed. If that page cannot be used, the stamp shall be entered on the following page. The machine readable zone shall not be stamped. |
4. | Member States shall designate national contact points responsible for exchanging information on the security codes of the entry and exit stamps used at border crossing points and shall inform the other Member States, the General Secretariat of the Council and the Commission thereof. Those contact points shall have access without delay to information regarding common entry and exit stamps used at the external border of the Member State concerned, and in particular to information on the following:
Any inquiries regarding common entry and exit stamps shall be made through the abovementioned national contact points. The national contact points shall also forward immediately to the other contact points, the General Secretariat of the Council and the Commission information regarding a change in the contact points as well as lost and stolen stamps. |
Procedures for refusing entry at the border
1. | When refusing entry, the competent border guard shall:
2. | The visa shall be cancelled in the following cases:
However, the failure of the third-country national to produce, at the border, one or more of the supporting documents referred to in Article 5(2), shall not automatically lead to a decision to cancel the visa. |
3. | If a third-country national who has been refused entry is brought to the border by a carrier, the authority responsible locally shall:
4. | If there are grounds both for refusing entry to a third-country national and arresting him or her, the border guard shall contact the authorities responsible to decide on the action to be taken in accordance with national law. |
Standard form for refusal of entry at the border
(1) OJ L 187, 10.7.2001, p. 45.
Specific rules for the various types of border and the various means of transport used for crossing the Member States' external borders
1. Land borders
1.1. Checks on road traffic
1.1.1. To ensure effective checks on persons, while ensuring the safety and smooth flow of road traffic, movements at border crossing points shall be regulated in an appropriate manner. Where necessary, Member States may conclude bilateral agreements to channel and block traffic. They shall inform the Commission thereof pursuant to Article 37.
1.1.2. At land borders, Member States may, where they deem appropriate and if circumstances allow, install or operate separate lanes at certain border crossing points, in accordance with Article 9.
Separate lanes may be dispensed with at any time by the Member States' competent authorities, in exceptional circumstances and where traffic and infrastructure conditions so require.
Member States may cooperate with neighbouring countries with a view to the installation of separate lanes at external border crossing points.
1.1.3. As a general rule, persons travelling in vehicles may remain inside them during checks. However, if circumstances so require, persons may be requested to alight from their vehicles. Thorough checks will be carried out, if local circumstances allow, in areas designated for that purpose. In the interests of staff safety, checks will be carried out, where possible, by two border guards.
1.2. Checks on rail traffic
1.2.1. Checks shall be carried out both on train passengers and on railway staff on trains crossing external borders, including those on goods trains or empty trains. Those checks shall be carried out in either one of the following two ways:
— | on the platform, in the first station of arrival or departure on the territory of a Member State, |
— | on board the train, during transit. |
Member States may conclude bilateral agreements on how to conduct those checks. They shall inform the Commission thereof pursuant to Article 37.
1.2.2. By way of derogation from point 1.2.1 and in order to facilitate rail traffic flows of high-speed passenger trains, the Member States on the itinerary of these trains from third countries may also decide, by common agreement with third countries concerned, to carry out entry checks on persons in trains from third countries in either one of the following ways:
— | in the stations in a third country where persons board the train, |
— | in the stations where persons disembark within the territory of the Member States, |
— | on board the train during transit between the stations on the territory of the Member States, provided that the persons stay on board the train in the previous station/stations. |
1.2.3. With respect to high-speed trains from third countries making several stops in the territory of the Member States, if the rail transport carrier is in a position to board passengers exclusively for the remaining part of the journey within the territory of the Member States, such passengers shall be subject to entry checks either on the train or at the station of destination except where checks have been carried out pursuant to points 1.2.1 or 1.2.2 first indent.
Persons who wish to take the train exclusively for the remaining part of the journey within the territory of the Member States shall receive clear notification prior to the train's departure that they will be subject to entry checks during the journey or at the station of destination.
1.2.4. When travelling in the opposite direction, the persons on board the train shall be subject to exit checks under similar arrangements.
1.2.5. The border guard may order the cavities of carriages to be inspected if necessary with the assistance of the train inspector, to ensure that persons or objects subject to border checks are not concealed in them.
1.2.6. Where there are reasons to believe that persons who have been reported or are suspected of having committed an offence, or third-country nationals intending to enter illegally, are hiding on a train, the border guard, if he or she cannot act in accordance with his national provisions, shall notify the Member States towards or within whose territory the train is moving.
