Annexes to COM(2004)469 - Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013)

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dossier COM(2004)469 - Culture 2007 programme (2007-2013).
document COM(2004)469 EN
date December 12, 2006


1. First strand: support for cultural actions

1.1.   Multi-annual cooperation projects

The Programme shall support sustainable and structured cultural cooperation projects in order to bring together the specific quality and expertise of cultural operators throughout the whole of Europe. This support is intended to assist the cooperation projects in their start-up and structuring phase or in their geographical extension phase. The aim shall be to encourage them to establish sustainable foundations and achieve financial autonomy.

Each cooperation project shall involve at least six operators from six different countries participating in the Programme. Its purpose shall be to bring together a variety of operators from one or more sectors for various multi-annual activities, which may be sectoral or cross-sectoral in nature but which must pursue a common objective.

Each cooperation project shall be intended to carry out a number of structured, multi-annual cultural activities. These activities are to be implemented throughout the duration of Community financing. They must have at least two of the three specific objectives indicated in Article 3(2). Priority will be given to cooperation projects intending to develop activities meeting the three specific objectives in that Article.

The cooperation projects shall be selected following calls for proposals pursuant to the Financial Regulation. In this context, selection will be made on the basis, among other things, of the recognised expertise of co-organisers in their field of activity, their financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed activities, and the quality of these activities and the extent to which they meet the general objective and specific objectives of the Programme, as set out in Article 3.

The cooperation projects must be founded on a cooperation agreement, i.e. a common document with a legal form in one of the participating countries and signed by all co-organisers.

Community support may not exceed 50 % of the project budget and shall be degressive in nature. It may not exceed EUR 500 000 per year for all activities of the cooperation projects. This support shall be granted for a period of three to five years.

By way of illustration, approximately 32 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this type of support.

1.2.   Cooperation measures

The Programme shall support sectoral or cross-sectoral cultural cooperation actions between European operators. Priority shall be given to creativity and innovation. Actions aimed at exploring avenues for cooperation in order to develop them over the longer term will be particularly encouraged.

Each action shall be designed and carried out in partnership by at least three cultural operators in three different participating countries, whether or not these operators come from one or more sectors.

Actions shall be selected following calls for proposals pursuant to the Financial Regulation. In this context, selection will be made on the basis of the recognised expertise of co-organisers, their financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed activities, the quality of these activities and the extent to which they meet the general objective and specific objectives of the Programme, as set out in Article 3.

Community support may not exceed 50 % of the project budget. It may not be less than EUR 50 000 nor more than EUR 200 000. This support shall be granted for a maximum of 24 months.

The conditions set out for this action concerning the minimum number of operators required in order to present projects, as well as the minimum and maximum amounts for Community support, may be adapted to take account of the specific conditions of literary translation.

By way of illustration, approximately 29 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this type of support.

1.3.   Special actions

The Programme shall also support special actions. These actions shall be special in that they should be substantial in scale and scope, strike a significant chord with the peoples of Europe and help to increase their sense of belonging to the same community, make them aware of the cultural diversity of Member States, and also contribute to intercultural and international dialogue. They must meet at least two of the three specific objectives set out in Article 3.

These special actions shall also help to raise the visibility of Community cultural action both within and beyond the European Union. They shall also contribute to raising global awareness of the wealth and diversity of European culture.

Significant support will be given to the ‘European Capitals of Culture’ in order to help implement activities stressing European visibility and trans-European cultural cooperation.

Special actions may also include the awarding of prizes, in so far as they highlight artists, works or cultural or artistic achievements, make them known beyond national borders and thus encourage mobility and exchanges.

Support may also be given in this context to cooperation with third countries and international organisations, as set out in Article 5(2) and Article 6.

The examples given above do not constitute an exhaustive list of measures likely to be supported under this sub-strand of the Programme.

The selection procedures for special actions will depend on the action in question. Financing will be granted following calls for proposals and invitations to tender, except in the cases referred to in Articles 54 and 168 of the Financial Regulation. Account will also be taken of the extent to which each action meets the general objective and specific objectives of the Programme, as set out in Article 3 of this Decision.

Community support may not exceed 60 % of the project budget.

By way of illustration, approximately 16 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this type of support.

2. Second strand: support for bodies active at European level in the field of culture

This support shall take the form of an operating grant to co-finance expenditure associated with the permanent work programme of a body which pursues an aim of general European interest in the field of culture or an objective forming part of the Union's policy in this area.

Provision shall be made for these grants to be awarded on the basis of annual calls for proposals.

By way of illustration, approximately 10 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this strand.

Support may be given to bodies working for cultural cooperation in one or more of the following ways:

providing representation at Community level,

collecting or disseminating information for facilitating trans-European Community cultural cooperation,

networking at European level for bodies active in the field of culture,

participating in cultural cooperation projects or acting as ambassadors for European culture.

These bodies must present a real European dimension. In this regard, they must carry out their activities at European level, alone or in the form of various coordinated associations, and their structure (registered members) and activities must have a potential influence at European Union level or cover at least seven European countries.

This strand shall be open to the bodies supported under Part 2 of Annex I to Decision No 792/2004/EC as well as any other body active at European level in the field of culture, provided that they meet the objectives set out in Article 3 of this Decision and comply with the terms and conditions of this Decision.

