Annexes to COM(1997)604 - Amendment of Directive 94/67/EC on incineration of hazardous waste

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dossier COM(1997)604 - Amendment of Directive 94/67/EC on incineration of hazardous waste.
document COM(1997)604 EN
date December  4, 2000

Equivalence factors for dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans




The following formula (mixing rule) is to be applied whenever a specific total emission limit value "C" has not been set out in a table in this Annex.

The limit value for each relevant pollutant and carbon monoxide in the exhaust gas resulting from the co-incineration of waste shall be calculated as follows:

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Vwaste: exhaust gas volume resulting from the incineration of waste only determined from the waste with the lowest calorific value specified in the permit and standardised at the conditions given by this Directive.

If the resulting heat release from the incineration of hazardous waste amounts to less than 10 % of the total heat released in the plant, Vwaste must be calculated from a (notional) quantity of waste that, being incinerated, would equal 10 % heat release, the total heat release being fixed.

Cwaste: emission limit values set for incineration plants in Annex V for the relevant pollutants and carbon monoxide.

Vproc: exhaust gas volume resulting from the plant process including the combustion of the authorised fuels normally used in the plant (wastes excluded) determined on the basis of oxygen contents at which the emissions must be standardised as laid down in Community or national regulations. In the absence of regulations for this kind of plant, the real oxygen content in the exhaust gas without being thinned by addition of air unnecessary for the process must be used. The standardisation at the other conditions is given in this Directive.

Cproc: emission limit values as laid down in the tables of this annex for certain industrial sectors or in case of the absence of such a table or such values, emission limit values of the relevant pollutants and carbon monoxide in the flue gas of plants which comply with the national laws, regulations and administrative provisions for such plants while burning the normally authorised fuels (wastes excluded). In the absence of these measures the emission limit values laid down in the permit are used. In the absence of such permit values the real mass concentrations are used.

C: total emission limit values and oxygen content as laid down in the tables of this annex for certain industrial sectors and certain pollutants or in case of the absence of such a table or such values total emission limit values for CO and the relevant pollutants replacing the emission limit values as laid down in specific Annexes of this Directive. The total oxygen content to replace the oxygen content for the standardisation is calculated on the basis of the content above respecting the partial volumes.

Member States may lay down rules governing the exemptions provided for in this Annex.

II.1. Special provisions for cement kilns co-incinerating waste

Daily average values (for continuous measurements) Sample periods and other measurement requirements as in Article 7. All values in mg/m3 (Dioxins and furans ng/m3). Half-hourly average values shall only be needed in view of calculating the daily average values.

The results of the measurements made to verify compliance with the emission limit values shall be standardised at the following conditions: Temperature 273 K, pressure 101,3 kPa, 10 % oxygen, dry gas.

II.1.1. C - total emission limit values


Until 1 January 2008, exemptions for NOx may be authorised by the competent authorities for existing wet process cement kilns or cement kilns which burn less than three tonnes of waste per hour, provided that the permit foresees a total emission limit value for NOx of not more than 1200 mg/m3.

Until 1 January 2008, exemptions for dust may be authorised by the competent authority for cement kilns which burn less than three tonnes of waste per hour, provided that the permit foresees a total emission limit value of not more than 50 mg/m3.

II.1.2. C - total emission limit values for SO2 and TOC


Exemptions may be authorised by the competent authority in cases where TOC and SO2 do not result from the incineration of waste.

II.1.3. Emission limit value for CO

Emission limit values for CO can be set by the competent authority.

II.2. Special provisions for combustion plants co-incinerating waste

II.2.1. Daily average values

Without prejudice to Directive 88/609/EEC and in the case where, for large combustion plants, more stringent emission limit values are set according to future Community legislation, the latter shall replace, for the plants and pollutants concerned, the emission limit values as laid down in the following tables (Cproc). In that case, the following tables shall be adapted to these more stringent emission limit values in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 17 without delay.

Half-hourly average values shall only be needed in view of calculating the daily average values.


Cproc for solid fuels expressed in mg/Nm3 (O2 content 6 %):


Until 1 January 2007 and without prejudice to relevant Community legislation, the emission limit value for NOx does not apply to plants only co-incinerating hazardous waste.

Until 1 January 2008, exemptions for NOx and SO2 may be authorised by the competent authorities for existing co-incineration plants between 100 and 300 MWth using fluidised bed technology and burning solid fuels provided that the permit foresees a Cproc value of not more than 350 mg/Nm3 for NOx and not more than 850 to 400 mg/Nm3 (linear decrease from 100 to 300 MWth) for SO2.