2. Air borders
2.1. Procedures for checks at international airports
2.1.1. The competent authorities of the Member States shall ensure that the airport operator takes the requisite measures to physically separate the flows of passengers on internal flights from the flows of passengers on other flights. Appropriate infrastructures shall be set in place at all international airports to that end.
2.1.2. The place where border checks are carried out shall be determined in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) | passengers on a flight from a third country who board an internal flight shall be subject to an entry check at the airport of arrival of the flight from a third country. Passengers on an internal flight who board a flight for a third country (transfer passengers) shall be subject to an exit check at the airport of departure of the latter flight; |
(b) | for flights from or to third countries with no transfer passengers and flights making more than one stop-over at the airports of the Member States where there is no change of aircraft:
2.1.3. Border checks will normally not be carried out on the aircraft or at the gate, unless it is justified on the basis of an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration. In order to ensure that, at the airports designated as border crossing points, persons are checked in accordance with the rules set out in Articles 6 to 13, Member States shall ensure that the airport authorities take the requisite measures to channel passenger traffic to facilities reserved for checks.
Member States shall ensure that the airport operator takes the necessary measures to prevent unauthorised persons entering and leaving the reserved areas, for example the transit area. Checks will normally not be carried out in the transit area, unless it is justified on the basis of an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration; in particular checks in this area may be carried out on persons subject to an airport transit visa in order to check that they are in possession of such a visa.
2.1.4. Where, in cases of force majeure or imminent danger or on the instructions of the authorities, an aircraft on a flight from a third country has to land on a landing ground which is not a border crossing point, that aircraft may continue its flight only after authorisation from the border guards and from customs. The same shall apply where an aircraft on a flight from a third country lands without permission. In any event, Articles 6 to 13 shall apply to checks on persons on those aircraft.
2.2. Procedures for checks in aerodromes
2.2.1. It shall be ensured that persons are also checked, in accordance with Articles 6 to 13, in airports which do not hold the status of international airport under the relevant national law (aerodromes) but through which the routing of flights from or to third countries is authorised.
2.2.2. By way of derogation from point 2.1.1 it shall not be necessary to make appropriate arrangements in aerodromes to ensure that inflows of passengers from internal and other flights are physically separated, without prejudice to Regulation (EC) No 2320/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 establishing common rules in the field of civil aviation security (1). In addition, when the volume of traffic is low, the border guards need not be present at all times, provided that there is a guarantee that the necessary personnel can be deployed in good time.
2.2.3. When the presence of the border guards is not assured at all times in the aerodrome, the manager of the aerodrome shall give adequate notice to the border guards about the arrival and the departure of aircrafts on flights from or to third countries.
2.3. Checks on persons on private flights
2.3.1. In the case of private flights from or to third countries the captain shall transmit to the border guards of the Member State of destination and, where appropriate, of the Member State of first entry, prior to take-off, a general declaration comprising inter alia a flight plan in accordance with Annex 2 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and information concerning the passengers' identity.
2.3.2. Where private flights coming from a third country and bound for a Member State make stop-overs in the territory of other Member States, the competent authorities of the Member State of entry shall carry out border checks and affix an entry stamp to the general declaration referred to in point 2.3.1.
2.3.3. Where uncertainty exists whether a flight is exclusively coming from, or solely bound for, the territories of the Member States without stop-over on the territory of a third country, the competent authorities shall carry out checks on persons in airports and aerodromes in accordance with points 2.1 to 2.2.
2.3.4. The arrangements for the entry and exit of gliders, micro-light aircraft, helicopters, small-scale aircraft capable of flying short distances only and airships shall be laid down by national law and, where applicable, by bilateral agreements.
3. Sea borders
3.1. General checking procedures on maritime traffic
3.1.1. Checks on ships shall be carried out at the port of arrival or departure, on board ship or in an area set aside for the purpose, located in the immediate vicinity of the vessel. However, in accordance with the agreements reached on the matter, checks may also be carried out during crossings or, upon the ship's arrival or departure, in the territory of a third country.
The purpose of checks is to ensure that both crew and passengers fulfil the conditions laid down in Article 5, without prejudice to Article 19(1)(c).
