Annexes to COM(2006)818 - Amendment of Directive 2003/87/EC so as to include aviation activities in the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the EC

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Annexes I, IV and V to Directive 2003/87/EC are hereby amended as follows:

1.Annex I shall be amended as follows:

(a)the title shall be replaced by the following:

(b)the following subparagraph shall be inserted in paragraph 2 before the table:

‘From 1 January 2012 all flights which arrive at or depart from an aerodrome situated in the territory of a Member State to which the Treaty applies shall be included.’;

(c)the following category of activity shall be added:

Flights which depart from or arrive in an aerodrome situated in the territory of a Member State to which the Treaty applies.

This activity shall not include:

(a)flights performed exclusively for the transport, on official mission, of a reigning Monarch and his immediate family, Heads of State, Heads of Government and Government Ministers, of a country other than a Member State, where this is substantiated by an appropriate status indicator in the flight plan;

(b)military flights performed by military aircraft and customs and police flights;

(c)flights related to search and rescue, firefighting flights, humanitarian flights and emergency medical service flights authorised by the appropriate competent authority;

(d)any flights performed exclusively under visual flight rules as defined in Annex 2 to the Chicago Convention;

(e)flights terminating at the aerodrome from which the aircraft has taken off and during which no intermediate landing has been made;

(f)training flights performed exclusively for the purpose of obtaining a licence, or a rating in the case of cockpit flight crew where this is substantiated by an appropriate remark in the flight plan provided that the flight does not serve for the transport of passengers and/or cargo or for the positioning or ferrying of the aircraft;

(g)flights performed exclusively for the purpose of scientific research or for the purpose of checking, testing or certifying aircraft or equipment whether airborne or ground-based;

(h)flights performed by aircraft with a certified maximum take-off mass of less than 5 700 kg;

(i)flights performed in the framework of public service obligations imposed in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2408/92 on routes within outermost regions, as specified in Article 299(2) of the Treaty, or on routes where the capacity offered does not exceed 30 000 seats per year; and

(j)flights which, but for this point, would fall within this activity, performed by a commercial air transport operator operating either:

fewer than 243 flights per period for three consecutive four-month periods; or

flights with total annual emissions lower than 10 000 tonnes per year.

Flights performed exclusively for the transport, on official mission, of a reigning Monarch and his immediate family, Heads of State, Heads of Government and Government Ministers, of a Member State may not be excluded under this point.’
Carbon dioxide

2.Annex IV shall be amended as follows:

(a)the following title shall be inserted after the title of the Annex:

(b)the following part shall be added:

‘PART B —   Monitoring and reporting of emissions from aviation activities

Monitoring of carbon dioxide emissions

Emissions shall be monitored by calculation. Emissions shall be calculated using the formula:

Fuel consumption × emission factor

Fuel consumption shall include fuel consumed by the auxiliary power unit. Actual fuel consumption for each flight shall be used wherever possible and shall be calculated using the formula:

Amount of fuel contained in aircraft tanks once fuel uplift for the flight is complete – amount of fuel contained in aircraft tanks once fuel uplift for subsequent flight is complete + fuel uplift for that subsequent flight.

If actual fuel consumption data are not available, a standardised tiered method shall be used to estimate fuel consumption data based on best available information.

Default IPCC emission factors, taken from the 2006 IPCC Inventory Guidelines or subsequent updates of these Guidelines, shall be used unless activity-specific emission factors identified by independent accredited laboratories using accepted analytical methods are more accurate. The emission factor for biomass shall be zero.

A separate calculation shall be made for each flight and for each fuel.

Reporting of emissions

Each aircraft operator shall include the following information in its report under Article 14(3):

A.Data identifying the aircraft operator, including:

name of the aircraft operator,

its administering Member State,

its address, including postcode and country and, where different, its contact address in the administering Member State,

the aircraft registration numbers and types of aircraft used in the period covered by the report to perform the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator,

the number and issuing authority of the air operator certificate and operating licence under which the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator were performed,

address, telephone, fax and e-mail details for a contact person, and

name of the aircraft owner.

