Annexes to COM(2010)648 - Conclusion of the Agreement with Switzerland on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, amending the Agreement with Switzerland on trade in agricultural products

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on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs

Article 1


The Parties agree to promote, between themselves, the harmonious development of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs (hereinafter referred to as "GIs") and to facilitate, by means of the protection of such designations and indications, bilateral trade in those agricultural products and foodstuffs which have been granted a GI under the Parties’ respective legislation.

Article 2

Legislative provisions of the Parties

1. The Parties’ legislation relating to the protection of GIs in their respective territories shall allow for a uniform procedure for protection which shall meet the Parties’ joint objectives.

2. Such legislation shall, inter alia, establish:

an administrative procedure which makes it possible to verify that the GIs correspond to agricultural products or foodstuffs originating from a region or specific place, and that their specific quality, reputation or other characteristics may be attributed to that geographical origin;

an obligation that the protected GIs relate to specific products, meeting a number of conditions set out in a specification and that those conditions may be modified only if the aforementioned administrative procedure is followed;

the implementation of the protection by the Parties by means of official controls;

the right of any producer established in the geographical area concerned and who agrees to follow the system of control, to benefit from the GI in question, provided that the products concerned comply with the specification in force;

a procedure prior to protection, which shall allow any natural or legal person with a legitimate interest in exercising his rights by notifying his objection, particularly if he is the holder of a reputable, well-known or renowned trademark that is well-established.

Article 3

Procedures prior to protection under the Agreement

Each Party shall submit the GIs of the other Party to examination and public consultation.

Article 4

Subject-matter of protection

1. Each Party shall protect the GIs of the other Party listed in Appendix 1.

2. That Appendix may be subject to additions in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 16.

3. The protection provided under this Annex shall not prejudice the processing of an individual request for registration in accordance with the Parties’ respective procedures.

Article 5


By way of derogation from Article 1 of this Agreement, this Annex shall apply to the GIs listed in Appendix 1, which designate products covered by the legislation of the two Parties as listed in Appendix 2.

Article 6

Eligibility for protection

1. In order to be eligible for the protection provided for under this Annex, the Parties’ GIs shall be previously protected in their respective territories and shall originate from the Parties.

2. The Parties shall not be obliged to protect a GI from the other Party that is no longer protected on the latter's territory.

Article 7

Extent of protection

1. The GIs listed in Appendix 1 may be used by any operator marketing the products in accordance with the relevant specification in force.

2. The direct or indirect commercial use of a protected GI is forbidden:

(a)with regard to a comparable product which does not comply with the specification;

(b)with regard to a non-comparable product if the use thereof exploits the reputation of the GI in question.

3. The protection in question shall apply in the case of usurpation, imitation or evocation, even if:

the genuine origin of the product is indicated;

the name in question is used in translation, transliteration or transcription;

the name used is accompanied by terms such as "kind", "type", "style", "imitation", "method" or other similar expressions.

4. The GIs are also protected, inter alia, against:

any other false or misleading indication as to the genuine origin of the product, its provenance, method of production, nature or essential qualities listed on the packaging, including the inner packaging, the advertising material or documents relating to the product;

any use of a container or packaging liable to convey a false impression as to the origin of the product;

any use of the shape of the product if this is distinctive;

any other practice liable to mislead the public as to the true origin of the product.

5. The GIs listed in Appendix 1 may not become generic.

Article 8

Specific provisions for certain names

1. For a transitional period of three years from the entry into force of this Annex, the protection of the Swiss GI "Bündnerfleisch (Viande des Grisons)" listed in Appendix 1 shall not preclude the use of that name, on the territory of the Union, to designate and present certain comparable products not originating from Switzerland.

2. For a transitional period of three years from the entry into force of this Annex, the protection of the following Union GIs, listed in Appendix 1, shall not preclude the use thereof, on Swiss territory, in order to designate and present certain comparable products not originating from the Union:

(a)Salame di Varzi;

(b)Schwarzwälder Schinken.

3. For a transitional period of five years from the entry into force of this Annex, the protection of the following Swiss GIs, listed in Appendix 1, shall not preclude the use thereof, on Union territory, in order to designate and present certain comparable products not originating from Switzerland:



4. For a transitional period of five years from the entry into force of this Annex, the protection of the following Union GIs, listed in Appendix 1, shall not preclude the use thereof, on Swiss territory, in order to designate and present certain comparable products not originating from the Union:




(d)Φέτα (Feta);



(g)Grana Padano (including the term "Grana" when used on its own).

5. The following homonymous GIs from Switzerland and from the Union, listed in Appendix 1, shall be protected and may coexist:

"Vacherin Mont-d'Or" (Switzerland) and "Vacherin du Haut-Doubs" or "Mont d'Or" (Union).

Where appropriate, specific labelling measures shall be provided for, in order to distinguish between the products and exclude any risk of misleading information.

6. The protection of the GIs "Grana Padano" and "Parmigiano Reggiano" shall not preclude, with regard to products intended for the Swiss market, and in respect of which all measures have been taken to avoid the re-exporting of such products, the possibility of grating and packaging (including cutting into portions and inner packaging) of these products on Swiss territory for a transitional period of six years from the entry into force of this Annex and without the right to use the symbols and indications of the Union for these GIs.

7. The GI "Gruyère" on the one hand and the GIs "Γραβιέρα Κρήτης (Graviera Kritis)", "Γραβιέρα Αγράφων (Graviera Agrafon)", "Κεφαλογραβιέρα (Kefalograviera)" and "Γραβιέρα Νάξου (Graviera Naxou)", on the other hand, describe clearly different cheeses, notably due to their specific geographical origin, the method by which they are produced and their organoleptic properties. The Parties therefore undertake to take all necessary measures to avoid and, if necessary, stop any abusive use or use which may give rise to confusion between the GI "Gruyère" and the term "Γραβιέρα/Graviera", in accordance with the provisions of Articles 13 and 15.

To that end, the Parties in particular agree that the term "Γραβιέρα/Graviera" may under no circumstances be translated by "Gruyère", and vice-versa.

