Annexes to COM(2008)303 - EC position within the Food Aid Committee as regards the extension of the Food Aid Convention, 1999

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2.1. Total allocation for action: EUR 440 000 for the one year extension

2.2. Period of application: 1.7.2008 to 30.6.2009 (budget 2009)

2.3. Compatibility with the financial programming and the financial perspective

X Proposal compatible with the existing financial programming

2.5. Financial impact on revenue

X No financial implications (involves technical aspects regarding implementation of a measure).


Type of expenditure | New | EFTA participation | Participation applicant countries | Heading Financial Perspective |

Comp | Diff | NO | NO | NO | 4 The EU as a global partner |


Article 181 of the Treaty in conjunction with Article 300(2)Council Decisions 96/88/EC of 27.1.1996 (OJ L 21 of 27.1.1996), 2001/C 195/01 (OJ C 195 of 11.7.2001) and 2000/421/EC (OJ L 163 of 4.7.2000).


5.1. Need for Community intervention

Because of its economic importance, especially in the agricultural sector, the EC must be represented in international agricultural agreements, which represent an important means for following global developments and defending Community interests for the products concerned.

The payment of EC membership contributions enables the objectives of the International Grains Council (IGC) to be attained. The IGC, which is responsible for administering the Agreements relating to the Grains Trade Convention, 1995 and the Food Aid Convention, 1999, promotes the objectives of the Agreements, including international cooperation, exchange of statistical information and forecasting market trends, etc. and for the Food Aid Convention the guarantee that developing countries are ensured a minimum amount of food aid by the European Union. It is therefore in the interests of the EC to be a part of the Agreements.

The membership contributions are determined on an annual basis and are due for as long as the EC is a member of the Agreements.

It is clear that if the EC had to carry out on its own the same actions as are carried out by the IGC, the total cost of these would be much greater than the cost of the membership contributions.

5.2. Actions envisaged and arrangements for budget intervention

The EC pays membership dues on an annual basis for the International Grains Council.

The dues are paid for as long as the EC remains a signatory to the Agreements.

The European Community and the Member States participate fully in the activities of the IGC and take full advantage of the benefits of membership.


6.1. Total financial impact

Commitments (to the 3rd decimal place): The cost estimated of this proposal is €0.440 million (GBP 0.327 million), but it has already been taken into consideration at the moment of the last extension of the Grains Trade Convention, 1995.

While the subject of this decision is to extend the Food Aid Convention 1999, it should also be taken into consideration that, in view of increasing food prices and rising transport costs (due to high energy costs), the Commission is in the process of identifying the budgetary needs and ways to mobilise additional resources to address any possible shortfall in these commitments.

6.2. Calculation

The expenditure involved in the application of the two Conventions is covered by annual contributions from all members of the Grains Convention. The contribution of each member for each financial year is fixed in proportion to the number of votes attributed to that member in relation to the total number of votes held by members. The number of votes attributed to each member is adjusted on the basis of the composition of the IGC when the budget for the financial year in question is adopted. There is a total of 2 000 votes in the Convention, of which the European Union holds 399 for 2006/07. The same figure is projected for 2008/09. The estimated cost per vote for the period of extension is €1 103 (399 votes x €1 103/vote = €440 000).


7.1. Impact on human resources

Types of post | Staff to be assigned to management of the action using existing resources and/or additional resources | Total | Description of tasks deriving from the action |

Number of permanent posts | Number of temporary posts |

Permanent officials or temporary staff | A B C | 0.2 0.1 – | – – – | 0.2 0.1 – | Preparation for attendance at and follow up from meetings of the IGC |

Other human resources | – | – | – |

Total | 0.3 | – | 0.3 |

7.2. Overall financial impact of human resources

Type of human resources | Amount EUR | Method of calculation* |

Officials Temporary staff | 35 400 | 0.3 x 118 000 |

Other human resources |

Total | 35 400 |

* Human resources and administrative requirements will be covered from the allocation given to the managing DG under the annual allocations procedure. The amounts are total expenditure for twelve months. |


8.1. Follow-up arrangements

The Commission services will participate fully in the Administrative Committees and Council of IGC; these are the bodies responsible for determining budgetary contributions.

A report of these meetings and of the decisions taken in the course of these meetings is published and is freely available to members.

8.2. Details and frequency of planned evaluations

In view of the specific nature of the proposed intervention (extension of Community contribution to the administrative budget of the International Grains Agreement) and of the relatively small sum involved, an external evaluation does not seem justified. The relevance and usefulness of continuing with a contribution to the administrative budget of this Agreement will be evaluated internally, at regular intervals, by means of active Commission involvement in the management committees and in the International Grains Council.


The execution and the control of EC contributions are checked in conformity with the rules foreseen by the IGC Agreement.

Specific modalities of audit and control are laid down within the legal basis of this international organisation.

The accounts of this organisation are certified by an independent external auditor. This certification is submitted to the competent body of the IGC in view of its approval and subsequent publication.

[1] OJ L 163, 4.7.2000, p. 37.