Annexes to COM(2007)184 - Framework for the European survey on language competences

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dossier COM(2007)184 - Framework for the European survey on language competences.
document COM(2007)184 EN
date April 13, 2007
agreement with the Programme Committee. The international costs will cover costs related to the development of the tests, the coordination and follow-up of the Pilot tests, identification of the sample and sampling methods, the development and coordination of the full set of tests as well as analysis and reporting results.

All decisions concerning the survey that imply national costs will be taken in close cooperation with the Board and the Member States.

National organisational structures for implementing the survey

The participating countries should ensure that the necessary organisational structures are available for carrying out the survey.

Member States should take initiatives to ensure that the necessary organisational structures are available to permit the implementation of the survey and that responsibilities are defined from the very start. Most Member States have experiences from national surveys or participation in similar international surveys and could draw on such experiences. Experiences from surveys such as PISA and TIMSS can be used as a basis for planning the national organisational structures and the necessary competences and experiences can in many cases be found among national experts with experience from such surveys. Therefore, the competences and organisation of already existing services should be utilized.

Implementation of the survey

The Commission will take steps to develop the survey on language competence. Technical work should be launched in March 2007 in order to enable tests to be carried out in the beginning of 2009.

The Commission will initiate the work to develop testing instruments and to implement the survey. It will define the sampling methods and criteria for selecting participating institutions and testees, securing agreement from relevant authorities where necessary, and make sure that the quality on these issues respects the general international standard for such surveys. It will design and implement the survey, gather data and analyse and draw up the final results. The work will be carried out in close cooperation with the Board and the Member States.

The Board argues that the test should be run in the first part of the calendar year and not in the beginning of the school year. The first survey should therefore be implemented during the beginning of 2009.

In order to be able to run the test in the beginning of 2009, preparatory work should be launched in March 2007. This will lead to the development of the test and pilot tests, to be carried out in the spring of 2008. On the basis of the experiences from the pilot tests, full tests should be developed and run in the Member States in the beginning of 2009.

The Board will continue to meet throughout the whole period and work in close cooperation with the Commission on all stages of the development and implementation of the survey.[13]


The Commission invites the Council to take note of the proposed framework of the survey as presented in this Communication, concerning the following items:

- Skills to be tested

- The languages to be tested

- The levels the CEFR to be used

- The collection of contextual information

- The target and the total population to be tested

- The development of testing instruments, both computer based tests and paper and pencil tests

- The implementation of the survey

On that basis the Commission would be able to launch preparations for the survey. This will be done in close cooperation with the Board and with the Member States. Testing instruments should be developed with a view to the implementation of the survey in the beginning of 2009.


List of Members of the European Indicator of Language Competence Advisory Board

Country | Organisation | Title | Family Name | First name |

Council of Europe | Mr | Sheils | Joseph |

Eurydice | Ms | Baidak | Nathalie |

Austria | Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum | Mr | Abuja | Gunther |

Belgium (Flemish Community) | Flemish Department for Education and Training - Curriculum Division | Ms | Raes | Nicole |

Belgium (German Community) | not yet nominated |

Belgium (French Community) | Service général de pilotage du système éducatif | Mr | Woolf | Alain |

Bulgaria | not yet nominated |

Cyprus | Ministry of Education and Culture | Ms | Tofaridou | Efrosyni |

Czech Republic | Institute for Information on Education | Ms | Kramplova | Iveta |

Denmark | Ministry of Education, International unit | Ms | Andersen | Pernille Skou Brønner |

Estonia | National Examination and Qualification Center | Ms | Sõstar | Kersti |

Finland | Finnish National Board of Education | Ms | Mustaparta | Anna-Kaisa |

France | Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche | Mr | Monnanteuil | François |

Germany | Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (DIPF) | Mr | Klieme | Eckhard |

Germany (substitute) | Deutsches Institut für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (DIPF) | Mr | Hesse | Hermann-Günter |

Greece | Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs | Mr | Papadakis | Nikolaos |

Greece | Greek Unit of the Eurydice Network, Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs | Mr | Papamanolis | Nikos |

Hungary | ELTE University - National Institution of Public Education | Ms | Major | Eva |

Hungary | Ministry of Education | Ms | Kádár-Fülöp | Judit |

Ireland | Centre for Language and Communication Studies | Mr | Little | David |

Italy | Directorate-General for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education | Ms | Di Nicuolo | Giulia |

Latvia | Ministry of Education and Science | Mr | Mankovs | Leonīds |

Latvia | The Centre for Curriculum Development and Examinations | Ms | Muceniece | Gundega |

Lithuania | Education Development Centre, Ministry of Education and Science | Ms | Jariene | Raimonda |

Luxembourg | Ministère de l’Education et de la Formation professionnelle | Mr | Fandel | Jean-Claude |

Malta | Ministry for Education, Youth and Employment | Mr | Camilleri | George |

Netherlands | Hesta Advies - en Vertaalbureau | Mr | Molenaar | Peter |

Poland | Ministry of National Education | Mr | Poszytek | Pawel |

Portugal | Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa | Ms | Peralta | Helena |

Romania | National Institute for Educational Sciences | Mr | Nasta | Dan Ion |

Slovakia | National Institute for Education, Department of foreign Languages | Ms | De Jaegher | Darina |

Slovenia | waiting for new nomination |

Spain | Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia - Instituto de Evaluación (IE) | Ms | Tovar Sánchez | Carmen |

Sweden | Skolverket - Swedish National Agency for Education | Mr | Lagergren | Tommy |

United Kingdom | Strategic Analysis and Data Services Group - Department for Education and Skills | Mr | Leman | Steve |

United Kingdom (Wales) | University of Swansea | Mr | Meara | Paul |

United Kingdom (Scotland) | Scottish Qualifications Authority | Mr | Van Krieken | Robert |

[1] Presidency conclusions, Barcelona, part I, Paragraph 43.1. March 2002.

[2] A new framework Strategy for Multilingualism, COM (2005) 596 final

[3] The European Indicator of Language Competence COM (2005) 356 final

[4] Council conclusions of 18 and 19th May 2006 on the European Indicator of Language Competence (2006/C 172/01)

[5] The Board was set up by the Commission in a Commission Decision of 26th October 2006. The Board has had two meetings during 2006.

[6] A coherent framework of indicators and benchmarks for monitoring progress towards the Lisbon objectives in education and training COM (2007) 61 final

[7] COM (2005) 356 final

[8] Council Conclusions (2006/C 172/01)

[9] Eurostat UOE.

[10] Council Conclusions (2006/C 172/01)

[11] Council Conclusion (2006/C 172/01)

[12] The Centre for research on lifelong learning (CRELL/the Joint Research Centre, Ispra) is currently carrying out a research and development project on open source computer-based assessment tools for skills assessment taking into account on-going research initiatives in this field.

[13] The financial and human recourses of the foreign language indicator survey have already been outlined in the financial annex of COM (2005) 356 final