Article 9

Relations with trademarks

1. Without prejudice to paragraph 2 of this Article, with regard to the GIs listed in Appendix 1, the registration of a trademark corresponding to one of the situations referred to in Article 7 shall be refused or invalidated, either ex officio or at the request of an interested party, in accordance with each Party's legislation. This general obligation particularly refers to the fact that the request for a registration of a trademark corresponding to the situation provided for in Article 7(2)(a) shall be refused in accordance with each Party's legislation. Trademarks not registered in accordance with these provisions shall be invalid.

2. A trademark, the use of which corresponds to one of the situations referred to in Article 7 and which has, in good faith, been filed, registered – or established through use, if this possibility is provided for in legislation – on the territory of the Party concerned, prior to the date of the entry into force of this Annex, may, without prejudice to Article 16(3), continue to be used and renewed notwithstanding the protection provided to the GI through this Annex, provided that no grounds of nullity or expiry, under the legislation of the Parties, can be applied to the said trademark.

Article 10

Relations with international Agreements

This Annex shall apply without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties in accordance with the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation, or any other multilateral agreement on intellectual property law to which Switzerland and the Union are contracting parties.

Article 11

Legal capacity

The right to take action in order to ensure the protection of the GIs listed in Appendix 1 shall apply to natural or legal persons who are legitimately affected, in particular federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or consumers established, or with their registered address located, on the territory of the other Party.

Article 12

Indications and symbols

In view of the Parties’ converging legislation, as mentioned in Article 2, each Party shall authorise, within its own territory, the marketing of products which may be covered under this Annex and which may bear official indications and possible official symbols, relating to GIs, used by the other Party.

Article 13

Implementation of the Annex and implementing measures

The Parties shall implement the protection provided for in Article 7 by any appropriate administrative action or legal proceedings, as appropriate, at the request of the other Party.

Article 14

Border measures

The Parties shall take any measure necessary to enable their respective customs authorities to hold at a border those products in respect of which it has been suspected that a GI protected under this Annex has been illegally used and which are intended to be imported to the customs territory of either Party, for export from the customs territory of either Party, for re-export, for placing in a free zone or free warehouse, or to be placed under one of the following schemes: international transit, customs warehouse, inward or outward processing arrangements, or temporary admission into the customs territory of one of the Parties.

Article 15

Bilateral cooperation

1. The Parties shall provide each other with mutual assistance.

2. The Parties shall exchange, regularly or at the request of either Party, any information which may be useful to ensure the smooth running of the provisions of this Annex, particularly regarding developments in the Parties’ legislative and regulatory provisions or of their GIs (amendments of names, symbols and logos, significant amendments to a specification, cancellation, etc.).

3. The Parties shall inform each other, if either of them, as part of negotiations with a third country, proposes to protect a GI for an agricultural product or foodstuff from that third country and if that name is homonymous to a GI protected by the other Party, in order to allow the other Party to issue an opinion on the protection of the GI in question.

4. The Parties shall enter into consultation with each other if either of them considers that the other has failed to fulfil an obligation under this Annex.

5. The Committee shall examine any issue relating to the implementation of this Annex, or developments relating to its provisions. The Committee may, in particular, decide upon the amendments to be made to Article 8 and, if appropriate, decide upon the practical conditions of use that will make it possible to differentiate between homonymous GIs.

6. The ‘PDO/PGI’ working group set up under Article 6(7) of the Agreement shall assist the Committee at the latter's request.

Article 16

Review clause

1. As regards the GIs which have been recently registered by either Party, the Parties shall conduct the examination and consultation referred to in Article 3, in order to protect these products. New GIs will be included in Appendix 1 using the Committee procedures.

2. The Parties undertake to examine the cases of GIs which are not included in Appendix 1 no later than two years after the entry into force of this Annex.

3. The date referred to in Article 9(2) relates to the date when the request is sent to the other Party.

4. The Parties shall consult each other with regard to any other amendments to be made to the Annex.

5. Implementation measures not provided for in this Annex shall, where appropriate, be decided upon by the Committee.

Article 17

Transitional provisions

1. Without prejudice to Article 8, products relating to the GIs listed in Appendix 1 which, at the time of the entry into force of this Annex, had been produced, designated and presented legally, in accordance with the law or national regulations of the Parties but prohibited under this Annex, may be marketed until stocks have been exhausted, for a maximum period of two years from the entry into force of this Annex.

2. The transitional provisions referred to above shall, by analogy, apply to GIs subsequently added to Appendix 1, in accordance with the provisions of Article 16.

3. Unless otherwise specified by the Committee, products produced, prepared, described and presented in compliance with this Annex but whose production, name and presentation cease to comply therewith following an amendment to the Annex may continue to be marketed until stocks have been exhausted.

Appendix 1


1. List of Swiss GIs

Type of productNameProtection (1)
Spices:Munder SafranPDO
Cheeses:Berner Alpkäse / Berner HobelkäsePDO
Formaggio d'alpe ticinesePDO
Raclette du Valais / Walliser RaclettePDO
Tête de Moine / Fromage de BellelayPDO
Vacherin fribourgeoisPDO
Vacherin Mont-d'OrPDO
Fruits:Poire à BotziPDO
Vegetables:Cardon épineux genevoisPDO
Meat products and charcuterie:LongeolePGI
Saucisse d'AjoiePGI
Saucisson neuchâtelois / Saucisse neuchâteloisePGI
Saucisson vaudoisPGI
Saucisse aux choux vaudoisePGI
St. Galler Bratwurst / St. Galler KalbsbratwurstPGI
Viande séchée du ValaisPGI
Baked goods:Pain de seigle valaisan / Walliser RoggenbrotPDO
Milling products:Rheintaler Ribel / Türggen RibelPDO

2. List of the Union's GIs

The classes of products are listed in Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1898/2006 (OJ L 369, 23.12.2006, p. 1).

