Annexes to COM(2007)336 - Placing on the market, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC, of a potato product (Solanum tuberosum L. line EH92-527-1) genetically modified for enhanced content of the amylopectin component of starch (Only the Swedish text is authentic)

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Monitoring of potato-feeding organisms in the fields where Solanum tuberosum L. line EH92-527-1 is cultivated and in their vicinity.

1.The consent holder shall undertake field studies to monitor the potential adverse effects on potato-feeding organisms in the fields where Solanum tuberosum L. line EH92-527-1 is cultivated and in their vicinity.

2.The monitoring study shall focus on model potato-feeding organisms in the potato fields and in their vicinity, representative of key ecological functions in the agricultural environment.

3.The monitoring study shall take into account the latest scientific findings and use state-of-the-art protocols including statistical analysis of the data in accordance with standard methods.

4.The results of these studies shall be evaluated in view of the risk assessment contained in the notification and reported as provided for in Article 4(2).

5.Where appropriate, the results of these studies shall be used to review and modify the monitoring plan proposed in the notification as provided for in Article 4(3).