3.1.2. The ship's captain or, failing that, the individual or corporation who represents the shipowner in all matters relating to the shipowner's duties in fitting out the vessel (shipowner's agent), shall draw up a list, in duplicate, of the crew and of any passengers. At the latest upon arriving in the port he or she shall give the list(s) to the border guards. If, for reasons of force majeure, the list or lists cannot be sent to the border guards, a copy will be sent to the appropriate border post or shipping authority, which shall forward it without delay to the border guards.
3.1.3. One copy of the two lists duly signed by the border guard shall be returned to the ship's captain, who shall produce it on request when in port.
3.1.4. The ship's captain, or failing that, the shipowner's agent shall report to the competent authority promptly any changes to the composition of the crew or the number of passengers.
In addition, the captain shall notify the competent authorities promptly, and if possible even before the ship enters port, of the presence on board of stowaways. Stowaways will, however, remain under the responsibility of the ship's captain.
3.1.5. The ship's captain shall notify the border guards of the ship's departure in due time and in accordance with the rules in force in the port concerned; if he or she is unable to notify them, he or she shall advise the appropriate shipping authority. The second copy of the previously completed and signed list(s) shall be returned to border guards or shipping authorities.
3.2. Specific check procedures for certain types of shipping
Cruise ships
3.2.1. The cruise ship's captain or, failing that, the shipowner's agent shall transmit to the respective border guards the itinerary and the programme of the cruise, at least 24 hours before leaving the port of departure and before the arrival at each port in the territory of the Member States.
3.2.2. If the itinerary of a cruise ship comprises exclusively ports situated in the territory of the Member States, by way of derogation from Articles 4 and 7, no border checks shall be carried out and the cruise ship may dock at ports which are not border crossing points.
Nevertheless, on the basis of an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration, checks may be carried out on the crew and passengers of those ships.
3.2.3. If the itinerary of a cruise ship comprises both ports situated in the territory of the Member States and ports situated in third countries, by way of derogation from Article 7, border checks shall be carried out as follows:
(a) | where the cruise ship comes from a port situated in a third country and calls for the first time at a port situated in the territory of a Member State, crew and passengers shall be subject to entry checks on the basis of the nominal lists of crew and passengers, as referred to in point 3.2.4. Passengers going ashore shall be subject to entry checks in accordance with Article 7 unless an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration shows that there is no need to carry out such checks; |
(b) | where the cruise ship comes from a port situated in a third country and calls again at a port situated in the territory of a Member State, crew and passengers shall be subject to entry checks on the basis of the nominal lists of crew and passengers as referred to in point 3.2.4 to the extent that those lists have been modified since the cruise ship called at the previous port situated in the territory of a Member State. Passengers going ashore shall be subject to entry checks in accordance with Article 7 unless an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration shows that there is no need to carry out such checks; |
(c) | where the cruise ship comes from a port situated in a Member State and calls at such a port, passengers going ashore shall be subject to entry checks in accordance with Article 7 if an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration so requires; |
(d) | where a cruise ship departs from a port situated in a Member State to a port in a third country, crew and passengers shall be subject to exit checks on the basis of the nominal lists of crew and passengers. If an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration so requires, passengers going on board shall be subject to exit checks in accordance with Article 7; |
(e) | where a cruise ship departs from a port situated in a Member State to such a port, no exit checks shall be carried out. Nevertheless, on the basis of an assessment of the risks related to internal security and illegal immigration, checks may be carried out on the crew and passengers of those ships. |
3.2.4. The nominal lists of crew and passengers shall include:
(a) | name and surname; |
(b) | date of birth; |
(c) | nationality; |
(d) | number and type of travel document and, where applicable, visa number. |
The cruise ship's captain or, failing that, the shipowner's agent shall transmit to the respective border guards the nominal lists at least 24 hours before the arrival at each port in the territory of the Member States or, where the journey to this port lasts less than 24 hours, immediately after the boarding is completed in the previous port.
The nominal list shall be stamped at the first port of entry into the territory of the Member States and in all cases thereafter if the list is modified. The nominal list shall be taken into account in the assessment of the risks as referred to in point 3.2.3.
Pleasure boating
3.2.5. By way of derogation from Articles 4 and 7, persons on board a pleasure boat coming from or departing to a port situated in a Member State shall not be subject to border checks and may enter a port which is not a border crossing point.
However, according to the assessment of the risks of illegal immigration, and in particular where the coastline of a third country is located in the immediate vicinity of the territory of the Member State concerned, checks on those persons and/or a physical search of the pleasure boat shall be carried out.