NameTranscription in Latin charactersProtection (2)Type of Product
Gailtaler AlmkäsePDO13
Gailtaler SpeckPGI12
Steirischer KrenPGI16
Steirisches KürbiskernölPGI15
Tiroler Almkäse; Tiroler AlpkäsePDO13
Tiroler BergkäsePDO13
Tiroler GraukäsePDO13
Tiroler SpeckPGI12
Vorarlberger AlpkäsePDO13
Vorarlberger BergkäsePDO13
Wachauer MarillePDO16
Waldviertler GraumohnPDO16
Beurre d'ArdennePDO15
Brussels grondwitloofPGI16
Fromage de HervePDO13
Geraardsbergse MattentaartPGI24
Jambon d'ArdennePGI12
Pâté gaumaisPGI18
Vlaams - Brabantse TafeldruifPDO16
Λουκούμι ΓεροσκήπουLoukoumi GeroskipouPGI24
Brněnské pivo/ Starobrněnské pivoPGI21
Budějovické pivoPGI21
Budějovický měšťanský varPGI21
České pivoPGI21
Českobudějovické pivoPGI21
Český kmínPDO18
Chamomilla bohemicaPDO18
Chodské pivoPGI21
Hořické trubičkyPGI24
Karlovarský sucharPGI24
Lomnické sucharyPGI24
Mariánskolázeňské oplatkyPGI24
Nošovické kysané zelíPDO16
Pardubický perníkPGI24
Pohořelický kaprPDO17
Štramberské ušiPGI24
Třeboňský kaprPGI17
Všestarská cibulePDO16
Žatecký chmelPDO18
Znojemské pivoPGI21
Aachener PrintenPGI24
Allgäuer BergkäsePDO13
Altenburger ZiegenkäsePDO13
Ammerländer Dielenrauchschinken; Ammerländer KatenschinkenPGI12
Ammerländer Schinken; Ammerländer KnochenschinkenPGI12
Bayerischer Meerrettich; Bayerischer KrenPGI16
Bayerisches BierPGI21
Bremer BierPGI21
Diepholzer MoorschnuckePDO11
Dortmunder BierPGI21
Feldsalat von der Insel ReichenauPGI16
Gögginger BierPGI21
Greußener SalamiPGI12
Gurken von der Insel ReichenauPGI16
Hofer BierPGI21
Holsteiner KarpfenPGI17
Kulmbacher BierPGI21
Lausitzer LeinölPGI15
Lübecker MarzipanPGI24
Lüneburger HeidschnuckePDO11
Mainfranken BierPGI21
Meißner FummelPGI24
Münchener BierPGI21
Nürnberger Bratwürste; Nürnberger RostbratwürstePGI12
Nürnberger LebkuchenPGI24
Oberpfälzer KarpfenPGI17
Odenwälder FrühstückskäsePDO13
Reuther BierPGI21
Rieser WeizenbierPGI21
Salate von der Insel ReichenauPGI16
Schwäbisch-Hällisches QualitätsschweinefleischPGI11
Schwarzwälder SchinkenPGI12
Spreewälder GurkenPGI16
Spreewälder MeerrettichPGI16
Thüringer LeberwurstPGI12
Thüringer RostbratwurstPGI12
Thüringer RotwurstPGI12
Tomaten von der Insel ReichenauPGI16
Wernesgrüner BierPGI21
Άγιος Ματθαίος ΚέρκυραςAgios Mattheos KerkyrasPGI15
Ακτινίδιο ΠιερίαςAktinidio PieriasPGI16
Ακτινίδιο ΣπερχειούAktinidio SperchiouPDO16
Αποκορώνας Χανίων ΚρήτηςApokoronas Chanion KritisPDO15
Αρχάνες Ηρακλείου ΚρήτηςArxanes Irakliou KritisPDO15
Αυγοτάραχο ΜεσολογγίουAvgotaracho MessolongiouPDO17
Βιάννος Ηρακλείου ΚρήτηςViannos Irakliou KritisPDO15
Βόρειος Μυλοπόταμος Ρεθύμνης ΚρήτηςVorios Mylopotamos Rethymnis KritisPDO15
Γραβιέρα ΑγράφωνGraviera AgrafonPDO13
Γραβιέρα ΚρήτηςGraviera KritisPDO13
Γραβιέρα ΝάξουGraviera NaxouPDO13
Ελιά ΚαλαμάταςElia KalamatasPDO16
Εξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο "Τροιζηνία"Exeretiko partheno eleolado "Trizinia"PDO15
Εξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο ΘραψανόExeretiko partheno eleolado ThrapsanoPDO15
Θρούμπα Αμπαδιάς Ρεθύμνης ΚρήτηςThroumpa Ampadias Rethymnis KritisPDO16
Θρούμπα ΘάσουThroumpa ThassouPDO16
Θρούμπα ΧίουThroumpa ChiouPDO16
Καλαθάκι ΛήμνουKalathaki LimnouPDO13
Κατίκι ΔομοκούKatiki DomokouPDO13
Κελυφωτό φυστίκι ΦθιώτιδαςKelifoto fystiki FthiotidasPDO16
Κεράσια τραγανά ΡοδοχωρίουKerassia Tragana RodochoriouPDO16
Κολυμβάρι Χανίων ΚρήτηςKolymvari Chanion KritisPDO15
Κονσερβολιά ΑμφίσσηςKonservolia AmfissisPDO16
Κονσερβολιά ΆρταςKonservolia ArtasPGI16
Κονσερβολιά ΑταλάντηςKonservolia AtalantisPDO16
Κονσερβολιά Πηλίου ΒόλουKonservolia Piliou VolouPDO16
Κονσερβολιά ΡοβίωνKonservolia RovionPDO16
Κονσερβολιά ΣτυλίδαςKonservolia StylidasPDO16
Κορινθιακή Σταφίδα ΒοστίτσαKorinthiaki Stafida VostitsaPDO16
Κουμ Κουάτ ΚέρκυραςKoum kouat KerkyrasPGI16
Κρανίδι ΑργολίδαςKranidi ArgolidasPDO15
Κρητικό παξιμάδιKritiko paximadiPGI24
Κροκεές ΛακωνίαςKrokees LakoniasPDO15
Κρόκος ΚοζάνηςKrokos KozanisPDO18
Λαδοτύρι ΜυτιλήνηςLadotyri MytilinisPDO13
Λέσβος; MυτιλήνηLesvos; MytiliniPGI15
Λυγουριό ΑσκληπιείουLygourio AsklipiiouPDO15
Μαστίχα ΧίουMasticha ChiouPDO25
Μαστιχέλαιο ΧίουMastichelaio ChiouPDO32
Μέλι Ελάτης Μαινάλου ΒανίλιαMeli Elatis Menalou VaniliaPDO18
Μήλα Ζαγοράς ΠηλίουMila Zagoras PiliouPDO16
Μήλα Ντελίσιους Πιλαφά ΤριπόλεωςMila Delicious Pilafa TripoleosPDO16
Μήλο ΚαστοριάςMilo KastoriasPGI16
Ξερά σύκα ΚύμηςXera syka KymisPDO16
Ξυνομυζήθρα ΚρήτηςXynomyzithra KritisPDO13
Πατάτα Κάτω ΝευροκοπίουPatata Kato NevrokopiouPGI16
Πεζά Ηρακλείου ΚρήτηςPeza Irakliou KritisPDO15
Πέτρινα ΛακωνίαςPetrina LakoniasPDO15
Πηχτόγαλο ΧανίωνPichtogalo ChanionPDO13
Πορτοκάλια Μάλεμε Χανίων ΚρήτηςPortokalia Maleme Chanion KritisPDO16
Ροδάκινα ΝάουσαςRodakina NaoussasPDO16
Σαν ΜιχάληSan MichaliPDO13