Cproc for biomass expressed in mg/Nm3 (O2 content 6 %):

"Biomass" means: products consisting of any whole or part of a vegetable matter from agriculture or forestry, which can be used for the purpose of recovering its energy content as well as wastes listed in Article 2(2)(a)(i) to (v).


Until 1 January 2008, exemptions for NOx may be authorised by the competent authorities for existing co-incineration plants between 100 and 300 MWth using fluidised bed technology and burning biomass provided that the permit foresees a Cproc value of not more than 350 mg/Nm3.

Cproc for liquid fuels expressed in mg/Nm3 (O2 content 3 %):


II.2.2. C - total emission limit values

C expressed in mg/Nm3 (O2 content 6 %). All average values over the sample period of a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 8 hours:


C expressed in ng/Nm3 (O2 content 6 %). All average values measured over the sample period of a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 8 hours:


II.3. Special provisions for industrial sectors not covered under II.1 or II.2 co-incinerating waste

II.3.1. C - total emission limit values:

C expressed in ng/Nm3. All average values measured over the sample period of a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 8 hours:


C expressed in mg/Nm3. All average values over the sample period of a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 8 hours:



Measurement techniques

1. Measurements for the determination of concentrations of air and water polluting substances have to be carried out representatively.

2. Sampling and analysis of all pollutants including dioxins and furans as well as reference measurement methods to calibrate automated measurement systems shall be carried out as given by CEN-standards. If CEN standards are not available, ISO standards, national or international standards which will ensure the provision of data of an equivalent scientific quality shall apply.

3. At the daily emission limit value level, the values of the 95 % confidence intervals of a single measured result shall not exceed the following percentages of the emission limit values:



Emission limit values for discharges of waste water from the cleaning of exhaust gases


Until 1 January 2008, exemptions for total suspended solids may be authorised by the competent authority for existing incineration plants provided the permit foresees that 80 % of the measured values do not exceed 30 mg/l and none of them exceed 45 mg/l.



(a) Daily average values


Exemptions for NOx may be authorised by the competent authority for existing incineration plants:

- with a nominal capacity of 6 tonnes per hour, provided that the permit foresees the daily average values do not exceed 500 mg/m3 and this until 1 January 2008,

- with a nominal capacity of >6 tonnes per hour but equal or less than 16 tonnes per hour, provided the permit foresees the daily average values do not exceed 400 mg/m3 and this until 1 January 2010,

- with a nominal capacity of >16 tonnes per hour but < 25 tonnes per hour and which do not produce water discharges, provided that the permit foresees the daily average values do not exceed 400 mg/m3 and this until 1 January 2008.

Until 1 January 2008, exemptions for dust may be authorised by the competent authority for existing incinerating plants, provided that the permit foresees the daily average values do not exceed 20 mg/m3.

(b) Half-hourly average values


Until 1 January 2010, exemptions for NOx may be authorised by the competent authority for existing incineration plants with a nominal capacity between 6 and 16 tonnes per hour, provided the half-hourly average value does not exceed 600 mg/m3 for column A or 400 mg/m3 for column B.

(c) All average values over the sample period of a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 8 hours


These average values cover also gaseous and the vapour forms of the relevant heavy metal emissions as well as their compounds.

(d) Average values shall be measured over a sample period of a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 8 hours. The emission limit value refers to the total concentration of dioxins and furans calculated using the concept of toxic equivalence in accordance with Annex I.


(e) The following emission limit values of carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations shall not be exceeded in the combustion gases (excluding the start-up and shut-down phase):

- 50 milligrams/m3 of combustion gas determined as daily average value;

- 150 milligrams/m3 of combustion gas of at least 95 % of all measurements determined as 10-minute average values or 100 mg/m3 of combustion gas of all measurements determined as half-hourly average values taken in any 24-hour period.

Exemptions may be authorised by the competent authority for incineration plants using fluidised bed technology, provided that the permit foresees an emission limit value for carbon monoxide (CO) of not more than 100 mg/m3 as an hourly average value.

(f) Member States may lay down rules governing the exemptions provided for in this Annex.


Formula to calculate the emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration

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ES= calculated emission concentration at the standard percentage oxygen concentration

EM= measured emission concentration

OS= standard oxygen concentration

OM= measured oxygen concentration