3.2.6. By way of derogation from Article 4, a pleasure boat coming from a third country may, exceptionally, enter a port which is not a border crossing point. In that case, the persons on board shall notify the port authorities in order to be authorised to enter that port. The port authorities shall contact the authorities in the nearest port designated as a border crossing point in order to report the vessel's arrival. The declaration regarding passengers shall be made by lodging the list of persons on board with the port authorities. That list shall be made available to the border guards, at the latest upon arrival.
Likewise, if for reasons of force majeure the pleasure boat coming from a third country has to dock in a port other than a border crossing point, the port authorities shall contact the authorities in the nearest port designated as a border crossing point in order to report the vessel's presence.
3.2.7. During those checks, a document containing all the technical characteristics of the vessel and the names of the persons on board shall be handed in. A copy of that document shall be given to the authorities in the ports of entry and departure. As long as the vessel remains in the territorial waters of one of the Member States, a copy of that document shall be included amongst the ship's papers.
Coastal fishing
3.2.8. By way of derogation from Articles 4 and 7, the crews of coastal fisheries vessels which return every day or within 36 hours to the port of registration or to any other port situated in the territory of the Member States without docking in a port situated in the territory of a third country shall not be systematically checked. Nevertheless, the assessment of the risks of illegal immigration, in particular where the coastline of a third country is located in the immediate vicinity of the territory of the Member State concerned, shall be taken into account in order to determine the frequency of the checks to be carried out. According to those risks, checks on persons and/or a physical search of the vessel shall be carried out.
3.2.9. The crews of coastal fisheries vessels not registered in a port situated in the territory of a Member State shall be checked in accordance with the provisions relating to seamen.
The ship's captain shall notify the competent authorities of any alteration to the crew list and of the presence of any passengers.
Ferry connections
3.2.10. Checks shall be carried out on persons on board ferry connections with ports situated in third countries. The following rules shall apply:
(a) | where possible, Member States shall provide separate lanes, in accordance with Article 9; |
(b) | checks on foot passengers shall be carried out individually; |
(c) | checks on vehicle occupants shall be carried out while they are at the vehicle; |
(d) | ferry passengers travelling by coach shall be considered as foot passengers. Those passengers shall alight from the coach for the checks; |
(e) | checks on drivers of heavy goods vehicles and any accompanying persons shall be conducted while the occupants are at the vehicle. Those checks will in principle be organised separately from checks on the other passengers; |
(f) | to ensure that checks are carried out quickly, there shall be an adequate number of gates; |
(g) | so as to detect illegal immigrants in particular, random searches shall be made on the means of transport used by the passengers, and where applicable on the loads and other goods stowed in the means of transport; |
(h) | ferry crew members shall be dealt with in the same way as commercial ship crew members. |
4. Inland waterways shipping
4.1. ‘Inland waterways shipping involving the crossing of an external border’ covers the use, for business or pleasure purposes, of all types of boat and floating vessels on rivers, canals and lakes.
4.2. As regards boats used for business purposes, the captain and the persons employed on board who appear on the crew list and members of the families of those persons who live on board shall be regarded as crew members or equivalent.
4.3. The relevant provisions of points 3.1 to 3.2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to checks on inland waterways shipping.
(1) OJ L 355, 30.12.2002, p. 1. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 849/2004 (OJ L 158, 30.4.2004, p. 1).
Special rules for certain categories of persons
1. Heads of State
By way of derogation from Article 5 and Articles 7 to 13, Heads of State and the members of their delegation, whose arrival and departure have been officially announced through diplomatic channels to the border guards, may not be subject to border checks.
2. Pilots of aircraft and other crew members
2.1. By way of derogation from Article 5 the holders of a pilot's licence or a crew member certificate as provided for in Annex 9 to the Civil Aviation Convention of 7 December 1944 may, in the course of their duties and on the basis of those documents:
(a) | embark and disembark in the stop-over airport or the airport of arrival situated in the territory of a Member State; |
(b) | enter the territory of the municipality of the stop-over airport or the airport of arrival situated in the territory of a Member State; |
(c) | go, by any means of transport, to an airport situated in the territory of a Member State in order to embark on an aircraft departing from that same airport. |
In all other cases, the requirements provided for by Article 5(1) shall be fulfilled.