Σητεία Λασιθίου ΚρήτηςSitia Lasithiou KritisPDO15
Σταφίδα ΖακύνθουStafida ZakynthouPDO16
Σύκα Βραβρώνας Μαρκοπούλου ΜεσογείωνSyka Vavronas Markopoulou MessongionPGI16
Τσακώνικη μελιτζάνα ΛεωνιδίουTsakoniki Melitzana LeonidiouPDO16
Τσίχλα ΧίουTsikla ChiouPDO25
Φασόλια (Γίγαντες Ελέφαντες) Πρεσπών ΦλώριναςFassolia Gigantes Elefantes Prespon FlorinasPGI16
Φασόλια (πλακέ μεγαλόσπερμα) Πρεσπών ΦλώριναςFassolia (plake megalosperma) Prespon FlorinasPGI16
Φασόλια γίγαντες — ελέφαντες ΚαστοριάςFassolia Gigantes-Elefantes KastoriasPGI16
Φασόλια γίγαντες ελέφαντες Κάτω ΝευροκοπίουFassolia Gigantes Elefantes Kato NevrokopiouPGI16
Φασόλια κοινά μεσόσπερμα Κάτω ΝευροκοπίοuFassolia kina Messosperma Kato NevrokopiouPGI16
Φοινίκι ΛακωνίαςFiniki LakoniasPDO15
Φορμαέλλα Αράχωβας ΠαρνασσούFormaella Arachovas ParnassouPDO13
Φυστίκι ΑίγιναςFystiki EginasPDO16
Φυστίκι ΜεγάρωνFystiki MegaronPDO16
Χανιά ΚρήτηςChania KritisPGI15
Aceite de La AlcarriaPDO15
Aceite de la RiojaPDO15
Aceite de Mallorca; Aceite mallorquín; Oli de Mallorca; Oli mallorquíPDO15
Aceite de Terra Alta; Oli de Terra AltaPDO15
Aceite del Baix Ebre-Montsià; Oli del Baix Ebre-MontsiàPDO15
Aceite del Bajo AragónPDO15
Aceite MonterrubioPDO15
Afuega'l PituPDO13
Ajo Morado de las PedroñerasPGI16
Alcachofa de Benicarló; Carxofa de BenicarlóPDO16
Alcachofa de TudelaPGI16
Alfajor de Medina SidoniaPGI24
Arroz de Valencia; Arròs de ValènciaPDO16
Arroz del Delta del Ebro; Arròs del Delta de l'EbrePDO16
Avellana de ReusPDO16
Azafrán de la ManchaPDO18
Berenjena de AlmagroPGI16
Botillo del BierzoPGI12
Caballa de AndaluciaPGI17
Calçot de VallsPGI16
Carne de ÁvilaPGI11
Carne de CantabriaPGI11
Carne de la Sierra de GuadarramaPGI11
Carne de Morucha de SalamancaPGI11
Carne de Vacuno del País Vasco; Euskal OkelaPGI11
Cecina de LeónPGI12
Cereza del JertePDO16
Cerezas de la Montaña de AlicantePGI16
Chufa de ValenciaPDO18
Cítricos Valencianos; Cítrics ValenciansPGI16
Clementinas de las Tierras del Ebro; Clementines de les Terres de l'EbrePGI16
Coliflor de CalahorraPGI16
Cordero de Navarra; Nafarroako ArkumeaPGI11
Cordero ManchegoPGI11
Dehesa de ExtremaduraPDO12
Ensaimada de Mallorca; Ensaimada mallorquinaPGI24
Espárrago de Huétor-TájarPGI16
Espárrago de NavarraPGI16
Faba AsturianaPGI16
Gamoneu; GamonedoPDO13
Garbanzo de FuentesaúcoPGI16
Jamón de HuelvaPDO12
Jamón de TeruelPDO12
Jamón de TrevélezPGI12
Judías de El Barco de ÁvilaPGI16
Kaki Ribera del XúquerPDO16
Lacón GallegoPGI11
Lechazo de Castilla y LeónPGI11
Lenteja de La ArmuñaPGI16
Lenteja Pardina de Tierra de CamposPGI16
Les GarriguesPDO15
Mantecadas de AstorgaPGI24
Mantequilla de l'Alt Urgell y la Cerdanya; Mantega de l'Alt Urgell i la CerdanyaPDO15
Mantequilla de SoriaPDO15
Manzana de Girona; Poma de GironaPGI16
Manzana Reineta del BierzoPDO16
Mazapán de ToledoPGI24
Mejillón de Galicia; Mexillón de GaliciaPDO17
Melocotón de CalandaPDO16
Melva de AndaluciaPGI17
Miel de Galicia; Mel de GaliciaPGI14
Miel de GranadaPDO14
Miel de La AlcarriaPDO14
Montes de GranadaPDO15
Montes de ToledoPDO15
Nísperos Callosa d'En SarriáPDO16
Pan de CeaPGI24
Pan de Cruz de Ciudad RealPGI24
Pataca de Galicia; Patata de GaliciaPGI16
Patatas de Prades; Patates de PradesPGI16
Pera de JumillaPDO16
Peras de Rincón de SotoPDO16
Picón Bejes-TresvisoPDO13
Pimentón de la VeraPDO18
Pimentón de MurciaPDO18
Pimiento Asado del BierzoPGI16
Pimiento RiojanoPGI16
Pimientos del Piquillo de LodosaPDO16
Pollo y Capón del PratPGI11
Poniente de GranadaPDO15
Priego de CórdobaPDO15
Queso de La SerenaPDO13
Queso de l'Alt Urgell y la CerdanyaPDO13
Queso de MurciaPDO13
Queso de Murcia al vinoPDO13
Queso de ValdeónPGI13
Queso IboresPDO13
Queso MajoreroPDO13
Queso ManchegoPDO13
Queso Nata de CantabriaPDO13
Queso Palmero; Queso de la PalmaPDO13
Queso TetillaPDO13
Queso ZamoranoPDO13
Quesucos de LiébanaPDO13
Salchichón de Vic; Llonganissa de VicPGI12
San Simón da CostaPDO13
Sidra de Asturias; Sidra d'AsturiesPDO18
Sierra de CadizPDO15
Sierra de CazorlaPDO15
Sierra de SeguraPDO15
Sierra MáginaPDO15
Sobrasada de MallorcaPGI12
Ternasco de AragónPGI11
Ternera AsturianaPGI11
Ternera de ExtremaduraPGI11
Ternera de Navarra; Nafarroako AratxeaPGI11
Ternera GallegaPGI11
Torta del CasarPDO13
Turrón de Agramunt; Torró d'AgramuntPGI24
Turrón de AlicantePGI24
Uva de mesa embolsada "Vinalopó"PDO16
Kainuun rönttönenPGI24
Lapin Poron lihaPDO11
Lapin PuikulaPDO16
Agneau de l'AveyronPGI11
Agneau de LozèrePGI11
Agneau de PauillacPGI11
Agneau de SisteronPGI11
Agneau du BourbonnaisPGI11
Agneau du LimousinPGI11
Agneau du Poitou-CharentesPGI11
Agneau du QuercyPGI11
Ail blanc de LomagnePGI16
Ail de la DrômePGI16
Ail rose de LautrecPGI16
Anchois de ColliourePGI17
Asperge des sables des LandesPGI16