The beneficiaries of these operating grants shall be selected through a call for proposals. This shall be done on the basis of matching the bodies' work programme with the specific objectives set out in Article 3.

The total operating grant awarded under this strand may not exceed 80 % of the body's admissible expenditure for the year in which the grant is awarded.

3. Third strand: support for analyses and for the collection and dissemination of information and for maximising the impact of projects in the field of cultural cooperation

By way of illustration, approximately 5 % of the total budget allocated to the Programme shall be devoted to this strand.

3.1.   Support for cultural contact points

In order to ensure targeted, effective grass-roots dissemination of practical information on the Programme, it shall provide for support from cultural contact points. These bodies, acting at national level, shall be set up on a voluntary basis according to Article 39 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2342/2002.

The task of the cultural contact points shall be to:

promote the Programme,

facilitate access to the Programme for, and encourage participation in its activities by, as many professionals and operators in the cultural field as possible, by means of an effective dissemination of information and by developing appropriate networking initiatives between themselves,

provide an efficient link with the various institutions providing aid to the cultural sector in Member States, thus contributing to complementarity between the measures taken under the Programme and national support measures,

provide information on other Community programmes open for cultural projects if required.

3.2.   Support for analyses in the field of cultural cooperation

The Programme shall support the carrying out of studies and analyses in the field of European cultural cooperation and European cultural policy development. The aim of this support shall be to increase the volume and quality of information and data to develop comparative data and analysis on cultural cooperation at European level, particularly with regard to the mobility of creators and cultural players, the circulation of works of art and artistic and cultural products and intercultural dialogue.

Studies and analyses contributing to increasing knowledge of the phenomenon of trans-European cultural cooperation and to creating favourable conditions for it to flourish may be supported under this strand. Projects aimed at collecting and analysing statistics will be particularly encouraged.

3.3.   Support for the collection and dissemination of information and for maximising the impact of projects in the field of cultural cooperation.

The Programme shall support the collection and dissemination of information and activities aimed at maximising the impact of projects via the development of an Internet tool targeted at the needs of culture professionals in the field of trans-European cultural cooperation.

This tool should make possible the exchange of experience and good practice and the dissemination of information concerning the Programme as well as trans-European cultural cooperation in the broad sense.


The Programme's financial allocation may also cover expenses pertaining to preparatory, monitoring, control, audit and evaluation activities, required directly for the management and the realisation of the objectives of the Programme, in particular, studies, meetings, information and publication actions, expenses linked to computer networks focusing on information exchange, together with all other technical and administrative assistance expense to which the Commission may have recourse for the management of the Programme.


For projects selected in accordance with the procedure described in Article 11(2), a sampling audit system will be established.

The beneficiary of a grant shall make available to the Commission all supporting documents relating to expenditure for a period of five years reckoned from the date of the final payment. The beneficiary of a grant shall ensure that, where applicable, supporting documents in the possession of partners or members are made available to the Commission.

The Commission may have an audit of the use made of the grant carried out either directly by its own staff or by any other qualified outside body of its choice. Such audits may be carried out throughout the lifetime of the contract and for a period of five years from the date of payment of the balance. Where appropriate, the audit findings may lead to recovery decisions by the Commission.

Commission staff and outside personnel authorised by the Commission shall have appropriate access to the offices of the beneficiary and to all the information, including information in electronic format, needed in order to conduct such audits.

The Court of Auditors and the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) shall enjoy the same rights, especially those of access, as the Commission.

In order to protect the financial interests of the Community against fraud and other irregularities, the Commission may carry out on-the-spot checks and inspections under the Programme in accordance with Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 (1). Where necessary, investigations shall be conducted by OLAF in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1073/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council (2).


1. Commission

The Commission may organise seminars, conferences or meetings in order to facilitate the implementation of the Programme, and undertake information, publication, dissemination and other activities aimed at maximising the impact of projects as appropriate, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the Programme. Such activities may be financed by means of grants, or the public procurement process, or be organised and financed directly by the Commission.

2. Contact points

The Commission and Member States shall organise on a voluntary basis and reinforce the exchange of information useful for the implementation of the Programme via the cultural contact points acting as implementing bodies at national level, under the terms of Article 54(2)(c) and (3) of the Financial Regulation.

3. Member States

Without prejudice to Article 87 of the Treaty, Member States may, if necessary, establish support schemes for individual mobility of cultural players in order to address their low participation in the Programme. This support may take the form of travel grants for cultural operators in order to facilitate the preparatory phase of transnational cultural projects.


Breakdown of the annual budget for the Programme

Percentage of the budget
Strand 1 (support for cultural actions)Approximately 77 %
multi-annual cooperation projects
Approximately 32 %
cooperation measures
Approximately 29 %
special actions
Approximately 16 %
Strand 2 (support for bodies active at European level in the field of culture)Approximately 10 %
Strand 3 — (support for analysis, collection and dissemination of information)Approximately 5 %
Total operational expenditureApproximately 92 %
Programme managementApproximately 8 %

These percentages are indicative and subject to change by the Committee provided for in Article 9 in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 9(2).

(1) OJ L 292, 15.11.1996, p. 2.

(2) OJ L 136, 31.5.1999, p. 1.