2.2. Articles 6 to 13 shall apply to checks on aircraft crew members. Wherever possible, priority will be given to checks on aircraft crews. Specifically, they will be checked either before passengers or at special locations set aside for the purpose. By way of derogation from Article 7, crews known to staff responsible for border controls in the performance of their duties may be subject to random checks only.
3. Seamen
3.1. By way of derogation from Articles 4 and 7, Member States may authorise seamen holding a seafarer's identity document issued in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 19 June 2003 (No 185), the London Convention of 9 April 1965 and the relevant national law, to enter into the territory of the Member States by going ashore to stay in the area of the port where their ships call or in the adjacent municipalities without presenting themselves at a border crossing point, on condition that they appear on the crew list, which has previously been submitted for checking by the competent authorities, of the ship to which they belong.
However, according to the assessment of the risks of internal security and illegal immigration, seamen shall be subject to a check in accordance with Article 7 by the border guards before they go ashore.
If a seaman constitutes a threat to public policy, internal security or public health, he may be refused permission to go ashore.
3.2. Seamen who intend to stay outside the municipalities situated in the vicinity of ports shall comply with the conditions for entry to the territory of the Member States, as laid down in Article 5(1).
4. Holders of diplomatic, official or service passports and members of international organisations
4.1. In view of the special privileges or immunities they enjoy, the holders of diplomatic, official or service passports issued by third countries or their Governments recognised by the Member States, as well as the holders of documents issued by the international organisations listed in point 4.4 who are travelling in the course of their duties, may be given priority over other travellers at border crossing points even though they remain, where applicable, subject to the requirement for a visa.
By way of derogation from Article 5(1)(c), persons holding those documents shall not be required to prove that they have sufficient means of subsistence.
4.2. If a person presenting himself or herself at the external border invokes privileges, immunities and exemptions, the border guard may require him or her to provide evidence of his or her status by producing the appropriate documents, in particular certificates issued by the accrediting State or a diplomatic passport or other means. If he or she has doubts, the border guard may, in case of urgent need, apply direct to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4.3. Accredited members of diplomatic missions and of consular representations and their families may enter the territory of the Member States on presentation of the card referred to in Article 19(2) and of the document authorising them to cross the border. Moreover, by way of derogation from Article 13 border guards may not refuse the holders of diplomatic, official or service passports entry to the territory of the Member States without first consulting the appropriate national authorities. This shall also apply where an alert has been entered in the SIS for such persons.
4.4. The documents issued by the international organisations for the purposes specified in point 4.1 are in particular the following:
— | United Nations laissez-passer issued to staff of the United Nations and subordinate agencies under the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of Specialised Agencies adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 21 November 1947 in New York, |
— | European Community (EC) laissez-passer, |
— | European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) laissez-passer, |
— | legitimacy certificate issued by the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, |
— | documents issued pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article III of the Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Force (military ID cards accompanied by a travel order, travel warrant, or an individual or collective movement order) as well as documents issued in the framework of the Partnership for Peace. |
5. Cross-border workers
5.1. The procedures for checking cross-border workers are governed by the general rules on border control, in particular Articles 7 and 13.
5.2. By way of derogation from Article 7, cross-border workers who are well known to the border guards owing to their frequent crossing of the border at the same border crossing point and who have not been revealed by an initial check to be the subject of an alert in the SIS or in a national data file shall be subject only to random checks to ensure that they hold a valid document authorising them to cross the border and fulfil the necessary entry conditions. Thorough checks shall be carried out on those persons from time to time, without warning and at irregular intervals.
5.3. The provisions of point 5.2 may be extended to other categories of regular cross-border commuters.
6. Minors
6.1. Border guards shall pay particular attention to minors, whether travelling accompanied or unaccompanied. Minors crossing an external border shall be subject to the same checks on entry and exit as adults, as provided for in this Regulation.
6.2. In the case of accompanied minors, the border guard shall check that the persons accompanying minors have parental care over them, especially where minors are accompanied by only one adult and there are serious grounds for suspecting that they may have been unlawfully removed from the custody of the person(s) legally exercising parental care over them. In the latter case, the border guard shall carry out a further investigation in order to detect any inconsistencies or contradictions in the information given.
6.3. In the case of minors travelling unaccompanied, border guards shall ensure, by means of thorough checks on travel documents and supporting documents, that the minors do not leave the territory against the wishes of the person(s) having parental care over them.