Bergamote(s) de NancyPGI24
Beurre Charentes-Poitou; Beurre des Charentes; Beurre des Deux-SèvresPDO15
Beurre d'IsignyPDO15
Bleu d'AuvergnePDO13
Bleu de Gex Haut-Jura; Bleu de SeptmoncelPDO13
Bleu des CaussesPDO13
Bleu du Vercors-SassenagePDO13
Bœuf charolais du BourbonnaisPGI11
Boeuf de BazasPGI11
Bœuf de ChalossePGI11
Bœuf du MainePGI11
Boudin blanc de RethelPGI12
Brie de MeauxPDO13
Brie de MelunPDO13
Brioche vendéennePGI24
Brocciu Corse; BrocciuPDO13
Camembert de NormandiePDO13
Canard à foie gras du Sud-Ouest (Chalosse, Gascogne, Gers, Landes, Périgord, Quercy)PGI12
Cantal; Fourme de Cantal; CantaletPDO13
Chabichou du PoitouPDO13
Chasselas de MoissacPDO16
Cidre de Bretagne; Cidre BretonPGI18
Cidre de Normandie; Cidre NormandPGI18
Clémentine de CorsePGI16
Coco de PaimpolPDO16
Coquille Saint-Jacques des Côtes d'ArmorPGI17
Crème d'IsignyPDO14
Crème fraîche fluide d'AlsacePGI14
Crottin de Chavignol; ChavignolPDO13
Dinde de BressePDO11
Foin de CrauPDO31
Fourme d'Ambert; Fourme de MontbrisonPDO13
Fraise du PérigordPGI16
Haricot tarbaisPGI16
Huile d'olive d'Aix-en-ProvencePDO15
Huile d'olive de Corse; Huile d'olive de Corse-Oliu di CorsicaPDO15
Huile d'olive de Haute-ProvencePDO15
Huile d'olive de la Vallée des Baux-de-ProvencePDO15
Huile d'olive de NicePDO15
Huile d'olive de NîmesPDO15
Huile d'olive de NyonsPDO15
Huile essentielle de lavande de Haute-ProvencePDO15
Huîtres Marennes OléronPGI18
Jambon de BayonnePGI12
Jambon sec et noix de jambon sec des ArdennesPGI12
Kiwi de l'AdourPGI16
Lentille vert du PuyPDO16
Lentilles vertes du BerryPGI16
Lingot du NordPGI16
Mâche nantaisePGI16
Maroilles; MarollesPDO13
Melon du Haut-PoitouPGI16
Melon du QuercyPGI16
Miel d'AlsacePGI14
Miel de Corse; Mele di CorsicaPDO14
Miel de ProvencePGI14
Miel de sapin des VosgesPDO14
Mirabelles de LorrainePGI16
Mont d'or; Vacherin du Haut-DoubsPDO13
Munster; Munster-GéroméPDO13
Muscat du VentouxPDO16
Noix de GrenoblePDO16
Noix du PérigordPDO16
Œufs de LouéPGI14
Oignon doux des CévennesPDO16
Olive de NicePDO16
Olives cassées de la Vallée des Baux-de-ProvencePDO16
Olives noires de la Vallée des Baux de ProvencePDO16
Olives noires de NyonsPDO16
Pâtes d'AlsacePGI27
Pays d'Auge; Pays d'Auge-CambremerPDO18
Petit Épeautre de Haute ProvencePGI16
Picodon de l'Ardèche; Picodon de la DrômePDO13
Piment d'Espelette; Piment d'Espelette - Ezpeletako BiperraPDO18
Poireaux de CréancesPGI16
Pomme de terre de l'Île de RéPDO16
Pomme du LimousinPDO16
Pommes de terre de MervillePGI16
Pommes et poires de SavoiePGI16
Porc de la SarthePGI11
Porc de NormandiePGI11
Porc de VendéePGI11
Porc du LimousinPGI11
Pruneaux d'Agen; Pruneaux d'Agen mi-cuitsPGI16
Reblochon; Reblochon de SavoiePDO13
Riz de CamarguePGI16
Sainte-Maure de TourainePDO13
Taureau de CamarguePDO11
Tome des BaugesPDO13
Tomme de SavoiePGI13
Tomme des PyrénéesPGI13
Veau de l'Aveyron et du SégalaPGI11
Veau du LimousinPGI11
Volailles d'AlsacePGI11
Volailles d'AncenisPGI11
Volailles d'AuvergnePGI11
Volailles de BourgognePGI11
Volailles de BressePDO11
Volailles de BretagnePGI11
Volailles de ChallansPGI11
Volailles de CholetPGI11
Volailles de GascognePGI11
Volailles de HoudanPGI11
Volailles de JanzéPGI11
Volailles de la ChampagnePGI11
Volailles de la DrômePGI11
Volailles de l'AinPGI11
Volailles de LicquesPGI11
Volailles de l'OrléanaisPGI11
Volailles de LouéPGI11
Volailles de NormandiePGI11
Volailles de VendéePGI11
Volailles des LandesPGI11
Volailles du BéarnPGI11
Volailles du BerryPGI11
Volailles du CharolaisPGI11
Volailles du ForezPGI11
Volailles du GatinaisPGI11
Volailles du GersPGI11
Volailles du LanguedocPGI11
Volailles du LauragaisPGI11
Volailles du MainePGI11
Volailles du plateau de LangresPGI11
Volailles du Val de SèvresPGI11
Volailles du VelayPGI11
Budapesti szalámi/Budapesti téliszalámiPGI12
Szegedi szalámi; Szegedi téliszalámiPDO12
Clare Island SalmonPGI17
Connemara Hill lamb; Uain Sléibhe ChonamaraPGI11
Imokilly RegatoPDO13
Timoleague Brown PuddingPGI12
Abbacchio RomanoPGI11
Acciughe Sotto Sale del Mar LigurePGI17
Aceto balsamico di ModenaPGI18
Aceto balsamico tradizionale di ModenaPDO18
Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio EmiliaPDO18
Agnello di SardegnaPGI11
Alto CrotonesePDO15
Aprutino PescaresePDO15
Arancia del GarganoPGI16
Arancia Rossa di SiciliaPGI16
Asparago Bianco di BassanoPDO16
Asparago bianco di CimadolmoPGI16
Asparago verde di AltedoPGI16
Basilico GenovesePDO16
Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria - Olio essenzialePDO32
Bresaola della ValtellinaPGI12
Caciocavallo SilanoPDO13
Canestrato PugliesePDO13
Capocollo di CalabriaPDO12
Cappero di PantelleriaPGI16
Carciofo di PaestumPGI16
Carciofo Romanesco del LazioPGI16