B.For each type of fuel for which emissions are calculated:

fuel consumption,

emission factor,

total aggregated emissions from all flights performed during the period covered by the report which fall within the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator,

aggregated emissions from:

all flights performed during the period covered by the report which fall within the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator and which departed from an aerodrome situated in the territory of a Member State and arrived at an aerodrome situated in the territory of the same Member State,

all other flights performed during the period covered by the report which fall within the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator,

aggregated emissions from all flights performed during the period covered by the report which fall within the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator and which:

departed from each Member State, and

arrived in each Member State from a third country,


Monitoring of tonne-kilometre data for the purpose of Articles 3e and 3f

For the purpose of applying for an allocation of allowances in accordance with Article 3e(1) or Article 3f(2), the amount of aviation activity shall be calculated in tonne-kilometres using the following formula:

tonne-kilometres = distance × payload


‘distance’ means the great circle distance between the aerodrome of departure and the aerodrome of arrival plus an additional fixed factor of 95 km; and

‘payload’ means the total mass of freight, mail and passengers carried.

For the purposes of calculating the payload:

the number of passengers shall be the number of persons on-board excluding crew members,

an aircraft operator may choose to apply either the actual or standard mass for passengers and checked baggage contained in its mass and balance documentation for the relevant flights or a default value of 100 kg for each passenger and his checked baggage.

Reporting of tonne-kilometre data for the purpose of Articles 3e and 3f

Each aircraft operator shall include the following information in its application under Article 3e(1) or Article 3f(2):

A.Data identifying the aircraft operator, including:

name of the aircraft operator,

its administering Member State,

its address, including postcode and country and, where different, its contact address in the administering Member State,

the aircraft registration numbers and types of aircraft used during the year covered by the application to perform the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator,

the number and issuing authority of the air operator certificate and operating licence under which the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator were performed,

address, telephone, fax and e-mail details for a contact person, and

name of the aircraft owner.

B.Tonne-kilometre data:

number of flights by aerodrome pair,

number of passenger-kilometres by aerodrome pair,

number of tonne-kilometres by aerodrome pair,

chosen method for calculation of mass for passengers and checked baggage,

total number of tonne-kilometres for all flights performed during the year to which the report relates falling within the aviation activities listed in Annex I for which it is the aircraft operator.’;

3.Annex V shall be amended as follows:

(a)the following title shall be inserted after the title of the Annex:

(b)the following part shall be added:

‘PART B —   Verification of emissions from aviation activities

13.The general principles and methodology set out in this Annex shall apply to the verification of reports of emissions from flights falling within an aviation activity listed in Annex I.

For this purpose:

(a)in paragraph 3, the reference to operator shall be read as if it were a reference to an aircraft operator, and in point (c) of that paragraph the reference to installation shall be read as if it were a reference to the aircraft used to perform the aviation activities covered by the report;

(b)in paragraph 5, the reference to installation shall be read as if it were a reference to the aircraft operator;

(c)in paragraph 6 the reference to activities carried out in the installation shall be read as a reference to aviation activities covered by the report carried out by the aircraft operator;

(d)in paragraph 7 the reference to the site of the installation shall be read as if it were a reference to the sites used by the aircraft operator to perform the aviation activities covered by the report;

(e)in paragraphs 8 and 9 the references to sources of emissions in the installation shall be read as if they were a reference to the aircraft for which the aircraft operator is responsible; and

(f)in paragraphs 10 and 12 the references to operator shall be read as if they were a reference to an aircraft operator.

Additional provisions for the verification of aviation emission reports

14.The verifier shall in particular ascertain that:

(a)all flights falling within an aviation activity listed in Annex I have been taken into account. In this task the verifier shall be assisted by timetable data and other data on the aircraft operator’s traffic including data from Eurocontrol requested by that operator;

(b)there is overall consistency between aggregated fuel consumption data and data on fuel purchased or otherwise supplied to the aircraft performing the aviation activity.

Additional provisions for the verification of tonne-kilometre data submitted for the purposes of Articles 3e and 3f

15.The general principles and methodology for verifying emissions reports under Article 14(3) as set out in this Annex shall, where applicable, also apply correspondingly to the verification of aviation tonne-kilometre data.

16.The verifier shall in particular ascertain that only flights actually performed and falling within an aviation activity listed in Annex I for which the aircraft operator is responsible have been taken into account in that operator’s application under Articles 3e(1) and 3f(2). In this task the verifier shall be assisted by data on the aircraft operator’s traffic including data from Eurocontrol requested by that operator. In addition, the verifier shall ascertain that the payload reported by the aircraft operator corresponds to records on payloads kept by that operator for safety purposes.’.