Carota dell'Altopiano del FucinoPGI16
Casatella TrevigianaPDO13
Casciotta d'UrbinoPDO13
Castagna CuneoPGI16
Castagna del Monte AmiataPGI16
Castagna di MontellaPGI16
Castagna di ValleranoPDO16
Chianti ClassicoPDO15
Ciliegia di MarosticaPGI16
Cipolla Rossa di Tropea CalabriaPGI16
Cipollotto NocerinoPDO16
Clementine del Golfo di TarantoPGI16
Clementine di CalabriaPGI16
Collina di BrindisiPDO15
Colline di RomagnaPDO15
Colline SalernitanePDO15
Colline TeatinePDO15
Coppa PiacentinaPDO12
Coppia FerraresePGI24
Cotechino ModenaPGI12
Culatello di ZibelloPDO12
Fagiolo di Lamon della Vallata BellunesePGI16
Fagiolo di SarconiPGI16
Fagiolo di SoranaPGI16
Farina di Neccio della GarfagnanaPDO16
Farro della GarfagnanaPGI16
Fico Bianco del CilentoPDO16
Ficodindia dell'EtnaPDO16
Fiore SardoPDO13
Formai de Mut dell'Alta Valle BrembanaPDO13
Fungo di BorgotaroPGI16
Grana PadanoPDO13
Kiwi LatinaPGI16
La Bella della DauniaPDO16
Laghi LombardiPDO15
Lardo di ColonnataPGI12
Lenticchia di Castelluccio di NorciaPGI16
Limone Costa d'AmalfiPGI16
Limone di SorrentoPGI16
Limone Femminello del GarganoPGI16
Marrone del MugelloPGI16
Marrone di Castel del RioPGI16
Marrone di RoccadaspidePGI16
Marrone di San ZenoPDO16
Mela Alto Adige; Südtiroler ApfelPGI16
Mela Val di NonPDO16
Melannurca CampanaPGI16
Miele della LunigianaPDO14
Monte EtnaPDO15
Monte VeronesePDO13
Monti IbleiPDO15
Mortadella BolognaPGI11
Mozzarella di Bufala CampanaPDO13
Nocciola del Piemonte; Nocciola PiemontePGI16
Nocciola di GiffoniPGI16
Nocciola RomanaPDO16
Nocellara del BelicePDO16
Oliva Ascolana del PicenoPDO16
Pagnotta del DittainoPDO16
Pancetta di CalabriaPDO12
Pancetta PiacentinaPDO12
Pane casareccio di GenzanoPGI24
Pane di AltamuraPDO24
Pane di MateraPGI24
Parmigiano ReggianoPDO13
Pecorino di FilianoPDO13
Pecorino RomanoPDO13
Pecorino SardoPDO13
Pecorino SicilianoPDO13
Pecorino ToscanoPDO13
Penisola SorrentinaPDO15
Peperone di SenisePGI16
Pera dell'Emilia RomagnaPGI16
Pera mantovanaPGI16
Pesca e nettarina di RomagnaPGI16
Pomodoro di PachinoPGI16
Pomodoro S. Marzano dell'Agro Sarnese-NocerinoPDO16
Pretuziano delle Colline TeramanePDO15
Prosciutto di CarpegnaPDO12
Prosciutto di ModenaPDO12
Prosciutto di NorciaPGI12
Prosciutto di ParmaPDO12
Prosciutto di S. DanielePDO11
Prosciutto ToscanoPDO12
Prosciutto Veneto Berico-EuganeoPDO12
Provolone ValpadanaPDO13
Quartirolo LombardoPDO13
Radicchio di ChioggiaPGI16
Radicchio di VeronaPGI16
Radicchio Rosso di TrevisoPGI16
Radicchio Variegato di CastelfrancoPGI16
Ricotta RomanaPDO13
Riso di Baraggia Biellese e VercellesePDO16
Riso Nano Vialone VeronesePGI16
Riviera LigurePDO15
Robiola di RoccaveranoPDO13
Salame BrianzaPDO12
Salame CremonaPGI12
Salame di VarziPGI12
Salame d'oca di MortaraPGI12
Salame PiacentinoPDO12
Salame S. AngeloPGI12
Salamini italiani alla cacciatoraPDO12
Salsiccia di CalabriaPDO12
Scalogno di RomagnaPGI16
Soppressata di CalabriaPDO12
Soprèssa VicentinaPDO12
Speck dell'Alto Adige; Südtiroler Markenspeck; Südtiroler SpeckPGI12
Spressa delle GiudicariePDO13
Stelvio; StilfserPDO13
Terra di BariPDO15
Terra d'OtrantoPDO15
Terre di SienaPDO15
Terre TarentinePDO15
Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di PoirinoPDO17
Toma PiemontesePDO13
Uva da tavola di CanicattìPGI16
Uva da tavola di MazzarronePGI16
Val di MazaraPDO15
Valle d'Aosta FromadzoPDO13
Valle d'Aosta Jambon de BossesPDO12
Valle d'Aosta Lard d'ArnadPDO12
Valle del BelicePDO15
Valli TrapanesiPDO15
Valtellina CaseraPDO13
Veneto Valpolicella, Veneto Euganei e Berici, Veneto del GrappaPDO15
Vitellone bianco dell'Appennino CentralePGI11
Zafferano dell'AquilaPDO18
Zafferano di San GimignanoPDO18
Zafferano di sardegnaPDO17
Zampone ModenaPGI12
Beurre rose - Marque Nationale du Grand-Duché de LuxembourgPDO15
Miel - Marque nationale du Grand-Duché de LuxembourgPDO14
Salaisons fumées, marque nationale du Grand-Duché de LuxembourgPGI12
Viande de porc, marque nationale du Grand-Duché de LuxembourgPGI11
Boeren-Leidse met sleutelsPDO13
Kanterkaas; Kanternagelkaas; KanterkomijnekaasPDO13
Noord-Hollandse EdammerPDO13
Noord-Hollandse GoudaPDO13
Opperdoezer RondePDO16
Westlandse druifPGI16
Andruty KaliskiePGI24
Bryndza PodhalańskaPDO13
Miód wrzosowy z Borów DolnośląskichPGI14
Rogal świętomarcińskiPGI24
Wielkopolski ser smażonyPGI13
Alheira de Barroso-MontalegrePGI12
Alheira de VinhaisPGI12
Ameixa d'ElvasPDO16
Amêndoa DouroPDO16
Ananás dos Açores/São MiguelPDO16
Anona da MadeiraPDO16
Arroz Carolino Lezírias RibatejanasPGI16
Azeite de MouraPDO15
Azeite de Trás-os-MontesPDO15
Azeite do Alentejo InteriorPDO14
Azeites da Beira Interior (Azeite da Beira Alta, Azeite da Beira Baixa)PDO15
Azeites do Norte AlentejanoPDO15
Azeites do RibatejoPDO15
Azeitona de conserva Negrinha de FreixoPDO16
Azeitonas de Conserva de Elvas e Campo MaiorPDO16
Batata de Trás-os-montesPGI16
Batata doce de AljezurPGI16
Borrego da BeiraPGI11
Borrego de Montemor-o-NovoPGI11
Borrego do Baixo AlentejoPGI11
Borrego do Nordeste AlentejanoPGI11
Borrego Serra da EstrelaPDO11
Borrego TerrinchoPDO11
Butelo de Vinhais; Bucho de Vinhais; Chouriço de Ossos de VinhaisPGI12
Cabrito da BeiraPGI11
Cabrito da GralheiraPGI11
Cabrito das Terras Altas do MinhoPGI11
Cabrito de BarrosoPGI11
Cabrito TransmontanoPDO11
Cacholeira Branca de PortalegrePGI12
Carne ArouquesaPDO11
Carne BarrosãPDO11
Carne Cachena da PenedaPDO11
Carne da CharnecaPDO11
Carne de Bísaro Transmonano; Carne de Porco TransmontanoPDO11
Carne de Bovino Cruzado dos Lameiros do BarrosoPGI11
Carne de Porco AlentejanoPDO11
Carne dos AçoresPGI11
Carne MarinhoaPDO11
Carne MaronesaPDO11
Carne MertolengaPDO11
Carne MirandesaPDO11
Castanha da Terra FriaPDO16
Castanha de PadrelaPDO16
Castanha dos Soutos da LapaPDO16
Castanha Marvão-PortalegrePDO16
Cereja da Cova da BeiraPGI16
Cereja de São Julião-PortalegrePDO16
Chouriça de carne de Barroso-MontalegrePGI12
Chouriça de Carne de Vinhais; Linguiça de VinhaisPGI12
Chouriça doce de VinhaisPGI12
Chouriço azedo de Vinhais; Azedo de Vinhais; Chouriço de Pão de VinhaisPGI12
Chouriço de Abóbora de Barroso-MontalegrePGI12
Chouriço de Carne de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Chouriço de PortalegrePGI12
Chouriço grosso de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Chouriço Mouro de PortalegrePGI12
Citrinos do AlgarvePGI16
Cordeiro BragançanoPDO11
Cordeiro de Barroso; Anho de Barroso; Cordeiro de leite de BarrosoPGI11
Farinheira de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Farinheira de PortalegrePGI12
Linguiça de PortalegrePGI12
Linguíça do Baixo Alentejo; Chouriço de carne do Baixo AlentejoPGI12
Lombo Branco de PortalegrePGI12
Lombo Enguitado de PortalegrePGI12
Maçã Bravo de EsmolfePDO16
Maçã da Beira AltaPGI16
Maçã da Cova da BeiraPGI16
Maçã de AlcobaçaPGI16
Maçã de PortalegrePGI16
Maracujá dos Açores/S. MiguelPDO16
Mel da Serra da LousãPDO14
Mel da Serra de MonchiquePDO14
Mel da Terra QuentePDO14
Mel das Terras Altas do MinhoPDO14
Mel de BarrosoPDO14
Mel do AlentejoPDO14
Mel do Parque de MontezinhoPDO14
Mel do Ribatejo Norte (Serra d'Aire, Albufeira de Castelo de Bode, Bairro, Alto NabãoPDO14
Mel dos AçoresPDO14
Morcela de Assar de PortalegrePGI12
Morcela de Cozer de PortalegrePGI12
Morcela de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Ovos moles de AveiroPGI24
Paio de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Paia de Lombo de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Paia de Toucinho de Estremoz e BorbaPGI12
Painho de PortalegrePGI12
Paio de BejaPGI12
Pêra Rocha do OestePDO16
Pêssego da Cova da BeiraPGI16
Presunto de BarrancosPDO12
Presunto de BarrosoPGI12
Presunto de Campo Maior e Elvas; Paleta de Campo Maior e ElvasPGI12
Presunto de Santana da Serra; Paleta de Santana da SerraPGI12
Presunto de Vinhais / Presunto Bísaro de VinhaisPGI12
Presunto do Alentejo; Paleta do AlentejoPDO12
Queijo de AzeitãoPDO13
Queijo de cabra TransmontanoPDO13
Queijo de ÉvoraPDO15
Queijo de NisaPDO13
Queijo do PicoPDO13
Queijo mestiço de TolosaPGI13
Queijo RabaçalPDO13
Queijo São JorgePDO13
Queijo SerpaPDO13
Queijo Serra da EstrelaPDO13
Queijo TerrinchoPDO13
Queijos da Beira Baixa (Queijo de Castelo Branco, Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa, Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa)PDO13
Requeijão Serra da EstrelaPDO14
Salpicão de Barroso-MontalegrePGI12
Salpicão de VinhaisPGI12
Sangueira de Barroso-MontalegrePGI12
Vitela de LafõesPGI11
Skånsk spettkakaPGI24
Ekstra deviško oljčno olje Slovenske IstrePDO15
Skalický trdelníkPGI24
Slovenská bryndzaPGI13
Slovenská parenicaPGI13
Slovenský oštiepokPGI13
Arbroath SmokiesPGI17
Beacon Fell traditional Lancashire cheesePDO13
Bonchester cheesePDO13
Buxton bluePDO13
Cornish Clotted CreamPDO14
Dorset Blue CheesePGI13
Dovedale cheesePDO13
Exmoor Blue CheesePGI13
Gloucestershire cider/perryPGI18
Herefordshire cider/perryPGI18
Isle of Man Manx Loaghtan LambPDO11
Jersey Royal potatoesPDO16
Kentish ale and Kentish strong alePGI21
Melton Mowbray Pork PiePGI12
Orkney beefPDO11
Orkney lambPDO11
Rutland BitterPGI21
Scotch BeefPGI11
Scotch LambPGI11
Scottish Farmed SalmonPGI17
Shetland LambPDO11
Single GloucesterPDO13
Staffordshire CheesePDO13
Swaledale cheese; Swaledale ewes' cheesePDO13
Teviotdale CheesePGI13
Welsh BeefPGI11
Welsh lambPGI11
West Country farmhouse Cheddar cheesePDO13
White Stilton cheese; Blue Stilton cheesePDO13
Whitstable oystersPGI17
Worcestershire cider/perryPGI18

Appendix 2


European Union legislation

Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 of 20 March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs, as last amended by Commission Regulation (EC) No 417/2008 of 8 May 2008 (OJ L 125, 9.5.2008, p. 27).

Commission Regulation (EC) No 1898/2006 of 14 December 2006 laying down detailed rules of implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs, as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 628/2008 of 2 July 2008 (OJ L 173, 3.7.2008, p. 3).

Legislation of the Swiss Confederation

Order of 28 May 1997 on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and processed agricultural products, as last amended on 1.1.2008 (RS 910.12, RO 2007 6109).

(1) In accordance with current Swiss legislation, as described in Appendix 2.

(2) In accordance with current Union legislation, as described in Appendix 2.


The Plenipotentiaries of:




Having met on 17 May 2011 in Brussels to sign the Agreement between the European Union and the Swiss Confederation on the protection of designations of origin and geographical indications for agricultural products and foodstuffs, amending the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products, have adopted a Joint Declaration, referred to below and attached to this final act:

Joint Declaration on homonymous names.

За Европейския съюз

Por la Unión Europea

Za Evropskou unii

For Den Europæiske Union

Für die Europäische Union

Euroopa Liidu nimel

Για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση

For the European Union

Pour l'Union européenne

Per l'Unione europea

Eiropas Savienības vārdā –

Europos Sąjungos vardu

Az Európai Unió részéről

Għall-Unjoni Ewropea

Voor de Europese Unie

W imieniu Unii Europejskiej

Pela União Europeia

Pentru Uniunea Europeană

Za Európsku úniu

Za Evropsko unijo

Euroopan unionin puolesta

För Europeiska unionen

За Конфедерация Швейцария

Por la Confederación Suiza

Za Švýcarskou konfederaci

For Det Schweiziske Forbund

Für die Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

Šveitsi Konföderatsiooni nimel

Για την Ελβετική Συνομοσπονδία

For the Swiss Confederation

Pour la Confédération suisse

Per la Confederazione svizzera

Šveices Konfederācijas vārdā –

Šveicarijos Konfederacijos vardu

A Svájci Államszövetség részéről

Għall-Konfederazzjoni Żvizzera

Voor de Zwitserse Bondsstaat

W imieniu Konfederacji Szwajcarskiej

Pela Confederação Suíça

Pentru Confederația Elvețiană

Za Švajčiarsku konfederáciu

Za Švicarsko konfederacijo

Sveitsin valaliiton puolesta

För Schweiziska edsförbundet


The Parties recognise that the procedures relating to the requests for the registration of GIs made prior to the signature of the Declaration of Intent on 11 December 2009 under their respective legislations may continue notwithstanding the provisions of this Agreement and in particular Article 7 of Annex 12.

In the event of the registration of such GIs, the Parties agree that the provisions relating to homonymous names provided for in Article 3(3) of Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 and Article 4a of the Order on PDOs and PGIs (RS 910.12) shall apply. To that end, the Parties shall provide prior information thereof.

If necessary and in accordance with the procedures contained in Article 16 of Annex 12, the Committee may consider an amendment to Article 8 to specify the specific provisions concerning homonymous names.